In her new memoir, Melania Trump claims that she’s completely pro-choice

Melania Trump has hilariously timed her book tour for the final month of the 2024 election. Melania has barely been seen on her husband’s campaign trial this year, and it’s clear that she does not give a f–k whatsoever. She doesn’t care if he wins or loses, she’s going to be getting spa treatments at Mar-a-Lago regardless. But sure, she’ll promote her “memoir.” Well, per usual, the Guardian got their hands on an advance copy and they published what they consider to be the most scandalous part: Melania is pro-choice.

Melania Trump made an extraordinary declaration in an eagerly awaited memoir to be published a month from election day: she is a passionate supporter of a woman’s right to control her own body – including the right to abortion.

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” the Republican nominee’s wife writes, amid a campaign in which Donald Trump’s threats to women’s reproductive rights have played a central role.

“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes. Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

Melania Trump has rarely expressed political views in public. The book, which reveals the former first lady to be so firmly out of step with most of her own party, Melania, will be published in the US next Tuesday. The Guardian obtained a copy.

[From The Guardian]

Yeah, I don’t give a sh-t. I don’t doubt that Melania is pro-choice, but I also don’t doubt that she DGAF about the rights of women in this country. She did jacksh-t about her husband putting Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett on the court. She did jacksh-t about her husband’s consistent messaging that if he wins another term, women’s fertility and pregnancies will be monitored. I have no doubt that if her husband gets in there again, he will get a federal abortion ban.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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43 Responses to “In her new memoir, Melania Trump claims that she’s completely pro-choice”

  1. Beana says:

    But of course. She probably knows better than anyone how much Dump gets around. Less money to split with other baby mamas.

    • Mightymolly says:

      Nailed it. None of them have any real convictions beyond their what’s best for themselves. Trump friggin’ loves abortion. He also doesn’t want the headache of numerous baby mamas or the financial loss of the women he sex trafficked being out of commission.

  2. SIde Eye says:

    Same. She’s awful. Things I’ll remember her for:

    parroting her husband’s racist birther garbage about President Obama;

    wearing a “I don’t really care do you?” jacket to visit migrant children (some who are babies) separated from their families and held in cage;

    ripping up the rose garden of the previous First Ladies (don’t you dare gaslight me and tell me it was to make things wheelchair accessible when you know damn well this lady couldn’t care less about anyone differently abled);

    wearing a $50,000 jacket (an ugly one at that) showing how completely out of touch she is with the rest of the country;

    coming here under false pretenses (a genius Visa GTFOH) and having an anchor baby, who is by many accounts, a sociopath;

    ugly ass Christmas decorations, and hating Christmas;

    stealing a speech from Michelle Obama and accepting widespread praise for the speech;

    saying bragging about sexual assault is just harmless locker room talk;

    being a rape apologist, and paling around with Epstein.

    Did I miss anything? She can take her book and shove it.

  3. Mirelle says:

    I just want to remind everyone that this grifter got into this country on an Einstein visa. That is all.

    • ChickieBaby says:

      Yes! This “memoir” is just another facet of her ongoing grift–and any item that hits the public and sells more books is the whole point of it, whether any of it is true or not. She continues to prove that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Anything to make a buck.

  4. chatter says:

    Go away Mel. As if she gives a damn about anyone but herself.
    Trying to sell her book. No.

  5. sunshine says:

    apparently in the memoir she also revisits and defends her infamous nude photos shoot.. mmm, clearly not interested in playing the stiff conservative woman role like past first ladies, i guess. i don’t doubt she holds ‘liberal’ social views (she’s from europe, after all), but i agree that, much like many right-wing women, she doesn’t really care as long as the issue doesn’t *her*.

    curious to see how the twitchy conservatives will react to this, though..

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah Trump used to be pro-choice too. Does Melania still believe that Obama wasn’t born in the US?

  7. Ads says:

    I wonder if she she’s gone on the record as being pro-choice because something in her past is about to come out?

  8. girl_ninja says:

    This is the first time I see that this racist birther may leave that demon. She is trying to rebrand herself and some people will fall her grift. Everything tried to DT and his family makes me sick. Every. Thing.

  9. fwiw says:

    May be an attempt to get women’s votes for Trump. Probably was paid to include it.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Exactly. If Melania ever wanted an abortion, she would have had access to a competent doctor to perform it. Unlike the rest of us, she doesn’t need it to be legal.

    • Emcee3 says:

      Yup, this to ♾️. Melania also released some sort of video. Cynical me believes it is on behalf of her husband’s desperate campaign to win(claw) back suburban women’s votes – for which she was paid cash upfront, no NFTs. And in it, she co-opts the Harris/Walz campaign platform language of freedom, opening w/ “Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard. Without a doubt, there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth”
      Van Jones is on CNN this morning spouting that Mel just might join VP Harris on the campaign trail as Liz Cheney will be doing in WI today. And I’m just: Dude… everyone, please don’t fall for this GOP campaign midnight hour drunk dialing nonsense

  10. pottymouth pup says:

    It doesn’t matter that she’s pro-choice. Barbara Bush was pro-choice- heck GW Bush was pro-choice until he was Reagan’s running mate – and none of that made GW Bush a pro-choice POTUS

  11. Sue says:

    Her veneers are blinding me through the screen.
    Normally I don’t comment on a person’s appearance but she is garbage so I don’t really care, do u?

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    The ever expanding Trump shopping network.. the books timing I’m sure was to maximize sales for herself so she gets the money. They have no shame.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    I call bs. It’s an old Republican trick to keep women voters from abandoning them completely. Obviously, she didn’t write this herself and it’s campaign approved. I can remember being told that Barbara Bush and Laura Bush were both pro choice when their husbands were trying to overturn Roe. You were supposed to think that somehow they would prevent that. It didn’t matter then and it doesn’t now.

  14. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    There’s a rumor that neither she or Baron lived in the White House and rather had their own place in Maryland. I absolutely believe that.

  15. Jay says:

    No duh – rich, privileged white ladies like Melania will usually find ways to get pregnancy care (including abortion care) no matter what. She’s not in danger of dying in a hospital parking lot because doctors are afraid of breaking the law.

    One of the more insidious things about Mel’s husband is that people don’t believe he will “really” implement and enforce an abortion ban – that he doesn’t really mean it, that he is secretly pro-choice. Instead, he seems more like the kind of sleazy guy that has secretly paid for an abortion, doesn’t he? So, Melania having this stance lends credibility to TFG on one of his least popular issues. Don’t let them fool you!

    • Proud Mary says:

      According to Howard Stern, her husband has paid for his share of abortions.

      • Jay says:

        It wouldn’t surprise me! According to Sarah Longwell (who runs a lot of focus groups) more than one person has brought this up in relation to trump, unprompted. Like they not only believe that he’s personally pro-choice, they say that he’s “probably” paid for a few abortions, har har.

  16. TN Democrat says:

    I think this may prevent some magats from voting more than it would help encourage magats to vote. The lot is ravenous and weird. The women/men that register how dangerous magat abortion policies actually are won’t vote Republikkkan. Period. The magat adoration of a lazy, grifting “former model” is fascinating anyway. If a Democrat married a “former model” from that part of the world, the magat tears would never stop. Every other woman is mercilessly criticized, but somehow women like MT and Keen are elevated way beyond their actual contributions. WEIRD.

    • Jay says:

      MAGAworld is unlikely to waver – this is all about giving permission for that small group of republican-leaning voters (college-educated women, for example) who don’t like Trump but might still hold their noses and vote for the Republican ticket because they don’t think he’ll actually implement project 2025. Weirdly, his past as a New York-based TV star and consummate liar/ grifter works in his favour – people assume that he is just lying about abortion, that he is personally pro-choice, and tell themselves that he’ll “leave it up to the states” and they’ll get a tax cut.

  17. Walking the Walk says:

    She sucks and is full of crap.

  18. Proud Mary says:

    And also a racist grifter. And a former “escort.” I don’t care if she’s so-called prochoice. She can used that to make money, but never once speaks up in support of other women? She’s mum as her husband insults women. She’s so worthless. Someone I know has met her and described her as ” alovely lady.” I’ve lost respect for that person.

  19. NotSoSocialB says:

    Well, as she was a former escort, I would hope she would be anti-forced birth.

  20. Nanea says:

    Wouldn’t that type of book be the perfect moment to come clean about all those little but substantial lies that she perpetuated, aside from the things that have already been posted in this thread?

    Like what she really started studying and where before she got to the US? Or her proficiency in other languages, e.g. her apparently being fluent in Austrian that is even called German in Austria? She never even bothered to say so much as good morning or thank you in German when she was in Hamburg for that G 17 summit.
    (while admitting that regional differences in vocabulary between Germany and Austria and local quirks do exist)

    Or how she wasn’t deported from the US, despite overstaying her tourist visa and illegally working while on said tourist visa?

  21. Grant says:

    I think this is all part of an orchestrated grift in the grand Trump tradition. Trump and Vance are getting excoriated for their antiquated views on women and their autonomy and I think this is just a method to try and deflect from that so Trumpers can be like, SEE, THEY’RE NOT ACTUALLY GROSS GILEAD-ESQUE CHRISTO-FASCISTS! His wife is pro-choice!!!

  22. lucy2 says:

    She probably is pro-choice – for herself. She doesn’t give a shit about anyone else.

  23. bisynaptic says:

    October surprise!

  24. Veronica S. says:

    This is actually something we should be worried about. Polls are showing the semantic games (calling it a “national minimum standard” instead of a ban) is working to confuse or mislead voters. They know abortion is where they’re losing and are trying to reverse course until they’re in power to do what they want. Unfortunately, this is one place where Walz definitely slipped up because Vance used the term “minimum standard” in their debate and he didn’t call it out. I look to November with a lot of dread, given what’s going on right now politically.

    • Kitten says:

      Maybe it’s because I’ve been mainlining political podcasts since Biden dropped out but I just don’t think that anything that happened during the VP debate is gonna move the needle in any meaningful way. The core voting base on either side is just too calcified. The voters who prioritize abortion will vote Dem and the voters who prioritize immigration will vote Rethug. There was definitely some wiggle room when it comes to the economy but Biden always did a terrible job of highlighting the steps he’s taken to reduce inflation. Kamala isn’t much better but she’s on an impossibly tight schedule and simply doesn’t have the time she needs to tout all of Biden’s accomplishments.

      IDK…I’m personally in the exact same headspace as I was when Kamala was first chosen–the polls have them neck-and-neck and the race could go either way. It’s awful and depressing and scary AF but half of the people in our country are either broken or evil.

  25. Whalesnark says:

    I’ve got a million dollars to give to anyone who can prove conclusively that she wrote either of those paragraphs without assistance of any kind, be it tech, a human or a monkey with a See-and-Spell. She seems inarticulate in any language, including her own.

    As for her ethical stances, she has but one: Self Above All.

  26. Lau says:

    She for sure is pro-choice when it’s just about her being impacted. Also there is no way she wrote a whole book without getting bored after two sentences so it’s probably the words of the person who actually wrote the book. Or the people who actually wrote the book are just trying to make her look good. Anyway, it’s bullsh*t.

  27. Marla Clark says:

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if she voted for Kamala Harris?

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