Eden: The truth is that Victoria Beckham ‘never really liked Duchess Meghan much’

For several years now, the British tabloids have been trying to make one particular storyline stick: David and Victoria Beckham “hate” the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Report after report, tabloid story after tabloid story, lie after lie, this has been pushed and analyzed and scandalized. I personally don’t believe that the Beckhams and the Sussexes were that close to begin with, but the two couples were probably friendly enough at one point, and Meghan even wore an item from Victoria’s collection in Colombia recently. Last year, Tom Bower (that crazy old man) basically ranted about the two couples in an entire book. Then the Mail underlined the real point of all the stories: the Beckhams were being told to sever their ties with the Sussexes, or else David would never get his longed-for knighthood. David did as he was told and he’s been cozying up more and more to King Charles and Prince William, including acting as William’s plus-one at an event this week. Now Richard Eden at the Mail has added yet another chapter onto this ridiculous soap opera:

Prince William and David Beckham were seen sharing a private joke at RAF Northolt, in West London, this week as they inspected two London Air Ambulances bought with money they had helped to raise. No one knows what so amused the former England football captain and the heir to the throne, who served as a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance from 2015 to 2017. But Prince Harry will hope that it was not a joke at his expense. David, 49, was once so close to Harry, 40, that he and his wife, Victoria, were among the guests when the prince married Meghan Markle at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, in 2018. But the Beckhams have now distanced themselves from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for reasons that are even more fascinating than anyone outside their circle realises.

‘Both David and Victoria put great importance on family and would never, ever turn on their relations the way that Harry and Meghan did,’ one of their associates tells me. ‘The truth is that Victoria never really liked Meghan much. She was friendly and welcoming to her but is not bothered about staying in touch.’

Given that David owns a football club in Miami and the couple have an increasingly prominent position in American society, it might seem natural that they would join the court of Harry and Meghan. Instead, the Beckhams are sticking with the Windsors.

If power couples were like football teams, this match would be a 2-0 result to William and Catherine.

[From The Daily Mail]

This whole thing has been so stupid from the start. While David is clearly doing whatever he needs to do to get that knighthood, I honestly don’t even believe that he or Victoria have any strong feelings about Harry and Meghan, at all. If David and Harry ran into each other, they would probably be perfectly pleasant to one another. Same with Meghan and Victoria. They’re adults and this is asinine. This is also William’s ego trip, this is William screaming “DAVID BECKHAM IS MY FRIEND, AREN’T YOU JEALOUS, HARRY???”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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116 Responses to “Eden: The truth is that Victoria Beckham ‘never really liked Duchess Meghan much’”

  1. swaz says:


    • Maxine Branch says:

      Same. I have never given this Victoria Beckham a second thought.

      • Neeve says:

        All I want to know is if she sketches and cuts ,does she even know how to use a sewing machine. How she became this huge designer is baffling.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Don’t like the way she won’t smile, and as for the clothes, how did she allow her 13 year old daughter to wear that dress. Nice enough dress but not for a child.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Just because they build this story like a competition: william 2 – Harry 0 is 100% proof this comes from lazy egg head/hairy dirty face willie.

    • Jane says:

      Never like that Victoria anyway.

    • Mika says:

      Relax everyone, this story isn’t real.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I just saw this story. Who the eff is she for anyone to care about what she thins? She’s so unattractive and she’s married to a man who cheats on her? Please.

  2. sevenblue says:

    British media also said that H&M weren’t invited to the Beckham’s wedding. Then, we got the court case of the wedding’s organizer showing the invitee list which included H&M. These people wrote horrible things about Victoria too for years. I don’t think, Beckhams and H&M are best friends, but they are close enough to get invited to the family wedding. Eden is just a shameless liar.

    • Neeve says:

      I remember the height of Posh and Becks,after Diana died they needed a new female celeb to destroy in the papers and she really did have it bad for a few years. She was called Skeletal Spice,was blamed for her husband’s affairs,they showed her no mercy.

      • Zapp Brannigan says:

        I remember VB went on a Channel 4 show just weeks after giving birth to her first son, the host pulled out a bathroom scales and weighed her live on television to see if she was back to pre-pregnancy weight. She has been hounded for years and then people act shocked that she is so controlled about her diet and won’t smile on command.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Zapp, WTF is wrong with these people…

      • Jais says:

        That’s just really messed up.

  3. Neeve says:

    I scratched my head at a lot of the quests at the Sussex wedding but you could at least tell which wedding party they belonged, I think the Beckhams was definitely the groom and probably not even invited by Harry,but because he is Beckham an English treasure and was also at the Wales wedding.

    • Em says:

      Why would you scratch your head at the guest list of a prince ?

      • Neeve says:

        I guess because it wasn’t a state wedding some guests I didnt know they had a connection with. It seemed some were added just for the glitz,like I was surprised initially seeing George and Amal there,didnt know they were friends.

      • Mayp says:

        I did scratch my head at the guest list but you have to realize that other people also were allowed to invite wedding guests. I remember I thought it disgusting when I found out there was an arms dealer at the Sussexes’ wedding who had been invited by Andrew! Diana was only given around 50 invitations for her family and friends for her own wedding at St Paul’s Cathedral. Since the palaces and other Royals invite guests, who knows who invited the Beckhams?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Confused about the head scratching? H&M wanted a smaller wedding. The BRF wanted a big show. Harry & Meghan weren’t the only people involved with the invite list. Lots of people showed up though.
        Beautiful wedding.

      • Andrea says:

        British hacks are weird

  4. Chaine says:

    Why does David Beckham look like a Vegas magician now

  5. Chrissy says:

    Victoria real, really, really wants that knighthood for her husband, doesn’t she? Going so far as to trash a high profile customer of hers is going to be really bad for her business, me thinks! Wow, not smart!

    • Nikki (Toronto) says:

      Victoria isn’t participating in this. If she pushes back, they’ll deny her David’s knighthood. They’re simultaneously taking a swipe at H&M and showing how desperate the Beckhams are. Only the Daily Mail wins.

    • Julia says:

      There is no evidence this is coming from Victoria. The tabloids always try to pit her against other women, even her own daughter in law. Zero evidence it’s true. Best to ignore this story completely, Eden is a miserable troll.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Maureen Eden is a lying b*tch. You know what “royal” book I’d buy next, the one willing journalist that does a deep dive and history of every royal rota. Everyone they’re related to.

        Like the movie Spotlight and the cover up of Catholic churches. The cover up of all things BRF/BM related would be epic.imo

      • BayTampaBay says:

        “David would never get his longed-for knighthood”

        Who would really want a UK Knighthood when the majority of them are bought and paid for. A UK Knighthood is NOT the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah I’m just not seeing any evidence that Victoria is the one that cares about that knighthood. David is the one who is appearing at numerous events with William and Charles. David is the one standing in line to view the queen lying in state. David is the one serving as ambassador for multiple Royal charity/foundation/grifts. Has Kate even ever worn a Victoria Beckham design? If she was out here appearing at these events too, going to Wilbledon with kate, and giving interview shading Meghan maybe I would say she’s thirsty for that Lady Victoria Beckham, but this seems to be a life goal for her husband and she’s just trying not to get in the way of it.

    • Jaded says:

      This is from The Fail — nothing they print is based in fact. Victoria may be many things but she’s not a back-stabber, especially with a client as important as the Duchess of Sussex. Yes she may want a K for her husband and the “Lady” title that does with it, but I think he’s the one desperate for the recognition.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    These stories are always wild, because they always operate from the presumption that the other person cares. While I’m sure that Meghan and Harry hang out with people or hung out with people while in England that we don’t know about, I can’t recall seeing them out and about with the Beckham’s ever. Were they even invited to the evening reception? David is SO THIRSTY for that knighthood it’s embarrassing but I don’t think Victoria cares and I don’t think the Sussexes care either which is always the part that seems to infuriate William and sycophants like Tom Bower. Keep paying them dust Sussexes!!

    • acha says:

      ALSO i am pretty sure that none of the british press truly understand that it’s a 6-hour flight from LA to Miami. Like, do they think it’s in the same state? Who cares that Beckham owns a team in Miami? It’s literally on the other side of the continent.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Right? Does William hang out with the owner of Al Ahly professional football team in Cairo? Because that’s closer to him than Los Angeles is to Miami.

  7. Jais says:

    I can’t recall Victoria or even David ever saying anything negative about the Sussexes. Who knows their true feelings? Eden surely doesn’t. But he’s happy to say Victoria doesn’t like Meghan with zero evidence. Eden is an odious troll. Not sure if anyone’s been following it but Kate Beckinsale has been calling Eden out for his lies about her mother. She’s been calling him out hard and it’s been glorious to watch. He’s not a good person.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, I think the Beckhams are definitely cozying up to the Windsors but I think its literally just about the knighthood (such desperation!) There is zero evidence that they hate Harry and Meghan besides William’s insistence that anyone who likes him must hate Harry.

      • Eurydice says:

        I looked up this Beckham/knighthood thing – there are about 2 dozen football-related people who’ve gotten knighthoods over the past 110 years and they all seem to have been not only players, but also in management of the sport, like presidents of the Football Association or on some council of sport – basically actively promoting the sport in the UK.

        Looking at Beckham’s resume, he doesn’t seem to have gone in that direction. Plus, his off the pitch life has been messy with affairs and tax problems and law suits. I don’t know that standing next to William every so often will get him anywhere.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I think with Eden you will be better informed if you don’t believe him, bit like Boris and the DM.

    • sevenblue says:

      Agreed 100%. Hugh Grant also called out Eden’s lying ass. He wrote an article like he interviewed Hugh and he tweeted that he never talked to this guy in his life and he is lying. Eden is a troll, doing the same thing to lots of famous people. Most don’t even bother to correct it.

    • Mayp says:

      I don’t know. There have been years of these stories about the Beckhams disliking the Sussexes, or more specifically Meghan, for one reason or another. They are not bound by “never complain, never explain.”. If they were decent people, and didn’t hate the Sussexes, they would speak up on their behalf – Instead of letting these stories fester and add to the pile-on on Meghan.. But they haven’t so they’re not.

      • Becks1 says:

        The Sussexes were on the guest list for their son’s wedding though, which was well after they moved to California. That doesn’t scream “we hate them and want nothing to do with them” to me.

        I really think that the Beckhams and Sussexes are fine -not close, but not enemies – and this is more about William thinking that no one can be friends with him and with Harry. DB seems willing to play along somewhat, at least publicly – we saw last week that Jose Andres went out of his way to NOT play along. But Beckham wants that knighthood….

      • Mayp says:

        Did we find out that the Sussexes had been invited to the Beckhams’ son’s wedding from them? If they are trying to play both sides that is even worse. They are both thirsty and cowards. No decent person would allow themselves to be used as a cudgel, repeatedly, by the British tabloid press to beat Meghan down at every turn. I certainly wouldn’t be fine with someone who tried to make nice with me but at the same time allowed the British press to write damaging stories about me in their name. As far as I am concerned, the Beckhams are trash.

      • aftershocks says:

        @MayP: “If they were decent people, and didn’t hate the Sussexes, they would speak up on their behalf…”

        The Beckhams do not need to call out lying crap of this nature. As another poster mentioned upthread, calling this nonsense out would only bring further attention to it. Eden’s negative fantasizing about H&M for clicks is what it is. 🥱😴

        The truth is surely as @Kaiser and others have pointed out: The Beckhams and the Sussexes have never been close. The most they have been in terms of interactions is cordial. Why make a mountain out of a molehill?

      • Mayp says:

        “calling this nonsense out would only bring further attention to it”

        The problem is that over the years these stories about the Beckhams not liking the Sussexes or some kind of mutual animosity between them has appeared over and over and over again. It is not going to stop until the Beckhams say something.

        And, maybe some attention needs to be called to the fact that the British media is lying, if indeed that is the case (not sure it is).

      • aftershocks says:

        @MayP, the British media lie, embellish, exaggerate, and engage in all kinds of despicable negativity as we know without a doubt. The lies would definitely not stop if either the Beckhams or the Sussexes waded into the muck and gave it undue attention and relevance. 🙄

        Again, this latest ridiculous claim by Eden is repetitive, boring, and carries no weight whatsoever, even if it was close to being true. It ain’t coming directly from the horses’ mouths, in any case. Who cares either way?! It doesn’t matter. This is lightweight negative fodder that amounts to nothing. Getting riled up about it only serves Eden’s nefarious, desperate intentions.

      • Mayp says:

        We know the british press lie but a lot of people out there don’t realize it, both in the UK and US. They need to be called out on crap. It matters.

        It was an accumulation of this type of “lightweight negative fodder that amounts to nothing” that drove the Sussexes from the UK. Few stood up for them then and shut down the lies, to a near disastrous end.

        I view the Beckhams’ silence as a failing – just as I view the silence of others, like now King Charles and the Queen who did not say one word to or against the Press regarding their treatment of Meghan as failings. Or when Archie was likened to it chimp! Not one word! Are you going to defend Charles for not standing up for his grandchild who was basically called a chimpanzee because it would have brought more attention to the matter?!

        Seriously, I don’t know why people would want to give the Beckhams the benefit of the doubt. I am still of the opinion they are trash.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Harry and Meghan are both passionate about charity work, the Beckhams are not, they have little in common.

  8. s808 says:

    Please put these 2 out of their misery and just give David his knighthood already. It’s embarrassing watching him twerk for it. I don’t think either couple feels one way or another about each other.

  9. sunny says:

    Can we not make this about 2 grown women not getting along/one disliking one when we don’t know any of this is true and the press is trying to drum up drama about the Sussexes?

    Given how much the press lies about anything related to Meghan can we collectively not take this bait?

  10. Amy Bee says:

    This is embarrassing. I never believed that Harry and Meghan were close to the Beckhams and I believe that the Palace invited them to the wedding rather than Harry and Meghan themselves.

  11. Tessa says:

    Eden takes this to 7th grade level. Victoria does not like Meghan and writes an article about it. Is Beckham that desperate for the knighthood

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes, yes he is.

    • sunnyside up says:

      So Eden has tried to make it appear that Victoria has been talking to the press about not liking Meghan. It doesn’t say much for Victoria, if it is true.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, I have no idea how VB feels about MM. But I can’t see VB running her mouth to anyone associated with Eden. I think Eden made this up bc he safely can. Bc what I do think is that VB and DB are not going to go on the record and deny what Eden has said.

  12. sueinorleans says:

    Who are they actually writing these stories for? Do people out there genuinely care whether Victoria Beckham is besties with Meghan or if she “never really liked” her? This endless pitting of women against each other is beyond pathetic.

    • aftershocks says:

      ^^ Exactly! 💯 🎯 Why should anyone care in the first place, whether true or not! This nonsense by Eden is not even a blip on the Sussexes’ radar. I can see VB rolling her eyes and sighing at this crap, while DB just stands there shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders with the same silly grin he puts on in pics with Willy. 🙄 🤷🏽‍♀️

  13. Hypocrisy says:

    This is middle school hell being played out by actual adults and the media for the world to see. I am embarrassed for Britain. My god this is absolutely pathetic, no one cares who likes who. Especially Americans because most of us couldn’t care less about the Beckham’s. I couldn’t even muster up the energy to watch their docuseries. I find them extremely boring and exhausting much like WanK so perfect match.

  14. Anna M. says:

    At this point, Richard Eden is to riding on Meghan’s coattails for clicks to hang onto his disappearing job by churning fake stories about Meghan and stirring the pot to sell advert space. I don’t believe what he says about Meghan or Harry. I think he’s counting on Sussex Squad to share his stories or go off on him to give him clicks.

  15. CatJ says:

    With so much plastic in the Beckham faces, it might be hard for the Sussex
    couple to recognize them.

  16. Nano says:

    A prominent position in American society? They’re celebrities, that’s it. There’s tons of celebrities here. They’re just two of many. This toxic male trynna make them out to be more than what they are.

    • Meredith says:

      Yeah, owning a soccer team isn’t really a flex in the U.S.

      • Roo says:

        Completely agree. The RR is acting like the Beckham are in the same list as Angelina Jolie or Beyoncé, and that is just not even close to reality. They are known amongst people who follow the Premier League or recall the Spice Girls, but that still doesn’t make them A list. More like “B-“ list. And I can’t see VB slagging off someone who has the celebrity power to make a VB outfit or accessory sell out right away.

    • Laura D says:

      @Nano – ITA. The thing is William had the opportunity to network with one of the biggest sporting stars in “Overseas” and totally blew it. Instead of milking his photo-op with Lebron James for all it was worth we got stories about how James broke “royal protocol” because he put his arm on the shoulder of St. Catherine of Windsor. The stories were spun that way because St. Catherine visibly pulled away at a person of colour touching her! Beckham is a high profile celebrity but, if William really wants to conquer “Overseas” he really should be looking at American sporting stars. We all know he’d give his hind teeth to be introduced as “Prince Freaking William.”

      Back on Topic! I’d be VERY surprised if Victoria had knowingly allowed this to be put out there. She knows first hand how awful the BM are. However, she’ll probably let it stand because she (and her husband) are desperate for those titles.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Yep. An American would have to like professional soccer (rare here) or be over 45yo to know who David Beckham is, let alone remember the married name of any of the Spice Girls. Harry and Meghan are more famous (tho not Beyoncé-level celebrities, most Americans feel vaguely positive about them and don’t really care). Nobody cares whether the millionaire formerly known as Posh Spice is friends with Meghan, or just an acquaintance, or secretly dislikes her.

      Fwiw I’m skeptical that Victoria Beckham said what Eden claims, but also who is going to care whether she said that or not? Only William.

  17. Meredith says:

    Wait, I thought they were very close and the Sussex duo even had a country house (where they stayed frequently before the press disclosed it) in the same gated community as the Beckhams? Am I remembering incorrectly?

    • Amy Bee says:

      They’ve never been confirmed to be actual friends just that Harry and Meghan were renting a house in the same village as the Beckhams.

  18. YeahRight says:

    What are we supposed to do with this information? Meghan is somewhere in California minding her own business and the UK press still 5 years after she has left the country have her on their tabloid covers. I wonder if Charles going just let Egg to give David his knighthood when he becomes king instead of doing it during his own reign.

  19. Nanea says:

    Oh, Maureen!

    At least do some research next time before publishing unhinged screeds, will you?

    “Given that David owns a football club in Miami”

    Harry went to see Inter Miami, last year in September, to watch Lionel Messi play. Some outlets even reported the event as being “in support of his friend DB”

  20. Islandgirl says:

    I don’t believe that David and Victoria are even involved in this the way the article is implying.
    I am sure that David is at William’s beck and call because he wants that knighthood but I don’t believe that there is any particular bad blood between them and Harry and Meghan.
    This is the tabloids finding something to write about and making William look like he never left kindergarten.

  21. Libra says:

    Victoria B designed Meghans white halter dress for her wedding reception. Lovely and fit beautifully.

    • Meredith says:

      Her dress was Stella McCartney

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      You might be thinking of the blue dress she was wearing for that amazing photo of her and Harry in the rain at one of their last events in the UK.

      I like Victoria, she has been on the receiving end of some nasty sh!t from the British press over the years from them slagging off her singing/dancing/looks to all the stories about her marriage. She just does her own thing and I do love her make up line – her eye pencils and eye shadows are very good (albeit pricey).

      • Becks1 says:

        I remember hearing years ago that she was a lot funnier and nicer than people realized, and I admit that she was my favorite part of the Beckham docuseries. I thought her sense of humor and, well, humanity…both really came through.

        “Well let me tell you, Posh was PISSED!” (at some headline about David hanging out with Beyonce before she gave birth.)

  22. Pebbles says:

    This whole story is lazy. I was wondering what kind of Meghan hate article Eden would dish up today. It’s Thursday and every week he has to have some trash to offer for his daily mail column and palace confidential YouTube show where their job is to hate Meghan and kiss royal family ass.

    He’s scraping the barrel here on this one. Nothing new. No new Meghan news this week for him to tear into and that THR article mess has gone nowhere. So it’s back to the Beckham thing.

    • Julia says:

      Exactly, they were really counting on that THR article making an impact but no credible outlet in the US picked it up because it was poorly written, sloppy nonsense. So back to dragging up old stories from years ago, so boring 🥱

  23. Kate (Not Middleton) says:

    David has been desperate for an OBE for decades now so they will do whatever they need to ensure that happens.

    Massive eyeroll.

    • Meredith says:

      I don’t doubt this, but as an American I don’t really understand it. What benefits does one receive from this?

  24. Lavendel says:

    The writer of this “article” is not friends with any power couple, so he has to write long, nasty articles and live off a pseudo-competition. He will never be knighted and he will never be at home in these circles. And neither the Beckhams nor the Sussexes, four formidable people, will ever put their trust in someone like him and give him information. Whoever gives him information must need the bad stuff as much as he does

  25. chatter says:

    I’ve always thought David B. was very pro QEII, bc he grew up with her as Queen.
    Posh does not strike me as having girlfriends, she has “Branding” her biz instead.

  26. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Another made up story by the bm. I’m American and the only time I think of the Beckhams is when Kaiser posts about them.

  27. Trix says:

    Beckham’s really bad beard and brow dye job …. wow. He is looking Siegried & Roy-ish.

    • Cali says:

      I was wondering why he looked like a cartoonish sly fox.
      Yes the eyebrows! Back in the day aging male movie stars would dye their hair but ignore their brows which also looked weird. But David’s brows are way too dark here.
      I dye mine and here’s a hint David. Go with a lighter color and process it for a shorter time. It’s fine if a little grey shows through and it looks more natural.

  28. CLOVE says:

    Why is there something about Harry and Megan in the British media every day? They have been in the US for four years, and there is an article about them every day. It’s harassment and sickening.

    Now for this article, Who Cares about who Victoria Beckham likes?

  29. bisynaptic says:

    Maureen says what, now?

  30. Talie says:

    I don’t think there is any friendship with David and the royals, I just think he is a celebrity in England who can be relied on to show up and help sprinkle star dust on events. Is he being invited to shooting parties with them? They know if they call, he will come. Why he keeps allowing himself to be disrespected with no honor is insane. He’s definitely done enough for something.

    Also, if Meghan is still wearing Victoria’s clothes – I highly doubt there is beef there. She would look elsewhere. We know she is deliberate about what she wears.

  31. HuffnPuff says:

    “Given that David owns a football club in Miami and the couple have an increasingly prominent position in American society.” Really? I never hear about the Beckhams in the US. More fanfic from Eden.

  32. HeatherC says:

    I’m sure Meghan is as equally unbothered. I doubt she was sharing her Wordle scores with Victoria anyway, and vise versa

  33. Kingston says:

    Wasnt it just last week that those fuckers on Shithole Isle were licking Bully’s arse saying that he’s now Jose Andre’s “friend” because Jose chose Bully over H. Notice how quiet those imbeciles have been since they saw H & Jose at the Clinton Global Initiative behaving like the adults they are, advancing their shared interests.

    This is what Jose has said about H&M whichI’m sure those slimy bastards on flett street wdnt want anyone to remember:

    “Meghan and Harry turn compassion into boots through their Archewell
    Foundation. In a world where everyone has an opinion about people they
    don’t know, the Duke and Duchess have compassion for the people they don’t
    know. They don’t just opine. They run toward the struggle.”

    • tamsin says:

      I believe Jose’s charity is part of a new partnership with Sentebale. At any rate, he seems involved with Harry’s work this week in Lethsoto and Johannesburg. It seems Harry and Meghan continue to work with him and his organization in more than one capacity. Archewel

  34. equality says:

    They should be joining the court of H&M? Do they realize that Miami is across the country from Montecito?

  35. TN Democrat says:

    Good lort. Get Willy counseling and treatment for anxiety already. His go to pose of covering his little willy is emasculating and indicates deep insecurity/anxiety. If Harry posed for pictures in that pose the rota would never stop screaming insults.

  36. Athena says:

    The Beckham have a prominent position in American Society? Which society would that be? The descendants of the Mayflower? The Wall Street tycoons? The North East elites, the Southern elites, the rich Texans, the celebrities in Cali? Maureen has no understanding of America.

  37. L4Frimaire says:

    This is so dumb. Meghan and Victoria have their own friends. I don’t think they ever were friends, just friendly. The Beckhams are not the only British celebrities in the US and they don’t have to be friends with the Sussexes. Did Eden even ask if Victoria Beckham consented to this because why would you want your name out there as a hater? It comes across as slander. They’re trying to create a false conflict /rivalry where there is none since Meghan has completely checked out of the UK.

  38. Reign says:

    The story is that Prince William is bullying David and Victoria Beckham with a knighthood to hang out with him.
    Prince Harry naturally fits in this crowd while his brother has to dangle bows and scarves and banners for people to be seen with him.
    He doesn’t have the wattage to open a flight school so needed to bring a friend isn’t the flex he wants

  39. Mel says:

    In the meantime, in the real world: Both couples are going about their day without giving the other one a second thought. This is William having a tantrum over EVERYTHING Harry has done over the last weeks. The UN, Well Child, now visiting royalty in South Africa. Will made a sad trip to Scotland where the band was bigger than the crowd and his little hangout with David Beckham. See Harold!!! I’m busy too!!!!

  40. Anonymous says:

    I truly believe the Suxxeses don’t follow the British press and leave it to the staff to do so, so unless a story jumps the pond ans is in mainstream media they neither see it nor engage with it. The tabloids get incressingly frenzied trying to get a rise out of H&M. Their revenge is to not even be aware of the british tabs, which imoroves their mental health.

  41. Mina_Esq says:

    I don’t see the two women having very much in common. Truth be told, Victoria seems more fun. I doubt she’s friends with boring Kate either.

    • Jks says:

      Will and Beckham look like muppets: Evil Bert and hapless Ernie.

    • Mel says:

      Really? With that strict diet that she eats the same thing every day? She never smiles because she’s self-conscious about it. She sounds very uptight to me, always worrying about how things “look”.

      • Meredith says:

        I think she seems icy and serious in photos, and I’m sure she is overly self conscious about physical “flaws” only she can see— many women I know are the same, even without the glare of the tabloids— but she seems to be warm and to have a good sense of humor when she isn’t posing.

      • Mina_Esq says:

        I don’t know, I have a soft spot for Victoria. She is very endearing and very funny and self-deprecating in every documentary and interview I’ve seen. If you haven’t seen Beckham on Netflix, I highly recommend it.

    • Meredith says:

      They are both hard workers, self made through effort, and both married to men who have had a lot handed to them for being born with certain gifts.

    • marymac says:

      only a blind man would say Spice girl looks fun!!!! you got jokes….oh wait…are you team katey?

  42. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    She’s helping us by telling us upfront. Thanks Karma is on the way without any input from us

  43. Kika says:

    What with this ugly beard? Need hair on the head much?

  44. kelleybelle says:

    That’s okay, I don’t care for her cheek implants that much either.

  45. marymac says:

    EVERYONE knows MEG is waaaaaay cooler and classier than the Spice Girl….hands down.

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