Prince William claims he didn’t go to the Paris Olympics because of Covid concerns

Here are some photos of Prince William at the reopening of Birtley Community Pool. William was joined at the event by several British Olympians, including Adam Peaty, Louise Fiddes and Tom Dean. This is, I believe, the first in-person event William has done with or for British Olympians after the Paris Olympics. William did not attend the Olympics, nor did he hype British athletes during the games, nor did he wish them luck before the games. The only thing he and Kate did around the games was make a little video congratulating the athletes, which they posted on the final day of the games. To be fair, the Paris Olympics happened smack in the middle of the Waleses’ two-month summer holiday, and they refuse to do any work at all during their summers off. One of the first questions William was asked was why he didn’t go to the games:

Prince William says that he didn’t attend the 2024 Paris Olympics because he “didn’t want to risk” contracting COVID amid his wife Kate Middleton’s chemotherapy treatment.

The Prince of Wales, 42, made the revelation while visiting the reopened Birtley Community Pool in Tyne and Wear, England, on Oct. 3. Many speculated that Prince William would appear at the global games in France over the summer to cheer on his country, as many other European royals did, and he explained that he wasn’t there out of a desire to protect his wife’s health.

“Did you manage to get out [to Paris]?” British Olympic swimmer Tom Dean asked Prince William at the pool on Oct. 3, Hello! reported. The inquiry came up during a conversation with his fellow 2024 Paris Olympian Adam Peaty and Paralympians Maisie Summers-Newton and Louise Fiddes.

“No, I was so keen to come, but I have to say after reading someone’s interview about COVID I decided, because my wife was obviously having chemo, that I didn’t want to risk bringing COVID home, so Adam very kindly reminded me that that was still a thing!” Prince William said, according to the outlet.

“But we watched the whole thing. We were glued to it every day,” he added, apparently referring to his family. The Prince and Princess of Wales are parents to Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, and have evidently passed down their passion for sports.

[From People]

“Adam very kindly reminded me that that was still a thing.” Yeah, this summer had a big Covid wave in North America and Europe. Covid was everywhere at the Olympics. Covid was everywhere before the Olympics too. Which is why it’s weird that William’s Covid concerns were solely and conveniently about the Olympics and not, say, the EUROs, where William flew to Germany to watch several times in July. Or Taylor Swift’s London concerts, where William took Charlotte and George. Or the crowded Royal Box at Wimbledon, where Kate sat for several hours for the men’s final. It sounds more like William was never planning on going to Paris and he only realized he could use “Covid concerns” as an excuse after the fact, after several athletes got Covid at the games.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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98 Responses to “Prince William claims he didn’t go to the Paris Olympics because of Covid concerns”

  1. Whalesnark says:

    A man who has been given every privilege possible, yet still considers attending the Olympics a chore.

    It will be interesting to see whether the GB spirit of “King and Country Above All Else” lasts more than a few days into his reign (of terror). He’s not fit, and everybody knows it.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Just proves what an awful system primogeniture is.

      • Josephine says:

        At one time primogeniture had a slightly more valid role — keeping family farms in tact. But the real problem is the idea of a royal family. That has never, ever been valid. History has proven with 100% accuracy that the declaration of a royal family is a power, money, and land grab often ordained by a religious institition (that will get its fair share). It has never been fair, never will be fair, and has zero place in modern society. It is a pox on its people and results in continued inequity.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Yes @Josephine! The problem is not that Harry rather than William should be King: it’s that we shouldn’t be saddled with any kings. The people should choose our government.

        Obvs a constitutional monarchy is better than a despot, but a democracy with no monarchy at all is, to this Canadian-American, clearly the better system.

      • Looty says:

        I don’t mind a figurehead for charity work, but these toxic dumbasses drive me crazy. Thank God Kaiser can vent for me.

      • Christine says:

        Word, Looty.

    • The lying continues. There is photographic evidence of him at other events right before Olympics where e was not fearful of bringing Covid home. Let’s remember he doesn’t live with Can’t to bring anything to her.

      • Chrissy says:

        Unfortunately, William has also never heard of this new thing called WEARING A MASK! It’s like here hasn’t been a worldwide pandemic recently! Such a clown. Who takes this loser seriously?

      • TigerMcQueen says:

        Even if he did live with her, it’s not like he doesn’t have access to additional homes in which to stay if he contracted covid while doing his job. It’s not like she didn’t have staff on hand and family to assist her with day-to-day things if he’d contracted covid while doing his job. The audacity and privilege of these people, I cannot.

        Everyday, people undergo chemo and their spouses continue to work, and some of those spouses contract covid (or a cold or the flu or RSV) while doing their jobs. When that happens, the couple deals with it. They HAVE to. They either have to soldier on alone for a bit, keeping as safe as they can, or they depend on their family. The vast, vast majority of the do not have separate homes in which to isolate, nor do they have an army of staff to help take care of them in these circumstances. They would LOVE to be able to say “oh I can’t work for the next eight months while my spouse is undergoing chemo” but they can’t because there are bills to pay and they need to eat.

        So to have the resources the Wails to and yet refuse to work (especially when the public is paying you) is just f*cking GALLING.

        This doesn’t make you approachable or normal, Huevo, it makes you look like an entitled, ferret-bearded ass.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Love your comment @TigerMcQueen.
        “But we watched the whole thing. We were glued to it every day,” he added, apparently referring to his family. The Prince and Princess of Wales are parents to Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, 9, and Prince Louis, 6, and have evidently passed down their passion for sports.

        LOL. I did not watch the “whole thing”. Was working. Recorded the Olympics and mostly watched track & field and gymnastics. Recollections may vary, the track & field events coverage discussed the COVID situation a number of times.imo

        Willard “read someone’s interview”. This is so bad. Fall of 2021. QE2 engagements are being cancelled. The WanK’s went off to Jordan? for a photo shoot and whatever. Clearly, travelling and bringing something back to your ailing grandmother, who happened to be Queen, wasn’t a concern. So many intances of the WanK’s blowing off Covid. And now, Willard is using Covid as an excuse.

  2. sevenblue says:

    It always looked weird to me, Will goes to fun activities where there are a lot of people attending and we never see him with a mask. Now, he is using covid excuse. When they meet people, do they do covid test first? Because even though he is doing a few engagements, he can still get covid from other people while his wife is getting chemo or is supposed to be in vulnerable state.

    Now, thinking about it, does Charles wear mask ever? He is doing a lot of engagements.

    • equality says:

      No mask for Charles, or for Cam when she was doing events and supposedly returning to check on him.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles was dancing at that reception with many people around and he has no mask on

    • Oh come on. says:

      No mask at the Euros, and there’s no way all the people around him had been tested. The covid excuse is pure 🐂💩

    • Jay says:

      I’ll bet he thinks that he was protected from Covid because he had box seats at the Euros and for Taylor Swift. Covid is something you can only catch out amongst the plebs, right?

      • Jais says:

        The way in which I can actually see him thinking that. As long as he’s in the box seats he’s good right? Which is obv wrong. And also, let’s say that’s his thinking, he would have been in the vip seats at the Olympics too.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Great comment @Jay. Covid only happens in the cheaper seats,

    • Teddy says:

      lol yes! At least a mask would hide that unfortunate attempt at a beard. It makes him look unwashed.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    Lame and embarrassing. The Royal reporters are really just stenographers. So was Kate finished with chemo when she went to Wimbledon?

  4. equality says:

    Yeah, like he would mind quarantining away from Kate to be sure he was covid-free.

  5. Agnes says:

    That “beard” somehow makes him look like he has spinach in his teeth.

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, and it makes his nose look even bigger…or maybe it’s getting bigger every time he lies.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        It makes him look like he needs to wash his face—and scrub really hard. He looks like he fell in the coal bin.

      • First comment says:

        His nose looks bigger because he has lost several pounds…

      • Eurydice says:

        @First comment – he had lost the weight before he started growing the beard. I think it’s the dark background of the beard that makes his nose stand out. Without the beard his nose would blend in with the rest of his face.

    • AMB says:

      It emphasizes the weird shapes he makes with his mouth.

  6. Lolo86lf says:

    For how long is William and Kate are going to use her cancer diagnosis/treatment as an excuse not to do anything? I don’t want to sound insensitive, but they are using her condition as waiver from their royal duties/work. Why is the British media not picking up on this?

    • Oh come on. says:

      Chemo, my *ss. She was maskless at Wimbledon.

    • First comment says:

      Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this the first time he actually admits Kate had a chemo (and, therefore, cancer..) Previously, he was always dismissing any questions regarding Kate’s health…and was seeming uncomfortable…I believe he is pretty confident now that the true story won’t come out…

  7. Indica says:

    I had no idea that ‘covid concerns’ meant ‘what, I have to give up part of my vacation!’.

    I swear, if King Chuckles died during this guy’s vacation the whining will be epically toddler.

  8. Tessa says:

    I doubt he and Kate were under the same route. Yet William insisted on that train tour when there were many more cases and did not mask up. He and George went unmasked to those games. And Kate was unmasked at Wimbledon. Lots of plot holes I. Williams excuse.

  9. LegallyBlack says:

    This lie really got to me, because there is literally no evidence of them caring about Covid this year, with two cancer patients in the family. Literally none. They didn’t even mask with the young woman who photographed the investiture.

    • equality says:

      And think what a great example that would have been, to show people that they can mask for the protection of others who are vulnerable.

    • Neeve says:

      You can tell it was one of those On the Spot lies,he clearly forgot the games and concert he attended. He is so hopeless!

    • Jais says:

      This lie really got to me as well. It’s such a blatant one. He’s using Covid as an excuse??? When he went and traveled for soccer finals!!! Went to a TS concert!! How dare he? Idk why but this has really ticked me off. I can’t believe he said this. I wonder if he was surprised by the question. Not expecting to actually be questioned about going to the games. But he sure had that Covid/cancer answer ready to go. And yet his wife went to Wimbledon. But sure yeah. It was just during the Olympics. GMAFB. Did it keep him from doing anything more one lame video the entire time? I can’t with these people.

      • Tessa says:

        And he brought George to some games and he was unmasked. George could have caught it and brought it back to his mother and siblings if he has gotten infected.

      • Becks1 says:

        This really got to me as well. If we had seen the family taking other precautions – wearing masks in public, skipping large public events like WIMBLEDON (when Kate was supposedly in the midst of her chemo treatment), attending the Taylor Swift concert with tens of thousands of other people (even if they were in box seats), and traveling to the Euros not just once but MULTIPLE times……

        but when it comes to supporting the Olympic athletes during their summer vacation its “covid.”

        What a blatant lie. This family has never cared about covid concerns.

        ETA sorry coming back because this really irritated me. I think he was both surprised by the question but also had an answer ready to go. I’m surprised he didn’t just say it was during our vacation.

      • Jais says:

        Just another reason why they have to be careful about public-facing events. Can’t have regular people asking them too many questions and getting caught up in all the lies. I can believe William had this Covid/cancer answer ready to go but it’s a stupid lie bc there’s photographic evidence of him at events all summer. But whatever, the BM will cover for him so what does he care if his lies are lame and preposterous. It’s not like he’s going to get less SG or Duchy money this month.

      • Nanea says:

        Covid is everywhere, not only in a wave, and still constantly evolving.

        We all shouldn’t forget that Kate’s Wimbledon appearance wasn’t only outside, where she could have caught Covid from the people around her, but also inside, the very crowded reception for Alcaraz.

        The kids go to school every day, and I highly doubt they have air purifiers and filters in all classrooms, activity rooms (art class, music) or gyms.

        And she went to the ballet recently.

        So two things can be true: the Wailses didn’t want to interrupt their vacations for the Olympics — and Kate didn’t really have cancer and chemo, or they’d have masked when appearing in public.

        Third possibility: they’re beyond stupid.

  10. Tessa says:

    He still looks like he did not shower especially with that beard

  11. Where'sMyTiara says:

    His whole attitude is giving 2021, when he was mocking Covid to emergency services personnel who had just been through nearly 2yrs of hell at that point.

    He’s not fit to be king in the 21st century. He’s an empathy-bereft sociopath. The spitting image of his father, and the antithesis of his own mother. She would be appalled but probably not surprised at how he’s turned out. I suspect on some level he has an awareness of this; otherwise why attack his own late, universally revered mother, calling her paranoid, to all and sundry? At the time, it smacked of a narcissist’s reaction to a perceived narcissistic injury…

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “otherwise why attack his own late, universally revered mother, calling her paranoid, to all and sundry?”

      Cold hard cash and a perpetual H&M internet hate machine apparatus?

    • Tessa says:

      He may have been disappointed his mother did not treat him as more special than harry. He resents harry obviously

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      My bad – I needed to correct my timeline here. When William first mocked the first responders over Covid, that was in Dublin on March 3, 2020. Talking to them face to face, unmasked, with almost zero concept of personal space, just openly mocking people in the first wave who were dying of it, covering these poor first responders with his spittle.

      My gods but the BRF ruined this guy with the way they raised him.

      • Becks1 says:

        yes, that was March 2020, like two weeks before the US shut down (I think England shut down around the same time?) so it was tasteless then.

        BUT you could be forgiven for getting the timeline confused, because he also had an event maybe in 2021 where he talked about how much Netflix he watched during COVID or something with first responders. I can’t remember precisely but it was something where he was implying covid was just boring and a long vacation for him where he couldn’t travel and the first responders were like uhhhh……yeah.

      • Tessa says:

        And I saw the video clip, William faked a cough and chuckled that maybe “he had COVID.” So very clueless. I think William lost all hope when his mother died, but even she could not fully control him. Charles letting him slack off when he was in his twenties did not help matters any.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Tessa it makes me think that William’s temper and rage is really on another level entirely. We’ve heard about his temper repeatedly over the years and how he is always incandescent with rage etc, but the fact that no one has ever seemed to be able to control him* – not Diana, not Charles, not QEII – makes me think that there is something terrifying about his temper that no one wants to provoke. There doesn’t seem to be any fear about telling Charles no, especially in the years before he was king or before the queen was elderly and frail. His temper seems like that of a spoiled entitled man, but not necessarily something that people in the family are afraid of. But there is something about William where no one wants to ever correct him or tell him no, from his family to his staff.

        *control may be the wrong word. Rein him in? teach him discipline? give him some sort of structure and feedback besides “you’re the heir?” Diana is hard because she died when he was a teenager obviously and I think she tried but she was up against an institution that favored William over everyone else.

    • BeanieBean says:

      His ‘covid’s still a thing’ was ridiculous. Yeah, it’s still a ‘thing’, a disease that kills or renders people with lifelong debilitating issues.

  12. aquarius64 says:

    Bulliam is getting cooked for this on X; and I put in my two cents. He and Waity sell more Whoppers than Burger King.

    • Interested Gawker says:


      Ah, Burger King, First of His Name, how will he reign…?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        “flipping his burgers” is my new euphemism for “incandescent with rage” when/if Huevo is finally made the burger king.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        This hit my funny bone in *just* the right way 😆

    • Becks1 says:

      Good, he should be.

      Covid is not a convenient excuse to use when you want to get out of work.

      And here, its a 2 for 1 – Covid and cancer – how can anyone challenge that?!!?

  13. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Pfff this guy is so full of sht

  14. Em says:

    William and Kate are a bunch of liars and are only getting by because of the pro monarchy press. It’s also very convenient that one of their children is always into whatever royal engagement they have, remember when Kate told us Louis’s first word was Mary berry 😂😂😂.

  15. Laura D says:

    “But we watched the whole thing. We were glued to it every day,” he added, apparently referring to his family.

    Why use the word apparently? He was either with them or he wasn’t. Are Hello unsure about reporting that William and Kate share a marital home? Who did they think “We” might be? Just askin’ for a friend. 😉

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Nice catch, LauraD! They are tucking the snark into the corners of William’s folly like erigeron into a crumbling wall. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it…

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    My eyes rolled so far back in my head, I got a headache…🙄 next the dog will eat this grown🍑man’s homework.. there are millions of people world wide that live daily with compromised immune systems but all those families that arent Royal would have to show up to work. Any excuse is a lame excuse when the truth is you were just too lazy to bother.

  17. Digital Unicorn says:

    Oh please, his Aunts and Uncle were there – Anne was there after she fell of her horse FFS. What has poor COVID done be get so used and abused by the Wails???

    He basically said that he used COVID as an excuse to get out of it as neither he or his wife could be bothered to attend and work. Bet they were all off sunning themselves at a luxury resort somewhere and he was refusing to cut his holiday short. They both looked VERY tanned in that video.

    Lets not forget he was perfectly fine with going to watch the Euros in Germany – TWICE!!!!!! Which happened a few weeks before the games.

    Liar liar, bum fluff beard on fire! He’s being dragged on UK X for these comments.

    • Nanea says:

      Let me go on the record here, DU, by adding Harry’s brother went *three* times, first for a match at the group stage, vs. Denmark.

      Then he flew over to the quarter final against Switzerland, and then he went to Berlin to watch the final against Spain.

      And it’s not like one can’t catch Covid even from a crew member on a private flight. Or in a hospitality suite.

  18. Jay says:

    What is surprising, actually, is that TOB didn’t put it together earlier that he could use his father’s and Kate’s chemotherapy as a get out of jail free card for not doing in-person events.

    I think him wearing masks as he did events, or explicitly saying that he’ll be doing fewer in-person activities while two members of the family are undergoing treatment would have gone a long way, but he didn’t. Instead, we saw him attending the huge T.S. concert (unmasked), going to pubs in Wales (unmasked), and screaming at football matches (unmasked). We even saw Kate at Wimbledon in the crowd. So it seems like a pretty convenient excuse to avoid “work” (if you can call travelling to Paris and cheering on athletes “work”).

  19. Oh come on. says:

    Good thing he didn’t tweet to congratulate any of the Olympic or Paralympic medallists. Wouldn’t want to risk catching covid and passing it to his poor wife after she received chemo at Wimbledon.

    • Jay says:

      Good point! They couldn’t even bother getting a staff member to post a message of support, let alone a video message to the athletes before or during the games. That would have been a Covid-cautious step.

      Instead, it’s almost like they and their staff just forgot about the Olympics during their vacations.

  20. Miss Scarlett says:

    So the children are in school full time, she is doing the school run, and she is goi ng to school events. Where viruses are absolutely rampant, if you’ve ever been around school age children. But William can’t go to the Olympics as a VIP, being insulated from anything and everything he wants to be? I don’t buy it.

  21. wolfmamma says:

    William is looking more desperate every day. That picture of him in his glory suit of fake medals yesterday was truly horrific. He looks like he needs a good bath, a shave and some long, restful quiet time out on the Cornwall Coast… eating healthy food, therapy and self care.

    No, I am not sympathetic to him at all but the Windsor family is going down – fast.

  22. Lady Digby says:

    Will took his kids to the TS concert . She has donated to food banks across the UK during her tour and met personally with the parents of children killed in Southport.
    Meanwhile Will and Kate have yet to make any donations to cancer charities or cancer research. Why is that?

    • Jaded says:

      I have cancer and donate monthly to the Canadian Cancer Society even though I’m retired and on a pretty tight income. Here are two of the laziest fecking work dodgers in the world with enough money to fund major cancer charities and research and what do they do? Take a photo with a young cancer sufferer who isn’t going to survive. Without masks. What generosity, what compassion…what bollocks. Not even a shout out to the medical experts who supposedly treated her…which leads me more and more to surmise she never had cancer, that it’s all been a massive coverup for something entirely different involving Prince Temper Tantrum.

      • Lady Digby says:

        Good for you @Jaded. Why if, checks notes, Mr and Mrs School Run can’t multi task and spare the time to visit a cancer charity or organization why don’t they make a large donation instead? Or why not have Liz take a photo of Kate that could be used to raise money for cancer research? I hope the publicity helps Liz complete all the items on her wish list.

      • CreoleTomato says:

        Jaded, my North American cousin, sending you love, healing, and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Also, sending you gratitude for the gift of healing that you so selflessly give to others through your generosity and compassion. Many thanks!

  23. chatter says:

    No one really missed him, did they? LOL

  24. The Duchess says:

    These people are beyond shameless. They lie as they breathe oxygen and it is getting more insulting each time.

  25. chatter says:

    If only William would take my advice.
    Stay out of public. You hypocrite.
    Use Zoom and his own wealth to quarterly donate a fat check to any charity.
    Post it on SM.
    He and Kate are just worthless and overpaid!

    If Chuck can hold on until George turns 18, I would support George over William as FFK.

  26. NotSoSocialB says:

    All I have to say is BOLLOCKS.

    Well, that and *coughcoughlosercoughcough*

  27. BeanieBean says:

    But the rules were that they’re not going to fact check William. Y’all need to cut it out! 😉😏🙄

  28. Lau says:

    Also he still goes to Aston Villa’s (his favorite football team) games where there are tones of unmasked people. I don’t think that him catching Covid at the moment would be any good to his wife and his dad still has cancer as well. As per usual, he’s full of it.

  29. QuiteContrary says:

    “Adam very kindly reminded me that that was still a thing!”

    He is such a clueless, privileged a*s. That’s ‘still a thing’????

    If he accompanied Kate to a cancer treatment even one time, he’d know COVID is “still a thing.” Because the threat of it has never gone away for people with compromised immune systems.

    • Oh come on. says:

      His dad has cancer, and he somehow didn’t realize until July that “covid is still a thing”? What a sociopath.

  30. Lavendel says:

    How is Charles actually doing? Where is the king?

  31. Blujfly says:

    The articles about covid going around the Olympic village came out after the games started. So in reality he had no plans to go and hadn’t planned anything. Also, “Adam reminded me that was a thing”…. Utterly weird. It sounds like Peaty prompted him with that after Daley asked. And awfully specific detail about chemo, too.

  32. Henny Penny says:

    I just can’t with this guy anymore. He’s got to be one of the most pointless people on the planet today. And, while I thought it wasn’t too bad at first, these photos in particular demonstrate that the stubble isn’t doing him any favors. Can’t this guy hire anyone to help him grow a proper beard because this 1980s Miami Vice Don Johnson stubble look that he’s trying to pull off is dreadful.

    I truly wonder what these events are like for his poor victims. Someone needs to tell him that the poses he insists on striking for the camera make him look like a bombastic bore. Why is he always lecturing everyone? William is not an expert on anything except laziness and maybe an oversized, unearned sense of entitlement

  33. bumbles says:

    This dude looks so rough and haggard, like something is just eating him up inside. Everytime I see a pic of him he looks worse and worse.

  34. Thelma says:

    Prince William is such a nothing burger…no substance, no charm, no intellectual curiosity, and no long term serious commitment to any causes. And he’s NOT aging well…..

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