Doug Emhoff’s spokesperson denied the Mail’s ‘Cannes slap’ story

This week, the Daily Mail claimed that they had sources – friends of friends – who insisted that Doug Emhoff slapped his then-girlfriend in 2012. Allegedly, Doug and this girlfriend – a New York lawyer – attended the Cannes Film Festival and Doug “slapped” the woman out of jealousy, because she was flirting with another man. The whole thing sounded like a typical right-wing whisper campaign, especially galling because Doug’s wife Kamala Harris is running against an adjudicated rapist and serial sexual predator who was convicted of felonies in his attempt to cover up his affair with a p0rn star. In any case, Doug’s spokesperson has now denied the Mail’s story.

Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, has denied a report alleging that he slapped an ex-girlfriend across the face so hard that she spun around.

The Daily Mail reported Wednesday that three friends anonymously said that Emhoff had struck the woman—who was also not identified by name—while the two waited in a valet line at France’s Cannes Film Festival in May 2012.

In a statement to Semafor, a spokesperson for Emhoff denied the allegation, saying, “this report is untrue” and “any suggestion that he would or has ever hit a woman is false.”

[From The Daily Beast]

Much like the Mail’s years of “trust me, bro” character assassinations on the Duchess of Sussex, most reasonable people found it hard to believe that a sweet dork like Emhoff has some kind of secret past as a guy who slapped a girlfriend. Like, Emhoff’s brand is strong – most people have already formed an opinion on his character, and it’s not this. He’s the guy who does spin classes with his gay friends in WeHo. He’s the guy who told Kamala to buckle up on their first date because he’s a terrible driver.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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18 Responses to “Doug Emhoff’s spokesperson denied the Mail’s ‘Cannes slap’ story”

  1. sevenblue says:

    I didn’t believe the story, because if there was such a dirt on this guy, it would come out years ago and it wouldn’t be on Daily Mail, but reported by American media. Whether we like it or not, this kind of stories is great for damaging a political opponent’s campaign. Domestic violence is one of those at least Democrats take seriously. Yeah, his wife is the politician, but the journalists would ask Kamala what she is gonna do about her husband or if she knew.

    • the Robinsons says:

      GO Blue and Vote Blue!…evidently some allies are ‘gainst US.

    • Oh come on. says:

      Yep. If this were true, it woulda come out in the vetting Biden’s team before announcing her as VP nominee.

      This smells like Republicans’ revenge for the JD-couch story.

  2. Dee(2) says:

    It sounded like nonsense from the jump, but a basic this is silly denial is just right. Also, if there was any smoke there I’m sure two days later feelers have been put out by legitimate American Media to see if they could find something. The fact that it’s only being covered by the New York Post, and Republican leaning online blogs, and the Daily Mail says everything.

  3. Tennyson says:

    Pretty much everything is photographed and/or filmed at Cannes Festival.
    If it were true, there would be records and they would have come out 4 years ago when Kamala ran as VP.
    What’s sad is that Doug posted this cute video of his elderly parents wishing everyone a Happy Jewish New Year and 1/3 of the comments were abusive, asking them how they felt to have a wife beater as a son, if they condone domestic violence, etc.

  4. Nic919 says:

    When a rapist is running for president, a sketchy story about the spouse of the candidate possibly getting into a small fight years ago isn’t a thing at all.

  5. Blithe says:

    Three anonymous “friends” claim that something happened over 10 years ago — to someone else who they chose not to name. That’s how I always get my news! From anonymous sources describing things that can’t possibly be verified. Smearing people with whisper campaigns has become reportable “news” now. When did truthiness become optional — even from people who purport to be journalists?

    I’m sickened by this on multiple levels.

    Vote Blue.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Telling that it went from he slapped her to he slapped her so hard it turned her around, right? A slap that hard would have been noticed since it allegedly happened at a public event and anyone who would have seen her after it happened would have noticed a large mark on her face because you don’t hit hard enough to turn someone around without leaving at least a noticeable red mark where contact was made (one that would have taken a while to disappear)

      • BeanieBean says:

        And they were waiting at valet parking at the Cannes film festival? Dozens of people would have seen. Such bullish*t. Which is why I didn’t read the story originally, it’s just another of the DMs smear campaigns against American democrats (not sure why they’re trying to mess in our politics, but there ya go).

  6. Chantale says:

    I hope he sued.

    • Caitlin says:

      He definitely should!!!! The Fail shouldn’t be able to get away with this – it’s libel, plain and simple.

  7. wolfmamma says:

    I am sickened daily by the lengths that people will go to defame someone now. While there has always been gossip, there has never been the reach of this permission to lie. Donald Trump and his allies really have had a deep dark effect for far too long.

  8. Walking the Walk says:

    I called BS because they would have brought this up when she was running for VP 4 years ago. It sounded so dumb. They are also mad that Doug’s ex-wife gets along great with him and is campaigning for Kamala.

  9. chatter says:

    Any truth to the cheating with the Nanny? If so, Ugh.
    Still H/W over T/V.

    So stupid that Team Trump with his decades of vile behavior, starts trying to mud sling Doug.
    Don, there aint enough time or paper in the world to list all your dirty dealing.
    Mr. Grab ’em by the pussy, puts kids in cages. Jackass.

    • sevenblue says:

      We knew about his affair? That is why he got divorced. But, he has a good relationship with his ex-wife now, who also supports Kamala and said nothing but good things about her.

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    Kamala loves dorky, goofball white guys. She married one and chose another as her running mate. I suggest that the next time the right wing invents a scandal for a Democrat they invent one that fits his personality and is believable.

  11. D says:

    Unfortunately it was on the cover of the New York Post paper on the news stands yesterday with a huge picture of Kamala and Doug and some terrible headline about him slapping someone that I don’t remember exactly. I was so confused because I read the NYTimes every morning and didn’t see anything about it. Of course it’s a right wing lie, but having it on the front page of a very popular NY paper sucks.

  12. Oh come on. says:

    Countdown to the lawyer ex-gf denying the story …

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