Elon Musk was pathetic, servile & pitiful at Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally

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On Saturday, Donald Trump returned to that same field in Butler, Pennsylvania. That field where a Republican teenager shot up Trump’s rally in July and everyone promptly acted like nothing happened. There was the “Kotex pad on the ear” phase, but beyond that… just a lot of unanswered questions. I was actually worried that Butler would be the site of some new horror show this weekend, and I was right, but I didn’t think it would be like this.

Elon Musk and JD Vance joined Trump in Butler on Saturday. Sidenote: Trump doesn’t like his running mate, and they rarely do joint appearances together without some kind of buffer. In this case, Trump would have preferred to just do the event with Musk, but Vance must have piped up like the latest Trump failson: “what about me, Donny???”

Anyway, the photos of Musk and Trump together are truly pathetic. I find it difficult to settle on which one is the biggest loser. Trump is so desperate for any kind of relevancy, and Musk is just a childish moron desperate for any kind of acceptance or validation. Daddy likes me the best! I’m cool, the moron MAGAts are cheering for me! Musk announced at the rally: “As you can see I am not just MAGA — I am Dark MAGA.” That’s one of the most deplorable parts of all of this – these men are some of the weakest, most subservient and most pitiful specimens out there, but they think they’re legendary. I hope Musk ends up in prison alongside his latest racist daddy.

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59 Responses to “Elon Musk was pathetic, servile & pitiful at Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania rally”

  1. Walking the Walk says:

    Why is this close???

    • Agnes says:

      Dark money buys dark times!

      • orangeowl18 says:

        100%. All the people asking why it’s this close need to realize that in the propaganda war, it’s never been a fair fight. A way too big chunk of Americans now live in an alternate reality. I just hope we can get enough voters to the polls to decisively crush Trump.

    • Lisa says:

      Bcos Americans are racist and misogynistic

      • Isabella says:

        And we are hardly alone in the world. Look at your own country. Try to do better.

      • olliesmom says:

        We are far from perfect, but extreme rightism is on the rise around the world.

        I just watched a documentary on PBS about the rise of Nazism in Germany. They are letting it happen AGAIN. It just has a different presentation and face this time.

    • bisynaptic says:


  2. JanetDR says:

    OMG they are so pathetic! How is anyone still supporting this trash?!
    I know they are, because I live in a red county in NYS and the ignorance is strong. I see lots of pickups sporting huge American and Trumf flags on a regular basis. Yesterday I saw a truck flying a confederate flag and had a chuckle wondering if they get into fights with the other ones.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Ignorance and gullibility are no match for the incessant propaganda these people have been consuming for years, probably decades. This is the long game of the right wing coming to fruition.

  3. ML says:

    I think the Republicans behind Trump’s reelection campaign are forcing Trump to have Vance there. Supposedly, people are actually aware that Trump is declining and there’s this rather persistent rumor that Trump will be forced via the 25th Amendment to clear the way for Vance. Plus, I think there’s this idea since the veep debate that Vance is able to cosplay normal person successfully.

    Elon, aka Leon, is happily providing misinformation and funding Steven Miller et al with no real guard rails. He looks like an idiot, he behaves like an idiot, but he’s doing damage.

    • CLOVE says:

      I think the orange one sons told him to pick Vance. All that I can say is, please, everyone, make a plan to vote! We can’t let Trump and Vance win! Plus, Musk would be someone with whom they would seek guidance. That’s nuts!

      • Brynne says:

        If these pathetic men with putrid personalities weren’t so powerful and trying to destroy the world, I’’d almost feel sorry for them and their severe daddy issues.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        I wonder if Trump and his sons recognize that Vance is actually a threat to Trump or not. If elected (G-d forbid), I don’t expect Trump to complete his term; he will either die or become so physically incapacitated they can’t cover it up with a year or 2, Vance will use the 25th amendment to push him out the door)

    • Mil says:

      I think u r spot on. Trump and Vance were forced to be in the race. No one would vote for Vance, and in return, he would bury Trump’s legal cases.
      Leon is… well, I always hated this dude. No ideas, only money from his daddy, who married his stepchild. Leon is twisted. Incels united.

  4. Miranda says:

    I believe this qualifies Elno as, in the terminology of his kind, a “beta cuck” of the highest order. Omega cuck? O-MAGA cuck?

  5. TheOriginalMia says:

    Elon is the dorkiest, most desperate and wealthiest pick me ever. Never seen someone so desperate for affirmation. No one can explain why he insists on jumping up and down like that, except to say he’s trying to form an X. He looks stupid doing it, but who am I to discourage freedom of expression.

    I wonder if Trump knows his backers, like Elon & Thiel, will replace him with Vance once they get access to the WH again.

    • WaterDragon says:

      i have been calling him the “Leaping Lizard” ever since I saw the pic of him in mid-air at the MAGAt rally.

      • anta says:

        I saw somewhere online him being called semen demon and since then I call him only that.

      • Juls says:

        Leaping Lizard! Perfect. He’s also giving “Tom Cruise on Oprah’s couch” vibes. It was WEIRD when Tom did it and it’s WEIRD now Leaping Lizard.

    • Eos says:

      Musk and Trump’s past included war of words where Musk in 2022 said it was “time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.” and Trump hit back with “I could have said, ‘drop to your knees and beg,’ and he would have done it,” alluding Musk was angry because Trump would not continue subsidizing Musk businesses with billions of tax payer money. Musk took the knee, is now double dosed on ketamine and making a fool of himself infront of the world dancing like a ballerina. At this point he might as well strip and call it a day!

      I can’t stand Musk. Not only because of his right-wing politics but also because of his damage to the atmosphere. Each time his space ships launch, over 76,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide and other pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere. 76K of CO2 is equivalent to what 15k-16K cars emit in a year! The moderators on Twitter have blocked me a few times for blocking the mofo on Twitter! LOL!

  6. Brassy Rebel says:

    As the late, great Molly Ivins said of the 1992 Republican convention, “This was all better in the original German.”

  7. Anna says:

    He went pretty fast From almost sexy brilliant guy dating Amber Heard to absolutely pathetic and desperate dork supporting Trump.

  8. BlueSky says:

    Born on third base but still a loser who needs to buy friends. Desperate for Daddys approval. Buys companies and runs them into to the ground. Twitter is nothing more than a cesspool for incels. I hope it bankrupts him

  9. Agnes says:

    It would be funny as hell if our whole f ing country weren’t at stake. I smell the stench of Russia-Russia-Russia. Elon looks more and more like an Insane Clown every dose of ketamine he takes.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Right? I wish I could just laugh at this insanity but I’m terrified every day because so many people look up to and believe the absolute worst humans on this planet.

  10. Sue says:

    I read an interview with Michael Moore and he said polls that are being shared with insiders show Kamala winning and God I hope he’s right. I can’t do 4 years of this. Or possibly more than that since Trump and his sycophants want to dismantle democracy.

  11. orangeowl18 says:

    As I waited for the post to load I just knew it would be that jumping photo. My eyes! Enough, lol.

  12. TN Democrat says:

    This is close because the civil war never really ended. Generations have been taught a distorted view of American history that falsely claimed black people were well taken care of while enslaved and were worse off after slavery. White people have never had to own up to the horrors of slavery/exploiting minorities and forced to treat all people better. Poor white people demand someone to look down on and rich white people realized they could exploit that to revert society back to 1850 when everyone except the wealthy white men struggled and got treated horrifically. Women are far enough removed from the rule of thumb, not being able to control reproduction, not being allowed to vote, and not being allowed to control their finances/take loans/independently have credit cards that some women can’t imagine life would revert back and certainly didn’t appreciate the feminist movement enough.

    • Blithe says:

      Nailed it.

    • Snideysense says:

      You are totally right. I think about this quite often – Donald Trump’s success all boils down to the famous LBJ quote from the 1960s: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. He’ll, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pocket for you.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

      LBJ saw what the Republicans were up to in the 1960s, and it’s still true today.

      • chatter says:

        LBJ was a true political beast. He knew exactly what and how the game is played.

        The more I learn about how “things” work in politics, the more I feel we must fight back. I plan to be at the Voting when the building opens. Blue all the way.

    • Debbie says:

      @TN Democrat is right in so many ways in that the “former” Confederates were extended so many undeserved courtesies after their surrender, in the hopes of “reunification” of the U.S., but all it did was make them cocky. The many military bases which were renamed after Confederate figures — after these same people launched attacks on Americans and killed so many of these U.S. soldiers. The way the U.S. military, which let’s face it, could have ethered the Confederates sooner but took it easier on them than they would on foreign attackers because they were so-called Americans too; but all that did was encourage them and made the war last far too long. The way that the movies, the biggest of all influencers, always sanitized the roles of Confederates and blurred the North vs. South to the point that it just seemed like a geographical difference not good vs. evil; whereas, those same movie producers always made sure to depict Nazis as the bad guys, who never prevailed in the end.

      In Germany, at least they showed they did not want a repeat anytime soon by outlawing many Nazi reminders; while in the U.S. Confederate flags are flown boldly, and incorporated into state flags, and even prominently displayed in courts (which are supposed to be fair to all). And don’t even get me started about Confederate monuments everywhere in the South. It all sends a message.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • WannabeSith says:

      I’m currently sitting at The Wheatfield, here in Ghettysburg. Every man was given the opportunity to raise themselves out of oppression. I suggest a trip here. It will open your eyes. I’m white and the granddaughter to Jewish Immigrants. Everyone is afforded the opportunity here, they just have to want it.

      • Just me says:

        @WannabeSith There is opportunity – yes. But it’s more complex than that. Many immigrant groups thrive in the U.S. because they likely come here with their psychological identity intact. I am a black southerner and my family has multi-generational trauma. You may not understand the condition of absorbing the negative messages from society without having a long-time grounded cultural doctrine to sustain you. I am not familiar personally but have viewed several videos by former Hasidic Jews and interviews with those currently in various Hasidic sects – many are the descendants of immigrants from eastern Europe around the time of WWII. The community support and cohesion is lovely and impressive (could be a model for many marginalized communities).

        You may have no idea the number race-hatred or contempt can play on the target of the beliefs. Case in point – Rabbi Yossi Kulek is a biracial/black Rabbi born to a Jewish mother and black father. In an interview on YouTube he spoke how being black affected his sense of himself, being raised in an all-white community of Hasidim. The point is, white identity affords privilege even if it is just psychological privilege – a positive message about yourself from society. There has always been a movement to affirm value of black people since emancipation and before but powerful forces have pushed back. Loving and supporting each other and affirming worth are attributes that must be cultivated in the black community, and I think in general, some aspects of Hasidic communities can be a model for this.

        My husband is white and his father used to say “Why can’t they be like us?” – ‘they’ being blacks and ‘us’ being whites. Maybe he wasn’t being ‘belligerent’ but surely blind and oblivious. Maybe you can open your eyes. I suggest you look on YouTube for the interview with Rabbi Yossi Kulek on the channel Living Lchaim. Even though he had loving parents (his mother’s husband who is white adopted him) and the support of the Rebbe, he still had to seek therapy when he realized he hated himself because he was black after listening to derogatory comments about blacks and being called racial epithets by members of his community.

      • Blithe says:

        I’ll be blunt and polite. @WannabeSith, you really don’t have the experience or the expertise to speak for “everyone “ about opportunities or oppression. Maybe ask yourself why you believe you’re qualified to do so.

  13. Immaculate Misconception says:

    I pray that Elon has his Google alerts on like the pathetic, desperate for validation loser he is, sees this headline about himself, reads every single reply, and spends the rest of the day crying into his ketamine.

  14. wolfmamma says:

    Imagine being the richest man in the world and such a desperate small minded small hearted human…. Jumping at a Trump rally, moving Internet to a devastated area so you can make money off the survivors .. yikes, how craven

    • Normades says:

      He is a pathetic selfish human being. All the great things he could be doing and he choses to be a comic book villain loser

  15. Ana Maria says:

    …I do not understand why people are supporting Trump, just based on his looks, his rumpled clothes, I would not even look at him twice, nor consider him for a serious political job…anyway…did anyone catch Eduardo Verastegui last night(in Pica y Se Extiende tv show)rapping for Trump??? What is going on??? How much do you think he is paying “celebrities” to endorse him?

  16. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Idiocracy of the highest order.

  17. SIde Eye says:

    This man could have been the planet’s hero ending world hunger and he would have had BILLIONS left over for bunkers, space Karen adventures, and other stupid shit. But instead, he chose to be a pick me for nazis and a threat to democracy.

    • bisynaptic says:

      I think the female rejection got to him. And when his then-son came out as trans, that broke the camel’s back. Elon was sure his progeny would be “superior”. That’s the whole premise of his hypergamist project: to make superior people, in his own image. None of this transexual B.S. So, he did what weak men like him do: took his grievance and veered Right.

      • SIde Eye says:

        “he did what weak men like him do: took his grievance and veered right” this is so spot on.

  18. KC says:

    Anakin and Palpatine.

  19. NotSoSocialB says:

    What the hell is Elmo on?

  20. chatter says:

    Look at these 2 clowns.
    Elon is butt kissing so, so hard for those tax breaks he hopes Trump will give.

    Trump belongs in jail.
    Elon has been exposed as a buffoon.
    Neither of them has the wealth they claim they have, Elon is a fraud, same as Trump.
    Elon is well on his way to a real crash and burn, I will share my popcorn when it happens! LOL

  21. chatter says:

    Two fully grown adult men lost in their own egos and lies.
    Utter failures both.
    Elon has 10 children between how many women?
    He spends little to zero time with any of them.
    His trans daughter openly calls him out and disowns him. Good for her!

    Every single day, something hits the news that makes me think the world has lost its mind.

  22. maisie says:

    I have no doubt that Trump hates Vance, probably even more than he hated Pence. He hates Musk too. and both of them are taller than he is, even tho Trump claims to be 6’3

    But Trump needs Vance to pardon him, which I’m guessing is the plan, to have President Vance implement Project 2025 as efficiently as possible

  23. chatter says:

    How can anyone see Elon in these pics and take him seriously?
    If I was employed by Elon, I’d openly laugh in his face.
    But, IRL, bills gotta be paid, kids gotta eat. Even Elons employees need their paychecks.
    Get those resumes refreshed people, when Elon finally goes broke his employees will be screwed.
    Was it about 10 years ago that Elon was spoken of as the next Jobs? The next Einstein? The brilliant new genius of the future?

    That ketamine stuff must really be a trip, look at him!

    Elon, Trump, Vance … Vance is thinking
    “I can’t wait to be POTUS”

  24. Tarte au Citron says:

    It took me a day to learn that was Elmo. I just assumed it was some local dorky MAGA doofus.

  25. Kathalea says:

    They both looked high on 💊💊

  26. Jaded says:

    There’s a LOT of dark money being poured into Trump’s campaign so it’s ironic that Musk mentioned “I’m dark MAGA”. I’m currently reading a very scary book by Gareth Gore called “Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church”. In a nutshell it’s about the influence the radical right Opus Dei sect of the church is having on rising fascist extremism from the uber-rich like Leonard Leo, Musk, the Supreme Court and many others. Here’s a good synopsis from the Guardian on it: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/26/kevin-roberts-project-2025-opus-dei

  27. Andrea says:

    Elon is also very obviously higher than a kite. He needs to lay off the ketamine.

  28. Henny Penny says:

    I do not understand photo where the three of them are standing together. According to Wikipedia, JD Vance is supposedly 5’7” (this explains A LOT!), Space Karen is 6’2”, and Trumplestiltskin is 6’3”. How is Vance as tall as Karen and how is that Orange stain shorter than both of them? Is anything true anymore?

  29. Amee says:

    Joy Reid on MSNBC is pointing out the expat white S Africans who are helping push Republicans into white nationalism. It’s frightening that they are trying to turn USA into an apartheid nation.

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