Kamala Harris: A lot of women ‘are not aspiring to be humble. This is not the 1950s’

The last four weeks of the election are upon us. Election Day is four weeks and a day away, and I hope many people are voting early! I’m not, I’m going to the polls on Election Day. This is the “home stretch” of the campaign and VP Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz are in media-blitz mode. They’re just not playing the Beltway media’s games and the Beltway media is soooo mad about it. Look at this Politico tweet:

Keep in mind, Politico’s Playbook editor was just suspended last week after his ex-fiancee accused him of blackmailing her over her affair with Robert Kennedy Jr, a presidential candidate-turned-Trump-surrogate. Keep in mind that in addition to Kamala Harris’s appearance on Call Her Daddy, VP Harris will also appear on The Late Show, Howard Stern and 60 Minutes this week.

Speaking of Call Her Daddy, the videos/pod began dropping last night. There are so many good parts! The conversation was largely about women, women’s rights, the cultural war against women and reproductive rights. Alex Cooper also said that she did reach out to Trump’s team and invited him on the show but Trump refused: “If he also wants to have a meaningful, in-depth conversation about women’s rights in this country, then he is welcome on Call Her Daddy anytime.”

There are a lot of excellent parts to the clips, including VP Harris pushing back on a lot of Trump’s lies about how he’ll “protect” women, and all of the crazy sh-t he’s said about abortion. One of the best moments was when VP Harris was asked about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appalling comments about how VP Harris doesn’t have biological children so she has no one keeping her “humble.” Kamala said, in part: “I don’t think she understands that there are a whole lot of women out here who are not aspiring to be humble. This is not the 1950s anymore.”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, YT thumbnail.

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72 Responses to “Kamala Harris: A lot of women ‘are not aspiring to be humble. This is not the 1950s’”

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  1. Eliza says:

    Sarah Hucabee sanders is a terrible person for saying that.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Yes she is. Kamala is a mother to her step children. Just because they didn’t come out of her loins does not diminish her role as a mother or as a human being.

      • Becks1 says:

        Also……it doesn’t matter. That’s what I loved about her answer. There were so many ways to answer it – talk about her stepchildren, talk about other aspects of her life that humble her, etc.

        But saying “so what? Who said I wanted to be humble?” is just so perfect. (I know she didn’t quite say that but same idea LOL.) No one is asking Trump how his kids keep him humble. It only seems to be an issue for the Black-Indian female presidential candidate.

        So I loved her answer.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        White woman who supports the not at all humble Trump wants his Black female opponent to be humble. I know when someone is being told they are too uppity.

      • Oh come on. says:

        Exactly. People who are running to be POTUS are by definition not setting their sights on being humble. Yet somehow Huckabee Sanders wants this amazing, accomplished, brilliant Black woman to “humble” herself to Huckabee Sanders’ satisfaction? Fck all the way off with that.

    • acha says:

      I’m extremely concerned that Hucabee Sanders is promoting this idea that a woman MUST be “humbled” by her family. That, to me, smacks of the faux-Christian BS that’s going around, where women exist to be gaslighted and negged into taking on nothing but the role of supporter and baby generator and shouldn’t want to be free. How utterly ridiculous.

      • ML says:

        SHS repped Trump willingly during his cursèd presidency and she knows that Project 2025 is the instruction manual for Trump’s campaign. She might have been asked to say something as a woman (Trump seems not to have many of those around, including his wife). She’s faithfully spouting that nonsense.

      • Lolo86lf says:

        According to Sarah, women are to be subservient to their husbands and humbled by their children!!!! This is 2024 not the middle ages.

    • SarahLee says:

      Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a horrible person for many reasons. That is one of the least offensive things she has said and done.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not humble regardless of how often her children tell her she’s not the specimen of perfection she seems to think she is.

    • OnThisDay says:

      The MSM is significantly compromised, so Politico can skip me with that.
      My critique of Harris’ reply is the omission of constraints on 1950s women’s aspirations. We have greater options to aspire to because of the hard won gains in moving some of those constraints. At a time when we’re at risk of having them reimposed, I think how we speak about our ambitions in relation to the past is important.

  2. Abby says:

    “ After avoiding the media for neigh on her whole campaign, Kamala Harris is … still largely avoiding the media.”

    Politico, I think the word you’re looking for is “nigh.”

    This feels like sour grapes from traditional media. Harris has her platform on her website. She has an 82-page document attached with her economic plan. She is busy, not only campaigning, but still serving as the current vice president.

    Perhaps I’m not worried because I’m not an undecided candidate? How can you still be undecided at this point, unless you are just wishing that Trump was a little less gross so you could vote for him? I don’t know.

    • SarahLee says:

      I’m old enough to remember when Politico came on the scene – not remotely traditional media – and all the newspapers were lamenting these types of sites. Ironic to see them griping about a podcast. And since when is 60 Minutes not media? Since when do they not ask tough questions?

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Here is everyone’s daily reminder that Kamala Harris wants another debate and Donald Trump won’t even be interviewed by 60 Minutes.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Same, Sarah. Politico has a definite agenda. The mainstream media is just upset that their importance isn’t what it used to be. And Kamala Harris and her campaign are smart enough to know more effective ways to reach voters. She’s doing a TON of media, just not traditional media. And the traditional media is showing their jealous ass. I saw Andrea Mitchell whining about Kamala not connecting with white men or making a big enough push to the business community or doing enough interviews. She literally just did an interview with MSNBC – AM’s own network!!! And also has the endorsement of hundreds of Fortune 500 company leaders. And if white men want to be on the wrong side of history by voting for a fascist, that’s on them. Andrea Mitchell needs to take a seat.

        Anyway lol! I agree with you both that Harris is doing a lot of media that’s reaching new (younger) audiences and she has clearly laid out her agendas and plans. I’m sick of this narrative that she needs to give more details.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        all the traditional media and beltway is angry because their ability to call the shots is rapidly dwindling. They spent so much of the past 8 years playing games & painting false narrative chasing after clicks that politically minded people now summarily disregard their takes and only pay attention to them to point out how bad and inconsistent their takes are. At this point, the only MSM I think is doing a decent job is the Philadephia Inquirer.

        MSM is struggling to stay afloat in the new world so eschewing even the appearance of journalistic integrity will speed up their descent into irrelevance. It’s clear the game they’re playing is to hedge their bets for a Trump win in the hopes he’ll somehow make them relevant as state-run media posing as independent (but owned by rich white plutocrats who cozy up to Trump)

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        SussexWatcher, Marc Cuben is seen everywhere–on podcasts, etc., and he’s definitely campaigning for her. He knows what he’s doing and he’s working hard to get the young, male vote and the business community.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Tiger Beat on the Potomac. That’s all I’ll say about that website. And VP Harris’ answer was perfect, and honestly what seems to bother these christofacists the most. How dare you not want to live your life how we think you should, AND have the audacity to be happy?!! I actually had this lady that I worked with tell me that I would ” change my mind” about not having kids once I met the right guy. I told her that my aunt hadn’t changed her mind and she had been married to my uncle for 25 years so I didn’t see it changing for me. She asked me how old my aunt was, and at the time my aunt was about 48 or 49. She literally said, well she still has time. These people cannot stand you being happy not living in the mold they think that you belong in.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Dee – I had a doctor tell me something similar. And it annoys me to this day (30 years later). I was in my mid-20s and was getting on the pill so there wouldn’t be any accidents because I had decided that I was 99% sure I didn’t want children. And my DOCTOR said, “aren’t you a little young to make that decision?”

        I was so angry that switched doctors and filed a complaint against her. You’d think a doctor would support a patient for being responsible about their choices to prevent an unwanted pregnancy! Especially because if I came in, pregnant at 25, you know she wouldn’t have said I was too young for THAT (lifelong!) decision! Grrr.

      • Enza says:

        TIGER BEAT ON THE POTOMAC!! You win, Dee2.

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Not to mention, she was booked on 60 Minutes, not exactly known for fluff, and they still went ahead with the post.

  3. ML says:

    Excellent response! We all know what SHS really meant with her kids keeping her humble (which, come on, if you say that you need children for that you have a problem anyway). I’m sure SHS much prefers Melania humbly keeping her opinions on pro choice healthcare care to herself while her husband installed a bleep-ton of people (including 3 SC justices) to remove it in many states. Luckily, Kamala Harris does not! I liked that KH also pointed out that Planned Parenthood is all sorts of healthcare and not only abortions.

    Politico is owned by a right winger. Beyond the fact that Olivia Nuzzi’s ex is bent out of shape over this Call Her Daddy podcast, they have a different agenda. And they want Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to have to come to them, whereas the Democratic candidates have options that candidates in the past did not.

  4. Lolo86lf says:

    I live in Florida, and I got my mail in ballot last week which I am going to take care of this week. I feel discouraged because Florida is a red state and it makes me feel like my vote does not count. Trump will get Florida but at I know deep in my heart he is not going to win the election.

    • Becks1 says:

      So, to make you feel better, every person who votes in a deep red state for the Dems chips away at that “deep red” color. And if there are enough of those Dem votes, the Rs will have to spend more money in future cycles to defend those states, rather than being able to focus on other swing states.

      So your vote absolutely counts.

      • ML says:

        Yes, this!

      • windyriver says:

        What Becks1 said. I have a cousin who’s lived in FL all his life; he’s always voted Dem. A few other cousins moved down the last few years from the NY area and almost certainly vote likewise. So you’re not alone. Especially in a state like FL, every Dem vote counts.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        Agreed! My son lives in a red state and said the same and I said only he and others like him can flip the state. Maybe not now but someday! Proudly vote blue and run up those popular vote totals.

    • ML says:

      Lolo86LF, from what I’ve read, Florida seems a bit closer this year than Trump’s last presidency. Every vote, and each one is cast one at a time, counts!

      I received and sent my absentee ballot: I Voted! 💙

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Lolo – go read Chris Bouzy’s analysis on Spoutible. He says Florida will be blue this year (and several other key swing states) and he’s been very accurate in his predictions for several election cycles. Don’t get discouraged and don’t listen to the polls! Sending you 💙 from my very blue state. We’re with you in spirit!

    • RMS says:

      I also got my mail-in ballot for Florida last week. And the one for Texas. Despite the fact that I haven’t lived in Florida for 18 years, and left Texas 3 years ago. And I am currently registered to vote in NJ. I have gone through contortions to get this oversight remedied, without avail. Which tells me that there are likely MANY other Florida and Texas ‘voters’ who are no longer resident there and aren’t being expunged from the record and aren’t likely making the efforts I am to fix the problem.

      • BeanieBean says:

        ??? I’ve moved a lot in my life; until this last move, none of the states in which I lived asked me if I voted elsewhere in the last year & would I like that rectified? So you don’t vote if you don’t live there anymore. Easy-peasy. The bigger issue is all this expunging of perfectly qualified voters by making up new rules, such as if you haven’t voted in the last two elections or whatever, your name gets stricken from the polls. A lot of people are intermittent voters & that shouldn’t count against them, nor should that make it harder for them to vote this time around. We need to make it easier to vote, not harder.

    • Snideysense says:

      I voted this weekend in PA! Dropboxes in my county opened on Oct 4 and there was already a ton of people their casting their ballots. Fingers crossed for PA and FL.

    • lucy2 says:

      I don’t think Florida is as red as you think, but I think there are a lot of blue voters who feel that way, and maybe don’t vote because they feel it won’t matter. IT DOES MATTER.
      There are more of us than there are of them, and every time we show up and vote we prove that.

      • Ciotog says:

        Also, depending on where the OP lives in Florida, there may be local races where their vote could be crucial.

      • lucy2 says:

        Absolutely – local races make a HUGE difference. I switched to vote by mail in my state because now I automatically get ballot for every election, even the weird random off cycle ones, and never miss an opportunity to vote.
        Also I think there’s a state-wide abortion restrictions question on the ballot for Florida? VOTE.

      • smlstrs says:

        YES – a recent local race in my area was decided by 15 votes.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Polling is showing the state within the margin of error right now, and if I remember correctly in 2020 Trump won by a few hundred thousand votes? Don’t forget Democrats won in 2008 and 2012 so your vote absolutely matters. Every person that’s like you that votes will chip down on that lead and if you can get disaffected people who don’t vote because they feel like it won’t matter to vote it’s really easy to wipe out a couple hundred thousand votes in a state with millions of people. Keep the faith you’re doing good work!

    • SpankyB says:

      According to Christopher Bouzy’s predictions, FL is definitely in play. Your vote counts more than ever right now. (CB’s predictions have been 100% correct so far)

    • Aurora says:

      Three words: Down Ballot Races

      Your vote always matters.

    • Magdalena says:

      As others have said, Christopher Bouzy (of Spoutible and BotSentinel fame) has been doing reliable polls and is certain that Florida is definitely in play in this election. So take heart! Vote BLUE up and down the ticket and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

    • Jay says:

      Take heart – even if TFG still wins at the top of the ticket in Florida, there are other races (like Rick Scott, I believe) that are closer. A potential President Harris needs a strong senate to be able to pass her agenda! It looks like there will also be amendments to the state law, particularly about abortion and medical marijuana that you may want to weigh in on. Every single vote for Harris turns the tide bit by bit. Plus, imagine how amazing it would feel to know that TFG either lost or even barely won his own adopted home state? The place where he feels the most comfortable, where he can behave like a little tinpot despot in his country club, and the place that he believes will let him get away with crimes – if THAT place then rejects him? That would be glorious! Keep up the good work!

    • Worktowander says:

      Don’t be discouraged. There are some solid political scientists saying Florida has a realistic shot at turning blue this year.

  5. Jais says:

    Neigh on? Lol, is politico out here making horse comparisons? Like what? So silly. And yeah, I love the humbled line. Why does she need to humble herself? Why does any woman need to humble herself whether she she has kids or doesn’t have kids. I don’t see anyone out there telling trump to be more humble.
    October 15th is the first day of early voting in my very deep red area of GA. I’ll be at the local library with my mom. Can’t wait.

    • AMB says:

      @Jais – Why does she need to humble herself? Well, first, she’s a woman. Then – oh, there was some other reason, it just slipped my mind …

    • BeanieBean says:

      I had to snort at that & thought, wowzers, if you’re going to write a snotty article about someone at least use the right word. It’s ‘nigh’ Politico, ya big dummies.

  6. Miranda says:

    I’m still trying to figure out WTF SHS even meant by that. How do the kids keep you humble? It just sounds like she’s mad about changing diapers, or was trying to put an anti-childfree/step-parent spin on “my kids are disrespectful brats because I raised them that way”.

    • lucy2 says:

      It’s all just about trying to tear down Kamala and make her seem too brass, too ambitious, anti-family, all the usual crap. And it’s also SHS’s faux-Christianity nonsense.
      I LOVE Kamala’s response to it, that we don’t need to be humbled. We’re not going back.

    • Aurora says:

      The idea comes from Evangelical Christianity – that women need to “fulfill their purpose” and “humble themselves” before God and their husband. She’s essentially saying VP Harris, by not having children, didn’t live out her purpose as a woman and defied God.

      SHS is just vile.

  7. Kiera says:

    You know who doesn’t keep me humble, my six yr old.

    She dreams big and reminds me every day I can reach my dreams. She wants me to open a second location of my gallery in Paris because she wants to live in Paris and have cats, yes she wants to be Madame from Aristocats, I have succeeded as a parent.

    She also told me it was unfair a woman has never been president and she is so excited for Kamala. This girl does nothing to keep me humble, all she does is remind me to reach higher and keep showing her what women can do.

    FYI, she loves the Barbie movie and my husband and her are currently learning the dance moves for Ken and Dance the Night. The patriarchy won’t know what hit them.

    • SarahCS says:

      Your daughter sounds awesome! Kids like yours give me hope for the future (and the present for the influence she’s having on you and others around her).

    • Magdalena says:

      Thank you for putting a huge smile on my face on this dreary afternoon in what has been a pretty awful day until now. I love this so much! When I grow up, I want to be just like your daughter. Your house sounds like so much fun! Best wishes to the young lady and may she continue to dream big. I hopw that she will achieve everything her heart desires.

    • bisynaptic says:


    • BeanieBean says:

      😊 Love!

  8. Agnes says:

    A-f*%#king-men! I just love her. We have to elect her!!!!!!!!

  9. Isabella says:

    Dems turning out in red states lifts people further down the ballot. That’s how you get senators and reps in states where you wouldn’t expect it.

    Vote, everybody.

    • lucy2 says:

      And county and state officials that have a great impact on voting rights and every day life.

  10. Ocean Girl says:

    I could say that my kids have kept me grounded, but humbled? Not really. It was a stupid comment, but consider the source.

  11. TN Democrat says:

    Vote blue! I realized how much trouble we were in when the memes appeared of women standing barefoot in broken glass captioned they didn’t want the glass ceiling broken when Hilary ran in 2016. This demure garbage is nonsense and cringy and reminds me of women being blamed for being harmed because of how they were dressed. This is such evangelical wingnut bull@#$%. Women are not servants who should have to work full time and do all the housework and all the child/eldercare so men can do @#$%all. Women playing along with this nonsense is WEIRD.

  12. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Please. Vote. Mine is in the mail as I’m in a different state now, but it’s gone. Now I have to trust. 😶😶😶

    • lucy2 says:

      Are you able to track it? My state has a Division of Elections and you can pull up your voting record that shows when it was sent out, received back, accepted, etc. I dropped mine off last weekend and it’s been received. I don’t think my state can count early, so it will show that until it’s all been counted and certified.

  13. swaz says:

    Love that answer, it’s always women that have to be humble 😎

  14. Emily says:

    Kamala’s campaign is doing everything right. The younger generations are not watching cable or paying attention to legacy media. The podcast format is such a smart way to have substantive and relatable conversations when media seems to be focused on using interviews to generate clickbait and soundbites.

  15. bisynaptic says:

    Dear Politico/MSM: y’all should have covered her more, when you had the chance.

  16. chatter says:

    Harris is campaigning to win to become the POTUS.
    Leader of the free world. Democracy is on the line.
    What flaming idiot thinks any man or woman running for President should be “humble?”
    WTF haven’t they asked Trump or Vance this question?
    Stop granting time and interviews with these fools.

    Biden/Harris need to attack the hurricane issues immediate needs right now!
    Emergency aid to Hurricane states. Give the Executive Order to evacuate with every resource of our military in force to assist.
    Can you imagine Ike, or FDR putting up with this?
    Biden/Harris need to ACT and shame the GOP, Congress and Senate into the ground!
    Milton is now a Cat 5 before it makes landfall. Get those people OUT, even if they are too stupid to evacuate themselves. The PTSD for the first responders, OMG.
    I lost family in Katrina. I will not forget or forgive the Govt for playing games on this.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s really sexist. She doesn’t believe that delusion of grandeur buffoon she supports should be humble.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Nope, feds don’t take over. Governor’s have to ask, which is why Presidents–including Biden–always call the governors to ask what they need. Always. And we learned today that DeSantis wouldn’t take Biden’s call. That’s how much he cares–not at all. And although Joe Biden, cares, he’s not going to do anything illegal by–what do you want? sending in troops? It’s the GOVERNOR who has to issue evacuation orders, not the President.

  17. Proud Mary says:

    Love her answer. Nothing else to needs be said.

  18. Emmy Rae says:

    Nailed it.

    I remember Katie Couric asking Hillary why people don’t like her. This type of bullshit needs to be slapped down early so the people who are serious can speak about what’s real.

    Hopefully in a month the orange man gets the humbling he deserves.

  19. Oh come on. says:

    What a GREAT answer. I had no doubts about supporting Harris for President–I’ve already voted by mail from abroad!–but every clip I see just reinforces how much better off our country is going to be if/when she is elected POTUS.

    As for Huckabee Sanders and the rest of this hate-filled misogynist bandwagon–they have to be turning off more voters than they win. Republicans have blended families, too.