Mail: What if Duchess Meghan was lying about her introduction to Kate?!?

The Daily Mail is seemingly not embarrassed to continue to fret over every single detail involving the Duchess of Sussex’s brief time in the UK. As we know, Meghan spoke – in a vague way on the Netflix series – about what it was like to meet Prince Harry’s family for the first time. She spoke about how she was surprised that “the formality” carried into the Windsors’ family meetings and dinners, and how she’s an American hugger and that certain people within the family didn’t like any of that. In Spare, Harry pointed out that when he and Meghan invited William and Kate to dinner, Meghan was usually in ripped jeans and barefoot, while Kate was “dressed to the nines.” Well, James Middleton recalls, in his pseudo-memoir, Kate’s introduction to his wife Alizee, and of course James makes Kate sound positively Meghan-esque. From the Daily Mail’s “Kate Middleton’s VERY casual first meeting with her brother James’s wife Alizee – and why it casts doubt on Meghan’s claims about her own introduction to the Princess of Wales.”

Before her relationship with Kate fell apart amid rows over bridesmaids dresses and ‘baby brain’ comments, Meghan Markle has claimed her sister-in-law took against her from the get-go because of her more casual style. Harry’s wife recalled how she was ‘barefoot’ and wearing ripped jeans when she first met Kate and said that the ‘formal’ future Queen, and other members of the Royal Family, found it jarring that she was a ‘hugger’.

However, an intriguing snippet from a new memoir by Kate’s brother James, about the royal being introduced to his now wife, Alizee, for the first time, paints a very different picture of the Princess. He described how Alizee appeared in the kitchen of the Middleton family home with her hair tousled and wearing nothing but his shirt, only to find Kate, William and their three children there.

Far from it being an issue, there was ‘no awkwardness at all’ and by the end of the weekend Kate had given Alizee her seal of approval, telling James the French financier was ‘just great’. It suggests that whatever issues subsequently emerged between Kate and Harry’s wife, Meghan’s penchant for ripped jeans was not the root of the problem.

By contrast, Meghan Markle said there was some awkwardness with Kate straight away when they first met in 2017, and put it down to their very different styles. Meghan recounted in the couple’s Netflix series Harry & Meghan that she was ‘barefoot’ and wearing ripped jeans when she first met Kate. Discussing the meeting, she said she did not know the ‘formality’ the royals display in public continues behind closed doors and that she is a ‘hugger’ – which she did not realise was ‘jarring for some Brits’.

She said: ‘Even when Will and Kate came over and I was meeting her for the first time I remember I was in ripped jeans, I was barefoot. Like I was a hugger, I have always been a hugger I didn’t realise that is really jarring for a lot of Brits.’

‘I started to understand that the formality on the outside carried through on the inside, that there is a forward facing way of being and then you close the door and think “OK we can relax now”. But that formality carries over on both sides and that was surprising to me.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Gee, I wonder why Kate was more relaxed meeting her brother’s girlfriend in Middleton Manor and not so relaxed meeting her brother-in-law’s new girlfriend in Nottingham Cottage? I wonder if the situations were completely different? Gee, I wonder if race was a factor?? I wonder about other factors too, like whether Kate saw Meghan as competition, and whether Kate was jealous of a beautiful, accomplished American woman? Or perhaps Kate was jealous of her cute brother-in-law’s obvious devotion to Meghan? We will truly never know!!


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Backgrid.

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109 Responses to “Mail: What if Duchess Meghan was lying about her introduction to Kate?!?”

  1. Inge says:

    So if she meets someone white she’s perfectly relaxed?

    Btw that sounds awfully like a romcom scen’she was wearing nothing but his shirt but found his family and nephews&niece in the kitchen”. I’m sure I’ve seen a variation of this.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      My first thought about the romcom trope! So cliche, and I think it never happened. I’m not sure which part of this is a direct quote from James, but it sounds like “her hair was tousled, wink wink”. It actually reminded me of my previous impression about James, that he might be a closeted gay man. Carole would never allow him to come out, and he seems so detached from Alizee in every photo of them. I hope I’m wrong because that is an awful way to live.

      • Miranda says:

        My first thought was the video for that Lonely Island song, “I Just Had Sex”. Maybe not closeted gay, but incredibly stunted and juvenile at the very least. If it really did happen as he says, it’s also tacky and rude. Put on some f–king pants if you’re wandering into the “public” space of a home where you’re a guest, FFS.

      • bisynaptic says:


    • Becks1 says:

      it’s such a rom com trope that I’m confident saying it never happened.

      What adult is waltzing around their boyfriend’s parent’s house wearing nothing but his shirt?!? If W&K and the kids were there for the weekend (as this story makes it sound) then presumably his parents were there as well so its not like the parents were out of town.

    • Jks says:

      This is just cringe and it didn’t even happen.
      No way did Will and Kate and the kids arrive unannounced. No way did Alizee walk into the future in-law’s kitchen wearing only a shirt. No way did she not hear the three kids, Mumbles and Huevo shouting. .

      Carole watches too many Hallmark movies, me thinks. Every video Kate produces, every thing that family says and does, seems to have been inspired by Hallmark.

      • bisynaptic says:


      • Gabby says:

        How do you not hear 3 kids in a kitchen, even if you are several rooms away?

      • BQM says:

        I read the excerpt somewhere else.

        They were sleeping and James woke up to hear the older kids giggling outside their door. He got up, shushed them and took them down to the kitchen where William and Kate were. Alizee hadn’t realized they’d arrived already and came down to the kitchen. James says how unflustered she was being French but nothing about William and Kate. It sounds more like Alizee might get along with Meghan rather than how Meghan must be lying!

    • Museum Lady and the Law says:

      Alizee is white

  2. Libra says:

    That’s James Middleton version. Now I’d like to know what really happened.

    • SarahCS says:

      James Middleton’s ghostwriters version.

    • First comment says:

      Exactly! Call me old fashioned but I’d find it rather embarrassing meeting my brother’s girlfriend wearing only a shirt (!) for the first time in my house with my three small children ! This isn’t the flex they think it is ..

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Yep! Exactly. This story is so eyeball rolling. As if, the Wank’s showed up unannounced. So lame. Nothing about RPO officers showing up before for security reasons.

      I’ll admit I’ve never spent an overnight at my in-laws. When dating, DH’s apartment was within a mile, after marriage, we’re 45? minutes away. There is no scenario, where I would imagine, showing up in my in-laws kitchen looking freshly f*cked and no pants. Regardless of origins. This article doesn’t make any of the left behinds look good.

      And, Duchess Meghan I guess Harry lied to in

      This is not a flex.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    The desperation from that gutter Daily Mail is showings. Meghan has been gone how long now? The brothers wife would not be working for Harry’s family and I seriously doubt she was as accomplished as Meghan and she certainly is not Black. Geez, those gutter rags in the UK will never forgive Meghan for turning up her little nose and leaving that mess.

    THE Middleton’s are a complete mess and they were probably so happy someone would marry that worthless son/brother

    • Proud Mary says:

      Exactly? The Fail’s argument fails miserably. Kate would have seen ANY woman who married Harry as a threat. Her brother’s wife is pretty much a nonentity. She’s never going to be a working royal, she’s white, there’s no need for Kate to compete with her. Show me one outfit of hers that Kate ever copied? Show me her NY Times bestselling cookbook; her British Vogue record-selling issue? What is her title? For that matter, what’s her name?

  4. Rapunzel says:

    Alizee wasn’t the sexy gal from Suits that William had a pash for.

    And walking around a house that is not yours with no pants deserves awkwardness. Tacky.

    • JT says:

      I’ve always felt that William was attracted to Meg and when Harry revealed that William watched Suits religiously, my suspicions were confirmed. I’ve been rewatching the show myself and Meg is absolutely gorgeous in it. Kate was jealous and insecure of Rachel Zane in her home.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      I think that is what is ultimately at the core of what went down between both couples – William had the hots for Meghan and couldn’t handle that she wanted his brother. Kate has always been insanely jealous of ANY woman around William and used to run them off all the time so yeah she would have hated Meghan on site for this and many other reasons.

      Harry married a real gem – William married a dull fake one.

  5. Em says:

    James is just trying to do free PR for Kate and make some cash to take care of his dogs, Kate is naturally frigid and I’m sure she behaved cold towards his wife as well and he made excuses for her behavior

    • girl_ninja says:

      I don’t think that KKKate is naturally fridged. We’ve seen photos of her before she was engaged to her dud of a husband. She was quite the partier, flashing a nip here and bits there to the photogs. She even had better fashion sense. What she is, is an asshole who was jealous of the gorgeous American actress who stole her emotional support brother-in-law. And further proof that they DID watch Suits because of course insecure Kate would be “dressed to the nines” to meet Rachel/Meghan in person.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Make some cash to take care of his dogs, but not to pay his creditors?

    • Christine says:

      Lol! She was nearly fatally insulted by a throwaway comment by Meghan about “baby brain”, but meeting her brother’s girlfriend with sex hair and no pants in her parents’ kitchen was cool! Off topic, but I sincerely wonder if Kate has ever had an orgasm in her life.

      • Gabby says:

        Not to digress, but “sex hair and no pants” would be a great song title.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Orgasm? Are “Working Royals” allowed to know what those are?
        I mean let’s face it, she wears too many buttons for her husband to locate the one that matters.

      • Christine says:

        I can’t imagine William gives a shit that there is a thing called a clitoris.

  6. Cathy says:

    Kate’s first meeting with her little brother’s girlfriend was in CarolE’s kitchen and the girlfriend was looking like she’d just had s@x? (The hint there is the hair and wearing the little brother’s shirt). But Kate was cool with that? In front of her kids who, would be asking questions later. But Kate was cool? Yeah, right! More like Kate would have been white knuckling the furniture and fuming!

    Nice try DM!

    • First comment says:

      THIS! I wrote something similar above without seeing your comment!!!

    • Smart&Messy says:

      All of this, plus I don’t think Kate, Egg and the three kids just turn up in Buckleburry like that. I think everyone knew when they would come, and prepare for their arrival. Especially on the rare occasion that William joined them. But even if William’s presence is just the result of poetic license given to the ghostwriter, and it was only Kate and the kids, I’m sure they always know when they are coming in advance. And not just for security reasons, but Kate expects them being prepared, and Carole insists on their special treatment too.

    • Eurydice says:

      Well, maybe the girlfriend gave her an Easter present, so everything was cool.

    • Kittenmom says:

      Kate didn’t mind rolling around with Willy on the beach in front of her kids.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I said this a few weeks ago, pointing out that she was comfortable meeting the white woman is not the flex you think it is. Also, this is her brothers recounting of an event we don’t know how his wife felt about it. And that has nothing to do with how she was to someone else. The one thing I know for certain, their descriptions of her being cold and standoffish absolutely bothered her because they have spent the last 2 years forcing her to hug people, and have people tell the media how kind and sweet she is.

    • Jais says:

      Your last sentence is absolutely right. The entire inclusion of this meeting is a complete reaction to Kate’s characterization in Spare and the Netflix series. It really got her and the Midds shook. Really really shook. So much so that her brother is very obviously including an anecdote that shows her in the opposite light. Lol, it makes it too obvious. They are trying to rehab Kate’s image as someone who is not cold and unkind to a sister-in-law. But we’ve all seen the pics of her around Meghan so we know it’s true. It feels very Doth protesteth too much. And that’s before we even get to the fact that Kate had concerns about a baby’s skin color.

      • sunnyside up says:

        By saying that Kate was warm and friendly to a woman who she didn’t know and who was prancing around in her parents house in just a man’s shirt, yet she was cold to Meghan just emphasizes the fact that she is a racist.

      • Proud Mary says:

        Their desperate attempt to do what comes across as an image rehab, makes me believe that Kate experienced some sort of mental health breakdown late last year. I don’t think we know the truth about her “illness”.

    • Inge says:

      yet she still recoiled from that black woman taking her hand. Once a racist….

    • Becks1 says:

      Right – I said above I doubt the meeting played out this way, for a variety of factors (including that increased security would have alerted them that W&K were there.)

      but the fact that we’re supposed to think it does tells us just how bothered Kate was by Meghan’s description of her in the docuseries and by how Harry described her in Spare.

      she sounds cold, standoffish, snobby, and quite frankly just like a miserable person who probably insists that her family calls her Your Royal Highness. They wouldn’t need to insist that she’s so fun and laid back if she actually were.

  8. MSS says:

    I guess it’s impossible to consider that Kate treated both women differently

    • ABritGuest says:

      Exactly. Funny that the Fail doesn’t understand that It’s perfectly possible to react differently to two different people.

      I don’t believe for one second James’ story which details seem to be specifically to rebut what Meghan said similar to how Kate has been on a hugging spree since the docuseries. That being said I wouldn’t be surprised if Kate was friendlier to her own brother’s new girlfriend than to her brother in laws new girlfriend. Before we get into issues of race & Kate’s (admitted) competitiveness, Harry said he didn’t spend a lot of time with William & Kate & I presume she’s close to her brother so would make more effort with his girlfriend.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Kate didn’t hug her future SIL and what her friends were saying about her being a hugger just made Kate look more like a racist.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    No doubt the person who wrote this piece is white and has no awareness about microagressions and racism. A lot of royalists and Kate stans have sought to explain why Kate wasn’t welcoming to Meghan when they first met by saying that’s there’s protocol and that Harry should have known better. But James’ recollections only confirm that Kate is a uptight racist and that Harry had introduced Meghan in the same manner as he had his previous girlfriends and didn’t expect Kate (and William) to act they way they did when they met Meghan.

    • Giddy says:

      This! Racism, and jealousy over the beautiful, accomplished Meghan combined to bring out the cold viper in Kate. Harry would have advised Meghan on how to look for this meeting. Kate was so jealous (and racist) that she couldn’t be welcoming to Meghan. I think that Kate was jealous about Meghan’s beauty and style, and also she loved having Harry around her witout another female.

  10. Iheoma Nwakpadolu says:

    James book to the rescue!!! Katie obviously needs an image change. From wana-be statue to human. Next, mama will tell us how she came out the womb, mop in hand.

  11. Nic919 says:

    Is the DM so dumb that they don’t realize this only confirms the racism allegations surrounding Kate? That’s she’s cool with the half naked white chick banging her brother at her parents place but the biracial woman can’t wear casual jeans in her own home?

    • s808 says:

      Exactly! And Kate probably didn’t give a damn who James married. Her and W were (overly) invested in whoever H married.

    • alarmjaguar says:

      Right, this just makes Kate sound racist!

    • Aeren says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing. It isn’t making her look any better. They’re just confirming what we already knew.

    • Becks1 says:

      LOL exactly – if this is how it played out (which I doubt as a threshold matter) it just makes Kate look like a racist snob who was jealous of anyone Harry dated.

      • Nic919 says:

        I think it’s made up as well, so this entire DM angle is just dumb and kate looks even more racist because of it.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I think it shows how insular as a family they are. If you’re accused of being a homophobe your defense wouldn’t be to point out how nice you were to that straight couple down the street. It’s comically silly to use that as evidence for anyone else, but they seem to have spent their lives telling her how special she is because she managed to lock down William and kowtowing to them both since. I really think that they believe she deserves special treatment and anyone that isn’t willing or finds it preposterous to do so is behaving oddly, not them.

    • Christine says:

      Thank you!

  12. Izzy says:

    Alizee was never going to be a working royal sharing the spotlight with Kate. Kate DGAF about her. Meghan, however, was competition.

    • sunnyside up says:

      And when Meghan proved to be more successful with the crowds and had a far better work ethic she just had to go. She couldn’t be allowed to outshine the future Queen.

  13. The mean girl did not like Harry having a girlfriend but it was worse because she was biracial and a hugger because Can’t and Peg are racists.

  14. Walking the Walk says:

    Wow. They just don’t see the racism and I am sure somewhere Ma Middleton is like shut up man.

    • Jais says:

      Actually I think Carole probably encouraged James to include this story. She probably thinks it’s helping Kate’s image. Cuz Ma doesn’t see the racism either. That’s the problem. Kate and her mom have never understood how bad it looks.

  15. Mads says:

    Kate didn’t like Meghan from the start; she was threatened – William fancied ‘Rachel Zane’, Harry was obviously head over heels, Meghan wasn’t in awe of their position and Meghan is a biracial American.
    Xenophobia, class prejudice and racism evolved to include toxic jealousy.
    Meghan didn’t stand a chance with her future in-laws and the institution.

  16. ML says:

    I’m going to assume that K loves her little brother, who had been going through a tough time, and was happy that he found someone. Alizee is in K’s private life—she wasn’t part of K’s work appearances.

    Meghan, on the other hand, was. There might have been jealousy involved due to W. There definitely was jealousy involved because of how Meghan handled public speaking and related to the Queen. How she was treated by Harry. Not to mention her upbringing, background, nationality, etc.

    James and the Fail are ignoring the truth.

    • Harla says:

      I also wonder if Alize was fawning and deferential in WandK’s presence, I wonder if James told her that you must address them as M’am and Sir, great ways to get on their good side. Meghan was greeting her boyfriends brother and SIL, Alize was probably greeting the C&C of Cambridge.

      • ML says:

        Harla, You made a good point there. Harry loves Meghan, but we know he only instructed her last minute how to behave with the queen, and he didn’t prepare M about WanK being formal in private. JM was raised in a family that was well-versed in flattering royalty—he probably did prepare his girlfriend to meet his sister and BIL properly.

      • LizP says:

        I wonder what Alize and Cressida were like. Chelsea was pre-marriage and young. It seemed like they mostly avoided Donna Air. They met the Queen unexpectedly at Royal Lodge obviously not the same. William and Kate both wanted formality from the start which surprised Harry suggesting they could be different. Others suggested Alize was fawning. Maybe. She married their jobless brother she must have been impressed with something.

  17. Mel says:

    She was meeting ” the actress”, who does philanthropy and is good at it . Do they not think that she did a deep dive on her after they found out it was her? All of that made her clutch all of her insecurity pearls and she decided that a good way to put her in her place was to put on airs like she was too good for her. Not hard to see that at all. She doesn’t care bout her brothers GF, she is not competing with her.

  18. Tessa says:

    James is doing Kate no favors dredging this up. It just a reminder about how rude Kate was to Meghan. Harry spelled out what happened in Spare.

  19. Tessa says:

    So Meghan is “lying” because James Middleton tells a totally unrelated story about bringing his girlfriend to meet Kate and William? So illogical.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Sounds as if James is telling the untruths, you simply don’t wander around your future MILs house when there are visitors, wearing nothing but the boyfriends shirt. I can’t believe that Alizee would be that crass.

    • Darkwing Duck says:

      @Tessa thank you! Meghan and Harry must express themselves with clinical exactitude in order not to have the Mail chortling ‘recollections may vary!’ and yet they on the otherside are allowed to get away with endless innuendo, non sequiturs and extrapolation.

      Where did Meghan Markle ‘claim that her sister in law took against her from the get go because of her more casual style’? She never said anything remotely like that.

      Meghan said when she first met the then Cambridges she was wearing ripped jeans that they (and a lot of Brits) found it jarring that she was a hugger. That is not actually the same as saying ‘she took against me because of my casual style’!

      If Meghan dislikes Kate, or thinks Kate is a bad person, she has, IMO, never come close to revealing this. If Kate said the skin colour thing AND Meghan thought this made her irredeemably awful , then I can’t see why should also have said the ‘good person’ (present tense) stuff. I think that privately she would represent herself as not minding Kate because I genuinely think Harry liked Kate and still does.

      Saying someone was formal to you, and even this was said quite indirectly, is not the same as saying they dislike you or that you dislike them??? Even the Mail knows this otherwise they would have harped on about non-stop about it *at the time* same as the desperate whining about the ‘disrepectful curtsey’ which began immediately.

      As everyone else has pointed out how can how Kate treated Alize be ‘proof’ about how she treated Meghan? But hatred is a hell of a drug, people were seriously sitting around willing to believe that if Kate seemed not to mind a person wearing ripped jeans then that would mean that Kate liked Meghan when she wore ripped jeans.

      Let’s not forget that it’s an article of faith among the Mail and its’ readers that Meghan was a Wrong ‘Un from the start and that Kate is therefore *correct* to dislike her. So to make this story work it is now the belief of Kate’s fans that Kate loved Meghan at the start – loved her for her ripped jeans, guys! I wonder if James Middleton ever thought his attempt to make a story about his mental health journey, and the love between a man and his dog, would end up falling into the Meghan Derangement Distortion filter to become nothing more than part 234 in the Mail’s never ending dossier about ‘why she is a liar’….

      Can I also remind everyone that all James wants us to believe is that he believes that his sister likes his wife. I’m fairly sure that Harry still believes that his Dad likes his wife. Does anyone think that Kate is going to tell her brother “I’ve always hated your wife” any time soon? And does anyone believe that even if she did, he’d have put it in his book?

      Bizarrely the Mail triumphantly states ‘that whatever issues subsequently emerged between Kate and Harry’s wife [yeah, try calling her ‘Harry’s wife’ in the headline… oh no, you would never because you need her name to PAY YOUR BILLS] ripped jeans was not the root of the problem’ who said that it was except for you? You have to claim that she claimed the issue was the jeans because otherwise this tissue thin parallel collapses yet as far as I can see it’s the hugging which is more central. It doesn’t look like Alize hugged Kate so I’m not sure how we can even compare.

      Finally what about the time lag? I’m seeing that this meeting with Alize happens 2019 wheas Kate apparently would have met Meghan first time 2017? Meghan said the family found hugging jarring but it is also a fact they hug people now wherever they go because they have changed, or pretended to change , and maybe even in *response* to her having said what she said. Who knows, maybe the whole meeting with lovely Alize was one of Kate’s patented ‘subtle swipes’ to prove something didn’t happen in the past by causing it to happen in the present…

      • Darkwing Duck says:

        Okay, so Kate faking friendliness to other women would not have been a response to the Netflix doc in 2019 (I think) but I think that publically Meghan and Harry were already showing Kate and William up and they may have felt the need to perform warmness where they would not once have bothered…

      • BQM says:

        I love this. So thoughtful and well expressed.

  20. Jan says:

    James Middleton’s book bombed, all that spilling for nought. James fails at everything he does, wonder when his wife will get tired of carrying him, she knew he was work shy before marring him.
    Spare, paperback edition will out sell it in a day.

    • Libra says:

      If I, who at times cannot see the obvious, can see that James is being financially supported by his wife, then so can Kate, Pippa etc. Thus, be extra nice to Alizee as James is now her problem, not ours.

  21. TN Democrat says:

    The Windsors managed to cover up a lot of Keen’s shortcomings (being named as the royal racist, workshy ways, inability to form full sentences in public, turning funerals into photo shoots, kinky tendencies to flash her private parts in public, open cringes when interacting with poc, extravagant clothing expenses), but on a very basic level she cannot compete with Meghan who is better looking, has better taste, is more accomplished/educated, socially conscientious and articulate. Keen may be queen someday, but she really isn’t an asset to the people of the UK or Commonwealth. Meghan and Harry have had to live through nearly a decade of smears because Will-not and keener are second best despite their titles and know it.

    • Christine says:

      They aren’t even second best. By any metric other than the British royal family or aristocracy, William and Kate are complete failures. They are wealthy sloths.

  22. sevenblue says:

    Harry wrote about small gestures of unfriendliness Kate made towards Meghan on Spare in detail. Like it was obvious, he is the kind of a person who notices small things, even Meghan wouldn’t pay attention to. So, is he lying now too? “Kate was so warm to this white woman” isn’t the winning argument in any universe.

  23. Saucy&Sassy says:

    “It suggests that whatever issues subsequently emerged between Kate and Harry’s wife, Meghan’s penchant for ripped jeans was not the root of the problem.”

    It’s called racism, idiots.

  24. Laura D says:

    All this puff piece is telling me that even though for the best part of a year Kate has been away from the public eye recovering from cancer, people still haven’t forgotten that the woman had “concerns” about the colour of an unborn baby. This latest story really isn’t the flex that the Middletons think it is. If anything it just confirms that Kate has a problem with people of colour. If Meghan had turned up to greet Kate AND her three children in a state of undress it would still be making the front pages as we type.

    Please don’t take this as a criticism of Alize but, once again this article is showing the double standards of both Kate and her minions in the RR. For once Kate and her mother really should adopt the “never explain, never complain” mantra because every time they try to refute what H&M have said (Oprah) and written (Spare) it just serves to remind (and confirm) to people what a rotten person Kate really is.

    • Jais says:

      “If Meghan had turned up to greet Kate AND her three children in a state of undress it would still be making the front pages as we type” 😂😂😂. Omg, yeah it would.

  25. Jay says:

    Huh, something must be different about these two women for them to be treated so differently – what could it be? I can’t qwhite put my finger on it…

  26. L4Frimaire says:

    I don’t know what they’re trying to do here. James’ wife is in the background. Who knows what she does or what she’s like. It’s obvious that Kate was trying to pull rank on Meghan when they first met, by formality and over dressing.Will expected a curtsy instead of a hug that first meeting ( while Kate was curiously absent). If James’ wife was working at court and representing the BRF the way Meghan was, this would be a completely different narrative.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    Thanks for confirming — yet again — that Kate is racist, DM! So helpful!

    • sunnyside up says:

      Their story is also a criticism of Alizee, no decent woman would come down stairs in nothing but a man’s shirt when there were visitors in the house, especially a man and his children. I think the whole thing has been made up.

  28. sueinorleans says:

    My first thought was to wonder my on earth the DM was even bringing this up (other than, of course because all they seem to do is fixate on Meghan) but it made sense given the connection with the new book. But even so, wow, quite the reach. Do all the royal hangers on realize that no one is the least bit interested in them unless they can somehow connect themselves to Harry and especially to Meghan?

  29. bisynaptic says:

    “It suggests that whatever issues subsequently emerged between Kate and Harry’s wife, Meghan’s penchant for ripped jeans was not the root of the problem.“
    — Gee, I wonder what the problem was… 🤔

  30. L Williams says:

    My BS meter is going off. First of all I don’t think William was Kate’s first choice after meet Harry. Secondly Kate knew William had a crush on that Meghan from Suits and give his pension for hanging around ex girlfriends, I believe Kate saw Meghan as a threat. The meeting at the cottage was the beginning of W & K objective to try and dominate Meghan. “Let’s put her in her place.” While the meeting between Kate and her future sister in law went smoother because she was not going to get a title and she would have to follow the rules of bowing and scrapping if in the presence of royality.

  31. wolfmamma says:

    It is a tad shocking how out of touch James is to think his story of his wife first meeting Kate is going to sway anyone … I mean.. in what world would it be charming?

    • sueinorleans says:

      If I were her I’d be mortified that a story like that was out there! Not how I’d want to meet my future in-laws that’s for sure!

  32. sueinorleans says:

    One more thing! – What on earth difference can it make if Meghan (and btw DM also Harry) actually was lying? The wedding gets retroactively canceled? Spare was never a huge bestseller? Meghan and Harry never moved to California? The kids were never born? I mean for pete’s sake!! Does it really matter to anyone other than loyal DM readers what did or did not happen over 5 years ago? Will they still be rehashing every move Meghan made in 10 years? 20? Exhausting.

  33. Gabby says:

    Kate was very intimidated by Meghan’s sexiness, confidence and attitude. She also hated Meghan getting all the attention from Harry that Kate wanted for herself. I am being generous here today by not spelling Kate’s name with 3 K’s in front. You’re welcome Waity.

    I love how the Fail keeps trying to relitigate the circumstances under which the Sussexes left. The plain fact is, Kate and William were assholes to Meghan and Harry. Consistently, outlandishly and repeatedly. The future promised more of the same. Case closed.

  34. Ennie says:

    We’ve already read about Keen’s version of the crying event, liar family.

  35. Kokiri says:

    I’ve always been under the impression the Middletons hid James away because he’s such a doofus at life.
    So I bet this book was conceived by Carole to help Kate out if the mess she’s in now, just like she’s always sacrificed her other kids for Kate. Just my impression of her.

    Echoing everyone else’s opinions that this never happened, they all are ok with this lie in print to “help Kate”. Maybe someone is a big fan of Pretty Woman, Vivian in what’s his names shirt eating breakfast.

    • Unblinkered says:

      All they can do is copy others, must be a Middleton trait. There’s probably other stuff in the book that’s similar.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It’s like any other ‘celebrity’ memoir, a cash grab. Nothing in it will change anyone’s mind about anything. There’s a lot of ‘boy & his dog’ books out there, a lot of ‘I went to therapy & it helped me’ books out there, shoot, there’s probably even a lot of ‘my dog saved me from a life of depression’ books out there. In the hands of an exceptional writer, or ghost-writer, there could be some worth to this. But this is a James Middleton production, he of the Nazi marshmallows & cake kit debacles.

  36. BeanieBean says:

    I haven’t read the comments yet, but–who wanders around their BFs parent’s home wearing nothing but his shirt, knowing full well said parents may be anywhere around?

  37. Deborah1 says:

    I wonder if Alizee, being French, attempted to kiss Waity on both cheeks, as is the custom for French people? That would have been hilarious. I can just imagine Waity’s reaction. 😁

  38. Leeloo says:

    I’m curious to hear what William’s response was to the half-naked woman in the kitchen?

  39. Sasha says:

    Agree with everyone saying this never happened. No way did Alizee not realise (or was not told – even more unbelievable) that her royal in-laws were downstairs. The attempt at a counter narrative is so flagrant it’s embarrassing. Meeting your in-laws in just a shirt is not normal!! I wouldn’t even do this with my in-laws now and I’ve known them for 12 years.

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