JD Vance reminds everyone that he & Trump will ‘defund Planned Parenthood’

Here are some photos of JD Vance at an event in Washington on Monday. Even though the photos were taken from a distance, I can tell that he spackled on the eyeliner. Anyway, in the final weeks of the election, it feels notable that Donald Trump can’t stick with a consistent message about reproductive rights. It seemingly depends on who Trump is speaking to and which way the wind is blowing on the day. Meanwhile, Vance has already appointed himself the messenger of Trump’s “real” feelings on reproductive rights. Vance has said previously that women should be banned from traveling out of state to seek abortions. He has previously said that he supports a federal abortion ban. And now, big surprise, he’s saying that a second Trump term would mean a total defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Sen. JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, confirmed to reporters Saturday that former President Donald Trump is “consistent” in his views on defunding Planned Parenthood. A journalist asked Vance, R-Ohio, whether a future Trump administration would defund Planned Parenthood, the reproductive health care group that has garnered opposition from many conservatives for its pro-abortion-rights positions.

“On the question of defunding Planned Parenthood, look, I mean our view is we don’t think that taxpayers should fund late-term abortions,” Vance said after Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. “That has been a consistent view of the Trump campaign the first time around. It will remain a consistent view.”

In 2021, 93.5% of abortions were done at or before 13 weeks’ gestation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said this year. About 5.7% of abortions were done between 14 and 20 weeks, and 0.9% were performed at or beyond 21 weeks.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to requests for further comment Sunday night.

Jenny Lawson, executive director of the organization’s super political action committee, Planned Parenthood Votes, said in a statement Monday morning that a Trump administration move to defund the group’s health centers “would rob millions of people across the country of vital, affordable care.”

“As usual, he is spinning tall tales to make his case,” Lawson said said of Vance. “Here’s the truth: Federal funds cannot be used to provide abortion care at any point in pregnancy — but Planned Parenthood health centers do use federal funds to provide cancer screenings, birth control, STI testing and treatment, and many other essential reproductive health care services. ‘Defunding’ Planned Parenthood would only deepen and expand the public health crisis we’re already in thanks to Donald Trump, causing more people to suffer and die for lack of basic reproductive care.”

[From NBC News]

For the millionth time, “late-term abortions” are almost always done because the life of the mother is at risk or because there’s something fatally wrong with the fetus. Sometimes, when a woman miscarries months into a pregnancy, she needs a D&C and that is sometimes called an abortion or an abortive measure. The point being, these are medical issues and it should be between a woman and her doctor, not JD Vance and his creepy Cabbage Patch face. Make no mistake, it’s not just that they wanted a complete and total national ban on abortion. They do not want women to have reproductive care, birth control, cancer screenings or health care whatsoever.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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47 Responses to “JD Vance reminds everyone that he & Trump will ‘defund Planned Parenthood’”

  1. Amy Bee says:

    I think JD Vance is even more dangerous than Trump.

    • liz says:

      Yup. And if Trump does win the election, I don’t think there is any way he finishes out his term. He dies in office, steps down (with a promise of a Federal pardon) or is pushed out via the 25th Amendment. Then we are stuck with Vance (which is what I think his backers really want anyway).

      • Peanut Butter says:

        I bet Peter Thiel, Leonard Leo, and their toxic fascists ilk would love to see Trump get (s)elected and then pushed aside for JD Vance to assume power and commence full steam ahead with Project 2025

      • Murphy says:

        Yeah, he’s old and has admitted he isn’t running again–they are going to lame duck Trump the minute they’re in.

    • Nancy says:

      Amy Bee I have been saying that to everyone I know. Trump is scary but Vance is terrifying. JD Vance is Satan.

    • Mil says:

      @amy bee

      People said the same about Pence. It could be 🤡’s tactic to appear in a human form. I don’t know which one is more dangerous, but eyeliner boy would not be here without🤡

      • Murphy says:

        The difference is that Trump could still run again back then, they still needed him for his base. If he’s inaugurated they won’t need him again for another single second.

  2. Onnie says:

    They really want to up those female mortality rates huh.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      But why?? What do they think they gain from this? I honestly don’t get it.

      • Jais says:

        More white babies? At the cost of all women’s lives. Idk. That’s all I got as my guess. Along with controlling women, of course.

      • LaraK says:

        Because this is what gets votes! They have made abortion a single-issue vote magnet. There are documentaries on how this was done, deliberately. Back in the 50s and 60s anti-abortion was a catholic thing that nobody cared about.
        But now they have made it a save-the-babies, punish-the-jezebels thing and those people do not care AT ALL about women’s lives because they genuinely believe they are doing God’s work and saving babies.
        So Vance will never look at mortality rates because it doesn’t matter to him. Ban abortion = republican votes. That’s all he cares about.

      • Louisa says:

        They want to go back to the “great” days when women were married and pregnant in their early 20s and stayed home. Never had a job never mind a career. No money or life of their own. They depended on their fathers and then their husbands. Couldn’t divorce no matter how shitty a marriage they were in. Men were in charge, they were the “providers” and no one could question them. That’s the goal here.

    • North of Boston says:

      Cruelty for cruelty’s sake?

      To satisfy their lust for power and control?

      Women being so fearful for their lives so they are cowed into submission?

      The gross satisfaction of being able to finally put all those uppity women back in their place through threats of mortal danger, driven home by the deaths of women killed as examples, after decades of trying to hold back progress on equal rights)?

      It X-ian-fascist extremism as bad as what is seen when the taliban and other extremists take power in repressive misogynist regimes.

      • Giddy says:

        I do believe it’s all about power. They want power over women’s lives; yes those uppity women. Uppity women who express political views. Uppity women who dare to believe that a woman can become President. Uppity women who are better at applying makeup!

      • Nora says:

        They don’t care. They’re doing it bc the evangelicals want it, that’s it. Anyone with any money can go to Europe to get an abortion. Why would they care what is legal in America? They never cared before.

    • Dee says:

      Here to remind all that planned parenthood does cancer screening in the form of mammograms and cervical cancer screening, provides std screening and birth control!! Womens health care! I hate the Republican agenda!

  3. Lolo86lf says:

    Why is JD Vance doing this? The Trump/Vance ticket already has the evangelical vote secured on November 5. What type of voters is he trying to allure into voting for the Republican ticket? Planned Parenthood is an essential organization in the United States and Vance has no business threatening to defund it. He is such a commander from the Handmaid’s tale.

  4. Amy T says:

    Greg Stillson …. 😬

  5. Lightpurplei says:

    So fed up with this damn lie, the damn politicians who spread it, and the idiots who believe it. While Roe v Wade may be gone, the Hyde Amendment is not. Hyde has been the law since 1975. Federal monies do NOT pay for abortions. Every Planned Parenthood site must file annual cost reports to CMS and every state and those cost reports show the different funding streams and they completely separate abortion out. These are audited annually by both CMS and every state. If federal funds were being used for abortion services, that site would have been defunded. None have been.

  6. TN Democrat says:

    Please vote blue and remember the ignorance and vitriol of tRump has tapped into the mental illlness of millions and millions and millions of people who should rail against him. The first person I heard rail against PP was a white woman in her 20s who had serious mental health issues. She had an evangelical background and wild sexual history. She lost part of her cervix due to cancer caused by a particularly dangerous form of HPV that she spread far and wide. She believed with her whole chest full term babies were being aborted gruesomely at birth. I do not know how to combat the Q insanity here because it is so pervasive, but the the biased supreme court is literally giving states permission to allow pregnant women to die rather than give them emergency care. Please vote blue like your life depends on it. Do not allow these beliefs about women’s healthcare to set up in other stated. The Republikkkans have turned women’s healthcare into the slavery debate of this era.

    • Normades says:

      Everything you just said but also please vote early and vote now if you can. We never know the chaos that could go down on election day.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    Just what aren’t they planning on defunding or dismantling? The party of hate and division who will terminate, deport or incarcerate anyone who does agree with them doesn’t care about the people .. especially women and minorities.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      As another killer storm bears down on Florida, let’s not forget that they plan to take the National Weather Service private and defund FEMA. And, of course, climate change is a hoax.

      • Snideysense says:

        Heather Cox Richardson just had a really insightful (and depressing) essay about this that she posted on FB. Basically the fact that we have now turned a corner wherein Republicans are fully lying and MAGA cultists are believing their lies over the actual reality in front of them (i.e. people in areas affected by recent hurricanes who are actively, personally receiving help from FEMA in physical reality insist that FEMA has not shown up and all the money is going to immigrants). Defunding things like NOAA and the NWS is just another way of creating another reality that people will just accept because they have been trained to believe what they are told. I don’t see any way back from how far down the authoritarian path they’ve gone.

  8. SIde Eye says:

    This is exactly why he answered the body autonomy question at the debate with “what I learned is that we have to earn back the trust of the voters” instead of answering the damn question.

    In fact, he did this with every. single. question. Gave a speech about his middle class background and humble beginnings, spouted off some useless platitudes, then used the last 8 seconds of his allowed time to say: “but I’m going to answer your question since you asked it” then went on for the remaining 6 seconds to give a non answer.

    He is dangerous. He is far more dangerous than Trump. The Haitian migrant hoax is a revelation (for those who previously weren’t paying attention) of just how racist, how unscrupulous, how dishonest, and how pick me he really is. His willingness to terrorize his own state to get to the WH should send everyone running to the ballot box to vote blue.

  9. ML says:

    Ugh, abortion is one service of many Planned Parenthood thankfully provides. Maybe less known: PP is not just for women and among its services for men is help with erectile dysfunction. Maybe we need to start screaming about JD Vance et al wanting to have guys suffer from limp dicks.

  10. Joanne says:

    “creepy cabbage patch face” description nails it. I’m dead.

  11. Lucy2 says:

    What a lovely statement to make during breast cancer awareness month.

    This is exactly who he is and has always been, the softer, “women need options“ guy from the debate was a slick façade to make himself seem less scary. And I am more convinced than ever that the far right really wants somebody like Vance in power, and it’s just riding trump’s “popularity” wave into office. And he’s probably too stupid to realize that they’ll take him out the first chance they get.

  12. FYI says:

    WTF with him cosplaying Trump?? The red tie, dude, seriously?? Have you NO self-respect whatsoever? Is your lust for power that insatiable? Have you NO principles at all??

    So gross.

  13. yipyip says:

    Trump/Vance clearly want complete control.
    Dangerous, both of them.
    Truly dangerous.

  14. Marla Clark says:

    If he is opposed to abortions, wouldn’t it make sense to fund Planned Parenthood so that there would be less need for abortions? or does that make too much sense?

    • Normades says:

      Exactly this. When I didn’t have healthcare in college PP was there. I got my routine exams and birth control there for a cost I could afford. Those assahats aren’t actually anti-abortion, they just want to control women’s bodies (and women) anyway they can.

    • Blithe says:

      Not if the goal is for women —and girls — to marry as virgins, only have sex with their husbands, and start popping out babies.

      Vance is a Catholic convert, who likely grew up surrounded by a culture that included white evangelical Protestant values. Imagine what an incel with this background would do with vast political power. That’s where Vance and his goals for Planned Parenthood, as well as health care in general, and other secular social support systems are now.

  15. Kateee says:

    The Atlantic just published an article this week, written by Emma Camp, about how *actually, Dems* there are plenty of elective third-term abortions being done simply because the baby is unwanted, and not because of any dire medical situations. I think I was supposed to be shocked and horrified. But the only sentiment I could muster was: good. Followed by: nobody’s business but hers.

    Anyway, f The Atlantic.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      That article came from a libertarian magazine so take it with a grain of salt. Most of the Libertarians I knew in college were incels and incels are misogynistic creeps. It figures they would want limits on abortion despite Libertarians saying they are against government overreach. How else will they be able to procreate unless they can rape a woman AND force her to give birth? Anyway, I read the article and it talked about abortions of healthy babies in the third trimester. It didn’t get into the why. I highly doubt it is a cavalier decision like the forced birthers want people to believe. Even so, why is it anyone’s business?

  16. Normades says:

    A D&C is an abortion and it’s a needed health procedure that saves women’s lives every day. Abortion IS healthcare. We need to say it loud and proud.

  17. Normades says:

    Just a reminder that voter registration is closing/closed in so many states and you can early vote now. Please don’t wait till the last minute. Thank you

  18. Saucy&Sassy says:

    As someone in my late 60s, I wish there was a way to make younger generations of women understand how ‘owned’ we were to the men in our lives. Think about the fact we couldn’t get credit in our name until the 70s. Think about that one thing.

    This is about the patriarchy not wanting to let go of the power they have over women. This is their last shot at getting us all under control again. It won’t work. Women are not going to let that happen again. I suggest they start figuring out how to treat women as equals, because it’s going to be a lot harder for them if they don’t.

  19. yipyip says:

    Didn’t Vance declared at one time “Never Trump?”
    This man has sold himself to the highest bidder in the hopes that he can force Trump out and he becomes POTUS.


  20. Juxtapoze says:

    It’s maddening that right-wingers don’t understand Planned Parenthood has PREVENTED (through safe affordable/free birth control & education) millions of unwanted pregnancies. That’s their primary mission, not abortions. PP is where my friends & I went as young adults for annual checkups & birth control when we couldn’t ask our ultra conservative parents about going to a reg obgyn. Guy friends went there for affordable STD testing. PP is the safe friendly affordable place for medical care people need during the transition from teens to adults and for people who can’t afford care thru the traditional healthcare system. It’s because of PP that I didn’t have to make the choice to (travel across state lines) to have an abortion after an unwanted pregnancy. I was always treated with dignity & kindness by top notch professionals.

  21. Lau says:

    You would think that now that people are REALLY making fun of his eyeliner he would be less heavy-handed with it but just adding one more layer of it each day. He wears more eyeliner than I did when I was a teenager and I was a emo.

  22. TN Democrat says:

    We are in the FAFO period of US history. Women have had fundamental rights long enough many don’t appreciate them and are falling for a bunch of incel lies to stay married to incel trash. I haven’t looked it up in awhile, but only half a dozen doctors perform late term abortions in the US and most of those doctors were elderly. When I was in high-school I stumbled across a book that featured pictures of babies with extreme birth defects. The librarians refused ro put those books into the main collection and kept themhidden because it was “too upsetting.” Most of the conditions were not survivable and many would have been fatal to the mother to carry to term. As a society we need to have a reckoning between scientific fact and evangelical wishful thinking. The attacks on science/education have removed any common sense and ability to distinguish fact from wide swathes of the population. The same people that rail against abortion support regressive tax policies that tax poor people more than wealthy people (tRumps tariffs will destroy what is left of the middle class) and refuse to acknowledge that children need childcare, education, food, shelter, medical care and medical care. So many maga supporters are dependent on food stamps, ssi, social security, the Affordable Care Act and other federal programs for survival. I can’t wrap my brain around how self-destructive magats are and the power trip that they get to dictate their backwardness to everyone

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