Trump is still freaking out about Jimmy Kimmel roasting him at the Oscars

Remember at the Oscars this year, how Jimmy Kimmel came on stage just before Best Picture to read a scathing review of his hosting performance that night, that was obviously the whining of Donald Trump, which led to Kimmel’s perfect quip, “Isn’t it past your jail time?” You’d be forgiven if it wasn’t front of mind anymore; after all, Princess Kate’s Frankenphoto very quickly overshadowed the Oscars, and of course, this was all seven months ago. But never fear! Trump is here to remind us all of Kimmel roasting him, as he did over the weekend on Truth Social, where he called Kimmel a “dope,” (come on, Don, let’s turn down the rhetoric please) and included the clip… of Kimmel roasting him. Cause nothing spells a winning clapback like sharing a video of someone making fun of you from a months-old event that people have probably forgotten anyway. Touché, Trump.

Former president and current GOP nominee Donald Trump on Sunday melted down once again over late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel.

Trump shared on his Truth Social platform footage of Kimmel in March, while hosting the 96th Academy Awards, reading on stage a hostile “review” that Trump wrote about his performance.

Kimmel actually ended his bit with the zinger, “Thank you, President Trump. Thank you for watching I’m surprised you’re still — isn’t it past your jail time?”

But Trump cut the line mocking him and his legal woes from the clip that he shared.

Instead, Trump fumed in the caption of the clip about Kimmel being a “dope” who suffers from “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.”

“All of this on top of really bad ratings for Jimmy, just like failing Bill Maher and the two clowns on CBS and NBC,” he added. “NO TALENT EQUALS BAD RATINGS!!!”…

Trump has a long history of attacking late-night hosts, however, and frequently flips out over Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and others for mocking him.

[From HuffPost]

Oh my maga, has Trump trotted out “Trump Derangement Syndrome” before and I somehow missed it?! Or is this new? Whichever it is, I love it, because Donald, as usual, doesn’t even realize that he is patient zero of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and remains the most serious case on record. This Truth Social post was one where Trump experimented with mixing upper and lowercase lettering instead of all caps throughout, and “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was one of three fragments given the treatment. So for anyone just skimming, the words that jump out are “BEST PICTURE AWARD TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME NO TALENT EQUALS BAD RATINGS!!!” Ha, take that Jimmy! And what cognitive decline, NY Times?! It’s not like this is a totally ridiculous thing for a presidential candidate to be fixating on just one month out from an election. I’d be laughing more, if only our democracy and human rights were not in the balance.

Note by CB: Kimmel reposted Trump’s rant and plugged his interview with Tim Walz, which aired last night.

Photos credit: / Avalon, JPI Studios / Avalon

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5 Responses to “Trump is still freaking out about Jimmy Kimmel roasting him at the Oscars”

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  1. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. The tangerine is such an awful bloated egomaniac in cognitive decline. He is a national laughing stock that makes the USA appear foolish abroad. Vote blue! Thank you to all the comedians mocking his idiocy!

  2. Beverley says:


  3. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is by no means new- it’s been around since 2016. It’s a thought stopping cliche that MAGA uses to dismiss any criticism of him.

  4. Lindsey says:

    I think they also used it when responding about Bob Woodward!

  5. BeanieBean says:

    No way in aitch ee double-hockey sticks should a person obsessing over a joke made seven months ago be the next POTUS. Just NO WAY. I watched the whole Kimmel monologue & the interview w/Walz. Funny & charming, both.