Political journalists are still so mad that VP Harris went on ‘Call Her Daddy’

I haven’t listened to Kamala Harris’s entire Call Her Daddy interview, but I covered some of the clips from it yesterday. What struck me was that hostess Alex Cooper was obviously hyper-focused on VP Harris’s message to women, and even more specifically, younger women. This is the core audience of the Call Her Daddy pod – women under the age of 30, women who are possibly not all that engaged with politics, but young women who understand that their rights are being stripped away. The interview was a larger conversation not just about abortion rights, but abuse and the culture wars against women and the war against bodily autonomy. I gave Cooper high marks for how she conducted the interview. But most political journalists are really upset about it and they’re trying to make “backlash against Kamala for going on ‘Call Her Daddy’” into a thing. It’s only a thing among political journalists. Speaking of:

On Sunday, a 40-minute interview with Vice President Kamala Harris aired on a platform with an audience of 5 million engaged and loyal listeners. No, it wasn’t “Meet the Press” or “Face the Nation.” And it wasn’t “State of the Union” or “This Week.” It was Alex Cooper’s wildly popular podcast “Call Her Daddy.”

There were immediately takes from the mainstream political press about how the “Call Her Daddy” appearance, along with an upcoming interview later this week on Howard Stern’s radio show, were signs that Harris was shying away from substantive interviews and hiding from more combative reporters eager to press her on uncomfortable topics. And there were some snide suggestions about how going on “Call Her Daddy,” a show focused on relationships and sex, was a frivolous use of the VP’s time.

The backlash to the backlash was just as swift, as veteran Democratic operatives turned to social media and Substack to air their frustrations with reporters who they have long thought needed to swallow their egos and wake up to the reality that an increasingly fragmented media environment — and declining trust in traditional news outlets — has changed politicians’ dependency on them.

“In a town full of narcissists, nobody has a bigger sense of entitlement than D.C. journalists. And it’s particularly rich to snipe at the campaign for not doing enough interviews the very week she’s sitting down with the most revered news program in all of television,” said former Obama White House spokesperson Eric Schultz, referring to Harris’ interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” airing Monday night. “We don’t live in an age when everyone gets their news from three white guys at 6:30 every night,” he added.

Schultz and other Democratic strategists said that it’s not that there isn’t value in going on some of the big network and cable news shows (since accepting the Democratic nomination, Harris has been on CNN and MSNBC and she’s scheduled to participate in a Univision town hall on Thursday). But network and cable news audiences are shrinking. Most people tuning into Jake Tapper or Katy Tur probably already know who they are voting for.

“Harris has to make strategic decisions about every second of her time these last few weeks. You just can’t capture undecided voters by sticking with the traditional press. So by necessity, you have to spend time in other places,” said another Democratic strategist close to the campaign who was granted anonymity to speak about internal party thinking.

[From Politico]

I think the calculus here is absolutely right: only political junkies who religiously watch cable news (and already know who they’re voting for) give a f–k about this “she should do more interviews with the NY Times” issue. People are also acting like VP Harris is brand new to this – she’s watched how the Times and WaPo and CNN have treated President Biden for years. She’s seen first-hand the fragmentation of the media and she has every reason not to trust many of those anchors and journalists. But mostly, I think political journalists are mad that Alex Cooper, a 30-year-old podcaster, was able to do a substantive, informative interview which wasn’t based on “Trump said this or that, what’s your reaction” or “how are your going to convince racists to vote for you.”

Photo courtesy of ‘Call Her Daddy.’ Additional pics courtesy of Cover Images.

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44 Responses to “Political journalists are still so mad that VP Harris went on ‘Call Her Daddy’”

  1. lanne says:

    The establishment white dudes can’t wrap their minds around the fact that they are not the sole gatekeepers anymore of public opinion, and their own values are not automatically representative of the whole. If Harris wants to reach the people she needs to win–young women under the age of 30–she’s not going to do it by sucking up to the New York Times and Washington Post, both of which are more interested in making her “prove herself” as a black woman while Trump’s sheer ineptitude gets a pass. Let them squall.

    • trillion says:


    • MichaelaCat says:

      So well said!

      They hate not being able to monopolize media anymore.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Ianne, they did this to themselves in some respects. Many people have seen how they’ve written about Trump and are done with them.

      Online podcasts are really where Harris will get many more views. I think it tells us that she is well aware of where she needs to meet the people in the US. It’s smart and the msm are just going to have to lie in the juices they stewed in.

    • StellainNH says:

      As a 60+ cis white woman, I have abandoned trad media in favor podcasts and social media. The trad media have way too many biases and hangups filled with old white men. I grow tired of them and love the energy of the younger generation. It will be up to them to save our country.

      After I read about “Call Her Daddy” yesterday, I listened to the podcast. I enjoyed the delivery of questions. It was like Kamala and the host were chatting over coffee. It didn’t delve too much about policy, it was more of Kamala the person and her experiences.

    • Agnes says:

      Perfectly said. And we love to see it.

    • Mirianthe says:

      I came here to say the same. Agree 100 percent.

  2. the Robinsons says:

    The Chtrumps era is 25 days from being over, for good. Yes, our Democracy will stand.

  3. girl_ninja says:

    I’d never had the desire to listen to CHD but with these right wingers and political Jounalist whining about Alex I sure will be subscribing. Maybe I’ll even listen to her podcast on the regular.

  4. Nicole says:

    Why should Kamala focus on legacy media when there are paywalls right and left. Her target audience is not paying attention to the news. Going on podcasts is a way for her to get her message out. Given how mad MAGA is, it shows it’s working. Kamala ain’t dumb. She was able to win CA with a huge swath of red sections of the state. She won and she was popular. Good on her for being able to be good politician.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      “when there are paywalls right and left”

      This is a good point and going directly to those demographics, meeting them as potential voters where they are in their media consumption is a wise move.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      not to mention things like NYT burying their endorsement of her while it’s so easy to find articles that sanewash Trump. They and WaPo (and Politico) barely cover actual successes of the administration or headline them with “the economy is good, here’s why that’s bad for Harris” when they do acknowledge them

  5. PersephonePi says:

    I think they’re upset that the topic was women and women’s issues. A bunch of right-leaning politicos are convinced these issues have no bearing in this election, for some reason. I mean, we’re just women! Are we really THAT important? It just shows how scared of us GOP men are.

    • Christine says:

      I agree with you. The number of bitter white men on social media lashing out with “she went on a podcast famous for teaching women how to give a blowjob!” was something to behold. I listened to the podcast for the first time to hear Madam VP, and it was a really great interview aimed at a demographic who is never going to choose to listen to MSM.

      I couldn’t stop cracking up, though. You know they are rattled and have completely lost the plot when the best they can come up with is blow job education is bad. Since when do men want bad oral sex?

      • UpIn Toronto says:

        Yet, these same men proclaim the end of wokeness talking about Sydney Sweeney’s body con dress on SNL or crowning the “Hawk Tuah” girl as their side. God FORBID women have a thought about what happens to their own bodies sexually AND GOD FORBID THEY TALK ABOUT IT AMONGST EACH OTHER

        The Madonna whore complex plays itself out completely here w conservative men

        I’m glad Kamala went on this show, she is smart like a fox and leaving these old fuddies behind

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      PersephonePi, the partiarchy will be dismantled by women. They’ll fight to the bitter end to prevent that. They won’t win.

  6. LarkspurLM says:

    I listened and found it to be a good conversation. I think it reached the intended audience, these younger women/people (I’m 56) need to KNOW WHAT’S AT STAKE IN THIS ELECTION.


    I’ll be voting for Kamala Harris my fourth time this election…SF DA, CA AG, US VP and US POTUS!!! We’re not going back!

  7. Ciotog says:

    The idea that these traditional journalists ask substantive questions is hilarious.

  8. Pinkosaurus says:

    If the Nuzzi-Lizza-RJK Jr soap opera has done nothing else, it’s exposed how ethically compromised and slanted these self-appointed beltway media figures are. Why do we care about the questions they ask and the way they portray the answers when this is who these mainstream outlets are hiring and publishing?

  9. Jais says:

    💯 appreciate Kaiser’s point in that she wasn’t asking Kamala asinine questions about oooh Trump said this racist thing and what do u think about that. It’s offensive af.

    • LarkspurLM says:

      Agree! Most MSM interviews are Chump said, this or that. I’m so freakin’ tired of controlling the narrative. ByeDon! VOTE!

  10. L4Frimaire says:

    I listened to this podcast ( I’m not their demographic) and to the 60 minutes interview. This actually was better. 60 minutes definitely was framed as gotcha and they never spoke about reproductive rights. This podcast mostly focused on it and Harris really got into it. I wish it was longer. Ii think it was a good decision to go on.

    • Christine says:

      Same, I was really shocked when it ended, I had no idea that much time had passed! It felt like 20 minutes, their conversation flowed really well.

  11. Plums says:

    Politico wailing and gnashing their teeth as if they haven’t colluded in the sanewashing of Trump and the demented christo-fascist magat nazis who vote for him. Traditional, megacorp owned media has lost all journalistic credibility in the Trump era.

  12. ML says:

    Right. After Mr Twitter Finger changed the way the Republican President communicated—remember he wasn’t engaging with the press traditionally back in 2016!!!—this is just more griping about for better or worse many people are communicating!

    60 Minutes was aimed at an older, TV-watching audience. This podcast is aimed at younger mostly women voters who Kamala Harris could not target by going on TV. Harris’s strength is Women’s Healthcare: it’s disgusting that the media is bashing her for doing her homework and being effective. Especially since Agent Orange does the exact same thing with his base: they listen to his tweets over the news.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    To paraphrase MVP, it’s not the 1950’s anymore. Mainstream media needs to get over it.

  14. Henny Penny says:

    I was a long-distance commuter during the 2016 election, and during that time I listened to a lot of news radio from the various political/news satellite stations on Sirius to all the mainstream regulars. It would be an understand to say they ALL bent over backwards beating up Hillary over those effing emails while treating DJT like he wasn’t a fascist dictator in the making when it was very clear what his goals were. I even called in a few times only to have my growing concerns over his dangerous rhetoric dismissed as histrionic nonsense by these “experts.”

    For example, how is it Michael Steele (I regularly listened to his show), a former RNC Chair, couldn’t see DJT for the racist, fascist threat he was in 2016 but a white nurse from rural California could? But now he wants me to listen to him? No sir. I don’t care now what you have to say. Where were you in 2016 when it might have mattered? Same with Michael Smerconish and Julie Mason and all the rest. They all helped DJT into office in 2016, they did nothing to help stop him in 2020 (even acting completely surprised when he predictably attempted a coup), and they’ve done everything they can to help him now. Eff them all.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Henny Penny, they backed the fascist and continue to do so. They shouldn’t be surprised when people don’t respect the news they offer.

      • Henny Penny says:

        Their coverage in 2020, including Steele, Smerconish, and Mason, and all the rest, was no better. They couldn’t have supported Trump any harder if they’d worn the hats and canvassed door to door .

    • Christine says:

      Well said.

  15. Lightpurplei says:

    The white male conservative “thought leaders” are also incensed that she’s talking about issues that impact women’s daily lives, issues they usually dismiss. It’s insulting

    And they are being dismissive and sexist. Male candidates have done this stuff for eons.

    Howard Stern has interviewed numerous presidential candidates, including Trump.

    RiICHARD NIXON DID Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In!

    Bill Clinton played saxophone on Arsenio Hall

    John McCain was on Saturday Night Live. McCain also caused a major kerfluffle when he canceled a Letterman appearance, claiming he had to rush back to Washington for a vote on the economic crisis, then, as Letterman was interviewing his emergency fill-in guest, the studio monitor showed Katie Couric doing a live interview with McCain just a few rooms away. The outrage at the lie was so immediate, fierce, & brutal (& hilarious) that a contrite McCain had to go on a week later to apologize and beg forgiveness.

    • Jayne says:

      I think I’m outside of CHD’s demographic (what does that title even mean, anyway?) but I listened and it was one of the most thoughtful, intentional interviews I’ve seen this cycle. VP nailed it.

  16. lucy2 says:

    I downloaded it but haven’t listened yet.
    The traditional media outlets have done a HORRIBLE job in recent years, and like lanne said above, it’s older white men whining they don’t get everything THEY want. For ONCE.
    This reaches a new demographic and could gain her new voters. An interview with WaPo won’t. It’s a smart campaign move.

    I’m old enough to remember people clutching their pearls that candidate Bill Clinton played his saxophone on Arsenio Hall’s late night show.

  17. Walking the Walk says:

    The legacy media for 4 years said she was stupid, had a terrible laugh, and that Dem insiders said she wasn’t trusted by Biden. Biden, who was ticked went after everyone who worked for him and said if he found out they were leaking to these idiots, he was going to fire them immediately. The press wanted to break Biden and Kamala’s relationship, wanted to force Biden to step down and not allow Kamala to get the nomination. They are not even worthy of being called journalists. They are mad that this woman has a larger audience/reach than they do and asked better questions.

  18. Nic919 says:

    The real issue with mainstream media is not that it is left wing or liberal, but that it is corporate media and is far more right wing than they want to admit.

    The fact that they aren’t covering everyday how women are dying because they can’t get proper treatment for miscarriages because certain states pretend it’s abortion tells you that it’s men running the media channels. It is not an exaggeration that they want to implement a version of Handmaid’s tale because they literally wrote it down.

    This podcast will get to far more women than CNN or any of the main news networks.

  19. Mina_Esq says:

    I’ve cut back my traditional news media intake by about 70% in the last few months. They are so focused on holding Kamala to a standard of perfection and trying to prove some dumb point that they are “impartial” by being extra critical of her. I didn’t appreciate CNNs investigation into Coach Waltz. This isn’t the election for that. Democracy is at stake. At least Podcasters take a position and aren’t living under some illusion that there is anything normal about what’s happening right now. I don’t have to stress about things listening to them.

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