Woodward: Donald Trump has spoken to Putin seven times since leaving office

I always forget that Bob Woodward is such a drama queen. That man times his insider-sourced books for election cycles, so of course his latest is coming out just weeks before the election. This new one is called War, and it’s about the Biden administration and everything that’s happened in the past five years or so. Including Donald Trump sending Covid testing kits to Vladimir Putin in 2020, and Trump calling Putin at least seven times, many of which happened after Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022

As the coronavirus tore through the world in 2020, and the United States and other countries confronted a shortage of tests designed to detect the illness, then-President Donald Trump secretly sent coveted tests to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use.

Putin, petrified of the virus, accepted the supplies but took pains to prevent political fallout — not for him, but for his American counterpart. He cautioned Trump not to reveal that he had dispatched the scarce medical equipment to Moscow, according to a new book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward. Putin, according to the book, told Trump, “I don’t want you to tell anybody because people will get mad at you, not me.”

Four years later, the personal relationship between the two men appears to have persisted, Woodward reports, as Trump campaigns to return to the White House and Putin orchestrates his bloody assault on Ukraine. In early 2024, the former president ordered an aide away from his office at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida, so he could conduct a private phone call with the Russian leader, according to Woodward’s account.

The book does not describe what the two men purportedly discussed, and it quotes a Trump campaign official casting doubt on the supposed contact. But the unnamed Trump aide cited in the book indicated that the GOP standard-bearer may have spoken to Putin as many as seven times since Trump left the White House in 2021.

These interactions between Trump and the authoritarian leader of a country at war with an American ally form the basis of Woodward’s conclusion that Trump is worse than Richard M. Nixon, whose presidency was undone by the Watergate scandal exposed a half-century ago by Woodward and his Washington Post colleague Carl Bernstein.

“Trump was the most reckless and impulsive president in American history and is demonstrating the very same character as a presidential candidate in 2024,” Woodward writes in the book, “War,” which is set to be released Oct. 15.

[From WaPo]

As I said, Woodward is a drama queen with this timing – he spends years building trust with his insider sources, gathering information, which he then withholds for his books. The phone calls with Putin should have been revealed months, even years ago. I doubt any of it comes as news to the Biden administration – I’ve long believed that the Biden administration’s security apparatus monitors Trump’s dealings with foreign leaders – but still. We’re talking about a former president who stole a shitload of highly classified material and stays in contact with one of the biggest despots in the world.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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27 Responses to “Woodward: Donald Trump has spoken to Putin seven times since leaving office”

  1. Theresa says:

    This man is as crooked as they come. I don’t understand why so many people can’t see that he wants to turn the US into a communist regime with him as the eternal leader. I pray he gets defeated in November

  2. NotSoSocialB says:

    What the fkn fk is the Logan Act for????????? JFC!!!
    And he’s out on bail, FFS!!!!

    • Nanea says:


      Talking to Putin, hosting Bibi the mass murderer at Mara Lardo, conspiring with Orbán… and loving Kim Jong Un more than Melanoma.

      No idea about his contacts to e.g. Meloni or Milei — but it’s about time to invoke the Logan Act.

  3. ML says:

    If this can be proven, this has to be illegal: time for some new lawsuits!

    In terms of releasing these tidbits about Trump and Putin in October: I hope it functions as anOctober Surprise.

  4. Traitor! Treasonous traitor! Get out and vote.

    • Jais says:

      Right? This is treason. Trump is guilty of treason. He’s a traitor to his country and gives Putin info. While he invades an American ally.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, a vote for Trump is a vote to complete the genocide of the Ukranian people. It’s just that simple.

  5. Miranda says:

    There’s definitely a part of me that wants Trump to flee to Russia after he loses next month, or after he’s convicted but before sentencing. He thinks that Putin is his friend and would protect him, but he’d “fall out of a window” with astonishing haste. He’s a useful idiot to Putin, nothing more.

  6. Lightpurplei says:

    I still would like to know why, at one of the international summits, Melania skipped one of the events for spouses to have a 2 hour meeting alone with Putin.

    • Dilettante says:

      No! This is too rich. Bet she didn’t write about it in her book.

    • Isabella says:

      I could only find mention (in People) of Melanie going in briefly to get Don & Putin to end an hour-long meeting.. Then she sat by Putin at dinner I guess and they had a stupid conversation about fishing.

      Is there more?

  7. Blithe says:

    So, Putin either trusts Trump enough to believe that Trump would send him accurate tests — or he wants Trump to think that he does. Getting someone to do small favors for you increases the likelihood that they will also do larger ones. I can only imagine what Putin’s larger asks might look like.

    It’s wild to me that people with clearances can’t even have debt that makes them vulnerable to being influenced— while Don the Con can hide classified documents in his home, chat with Putin on the regular, and still have a chance, dementia and all, of regaining the Presidency. SMH

  8. girl_ninja says:

    And yet white Americans would sooner vote for him because they want to hold tight to their white supremacy. Racist and traitors the lot of them.

    • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

      I’m white, and for the life of me, I can’t think of any other reason. Talk about despondent.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I have tried and tried to figure out why this election remains close. There can be no other reason besides racial grievance and the desire of many white people to remain the dominant demographic group even as the population becomes majority minority. It’s tragic that there are people who cannot see that diversity is a great strength in a country as large and dynamic as ours. And if we don’t win in four weeks, it will be the end of a great nation.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        You might want to watch the podcast (with David Packman, I think) where he interviews a world leading forensic psychiatrist and the report that she and approximately 39 other professionals just issued. One of the things I didn’t know is that we now have a mental health crisis in the US because of the orange blob. It’s really good and I can only hope that someone in the government recognizes that this will HAVE to be considered and dealt with. I don’t anticipate this will go away quickly.

      • Friendly Crow says:


        Those of us who have suffered under narcissistic abuse knew from the start how this was going to play out.

        Combined that with my adhd/ autism –
        both have extreme pattern recognition as a trait and wildly to a lot of people it looks like we are dang near psychic when we just connect the things we are seeing – the trump years were ROUGH.

        I would say that collectively – between the pandemic / being gaslit about the pandemic / and living under an unchecked narcissist who abused the entire nation – a bunch of us had our PTSD return HARD or got ptsd from the circumstances we were all forced to endure.

      • Gisby says:

        Their are plenty of non-racist reasons to vote for Trump – Stop Abortions, protect guns, limit immigration, support Christian domination, hatred, etc. Too many voters will vote because of ANY of those, and not care about the rest. So long as abortion is denied, they can shoot black folk in the streets. All they care about is their one hot topic. Note – These are not GOOD reasons.

        Trump’s treachery, stupidity, criminality, senility do not matter. Too many of the electorate are either poorly informed, or just don’t care. Trump has normalized openly amoral and criminal behaviour, to the point that Vance admitted making up news (They eating cats n’ Dawgs!) and nobody cared.

        You don’t have to be a racist to vote for Trump. (But chances are good that you’re OK with it)

    • Isabella says:

      Yes, many white Americans will vote for Trump. Many will not. Trump lost the popular vote twice. He beat Hillary once because of our crazy Electoral College.

      Meanwhile, Harris is not popular with all black voters. This is a depressing poll from Sept 13. Let’s hope Harris has a broader appeal than Biden.

      NEW YORK, Sept 13 (Reuters) – Over one quarter of younger Black men say they would support Republican candidate Donald Trump in this year’s U.S. presidential election, an NAACP poll showed on Friday.


  9. Beverley says:

    Trump has promised us a world of hurt should he be elected. It’s impossible to overstate how dangerous and evil this man really is. The MAGAts don’t realize that even though Trump hates who they hate, he probably hates the MAGAts too.

  10. parkernin says:

    I guarantee you the NSA has their calls on file. Putin is a foreign adversary and NSA tracks all calls from abroad especially notorious people like Putin. It wouldn’t surprise me that Jack Smith may have another secret grand jury in DC going on about these calls. I think these calls are directly related to the documents case that Cannon dismissed but the case is being appealed to the 11 circuit.

  11. Bumblebee says:

    He can go live with that other wannbe Russian, Snowden. And take scammer Anna with him.

  12. ravensdaughter says:

    Well, isn’t it nice that Trump forged some meaningful friendships while in office?…
    (That’s sarcasm in case you missed it….)

  13. Dilettante says:

    Only seven???

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