Day 4 of the British media’s meltdown over Duchess Meghan’s red dress

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We are hilariously on Day 4 of the “Meghan Looked Great In A Red Dress” newscycle. Saturday night, the Duchess of Sussex made a surprise appearance at the LA Children’s Hospital gala. She rewore her red taffeta Carolina Herrera gown (without the puffy train) and she styled her hair with beachy waves. She looked amazing, glam and sexy, even if some of us still have concerns about the weird bust pleats on the dress. Well, Meghan’s appearance has basically caused a full-scale meltdown in the British media. I regularly check in on the British tabloids’ main “royals” pages, and the Sun and the Mail have both devoted dozens of stories to “Meghan wore a red dress.” They’re analyzing what the dress meant, they’re claiming she copied Kate (!!), they’re analyzing her marriage, they’re lying about whether she was invited to the gala, they’re quoting Liz Cundy of all people. But this is one of the funniest pieces to come out of the entire saga: “LIZ JONES: I’ve always backed Meghan. But the red dress pictures have led me to a startling realisation… and I can no longer support her.” If Jones was trying to be satirical, I’m not sure she could have done a better job:

I tried, I really did. I’d invested so much in our relationship. Years! Yes, I’d overlooked countless red flags. I’m loyal, after all. She’s a woman. Someone I saw as self-made, outspoken, a little broken, put upon, ridiculed and bullied by social and mainstream media. But now? I cannot overlook that red dress. It was Meghan’s appearance on the red carpet at the Children’s Hospital Gala in Los Angeles this weekend that finally caused the scales to fall from my eyes.

Yes, I suddenly found myself cringing with second-hand embarrassment when I saw those pictures. And once you have that feeling, you can’t go back. Previously, I have heaped praise on Meghan’s wedding dresses – all two of them. Applauded her love for dogs and all animals, a conviction she upheld despite joining a family that loves to shoot things.

I adored her bravery in going up against a powerful dynasty, and her honesty at being unable to stomach cutting ribbons at some God-awful windswept new factory in Leicester. Girl, we hear you! As a one-time aspiring Hollywood actress, you know the meaning of hard, thankless work – you are one of us! You speak out about things that are hard to take or even believe, or bore you stiff. Self-care not sacrifice? I love it!

But at that charity gala I realised that I was starting to ring false. Meghan, it’s you, not me. I’m sorry to say, in that ill-fitting dress you didn’t look like a regal royal – you looked diminished. That’s when I realised that what you now represent is so small as well: Meghan has gone from Duchess to D-list.

She hasn’t grown in stature over her years in the public eye, she has shrunk, as though she’d been put through a hot wash. Only her eyebrows have grown. Compare the photo of Meghan in the pared-down version of the Carolina Herrera dress from this weekend to when she first wore it, in 2021, alongside Harry. Then it had a magnificent train which she has inexplicably chosen to remove. And she also back then still had that royal gloss – her hair was worn up, not loose and straggly. The split in the gown was also a bad choice, given it made the obligatory kneeling to talk to small children awkward, to put it politely. As a Duchess, or even as a minor celeb, you really do have to think about these things.

[From The Daily Mail]

Jones also called Meghan a “washed up celebrity” as well as a “D-lister.” An entire national press is still crying, four days later, because Meghan left her house and attended a charity gala. Because she looked great too. Also: it’s funny that early in this cycle, it was “Meghan is copying KATE by rewearing a dress” and now it’s “Meghan looks tacky and D-list!” Are you saying that Kate is tacky and D-list and Meghan is trying to copy that?

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119 Responses to “Day 4 of the British media’s meltdown over Duchess Meghan’s red dress”

  1. Amy T says:

    Must be a slow news week on Salt Island.

    • Inge says:

      aren’t Edward&Sophie on a royal tour at this very moment?

      Saw a video of Sophie blanking a guy with his hand outstreched

      • Jan says:

        That was the Prime Minister, she was too busy looking at the cameras, you would think Eddie would tap her, but he is as vacant as she is.

    • Cassie says:

      Dear lord I can’t believe what I just read .

      Who the hell is Liz Jones and what gives her the right to write absolutely utter rubbish and bile about a beautiful woman .

      What the fk is wrong with these people .
      They are slowly going insane all because their favourite prince fell in love and chose this woman above the Monarchy .

      Honestly they all need to be locked away in padded cells somewhere ,

      • Mil says:

        It does not matter if Meg is beautiful or not. This obsession, like with Bey or Swift, is insane. This ‘writer’ is mad about the dress she was not forced to wear. She thinks that one woman’s value is in her choice of dresses. It is just… puke inducing.

      • swaz says:

        I think LIZ JONES IS THE ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE CHUCKY 🤣🤣 everytime I watch that movie she comes to mind😎

      • maisie says:

        that Jones piece was hilarious. I laughed out loud.

        If it was meant to be funny, it went over the heads of her intended audience.
        If it was meant to be serious, it’s quite the indictment of the entire British culture.

      • Deborah says:

        Liz Jones is, and always has been, one hot mess. I wouldn’t credit her by reading her ‘article of lost faith in Meghan’ muchless take her seriously. Or piss on her if she was on fire, which she generally is … a lot.

      • Just me says:

        @Cassie It completely broke their brains! Here’s to Meghan and Harry continuing to shine their light and showing the salty how it’s done.

      • Eliza says:

        Agree Cassie, 100%. Same question too. Besides being a basic mean girl, who TF is Liz Jones?

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Cassie, they aren’t going slowly insane, they are insane. Meghan looked beautiful. Not a fan of the dress. She wore it well and I love her hair. OMG! Young child may have seen her thighs . Uhhmmm…young children see their moms in bikinis. Kate’s flashed her lady bits to the public..totally okay. /s

        Liz Jones article is more than dysfunctional of the creepy BM.

    • A washed up celebrity that was personally invited by the chair of the charity to join him at the event. They are so jealous that she is invited to A list charity events which lots of A list celebrities attend. She is what they want their leftovers to be but will never ever be.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        And yet this is precisely what the rota were basically clamoring for.

        A week of Where’s Meghan just so they could spend the following week bitching… about a dress.

        Not climate change bringing fire and floods to all their fave holiday spots in Europe all summer, or the major hurricane about to eat Florida – the 2nd one in 2 weeks … or the one year anniversary of the ongoing genocide thanks to the US’ latest proxy war.

        Tons of real reporting they could be doing … even in royal circles: Edinburghs’ Malta tour. Tom Kingston’s death being reinvestigated. Cluck’s condition as he prepares for CHOGM. The question everyone wants an answer to: will Cloppy get out of the car in Samoa, or will she be too scared of “the natives”? What stupid hats will she wear in Australia? Will Cluck survive the shock of Cloppy’s vineyard wine tasting bills?

        So many things to get their knickers in a twist about, and their bizarre, baffling choice is to bitch about a dress.

        Tom Yikes, Lizzie and the rest: she was never your house slave, so stop treating her like a runaway piece of British property.
        If they want to dig their gums into something worthy of outrage, they should start with Free Gear Keir running the show with about the same agenda as BoJo the Clown did.

        It’s not a slow news week, even if they keep to the myopic royal beat.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @WheresMyTiara, 🎯

    • Audrey says:

      It’s forever a slow news week with the left behinds. All pretzels trying to make fetch happen.

      • fountain of light says:

        sublime comment. just a beautifully stated comment. *snapping my fingers as if praising a poet in a coffee house of yore*

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      Well with Charles under the weather and the Waleses quiet quitting … yeah royal news has been slow lately.

      Meghan Went Outside is dominating their news cycle!

      • kirk says:

        Meghan attended CHLA Gala in USA with Kelly McKee Zajfen, who, after burying her own child in 2022, devoted herself to children’s charities; but somehow a BRFCo worshipping idiot called Liz Jones thinks it’s all about her? Why? Of course she publishes her screed in the BRFCo Associate, DailyFail. Of course she does. Shouldn’t Liz Jones be more worried about pumping up Kitty and expounding on how she’s God’s answer to BRFCo? Or something like that.

  2. Zia says:

    It will never not amaze me how an entire country’s media has dedicated their lives and careers to collectively abusing and stalking a woman live, everyday. And no one bats an eye? How are they not being called out 7+ years later?

    • Agnes says:

      They ARE stalkers!!! Dude, she has MOVED ON. Get a life. Or talk about that weirdo Kate, she’s actually still on your musty dusty island.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Right! Meghan is totally irrelevant and D List that the BM devout hundreds of articles about her weekly. Honestly, I believe Meghan wishes she was irrelevant to the BM.

  3. Jan says:

    Now, Meghan can’t leave her house because Liz Jones don’t like her hair or dress.
    Now if Meghan was to tell Liz, a name of a dentist to fix choppers, she would be doing a service to Liz.

  4. Em says:

    This is a very disgusting article and it’s outright bullying but what these idiotic British trolls and commentators don’t get is that Meghan doesn’t want to be seen as regal or royal. She’s a regular rich Californian and can wear tf she wants, She literally doesn’t care about that anymore how much further is she is going to have to communicate that. They keep bashing her clothing choices because they can’t accept the fact that she rejected them before they had a chance to reject her. If they want royalty they should look out for Kate’s coat dresses and leave Meghan tf alone

  5. Jay says:

    Uh, Britain? You guys okay? You don’t seem like you are okay…

    • Eurydice says:

      Yeah, this is my reaction, too – it’s pathological. If you take it down to basics, this is a years-long rant because Meghan married Harry. Easter presents, who made who cry, who hugged whom, diva/not diva, red dress, hair up/hair down – all are trivialities that happen to everybody on the planet. But only one person married Harry and they can’t get over it.

      • kirk says:

        Not only can they not get over Harry marrying Meghan and leaving. They’ve turned Willy vs Harry into a competition, as if they haven’t a clue how hierarchical monarchies work. UK still has Willy the birth lottery winner. Why aren’t they happy?

    • says:

      The answer is no. They’re not okay. At least not in regards to their media’s obsession with a free American woman going to a children’s charity event.

      • Jais says:

        Love how i accidentally typed my email into my name this morning. Luckily, I made errors in the actual email too so no need to email me directly😂. Clearly, I’m also not okay this morning and commented pre-coffee which always gets me in trouble🙄

      • Anna says:

        They are not ok because they cannot comprehend the fact that Meg tried to fit in but not at all cost. She tried, was driven to suicidal ideation and opted out. And newer looked back since 5 years! They so wanted to play the game of moving the goalposts and Meg chasing them, sacrificing her dignity and sanity along the way. And now she is back home, glowing and thriving and they no longer exist in her mind and they are loosing their @&it. I wonder if they will ever stop.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        @Anna It’s like people who can’t understand how someone else could try a food that they themselves love and decide they don’t really care for it but don’t actively HATE it.

        The British Royal Family is Marmite/Vegemite is what I’m saying, I guess. And Meghan and Harry do not like it, but are not going to devote their every waking thought to destroying it, and for Marmy-VegeCultists for whom the Vitameatavegemin was ordained by GOD HIMSELF and all who do not support it unquestioningly are agents of SATAN set upon tearing down the very fabric of society this not-caringness…does not compute.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      NO, they are not okay. They are drunk with the poisonous nectar of hypocrisy. Whenever Duches Meghan uses her title to promote a new business they try to shame her into believing that she is NOT a working royal so she should not using her title for any ventures. . But when she decides to dress like a beautiful non working royal they act like she is working royal who should dress like a librarian. It’s outrageous.

      • Magdalena says:

        But she’s not “using her title”… it’s literally her married name: The Duchess of Sussex. They didn’t want Americans to start calling her Princess Meghan en masse, so they first put it out there that she would be known as “Meghan, Duchess of Sussex”, then had to pull that back because it’s the title she would have if she and Harry divorced. So it became Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. As I never tire of saying, that “The” is important. Even Wikipedia has it wrong (can’t they correct it).

        So it’s much more than a title. And the palaces and the media know that.

    • Becks1 says:

      Honestly, this is my reaction more and more to these articles. They used to enrage me or annoy me and some still do, but for a lot of them, I’m just like…..uhhhh, is everything okay over there in England?!?!

      Meghan wore a red dress (I’ll be honest, it’s not my favorite dress of hers, but not everyone is going to love everything she wears), she attended a gala that benefits a children’s hospital, she was invited by the head of the hospital, she was apparently warm and gracious to everyone……

      ……what on earth is the problem here? If you hate her that much, just dont write about her. Don’t give her the benefit of your attention. She really lives rent free in these reporters’ heads and at this point its beyond disturbing….its pathetic.

      • Tennyson says:

        As a French citizen who has lived the past 13 years in England and before that 19 in the US, I’d say that there’s a cruelty here that is non-existent in the US where people are usually kind.
        As of now, there’s officially 1 child out of 5 who’s not only hungry, but facing several hardships, like limited access to appropriate clothing & shoes, ability to wash, be warm, have a house, etc. And very few care.
        Don’t forget that Unicef, the UN
        branch for the welfare of children in poor countries and countries at war, started delivering emergency help here by December 2019. The only other European country where Unicef is present is Ukraine since the war with Russia in February 2022.
        The British Empire was built thanks to that cruelty.

    • Geo says:

      Uh, USA? You guys okay? You don’t seem like you are okay…You’re bordering on electing a racist, rapist to the highest order in the land. Compared to a bunch of British tabloids talking smack about a former resident of the country, it seems like you guys in the US are worse off

      • MrsBanjo says:

        Geo, this is a gossip site, in case you didn’t know. But if you want to talk about shit politicians and what they’ve done to their economies, you probably shouldn’t be using Britain as a comparison. There’s plenty to talk about with regard to income inequality (oh hi taxpayer-funded monarchy that doesn’t actually do anything that meaningfully benefits said taxpayers) and a sewage situation that’s been largely ignored by the very media stalking Meghan. Do you really want to act like the UK is in a remotely better situation?

      • Jaded says:

        Says the country that’s in a serious recession with deep cuts to education and medical care, citizens not being able to afford rent or gas or heat or groceries…all while the royal leeches live in obscene wealth thanks to the tax-payers.

      • Becks1 says:

        Politics wise, I don’t think anyone in the US or UK can throw stones at each other.

        But our tabloids and even more mainstream newspapers (like your Telegraph and Times) aren’t in the midst of a weeklong meltdown because a private citizen attended a charity gala.

      • Jais says:

        There’s a lot of political articles on this site so we’re all pretty aware of the threat of trump and yeah ain’t nobody here thinks that’s okay. It’s not. And? That still doesn’t change the fact that the uk media has a creepy obsession with an American woman living her life. There can be more than one “not okay” situations in the world. It’s not a competition. Saying look over here at trump doesn’t change the misogynoir and obsession happening with the BM in regards to Meghan.

      • Magdalena says:

        “Talking smack????” Way to reduce YEARS of racist abuse of a non-citizen, putting her life and her children’s lives in perpetual danger, globally smearing her, attacking her character with lies every single day, relentlessly picking her apart for things she DID NOT DO. Driving her to the point of contemplating ending her life, and succeeding in causing her to lose a child. Literally putting it out there the fact that they would like nothing better than for some nutjob to remove her from the equation, while giving themselves plausible deniability should it happen? As though these things are nothing??? Stochastic terrorism IS a thing. That is so far from “talking smack” that I don’t know where to begin.

        But not to worry, we see you.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Geo, I actually use the UK as an example of what the US will start to become–and worse–if the right gets into power again. The Tories did a really good job of trying to dismantle the UK. I hope your new PM can get the NHS funded again so that you have decent health care again. I hope that the xenophobia encouraged by the Tories will calm, so that you can get workers back that you need. The US economy is probably the best in the world, or right at the top. Unfortunately, the Tories were too concerned about trying their hardest to do damage to the UK to get too concerned about what was happening to the people and the economy. I could go on, but you are in a much better place to be able to identify the problems that the UK have.

      • Jay says:

        So I guess I will put Geo down for a “no”, then, huh?🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        “You’re bordering on electing a racist, rapist to the highest order in the land.”

        And what’s the common denominator for Trump and Brexitand BRF media abusive treatment of H&M?

        Fox/Rupert Murdoch.

      • swaz says:

        And Mississippi GDP is greater that Great Britian 😎

      • Nic919 says:

        Instead you just quietly fund the rapists for life if they are related to the unelected head of state. And few complain.

  6. Lady Digby says:

    BM goes into meldown because Meghan looks sensational here and is being, not only included but welcomed and treated with respect and friendship. Again this is like the vicious ex partner who can’t get over being left behind and the person they abused moving on contentedly with their on life. BM and Will say neither Meg nor Harry are allowed to be happily married, with a circle of good friends and loyal family and moving around in high level circles doing positive projects.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Meghan looks fresh and beautiful and she happens to be wearing a red cocktail dress with her hair free flowing with tresses. How is she supposed to dress according to the British media? a librarian?

      • Jaded says:

        The tabloid trash-diggers seem to have forgotten the outlandish red outfit Kate wore to meet with the South Korean President and First Lady wherein she flashed the world with her skirts hiked up around her waist…where’s the indignation for that deliberate wardrobe malfunction?

  7. Dee(2) says:

    Aren’t they bored, aren’t their readers bored of this? Whatever they hoped to achieve, their failure, them coming back, the end of their marriage, Archie being the only child I don’t know but it’s been five years. You can write whatever you want that doesn’t make it true. If she was D list you wouldn’t have all these articles about her daily. She’s not a diva, hated, unpopular, jealous of Kate(!) or whatever masturbatory nonsense you all are constantly screeching. It’s just pathetic. It’s a dress, she was invited to a charity event by the CEO this shouldn’t have caused more than a blip. 4 days later?!!!

    • Tessa says:

      Oh and Meghan the derangers shriek told lies about kaye never mind that Kate let a fake story about Meghan stay in the media.

    • Christine says:

      Not only that, Dee, but they no longer have Kate making any appearances they can use to flog Meghan with, so more and more they just look insane. You can’t cry and vomit every time Meghan leaves her house, it is not normal behavior. I don’t understand how they can’t see what they are doing to the U.K.’s reputation.

      Meghan went to a charity gala for a children’s hospital. We can see from the photos what other women were wearing, and quite a few make Meghan look almost demure in that red dress. Zero shade, I think everyone should wear what makes them feel beautiful.


    All this screeching, handwringing, and punching walls? They were basically begging Meghan to come out with all their “Where’s Meghan” editorials and they should be thanking for leaving her house and giving these losers something to write about because Lord knows Edward and Sophie’s tour wasn’t gonna get them the clicks they need.

    • jemmy says:

      The Telegraph’s editorial ” where is Meghan” backfired spectacularly.

      They were hoping to drag Meghan through the mud but instead , it resulted in Meghan facing down the bullies , coverage and praise from fashion magazines worldwide whilst making its way into the CNN’s News cycle.

      As it that wasn’t enough, it has completely drowned out the coverage on Sophie’s & Edward’s visit to Malta’s 60th anniversary celebration.

      It has even been tagged along KC3’s news that that he suspending his cancer treatment re his pending visit to Australia as it seems people are only interested in reading about Meghan’s red dress

      All of this in a bid to bully Meghan ended up giving her & the event free publicity , highlighting the good causes of the LA Children’s hospital, showing up the pettiness of British Media and their minions. It was as if Vogue US, UK, Arabia, Hello Magazine and the lot came out to defend Meghan which must have left an egg in the face of the British tabloids and the daily telegraph.

  9. aquarius64 says:

    Meghan’s red dress is Diana’s revenge dress after her divorce. The BM was once again left flatfooted on Meghan news so it scraps the bottom of the barrel and rely on Cundy’s “account” . There are pictures of Meghan inside the gala posing with other guests, so that shoots down the red carpet crasher narrative.

  10. Rapunzel says:

    The down hair is such a telling criticism.

    Methinks a certain bewigletted button lover is jealous of how Meghan looked (and her hair) and called up Liz Jones to rant, and Liz turned it into a ranticle (my word for articles that are rants/diatribes).

    Did the aforementioned button lover find her rage filled husband admiring the sexy pics of Meghan and get her (typically non-existent) panties in a bunch?

    • Jennifer says:

      I’m over here filing my nails 💅 waiting on Mumblina to get the curl clip ons from her “NYC hair dresser.” and run to the next idk, envelope opening or some such – without styling the curls just straight from the package onto her head as per usual.

      Someone *should* tell Mumblina that Meghan’s curls are part of her naturally looks especially if she didn’t relax her hair – trust me, all WOC including myself, have that curl/wave ingrained in our hair.

      But far be it from me to tell Mumblina how to wear her weaves.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        The Rota doesn’t love Huesa enough to send her those Youtube vids instructing yt 🐥 on how to wear a weave. Apparently Lizzie, Tommy and Maureen are content
        to hype her up on the fakakta BP balcony looking like Old Gregg.

  11. Advisor2U says:

    Well, it looks like mediocre, jealous Liz Jones was in a competition with other tabloid hacks like Sarah Vine, Jan Moir, Camela Tominey, Bel Mooney, to pen as many insults as possible towards Meghan?
    If Jones had been given a full page to wright this garbage hit job, she would have used it.

  12. Tessa says:

    Kate wore that allegedly regal red dress where she got out the car to make sure the spectators got a good view of her legs. And those fashion mishaps on tours

    • Proud Mary says:

      And it was Kate copying Meghan, as she always does.

    • Libra says:

      @tessa, I think she meant to flash more than her legs. No one gets out of a car like this without thinking she is oversharing.

    • kirk says:

      Kitty did more than wear a red dress and get out of a car to show off her legs. Girl hitched up her red skirt, crawled out of the car with her inside leg first to make sure everybody got a good view up that skirt. That’s her way of welcoming South Korean President to the UK 🫣

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        kirk, exactly what I was thinking. Meghan’s got a LOOOOONG way to go before she descends to Kate’s level. She never will.

  13. Interested Gawker says:

    Maybe it’s all reverse psychology. She wrote this to stop Kate Kopy Keening…?

    So now the story has moved to Meghan was ‘unable to stomach cutting ribbons at some God-awful windswept new factory in Leicester’ rather than my media colleagues and I were applying pressure to compel her to divorce or self harm and stochastic terrorism to compel someone to harm her.


    This purportedly ‘D-list’ person encouraged the BM to howl for weeks wondering where is and then howl for multiple days once she is seen in public. One has to wonder what the phone hacking trial will unearth, they all seem on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I am buying so much popcorn for the next trial.

      I also think a lot of this is noise to distract from the latest Thomas Kingston news.

      Whenever they attack out of the blue it’s to protect their principals from something. They don’t want people talking about how violent Huevo is again.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Whenever they attack out of the blue it’s to protect their principals from something.”

        Good point.

  14. PC says:

    That entire island should be embarrassed. What a bunch of sore losers.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    This obsession with Meghan is unhinged. Furthermore when she married Harry the press was calling her a D-list actress so nothing’s really changed there. Meghan really makes these white women feel inferior.

    • ABritGuest says:

      You can always tell when Harry & Meghan have knocked a project, event or appearance out the park by the press & royalist trolls meltdowns & they are unhinged at the moment.

      As I said the dress isn’t my favourite but the colour & hair & Meghan’s overall vibe was sensational & pictures and videos of Meghan have gone viral on social media. See Vogue, Entertainment Tonight , hello mag who did reels of her appearance on instagram or tweets like

      This is probably the reaction Kate’s latest video was meant to have but it wasn’t giving hence the trolls & press meltdowns

      Liz is a liar- she wrote in 2019 she had gone off Meghan back when Meghan’s big crime was writing encouraging words on bananas (gosh that feels a lifetime ago a million hit pieces later). Why wasn’t Liz so mad about the red dress the first time Meghan wore it? Surely it was just as revealing then or is it because Meghan still had baby weight & she wasn’t as bothered? Because that line about Meghan has shrunk seems to suggest her real issue is Meghan is slimmer now. Also describing Meghan’s hair as looking straggly was pretty pathetic trolling. I feel like she was trying to shame Meghan out of wearing her hair down like that – it was giving be 50% less again.

      And she writes that Kate would have worn something loose and flowy like we haven’t seen Kate wear skin tight outfits at evening events before eg the top gun premiere- one of Kate’s best looks imo. Lots of jealousy i think

      • Jais says:

        Ooh thanks for pointing out the lie. She’d gone off Meghan years ago and is now acting like she is only now doing so? Quelle surprise. Interesting point about Meghan being at her pre-babies weight. For a lot of us, we’ve seen her as beautiful at all her sizes. But I guess Meghan losing all her baby weight is messing with the minds of certain women who are obsessed with thinness.

      • Dee(2) says:

        @Jais I think that is a huge part of this. Someone else expected to be the young, pretty, thin one with super long hair forever. Health issues that may have impacted physical looks as well as mental health well-being, is not going to be strengthened by seeing photos like the ones from Saturday. Especially if you have tied up your entire being into being those superficial things. And since Meghan took her time and lost her baby weight at a healthy pace, seeing her back to the weight she was in 2016-2017 which seems to be her natural frame is probably infuriating and jealousy inducing even more almost 10 years later than it was when they were first introduced.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, absolutely, and I think Meghan’s beauty has a lot to do with the days long flip-out. It’s not even the dress. She just looks youthful and glows and her face card is insane. It really is. Sometimes it gets forgotten and then she shows up on a red carpet and reminds people. There’s just a lot of envy. And the thing is, beauty is a genetics lottery. Meghan takes care of herself but it’s still a luck of the draw genes thing. And that probably triggers people who believe the white RF is the top of the gene pool. Meghan is evidence that, at least physical appearance wise, that is just not the case. And yeah @dee(2), they care sooo much about superficial appearances. Meghan is so much more than her looks though. She’s kind and smart and thoughtful. Everything about her is a challenge to their world order really .

  16. Jennifer says:

    Wow. If Liz Jones, someone who I’m sure 99.9% of people couldn’t pick out of a line up even with a photo ID pinned on her – is “second hand” embarrassed for Meghan – then I guess someone ought to tell: Vogue, Harper’s Bazar, Glamor, CNN etc., that none of them NO ONE in the fashion industry knows what they speak of.

    Jezus, it makes me so incredibly frustrated in women like whoever this Liz Jones is. I’m someone who will always have my pom’s pom’s out for my fellow girls girl (like Meghan) for a lot of obvious AND not so obvious reasons.

    Liz Jones clear, transparent hypocrisy makes me sick in my mouth… 🤢

  17. Jas says:

    This screeching media pile on is ridiculous and dumb, but it’s also worrying.
    The level of obsession, the vitriol must add to the security risks H & M face.
    And imagine having to live your life with that kind of unhinged horribleness in the background. I hope they’re insulated from it and can do their thing without feeling the weight of the English newspapers and all the weirdos on social media.

    • Angied says:

      I’ve said this before but we do not see or get the English newspapers unless you subscribe to them. You would have to actively go online to read the tabloids and newspapers . That nonsense you see or hear everyday on the British morning shows and papers is not seen or shown in the U.S. unless you go looking for it. Meghan can get up in peace and turn on the TV without seeing or hearing this. She and Harry probably have people in their business who handle the more outrageous claims. People seem to think that Meghan gets up and hears this crap but I’m sure she doesn’t. All that stuff you see on your morning shows doesn’t show up here. Our morning news isn’t slated that way. We only hear about them when they have a project or in the news doing something and it’s just telling us what they did and it’s not vengeful or hateful. Am not saying you never hear anything bad but when you do it’s usually some tabloid TV show or someone in right wing media but it’s not often. We see the royals as celebrities not serious players. Harry is so well liked here is because people see him as being the son that’s closest to being like Diana and his veteran organization Invictus Games. We don’t treat our tabloid news like real news in this country.

      • Jas says:

        I’m glad it’s not turning up on their tvs, and I suppose they can avoid magazines like In Touch and People.
        The weirdness is not far to seek online on the websites of the English papers and on places like twitter, but I hope they don’t look for it.

      • Ev says:

        100% agreed I’m in Canada and H&M are only mentioned when they are doing something and its reported neutrally. Even the trashy magazines like Enquirer or In Touch are not carried in nicer stores I only see them in convenience stores or other lower end grocery stores. I think Meghan has said she’s not on social media really and while I’m sure she’s online in some way I think she would not go looking for this nonsense. Honestly I only know about stuff because I check this site and I’m still on X (for now….its definitely getting worse by the day). Most people I know have zero idea what is going on other than what goes viral (like Meghan looking amazing in a red dress lol!)

      • kirk says:

        Years ago, Meghan said she did not read (or presumably watch) press about herself. Bad or good. It all goes down the same drain she said. Unfortunately, her friends and family were telling her about all the negative publicity while she was still living in the UK, and it was upsetting. It became obvious to her that she was being fed to the wolves. By her “husband’s family.” Hopefully, she’s been able to go back to not hearing about any of it after moving back to North America.

  18. Tessa says:

    And the derangers want harry to grovel before his brother and father and seize the children from Meghan and leave her. And this was never put a stop to by harry s birth family.

  19. Tina says:

    This obsession keeps taking on new levels of insanity. This is why I respect Meghan so much (and will spend my dollars supporting whatever she does). Honestly the way the media of an entire country has conspired to try to diminish her and then destroy her. She’s a private US citizen living on the other side of the world. She has not spoken about your country since Dec 2022 and last stepped foot on your soil (outside of the airport lol) in Sept 2022. The whole UK should be so embarrassed. Between Brexit and the H&M saga I honestly can’t believe that the UK is a real country.

  20. Maxine Branch says:

    The more those bottom dwellers write their nonsense the younger Meghan looks. You can just look at both Harry and Meghan and sense they are loving the hell out of each other as they continue to move forth. What gets those rats is they sense it as well. The Sussexes relationship is solid as a rock and they are living their best lives and dreams surrounded by the folks they choose to allow in their orbit and it is killing those folks that they can move about in important circles, invited without the need of an entire media brigade from the UK supporting them.

    Meghan is a beautiful woman who dresses like a 21st century woman in clothing many of them could not either afford, choose to wear or could wear because of their physical development.. She is dressing the way she did before marrying into Harry’s birth family and has resumed living her best life the way she did before as well. Those folks can kick rocks, they did not own Meghan when she married into that family and certainly not now, they have zero say over what she wears or who she associates with.

  21. says:

    Ummm. Okay? Triggered by a dress. How dare Meghan wear a red dress with beach wave hair? This is embarrassing. Why do these writers splash their cringy petty jealous thoughts for all to see? Meghan is out there looking lovely and glowing and the jealous ladies in the uk lose their mind.

  22. Hypocrisy says:

    When you have to literally google these people that act like they are some great Hollywood authority, it makes what they write comical.. oh and as for the two named above one brags about her squeaky va-jay-jay and the other thinks her partner owes her his sperm because he lived with her, so she bragged about her stealing it in the middle of the night. Perfect examples of British toxicity at its most vile.

  23. TN Democrat says:

    Keen the kinky has provided photographers with proof she doesn’t wear underwear how many times and not been criticized in the media? She deliberately showed her whole thighs in front of the world press when she exited a vehicle during an important state visit last fall. Will the media freak out when copyKeen starts wearing red halter dresses to compete? Keener has badly mimicked Meghan’s fashion for nearly 10 years. Call Keen out on her behavior and stop heaping undeserved criticism on Meghan. The bias against Meghan and the crap heaped on Meghan to embiggen keener is getting as old as the Harry is coming back stories.

    • Tessa says:

      James middleton. Book out with revelations about Kate and William. And the embarrassing commercial about the keens at the beach. All the red dress stories try to deflect the criticism the keens got and James book not being exactly popular. He even got backlash in dm comments.

  24. Pink tutu says:

    A D list actress the British media live stream every time she leaves her house.. Sure, Jan. I know many of the British public /readers believe this (they do – I know many here don’t but regular people do). This is just so laughably sad. I think every D list actress would love to be M! A lists don’t get her celebrity. I would call her and H Plus at this point. They’re beyond celebrity

  25. girl_ninja says:

    I love Meghan’s dress more and more with each passing hate article from those salty losers.

  26. Lorna says:

    Well at least Meghan can say she’s helped pay the rent this week for some of these “reporters”.

    On another note, I hope everyone who will be affected by Hurricane Milton remains safe over in Florida.

  27. Eliora says:

    On Twitter, I watched in real time as Meghan’s incredible appearance went viral. Over 100k likes on posts praising her beauty and effortless elegance. It really put things in perspective for me. There are a lot more people who, although may not be obsessed fans, root for this woman vs. even the few 100s to 5k that constantly spew hate. There also seems to be a running joke in the “normal” Twitter-verse about the unhinged British Press’ obsession with Meghan.

    My point is who cares what Liz thinks. Who cares about the UK press. They have unequivocally humiliated themselves on an international scale. A whole country’s press is now viewed as rabid trolls all because they can’t stop writing the most stupidly, unhinged articles about one barely 110 pound woman.

    Meanwhile Meghan keeps thriving and her fan base keeps growing. We are watching karma happen in real time.

    • Pebbles says:

      I have noticed this as well. People like Meghan or want to like her even if they aren’t as devoted fans as most of us in these spaces who are dialed in daily to the media shenanigans. The general public has noticed the unhingedness of her haters and the bizarre way the British media cover her.

      This is why I suspect ARO could do really well. People want to see her prosper and we love an underdog and it doesn’t hurt that she’s gorgeous to look at and has a charismatic prince and 2 kids and their love story is like a movie. The haters just might have hated her right into serious $$$$$$ and success. All because they couldn’t just ignore her and focus on their favs.

      • Eliora says:

        Exactly this! I am also hopeful that her business ventures will be prosperous. It took a while, but it seems Meghan and/or her team finally understand her unbelievable media pull. If harnessed just right, she may hit billionaire status soon. Which would be icing.

  28. Criti Calthinking says:

    Day 4 of William’s meltdown over Meghan looking gorgeous, joyful and unbothered despite his and KP’s unrelenting attempts to ruin her life…..

    • Blithe says:

      Yup. If I had to imagine an article that William might write — on the heels of his younger brother’s happiness, including Harry’s marriage to the beautiful woman from Suits — it would be a lot like this one. This is a strange and vile article that makes me wonder what —and who — might be behind it.

  29. MsIam says:

    So I guess this is the “new” UK media strategy: When Meghan is seen out and about, bully her for her clothes, appearance, not acting “royal”, acting “royal”, etc. When she is not seen, then bully her by asking “where is she?”, “they must be divorcing!”, etc. But Harry and especially Meghan are the problem? Sure, Jan. And this Lizard person knows good and well that if Kate wore a red dress like this, there would be 10k articles on how she is the “sexy, modern royal”. Bleech! They really are triggered whenever Meghan looks the least bit sexy aren’t they? Why is that?

  30. lynwall says:

    I am beginning to wonder if these people were actually believing that the THR article and all the other foolishness that they continue to write were true or that they had some sort of impact on Meghan.

    Is that the reason for such unhinged coverage? Did they actually believe their own made up stories?
    They are so embarrassing.

  31. Mmmmmm says:

    It’s got nothing to do with her dress – it’s the hair they hate. It’s not bone straight and she’s slightly less white-passing. THAT is what they hate and cannot understand.

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    Does feminism even exist in England? I mean, I know white feminists everywhere have failed to stand up for women of color, but at some point, you’d expect women to push back against this kind of blatant hatred.

    Is the term “misogynoir” completely unfamiliar over there? Why isn’t some Guardian columnist at least pointing out what this all is?

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Eh, the British tabloids are all like Fox News where even the women hate women.

    • Beverley says:

      @QuiteContrary, your point is well taken. Having seen almost no white British feminists stand up for Meghan, I’m no longer holding my breath for solidarity. Racism seems to trump feminism on a daily basis.

    • kirk says:

      Guardian columnist Marina Hyde has done more than her fair share to vilify the wrongly-colored Meghan, for her supposedly small ‘r’ republican paper. Hyde’s schlock is indistinguishable from the usual BRFCo Associate kvetching about how Meghan didn’t have the grace to just fk*n die after leaving UK. Hard to tell whether she’s a feminist or not, since she’s willingly adopted the role of cynic to appear smart.

  33. Lusaka Mom says:

    The BM is boring and exhausting, no wonder l don’t comment on some of these articles. I just come here to read. If there was a like button. I’d just ‘like’ the comments instead.

  34. kelleybelle says:

    They act like we haven’t all seen Kate’s bare bum and her coochie on display, purposefully too.

  35. L4Frimaire says:

    The reaction over there to this red dress is really something else. Meghan’s worn red before and this particular dress before. Also, everything is well covered up. The deep U at the CF implies, but doesn’t expose, as does the fairly modest front slit. Compare this to Kates red outfit she wore during the South Korean visit. She deliberately flashed her thighs, she wore it to stand out from her guests. Total attention seeking. Meanwhile Meghan is just taking photos, moving about effortlessly and confident in the dress. She is wearing it the way you’d wear a comfy t-shirt. That’s what’s really bugging these people.

  36. bisynaptic says:

    I still don’t understand what was supposedly wrong with the dress, as she wore it. It had a slit down the middle? That’s it?

    • Lady D says:

      I think it’s just the fact that Meghan wore it, nothing more. They lost their minds over her brains, beauty and poise and these unhinged articles are a glimpse into their deranged thinking.

  37. Steph says:

    They are always over there neighing about Meghan when they need to be worried about a don’t care routine

  38. vpd4 says:

    Almost five years they’ve been obsessing. They really need to give it a rest.

    • AC says:

      There was a tweet from Twitter the other day that predicted the BM was going to write something nasty about M because she looked amazing. It had millions of views and more than 100,000+ likes. At this point people know the British Media are a complete Laughing Stock.

  39. tamsin says:

    The article is so ridiculous. I have second hand embarrassment for the writer. At the first sentence, I thought it was going to be satirical. Sadly it is not. Poor Liz. Not self-aware enough and not a good enough writer. Just couldn’t make fun of the royalists’ view after all.

  40. Lau says:

    First of all, thank you because you have to pay to read that “article” on the DM and there are absolutely no ways that I would pay for anything coming from the DM. Second of all, what in the delulu ?! It’s not that they were making any sense before but it’s really in “articles” like this that you realize that they have simply ran out of ideas to be rude and racist pieces of sh*t.

  41. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    5 years later and they are still on about Meghan.
    For me yes it’s money first and foremost.
    Secondly it’s about distraction.
    And really at this point I want her to be a billionaire because she has free advertising.
    Just use this ridiculous hate campaign to invest in great start-ups

  42. AC says:

    M has literally broken the internet. And no one outside the UK gaf about their leftovers.
    Funny that everyone in SM already knew the nasty BM was going to be salty and would be writing BS articles just because M looked amazing. It was Very hard on those people 😆

  43. blunt talker says:

    What Meghan wears or don’t wear does concern the UK media-you do not buy her clothes so why worry-you have enough going on the UK to worrying little Meghan in the US-besides you should try and make your government cleanup the sewage in your waterways-Russia is threatening to cause chaos in your streets and they will try to do it too-Israel said something today about the UK and it was not nice-winter is coming please worry about the people who will not have enough fuel for the winter months-these are just a few items I have read over the past weeks I think the UK media needs to pay attention to-Just saying.

  44. Oh come on. says:

    When I read what a hypocrite Meghan was for claiming to “care about dogs and other animals” yet marrying into a family where the in-laws hunt … this piece was gonna be a doozy.

    Meghan looks happy, gorgeous, and fulfilled. She won’t read this. She doesn’t read what the British tabloids say about her, hasn’t for years. (Harry said so in the doc.) She’s gone and not coming back. Royalists just can’t stop crying in their tea, five years later.

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