Princess Kate ‘threw up her hands in disgust’ after trying to be a keen peacemaker

For years, the British media tried to make “Princess Kate is a keen peacemaker” into one of their major storylines. It fell flat. The idea was that the Princess of Wales could somehow convince King Charles and Prince William to make peace with Prince Harry? Or that she could convince Harry to abandon his wife and children and “return” to the UK to be the family scapegoat? It was always sort of fuzzy – what were the terms of the “peacemaking” from Kate? No one really knew. Besides which, her behavior when QEII passed away in 2022 sort of ended the “Kate the keen peacemaker” narrative for good. Still, they need some kind of storyline for Kate – anything to avoid asking real questions – which is why we’re getting “Kate is totally done with keen peacemaking.”

After battling cancer, the last thing on Kate Middleton’s mind is playing peacekeeper between Prince William and Prince Harry. Christopher Andersen, the author of “The King,” spoke to Fox News about the relationship between the princess and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, saying that the pair isn’t on Kate’s radar.

“The idea that Kate somehow still has the time and energy to continue playing peacemaker is rubbish,” Andersen told Fox News. “She did try over a period of years and finally threw up her hands in disgust. She did her bit, but it wasn’t enough to build a bridge between William and Charles on the one side and Harry on the other.”

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams said that Kate, 42, “is totally at one” with her husband Prince William, 42, and is done handling the sibling rift.

“Harry portrayed her as cold and unwelcoming to [his wife] Meghan Markle in [his memoir] ‘Spare,’ when he painted an extremely damaging picture of the royal family,” Fitzwilliams told Fox News. “The memoir is soon to be released in paperback and his allegations will surface again, though fortunately, he will not be adding to the volume or promoting it. He knows perfectly well how damaging it has been.”

Instead of focusing her time on the royal brothers, Kate will focus her time returning to royal duties as she prioritizes her health.

“We have recently seen encouraging signs of Catherine’s recovery,” he explained. “Her focus, as she has said, is being ‘cancer free.’ The Wales family has had a tremendously difficult year. She has finished her course of preventative chemotherapy. William, while carrying out some royal engagements, has been tremendously supportive… [But] Catherine will wish to avoid anything that promotes negative energy.”

[From The NY Post]

“She did try over a period of years and finally threw up her hands in disgust.” Again, what were some examples of Kate’s peacemaking? Staring longingly at Harry doesn’t count. Spreading racist lies about Harry’s wife doesn’t count as peacemaking either. It also would not surprise me at all if all of the left-behinds are simply too repressed to even express their clear and unambiguous “peace” terms: that Harry must return to them, broke, humiliated and divorced.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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91 Responses to “Princess Kate ‘threw up her hands in disgust’ after trying to be a keen peacemaker”

  1. Pinkosaurus says:

    So boring, all these old rehashed repeated lies are so boring. Does anyone care enough to reread the same BS over and over, even Kate stans?

    She’s not even Zoom princess unlike her husband, the future zoom king, so how much can she be focusing on her return to work? Is she just manic, frantically updating her Meghan look book and flipping through her dozens of identical coat dresses unable to leave her closet more than once a month?

    • Josephine says:

      They keep trying to get some sort of image going for her, and nothing sticks because she doesn’t do anything. Her most enduring image so far has been cancer victim, but even that got screwed up because she refused to do anything to make her look like someone who cared about caregivers, doctors, others with cancer, etc. And when you have a system that allows her to collect money and do absolutely nothing, and no one can do a thing about it, a whole country gets stuck with this lazy, do-nothing family.

  2. Maxine Branch says:

    At this point does anyone really care?. The lies from KP and BP are coming out fast and furious. They have boxed themselves into a corner. Charles sympathy pitch for his upcoming trip, William stumbling around looking haggared and messy, Kate’s disappearance. Harry’s successful New York and Africa trip, Meghan’s appearance at the CHLA gathered over 5M views on ET’s website which usurped Kate using a cancer patient for publicity. No one cares about the left behinds. No one takes William seriously, his ITV special was unserious and insulting.

    • Sydneygirl says:

      This rehashed story really just seems like filler to keep Kate in the news somehow.

      Wash, rinse, repeat, snore.

      • 809Matriarch says:

        There’s an article referenced on Twitter saying Reach journalists are tasked with pushing out at least 8 stories per shift, to keep the lights on. No wonder all this garbage is constantly recycled😐.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @809Matriarch: I actually believe that. There’s no other reason for all this recycled crap they keep publishing. And let’s get real, Kate is not a peacemaker type. She’s a sh*t-stirrer.

  3. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    All theses stories only shows us how kkkhate is. She’s cold, boring, no personality, does as she’s told, is lazy, not keen, not a peacemaker, a fake photographer, liar, racist, fake piano player, underground divorcee, social climber etc. But it’s true she’s patient waiting 10 years for hairy egg willie to ask her to marry him.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate caused the trouble. And she was worse than just being cold she lunged at Meghan in front of cameras. And William apparently told Kate to back off when she started walking with harry after Philips funeral

      • Becks1 says:

        Nah, Kate did not cause the trouble. the trouble was already there with William’s ego, entitlement and jealousy, long before Meghan came on the scene.

        But Kate certainly did not help and enabled and encouraged William and she did her part in the Great Smear Campaign, no doubt about that.

      • Unblinkered says:

        @Tessa – I’ve always believed too that KM caused the whole thing because of her jealousy and insecurity. She resented Meghan’s arrival on the scene, was immediately jealous of her looks and her confidence. This was heightened when she saw how much QEII and Philip liked Meghan – and they really did like her.

        I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – KM will never know a moment’s peace until she makes a public apology to Meghan for the great wrong she did her.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Look, Will thinks Harry is lesser. That’s what it’s always been about. William watched Suits and was pissed as hell that his lesser little brother pulled the hot actress from his (William’s) favorite show. Said hot actress also did not defer to William and act like he is better than Harry. Instead, she encouraged Harry to see himself as equal, at minimum, when William had spent years mistreating his brother.

        This is why William and Harry don’t get along. Not Kate. Kate was just insecure snd jealous and played on Will’s anger because she wanted Meg gone because Meg was competition she couldn’t beat.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate’s lie about the crying set up Meghan to be attacked for years to come. She’s definitely the troublemaker when it comes to Meghan related attacks. William had his own issues with Harry, but there was no need for Kate or Carole to plant that fake crying story months after it happened in some form.

        And then we saw her ice out Meghan at the commonwealth service. Again she was the instigator there and the opposite of a peacemaker.

        There are likely far more micro aggressions we haven’t been told because if anything kate has shown over the years is that she protects her turf land Meghan was seen as a threat to her turf from day one. The refusal to give her a ride to go shopping should have been the obvious sign that kate was not going to make friends with Harry’s new girlfriend.

      • Bamaborn says:

        @Tessa… totally agree with you. Maybe I’m mis-remembering, but the initial photos of the four of them(William coaching Meghan on their Church walk as to when to bow to Liz) were quite cordial; I thought even giddy for him. Kate on the other hand, seemed standoffish from the get(Strolling into Wimbledon, with Meghan trailing, as if she was some high and mighty Priestess). She was the source of trouble, I think, from day one.

      • Convict says:

        Kate runs with the foxes and hunts with the hounds. She kept Harry close because she wanted to rally the royal troops in case William wanted a divorce. She’s always nice to those who have sway, including KCIII. She hides that malicious side of her personality, that is reserved for Meghan and the plebs. I see right through her social-climbing backside. Plus, Harry was likely nicer to her than Will.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Nic919 oh I dont disagree with that. Kate has been a very active party in the anti-Meghan campaign since the beginning.

        But saying “she caused the trouble” overlooks what Harry told us in spare, about the family dynamics and the egos and the competition etc – and the lack of relationship between him and his brother. That was all established well before Meghan came on the scene.

        Kate played her role well in the toxic family dynamic but the she did not “start the trouble.” The trouble was already there.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Rapunzel – “This is why William and Harry don’t get along.” I read a rather revealing article from 2019 in The Times recently and this stood out: “Rumours about a rift between William and Harry go back a while. William is said to have felt sore that Harry was “dismissive” of the Middleton family when Kate first arrived on the scene (although even William’s own friends supposedly took to sneering “doors to manual” about Carole Middleton’s previous career as an air hostess).” Harry was dismissive of the Middleton family? Hmmm. Somehow I don’t think Harry and Kate have ever been close. The arrival of Meghan just added to the toxic drama between William/Harry/Kate. That, and Bulliam’s controlling ways, uncontrollable anger and always viewing Harry as *lesser*.

      • Jais says:

        Hmm. @deborah1, I wonder if that had more to do with Harry shutting down the rumors about him and pippa?

  4. Jais says:

    Kate did her bit but gave up? Yeah, there’s zero evidence of that. It’s just made-up stories. But where did that whole narrative come from in the first place? Pretty sure it came from Kate and her mom. Bc Tominey was definitely one of the ones going on about Kate as the keen peacemaker. I’m thinking being outed as the royal racist ended that whole storyline but yeah also the funeral. How can she be a peacemaker when she’s ignores Harry’s wife? These people are delulu.

  5. Digital Unicorn says:

    The thing is is that Harry’s description of Kate is not new – she was described like as by those who knew her at Uni. She has long been described as cold and unwelcoming towards other women going all the way back to when she started stalking William.

    She’s been showing us her ass for years!

  6. Proud Mary says:

    Harry spoke in Spare, about the fact that waited and never received an invitation to dine with the then Cambridges. It is clear from Harry’s view, that the three of them were never as close as the Firm used their media toadies to portray. But we are being made to believe that she has such close connections with Harry that she could be a peacemaker. Nah, it was not the Queen’s funeral for me. That lie was dead on arrival, after her behavior at the Commonwealth Service. I believe that, at every turn, Kate’s role has been to buttress Williams hatred for Harry, because of her jealousy of Meghan. William’s hate is the only thing that bonds him and Kate. But I really think it’s funny they’re dusting off this tired old failed narrative again.

    • Becks1 says:

      I feel like one of the unsaid issues with Spare (unsaid by the British media) is that it really made clear that the whole “Harry and William were so close growing up” was just a fictional narrative, and that the whole “Kate is the sister Harry never had” was also just fiction.

      Likewise I think it was clear in Spare that Harry wanted to be closer to william, and to william and kate when she came along – when he talks about waiting for a dinner invitation like you said (he’s your brother who lives across the courtyard, just go visit him), and even when he talks about his found family in Botswana – it was because he didn’t have a real family back in the UK.

      One of the big selling points of the royal family over the last few decades is that they were a close family – big, secretive, private, somewhat dysfunctional (the “somewhat” because it was played down so much), but close. Spare kind of destroyed that in my opinion. Harry barely knew his aunt margaret or his great grandmother, christmas at sandringham sounded miserable, Balmoral sounded miserable, etc. Maybe the cousins bonded because the rest was just awful.

      • Dee(2) says:

        For whatever reason there is still a concerted effort in making it seem like Harry is longing to come back to relationships that didn’t exist. He wasn’t close to his father, he wasn’t close to his brother as a child, his brother actually blanked him a lot, and he wasn’t close to him or his SIL as adults. There was an article recently that said, ” Harry said in Spare that they weren’t close, but he was wrong”. First to have the audacity to say that about someone else’s experience is wild to me, but I think that these people are worried about their ability to make money writing these books and appearing in these slapdash documentaries. Harry saying actually none of us are really that close to each other but we all loved our grandparents doesn’t set up writing biography after biography about Williams reign and everything that will come with it. Their money has already slipped away from them with the newspaper articles, but these book deals have to be going up and smoke too.

    • Harla says:

      I’ve never understood how the 3 of them were supposed to be so close when WandK spent the majority of their time in Anmer Hall, far away from London and Harry? How exactly was Harry supposed to pop around for dinner, when his brother and SIL are a hundred miles away. I do agree with you, that Kate has worked hard to widen the rift between the brothers, she simply couldn’t be around Meghan who outshone her at every turn.

      I will go one step further with my tinfoil tiara theory, William had a crush/lust for Meghan/Rachael, Kate knew this and when Rachael/Meghan showed up at her front door, on Harry’s arm, Kate lost her mind.

      • Proud Mary says:

        I don’t know if he has a crush on Meghan, per se, but I’ve had the view, for some time now, that William has had the tendency to “play” Meghan against Kate, knowing that it hurts Kate deeply. I believe that during fights or arguments, William shouts things like, “Meghan’s a better public speaker” or “Meghan’s a better dresser.” I think he’s gone so far as to tell her that Meghan is way more successful. I think it explains Kate’s copykeening. Not that William is attracted to the way Meghan dresses, just that she wants to prove to William that she can do it better. But it only makes her come across as a desperate copykat. I’m no fan of Kates; the good Lord knows I even despise the woman; but even I have to acknowledge that it has to be mighty painful for Kate, a woman who has come to believe her own press clippings about just how perfect she is, to be told by the man she scraped, and bowed, and waited 10 yrs for, that not only is she inadequate, but juxtaposed against the black biracial woman she hates, she pales in comparison.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Crush on Meg? Probably, but maybe not. But crush or not, Will would definitely think he deserved the beautiful actress from his favorite show, not Harry. He’d definitely be jealous. And expect that Meg would obviously be more dazzled by him, only to be disappointed that she had no truck with him at all.

        Did he compare Meg to Kate? He wouldn’t have to. Kate would pick up on his anger that she wasn’t at Meg’s level. Add to that the insecurity of regularly facing the pretty TV actress your husband admired and knowing you aren’t ever gonna win, and it’s a strong motivation for Kate to work against H&M.

        I’ve long thought W&K’s marriage deteriorated into hell when Will watched Oprah and realized the cry story was a lie and that Kate had egged on (pun intended) the exile of H&M with lies. That would allow William, who has probably been regretting Sussexit from the start, to blame Kate for it. Even though it was mostly on him.

      • Nic919 says:

        Harry would attend events with William and Kate and that gave the impression they associated behind those public events, especially because Harry is good at small talk and looking comfortable with them. Spare more than confirmed what many suspected, that Harry was living his own life outside of those few public events. Kate also flirted with Harry at those events because she loves male attention and William never gave it to her.

        There is a video clip of Harry doing an ANZAC event where Kate added herself and she is taking her time to get into the car and Harry sharply waves her to get in the car. At this point Meghan was pregnant and resting at home and it more than shows that Harry was done with her.

      • Jaded says:

        @Harla — I’ve always believed William had the hots for Meghan. Remember how he looked her up and down like a piece of meat at her wedding? It was insulting. I would go so far as to say he said or did something to Meghan that crossed a line and she blanked him. There are loads of men with huge egos who will turn on a dime from lust to disgust when rejected — Kate simply egged (pun intended) him on in his anger at Meghan.

  7. Tessa says:

    Her flirty glances ar harry are rather creepy

    • Jais says:

      Honestly, one of those pics Kaiser provided showed Kate with what looks like an actual genuine smile. Yeah, it was in front of the cameras but she was genuinely smiling at Harry. I’ve always sort of thought thought that Kate wasn’t so much interested in Harry irl but that she liked his attention when the cameras were around more than anything else. It gave her energy.

      • Tessa says:

        If she really liked harry she would have welcomed his wife and been nice to her. Kate is so fake

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate genuinely likes getting attention for men. She does the same with Ben Ainslie. And it’s all because William ignores her all the time and polite interactions from other men, like Harry and Ainslie, have her preen in the public eye.

  8. Jks says:

    She did nothing. She achieved nothing. She’s useless. Worse, she’s sown discord and spread lies.

    BM writes pure fiction. But sure, it’s all Meghan’s fault that Kate’s not getting a Nobel peace prize.

  9. Tessa says:

    She is,doing harry and Meghan A favor if she stays away.

    • PC says:

      Thank you @Tessa! Who asked her? Who asks a troublemaker to be the peacemaker? It seems to me many of the problems Meghan endured were caused by Kate. Everything Kate does in reference to Harry and Meghan is suspect. She will never be trusted by them. Kate’s ulterior motives are not to be trusted.

  10. The Duchess says:

    So Kitty tried to do her usual trouble-causing, then threw a tantrum because she failed? The peacekeeping narrative was never going to wash because historically Kitty is not a kind and compassionate person. She’s a mean girl and she doesn’t like the fact it has been made blatantly obvious. Harry and Meghan called the WanK’s bluff big time and they’ve been spiralling ever since. Carry on.

  11. s808 says:

    Well at least they’ve put this shame storyline to bed (for now).

  12. SueBarbri33 says:

    They wrote all of this, but still haven’t given us anything remotely concrete. Where is Kate this week? Where’s Big Blue and why is it accepted that she now has a completely different ring on her finger? I don’t give a toss about her diamonds, but I know she does–so, what’s the story? In the end, they’ll do anything to insert Kate and/or Meghan into these discussions on the RF drama, because if they don’t drag a woman into the soap opera you are left with what is actually happening: an unpopular king at war with both of his sons. And nobody wants to talk about that, of course.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    The notion that Kate could ever be the peacemaker was always bogus and for her to push that narrative shows how deluded she is.

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s trying to erase that Kate was an instigator. She did the opposite of peacemaking. We can trace so much of the media attacks because of how Kate put out a patently false story about crying.

      • Jais says:

        Interesting this the opposite story always turns out to be true with Kate. Especially the ones that likely come directly from her, or her mom. Kate made Meghan cry as oppposed to the story told that Meghan made Kate cry. Kate was an instigator as opposed to the story of her being a peacemaker.

  14. ML says:

    Kate was never a peace keeper. She didn’t mitigate her husband’s behavior and she certainly didn’t call off Jason Knauff.

    “ Instead of focusing her time on the royal brothers, Kate will focus her time returning to royal duties as she prioritizes her health.”

    Weird statement. K hasn’t been focusing Her time on the royal brotherS. She’s probably focused time on her husband, but if she’s spending tons of time on Harry, which I doubt, then she needs a new hobby.

    • Berkeleyfarm says:

      I think she was very much focusing on breaking up Harry’s relationship with Meghan in the time between “they went public” and the Sussexit.

      As another commenter noted, racism is a helluva drug, because Kate snapped to and started cosplaying the Perfect White Royal Duchess for the audience and it got snapped up.

      Previous criticism from various quarters basically ceased and now their narrative is “never put a foot wrong” (lol nope).

  15. Eurydice says:

    An easy way to make peace with Harry would have been to treat Meghan with respect.

  16. S says:

    Kate is in no position to be so sanctimonious about Harry – this article calls her out:

    “Today, the Duchess of Cambridge has allegedly leaked that she “threw up her hands in disgust over Prince Harry.” Frankly, her audacity is both astounding and disgraceful.
    Her continuous meddling in his strained relationship with his family is wholly unwarranted, and the latest leak is nothing short of spiteful.”

  17. Trei says:

    “Catherine will wish to avoid anything that promotes negative energy.”

    Which probably means anything that resembles work and dealing with the less fortunate.

  18. Agnes says:

    In future she’ll just stick to being the star of her own frankenphotos, jeans ads, and cringe vids.

  19. sevenblue says:

    I think, it was that Camila woman who first wrote about Kate being peacemaker between H&W. Then, at Philip’s funeral, she run towards H&W in front of the cameras to act like it. It was obvious, the leak came from Middletons and Kate was trying to give photos to support the lie. After Will noticed what she was doing, he probably said something mean because she backed off with a sad face. But, it didn’t matter, the tabloids got their pics, Kate bringing H&W together. I don’t know why they are trying to bring this story back, since Harry wrote in detail what kind of a person she really is. It is all lies and smokes. You need to be extra dumb to continue to believe this storyline.

  20. matthew says:

    she really does look like the most insane stalker in every photo with harry. it’s actually terrifying.

    • Bamaborn says:

      I’ve often thought that says a lot about William when you marry your own stalker. Most guys would have gotten as far away from her as possible.😅

      • Chrissy says:

        Well, at the very least, William is lazy, and with no one else willing to marry him, he married his stalker and her scheming family. He got played, he finally realized it and Kate’s been paying the price. But….Carole still has all the receipts re: Little Willie’s dirt. Stayed tuned….

  21. Beverley says:

    Kate’s vision of peacemaking was having Harry divorce Meghan, turn his back on his children and return to Peg’s side where KKKhate can continue to flirt and fantasize that The Better Brother loves and desires only her.

    It’s sick. It’s probably one of the many reasons Will despises her.

  22. girl_ninja says:

    It is still hilarious to me that this woman has been called out for years for being lazy as a stump and then the Black hardworking woman steps in and Keen is the next coming of the Virgin Mary.

    Racism is a hell of a drug.

  23. Steph says:

    So, my tinfoil tiara theory: I think Pegs always knew H could outshine him. H was the most popular royal for years before M came on the scene. I don’t think it was too at the time though bc it was all of H work still went under the Royal Foundation umbrella so Pegs could still bask in the how while not doing anything. However M came with her own accomplishments and following. He knew together no one would even think about him anymore. Plus she came with fresh ideas about how to do things and get results that required work. He was not down for that.
    I think what took him over the edge was the Cookbook. She had to have started that project before marrying into the firm. If I recall, the event opening for the book didn’t require coats even though it was hosted outside. She a had a complete, substantive, interesting, self sustaining project out within months (maybe a little less) of joining the family. And she refused to let the money be misappropriated. I think that’s when it went from dislike to straight up hate.

    • Steph says:

      I did a quick search. It was launched sep 20 2019. So within four months of joining the family. Were w&K even full time before this? They had no accomplishments to compare to.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        The cookbook launched September 20, 2018.

        Yep, she started working on it before marrying Harry in May 2018. A couple weeks before, William had himself being video taped swiping a few brush strokes on a wall regarding Grenfell. KP made the announcement of Meghan’s solo project on September 17.

        Two days before (September 15th), the BM was reporting on Kate’s Aarly Years solo project that would be launched in 2019. The big launced happend in January 2020 (the Big Questions survey-lol), then came the pie charts in November. KP scrambled to announce something for Kate before Meghan’s finished project in 2018.

        I throw up my hands in disgust that Kate was called/considered a ‘peacemaker’.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        launched not launced. Remember this all came after H&M met up with the Wank’s in June 2018 per SPARE. Not after SPARE. After William sticking his finger in Meghan’s face. “We don’t talk about hormones.”, comment and the forever laughable, not getting Easter presents comment by the WanK’s.

        Jealousy is the hierarchy in the BRF.

  24. Fastgran50 says:

    It’s amazing what a small woman can do for the royals. Today w&k suddenly turning up in Southport to show their sympathy. An America woman in a red dress has gotten wills and Kate out to work amazing .😂😂😂😂

  25. Hypocrisy says:

    That woman has a lot of practice with her hands and throwing up and none of that has anything to do with Prince Harry. If my sister in law was in my marriage as much as Waity has made herself a part of the Sussex’s marriage I would move an ocean and a continent away also. What a horror show Meghan married into. Maybe she should focus on remission and her own marriage.

  26. VilleRose says:

    She was rude to Harry’s wife several times in public and very jealous of Meghan, I don’t believe the stories she tried to be a peacekeeper. Given the hostility radiating from her during the infamous QEII funeral walkabout at Windsor, these stories always fell flat. Maybe she encouraged William to reach out once or twice but I would say that’s about it. Harry has made it clear they can’t have a relationship with him if they won’t respect his wife or kids. Kate always wanted Harry for herself because during outings I think he always made her at ease (I don’t think she had a crush on him like some people suspect, I think she just liked having him near like a security blanket because William didn’t provide that in public). That went away when Meghan entered the picture and she didn’t like sharing the spotlight with her more accomplished sister-in-law.

  27. Ben says:

    Never forget how Kate was looking at Harry like the multiple course meal that he is. I think it was at Harry’s Grandfather funeral. She couldn’t help herself in front of the world 🌍 watching. Does that counts as peacemaking?

  28. bisynaptic says:

    Someone please help me, here: if a person could “focus” on being cancer-free, wouldn’t everyone do it?

  29. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Who asked her?
    Rota created a false narrative about her doing that while simultaneously telling us she’s not talking to Harry and Meghan at all.
    None of that Family have anything of value to offer the Sussexes.

  30. Truthiness says:

    This woman is so unworthy of our time, gawd. The world is filled with grave issues and the rota replies with another mile of fakakta Wales rubbish.

  31. Over it says:

    Oh how I wish that Harry would go nuclear in the paper back version of his book because all those recent Meghan is a bulling unhinged controlling woman from hell deserves a total and well justified clap badly. It’s stories like this that op sanctions and green lights they make willy and Katie keen out to be some sort of innocent victims narrative the reason why I got no sympathy for Kate . I just feel zero when it comes her because I know that she is not a good person at all . Her or her supportive husband who threw her under the bus for the frankenphoto . Great support system that bald headed Alien is .

  32. Nerd says:

    The thing that these articles keep failing to see is that Kate’s decades within the royal sphere have shown that there isn’t anything about her that shows any signs of someone who’s empathetic enough to care about creating unity. Her failure to shut down the lie that Meghan made her cry even when Meghan became suicidal while pregnant is the biggest sign that she doesn’t care about creating a peaceful space for Harry or anyone else. There is nothing about who she is that has shown her to be anyone who looks beyond her own self interests and happiness. She was willing to be silent as her BIL’s wife was suffering mentally, which in turn impacted his own mental health and well being. Peacemaker can never be used to describe this racists who was willing to let the lives of Harry, Meghan, Archie, Lilibet and their unborn child to be impacted.

  33. paintybox says:

    Were they jazz hands of disgust, by any chance, or did she just throw up some boring ordinary hands of disgust?

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