Queen Camilla is ‘pleased’ that King Charles is avoiding the Cop29 summit

For months now, I’ve gotten the feeling that royal reporters are trying to indicate that Queen Camilla is running the show these days and that she’s the sole gatekeeper to her husband. We’ve heard versions of that regarding Prince Harry’s visits to London this year, and how Charles weirdly avoided Harry every time – sources claimed that Camilla is the one convincing Charles to block Harry at every turn, and we know that Camilla is still briefing friendly journalists about Harry and his visits. Now Camilla is putting in her two cents about Charles avoiding the Cop29 climate summit in November.

As a vocal champion of the environment, King Charles has long sought to use his position to steer and influence the global discussion around climate and conservation. So it is perhaps a sign of just how seriously he and his aides are taking his current cancer diagnosis that he is foregoing an opportunity to do that on a global stage at the annual COP conference in Baku, Azerbaijan later this year.

A friend of Charles and Queen Camilla told The Daily Beast: “Camilla will be pleased he is not going straight off to Azerbaijan. She didn’t particularly want him to go to Australia, and she will be encouraging him to take it easy once he gets back—never an easy task.”

The king was thought to be angry when, newly crowned, he was banned from going to COP27 in 2022 by the famously short lived British Prime Minister Liz Truss in 2022. He attended COP28 the following year, delivering the opening address. Official sources at the palace briefed The Daily Beast and other media that the king would not be attending COP29 this year because he will have “recently” got back to the U.K. after his trip to Australia and Samoa. In fact, he is expected home from the trip to Oceania by around Oct. 26, and COP does not start until Nov. 11.

The proffered reason suggests that the king’s family and aides will be encouraging the king, who is being treated for cancer, to take plenty of time to recuperate after the grueling, 6,000 mile round trip, but will also stoke fears that the king is more seriously ill than his office are saying.

[From The Daily Beast]

It seems like all things can be true at once: Charles needs to protect his health; the courtiers are wary of adding Cop29 to his schedule because they don’t know how long he will need to recover; Camilla is largely pulling the strings within the palace. Also: the reason why Camilla wanted Charles to skip Australia is because she doesn’t want to travel anymore either. She made that clear after the coronation – now that she got the crown and now that she has all of the power behind the throne, she does not want to travel or tour.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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31 Responses to “Queen Camilla is ‘pleased’ that King Charles is avoiding the Cop29 summit”

  1. Andy Dufresne says:

    Good god, this woman! 🤮

  2. Josephine says:

    No one should be shocked that she doesn’t want to do anything. The amount of lazy and entitled in that group is unfathomable. It’s amazing that there is no bottom that they cannot hit.

  3. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    I come for the heinous pics. 🤣

  4. Mochakat says:

    We want Chuck to skip Australia also – better ways to spend tax payers money than on their security.

  5. Steph says:

    I get why C&C (mostly Cam) some want to travel much at their age but why have the Wales always hated it? Tours seem like the biggest perk of being a royal.

    Anyone with cancer treatment experience: is it possible that skipping COP29 has nothing to do with how he’s feeling but do with missing another round of treatment so soon?

    • Amy Bee says:

      It’s not the British tradition for royals to attend COP and with a new government in place they would probably prefer that Charles doesn’t go even if he didn’t have cancer.

      • Gabby says:

        Yeah, I think this is Labor clipping his wings. Why spend resources sending Chuckles to a conference to make the same predictable speech that any of us could write for him at this point?

        If more needs to be done for the climate, he could try staying in London for the duration of his chemo treatments instead of flying down from Balmoral/Sandringham every fucking week.

    • Krista says:

      Right? Travelling, seeing cool stuff, meeting cool people, sounds like a dream gig to me, and I’m extremely introverted.

      • Jais says:

        Right?? The travel seems cool but their schedules are somewhat full-on and Kate and William just don’t seem very good at peopling. It’s not hard labour but I can still see them not wanting to do it. But also, how much do they travel during their copious amounts of holidays? I get the feeling that they go the same specific places very time. They always come across as incurious.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        The way they act like traveling by private plane with security escorts and staff to cater to their every need is somehow a hardship or anything like traveling commercial with the great unwashed masses is hilarious. This is why they need their propaganda rota to gaslight the British people because there is no way in hell anyone can justify a half of a billion dollars a year to support this joke of a monarchy.

  6. So Horsilla is holding Chuckles reins. She did want that crown so she could be in charge.

  7. Agnes says:

    She’s always been pulling the strings, even before July 29, 1981. She’s an amalgamation of all the horrible step-queens of all the scary fairy tales.

    • Tessa says:

      She was “advising” Diana even before the engagement.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, some would say it’s a reaction to what Harry said in the book. But it’s been clear that Camilla has been holding the reins and making life difficult for Charles’ sons for a very long time. Harry just said aloud what’s been happening for yes a long time now.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    The government was never going to ask Charles to attend anyway. The press tries to make Charles seem more important than he is but he’s just a figurehead who has to wait for the Foreign Office to give him permission to visit any country. Camilla would be happy if they never go anywhere again.

    • Barb Mill says:

      I was going to say the exact same thing. Didn’t the government tell him not to go last year when it was in Dubai?

    • Dutch says:

      It does make you wonder if it’s not an optics thing. Without an official role or duties to carry out at the conference, the UK wants to avoid pics and video of Charles possibly nodding off during a presentation.

  9. hikesandhoney says:

    As someone who attends these types of events… most people don’t care if he’s there or not. I don’t think anyone is looking to the UK monarchy to create real solutions for anything really 😂

  10. Tessa says:

    Camilla is doing what derangers accuse Meghan of doing. Camilla runs the show and is in charge and calls the shots.

  11. JM says:

    Camilla seems happy to travel when its to India for her “wellness” retreat with girlfriends

  12. Tennyson says:

    Twice in the past week I read in some of the newspapers available at my public library, Camilla referred to ‘our national treasure’. It triggered an asthma attack the first time around…

    • Beverley says:

      Well, the “national treasure“ doesn’t seem to know how to conduct herself when she travels. We’ve seen her derisive giggles and sneers when listening to native throat singers, we saw her rudely snub the French First Lady during the ceremony for fallen soldiers, and there are published photos of her sitting in the car during their trip to Kenya last year. No sense of duty is gonna come between Camilla and her gin-soaked afternoons. She’s an unmannered drunk.

      She comes across as someone with no home training.

  13. Proud Mary says:

    Just came here to say I hate her. She’s not even a bench warmer. She’s what they call a dead weight. A grifter. She brings absolutely nothing to the table. A wicked witch. Ugly inside and out. Hide your mirrors folks; one look from her and its done for. Look at her, looking like she’s just pulled a bucket of poor canary feathers from her throat. That’s all.

  14. sunnyside up says:

    She doesn’t want Charles to die, all her power will go.

  15. PretzelLogic says:

    The upright hair, tho!

  16. bisynaptic says:

    Hanging, like an albatross, around his neck… Well, I can’t say he doesn’t deserve her.

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