Princess Kate stepped out for her first event since completing chemotherapy

Well, this is a surprise! The Princess of Wales made an appearance today, just a short time ago. Kate and Prince William were in Southport to meet with some of the families from the Southport stabbing tragedy over the summer. After the stabbings of those poor little girls, there were widespread white nationalist riots across England. It was awful, and the Windsors said and did little about the riots. King Charles did make a solo visit to Southport several weeks after the stabbings. This is William and Kate doing a royal follow-up:

The Princess of Wales has made an emotional pilgrimage with her husband to Southport to comfort the families of the three girls who lost their lives in July’s knife attack tragedy.

In her most significant public engagement to date this year, Catherine, 42, joined Prince William to meet with the families of Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine.

They also spent time with dance teacher Leanne Lucas, 35, who was seriously injured as she shielded youngsters as they were attacked by a knifeman during a Taylor Swift-themed summer holiday class. Afterwards the couple spoke to emergency responders who attended and helped on the day.

Prince William had promised the families and local community he would visit as soon as possible and his visit has long been scheduled in for today.

[From The Daily Mail]

We’ll have more on this tomorrow, but I wanted to get these photos up asap. I’m genuinely glad that Kate is out and about and feeling well enough to travel and do some public events. Many people, myself included, assumed that we would only see her next at Remembrance events in November. My one funny/mean comment is that Kate doesn’t look like she’s a fan of her husband’s scuzzy beard.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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168 Responses to “Princess Kate stepped out for her first event since completing chemotherapy”

  1. How long will the headlines read “after completing chemo” be published? 10 years from now will it say “ 10 years after chemo Can’t did something “. Why must they do this. Sounds like they really need to sell this.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I say 4 years @Susan. They hammered the 14M mansion for probably that long to reach minimum word count on their reporting about Harry and Meg.

      • sunnyside up says:

        But William took the bribe to shut up about the hacking so they might give them some peace earlier. The one that gets me is, every time they mention the children they tell us how old they are.

    • Gem says:

      Its because visibly chemo has been very kind to her, which isn’t the case for 95% of people undergoing chemo. So, they have to remind everybody in case they forget she is undergoing treatment for cancer.

      • Aisha says:

        Are we seeing the same woman? She looks like shit. She developed actual jowls in 6 months. Colorectal chemo does not generally cause hair loss.

      • ML says:

        Aisha, I tend to agree with you. She did have jowls before, that they photoshopped out, but her face was fuller. Gem, months ago (around the Frankenphoto) I searched for unretouched photos of Kate. There weren’t many, but in 2022, she was in Denmark. There, she definitely looked older than her age, but her coloring was better than in this picture and she’s absolutely lost a lot of weight in her face since then. If you look up the pix, also check out the difference in her neck.
        I can’t help but notice that the pictures included here all have her hair swooped over her eye where she has acquired a nasty scar since the Denmark visit. The only picture where her hair is lifted by the wind is not in sharp-enough focus.
        As stated previously this year, I don’t understand why her eye area looks reconstructed and how it fits in with the cancer narrative. In any case, she looks like she has experienced something hairy.

    • HopeG says:

      Was that part of the agreement – that Wills gets back Big Blue? Still not on her finger…

      • acha says:

        I was wondering if she sold it to sketchy folks to bail out her parents.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Sold or pawned, I reckon.

      • Mustang Sally says:

        Perhaps she lost weight during chemo and the ring is too loose (and she does not want to resize it). The wisest choice would be to wait to see if she gains weight back. Also, a huge ring might draw more attention to her hands and it might be more obvious that she lost weight.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Mustang Sally – I don’t buy it. She was wearing the Big Blue at Trooping the Colour and at Wimbledon (I think). Since then it has disappeared. She is no thinner now than she was then. If it reappears at the Remembrance Day Service this coming November then we will know she still has it. If not, then all bets are off as to its whereabouts. I personally think Bulliam has taken it off her.

  2. Chaine says:

    To my eye she still looks very gaunt and unwell. I wonder why William waited so long to do this visit. It’s been months!

    • Becks1 says:

      This was as soon as he could do it, okay?!?!?! He has a very busy schedule!!!!!

    • Jais says:

      I don’t know that I think she looks gaunt and unwell. She’s been very thin for quite a while and to me she looks more or less how she’s looked for the past few years? Idk maybe I’m not seeing something that others are?

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        It’s the look of regret. The regret of announcing she’s completed preventative chemo and cancer free so was ordered back to work.

      • Nic919 says:

        She looked like this last year. Part of the issue is that so much photoshop gets done on her that when it isn’t there, she looks different.

      • Ginger says:

        I agree. She looks exactly the same to me. No difference.

      • Jais says:

        There were those untouched pics from when she went to Denmark in 2022. She was doing some sort of an outdoor event with a sweater on. And that was a few years ago so I guess my point is that this is how she looks and it isn’t that different from the last few years? I’m not saying the last year of illness hasn’t affected her but that it’s also just how she looks. I’m not even saying she looks bad. But she does look different from some of the photos we see, like trooping.

      • The Duchess says:

        This is why it was always amusing to me how everyone was pointing out how ‘sick’ she looked on the bench during the ‘cancer’ announcement video. I remember thinking “but she’s always looked like this?!”.

        In my opinion regarding this latest attention grab, she looks defeated and full of regret. Somebody has been ordered back to work now her mythical treatment has concluded.

      • kelleybelle says:

        I don’t think she had facial work done, either. In fact she looks in need of new forehead botox. She looks as haggard now as she did last December. Not sure why they waited months to do this. It’s almost rude.

      • StarWonderful says:

        I agree. Also, contrary to what many others have said over these past few months , I don’t think she had any serious cosmetic procedures done.

      • Nic919 says:

        In the bench video she noticeably did not have significant eyeliner or eye shadow which would make her look paler than she is usually seen.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      They couldn’t find any other reason to pop up. Meg was reported too many times this week

    • Anonymous says:

      It looks like she backed off on the facial work, perhaps in response to criticisms that she looked like she got work done while she was receiving treatment.

      By one note: the length of that coat is really wrong.

    • BeanieBean says:

      She looks unfiltered, unphotoshopped, and unbotoxed to me. This is a more natural photo of her. It’s been too long since we’ve seen one.

      • Melly says:

        It makes me wonder why the British photographs didn’t photoshop her this time

      • Becks1 says:

        I wonder if they were asked not to (or if they are usually told TO photoshop her and this time were not) – one of the criticisms towards Kate is that she has looked the same if not better than she used to look a year ago. It was one of the reasons the facelift/plastic surgery rumors picked up speed again after Trooping. Maybe BP wants people to see that she does not look super refreshed? (and I say BP because no way would Kate approve this, lol.)

      • Jais says:

        So I’ve seen pics of her on other sites that have a nicer focus than these. Does that mean they were retouched? Was it a photographer with better lighting or lens? Idk. I do wonder if there’s a wider pool of photographers for this event than trooping or just different photographers. Maybe they had more control for trooping? It sucks to be so highly scrutinized in photos for all women, whether it’s Meghan or Kate. It’s just hard bc the RF has been playing smoke and mirrors with their photos for a while now. Which just invites more scrutiny. The royal system pretty much sucks for most humans.

      • Convict says:

        No photoshopping is definitely a stunt. Nothing the royal family does is genuine these days. There is always an agenda.

    • Princessk says:

      Kate has been pushed out to start doing something. There has been so much criticism of her. This engagement is just a stunt to promote Kate and not about the families and the poor children who lost their lives.

      • Jais says:

        This and the investiture have been pre-planned events in which she can tag along with William. Which isn’t a bad thing but it’s an easy way to show she’s doing something.

      • Nic919 says:

        That second Balmoral visit was not just for fun. These events only started happening after that. (And the video backlash)

    • kelleybelle says:

      If she wants to stay “cancer free” then I assume she quit smoking and drinking?

    • Joy says:

      She looks like she hasn’t had Botox in a few months to me.

    • HopeG says:

      She did not look like she wanted to be there. They both looked forced.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Best way to get WanK to leave the house and do their insignificant, self-aggrandizing “job”:

        Get Meghan trending for a week looking like a hottie in a red couture dress! 😆

        We’ve all seen this pattern in play for years now. Every single time H or M step out, WanK trails behind days later with some non-event in a pathetic “lookit me” bid.
        If they went through the streets ringing a bell and crying “we’re relevant too!”, it couldn’t be more obvious.

        Only thing is, since Spare and Kategate, the old embiggening narratives don’t work anymore… and even the rota are struggling to GAF about Cain & Unable. Look at the pair of them; there’s no there there.

        This is only their 2nd event together in over a year, if I’m matching correctly. They hadn’t been seen together “working” since Trooping, yes?

      • Deborah1 says:

        @HopeG – That’s what I thought too.

    • Deborah1 says:

      William should have made this visit months ago. If Kate was too unwell to accompany him then he should have gone alone. Charles has visited the families of the children who were killed, and even Taylor Swift has acknowledged them. The optics of Prince and Princess Bountiful visiting only now are shocking. Oh well, better late than never, as they say.

  3. Tuesday says:

    Looks like they haven’t ‘shopped these photos yet. I think the summit at balmoral was W&K being ordered back to work.

    • MsDarcy says:

      Bingo. Its about damn time.

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      Yep. No photoshopping. I’m sure they were ordered to do some work after they were criticized for that ill-conceived video.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      These are the first untouched photos I’ve seen of her.
      Seeing them now maybe she didn’t have facial work done and it was photoshop all along.
      For a while there she was looking better than she did before.

    • acha says:

      Wonder what it’s like for William — to grow into a man in his 40s and think “oh it’ll be forever before I become king, I’ll just piss about” and suddenly — there it is. He needs to be ready and isn’t.

    • Christine says:

      Yep, these two lazies got yelled at, and are still not stepping up to even part-time.

  4. Em says:

    They saw Meghan in her red dress and decided to push her out lmao. They’re so reactionary it’s funny

  5. Sunny says:

    She looks shocking . She’s aged a lot and looks a lot older than her age .

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree that she doesn’t look great, but its also hard to tell because they usually edit photos of her so heavily that whenever we see an unedited photo its a little jarring.

    • ShazBot says:

      She looks the exact same to me. Which in and of itself is shocking, seeing as she’s been through some health challenges this year.

    • Fifee says:

      I agree, she looks old for her age. It may well be the effects of cancer/chemo taking a toll on her but in all honestly she has been incredibly thin for the longest time and that can age someone. Shes gotten to the age where things start to sag and collagen & fat has started to disappear and that leaves her face without any bounce.

      • Convict says:

        When the skin’s scaffolding – collagen and elastin – drops dramatically (she’s coming into the menopause years) you have to keep some fat as a substitute.

    • GHope says:

      I said the same thing! In fact they both look older then their age to me. I saw the video when they came walking up to the building and she looked upset!

      • BeanieBean says:

        So I just watched a 10-minute video of the whole thing (I’m on a break). They walk up, Willy Boy says sorry for being so late, traffic, then blah blah blah (probably blaming one of the kids, or Kate’s hair); then they sat for five minutes talking with the first responders, then spent the next five minutes shaking heads & making the ‘we’re leaving’ sort of shuffle off–they got stuck for a bit with a particularly chatty paramedic. And that’s it. That’s all they did. Maybe they did something else earlier that day?

  6. Look at Peg walking with his hands clutched in front of him incase she try’s to hold his hand.

  7. Becks1 says:

    I think this is one of three things:

    1) Meghan was getting too much coverage so they pushed out Kate;
    2) William wanted some news coverage to counteract Harry’s coverage of the past few weeks and reluctantly agreed to this bc he knows he gets more coverage with Kate, or
    3) W&K were ordered back to work after the Balmoral summit two-three weeks ago.

    or some combination thereof.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I think it’s a combination of 1 and 2.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      While I think its a combination of all 3 points, I think its mostly point 3 – the media was being snarky about the Wails doing nowt while the King and QC were doing a lot more (esp as Chuck is still undergoing treatment). Someone at BP read the room – the plebs were getting restless and there was a lot of talk on SM about how it must be nice to take a year off to recover from cancer while the average tax payer isn’t soo fortunate. The messaging from KP was soo out of touch and that Temu Boden ad was the final straw for everyone. Katty and Ma overplayed their hand and it got slapped by the King/Queen C.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is really hard to believe that William didn’t have time in his schedule to visit the families of the victims until now. And seeing as how both he and Kate had time to film a video this summer but couldn’t get to southport before mid October? Not great when he managed to get to a lot of sport events prior to now.

    • Becks1 says:

      oh, wait, I forgot option #4 – Lambrook goes on school break next Friday and they look to be off for two weeks so the Waleses are probably planning an international vacation so have to get some work in now before they both disappear again. So mayyyybe we see her once or twice more next week and then we probably wont see her until Remembrance.

      • Nic919 says:

        Him yes, her no. BBC made this a breaking news so she still has lowered expectations for doing anything considered work.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, I bet they both go on vacation & we’ll see them on Nov 11 with fresh tans.

  8. booboocita says:

    Wow. She looks positively haggard in these photos. I’m going to assume that the photos of her at Trooping looking refreshed and smooth were Photoshopped, because it looks like she aged 10 years between then and these photos. The cancer-free video doesn’t count; that one was always going to be shot at low light with filters on the lens.

    • ShazBot says:

      She also looked much better in last weeks photos. I was on team facelift but now I wonder if the facelift is just photoshop

    • Jais says:

      I mean I would assume that the pics from Trooping were photoshopped as it was her first big event back.

      • Becks1 says:

        But some of the shots from Trooping were from video of the event (although I guess the videos weren’t as close up) – so maybe she was photoshopped there?

        I think she looks thinner here and is wearing less eye makeup (and its always a little surprising when she tones down the makeup) but because she is photoshopped so heavily typically its hard to tell how she actually looks, and whether this is better or worse.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, it’s hard to tell. I don’t have the best eye. I tend to think most people look better in videos than still shots. But maybe that’s just me😂? The amount of photoshopping in the past makes it hard to tell anything.

  9. Jks says:

    After seeing these photos, I don’t think she’s had a facelift or anything done to her face. She looks the same.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    It’s least they can do. Good to see Kate was able to make the trip.

  11. Dee(2) says:

    What on Earth were those people saying to justify the looks that she and William had in that third photo? They just have the most inappropriate facial expressions at times. And I guess this is good? I just don’t know anymore. I don’t see how visits from these two people are comforting or appreciated weeks and months after the fact but if the people they are meeting with get something out of it that’s absolutely good.

    • Tessa says:

      He still seems disengaged from her. He does not return her looks.

      • The Duchess says:

        That’s because she was never suppose to be there until Harry and Meghan were making global headlines for their work. That’s how it works with these people, it’s all reactionary and it’s unhinged.

        He’s stuck with her and when she’s in his orbit the life drains from his face.

    • Jais says:

      They met with the families privately and if that gave those families some sort of comfort then good.

      • Convict says:

        I can’t see how it would at this late stage. They go back to their protected mansion as though it never happened.

  12. yipyip says:

    My shallow thought…
    Will she just stop with the hair extensions?
    Get a new hairdo, woman. It’s been 20 years + 3 kids ago.

    Her and William both look thin and tired.
    Nice Fall outfits on both tho.

    Between Charles, Kate, Fergie all having health problems relating to cancer treatments, Edward looks very thin too + Anne getting a concussion at her age = not good.

    Damn the work bar is so low for these people. IDK anymore.
    I just don’t know how meeting W&K serves any purpose for these family members?
    But if the families wanted this, OK by me.

    • Josephine says:

      I don’t see that happening until Meghan cuts her. Plus the media fawns over the hair since it’s at least one talking point about her. I agree with you, though. I would love to see something more modern and a style of her own.

    • Caitlin says:

      I just don’t know how meeting W&K serves any purpose for these family members?
      But if the families wanted this, OK by me.
      My thoughts exactly. This is a pr puff piece plain and simple. Elevates Kate & Egghead making them seem concerned and compassionate. Even if the families agreed, it’s still exploitative.

      Exploiting people for their own benefit seems to be a familiar theme with the royals, visiting sick people in hospital, victims of violence, poor people, etc. Makes me sick!!!!

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I saw some photos on Twitter where Huesa was caught out laughing inappropriately. Again.

        She’s clearly deeply discomfited by tragedy and doesn’t know how to show respect or behave around people who are grieving. Absolute empathy deficit. She’s been like this for years. A complete and utter trainwreck, every time they trot her out.

      • SURE says:

        @where’smytiara “Absolute empathy deficit” which seems odd given K’s unexpected, life changing cancer diagnosis.

  13. Valarie Wade says:

    For God’s sake let her look bad. She has had cancer and chemo, she will look better later.

    • Jais says:

      I’m not even saying she looks bad. I think she just looks how she looks? To me it’s not that different than before?

    • lea says:

      She looked this bad before her “cancer” & “chemo”. Point is that it is rare we see these non -photo shopped pics.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The point is Kate looks wildly different in each new representation of her released to the public but we’re meant to absorb them all ‘as Kate’ no questions asked. Even the Frankenphoto and farm shop video were purported to be contemporary, recent photos othe Princess of Wales like butter wouldn’t melt at the time they were released and that farm shop video still hasn’t been retracted. The fullness in her face at Wimbledon was markedly different to her appearance at Trooping the Colour. Even her face meeting the young lady who photographed the investiture doesn’t look the same as she does here.

    • Andrea says:

      She always looks bad, just the pics are airbrushed

    • jemmy says:

      @Valarie Wade one find it very hard to believe she had cancer as one cannot have cancer and continue to denigrate and smear others one perceives to be threatened by. NO OUNCE OF COMPASSION or magnanimity displayed by those who had been at the receiving end of life have been evidenced in their actions towards H&M.

      Lets just stop with this farce – most people me included not believe she had cancer

      Unhappy ? most probably hence the reason they cant help but give out what they have.

  14. Digital Unicorn says:

    Holy matchy matchy dressing batman – they’ve really upped their matching outfits game.

    Whats also interesting is that these photos haven’t been photoshopped to hell and back hence why commenters up thread are saying she looks haggard – she’s always looked like this, we’re just used to seeing photoshopped pics of her.

    While am glad she recovered from whatever ailed her – its clear she could have returned to duties months ago but choose not to. As someone up thread said, I think they were summoned to Balmoral and told to get back to work to support the King who DOES look very ill. Kate is looking like she always has.

    Remember these 2 have a long history of last min engagements which seems to have started up again.

    • Jais says:

      Okay, yes that’s would stood out to me the most. The matching burgundy. There was a clear effort to put forth a unified front at least sartorially. I can’t remember the last time I saw them matching this much with this much effort put in. It’s the burgundy brigade 2.0 with just the Wales as opposed to the burgundy brigade at the Christmas concert. The one where they all wore matching colors to make Meghan out to seem like a liar just bc she was concerned about not showing up in the same color.

    • Nic919 says:

      There are photos from something she did last year in a recent post and she looks roughly the same.

      I also think that Charles pausing treatment to visit Australia raises issues why Kate who did a whole video to say she’s done treatment has yet to do anything significant. That is likely why this appearance happened.

  15. sevenblue says:

    When you photoshop the hell out of someone’s photos, you can’t tell if they got older suddenly or not photoshopped enough. I think, it is lightening + lack of editing. Good thing they started to make this kind of visits instead of just doing fun events.

  16. QuiteContrary says:

    Yep, they’ve definitely been ordered back to work.

    And aww, they’re dressed alike … his-and-hers grown-up Garanimals outfits.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      H&M have had a great deal of adorable and stylish ‘matchy matchy’ moments and the Waleses keep mining that Temu seam, hoping for a bit of the same adulation and spontaneous compliments from the public.

  17. Jaded says:

    Hmmm…interesting that most of the shots show her hair, in a right side part, covering her left eyebrow, the one with the obvious scar. Whatever’s gone on in her life this past year is written all over her face. I’ve been through grueling cancer surgery and chemo myself this year and I can honestly say I don’t look nearly as haggard as Kate. Was big blue and the crown worth it all Kate?

  18. Tessa says:

    William dresses better here but the beard still looks bad.

  19. Tina says:

    Maybe I’m too much of a cynic but to me everything is a reaction. Meghan got 4 days of press for showing up looking great so we need to trot out Kate. Also not lost on me is the new narrative the press is pushing that the Sussexes are on separate paths. Here comes the wales together! In matching outfits! Anyhoo I hope this visit was a comfort to the victims of this horrible crime.

  20. Tennyson says:

    There’s this old expression in French, ‘mal fagoté’ that literally means a bunch of sticks poorly tied together. It means a person, usually underweight, frumpily dressed. It’s an phrase that’s at least 250 years old. They must have had a Kitty in mind. Those colours and styles are horrible on her. Furthermore, she looks haggard. The Bordeaux colour also looks terrible on William.
    Hard to believe those two actually have personal dresser and valet to look so bad.

  21. yipyip says:

    I’m not picking on how she looks, I understand she has been thru treatments, etc.

    But, honestly if she’d cut her hair to shoulder length and stop the extensions, I think she’d look less drawn. That hair weighs down her face, IMO.

    And yes, I think Charles is seriously still unwell, plus his age.

    I kinda like their matching outfits. I’m old tho. LOL

  22. JaxCouchPotato says:

    Still no sign of Big Blue…

  23. Feebee says:

    I don’t think it’s only his scuzzy beard she’s not a fan of. I’ve just seen some video of them arriving and she doesn’t seem that into being there but it could be just the solemnness of the event.

  24. BeanieBean says:

    I liked this part, ‘…and his visit has long been scheduled in for today.’ Are they trying to tell us something? That this wasn’t cobbled together last-minute for some reason? At the very least, it looks like Kate’s presence was a last-minute thing. Did she say anything, or just sit there looking concerned?

  25. wolfmamma says:

    Well he looks unhinged and awful though better dressed than usual. She looks like her clothes are too heavy for her as well
    as gaunt and unhappy. There is definitely something off about her and them. I wonder how long this charade will go on?

  26. M says:

    These attacks happened in July! You don’t show up 3 months later and pretend like you care. I would have told them to shove their fake sympathy. Also, looks like Big Blue has been retired. Guess the unofficial divorce has been completed.

    • Princessk says:

      They are looking for self publicity.

    • Steph says:

      I don’t know how I feel about this. Even though they are royalty, is there an appropriate to time make a public appearance with parents who’s children have just been murdered in a senseless act of violence? Especially since it was a murder, how long ago did they actually get to lay their children to rest? I know in America that takes longer bc of investigations than a natural death. If this brought comfort to the families then good. But I can’t imagine having to host royals (especially if they are royalists) in the immediate aftermath of losing a child this way.

      • Becks1 says:

        I feel they definitely had to wait until Charles visited, but he visited what, a month ago? 6 weeks ago?

        I think this just seems so…..delayed….on the Wales’ part because William was super fast to use Taylor Swift to boost his dad-image, but then took a really long time to respond to this.

      • BeanieBean says:

        These are the first responders. Not sure if they even met the families.

  27. Interested Gawker says:

    This is what I mean about ‘each’ Kate looking different from each other. Wimbledon Kate, Miss Hatton Kate, and the Trooping Kates do not look the same. Princess Catherine looks more like ‘herself’ here. Wimbledon Kate had a great deal of cosmetic subterfuge applied to her face, very much at odds with her regular ‘military Mary Poppins/buttons’ look we see again today. Wimbledon Kate and today’s Kate -stripped down and her Photoshop face tuning are clearly not the ‘same face’.

    I don’t think she had a facelift, I think Princess Catherine had some sort of reconstructive intervention and dental work.

    • Dee says:

      You’ve forgotten the Farmer’s Market Kate, who looked like an imposter.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I left ‘her’ out because that wasn’t Kate – but your right that’s the farm shop video is a symptom of why WanK and KP should not be allowed the benefit of the doubt when they actively pushed a fake sighting of her into the international news cycle and to this day we still don’t know if that was really William.

      • Becks1 says:

        Without getting into the Farm Shop debate again, I think that appearance is different from the other three that InterestedGawker cited because Wimbledon, the pictures from last week and Trooping were all official appearances. So there were professional cameras, the pictures were officially released by KP, etc. And in all three of those (four counting today) appearances, she looked very different from one to the other.

    • misssixer says:

      @interestedawker… totally agree with your assessments/comments. By the by, I noticed you mentioned Marypester a while back and have not “seen” her in a while. does anyone know her status? Sorry if I missed something,.. don’t post a lot, but read often.

  28. VilleRose says:

    Why doesn’t it always take royals so long to do these kinds of visits? It only took Charles about a month to visit Southport, he also took time out of his summer vacation to do it. I can understand not wanting to be there right after the tragedy happens and it is still very fresh. You need to give the families some breathing room. A month seems an appropriate time to let families process what has happened. But what is William’s excuse? He couldn’t be bothered during his summer break? He wasn’t doing anything at the end of August, why not show up with his dad? Is there a rule about the monarch and heir not appearing at the same events? Come to think of it I’m not sure how often Charles went to events with QEII but I don’t think it was often? Why does it take William so long to do anything?

    It’s nice seeing Kate out and about and back in one of her unflattering school marm outfits. Before her cancer, she had a streak of Meghan inspired pantsuits and I wonder if she’ll go back to that look, it didn’t feel very authentic to her. However, I agree with the comments saying she looks exhausted, like she got no sleep and very haggard. I wonder if she was ordered to appear at this after the flurry of activity from mostly Harry and Meghan’s sole hospital charity gala appearance.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was sure she’d next be seen in a blue coat-dress. I was wrong. Instead, she & William dressed in matching fall colors. 🙄 Which looked good on neither of them.

    • Nic919 says:

      As I mentioned above. It’s hard to believe either of them were so busy they couldn’t show up before now but had plenty of time to film a video. The DM specifically saying this was always scheduled today basically confirms that it wasn’t.

      • VilleRose says:

        To be fair, I went back through the articles and Charles and Kate and William did issue statements of support and condolences the day the attack happened on their social media (July 29th). So they did at least do something. Charles followed it up with a visit about a month later. I can understand Kate not going with chemo but William had zero excuse.

      • Nic919 says:

        And that would be an acceptable reason before we saw the video that she clearly had time and energy to do. Neither have a good reason to not attend once Charles went there.

  29. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Seriously Meghan’s red dress is changing the world kikiki.
    Imagine being forced to do an appearance because no smear is working outside the Island

  30. Miss Scarlett says:

    Kate looks absolutely exhausted. I remember her dark circles were this bad last year, but I thought they looked better recently. Is she just that photoshopped usually?

    • Polo says:

      This is how she normally looks when she’s not photoshopped to death by her go to royal photographer Chris Jackson. She’s had those forehead wrinkles for years but they disappeared around the time Meghan came along from pictures. Around the same time the Botox story came out. The story they denied but wouldn’t deny false stories about Meghan. This is her real face.

      It’s kinda hard to say your struggling through cancer treatment and can’t work to the general public while looking like you’ve walked out of a magazine spread. Meanwhile your father in law is working hard while also going through cancer.

  31. Beverley says:

    Wow, she is so predictable! How many CBers predicted Kate’s re-emergence after the sightings of Meghan in her red dress? WanK had to do something to draw focus.

  32. Interested Gawker says:

    The burgundy jumper is still too red a colour at William’s face, it doesn’t flatter him and the dark jacket accentuates the fact that the sides of his ‘beard’ aren’t filled in enough to be attractive.

    Please, somebody please make him switch to a goatee.

  33. Mads says:

    I watched a short video of the visit and there’s a segment of her talking and he’s looking at her with his normal disdain; it was palpable. They must have some substantial leverage to have made him agree to the dreadful video update.
    He wants out and, for now, she holds the cards – whether that’s because of cancer or whatever happened in December last year, who knows 🤷‍♀️.
    They’re both desperately unhappy and look ill; William has lost a significant amount of weight and Kate looks rough.

  34. Libra says:

    I think she looks older here because she’s wearing her solemn, serious face. When she wears her happy smiling face she looks much better. As I type this I realize that her face and figure are her meal ticket, which leaves us with not much else to write about.

    • The Duchess says:

      Yep, she has nothing else to offer and I find it tragic that this is the case at her big age. That is why she is seriously threatened by Meghan. It makes her feel small and inferior that her title and whiteness does not command the same attention it did pre-Meghan. Now the bar has been set higher, but she can’t reach it because she’s too set in her ways and too far gone in her dysfunctional life to change it all around. So what does it leave her with? A husband who can’t stand her presence and a reputation in complete tatters. Being exposed as a racist really did a number on her and she’s been trembling ever since.

  35. Shoegirl77 says:

    That red dress is really breaking these dipsos into tiny little pieces.

  36. Over it says:

    She doesn’t look like she wants to be there .

  37. Lau says:

    William is the perfect illustration for the expression “aging like bad milk”, like literally.

  38. yipyip says:

    Reading thru the comments, I had not noticed that Big Blue was not worn until the CBers mentioned it.

    OTOH, Big Blue is an iconic piece of jewelry.
    But, the ring certainly did not bring Diana a happy future.

    If I was Kate, I’d insist on putting Big Blue into a museum, get new jewels from William.

  39. tamsin says:

    “…his visit has long been scheduled in for today.” Seems a rather defiant note on which to end. Methinks KP doth protest too much.

    I found this collection of pictures rather interesting. Where are the body language experts? Do they come out only for the Sussexes? In one photo, Kate is looking at William with the same disdain he usually gives her. In another, William is sitting beside Kate, but as far away as possible, body and leg crossed away from her, closed off unto himself. In the portrait shot of Kate, she just looks ineffably sad. Both are dressed in a completely closed up fashion. Kate buttoned and closed up to the neck, William also. These two are not people who reach out to others, it seems to me- their dress and their body language just suggests two solitudes to me. And I would feel sad for them if they had not shown themselves to be so lacking in kindness, empathy, compassion, and even simple courtesy toward others.

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, both of their faces are clearly giving off, “we don’t give a single fuck about anything, including each other.”

  40. Laura says:

    She looks rough AF, but not any different—just like someone who is exhausted, stressed, burned out, and who has poor genetics and/or doesn’t take care of her skin. If she truly does have cancer, why not send her to some 5 star expert retreat in Bali or somewhere so she could fully relax and recover? No one would blame her, I’m sure her kids could be flown to visit her, and what’s 6 months or so if it means the rest of your life is worth living?

  41. Margaret says:

    I think she looks gaunt and unwell but I don’t think this is necessarily because she is/has been unwell. I have thought she looks gaunt for some time. Not in all photos we see of her, but in those where she is not smiling. We haven’t seen shown many pics where she is not. smiling, but we are being allowed to see them now and I am cynical enough to think that’s intentional.

    I reckon she realises that she is now showing her age. Very thin people’s faces tend to show the signs of aging earlier than the faces of people who are not thin. Her face has started to sag and smiling hikes up the tissue and the sagginess is not as obvious. Her non-smiling face looks gaunt and unwell so all she has to do to look unwell is to not smile. And of course most of the photos we have seen in the past have been photoshopped and these aren’t, so we are seeing natural, non-smiling, un-photoshopped Kate, and it’s a bit of a shock.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I think she looks angry or disdainful when she is not smiling but a smile transforms her face completely, then she still looks young. The eye make up is too heavy and ages her. Most people start to look older when they reach their forties, we have got so used to seeing botoxed celebs to know how normal people age. I think that Kate looks like a woman in her 40s and Meghan looks years younger. Another reason they had to get rid of Meghan.

      • Granger says:

        I just read an article last week about how people go through two significant periods of aging — the first at 44, the second at 60. I looked back at photos of myself at 40 and 47/48 and I can definitely see that I aged faster during that period than I aged throughout my 30s. Kate’s only 42, but close enough — plus, she’s had the stress of going through cancer/chemo and (probably) a divorce, plus she’s super thin. On top of that, I think KC isn’t doing well and W&K have been read the riot act about stepping up, and the threat looms that they’re going to be king and queen sooner than expected. And given that K doesn’t like to work, she’s got to be stressed about that, too.

        All that to say that I agree with you, @sunnyside up, that she looks like a lot of women heading towards their mid-40s, maybe a little worse for wear given she’s been sick. But we’re too used to seeing celebs pulled, tweaked, and so made-up and filtered, that even the most rational of us sometimes forget that’s not realistic.

  42. Helen says:

    Totally agree that Kate smiles, grins, laughs & does that annoying jazz hands thing because she knows she photographs better like that. She also constantly presses her lips together when unable to smile (like you do when you put lip balm on). I suspect she studies photographs of herself obsessively & may well have body dysmorphia. Getting older in the public eye’s not going to be something she enjoys-trouble is, Botox, fillers, surgery-even done well, are all noticeable & the press will have something to say if she ends up looking unnatural. It’s not what the public expects from royals & would be called trashy by the press. This would only make her hate Meghan more, unfortunately. Meghan’s got better genes and is the sort of woman who will always look good-Kate will look like Carole. Just think though if Kate had even half of the work ethic Meghan had-nobody would care what she looked like, she’d be valued and respected. Karma always works out in the end-she’s based her whole life on being a stepford barbie & lazy. Find it hard to have any sympathy-she had years to do the right thing before Harry even met Meghan. (Also I think the cancer thing was massively exaggerated-a few pre cancerous cells or similar. Unfortunately those two lost a lot of trust years ago with their workshy, selfish attitudes & entitlement so hard to believe anything from their manipulative PR side)

  43. CreoleTomato says:

    She has tried to copy Meghan’s clothes, her style, her acting skills (?), her ability to connect with people, her entire being . . . but the one thing she can’t copy is Meghan’s FRESH face.

  44. Len says:

    I actually like his beard, it’s making him the most attractive he’s been since his beauty faded in his mid-20’s. They both look good here.

  45. Kadie says:

    Calling it now….Big Blue was picked up by Haz in Jan ’24 and is happily living in Monticeto. The divorce was supposed to be announced early 24 but then something happened in December ’23 and Cuckles was diagnosed with cancer. Incandescent’s weight loss is Diana from 81-85, when you can’t control your life, you control your body.

    • Polo says:

      Girl why the heck would Haz have that cursed ring. Please keep their names out of this situation. Willy boy has that thing in a vault somewhere in exchange for bringing back ma and pa Middleton into the fold this summer.

      • BeanieBean says:

        His mother left it to him, William appropriated it.

      • Kadie says:

        First, not your ‘girl’, please be respectful. Second, who’s names are you demanding I take out of my opinion based post? Finally, if Incandescent really brought the Vig-elton’s back into the fold with a jewelry exchange, why do they still owe money? £2.5 million/$3.16 million to vendors and Interpath Advisory £260,000/$329,000 and the articles are still available, not scrubbed or retracted?
        Again, this is my opinion, don’t like it, please feel free to ignore.

      • sevenblue says:

        @BeanieBean, in Spare, Harry clearly said, the ring was never his. It was always Will’s, it was never given to Harry. The story was made up probably to show how much Harry approved of Kate that he gave the ring to William. It was pure propaganda.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Engagement ring in California?

    • sevenblue says:

      It isn’t power ring that needs to be protected. It is some dumb ring from a cursed marriage. Why would Charles give it to Harry? People really enjoy dragging Harry into K&W’s marriage.

  46. Chelsea says:

    My heart really goes out to these families but the royals saying and doing pretty much nothing while the country was burning for weeks because of anti migrant hate mongerers who used the murders of these poor girls as an excuse to go on a violent rampage and then turning up here sends a message and it’s not a great one.

  47. Thelma says:

    Have they stopped photoshopping her?

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