Day 6 of ‘Duchess Meghan wore a red dress’: Meghan was snubbed at the LA gala!

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Day 6 of the British media’s howling tantrum about the Duchess of Sussex attending the LA Children’s Hospital gala last Saturday. I skipped Day 5’s coverage because all the Mail could summon was Amanda Platell squealing about how Meghan shouldn’t “emasculate” her husband by being smart, beautiful and sexy in a red dress. Too late!! Poor emasculated Harry, so terribly in love with his hot, sexy, intelligent wife. Well, the latest is Richard Eden’s new column, in which he laments how terrible it was for Meghan to not be treated like a “working royal” at a… hospital gala in LA?

One of the most awkward and revealing episodes since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex quit royal duties in 2020 to ‘find freedom’ – and a fortune – came on a red carpet in Los Angeles almost a year ago. Unaccompanied by Prince Harry, Meghan couldn’t have looked less regal as she walked down the carpet at the Power Of Women event and waited to be interviewed by a reporter for Variety magazine, like [any other] celebrity. King Charles’s daughter-in-law posed for photographers like the wannabe starlet she once was. And, in the most undignified moment of all, was then rushed along impatiently by another guest.

Last weekend, Meghan was alone again, on another red carpet in her home city, competing for attention with some of those guests at the LA Children’s Hospital Gala. This time, however, she had to suffer further mortification, with fellow guests feeling free to voice their criticism of her. ‘There wasn’t a great deal of warmth from people when she arrived,’ Lizzie Cundy, a British socialite and television presenter, later told me. ‘She wasn’t there long – she seemed to be there for the photographs.’

When Meghan was still a working royal she would never have been subjected to such a reception or criticism. Having been appointed patron of the National Theatre by the late Queen Elizabeth, in a move designed to make the former actress feel welcome in Britain, Meghan would be guest of honour at stage events. She would enter a theatre after others had taken their seats and distinguished individuals would line up to meet her afterwards.

And while the duchess was receiving this allegedly chilly reception in LA, her husband was treated as warmly as ever at an awards ceremony for WellChild, one of the few charity patronages he was able to cling onto after leaving Britain. He remained patron of WellChild because it wasn’t a royal patronage handed out by the Monarch.

An old friend of Harry’s I spoke to this week said Meghan’s solo outing in LA emphasises how much they have lost by abandoning royal life. ‘Imagine the difference if they were still working royals,’ the friend said. ‘They would be the centre of attention wherever they went. They would be patrons of organisations and charities, not just guests turning up. I think Harry’s work over recent weeks with WellChild and Sentebale [the charity he helped set up in 2006 for African orphans, including those living with HIV/AIDS] will have brought home to him how much he has lost by moving to the States.’

[From The Daily Mail]

A quick reminder of how Meghan was actually treated when she lived in the UK: she was always being told to humble herself, to not be showy, to make herself smaller, less noticeable, that she shouldn’t wear bright colors. If she did get attention or positive press, the family became incandescent with rage and they furiously briefed against her. They screamed about how much her clothes cost. They screamed about her hair. They screamed about her family. They screamed about her avocado toast. Then they shoved her in the back at royal events and whenever she did work, the other Windsors rushed to step on her newscycle or spread lies about how she was secretly making everyone cry behind-the-scenes. This is Eden trying to “sweeten the pot” and, in his plodding, idiotic way, try to convince the Sussexes that they would be better off if only they came crawling back. He’s also trying to convince his domestic audience that no one should be fooled by Meghan looking vivacious, healthy and glowing at the gala – they she was absolutely being snubbed, he promises, just don’t even pay attention to the fact that Meghan was a guest of the hospital’s CEO and that she sat at the same table with Jimmy Kimmel. Snubbed! Embarrassed! Awkward! Trust him!

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78 Responses to “Day 6 of ‘Duchess Meghan wore a red dress’: Meghan was snubbed at the LA gala!”

  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    Next we will get a guest editorial from Sarah Huckabee Sanders: the British media kept Meghan humble. Now, she has no one to keep her humble.

    • aftershocks says:

      Eden’s screeching is contradictory, hypocritical, senseless, inane, pitiful, and desperate. Meghan and Harry have never been fussed about nor focused on being the center of attention. They are motivated to help others in need through effectively using the high visibility platform that their often burdensome royal status and celebrity provides.

      It should go without saying, but I’ll say it for those who might be taken in by Eden’s mindless flummery: Harry has never ceased being a deeply involved patron of WellChild. Plus, Harry is the co-founder of Sentebale and the creator of the Invictus Games. The BRF can not take any of these charities away from Harry! Most importantly, Harry does NOT need to be a ‘working royal’ to serve these important charities. Regardless of WellChild’s location and origination in the U.K., being a royal is certainly NOT required to truly care about helping special needs children and their loving, supportive family members!

      Meghan is taking care of her life and blissfully minding her own business. She is in her era of joy, nurturing her children, working on passion-driven projects, and giving back to others in many private as well as public ways. Her grace and her grounded good works are beyond reproach, no matter how hard the jealous losers keep tryna tear her down. Princess Meghan Ada Mazi, The Duchess of Sussex, is far above and beyond all the crap that continues to reek from the left-behinds and their lame salty isle a$$es. 🙄

  2. Josephine says:

    So apparently the royals just go to events to be the center of attention and get their very keen, very extra special prince and princess treatment?? Could their a**es be showing any more? Meghan has actual character, presence and self-confidence without the kid gloves, thank you very much.

    • Inge says:

      I remember K going to the opening of a exhibition(might have been the NHM) and was late ‘because of the kids’ which led to paid members having to wait and wait and wait till she arrived, because she was the first one to be let in, stayed a very short time and was off again.

      The paid members then didn’t have much time left for their own visit.

    • Noor says:

      To the average British bloke like Eden it is just unthinkable that someone given a royal status could walk away from it.

      Enjoy your royal worship Eden. It takes centuries of being brainwashed for Eden and others like him who think that monarchy like air is essential

    • HuffnPuff says:

      I think that is what is so hard for royals and the BP to believe. That you can actually want to show up and be there for things. That it isn’t just “hello! I’m here gracing you with my presence!” The Sussexes are following Diana’s footsteps and creating their own in the process and it’s driving the BP mad.

  3. Inge says:

    ‘When Meghan was still a working royal she would never have been subjected to such a reception or criticism. ‘

    She got a frosty reception by the jealous royals and was constantly criticized for things K got praised for.

    • PC says:

      I would love to tell Richard Eden to his face that the rest of the world’s media strongly disagrees with him. Meghan’s glorious red carpet walk and the wonderful reception she received was published globally. She also broke the internet. Meghan got praise from countries that boost hundreds of millions of citizens, unlike the measly 68 million who reside in England. More people saw the truth and not the lies Richard and his phony cronies are trying desperately to pass off.

    • Becks1 says:

      Eden was one of her biggest critics!!! The gaslighting is unreal here.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Maureen Eden needs some clapback in the form of his own column headlines held up to him as a mirror, and used against him and his gaslighting argument.

      ‘Would never have been subjected to such criticism”? All he ever did was criticize her! From day dot!
      Eden is a vile, racist blob.

    • bisynaptic says:

      LOL Maureen say what, now?

    • Christine says:

      This is so delusional, it would be funny, if Meghan wasn’t still in the middle of the biggest abuse of a single person by the left-behind royals and rota ever. EVER.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    These people are living in alternate reality. Your king gets protested so loudly that you can hear the chants ” Not my King” on TV at one of his coronations, but she wouldn’t have been criticized as a working Royal? They literally print criticism of the working royals themselves ,when they’re trying to snatch their chains. And to quote this woman as evidence that the person specifically invited by the CEO and sitting at their table received a chilly reception? I didn’t even know who that was until people in the comments explained, and I still don’t know what she looks like. I guess we should ignore the red carpet screams of Meghan! Imagined the interviews she gave? Write ups in multiple news media and reels? Ignore the selfies she was taking? Richard Eden is hating outside the club he can’t even get in.

  5. Nanea says:

    It’s tragic in a way to see Maureen getting away with his very obvious lies.

    We all saw that Meghan was warmly embraced, e.g. by the CEO Paul Viviano, when they hugged each other.

    H&M haven’t lost anything, in fact they’ve gained their freedom to do whatever they want whenever they want.

    And I don’t get this Deranger talking point that she wasn’t there for long, when it was reported that she shared a table with the CEO and the Kimmels, among other people — and someone shared a group selfie with Meghan from the event.

    Why do the Left-Behinds care so much about someone they call a “wannabe starlet”?

    Oh, and someone should remind RE that it was Ashley Hansen, who “rushed” Meghan along at that Variety event *last year*

    • Beth says:

      Yes, it was Ashley ushering her along last year. And, of course, she was also there managing the red carpet stuff this time. I suspect Eden knows this – it’s yet another malevolent tabloid game in their overall smear campaign/vendetta. For clicks and to feed hatred and/or behavioural addiction in troll echo chambers. Revolting.

    • PC says:

      And of course Lizzie Cundy didn’t see Meghan interacting with the other guests of honor and the CEO. It’s hard to have a good view when your table assignment is by the kitchen door. All she saw were the waiters and busboys rushing to serve guests and the backs of the heads of everyone who is anyone.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        LOL. I’m laughing too because Lizzie Cundy’s multiple plastic surgery faces now equals to “several guests”. Richard/Maureen (or any of the RR’s) are not big on facts. Richard/Maureen has spent too much time on Willy Wonka’s stretching machine.

        “I think Harry’s work over recent weeks with WellChild and Sentebale [the charity he helped set up in 2006 for African orphans, including those living with HIV/AIDS] will have brought home to him how much he has lost by moving to the States.’”.

        How so “old friend”? He’s doing what he’s always wanted to do and done without the anchor of the BRF/BM. Why do you think he’s lost out on moving to the States? “old friend” are the RR’s who are not invited/snubbed by the Sussexes events.

  6. Chloe says:

    They need to tell themselves this things to soothe themselves because if anything Harry and Meghan moving away shows everyone how they can literally live life royals, and get a reception like royals do, without all the added bullshit.

    • kirk says:

      I think in this case CEO Paul Viviano specially invited her because of her past involvement with Childrens Hospital. She showed up to read to children, garnering lots of positive press for them. Seriously doubt that being a married-in royal had anything to do with her reception.

      • aftershocks says:

        ^^ Exactly. By her very brilliant, charismatic presence, her numerous pre-royal accomplishments, her humanity, and her devoted work ethic, it is Meghan who in fact elevated the British royals, particularly in terms of the positive increase in global attention.

        Those jealous fools absolutely squandered and spit on all the positive attention and goodwill they received in the lead-up to and aftermath of H&M’s royal wedding. This fact is the dead reckoning those fools need to be coming to grips with instead of doubling down on their soul-crushing envy and hate against a blessed and beautiful woman.

  7. Lizzie says:

    I think it was 2 weeks ago William arrived to a planned event, all kinds of barricaded and zero people on the street to see him.

  8. Eurydice says:

    So basically, the advantage to being a royal is that you get the enter the room last and be seated in the best chair. And for this high honor, Meghan should to go back to living in a nest of vipers in the middle of a country that hates her. Such a choice…what to do…what to do…

    • kirk says:

      The advantage of being sovereign or next-in-line royal is you don’t get written up in the DailyFail by “royal reporters” like Eden for receiving an “allegedly chilly reception” based on the word of some Brit named Cundy. Apparently he thinks a crime has been committed (allegedly), either that or he’s undercutting his own “source.”

      • Eurydice says:

        I would choose a third option, which is Eden is a big fat liar who is quoting another big fat liar. After 6 days of photographic evidence, Eden knows exactly how the event went and what kind of reception Meghan was given. The same for his “source,” who could not have missed that Meghan was sitting with the CEO.

  9. Maxine Branch says:

    Eden is a nut case. I am just so happy to see Meghan looking like she did pre marriage. Pretty, glowing and unbothered. This is the life she and Harry wanted for themselves and their kids. Happy she has found it. Oh by the way the ET post of Meghan now has close to 8M views.

    • Chelsea says:

      And there are still so many viral reteeets being made off that post. People really love seeing Meghan like this; especially all the fashion girlies who seem to have been waiting for this. Not to mention all the magazines who seem to be in a competition over who can make the best fancam of her on the red carpet on every social media platform.

  10. Tessa says:

    What fanatics. She was treated horribly and the UK is still nasty to her close to 5 years after she left. Kate dressed in gold Las Vegas style dress and red dresses including the one where she got out of a car to display her legs. Was huevo emasculated then.

  11. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    This is why it’s dangerous for Meghan to set foot on that.
    Extremely dangerous.
    They continue fomenting hatred against her for profit.
    They want to Diana her.

  12. Wow today is Opposite Day with this article. She wasn’t snubbed she was welcomed. She was photographed with lots of A lust people. We aren’t supposed to believe our eyes just believe the opposite of what we saw.

  13. Flowerlake says:

    She looked beautiful.

    All the angry hags (male or female) should get over it.

  14. Jais says:

    Yeaaaah, no. Eden tried I guess? But everything he wrote is just laughable. Meghan was glowing with her friend and spoke kindly about the Children’s hospital. In a red dress. No need for hysteria and vitriol. The overreaction has been kind of funny? Day 6 and counting.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      He tried… tried to cover over the fact that his favourite white duchess still acts like a malfunctioning robot at her “working royal” events. Breaking out in inappropriate laughter while meeting families of slaughtered children? Who does that?? He decided the best way to sidestep Kate’s Ongoing Failure To Be A Human Adult, was by slandering the kind, intelligent, biracial duchess who actually has her 💩 together and doesn’t have to answer to the UK ever again.

      Eden, give your head a wobble.

      • Jais says:

        It’s unfortunate how blatant they are in skewering one woman while deifying another. It does no woman any favors. Not that Eden cares. He pays for his rent with misogyny.

  15. Tessa says:

    Eden and his ilk sound like abusive bitter ex who wants the person he abused to return. You were better off with me rants and constant harassing and put downs

  16. Becks1 says:

    So……the only critic he can find is Lizzy Cundy, who was paid (presumably) to write an article earlier this week about how Meghan was “shunned” at the event?

    Specific opinions on Meghan or Kate or the royals aside, I think there is something fascinating and disturbing in how the RRs operate. It’s a step beyond propaganda. It’s a circular kind of “reporting” where one says something negative so others can then repeat that negativity as “some are saying” etc. There is a huge element of “believe us, don’t believe what your eyes and ears are telling you.” And for many, it works. I’ve had people on social media tell me that X didn’t happen even though there is video proof of it because the RRs didnt cover it. (think of the standing ovation at the royal albert in March 2020, things like that.) And that kind of power is very dangerous.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Once again Richard Eden is rewriting history. He seems to forget that it was so bad for Meghan as a working royal that she suffered from suicide ideation. Furthermore Camilla was apparently upset that the Queen made Meghan patron for the National Theatre. The British press are so delusional that they can’t imagine that Meghan is happier and better off in the US.

  18. Lolo86lf says:

    Oh my God, this “Meghan’s red dress” controversy reminds me of the movie Jezebel where Bette Davis wears a red dress instead of a white dress to the fancy ball where unmarried young society women are supposed to wear virginal white. The British media are practically calling Meghan some sort of a hussy for wearing a brazen red dress and look beautiful at the same time. Maybe Meghan should send pictures of her wardrobe to the BM so they can give their approval before hand. This is sick.

    • Tessa says:

      And Kate wore red dresses and is praised. Meghan gets slammed for it.

    • Jais says:

      What’s kind of funny to me is that there are genuinely people out there who are not necessarily in love with the construction of her red dress. I think she looks amazing in it even if I don’t love the bust. And yet, there’s something about Meghan in that red dress. She’s got something that just captures the attention.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Jezebel! There was a scene where she was crowing about how much she loved ‘negro spirituals’, that had so much Kate PR energy 😂😂😂

      ” I think she looks amazing in it even if I don’t love the bust”

      That’s what’s driving the BM so crazy, I chuckled at her bust ‘looking like poached eggs’ because I also think the fabric hadn’t enough give to make that part work but everyone still agrees she was sensational in that dress and low key gorgeous hair.

      • aftershocks says:

        Meghan looks good because she learned how to take great care of herself from a young age. She is an authentic, down-to-earth, savvy, elegant lady. Most importantly, she has courageously managed to salvage her mental health, and to survive and thrive amidst the life-threatening obstacle course of falling in love with a British prince and having her entire existence thrown into a relentless tailspin of lies, insane jealousy, and obsessive monetary-based hate. By God’s grace and the prayers of many kind, caring people, coupled with their own risk-taking leap of faith, Meghan and Harry escaped the cruel fate of miserable, life-destroying royal bondage. Amen! 🙏🏽 🙌🏽

  19. Hypocrisy says:

    Maureen needs to step out of that propaganda bubble and join the real world, because most of us think his BRF is a joke.

  20. sevenblue says:

    An anti-bullying foundation decided not to make Meghan’s personal donation to them public, while Meghan was a working royal. They said after Oprah interview, it was because Meghan’s bad reputation in UK. Imagine that, even some foundations were keeping themselves away from her because of the sh*t printed in tabloids every day about her. That is the respect she got while working for BRF.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The pretzel logic of an anti bullying org KEEPING THE DONATION but basically siding with her abusers because they didn’t want to experience the abuse she did.

      The gall. The caucasity.

      • Christine says:

        This is the first I am hearing about this, and wow. They sided with Meghan’s abusers, and kept her money. I don’t know what to say about an anti-bullying charity that is afraid to stand up to bullies.

        Britain is desperately broken.

    • windyriver says:

      @sevenblue – Some incorrect information here, and the situation was more complex than you portray. Yes, an organization did accept a donation from Meghan/Harry, and didn’t – initially – publicize it. First of all, it’s not an anti-bullying charity. It’s called Himmah, and “works to tackle racism and poverty in Nottingham”, according to news articles at the time. Second, the people involved appear to be of minority backgrounds (Muslim, at least in part), and the money was used to stock a food bank and help run a joint Muslim/Jewish community kitchen. It wasn’t completely crazy for them to be sensitive about attracting negative and damaging attention because of how Meghan was being portrayed in the media. The donation was a modest amount, 10K pounds, and really, the charity wasn’t obligated to announce it. You wonder how the media found out about it in the first place.

      Ultimately, they did speak up after the Oprah interview – “we realized we’re a poverty and race organization and that we needed to show solidarity.” More in the article below.

  21. Monika says:

    Does Eden have any sense of self-awareness? He just described the left Royals as entitled people by default.

    There is nothing wrong with being treated like everybody else. Harry and Meghan earned respect on their own merit, not because they are royal. People respect Harry and Meghan because of the good work they are doing. People including celebrities attend Well child to support a good cause and not because Harry is a royal. Meghan does not only shows up for events. she supports the LA children’s hospital in other ways as well.

    And regards the criticism voiced: Lizzy Cundy was the only voice and she probably had her own agenda. Eden appears to suffer from memory loss. He should read his own columns. Meghan was constantly criticised by the BM and unfavourable and unjustifiable compared with Kate.

  22. Jay says:

    So embarrassing – and a complete rewrite of history. The article suggests that Meghan and Harry will get preferred treatment at events in Britain and with the media. Guys, we all saw exactly how you treated her last time.

    As a side note, is that really the best “perk” that they can come up with – being able to be seated last? It was a charity event, and Meghan was there to show support. And furthermore, we have evidence that getting the “royal treatment” doesn’t necessarily lead to huge crowds and attention: Witness the coverage of Sophie and Edward’s tour of Malta happening right now! Oh, that’s right, you can’t because the rota is desperately generating story after story about Meghan’s red dress.

  23. Giddy says:

    What a vile, jealous article. Eden obviously has pure acid in his veins to write such drivel. We see the happy, glowing, accomplished truth that is our Duchess Meghan, and all his slander just makes him look small and ridiculous.

  24. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. Keener and Will-not actually did an event together this week and looked very awkward together. Both look looked rough in unedited photos and Willy posed with his hands covering his willy. Meghan moved across the Atlantic and all the way across the continent. The rota still cannot publish the truth and still hound her because the Wails are dull, lack glamour, are spoiled/entitled and have zero charisma. Bet keen wears red next time she steps out and demands photoshopped images of her face next time.

  25. aquarius64 says:

    Eden got his marching orders from KP to put down Meghan (again) for Kate’s reappearance. The future king and queen consort are pathetic; they are so insecure of the fifth in line to the throne and his consort they have to strong arm US media to give updates on Kate’s “cancer” journey. The Markle Sparkle is authentic and some
    people, people of importance, are impressed and want to work with her.
    Rational people can see with their own eyes the welcome Meghan received. I
    think Eden and the rest of the press pirates write these ridiculous article to self
    soothe. They know the legitimate ethical press see them as journalism school rejects who will never be seen as colleagues. Social media influencers have more credibility. The rota rats are only limited to the niche royal beat, servicing as emotional support animals to the Windsors to make the BRF look and feel important.

  26. sunnyside up says:

    “And while the duchess was receiving this allegedly chilly reception in LA” Note ‘allegedly’ even the DM doesn’t actually believe it was chilly. It’s there way of avoiding being sued.

  27. MsIam says:

    I guess “snubbed” means something different in the UK? Harry and Meghan are the center of attention wherever they go, unless they go in disguise I guess. And tell me again why they need to go back to being working Royals to get attention when they have it already? More gibberish from Maureen Eden. And he has the gall to keep using that Lizard woman as a “source” when its been proven she’s a bald-faced liar.

    • Becks1 says:

      Right? lol.

      I also think its funny how they act like its so easy to gatecrash these events. I mean I know it happens usually as a prank or something for youtube but celebs aren’t just rushing to the red carpets for these events without invites. i think some on social media even said last year that she wasn’t actually invited to the VIP box at beyonce’s concert, and I’m like, yeahhhhh that’ s not how it works, lol.

  28. SIde Eye says:

    Red dress is becoming the 2024 equivalent of tan suit-gate. And Arugula-gate. It is certainly surpassing Avocado toast-gate in faux outrage/pearl clutching debauchery.

  29. Feebee says:

    As I read the way being royal is all about centering yourself at every event, entering last – like a bride – and then having people line up afterwards to greet you because of course you are the jewel at somebody else’s performance, I couldn’t help thinking it came down to old fashioned snobbery. Just continuous and blatant snobbery. It’s 2024, aren’t people sick of it?

    • Jay says:

      Absolutely – I think the emphasis on getting special treatment and everyone waiting until you are seated just exemplifies the warped priorities of the leftbehinds, not Meghan. This was a charity event – she was there to be seen and to show support for a good cause. Only a true asshole would have insisted on centreing themselves at an event to raise money for sick children, pushing their way to the front of the line for reporter photos/questions, or having every other VIP wait for you so you can make a grand entrance. Or, ahem, holding up an entire coronation because they arrived late.

      As we know, that’s just never been how either M or H operate.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Just wrote the same thing: it’s the appeal to snobbery.

  30. Proud Mary says:

    Day 2000th of us caring about what Maureen has to say. Please stop.

  31. Kelsey says:

    MISERABLE people. Jesus. SMH.

  32. Harla says:

    I just have to say that I love Meghan’s look here, the whole ensemble from top to bottom is stunning. What I am liking the most is the lighter eye makeup, I’m not a huge fan of the black eyeliner on the bottom eye line, imho this lighter eye makeup looks so young and fresh that I’m copying it even though I’m not young and fresh 🙂

  33. L4Frimaire says:

    I think after five years the Sussexes have a clear idea of what their current lives are and the focus definitely isn’t having people wait on a receiving line for them. They have actual day jobs not focused on them just being there by grace of God or whatever.Why has this one event and Meghan looking amazing untethered them so much? What is going on there? The Sussexes have their own organization and philanthropic causes, but still come out and support others doing good work. What a concept, not always centering oneself. Eden is a ridiculous person. It’s been almost a week. This is crazy.

  34. maisie says:

    this whole column was a distraction from the absolute embarrassment of Sophie ignoring the proffered hand of the Prime Minister on their Malta “tour”. that video is, in a word, remarkable.

    the more they harp on around all this the more the rest of the world can see what a bunch of useless appendages the royal family are. The brits have become so used to the fart-sniffing that their tabloids engage in that they can’t any longer discern reality.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    “I think Harry’s work over recent weeks with WellChild and Sentebale [the charity he helped set up in 2006 for African orphans, including those living with HIV/AIDS] will have brought home to him how much he has lost by moving to the States.”

    Yeah, he’s lost so much … he only has a gorgeous home, the freedom to take his beautiful children for walks on the nearby coast, the knowledge that his gorgeous wife and children are safe, the freedom to champion the causes that are most important to him …

    However is he bearing it?

  36. Mel says:

    These folks live in an alternate reality, they’re flailing even more because people ARE catching on to the fact that this is bullying BS. This kind of crap only works with royalists. It’s boring now they need to find something else to do.

  37. wolfmamma says:

    Well all of this is another example of disinformation and how it looks. The media supports folks like Eden and Maureen what’s her name.

    Look at the politics here. Trump remains unscathed in the press while Kamala Harris is trolled incessantly.

    Kate is out and about looking haggard with her “ husband” appearing like a homeless fellow and Meghan in a red dress with a radiant smile is the one bashed.

    It’s a twisted world we live in.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Trump isn’t exactly unscathed, in the press. His disintegration is garnering more mainstream press attention and his poll numbers reflect that reality.

  38. bisynaptic says:

    They’re making their appeals to their readership’s snobbery more and more blatant, aren’t they.

  39. Kadie says:

    Somebody’s Boomf for Dogs has been delievered:)) Maureen and Windsor are good for another month.

  40. Lau says:

    Also his only source is Lizzie Cundy so like, lol.

  41. Gem says:

    Eden’s column was actually hilarious. Because it doesn’t have any basis in reality. He is writing to convince himself and his degenerate, ugly readers that she is not happy, thriving and peaceful in USA despite all the evidence to the contrary. It’s sad. I would ask him to nibble some of the dog biscuit James Middleton sent him. Maybe it will reduce the acidity and heart burn.

  42. Fastgran50 says:

    On the Sussex site Meghan has been visiting a girls of Santa Barbara charity. Watching her interact with the children is so natural and the children seem to love her. She talks with them draws with them. And it William and Kate they call Royal yeah right.

  43. Tessa says:

    So it’s ok for kate to wear red dresses. This Eden is off the wall

  44. Anonymous says:

    Black octomom

  45. Nic919 says:

    It has been insane how much the UK tabs have been having fits over this one red dress. It’s not like it’s the first time Meghan has worn a dress to a gala in the states and she’s even worn this dress before. The constant attacks on Meghan , this dress and her attendance at this event are definitely coordinated because Eden is a KP lackey for dog food among others and so the real question is what is going on at KP that this have to attack Meghan this hard for this one gala attendance? Is it because it was for a children’s hospital and Kate has never done anything for kids like this despite her bull shit early years stuff? Or is it because Meghan looks youthful and younger than the KP remainers ? Whatever it is, this gala attendance triggered the hell out of KP.

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