Barack Obama stumped for Harris-Walz in Pittsburgh & ripped Trump a new one

Former President Barack Obama waited until now to join the campaign trail for Harris-Walz. If I remember correctly, Obama also waited until pretty late in the campaign in 2020. He’s arguably the most high-profile and popular Democratic surrogate, and he feels like he should be the late-stage surrogate, the one making the final appeal, the final case for Democrats. Last night, Obama went to Pittsburgh for his biggest speech since the DNC. He was there with Pennsylvania’s Gov. Shapiro and Sen. Bob Casey (who is apparently in a dogfight reelection campaign). Pennsylvania is a major piece of the Electoral College for VP Harris and Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton lost Pennsylvania – Joe Biden won the state because of voters in Philadelphia, Scranton and Pittsburgh and the suburbs. I watched Obama’s whole speech (it was covered live on MSNBC) and I thought it was impassioned and emotional – Obama is f–king angry at Trump and he’s pissed off that so many people are still buying Trump’s horses-t.

I like that he riffed off-script a few times – talking about his surprise at how much diapers cost when Malia was a baby, then asking if anyone thinks Trump has changed a diaper and someone shouted something about Trump wearing diapers. Obama also said Trump inherited the Obama economy (true) and then destroyed it. Before this speech, Obama also stopped in a Harris-Walz field office in Pittsburgh and made a direct appeal to Black men:

Obama said he wanted to “speak some truths” and address Black men specifically, making his most direct remarks about their hesitancy in supporting Harris to date.

“My understanding, based on reports I’m getting from campaigns and communities, is that we have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama said, adding that it “seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”

Obama questioned how voters, and Black voters specifically, could be on the fence about whether to support Harris or former president Donald Trump, the Republican nominee.

“On the one hand, you have somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences,” Obama said, ticking off a list of Harris’s policy proposals. In Trump, he added, “you have someone who has consistently shown disregard, not just for the communities, but for you as a person … And you are thinking about sitting out?”

The former president then spoke about what he thought might be contributing to Black men’s soft support of Harris: the discomfort of some with the idea of electing the first female president.

“And you’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I’ve got a problem with that,” he said. “Because part of it makes me think — and I’m speaking to men directly — part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that.”

The “women in our lives have been getting our backs this entire time,” Obama said. “When we get in trouble and the system isn’t working for us, they’re the ones out there marching and protesting. And now, you’re thinking about sitting out or supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you, because you think that’s a sign of strength, because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down? That’s not acceptable.”

[From WaPo]

He went on to echo similar sentiments in his rally speech, speaking about what real masculinity is, not the whiny, petulant, self-centered, entirely fake and entirely toxic bravado Trump employs.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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29 Responses to “Barack Obama stumped for Harris-Walz in Pittsburgh & ripped Trump a new one”

  1. Smile says:

    Any help to beat the orange man.

  2. Truthiness says:

    Dropped in to see him yelling. Thank God. Our inner psyches have been doing Munch’s Scream painting for the length of Trump’s whole candidacy, Obama yelling fits the moment perfectly.

  3. ML says:

    *sob* 75 months of economic growth destroyed by Trump. I still can’t believe we went from Obama to that mess.

    The diaper comment is not only true (even when I babysat over a decade before Obama, parents complained about the cost of diapers), but the Trump association is gold. I can’t believe Obama went there.

  4. Mina_Esq says:

    I’m so glad someone this high-profile is finally pointing out the obvious – that the “Trump economy” that everyone misses was actually Obama’s economy. The orange guy worked hard to destroy it and failed to properly respond at the first sign of trouble when the pandemic started.

    • Kitten says:

      It’s not just Trump though. This has been the pattern of every Republican president for my entire lifetime: inherit a great economy that was slowly and painstakingly-crafted by the previous Dem POTUS and run it into the effin ground. I am SO tired of Republicans owning the great economy messaging when they have never been anything but fiscally irresponsible. FFS we are still PLAGUED By Reagan’s moronic Trickle Down theory…

      • MichaelaCat says:

        Trickle down is one of the biggest scams in history.

        The only thing that trickles down is mud.

        Make sure a poor worker has an extra 100 dollars and it will roll right back into the economy: shoes for her kids, a haircut so she feels confident at a job interview or some extra fruit for her aging parents.

        Give 100, 1000 or even 1000000 dollars to the average billionaire and it lands right onto a pile, unmoving.

  5. Miranda says:

    It just tickles me to see our leaders get as thoroughly pissed off as the rest of us and actually F–KING SHOW IT. We’ve had, what, 20 years now of calm Obama, but they finally broke him.

  6. Hannah says:

    I have always been in complete awe at President Obama’s oratory skills. His ability to go off script with such laser focussed precision. His witty, brilliant and sometimes *lethal* ripostes. I came of age in the year Mr Barack Obama became President of the USA. So he is the gold standard by which I measure all other world leaders. Spoiler alert: nobody has come close. I am so glad to listen to him speak again

    • SarahCS says:

      He’s amazing to listen to isn’t he? It’s fantastic listening to someone who has mastered this skill so well and does something with it.

      I’m in the UK but I still remember waking up the morning after his election and turning on the tv before I went to work (which I’d never normally do) to see what had happened. It was quite a moment.

      • Hannah says:

        I had just started 6th form in Sept 2008. But it was his inaugural speech in 2009 that really made a then 16 year old me feel so much hope and optimism. It was also the first election (of any kind) that I’d actually followed

    • Becks1 says:

      he is so good – I thought he was good when he was running in 2008 and 2012, but I love “give no fucks” Obama. He’s just amazing.

      Honestly, Trump can mock it all he wants, but it takes talent to read speeches well off a teleprompter. It also takes talent to be able to go off script like Obama can and then circle back to the speech. He truly is incredible.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      He’s great, but I do think there is someone who gives him a run for his money when it comes to oratory skills.

      That someone?

      His wife.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I’m glad he addressed her softer support with men especially Black men straight on. Kamala Harris has shown she cares about our community, making it safer for those under predation( which we know is still too much of an unspoken issue), and finding solutions that don’t ruin lives for those who have broken the law. And because she’s a woman you’ll not vote or vote for someone that called for the death penalty of five men that look like you? That still after they have been exonerated and one is a public servant now himself still saying they are guilty? A man that wouldn’t have rented to your grandparents, parents or you? That regularly scammed small businesses owned by your parents, aunts and uncles? They should be ashamed.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Also, KH refused to buckle to tremendous pressure just four months into her term as SF DA and seek the death penalty for a Black man accused of killing a cop. (He was convicted and sentenced to multiple life terms, no parole, and is still in prison.) There is not just misinformation about her career. There is deliberate disinformation, much of it peddled by national Republicans for years because they identified her as a political threat long ago. And they were correct about that.

  8. girl_ninja says:

    It was great to see PBO dunking on DT. You know it’s something he’s long been wanting to do.

    His direct message to Black men was needed as well. Let patriarchal bullshit created by racist white men go. They never intended for anyone to thrive under their system but White. Men.

  9. JJP says:

    Love Obama any day, but love fired up Obama the most!

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    The decision to withhold Obama until the last month was made by the campaign not Obama. If the hurricanes ever let up, Biden will soon be dispatched to Pennsylvania.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yep, where and when surrogate’s are used are decided by the campaign. They just announced that they are going to have Bill Clinton hit eastern North Carolina and rural Pennsylvania and the coming weeks as well. As he has always had a very strong connection with white working class voters, and it’s probably the best surrogate outside of Tim Walz to go into those areas

      • Christine says:

        I have to say, the brilliance of choosing Tim Walz to be her running mate is one for the history books. Talk about a serious game changer, Madam VP is running an election like I have never seen before.

  11. Walking the Walk says:

    Black men still support Kamala way more than White men. Glad he said something since in PA that may be enough to cost her the election up there. So we need everyone to get out to vote.

  12. yopyip says:

    He’s the Statesman, IMO.
    All these years of MAGA have done so much damage.
    Harris/Walz are going to have so much work, so damn much.

  13. TN Democrat says:

    Gawd. I am thankful the Democrats are finally fighting back and not taking the highroad. The diehard magats will never change, but we have to start combatting the lies and conspiracies and not allowing ourselves to be bullied. Obama’s class while president was interpreted as weakness by the evil lot. This gave me chills. Thank you former president Obama!

  14. J says:

    I respect President BO as the best statesman in our/my lifetime. He is funny, warm and SO real! Brilliant too. He is inspiring to listen to. Ditto on his bride! I wish Michelle would run for office or be appointed. They both represent HOPE and GOODNESS mutually to me, literally. Have donated many times this election cycle to Kamala/Walz, more than I ever have to any other ticket.

  15. Alla says:

    I want Obama to be the president of the entire world. Kind regards, a European

  16. Snerak says:

    It sounds like Obama doesn’t need an Anger Translator anymore like in the Key and Peele skits. He is speaking his anger fluently now.

  17. Aurora says:

    He took no prisoners. It was like listening to Gandalf. Good job!

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