JD Vance stupidly agreed to “the New York Times interview.” One of my big questions is: why? Did the Trump campaign not know about it? Did Vance think that his awkward sociopathy would somehow translate to a grilling from the Times? Donald Trump obviously can’t handle anything like this, so they gave it to Vance? As you can imagine, the interview didn’t go well, as Vance hemmed and hawed and tried to lie smoothly about his creepy obsession with women’s reproduction. He also tried to sleaze his way out of answering the “who won the 2020 election” question. Some highlights (you can read the full piece here):
Converting to Catholicism & being married to a Hindu: “Usha was raised in a Hindu household, but not an especially religious household. And she was, like, really into it. Meaning, she thought that thinking about the question of converting and getting baptized and becoming a Christian, she thought that they were good for me, in sort of a good-for-your-soul kind of way. And I don’t think I would have ever done it without her support, because I felt kind of bad about it, right? Like, you didn’t sign up for a weekly churchgoer. I feel terrible for my wife because we go to church almost every Sunday, unless we’re on the road. She does [go to church with me but] No she hasn’t [converted]. That’s why I feel bad about it. She’s got three kids. Obviously I help with the kids, but because I’m kind of the one going to church, she feels more responsibility to keep the kids quiet in the church. And I just felt kind of bad. Like, oh, you didn’t sign up to marry a weekly churchgoer. Are you OK with this? And she was more than OK with it, and that was a big part of the confirmation that this was the right thing for me.
On calling childless women sociopathic, psychotic, deranged. “Well, as I said when I made those comments — and look, they were dumb comments. I think most people probably have said something dumb, have said something that they wish they had put differently. [NYT: You said it in several different venues.] In a very, very short period of time. It was sort of a thing that I picked up on. I said it a couple of times in a couple of interviews, and look, I certainly wish that I had said it differently. What I was trying to get at is that — I’m not talking about people who it just didn’t work out for, for medical reasons, for social reasons, like set that to the side, we’re not talking about folks like that. What I was definitely trying to illustrate ultimately in a very inarticulate way is that I do think that our country has become almost pathologically anti-child.”
He does think it’s sociopathic to not have kids because of climate change: “You know, when I’ve used this word sociopathic? Like, that, I think, is a very deranged idea: the idea that you shouldn’t have a family because of concerns over climate change. Doesn’t mean you can’t worry about climate change, but in the focus on childless cat ladies, we missed the substance of what I said…. I think that is a bizarre way of thinking about the future. Not to have kids because of concerns over climate change? I think the more bizarre thing is our leadership, who encourages young women, and frankly young men, to think about it that way…And if your political philosophy is saying, don’t do that because of concerns over climate change? Yeah, I think that’s a really, really crazy way to think about the world.
He lies about referring to Kamala Harris as a childless cat lady: “Everything that I know about Kamala Harris, that I’ve learned about Kamala Harris, is that she’s got a stepfamily, she’s got an extended family, she’s a very good stepmother to her stepchildren. I would never accuse Kamala Harris along these lines. What I would say is that sometimes Kamala Harris, she hasn’t quite jumped over the “You shouldn’t have kids because of climate change.” But I think in some of her interviews, she’s suggested there’s a reasonableness to that perspective. But again, I don’t think that’s a reasonable perspective. I think that if your political ideas motivate you to not have children, then that is a bizarre way of looking at the world. Now, again, sometimes it doesn’t work out. Sometimes people choose not to have children. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the political sensibility that’s very anti-child.”
Whether he will support the election results this time and commit to a peaceful transfer of power: “Well, first of all, of course we commit to a peaceful transfer of power. We are going to have a peaceful transfer of power. I of course believe that a peaceful transfer of power is going to make Donald Trump the next president of the United States. But if there are problems, of course, in the same way that Democrats protested in 2004 and Donald Trump raised issues in 2020, we’re going to make sure that this election counts, that every legal ballot is counted. We’ve filed almost 100 lawsuits at the R.N.C. to try to ensure that every legal ballot has counted. I think you would maybe criticize that. We see that as an important effort to ensure election integrity. But certainly we’re going to respect the results in 2024, and I feel very confident they’re going to make Donald Trump the next president.”
I’m also including his back-and-forth over the election denialism in the video below. He literally cannot admit that Trump lost the 2020 election. He cannot admit that he’s said wildly crazy sh-t about a national abortion ban and states creating laws to keep women from traveling out of state to seek abortions. He cannot admit that he spent years bashing “childless cat ladies” as inferior and sociopathic. And the stuff about his conversion to Catholicism and “She’s got three kids.” They’re your kids too, you f–king psycho. Vance stays in all women’s business except his wife’s, it’s the strangest f–king thing.
Asked 5 times by @LuluGNavarro whether Trump lost the 2020 election, JD Vance declines to say yes or no. pic.twitter.com/n2Ssm7s66J
— bryan metzger (@metzgov) October 11, 2024
JD Vance doubles down on calling women without children “sociopathic,” “bizarre,” and “deranged” pic.twitter.com/boVghJBWdy
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) October 12, 2024
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Las Vegas, NV – Vice president-elect JD Vance is seen at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. JD took the time to even bring up a congressional hopeful Sam Brown onto the stage. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 30 JULY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: ACES / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – JD Vance gives remarks during an event marking the first anniversary of the Hamas-led October 7th attack against Israel, in Washington. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 7 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – JD Vance gives remarks during an event marking the first anniversary of the Hamas-led October 7th attack against Israel, in Washington. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 7 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – JD Vance gives remarks during an event marking the first anniversary of the Hamas-led October 7th attack against Israel, in Washington. Pictured: JD Vance BACKGRID USA 7 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
As a Catholic I’d like to start a petition to revoke his membership. He is Satan. And so much more dangerous than the orange one. I voted early and I am encouraging everyone I know to get to the polls and vote against this deranged sociopathic nut job.
I will sign your petition and I know some nuns who’ll sign too
Yeah. We Catholics are very familiar with the argument that pro-choice Catholic politicians should be denied Communion, but what about all the un-Christian crap from Republican Catholics? Support for the death penalty, and war mongering, and being anti-immigrant all contradict their supposed “pro-life” stance.
I am a recovering Catholic who could no longer stand the hypocrisy of the Church. I call all those who are anti immigration, anti poor, racist, and homophobic people fake Christians because of what you posted. I have no tolerance for them.
He belongs to the very right wing faction of Catholicism. Some in the Vatican (which is also pretty right wing) consider Vance’s Catholicism to be heretical.
I saw an article in a Catholic news website (NCR) that referred to JD’s group as having “reactionary or authoritarian leanings” and views government as a tool to first infiltrate, then overthrow the “elites” to put in place their own form of government. One that opposes abortion and LGBTQ+ rights and doesn’t brook dissent, of course.
When even other Catholics think you are extreme and authoritarian…
@Nancy If it make you feel any better, he’s not a regular Catholic like you are. He’s part of the Traditionalist Catholic movement (Like Mel Gibson) that thinks the Pope is too liberal and that the church should reject Vatican II
Opus Dei has their tentacles deep into the MAGA hierarchy through billionaires like Leonard Leo et al who are using the Heritage Foundation and other far-right organizations to fund Dumb and Dumber and “spread the word” (read: controlling women’s bodies and disenfranchising immigrants/POC). Opus is about as loony an organization as Scientology and the Vatican has openly withdrawn its support for it. I’m reading a book called “Opus: The Cult of Dark Money, Human Trafficking, and Right-Wing Conspiracy inside the Catholic Church” by Gareth Gore and I highly recommend it, it is a truly shocking eye-opener into the dark money being funneled into ultra-conservative, radical agendas.
I’d like a petition to have a redo on the Catholic Church. They have gotten so much wrong over the years from their response to LGBTQ+ to abortion. Some churches aren’t hiding the misogyny, homophobia and racism anymore. The priests practically if not fully endorse Trump. The vote is all about abortion for them and being against abortion for any reason is about trying to force their ideas on to all women. Women are supposed to pop out kids, stay home and take care of the house, be sex slaves and most importantly stay silent. I prefer the version of the church I grew up with that was about supporting and celebrating others. You know, living like Jesus. The current version has me questioning why I bother.
I concur.
The catholic church has gotten so much wrong…it is so hypocritical. How do they preach hate against certain groups of people and pretend they are living like Jesus. The older I get the more I realize organized religion is not always based on loving everyone. Only loving the people that agree with their own narrow minded beliefs.
Do you have a church staffed by the Franciscans nearby? Not to get all preachy about this, but many of them take the actual spirit of Christianity (and of St. Francis) more seriously than the Catholic Church at large. Many tend to be more racially diverse, welcoming towards LGBTQ+ people (sometimes even actively affirming), nonjudgmental about relationship and family matters, have environmental and migrant aid ministries, etc. It’s completely understandable if you prefer to privately practice your faith in your own way, but if the sense of fellowship is one of the aspects that’s still important to you, it might be worth checking into.
Start letter writing campaigns with your Diocese to get him excommunicated. He is a disgrace, and absolutely terrifying.
I’m going to need the media to start calling out election fantasists.
So you can’t admit trump lost in 2020. You’re one of those crazy election deniers, huh? I mean the legal challenges were found to be without merit and laughed out of every court in every state of the union.
You believe in law and order right?
So you not being able to admit trump lost the 2020 election is just barshut crazy – full stop. Okay, let’s move on…
He’s just weird and incoherent. Also something’s not right with his marriage.
Is he high on something?
It’s the comment, “SHE’S got three kids” that really takes me out. You bastard, those are your kids too!!
I was bewildered by that comment too. He didn’t acknowledge the children as his own. I had to go right to the comments section to see if and how many other people found it odd as well. He talks about his wife as a very distant figure.
When they publish those polls showing how many men support TFG and Vance, it makes me really nervous. How many incels are there?!
The number of kids women choose to (or not to) give birth to is linked to the racism (white babies), religion (we don’t want kids of other beliefs), capitalism (future work force), misogyny (get women out of the workplace and/ or undermine them). Steven Miller is being allowed to speak for Trump and Vance. Deeply disturbing!
If I had decided to not have kids because I was worried about invaders from Mars, it would still have been a deeply personal decision. As Coach Walz says, mind your own damn business.
Why are these men thinking so much about women’s bodies, women’s choices, categorizing women? Don’t they have penis stuff to worry about?
I think western women grossly overestimate how much Western men care about women’s rights and well-being.
The great majority of men doesn’t want equality.
There, I said it.
I believe that 💯 % it is why everyone needs to vote because the men who want complete control over women certainly plan to.
ML, I think in order to save democracy in this country, there will be a lot of men who will be voting Harris/Walz. There has always been and probably will always be a certain percentage of men who want the little woman under his thumb. The real issue is that it’s not just about that. It’s also the fact that Trump/Vance and the people who pull their strings want to get rid of LBGTQ+, the disabled, the old, immigrants and let’s not forget they want to make black people slaves. Those pulling the strings have been working on this for decades. It’ll be a long time until our democracy is safe.
It is going to be a very bumpy ride right up to Election Day and probably after. We need to vote and make it a landslide to make this idiot and his orange anti-Christ idol begone!
“She’s got three kids”
Of course, he HELPS?
Divorce papers incoming
Well, Vance spoke out publicly against a bill to protect gay marriage and interracial marriage (according to an Ohio newspaper) in 2022. That stance alone must have led to some interesting family discussions.
JD sounds like he would prefer to be childless himself.
It would be interesting if one day we discovered they used a sperm donor, so they really aren’t his kids. 😂 He’s still supposed to be their dad by raising them but he seems to be a dude that places way more importance on biological kids than adopted or stepkids.
Boxy Lady, well, I think he just wants babies–lots of white babies–it doesn’t appear that he has much of a relationship with his wife’s kids because they are mixed.
I suspect they used a turkey baster.
Why is this “person” talking?
I really wish it would stfu.
I’m child free by choice and this guy has the same vibe that I get from others that harass me about changing my mind, or call me selfish for enjoying traveling and enjoying other DINKS activities. They don’t like having kids themselves. These people regret that they have to prioritize someone else’s well-being and needs and are angry that we are ” getting away” with it. Rather than acknowledging that a lot of people realized that they would feel like that, and said man that’s a shitty thing to do to a kid that didn’t ask to be here. The way he describes his children as ” hers” let’s you know he sees them not as individuals but as building blocks to a persona that he resents just like he seems to resent being Catholic.
This is very well said.
These men don’t actually want to be fathers, they want the label and the societal status, but not the work or the hard stuff. And they absolutely do resent people who have simply said “no thank you” and go on with their lives.
What he doesn’t get, AT ALL, is that climate change is a total valid choice to not have kids. As is financial problems, health problems, family issues, or simply not wanting them and enjoying your life just fine without them, because ALL reasons are valid, and no one owes him an explanation or excuse. It’s NONE of his business!
I heard the ‘selfish’ a lot when I was younger. Never understood that.
“No, she hasn’t [converted].” He spent way more time dwelling on his wife not converting to “his” side, despite apparently going to church with him, than he did on the supposed benefits of his conversion (to a sect that even Catholics refer to as strict, authoritarian and reactionary). Most people who convert late in life want to talk about their beliefs and why it’s so great, right?
And also “She’s got three kids.” Oh, JD, that is not going to help you with the women voters that you need.
Wow, imagine marrying that man and giving birth to three kids he refers to as her children. I wonder if she wanted children and he didn’t. The resentment is obvious.
There is definitely projection on his part. His fixation with how many children women have is the biggest tell. He clearly regrets having kids and he seemed very uncomfortable with “her kids” at the grocery store. He resents everything about parenthood including the use of car seats for children. He probably thought kids only needed those as infants. That’s how involved he is with his children. So to me, being a parent when you don’t want to be is shameful. And then to think he wants to force others into this is even worse. I know misery loves company but geez.
@HuffnPuff, yes, people who want children don’t act like him. He isn’t in anyway interested in his own kids from what we have seen and he has 3 of them, which is no accident. So, it feels like he had them as a duty. It is so true that some miserable people try to spread their bitterness to other people, so they could feel better about their own choices.
My own mother thinks like JD Vance and his ilk. In her view, you get married in your early 20’s and have two kids asap. There is NO other path, for anyone. She literally cannot comprehend doing something else with your life. I’m just so glad people are waking up and realizing not all people want to have kids and not all people SHOULD have kids. I would love to start a movement called THINK before you procreate! Use critical reasoning! There are so many other paths to choose and you should consider them all. Being a childless cat lady has its perks, lol
He made a joke not long ago about telling his 6 year old his son to “shut the hell up!” while he was on the phone with Trump. Real funny JD, I’m sure your little boy appreciated the joke. You a-hole…
Trump also refers to Barron as “Melania’s child”.
These are the people which are the reason I have no religion
I can only say it here, anonymously; these people are why I question my religious upbringing,
Ocean Girl, I don’t think you’re alone. I was raised Catholic and I don’t belong to any organized religion. I consider myself spiritual–I believe in God, but I don’t need a bible or church to tell me what that means.
Saucy&Sassy, I was also raised Catholic. Honestly, I don’t remember it being so judgmental in the ’70s.
At this point, I consider myself spiritual and agree with everything you wrote!
Hi wife is SO lucky that he ‘helps’ with her, sorry, their kids.
Similarly to Minnie Driver’s comments, a lot of people resist change and cling on to the status quo, there are a lot of men (and an alarming number of women) who want to live as past generations did where the man didn’t even need to think about ‘helping’ with the domestic aspects of life.
Why can’t this idiot go to therapy and not insist that the rest of this country, indeed the world, work out his mommy issues for him.
Vance! Yes, your mother made terrible choices and stole pain medicines from patients and neglected you. That does not mean all working mothers are like her. And there’s no guarantee she would have been a better mother if she had stayed home. Please, Vance, go see a therapist and leave the rest of us the hell alone!
He’s the parenthood gatekeeper y’all.
That’s right JD, lean into your weirdo vibe. Let that weirdo flag fly! And the “she’s got three kids” comment is so, so telling about what goes on at their house. Keep this fool in Ohio please and never let him near the White House.
If Trump is elected, Vance will be the next POTUS, because Peter Theil is just rubbing his hands waiting to trigger the 25th Amendment on The Orange One. Vance is even scarier than Trump, and they both belong heart and soul to Putin.
I say that they both belong heart and soul to Satan.
Same difference
I have two biological children who were planned and longed for. I have zero regrets. I also maintain that women can forego children for literally any reason they want. Climate change and political instability are very valid reasons to choose not to bring more humans into the world.
Also, yes, the US is extremely anti-child. We are anti-child on literally every level, societally and structurally. Kids and parents are not welcome in spaces that they should be welcome in (just look at any public discourse around kids on airplanes or breastfeeding in public). JD Vance and his cronies are the kings of anti-child rhetoric. No health care, no parental leave, no affordable childcare, no safety in public schools, no meals in public schools, the list goes on and on and on. I’m a lot more concerned about Vance’s policy proposals and their impact than I am about a disgruntled rando giving my toddler the stink eye on an airplane.
Kay, parents are going to get help under Harris. It’s a long time coming, but it will get here. I’m childless and that was just what happened and not particularly planned. I don’t see the problem either way. People should be able to make those decisions for themselves. You’re right that Vance and those who pull his strings don’t care about the children at all. They just want white children which makes white women into brood mares. I don’t want to think about anyone who isn’t white. The Old Testament is their goal. Think about that.
My husband and I decided not to have kids and I feel really targeted by this a**hole. Like, WTF???? There are ten trillion reasons to not want to do anything in this world, it’s called “free will”!!! Vance gives me the heebie-jeebies, he is not right in the head or heart.
Aidee Kay, I hope when you say triggered you mean angry. There’s no need to defend your decisions.
This guy hates women. He feels bad for his wife, but Church attendance is all for his needs, so she does all the work to make it happen: For him?
I feel for Ushi since divorce really isn’t an option in their minds for most Indian women, but dang did she choose poorly when she saddled herself with him.
From what I’ve read, it sounds like she may have influenced him to be a right winger. There were some old text messages that showed he appeared to have more liberal views on things. She worked for Brett Kavanaugh so I think she’s always been Team Fascism. But who knows with these people, I just don’t want them in the White House.
Usha Vance clerked for Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, and also clerked for Kavanaugh before he joined the Supreme Court. She has defended Kavanaugh, saying “everyone loved working with him”. She is just as MAGA as her husband is and is 100% behind him in his run for VP despite the MAGA racism she’s been facing for her and her children’s Indian heritage.
Oh, she’s right there along with him in his hatefulness. They’re a match made in, well, you know.
When I was 19 years old it dawned on me that I wasn’t sure I wanted to bring children into this world, in part because It was starting to look like day and their children would end up suffering a great deal due to environmental issues. Vance calls that “political,” but I call it compassionate. It’s obvious he has no empathy and cannot understand my perspective.
Just to let you know, I can very much emphasize with your decision. I had my children before the wildfires in Europe in 2018 woke me up to the reality of the climate crisis, here and now. At a time when even “moderate” climate scientists speak of the possibility of a gradual societal collapse, I really can’t sleep anymore.
This. Guy.
He makes my blood pressure go up!
For as much as he works “awful childhood I overcame” BS, he truly has zero idea of reality for the majority of people.
Climate change, cost of living, health insurance/no insurance, bigotry, hatred, violence, school shootings, 2 huge wars, on and on. All damn good reasons to weigh the issue of children and the future they will live in.
Look at FL and NC hurricanes. Denial? I’d call it insane.
The female that married this human dumpster has my sympathy. WTH could she have been thinking?
But he didn’t overcome an awful childhood; it continues to inform all his beliefs and desires. He probably believes he only exists _because_ an oppressive Christian culture obligated his own mother to go through with it. He believes that no one truly wants children, that birth must be compulsory or else people will look for any reason to not have children. He doesn’t like children, didn’t want them, but felt obligated to have them. He believes “pushing through” resentment is how people function. He is unwell.
Vance: “I do think that our country has become almost pathologically anti-child.” Gee, JD, what gave you that idea? The multiple school shootings because your guys love war weapons? What, you need more targets?
I wish someone would ask him why he thinks if a person’s political ideas motivate her to not have children, then that is a bizarre way of looking at the world. I wish someone would also ask him whether he is practicing family planning and, if so, what kind.
But his answers about his wife’s relationship to his religious conversion raise all kinds of red flags.
“She’s got three kids” instead of “we have three kids” also says a lot.
He has 3 children he calls My Wifes children??
The therapy bills those kids will rack up, somebody organize a car pool for them, please.
Vance has a college degree, right?
Also an elected Senator.
How can he say this baloney with a straight face?
The scene in Breaking Bad, when they lay down on a pallet load of drug cash and smile happily, Vance must have a pallet load he got from Trump. Vile.
Democrats did not storm the capitol in 2004.
The number of people who agree with him is what’s concerning