Donald Trump called Kamala Harris the r-word at a September fundraiser

Over the weekend, VP Kamala Harris released her medical report, confirming that she’s in excellent health and she is physically and mentally capable of handling the presidency. The Harris campaign used the medical report to challenge Donald Trump to do the same. Trump cannot. He’s 78 years old, in terrible health and completely senile. Speaking of, the NY Times soft-pedaled what should have been a major story – in late September, Trump attended a big-donor fundraiser and he sat there in his soiled diaper and bitched and moaned about Kamala Harris. The Times reports that Trump called VP Harris the r-word. The Times quoted him directly:

Donald J. Trump took his seat at the dining table in his triplex penthouse apartment atop Trump Tower on the last Sunday in September, alongside some of the most sought-after and wealthiest figures in the Republican Party. There was Paul Singer, the billionaire hedge fund manager who finances Republican campaigns and pro-Israel causes, and Warren Stephens, the billionaire investment banker. Joining them were Betsy DeVos, the billionaire former education secretary under Mr. Trump, and her husband, Dick, as well as the billionaire Joe Ricketts and his son Todd.

Some politicians might have taken the moment to be charming and ingratiating with the donors. Not Mr. Trump. Over steak and baked potatoes, the former president tore through a bitter list of grievances. He made it clear that people, including donors, needed to do more, appreciate him more and help him more.

He disparaged Vice President Kamala Harris as “[the r-word].” He complained about the number of Jews still backing Ms. Harris, saying they needed their heads examined for not supporting him despite everything he had done for the state of Israel. At one point, Mr. Trump seemed to suggest that these donors had plenty to be grateful to him for. He boasted about how great he had been for their taxes, something that some privately noted wasn’t true for everyone in the room.

The rant, described by seven people with knowledge of the meal who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations, underscored a reality three weeks before Election Day: Mr. Trump’s often cantankerous mood in the final stretch. And one of the reasons for his frustration is money. He’s trailing his Democratic rival in the race for cash and has had to hustle to keep raising it.

[From The NY Times]

This piece was written by Jonathan Swan, Maggie Haberman and Shane Goldmacher. They thought Trump using the r-word in reference to his Democratic opponent was evidence of Trump’s “often cantankerous mood” and not Trump’s utterly vile racism, sexism, ableism and senility. And to all of the wealthy donors sitting with him… are tax cuts and fascism really that important to you? This man is completely gone and we’re always going to remember who did the most to support him, even in his most unhinged moments.

Please enjoy this new photo of Trump, provided by Senator John Cornyn’s Twitter account. It really says something about the MAGA cult that everyone lets Trump wander around like that, with that kind of makeup, wig askew.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cornyn’s Twitter.

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58 Responses to “Donald Trump called Kamala Harris the r-word at a September fundraiser”

  1. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    The man is trash, and so is everyone who supports him.

    • Barbie1 says:

      It’s soul crushing to know he has millions of supporters. I don’t know how we will survive if that scumbag wins.

      • Giddy says:

        I know some die-hard Republicans who have just now decided that the man is in a blazing cognitive decline. They have decided that they can’t bring themselves to vote for Kamala, so they’ll abstain. I’m praying for more to finally wake up to the senile monster that is Trump.

      • Nerd says:

        Just seeing that he is senile and not voting for him isn’t enough. Them refusing to vote for Kamala instead of him is no different than them voting for him. A wasted vote in this election is detrimental to our democracy. Those taking that stance are just as bad as those who are choosing to vote for him because it’s a cowards way of voting for him and pretending as if they have the right to wipe their hands of him for any unethical and immoral things he does if he were to win.

      • Cheryl says:

        All I know, is 4 almost 5 years ago I had money to do things with my husband. We would be able to eat out almost every 2 weeks. We could afford a nice t-bone, rib eye or porterhouse steak. Now we’re lucky if we can afford it once a month! Before you trash the man do some research and find out the truth!

    • Hninzi says:

      What’s the r word

  2. ML says:

    TFG is such a dark character in our history! It figures that he’s posing in front of an American flag with a yellow stain (about shoulder height) with Corbyn.

    My frustration with the NY Times: instead of reporting what his frustration is, just write down the garbuldy-gook he says. Don’t say he’s frustrated. Let his own words do that and see if anyone understands wtf he’s trying to say. This article is giving a-hole alpha male steamrolling over others. Let him sound like a decrepit idiot in his own words instead. Stop normalizing him!

    • Juls says:

      Good eye re: the stain. He either blew his nose on it and smeared his makeup, or he dried his hands on it after adjusting his soiled diaper.

    • kirk says:

      My frustration with NYT generally, and Maga Haberman specifically is the herculean effort they go to to sane-wash that clod. The pussy-footing they’re doing around the garbage that comes out of his mouth (i.e. “[the r-word]”) is ridiculous. I had to go hunt down the [r-word] expression on the internet to even figure out what NYT was supposedly reporting. True “reporting” seems to be another r-word they’re allergic to when it comes to tRump.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        kirk, I have no idea what the r-word is and decided I didn’t want to know. I don’t know why people still read most of msm–they are definitely on the right.

    • D says:

      The problem with almost all political articles in the Times is that they editorialize instead of just stating the facts. They are editorializing when they say he’s frustrated. He did not state that he is frustrated so they are making inferences. Reporters should report facts not try to create a narrative about why someone does something. Clearly someone in that room is the source so maybe they have the idea that he was frustrated, but that is not reporting that is opinion.

    • Fabiola says:

      His voters know how he is so this article is not going to make a difference. They are still going to vote for him.

  3. Lightpurple says:

    I have been seeing that word sneaking back into common usage a lot lately. It’s all over Twitter, even by people who should know better. No surprise Trump and his ilk are comfortable using it in public. Only a matter of a short time before they bring back other deliberately offensive slurs

    • Jazz Hands says:

      I just read an article the other day about how it’s making a comeback. It’s disgusting.

    • Sydneygirl says:

      As the parent of a child with a mild intellectual disability, and also is an admin of a FB page to support carers I cannot tell you f**king angry this makes me.

      The word is as hurtful to those with ID as the n word is, and the f word is to others.

      It is banned on the page. We discourage everyday use of it and I’ve had to boot people who insist their freedom of speech means they can use it. Uh-uh.

      It’s a hateful slur. Anyone who says otherwise can gtfo. Not surprised the orange t*** used it.

  4. Anonymous says:

    He’s basically in blackface. Like, seriously. He is virtually the same shade as Anthony Hopkins playing Othello.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      Speaking of black face.
      There are a lot of accounts on social media with the picture of a black person as a pfp that are supporting Trump.

      Then they turn out to be a white person, trying to win over black voters.

      They’re often found out because they forgot to switch accountant use their main account or black people point out that they say racist things that are most likely to come from a white person.

      In response, you have maga cheering these accounts on, often by saying all kinds of racist stuff that they think sounds like support.

      • lucy2 says:

        I see that a lot – “I’m a black woman from wherever supporting trump!” and their profile pic is clearly some old white dude.

        Over the weekend I heard a veteran (who’s entire identity is “I’m a veteran”) talking to several people about supporting trump, and in a different situation, I would have asked him HOW, after all the disrespect and just total lack of care and anything for our active military and veterans. I couldn’t say anything though but it was awful to have to hear so much.

      • Rae says:

        I can’t believe these lies. It just shows how desperate losers can get. I did not approve the way Biden was ridiculed and I do not believe how low people can be to say these things about trump. Is there no shame anymore ? No conscience. These men are humans with feelings. I feel Biden was put on display because he had medical problems I pray I would never allow this for my loved one. And trump because he’s strong and did not bend to the pressure. I pray you find God in your hearts he loves you

    • SIde Eye says:

      Dude wants to be Black soooo badly. He’s obsessed with Black people. President Obama lives rent free in his head, and now VP Harris does too. I love this for him. He has to cake on the foundation and then wipe it off his tiny liver spotted hands at night then go to the darker shade on his face and wipe it all off, after spending the entire day bashing Black and Brown people simply because he will never be us.

      Mediocre, unremarkable people really need to begin the race at the 90 yard line when the starter gun goes off while the rest of us are still in the locker room. It’s the only way they can win. When I look in my own life at who supports him it’s a sea of bullies dripping in mediocrity and people who have convinced themselves they didn’t go to medical school because of a Black applicant, meanwhile, they had a C- in Chemistry, a D in Biology, a C in Math. Sure Jan. He has given those whiners a voice and an excuse as to why they didn’t accomplish their goals (in this case the more appropriate word would be wishes, or hindsight wishes).

  5. Ariel says:

    So- is he too impatient to sit through the whole make up process?
    Are the make up people’s pay checks bouncing?
    Are the make up people being held there by Russian blackmail material too?

    The fact that people and “media” still deny his racism is both disgusting and shows how deep the rot of white supremacy goes in our country.

    • FancyPants says:

      I 100% think he does it himself and nobody can tell him anything is wrong with it because he’s the bestest most unbelievable makeup artist, nobody has ever seen makeup blended so tremendously before he picked up a sponge.

    • Ocean Girl says:

      He looks like he uses Buffalo wing sauce as a bronzer.

  6. Jensa says:

    I wonder if he’s actually senile, or just very very stupid. (But he could be both). He’s clearly very lacking in intellect, which is why he talks like a primary school child. I’m just baffled how he is getting away with all this crap that he spouts.
    And that makeup. Did he do it himself? It literally looks like he just face-planted in a bowl of gravy.

  7. He is a dangerous piece of shit that they try to make normal. Get out to the polls and vote this shit stain away!

  8. Miranda says:

    Oh look, he buys into the old antisemitic canard that Jews are (or ought to be) more loyal to Israel than to their own country. Forget Charlottesville, “the Jews will not replace us”, and the drastic uptick in antisemitic hate crimes under his watch, you guys! He loves Bibi, and his christofascist worshipers need the situation in the Middle East to get worse so all their bloody dreams can come true!

    Fucking asshole.

  9. Aerie says:

    Trump’s insults continue to make headlines because that’s all he has to offer. No one is reporting on his groundbreaking policy plans because there are none. George W. Bush was happy to play the fool because no one thought him capable of being evil, thus allowing him to make spying on citizens a patriotic act. Trump is doing the exact same thing.

  10. Abby says:

    Just a few of the many reasons I will not be voting for him. I do not want my child with learning disabilities to hear the leader of our country use the R word. No. I do not accept this behavior from my president.

    This is just sad and gross and infuriating.

  11. LJ says:

    The billionaires sit there because Trump is just the beginning. He’s the guy who can get in the door so he can be quickly kicked to the curb for guys like Vance. They don’t just want tax cuts. They want to privatize everything in the government so that all government money goes through them like Putin and is oligarchs did to Russia.

    • Nanea says:

      The 25th Amendment specifically mentions incapacitation as one of the reasons for the removal of a sitting president.

      And we all know that Vance is the billionaires’s puppet ever since Peter Thiel had him installed as a senator for Ohio.

    • lucy2 says:

      This is exactly what I fear is happening. They’re using him and his inexplicable cult of support to regain power, and will go around him (he doesn’t actually do anything) or remove him if he is a problem. He’s truly become a puppet, again.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      LJ, that’s only part of it. There are Evangelicals (Reconstructionists) who want to run the country as set out in the Old Testament. They’ve been spending decades to get everything in order–that includes the judges/justices. It’s very dark.

  12. JustMe says:

    Why is he so orange though? Can no one on his team tell the makeup people to make him look like an actual human. The fact people are voting for this piece of S*** just boggles my mind.

  13. Cheshire Sass says:

    All I can see is that orange circle mask over his face and nothing he says matters. I don’t get the cult attraction. Maybe he’ll jump off a cliff and all the lemmings will follow. Putin’s little emperor wears no clothes

  14. Brassy Rebel says:

    On Saturday night, he left his supporters, some elderly, stranded in the desert following his Coachella rally. The buses that brought them didn’t show up to take them back to their cars which were two miles away. So, “often cantankerous mood” is doing a lot of work here to sane wash his sociopathy. They make him sound like a crazy old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

    • Nanea says:

      I read somewhere on Twitter that they apparently didn’t pay the bus companies in advance, as they had agreed on.

      No idea if it’s true, but we all know tRump is famous for stiffing (small) businesses or even whole airports. So it’s totally fitting for the bus drivers to not come back.

    • MsIam says:

      He did that in 2020, left a bunch of his followers stranded after a rally in the middle of nowhere and they still voted for him. Sorry, but oh well. This is how Trump has always operated; he’ll be fine but everyone else will be left high and dry. Vote Blue!

  15. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Can’t believe he’s still a f*cking candidate. Can’t get past THAT.

  16. Tisme says:

    Canadian here. I am terrified for your country and I’m terrified for ours. We are praying Kamala wins and humanity will be restored. Honestly though, we are scared the disgusting orange sociopath will create world war 3 and lead us all into a dark dystopian era. How on earth does he have so many supporters? It seems like a sh*tty surreal joke. My fingers and toes are all crossed for you!!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      @Tisme, I honestly believe that a clear majority of Americans find Trump revolting. But he is enabled in so many ways, from the Electoral College to the media which sane washes him, to elected Republicans who are too cowardly to stand up to him. I just refuse to believe that this is what my country wants in its leader.

  17. yipyip says:

    As the Mom of a SN child, I’d like to slap that word outta his mouth!
    To me, that is the equal to the N word.

    He is scum.

  18. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Trump is dangerous because the media has decided they love him because of clicks.
    Don’t they understand that dictatorship means no free press even the type that seems to support him?

    • MsIam says:

      Well, they freely kiss his azz now so I guess the press figures nothing will change. Plus so much of the press is owned by the same corporate oligarchs that run everything now and they love this wannabe dictator, or at least love his tax cuts. They know they won’t be subject to the draconian laws his minions want to impose on the rest of us.

  19. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Right. Pro Life. He’s called a preemptive war on half the country.

  20. Lau says:

    If they didn’t let him wander around with a terrible fake tan we wouldn’t have the memes comparing him to a pasta container that’s stained for life.

  21. yipyip says:

    The Orange Jerk!
    Every day I wake up hoping the Universe throws him his Kharma at full speed. C’mon.
    If Trump was suddenly out as the candidate, would they run Vance as lead and find another insane as VP?

  22. Grandma Susan says:

    How could anyone enjoy *any* dinner with him while smelling him?

  23. Eve Pave says:

    Cheeto dust face. Funny
    Trump is a walking campaign endorsement for Kamala. She’s using his own words in her ads. Unlike Trump who make up lies about her.
    As for the regular media I never watch them. I go on YouTube for my political news. I trust them than the shiny happy people news.

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