Donald Trump stopped his town hall to sway to music for 30-plus minutes

Donald Trump was in Oaks, Pennsylvania last night, for a “town hall” event moderated by South Dakota Governor and dog-killer Kristi Noem. Trump barely rambled on for ten minutes before there was a medical emergency in the crowd. Trump and Noem paused the event as one of the cult members was attended to by medical staff. The town hall began again, then there was another medical emergency in the crowd. Once again, everything was paused. That’s when Trump began to lose interest, his addled, sundowning brain already shutting down for the night. He stopped the town hall and asked that his playlist just be played throughout the venue. Trump stood, swaying to “Time to Say Goodbye.”

The town hall, moderated by South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem (R), began with questions from preselected attendees for the former president. Donald Trump offered meandering answers for how he would address housing affordability and help small businesses. But it took a sudden turn after two attendees required medical attention. And so Trump, after jokingly asking the crowd whether “anybody else would like to faint,” took a different approach.

“Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” he said.

For 39 minutes, Trump swayed, bopped — sometimes stopping to speak — as he turned the event into almost a living-room listening session of his favorite songs from his self-curated rally playlist. He played nine tracks. He danced. He shook hands with people onstage. He pointed to the crowd. Noem stood beside him, nodding with her hands clasped. Trump stayed in place onstage, slowly moving back and forth. He was done answering questions for the night.

As Trump stood onstage in his oversize suit and bright red tie, swaying back and forth, it was almost as if he were taking a trip back to the decades past. Trump’s decision to cut short the question-and-answer portion of the town hall and instead have the crowd stay to listen to his favorite songs was a somewhat bizarre move, given that the election was only 22 days away. It also comes as Vice President Kamala Harris has called Trump, 78, unstable and called into question his mental acuity.

[From WaPo]

A lot of people have conspiracies that the people who are “really” in charge of the Republican Party are just using Trump for his gullible cult, and that if they win, Trump will be pushed out via the 25th Amendment and “President Vance” will be the useful idiot they really want. There’s something to that, but mostly I think MAGA cult members are just so far gone that they don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. A clearly mentally deficient white nationalist, flop-sweating in a mountain of bright orange clown makeup, swaying to music on stage for over 30 minutes instead of doing the town hall.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid, John Cornyn’s Twitter.

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114 Responses to “Donald Trump stopped his town hall to sway to music for 30-plus minutes”

  1. Alicky says:

    Sundowning or high AF?

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Why not both?

      • samipup says:

        QOTD! To me the scariest part is if he becomes totally disabled and Vance is subbed in.

      • Dee says:

        @Samipup. I think that is the idea. His handlers know he’s demented. I think the plan is that once Vance becomes VP they can either have him be the puppet prez behind the scene or they can declare the 25th.

    • Carmen says:

      Weirdest thing I ever saw. I watched it on C-span. The guy looked completely fucked in the head. He was swaying back and forth for almost half an hour, not saying anything. He needs to be sectioned to a padded cell. I don’t think he even realized where he was any more.

      • orangeowl says:

        Aaron Rupar, who covers many of Trump’s rallies on social media, said it was one of the weirdest ones he’s covered, even by Trump standards.

        I can’t help but think all Trump ever wanted was a stage and an adoring audience and none of the work or responsibilities that come with being POTUS, as he’s lazy and doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself. If only someone had provided him with some kind of adoring safe space on TV in 2015, we could have avoided this whole hellish era.

      • Somebody Nobody says:

        So fucking weird

      • sevenblue says:

        “all Trump ever wanted was a stage and an adoring audience and none of the work or responsibilities that come with being POTUS”

        @orangeowl, one of the republicans said on Trump’s first term, he was offered to handle domestic and foreign affairs. He, then, asked if he was gonna do all that, what Trump would do and he was told, “being President”. The plan always was others doing all the work and Trump getting all the credit for good work and blaming Democrats for anything bad.

      • FYI says:

        @orangeowl “… all Trump ever wanted was a stage and an adoring audience …”

        And money. Don’t forget the money.

      • Josephine says:

        The make-up is also strange as all get out. He has always worn a lot of make-up, but that is just next level. He looks ridiculous and the make-up is not even blended – there is a white stripe near his “hair” line! He must look extra-special bad to have make-up caked on that thick. Can’t believe conservatives are in love with a man who wears an excessive amount of make-up every day. He’s just a gross slob.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    This is insane.

    • Maida says:

      What’s REALLY insane is the way Biden’s supposed “decline” was relentlessly covered vs. the way Trump’s increasingly bizarre behavior is being shrugged off by most of the media. Truly media malpractice.

    • TheFarmer'sWife says:

      It is. But don’t worry, Trump is running in a different election. He also told people not to forget to vote on January 5th… And I thought we had problems in Canada. We do, but no one’s running for Prime Minister wearing near black face. We have regressive conservative political parties up here as well that spew hate towards newcomers, brown people, women, education, etc.

  3. K says:

    Does anyone else have a weird foreboding trapped in hell/ a Twilight Zone episode kind of feeling?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      I’ve had that feeling for nine years. Ever since he came down the golden escalator. And it gets worse with each passing day.

      • Cheshire Sass says:

        ditto – I had to buy a mouth guard to stop grinding my teeth at night, something that I never did previously

      • JEB says:

        Agree, for 9 years. The ride down the gold escalator spewing hateful, racist lies was the beginning of this nightmare for me. I’m exhausted, depressed, anxious and more angry than ever. I don’t like who I have become-cynical and angry 24/7. I have tried to take care of myself and I feel desperate because I’m not succeeding. While people say this all the time about big elections, I truly don’t think I will be able to stay in this country if he “wins”. I want to be mentally well, and stay physically well (since this kind of mental health stress eventually wrecks havoc on your body) for the second half of my life. That’s not going to be possible for me in MAGAt America.

      • Wls198 says:

        It’s the dog killer and the people in back of him trying to pretend that they are happy to do the ymca hand song and sway to the rest of the tunes. The cult members are taking pictures and doing the head bop and hand dance. When are they going to drink the kool aid and put us all out of our misery.

    • Agnes says:

      Yes!!! 🔥😵🔥

    • samipup says:

      Yes. I’m terrified.

  4. holly says:

    that’s just weird!

  5. Henny Penny says:

    His base demographic is other old, senile, white men. His behavior likely seems normal to them.

    • Lucy says:

      In 2020, maybe 2019, I told my brother it was like the boomers were all going through early stages of dementia at the same time. His MIL is super maga, like visit his FIL in the ICU when she knew she had Covid but believed her deworming pills and faith would protect them maga. And sorry for stereotyping boomers, my parents are and they’re not maga thank god. But so much of the public behavior matched up with what my grandparents were doing when they got silly and then years later we learned it was early states of dementia that weren’t recognized.

      • Jacques says:

        @Henny Penny
        “His base demographic is other old, senile, white men. His behavior likely seems normal to them.”

        The stereotyping of older people has no place in this society, but is pervasive. Is this how this country defines itself now? It’s ok to spread hate, bigotry, ageism, and sexism as long as the are 60+?

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        It’s getting really funny that people believe that Boomers are all MAGA and now Boomers are senile and MAGA. No. We’re not.

        You hear from the MAGA Boomers more, because the rest of us are ignoring them as much as possible. There is a majority of Boomers who are angered about SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade, but we’ve also been trying to get younger women to understand that could happen. We’ve been saying it for YEARS. It didn’t appear to help, though.

      • samipup says:

        @ Jaques I agree, we are admonished to be tolerant re any aspect of human diversity, yet people of a certain age are made fun off and bullied.

      • Korra says:

        Boomers get the most blame for Trump when research shows it’s Gen X that overwhelmingly makes up his base. Further, as noted below, younger Millennial and Gen Z men across all ethnic and racial groups are being radicalized at such an alarming rate that they are supporting Trumpism/MAGA. This isn’t magically going away after Boomers die off.

    • Jais says:

      Idk there’s unfortunately a lot of young white men who are all about this creeper.

      • ncboudicca says:

        Yep, every Joe Rogan/Theo Von/UFC watcher/Elon Musk fanboy…everything on the internet is geared into brainwashing young men.

      • Eden75 says:

        I listened to an Offline interview with Hasan Piker, who is a political commentator on Twitch. It is an eye opener on the young men and their train of thought about the world.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      And yet they sure tuned right into Biden’s issues, didn’t they?

    • FYI says:

      It is not just senile white men. It is also …
      * young incels
      * some Black men (horrifying article in the Washington Post today)
      * some white Christian women

      The list goes on. Let’s not put the blame solely on older people.

      • Lucy says:

        A ton of white women over a certain age, and a super high percentage of evangelical women, which thankfully isn’t that huge of a population (but over represented in rural states).

      • Jacques says:


        According to a Poll by AARP, “Fifty-four percent of older women support Harris, compared with 42 percent for Trump. Among voters 18 and older, 49 percent support Harris compared with 46 percent for Trump, according to the poll, which focuses on the opinions of women voters 50-plus.

        In a recent Marin Poll, “Harris enjoyed a 55 percent lead among baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) and the silent/greatest generation (born between 1901 and 1927), over Trump’s 45 percent, ” While, “53 percent of Generation Zs (people born between 1997 and 2012) and millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) said they supported Harris, over 47 percent who said they supported Donald Trump.”

        Would you mind providing more detailed info than just, “a ton of white women over a certain age?”

  6. Miranda says:

    For fuck’s sake.

    • SIde Eye says:

      LOL Best comment ever! I cracked up at the fact that the music was from the movie Stepbrothers – the scene at the Catalina wine mixer!

  7. HeatherC says:

    WHY is this election close? WHY?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Aaron Rupar on twitter (or whatever it is) says that it turns out 45% of voters want diarrhea forever. That’s as good an explanation as any.

    • Henny Penny says:

      I do not believe the polls are a real reflection of reality. Legacy media wants to paint this as a close horse race to drive clicks and ad revenue, so they have their thumb on the scale by using biased (GOP or Heritage Foundation funded) or distorted (like the poll that was widely spread on MSM that, when you looked closely, was based on only 10% of the registered voters in Philadelphia, and completely removed all “non-white” voters from their results 😏).

      • North of Boston says:

        Just taking a quick look at the landing pages for major US media sites… this bizarre incident is not being highlighted, and in some cases it’s barely being reported or buried in a single line way down the page. (And one headline is like ‘Trump bopped to tunes’ like it was a lighthearted moment )

        It’s also interesting (aka incredibly disheartening) to see the bias in how the two candidates are being covered. Even just the volume and framing of headlines is unbalanced. Many more topline articles about Trump and headlines about him are framed as “Trump says strongly…”or “Trump support isn’t wavering” while VP Harris headlines are “Harris attempts to … ” “Harris failed to …” “can she get voters to …” framing her as weaker, less definitive.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Exactly North of Boston! Trump bops to music at his Town Hall as supporters celebrate – why that’s a problem for Harris coming up at eleven.

      • Debbie says:

        It’s “Good news for John McCain!” all over again. Anything disqualifying that happens to a Republican candidate is just a regular… Tuesday; whereas God help a Democrat caught sneezing.

      • Faithmobile says:

        Unfortunately it’s ALL the polls. It’s plus or minus 2 points in all the swing states which is an electoral college tie. We can blame the media for its uneven coverage but at the end of the day if we want to save democracy we have to put in the work. Talk to all the undecided voters in your orbit. Be able to make a cohesive argument for Kamala without getting emotional.

    • Ocean Girl says:

      I don’t get it either. Of course. the right wing coverage is probably severely edited, but that doesn’t explain why those who attend and witness this weirdness are okay with it.

      One guy stranded at Coachella was filming and posting, but someone said he deleted his posts. I guess he realized he was exposing Mr Stupid.

      • Lucy says:

        There ok with it because it’s a cult. If you doubt or wonder aloud if he’s ok, you’re the enemy and on the outside. Fox News turned him into a god to these ppl, literally. There’s no other way to frame it for most of these ppl. Now we have to see if the cult ends the Jim Jones route or??? I really don’t know what will happen to these folks other than they’ll finally go to memory care.

      • Debbie says:

        I also don’t get it. My friend and I were out canvassing in New Hampshire because we live in a blue state. One of the more reasonable white men we ran into said he’s just not sure who to vote for. Of course, we had to coddle him, but I wanted to say, “Really, you’re not sure who to choose for president? The former District Attorney, state’s Attorney General, Senator, Vice President or… the convicted felon and former reality show host?” Quite a conundrum.

    • Katy says:

      Democrats want it to appear close to Get Out the Vote.

      Republicans want it to appear close so that when it’s a blowout, they can cast all those votes into doubt and say “See? They flooded the polls with fake votes to cheat. It was supposed to be close.”

      Enjoy the last weeks of peace everyone.. it’s gonna be a bad next few months.

    • lucy2 says:

      I don’t believe it is, I agree the polling is skewed, and the media is pushing the close narrative because they thrive, and profit, off a close race. No one is going to tune in if it’s a blowout.

      I’ve been following a few people who really analyze the actual data, and they’re all saying the same thing. I’m hoping for a blowout for Harris.
      That said, I’m still nervous, and doing what I can. I donated last night, and am still doing Postcards to Voters, and Vote Forward letters.

  8. Abby says:

    If Joe Biden had done this, the entire United States media would be screaming. If Kamala Harris had gotten off track in a speech even a little, it would have been national news.

    This needs to be all over the news. ALL OVER IT. People need to see what he’s like! We cannot have this guy elected.

    I really think the GOP wants him in and then they’ll 25th amendment him. So then we’d be stuck with Vance, who is even more malleable and dangerous because he has no moral compass yet is younger/not senile.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve thought for awhile that the dark money behind Trump has zero intention of letting him be the president if elected, whatever means necessary. Of course, given his present abilities, it may be just as easy to let him pretend to be president while they run things behind the scenes. But there is zero chance that he would be given the ability to do anything.

      • Nikki says:


        “it may be just as easy to let him pretend to be president while they run things behind the scenes”

        This is the exact correct answer. They have no intention of removing him, he is their distraction while they do the actual running of things and setting policies. He is the entertainment for the main street media who have abandoned their responsibilities. News is now run by corporate bro’s who have zero interest in a free society or free press, they are happy to have their chaotic dancing fool for clicks.

      • elle says:

        They probably plan to set him up with a Fisher Price Oval Office at Mar-A-Lago and let him press the red button over and over again.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Reblog/retweet/put on insta stories/ whatever it’s called on your social media of choice, so more people see it.

      The one thing that MAGA have going for them is that they put way more effort in promoting Trump than the average sensible voter (=Democrat).

      There are people doing good work on the blue side, but much more can be done.

      I know people who detest Trump, but don’t even follow Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on their socials.
      Every follow and engagement helps.

    • Kitten says:

      What you said is true, and I know we all feel like we’re screaming into the void but the truth is that the two parties and their respective bases could not be more different, which is why the media covers them so differently.
      Democrats have basic standards that their politicians must live up to. Rethuglicans do not. The reason (at least partially) why the media doesn’t cover Trump the way they covered Biden is because conservative voters simply do not care that their guy is senile AF and can barely string together a cogent sentence. They love the man unconditionally.

      Ultimately I blame his voters more so than the media.

      • Debbie says:

        Oh, hold on a moment there. Spare a “blame” for the media as well because they so desperately deserve it too. For instance, the Washington Post’s online headline of Trump (who is running for president of the US) just stopped answering questions and started dancing/swaying for 30 minutes this way: “From ‘Dixie’ to Shrek, Trump’s campaign dance party had it all.” Hmm. Then ABC News, not to be outdone, referred to Trump’s moment of dementia as a “Town hall, interrupted by medical emergencies, turned into impromptu concert.” Yeah. So, I think that these kinds of benign headlines do shape public opinion too.

  9. IdlesAtCranky says:

    He played my favorite song for him:

    🎶🎵 Time To Say Good-bye 🎵🎶🎶

  10. Inge says:

    I hope artists sue him for using their music yet again

  11. DM says:

    Anyone else feel like the son: lyrics have a good message? It is certainly time to say “goodbye.” We need more braincells and less self tanner in the WH. (Although(, I am always game for a good self tanner!)

  12. EM says:

    Does anyone else feel like they’re being punked? It’s like he’s trying to see how far he can push it before his supporters finally say “hmmm, something’s wrong.” Sadly, the answer is, he could host a ritual sacrifice of puppies and babies live on TV, and they’d say he was a genius. It’s MIND BOGGLING!

    • orangeowl says:

      I said the same thing to a friend yesterday. We could have definitive proof that he murdered children and he wouldn’t lose an iota of support. I just want him and his horrible family to go away.

  13. RMS says:

    This is exactly the deranged behavior of dictators. How can anyone legitimately say they want to endure 4+ more years of this kind of ‘leadership’? Can we please go back to the parallel universe where BOTH our Presidential candidates are within the range of normal??

  14. Roo says:

    You know you’re an asshole when your makeup person paints you the color of baby poop.

  15. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    And yet here we are………

  16. Agnes says:

    Yes, I like this take. I do believe the Vance Conspiracy (Amendment 25 for Project 2025) but Trump rallies really are like a super boring Gathering of the Juggalos, with der Cheeto as the Insane Clown in Chief. The MAGAts get to dress up and wear funny face paint and even like at this rally do some Maggalo Karaoke. Horrorcore at its finest.

  17. girl_ninja says:

    I don’t even have anything to add to the comments here. I’m just so disgusted with how we have allowed this to happen to our country. How disgusted I am at being surrounded by people who support this cretin. I am tired.

    • Mab's A'Mabbin says:

      It’s just not worth my health fighting this shit anymore.

    • Jais says:

      I’m tired too. And freaked the f-ck out. I hope I’m just worrying over nothing and it all ends up okay. First day of early voting in Ga and I’m headed that way. But I am having a lot of moments of tears when I look around at some of the people who are voting for trump. Who put his sign up in their yard and then try and talk to me about sex trafficking. I’m just tired.

  18. Katie says:

    My baby is at the stage where he just wants to eat the orange foods, sweet potatoes, carrots, ect, and the effects show in his poop. It’s a match to the shade Ole Drump is choosing lately. Fitting comparison too

  19. Libra says:

    A fool is only applauded by other fools. If he wins we are doomed.

  20. Midnight@theOasis says:

    And MSNBC is claiming Harris is falling in the polls and Trump is surging? How? I just don’t see it. How can people still support this demented racism old fool?

  21. CLOVE says:

    Last night, I heard on the news that he is at the age that his father was when diagnosed with Dementia. I want him to go away! The amount of hatred and lack of trust he created in this country is criminal.
    The fact that he sent Russia our Covid test when we couldn’t get any is treason. This is one with no redeemable qualities, and I want him gone! I have never met a person that I dislike more than this creature!

    • Jaded says:

      And old Fred Drumph went over a mental cliff very quickly. Within 2 years he couldn’t even draw a clock with numbers on it.

  22. blue says:

    Who on his “team” let’s him wander around with a face that looks like it’s dipped in iodine? Looks like he used leftover Man Tan from the ’60s. That stuff turned everyone orange-y brown.

  23. Brassy Rebel says:

    Is it too much to hope that his cultists follow his advice and wait until January to vote?

  24. Rhonda says:

    Vance is delighted, ready, and chomping at the bit. Vote!

  25. T says:

    The fact that so many people believe in and support this deranged criminal makes me half furious, half grief-stricken for the state of our country.

  26. ML says:

    I had read about this before breakfast and I told my husband and kids that TFG paused his rally after people needed medical attention. Then I asked them to say what they thought the Republican presidential candidate did next. Nobody guessed this correctly.

    This is who the Republicans (with the small minority of obvious exceptions, most of whom are women) think is best qualified to govern the United States of America. It’s inconceivable how close this is, and it’s going to be minorities and women (looking at the statistics) who are going to have to save democracy. Please vote ASAP!

    • FYI says:

      You know what he said after the second person needed medical attention? “Anybody else need to faint?”

      He is loathsome.

  27. orangeowl says:

    I checked the NYT to see how they covered this and they have a small headline, no photo. I can’t help but think if Biden or Kamala had done anything like this it would warrant a big headline and photo, front and center. I can’t anymore.

  28. Juxtapoze says:

    I don’t understand the softball reporting from WaPo here. The vibe should have been, “What the hell is happening to DJT?!?”.

    Typical Trump, doing the bare minimum & utterly lacking polish or professionalism while expecting praise and adoration. Only morons still support this mush-brained narcissist.

  29. Proud Mary says:

    OMG! this would be funny if it wasn’t scary that so many Americans are going to vote for this.

  30. Leesa says:

    I do hope all his supporters come out on January 5th to vote!

  31. Anonymous says:

    My god, he really had no idea where he was or what was happening! Completely on another planet there. America, this is terrifying.

  32. Glamarazzi says:

    I know the media loves him for the clicks so why aren’t there bigger headlines about The Madness of King Trump?

  33. Sue says:

    I don’t know how I’m going to get through November 5. I really don’t. I don’t drink anymore so I can’t even artificially numb the anxiety that night. And my boss gave us the day off so I can’t even distract myself at work.

    • JEB says:

      My husband, a good friend of ours and I are going to a concert for a band we love that happens to be in town election night. I want to be away from the tv and off my phone. I plan to have a *very* good time and wake up to whatever f*ckery awaits the next day, but I’m going to have one last fun night before it all goes to hell.

  34. wolfmamma says:

    I’m beginning to understand that this isn’t just about Trump – it’s the whole shit show .. Vance, SCOTUS, Musk, Putin, Orban.., an entire takeover of this country and us

    • Latine says:

      I noticed it as well. It started with England. They have reduced England to cinders. At the same time they started changing usa laws to bring in more surveillance and police. Gatekeeping everything. In a minute we will need a walking licensing. They are using “safety” as a vehicle for compliance. Just like they did in England. The stupid are ruling us from the shadows. Recreating history.

  35. yipyip says:

    Reality and common sense have left the building.
    Spin, lies, crimes, endless hatred, etc.
    Politics have reached new levels of low while every day life gets worse and worse.
    How anyone can listen to Trump or Vance I still do NOT understand.
    Trump + RFK jr. and his brain worm, smh.
    Cult. Cult of idiots.

    • Jacques says:

      @yipyip, your comment is spot on. People are allowing themselves to be brainwashed. They only watch Fox because Fox “tells them the truth.” It doesn’t matter that Fox paid almost a billion dollars for spreading election fraud lies. They are firmly ensconced in the Maga “Cult of personality. They love the fact that he is surly, garish, wealthy, ignorant and nasty.

  36. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. That header photo will always be hilarious. Oi. Gawd. He makes this country look so foolish internationally. I just don’t understand the love for a such an evil, self-serving tangerine.

  37. Latine says:

    He tired. It’s finally catching up with him.

    Trump has been campaigning all his life. He was taught this. He grew up in one of those ” mindset” communities. Just like betsy devos.

    I didn’t know his extended family still has a “corporation or interest” together until last year.

    Either trump had a mini breakdown or he turned the rally into a pep rally. Either way I would love for him to write a honest book about himself. Will never happen because the illusion comes first.

  38. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Does he do the tan himself‽ because no way his tanning person doesn’t have deep seated hatred for him

  39. Lau says:

    This seems like elder abuse but honestly in that case I really don’t care. Republicans have the candidate they deserve.

  40. Katherine says:

    Have you seen the polls by the state and district though? Jesus Christ.

  41. Nano says:

    This fuckers saying goodbye, he knows he’s not winning, it’s an enormous Freudian slip!!!! This is his last hurrah, his handlers know he’s not gonna win that’s why their letting him go out in his full glory crazy. And the maga rats have no clue, they think this is normal and sane.

  42. NikkiK says:

    White people and their racism and greed will be the death of the US; with an assist from the other racist and greedy folks who aren’t white. It’s so sad. Trump is just a symptom of the larger rot and decay that this country has been experiencing since Reagan.

  43. yipyip says:

    He and his cult of followers still frighten me.
    Decent, intelligent, diplomatic, are skills needed.
    Trump and his cult have none.
    I can only hope he screws up hugely before Nov. 5.
    Vance is going to be even worse if he gets in.
    Mark my words.

  44. monlette says:

    This is the first time I have heard of a candidate offering their own October Surprises.

    Everyone who is eligible to vote, please vote. It is super important.

  45. AC says:

    And before this, Trump left his supporters in the middle of nowhere at a bug-infested coyote infested desert. If that doesn’t give them a hint that the guy doesn’t care about anyone but himself then they seem to really enjoy being used and abused.
    I’ve mentioned before – I think a lot of people are fed up with Trump-I read about reporters interviewing people at rural diners, people knocking at doors In conservative neighborhoods – it’s been more positive news for Harris than Trump. I’m cautious, but I think she has a big possibility that she will win. Vote Blue!

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