Princess Kate is under ‘no pressure’ to join the Windsors at Sandringham for Xmas

Over the weekend, the Princess of Wales apparently was out in Berkshire, watching Prince Louis play soccer/football. This news comes via a TikToker, who shared a pic. This reminds me so much of all of those weird “Kate sightings” in the first half of the year, when “eyewitnesses” swore up and down that Kate had been seen shopping or watching her kids’ play sports, and yet no one ever thought to take photos. Anyway, given Kate’s surprise appearance last week in Southport, I would assume that Project Kate Is Keen To Work Once A Month is a go. But according to royal sources, there’s not even an expectation that Kate will go “Royal Christmas” at Sandringham this year?

Princess Kate is under “no pressure” from the Royal Family as a key date looms, according to a royal insider. The Princess of Wales stepped back from public life earlier this year after undergoing major abdominal surgery. One such engagement would be joining the rest of the Royal Family on the Sandringham Estate for Christmas.

A source told The Express: “Kate is on the guest list for this year’s Christmas gathering. She’s keen to join her children and family to celebrate the holidays, but there’s no pressure for her to attend. Obviously everyone is looking forward to having her there, but if she doesn’t feel up to it on the day, the family will understand.”

The royal insider detailed what this year’s Royal Family Christmas will look like at Sandringham House. They claimed: “There will be a large number of people present at this year’s dinner. It was trialled in the ballroom for the first time last year and proved a big success so this year will be held in a similar fashion. There will be a buffet-style roast served where members of the family can help themselves. It will include a traditional roast dinner spread with all the trimmings.”

[From GB News]

It’s possible that Kate’s health issues are still a concern, but even royal sources talk about Kate like she’s already separated from her husband. “She’s keen to join her children and family to celebrate the holidays, but there’s no pressure for her to attend.” As in, William and the kids will have to attend – even though they split up the kids in another room – but everyone will understand if Kate skips. And it’s weird that they’re talking about Christmas like that’s the next big thing, when really, it will be a big deal if Kate doesn’t make it to any of the Remembrance events next month. I think she will do one or two Remembrance events, honestly – if she can be shuffled out five days after Meghan wore a red dress (and broke the British media’s brain), then Kate can do Remembrance Sunday at the Cenotaph.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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153 Responses to “Princess Kate is under ‘no pressure’ to join the Windsors at Sandringham for Xmas”

  1. Tessa says:

    No pressure to work has been associated with Kate since 2011

    • WHAT says:

      Kate is on the guest list

      I 🤔 thought she was the future of the monarchy and they can’t survive without her

      The future👑 though comes up as a guest 👀

      William didn’t seem particularly 😊 to have her at the event. They didn’t interact and he had his hands clasped tightly in front of him.

      it’s obvious they’re separated

      • Becks1 says:

        That was a really weird way to put it. Why wouldn’t she be on the guest list? She’s the daughter in law of the king, the princess of wales, etc. Why would there even be a question as to whether she’s invited?

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        How to tell us the Waleses are separated without telling us the Waleses are separated.

      • Christine says:

        I fully believe William is trolling her through the British media. I would feel bad for her, but these are terrible people. JFC, the next “queen” is on the guest list!

        Maybe he’s trolling everyone at this point, this is so pathetic. Family member may not show up in two months, we better start preparing the plebs.

      • Convict says:

        I’m sure Xmas is triggering for Kate for lots of reasons. All that food …

      • Linney says:

        Absolutely one hundred percent weird. “On the guest list”??? I defintely think this is some media shade being thrown in the “they are separated” direction.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Yes all of that but also ““There will be a large number of people present at this year’s dinner”: looks like the king is making a big thing out of this year’s holiday – like it’s possibly his last xmas? If harry joins – we’ll know it’s very very bad. Or maybe Kate’s under no pressure to go because they need Harry to be there and she just kan’t stand him anymore. But I’m imagining stuff

  2. Granger says:

    I admit to being a little shocked by this. It sounds very much like an admission that W&K aren’t together anymore. I thought they’d keep up the farce a lot longer.

    • Lady Esther says:

      I feel the same. No Big Blue AND no Christmas invite (seems pretty clear that “Oh, you don’t have to come” is British for “Please don’t come”)?

      • JT says:

        This is odd. Some of the backlash behind the Summer’s Eve commercial was that people would feel duped if everything with their marriage wasn’t as it seemed. This “Kate’s invited but doesn’t have to come, everyone will understand” spiel certainly adds to that.

      • Chloe says:

        Has anyone addressed why she’s not wearing her engagement ring anymore?

      • Becks1 says:

        @Chloe nope, She does appear to have a new eternity band that she is wearing instead (but who knows if that is “new,” she may have had that for a while). But considering the woman has worn her ring sailing, hiking, the day she gave birth, etc – it feels extremely notable that she isn’t wearing now.

        And to answer your question – no, there has been no explanation given, I wonder if they’re just assuming people won’t notice?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Wild that it’s more likely that Kate will be stashed out of sight at Wood Farm on the estate instead of Fergie, while Fergie walks in the front door.

        Of course she’ll probably be at Anmer… maybe Brother James will stop by with his infant son and he’ll dress up in an inflatable sumo suit again

        Do you think they’re publishing a hidden truth here? Maybe she doesn’t want to go to Sandringham and deal with the memories of whatever happened to her after Xmas last year?

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Where’sMyTiara – Exactly what I thought. Maybe the memories of last Christmas are too much to bear.

      • Nic919 says:

        I saw a quote from Spare where Harry said he never gave big blue to William to give to Kate because William had asked for big blue not long after Diana died. Harry never had it.

        It seems to me that to William the ring is something of his mother that he wanted and the fact we haven’t seen Kate wear it even though she had it on constantly prior to the surgery suggests he took it back.

      • Libra says:

        @chloe; during chemo even the thinnest person can experience finger swelling which may be why no big blue for now. I was not aware of the finger swelling but my husband s good friend is receiving chemo now and his oncologist included this on the list when she was discussing what he could expect.

      • BeanieBean says:

        But @Libra: she’s wearing her wedding band & diamond eternity ring, both of which she’d been wearing prior to this alleged chemo.

      • Hannah1 says:

        @JT — ‘Summer’s Eve commercial” is perfect

      • Nerd says:

        According to the Summer’s Eve commercial, she has completed chemotherapy so swelling from chemo wouldn’t be an issue. She was even seen and photographed wearing big blue at a time that she was supposedly still going through chemotherapy, so that can’t be an issue when she is still wearing the band that she always wears with big blue.

      • Tara says:

        No big blue 😳

    • Just an Aussie says:

      So, it’s official even though it hasn’t been announced. Kate and William have separated. He’s taken back Big Blue. She’s on the guest list for Christmas but Will and the kids will be there. Whatever happened last year, he wins because he’s the FK. She’s looking rough, no photoshopping.

  3. Whyforthelove says:

    I bet she is not under any pressure. Out of sight out of mind amiright?

    • PC says:

      Or maybe she just doesn’t want to return to the scene of the crime. 🤔

      • ML says:

        PC, This is the vibe I get, too.
        And in addition, they subtly seem to be separated.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @ML well, if Huevo is guilty of doing to Huesa what some of us have been speculating… I wouldn’t actually be surprised if the separation was her idea at this point.

        Does she/did she want to be queen more than anything? Boy howdy yes.
        Did Huevo do her dirty? Also yes, on many many levels.

        If something in the line of DV happened over the years, culminating in whatever happened last Xmas, she might have said to Cluck in the aftermath “you want to keep this out of the papers, you’ll allow us to live separate lives in all but name, and I still get to be queen, and y’all can hush your nasty mouths about my momma”. Remember when articles came out in late winter/early spring about how ‘Charles is so supportive of Kate’? I think that was Cluck putting Huevo and KP on notice about it, in a “I’m saving your lives over here, can you stop shooting yourselves in the d-ck for five minutes” sort of way.

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s possible the scene was Anmer and not Sandringham. Hence the whole issue that she might not even be in Norfolk.

      • Tiny says:

        Or maybe they’re separated

    • Helen says:

      Re big blue, I wonder if they think that ring is cursed?

  4. Dee(2) says:

    Isn’t she supposed to be relatively ok according to her and the press? Unless she is on hospice care, why would she not join her family for Christmas? It’s not an ” engagement”, she doesn’t have to make small talk or look interested in people that she doesn’t give a crap about, she doesn’t have to make sure her hair and outfit is perfect, why couldn’t she go to a private family event? Or are they talking about that Christmas walk? Even then I would imagine they would frame it a little differently, that she will be with the family but may not take part in any public events. I don’t understand their marriage, you’re not going to be able to keep this up in public for the next 40 years if you can’t even be together in private. Just divorce already, they are greatly overestimating how much people will care I believe.

    • Jais says:

      That’s the part I don’t understand. She was well enough to film a whole video about being done with her treatments. She was well enough to sit through a tennis match In the sun. Unless they are severely lying about her health, there’s no reason for her to be unable to attend Christmas at sandringham. That just makes no sense.

      • Kingston says:

        @Jais says:
        “Unless they are severely lying about her health, there’s no reason for her to be unable to attend Christmas at sandringham. That just makes no sense.”

        Er…..are there still normal folks out here in the real world who dont know that the british royals “severely lie” about everything about themselves.????? Srsly? After all this time, but especially after what we know about Diana’s experience? And Harry’s? And Meghan’s?


        At this rate, with this willingness to extend benefit of doubt to the windsors and their henchmen by regular, ordinary, decent people – nevermind their sycophant/acolytes/serfs/the bended-knee brigade – they just might be able to hang on for another 1000 years – doing what theyve always done: Lie. Cheat. Steal. Appropriate. Colonize. And Murder-By-Proxy.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Kingston: agree. Let’s not forget the ‘North Korean level of propaganda’ these folks have.

    • SarahCS says:

      And given that the (apparently) spend all their holidays at Anmer she’ll be right there.

      I can do all these other things I enjoy but nah, don’t fancy lunch with the in-laws. I mean, I’m sure many people would LOVE to have that option but if we’re paying her to princess I expect her to step up and do the bare minimum.

      • Christine says:

        Maybe she lost all access to Anmer in the contract renegotiations, and this is petty little Willy gloating.

      • Interested Gawker says:


        Now that’s an idea, and the brother saying she was often with the Middletons when she ‘should have been’ convalescent on royal property…?


    • Aurora says:

      I do think something nasty happened between them before Kate fell ill. But in this case, the media is trolling with their choice of words. They’d never issued their lifetime mini-film if they were seriously separated. They’re stuck with each other!
      Whatever went down, it happened around Christmas in Sandrigham and she might not want or be in condition to revive such memory. Also, she’s likely to get tested again at some point before year end, and one of the possible outcomes could be a new surgery/ chemo round. Did she utter: ‘I’m in remission?’. No, just that she had finished her preventative chemo. No matter how good she looks (she does look tired) they’d never know if whatever she had came back unless she’s properly tested. They might be paving the road for her absence on either case.

      • tara says:

        @Aurora: “Whatever went down, it happened around Christmas in Sandrigham and she might not want or be in condition to revive such memory.” – That’s such a good point!!

  5. Are they signaling to her thru their friends at the gutter press that she is not welcome? I think so. They just worded it a bit more that it’s really her choice. Those negotiations were very detail oriented. To bad her “work” isn’t so detail oriented and less about her.

    • Lemons says:

      @Susan Collins, that’s what it sounded like…Like…you’re invited BUT we REALLY don’t mind if you aren’t able to make it! They can’t outright say she is persona non grata like they did with Meghan.

      • @Lemons. I think it was part of the negotiations that she will be given a choice in the press and public but behind the scenes she is just not welcome.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      That was the first thought that came to my mind🧐.. very weird comment.

    • Snaggletooth says:

      Sure sounds like it! “Dahhhling we’d so love if you came but we know how tired you must be and we won’t mind a jot if you don’t come and don’t you know it will be all crowds and an awful clamor please just take care of yourself and stay away we won’t mind one bit.”

      Anyone who has read a sentence of English literature gets it. Hell, anyone who follows Paloma Diamond’s films (IYKYK) or saw Saltburn probably gets it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Oh, now there’s a thought. Gad! How passive aggressive! Is it that hard for these people to be direct?

  6. Amy Bee says:

    This is very interesting. It’s quite possible that she would like to spend Christmas with her parents this year. But remembering that the opposite is true when it comes the Royal Family I think Kate is being pressured to attend Christmas at Sandringham.

    • Jais says:

      So you think it’s that Kate doesn’t want to join as opposed to it’s being suggested that she doesn’t have to go bc they don’t want her to go. Honestly, I have no idea, it’s weird. I wouldn’t want to go to sandringham for Christmas either but I can’t really tell what is going on with this.

      • Chrissy says:

        You’d think that she’d want to spend Christmas with her kids though, no? I assume that the kids would be with their Dad and the rest of the RF at Sandringham, no? By just singling her out for not attending the family holiday in Sandringham, it just shows how her not being there could be seen as punitive. Carole can’t be happy with this arrangement.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree with @Jais that something is weird about this.

      I think if she wanted to spend christmas with her parents in Bucklebury or even at Adelaide in Windsor, that would be understandable – I mean if we take what KP has said for the past 10 months at face value, Kate had significant surgery and then underwent chemo for 6 months. I dont think anyone would judge if KP put it out there that the Waleses are going to spend Christmas in Berkshire with the Middletons.

      But the way this is worded makes me think that it would not be “the Waleses,” it would just be Kate with her family, because of the weird line about Kate wanting to join her husband and children for the holiday.

      and the waleses dont stay at sandringham – they’re at anmer – so this just feels weird because it feels like its trying to lower the expectations for a christmas walk appearance from Kate (but again its not excluding the Wales children or William.)

      Is this trying to pressure her into the appearance? “well no one will miss you if you’re not there ANYWAY” which will likely get Kate out of the door in a flash.

      I’m expecting another round soon of “will the sussexes be invited to sandringham” and I think we’ll be able to tell a great deal from that reporting, as to what is actually going on with Kate here.

      • Christine says:

        We’ll know she’s REALLY not welcome when the story shifts to “Ailing Charles desperate for Harry and the kids to attend Christmas at Sandringham”.

    • Nic919 says:

      Seeing as how the Middletons go to Anmer during the Christmas holidays and it’s just a very short drive to Sandringham, it is very weird that they describe this almost as if kate is a minor royal and not the princess of wales. It is absolutely not normal and the wording makes it look like William and the kids will be there but she may not. I mean according to Mike Tindall they all get along great now that Harry and Meghan are gone, so what is the issue?

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        THIS!! The whole article is so weird. I never thought they were separated until now. Maybe an arrangement where William cheats and Kate turns a blind eye? Sure. But not I am just scratching my head – it’s not saying that Kate might want to spend time with the Middletons, but that she won’t be well enough to spend the day with her actual family (read – kids). I don’t know what to think now.

      • Karen says:

        I think their divorce is final. They’ll continue to play their little games until it’s leaked that it’s been over for some time now.

  7. s808 says:

    So William gets the kids for Christmas this year?

  8. Kadee says:

    It’s almost sad really, this not very nice unhappy too thin woman trapped in a dead marriage, doomed for eternity to do empty performative happy royal lady duties, over managed and PR’d to death by this massive monarchy machine fictionalizing her every move to the public. Maybe she’s healthy maybe not. We have NO idea what’s going on at the Windsor home.

    • eos says:

      Kate is aging fast; 42 but looks like she is in her 50’s. The circles around her eyes and neck wrinkles are particularly alarming. What a sad looking woman. I’m wondering if the Sandringham Summit was more about her and Willie than about Harry.

    • Convict says:

      My mother looks younger than Kate and she’s older than Kate’s mother. Kate looks in her 60s. A woman in her 50s who has taken care of her skin and not had too much sun looks younger than Kate.

  9. Becks1 says:

    So if we’re talking about Christmas, that’s almost a year after her abdominal surgery and it will have ben 4 months after she completed her chemotherapy (according to her). And they’re still not sure she’ll be there for Christmas Day, because the walk to the church is so exhausting, its not at all like a frolic through the woods or on the beach for a video?

    It feels really strange that we are already being told not to expect her for Christmas….

    • SarahCS says:

      I really do wonder how they treat her behind closed doors these days. The focus on the lunch in what’s written above makes her sound exceptionally pathetic. It almost reads as Victorian fainting couch, ‘I couldn’t possibly be in company today’.

      So yeah as others have commented, William has the kids and she’ll be somewhere (with her family in the UK or on a beach somewhere exotic).

      • Kateee says:

        Perhaps that much holiday food and stress would be triggering for her.

      • Unblinkered says:

        @SarahCS – I would have said on a beach somewhere exotic, but now the Middletons are back in the public-eye Carol might pull the alternative Berkshire royal Christmas Day church stunt again. Remember that one?

      • Snaggletooth says:

        Bingo. Imagine Maggie Smith (RIP) speaking that last graph. We wouldn’t want to trouble the poor thing with all the noise of Christmas Luncheon.

      • Andrea says:

        Maybe it was the Christmas lunch that triggered Refeeding Syndrome

    • Nic919 says:

      It is strange unless we go with the most likely answer, which is that William doesn’t want her there with the kids or the Christmas walk.

      • Becks1 says:

        The other weird thing to me is that its not even being presented as her being at Sandringham but missing the walk for health reasons. We’re not hearing “she’ll be right down the road at Anmer but the Christmas service may be too much” (which is a hard sell if she’s still doing her christmas carol service earlier in the month.)

        We’re hearing “she may not attend at all” with the strong implication that William and the children are attending no matter what.

        It really gives divorce vibes, doesnt it?

  10. Libra says:

    This reminds me so much of the non- invitation my aunt sent to my cousin’s estranged wife, ” you are welcome to join us for dessert after Thanksgiving dinner. We understand if you have other plans and can’t make it. “

  11. Laura D says:

    I suppose “will she or won’t she” attend Sandringham will make a change from “will H&M or won’t H&M” attend! I wonder what the headlines will be if she doesn’t attend? “Kate snubs BRF” or “King snubs Kate?”

    Wasn’t there questions raised last year about whether or not W&K attended the Sandringham Christmas Do? I may be mis-remembering but, I’m pretty sure people raised the question because there were pictures of the family entering and leaving but, none of William. Kate and/or the children? Maybe, BP are covering their bases so, if Kate doesn’t turn up this year it won’t be too much of a surprise.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Maybe the rota realized after 5 years that they exhausted the topic of H&M not coming to Sandringham. Now it’s Kate.
      The headlines will be about her having good days and bad days, because once upon a time she had something close to cancer.

    • Bananie says:

      @Laura D – I took a look at Kaisers coverage from December last year.
      Plus, for context, I had forgotten that Endgame had just been released on Nov 28…

      after which there was early December crisis / summit talks between Chuck, W&K (assumedly about the Piers naming royal racists fallout, Middleton meddling, Scobie resurfacing Rose rumors, etc…), Kates Baby Bank publicity video with the kiddos, Cam&Chuck skipping her Carole piano concert, then W&K *skipping* the early Dec 20 luncheon @ Windsor. The *janky* black and white Christmas card release, all of the wackiness about the kids school choices, then early 2024 chatter about the charm offensive to Rome for W&K that didn’t materialize… all followed by Kate’s disappearance.

      Last winter was a *MESS* for he WALES.

      • Laura D says:

        Thanks @Bananie for clarifying. I was getting myself confused and you’re right it was the Windsor lunch they skipped. Thanks again 🙂

    • SURE says:

      Drumming up interest in K these days is based around “will she or won’t she be there” headlines. If she attends then we’re hammered with “isn’t she brave, stoic, etc” commentary. If she doesn’t attend then it’s “poor K”. In PR terms it’s a win win for K.

  12. Sue says:

    I mean, here’s my something nice: that’s nice for her. By all accounts, Sandringham Christmas is a painful bore. Go hang out with the Middletons at their home which is probably loads more comfortable and informal. She can lounge on a couch in her pajamas rather than sit on museum pieces in her button costumes and avoid having to do a cold walk to church in front of gawking strangers.

    • Anonymous says:

      If her fingers are so swollen that Big Blue doesn’t fit, then her wedding ring and the others wouldn’t fit, also.

      One tabloid speculated that she wears the new eternity ring to symbolise a new chapter in her marriage, no longer the bride but the long term wife.

      Or William wanted it back after they separated. Interesting that she isn’t expected to join “him and the children”. Where do the children live now? Where does Kate live?

  13. Shelly bean says:

    This is so weird. She’s had cancer and even if she doesn’t feel up to her in-laws crappy Christmas hostage situation, HER OWN CHILDREN are still “expected” to attend???! Wtf. This is so toxic.

  14. Mairzy Doats says:

    Isn’t Sandringham where everyone gets weighed when they arrive to gorge on holiday feasting and weighed again when they depart? It’s a gruesome bullying tradition for any woman to endure.

    • lanne says:

      that’s disgusting. I can imagine the snide comments the women face after that. “Too much turkey, darling? Too much stuffing?”

      Thank the lord Harry and Meghan bolted from that cesspool. The royals are the human incarnation of toxic waste.

    • Nic919 says:

      I’m hoping Charles ended that tradition.

  15. Harla says:

    The allowances made for this woman, allowances that would never be made for Meghan if she was in the same situation, are staggering and disgusting.

  16. Bamaborn says:

    Yes, separated! Don’t have a horse in that race, but, surely these people would get tired of tip-toeing around what ails the Wales’. “On the guess list??” Poor girl.

  17. Murphy says:

    Her own family doesn’t care if she comes to Christmas or not….nice.

    • Chrissy says:

      I think the Middletons have been included at the Sandringham Xmas celebrations when QEII was alive, so I can see Carole being disappointed by her clan not being invited. Given the Wales’ estrangement though, she can’t be expecting to go if Kate isn’t wanted there, can she?

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      All the Middletons care about is status and money.

  18. Jay says:

    Obviously the involvement of the press is different from real life, but if my in-laws referred to me publicly as being “on the guest list for this year’s Christmas gathering” as opposed to, you know, automatically invited, I would interpret it as an insult. Do they somehow think that the “expanded” invitees are going to care one way or the other if Kate is there or not?

    Also “She’s keen to join her children and family to celebrate the holidays” WTF? That sounds like she’s not living with her family at all. But “there’s no pressure for her to attend” to me sounds like “Sweetie, why don’t you sit this one out”.

  19. Beverley says:

    They’re separated. And she’s not welcome. Sucks to be KKKhate.
    I wish I could muster up some sympathy and grace for her…but alas.🤷🏾‍♀️

  20. Lady Digby says:

    When Fergie and Diana were separated did neither get their kids on Xmas day ?

  21. Interested Gawker says:

    I think Kate/MaMidds overreached with the ‘happy families’ video and Kate attaching herself to the investiture and that girl made William annoyed so he let her unedited non Photoshop images out to spite her when she gatecrashed the recent engagement (Or she didn’t realise Getty/AP photographers ‘unfriendly’ to sweetening her pics would be there).

    William may have found the way to dissuade her from tagging along with him, making her face the public with no way of knowing if her images will be edited into her eleventy Kates portfolio. Maybe they are still negotiating the Christmas Walk but she’s worried her face will be ‘As-Is’ or using her Wimbledon treatment won’t stand close scrutiny.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      I agree. That video was just bonkers. More than anything, it showed me that William simply cannot–or will not–play along with pretending they are still happily married. He looked absolutely disgusted when she was leaning against him. And their posing…it’s like they didn’t even know how to pretend to be a normal couple.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Interested Gawker, it makes me wonder about that ‘happy families’ video. This article seems to make the video an outsider since it’s written to make the reader think they’re separated. I have to ask who is behind this.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        I think that was some demand of the Middletons to be given a pound of flesh for whatever Kategate actually was and he was pranced through MaMidds arena on a lead but as we’ve seen, whatever the Middletons do they are still ‘married ins’. William’s made some sort of (ugly) gaff that gave MaMidds leverage but he’s still got the last word. I think this is William…

    • CherryBerry says:

      I think this is it. William was behind the no photoshopping of pictures, and behind this passive aggressive “don’t come to Christmas” article. He’s taken Big Blue and is fed up with her.

  22. Lulu says:

    The need to make this announcement 71 days before Christmas? And they don’t even offer to send a dinner plate to her. COLD!

  23. Carrie says:

    Why? why? why? the advert video with all the togetherness then? So weird. None of this makes sense.

    • Interested Gawker says:

      The BM actually reacted that way too, disapproval because down the pike WanK ‘might not want these images out’. The gag on all this must have draconian consequences, they all know but have to just sit and pretend nothing is wrong? Why? Why should a wank divorce be a bridge too far? Even before Kategate what difference would it make?

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah, like someone said above, I think they’re overestimating how badly a divorce would go over, especially if it was a relatively quiet and amicable one (at least to the public.)

        One theory I have (out of dozens, LOL) is that Kate was supposed to go away quietly last year. The weird surgery announcement with the extended recovery period and “maybe” she would be back by Easter – I think the plan was for her to just sort of disappear and then when they announced the divorce people would just shrug and move on. Obviously that didn’t happen and we can pick apart all the things that happened between January and now (car photo, frankenphoto, cancer video, etc).

        but i think william et al had a plan for handling the divorce and Kate either refused to play ball or she outright won (hence her parents at Ascot, etc.)

      • Nic919 says:

        I think that they were going to say more this summer during the holidays but whatever happened, likely on December 28, 2023, change whatever plan William wanted.

        They were already doing events arriving separately for a few years and all the kids are in school full time now.

        I can see William agreeing to the video if only to show that Kate is healthy and so if he does want a public separation, he’s got Kate on record saying she’s cancer free.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, there was actually a lot of negative press on William. He only visited Kate once in the hospital. He threw her under the bus for the frankenphoto. Participating in that video is part of making him out to be a supportive husband to the public, even if it was cringe. IF if if they do ever publicly separate, then it’s all evidence to show that he was in fact supportive while she was sick.

  24. SueBarbri33 says:

    It boggles my mind that they are already mishandling the Christmas PR.

  25. Cerys says:

    Another way of saying they’re separated without actually saying it.

  26. Digital Unicorn says:

    Interesting narrative this – no way she will NOT be at Amner for Christmas as that’s something that she and her family do every year, esp as its likely that this year they will get to be part of the pap walk to the church. Given they are apparently back in the fold I wonder if they are all hoping for an invite up to the big house for lunch – we know James bragged about his access in his book.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    No Christmas fam jams for the Waleses this year, clearly!

  28. fwiw says:

    I doubt she has been back inside Sandringham since last December when she may have left in an ambulance.

  29. Mads says:

    This briefing is odd, to put it mildly 🤔
    He’s definitely taken the sapphire engagement ring back; she could easily have a small, removable bar fitted to address any issue of extreme weight loss in order for her to still wear it, so any theory that she’s no longer wearing it because of that doesn’t hold up.
    They’re unofficially separated and I think her health issues this year are as a result of him demanding a divorce late last year.
    Charles and Cam are against an official separation, hence all the ‘supportive’ comments for Kate when, in reality, they’re shafting 🥚 and his desire to divorce.
    I’m expecting a separation announcement in the New Year, with the reasoning being along the lines of the ’cancer’ made her reassess everything etc.

    • Bamaborn says:

      Think they’re too far gone now to announce an “official separation” with Chuck’s illness and no Harry and Meghan to use for distraction. Kate would get all the FQ sympathy( he divorced the mother of his children while she was bravely battling cancer). Do see a reduced role and phasing out of Kate that appears to have already begun.

    • Nic919 says:

      I think the fact it’s noticeable how Kate is doing so little, but Charles, who also has cancer treatment, is doing engagements almost back to where he was just after covid, is an informal phasing out for Kate.

      Sophie and Anne and the others are doing a lot more than her. Even the Gloucesters do more and they are cousins, with the duchess getting a garter order for her work.

  30. “She’s keen to join her children” makes it sound like “her children” are in a hostage situation.

    Why does she have to be keen? why can’t “her children” be with her wherever she is?

  31. Lizzie says:

    Ah, Camilla moved it to the ballroom last year, and it’s going to be the Parker-Bowles family who are the ‘large number of people’. Kate dear, we would love to have you but understand if you cannot come.

  32. yipyip says:

    Are they openly saying “Go ahead Will, dump her if you want?”
    Is she planning to go to Carole and Mikes?
    Separation is underway?
    This sure seems like a push to the side by The Firm to me.

    BRF = Soap Opera.
    But, IMO, W&K divorcing would be a bad idea for their PR. The entire family is a hot mess and continues to be.

  33. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Really after the whole

    Is Meghan going

    Meghan is invited

    Meghan is not going

    Meghan was not invited

    The dance they do every single year. Started early this time though to give Kate an out.

    • lanne says:

      I’d suggest Meghan send some jam but then again, maybe not. The ratchets would probably have it tested for its contents–writing about 50 articles (what’s IN the jam Meghan sent? Could it have been “tampered with?” and then the 51st article: “Forensic evidence results are in: Jam ingredients are sugar, fruit, pectin, and citrus”)–or writing 75 articles: Meghan SNUBS Kate by sending jam–Meghan disrespects Kate’s chutney”

      Meghan should continue not thinking about these circus dimwits. They sure are tiresome.

  34. Meredith says:

    This is especially weird because they celebrate Christmas on the same property as their Norfolk estate where KM supposedly spends all the school holidays— so she is right there! Conclusion: She definitely is NOT invited.

  35. Andrea says:

    Refeeding Syndrome triggered the Dec 28 health scare

    • Interested Gawker says:

      That scar on her face says different.

      But the clock did start 28 December, whatever went on…

      • SURE says:

        We don’t know how the scar came about, who was primarily responsible for it or whether it was the result of an “accident” or deliberate intent.

      • Becks1 says:

        We have zero clue that anything happened on Dec 28 or that the clock “started” but people have accepted it as fact on here at this point. same thing with the scar. It’s sort of interesting because we’ve complained so much about the royal family propaganda and this is just a different sort – something that people are blindly accepting with no proof because it fits their narrative.

  36. Nano says:

    You know, looking at Kate’s pics…she looked so much better when she was on supposed chemo. Now that she has returned to being g on full watch of the world she looks haggard, like she’s hitting the bottle or crying non stop. It does seem odd that they’re sending a preemptive strike on Kate’s attendance to their xmas festivities, all family members attend, period. It feels like she’s no longer in the mix.

  37. Square2 says:

    Wow, so nice to be a white English rose, isn’t it? Any illness (real or fake) can be your excuse to not working & the RR & BM give you all the space & grace you need.

    While the black American Duchess/Princess was suffering mental distress and all the RR, BM, and other reporters all knew of it, her work company (KP) asked those reporters to put the gas on the paddle, doubling the abuses toward her. Racist to the core, these people.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Remember the same people were also unsympathetic when MM spoke about her miscarriage. These people are sociopathic.

  38. aquarius64 says:

    I think William and Kate have separated. KP and BP have spun so many lies it’s at the point it’s not the lie but the cover up. But I don’t think Kate and the Middletons are out of the woods. The Firm still calls the shots. The only way William comes out of this unscathed is as a widower.

  39. BeanieBean says:

    Just echoing what everyone else is saying. This is a very weird comment. If she lived with her family, i.e., husband & kids, there wouldn’t be all this speculation on if she’d join them, or if she didn’t show they’d understand. Of course not! If they actually lived together this is all understood! She’s probably with her mom & dad. And also, c’mon, why the heck is attending church and going to a big Christmas gathering AT YOUR HOME (one of them) considered ‘work’ or something to be added to the court circular? Gadzooks, people! Wake up!

  40. Normal_Islander says:

    Isn’t it likely that Kate wears a replica of The Ring Of Doom for any occasions where there’s a risk she might lose it? I imagine the original one lives in a vault.

    Also remember it’s not a bespoke piece, Diana chose it from Garrard’s catalogue and it was available for anyone else (with the cash) to order should they have wished. I wouldn’t be surprised if a spare had been purchased by The Crown.

    Makes no sense to replace a replica/backup with a ring of an entirely different design does it?

    • Nerd says:

      There might be a replica but she has worn a sapphire ring (maybe not THE sapphire ring) to scuba dive, sailing and other times when losing her ring would be extremely possible, so why would this outing be a reason for her not to wear even a duplicate when she was willing to wear one to scuba dive and sailing?

  41. Nerd says:

    I think that this is just the beginning of the “Will she or won’t she?” articles about Kate. I think they are about to do this for every event to peak interest of whether she will be at any given event because her being missing was the most interesting thing about her. I heard someone say that and I honestly couldn’t argue that point because her being invisible really is more interesting than her being at any event.

  42. TurbanMa says:

    Top pic, William is not wearing a wedding band, is that unusual? Huh

    • Aurora says:

      It’s not. He’s famously refuses to wear it in the ordinary. The absence of Big Blue can’t be casual, since Kate wouldn’t part with it even when in childbirth. I can see William not wanting an official dupe, whose existence could facilitate for the ring’s theft by substitution. Big Blue’s gem value might not be the highest for Hollywood standards. But it’s one of the most known, written about jewellery pieces of today, as well as a heirloom, historical artifact.
      Separation explains why Kate is not wearing it. It might also be the case that it’s become too large for her and adjusting it is not currently a choice bc of its meaning. Also, that having her rushed to an ER at any given time is still a possibility.

  43. Nerd says:

    William has never worn a wedding ring.

  44. SamuelWhiskers says:

    I 10000% think that they’re separated and sharing custody and have been for a while, but I’m surprised at all these comments referencing “what happened at Christmas” or “the incident that happened on 28th December”?

    Genuinely, is there even an atom of even the vaguest rumour to suggest that ANYTHING happened on 28th December apart from the very very comprehensively debunked as fake ambulance troll tweet?

    Personally I think they’ve been separated for at least a couple of years.

    • Nic919 says:

      They were living separately well before the queen died. Not long after the Oprah interview we started hearing about their need to relocate and find somewhere else to live even though they had KP near where the school was, as well as Anmer. And then KP neighbours have commented on seeing the helicopter used excessively and it would only be by William.
      Dec 28, 2023 delayed what was going on, but it may be back on track.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        But nothing actually happened on 28th December, did it?

        It’s honestly so alarming how one single tweet from a known troll, that’s been absolutely, beyond any shadow of a doubt proven to be a lie, is still being repeated constantly as absolute gospel.

        The amount of lies and trolling on Twitter that’s said about Meghan, I honestly find it worrying how many people blindly believe anything that’s posted on social media.

      • fwiw says:

        Apologies, SamuelWhiskers, for mentioning an ambulance. I knew it was unconfirmed, but not that it had been proved false.

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