They’re still crying about the Sussexes’ wildly successful 2018 Australian tour

King Charles and Queen Camilla will arrive in Australia later this week. Their tour hasn’t even started and it’s not going well, with prominent Australian officials hilariously making a point of snubbing the king and queen. As I’ve mentioned, this is the first major royal tour of Australia since Prince Harry and Meghan’s wildly successful 2018 tour. H&M’s tour went so well, the Windsors committed themselves to smearing and attacking Meghan just days after the tour ended. The comparisons between the two tours have already begun, and the years-long revisionist history is still happening too:

King Charles and Queen Camilla are heading on their Australia and Samoa royal tour this week and are set for an action-packed nine days. Their trip comes six years after Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s high profile trip Down Under which is said to have “broken” the couple.

According to a royal expert the Sussexes’ trip became a “catalyst” for leaving their roles as senior working roles and relocating to America. Royal historian Tim Ewart spoke on Sky News Australia’s The Royals in Australia and said Meghan and Harry’s Australian tour was a huge success.

He claimed Meghan’s impact in Australia was “Princess Diana multiplied by two”. Tim added: “They loved Australia and Australia responded to them. In those early days of Meghan and Harry, Meghan got an incredible reaction from the public. If Diana had been a breath of fresh air, it was Diana multiplied by two for Meghan.”

However, upon arriving back to the UK after their successful tour, Meghan and Harry felt they received little “praise and recognition” from The Firm. Tim added: “Australia broke Harry and Meghan and was one of the catalysts for them leaving the royal family. She and Harry had expected they would get much more praise and recognition from that royal tour.”

Royal reporter Angela Mollard claimed Meghan grew frustrated following the trip, saying: “She was part of a big institution and she wasn’t the hero of it, she was a cog in the wheel and that became clear (after Australia).”

King Charles’ Australia tour this week is historic, given it’s his first there as reigning monarch, but it could be “extremely exhausting” for Camilla who “doesn’t like flying”, according to an expert. The royal couple will land in Australia on Friday, then head to Samoa on Wednesday October 23, before departing for the UK on Saturday October 26.

Editor-in-chief of Majesty Magazine Ingrid Seward told Fabulous: “Queen Camilla is 76. She gets very tired because she’s not born to this royal life. I know she’s been in it a long time, but she’s not born to it, and I think people sometimes forget that Camilla’s never actually had a job. I think she finds these trips extremely exhausting. She doesn’t like flying. She’s not a great traveller, and she’s not good in the heat, because you know her, you know, like a lot of women of her age her feet swell up, and she feels uncomfortable. So it’s not the most pleasurable thing to do for her to whisk across to Australia although it might be really exciting for somebody younger.”

[From The Sun]

Again, Harry and Meghan’s tour was wildly successful and they were rock stars everywhere they went. The Windsors hated that. It wasn’t the lack of praise, it was the full-on assault of a coordinated character assassination, with the express goal of forcing Harry and Meghan to divorce. All because the Windsors were jealous. All because the Windsors cannot manage their way out of a wet paper bag. As for the stuff about Camilla… lmao. “She’s not born to it, and I think people sometimes forget that Camilla’s never actually had a job.” Meghan wasn’t born into it either but she took to it like a duck to water. Possibly because Meghan had many jobs and she wasn’t just some horsey mistress.


Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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57 Responses to “They’re still crying about the Sussexes’ wildly successful 2018 Australian tour”

  1. Melly says:

    I hope Charles and Camilla have the trip they deserve

  2. swaz says:

    The Windors are over 😂😂Do you think that Ingrid Seward could have given any more reasons why Camilla is not suited to be Queen 😎

    • Becks1 says:

      Well, I found that criticism interesting because most of it applies to Kate as well. She wasn’t born to this, she’s never really had a job (the underlying subtext there being she’s lazy, which is true for Kate as well), etc.

  3. Henny Penny says:

    I think the main purpose of this article (after the Meghan bashing, of course) was to set very low expectations for Camilla, so that when–not if–she creates some national scandal with her vulgar and rude behavior they can blame it on her swollen feet instead of the fact that she’s a crass, uncultured alcoholic.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Its not that Harry and Meghan were looking for praise when they came back from Australia but that they encountered a wave of negativity and smears from the Royal Family and the press on their return.

    • Chrissy says:

      Yet again, it seems that the Sussex’s were seen as being too successful during that tour, making the others look bad. The Left Behinds will never change… their own detriment.

    • Square2 says:

      I’ll forever remember that when H&M arrived at Australia airport and Meghan carried a binder getting into the car, some white woman (not rota) harshly mocked & criticized her. It seemed she couldn’t believe that a Royal (and a black American Royal) taking her job seriously & preparing for it.

  5. s808 says:

    “Queen Camilla is 76. She gets very tired because she’s not born to this royal life. I know she’s been in it a long time, but she’s not born to it, and I think people sometimes forget that Camilla’s never actually had a job. I think she finds these trips extremely exhausting. She doesn’t like flying. She’s not a great traveller, and she’s not good in the heat, because you know her, you know, like a lot of women of her age her feet swell up, and she feels uncomfortable.”

    This sounds like the bullshit they trot out to explain why K can’t do her job either. The monarchy is circling the draining and the RRs are helping it right along instead of at least trying to stop the bleeding by demanding these people show up.

    • Chaine says:

      It’s a prelude for Kate’s future of continuing not doing anything: “she’s been in it a long time, but she’s not born to it. People sometimes forget she’s never actually had a job.”

    • Tessa says:

      People not born into “royal life” do not have to be reluctant to work. Kate for instance had lots of time to have a career or get that early childhood degree.

    • Harla says:

      Yet somehow Camilla has no issue flying to India several times a year for her “spa break”.

    • AMB says:

      I believe it’s called “setting up the loss”.

    • Jenna says:

      I’m sorry, but I don’t think “royal life” can be all that tiring. I mean, Charles has someone to put toothpaste on his toothbrush–all he has to do is “Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.”

      Not being “born to it” seems like it should be a plus in work ethic.

  6. Amy says:

    So tangentially related: does anyone know the backstory of the tag left on Meghan’s dress? Wasn’t that in Australia? That seemed like a big mistake and the BM was practically giddy about it. Do we know what happened there?

    • Amy Bee says:

      The tag wasn’t left on her dress. The press were outraged that the label on her dress was visible in some instances. Nothing was actually hanging from her dress. The press was very eager to attack her because she was doing so well.

  7. Jais says:

    Wow. Princess Diana times two. That’s kind of crazy. And in less than 5 years the RF and Murdoch and the rest of the tabloids smeared the hell out of Meghan. It’s wild to think about really.

  8. Becks1 says:

    I don’t think the lack of praise after the tour broke them, i think it was the smear campaign and the constant attacks in the press (coming from the royal family) that “broke” them (broke meaning “the catalyst for their leaving.”) I think it was the lack of support from the royals. I think it was exactly what this historian says – the tour was DianaX2 and that was a HUGE problem for the royal family.

    So I don’t think its that this tour broke H&M, I think it broke the royal family.

    I do sometimes wonder – if W&K and Charles and Camilla had just kept their mouths shut after this, how would things be different? Like if Kate had never put the crying story out there, or if the tiara story had never gotten out, or if in the summer of 2019 william didn’t pull the flybe stunt, etc. – maybe H&M would still be there. They’re better off now, for sure, but the royal family isn’t. And its kind of hilarious to think that all they had to do was just shut up and let Harry and Meghan’s popularity go unchecked to benefit the royals. And they could not do that.

    • Beth says:

      Don’t forget that UK press/media was also weaponising her estranged father and half-siblings by giving them platforms and paying them. Yep, a pregnant woman, newly married, feeling somewhat isolated and vulnerable with suicidal ideation. Oh yes, and client ‘journalists’ were briefed via back channels by Kensington Palace – William and Kate’s people. With insults, name-calling and leaking from staff. Even Richard Palmer said in a 2021 doc that it was ‘a nest of vipers’.

      • Becks1 says:

        Right, as I said, “constant attacks in the press coming from the royal family.” There’s no way her family was weaponized without the okay of someone at KP or then Clarence House.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Becks1 is right. No one can go on morning shows to insult royal family members without ok from seniors of BRF. That is why you don’t see people going on the shows talking sh*t about other members. I am sure they can find some people who have a few bad stories about royals for money. You don’t see them, because others are protected. Meghan’s father slipped once and said they were planning to stop the wedding when he was first getting media deals.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Sadly, if C&C and W&K had just kept their mouths shut after H&M’s successful 2018 Australia tour I believe things would just have come to a head further down the road. KM’s jealousy and resentment, and that of others, would only have worsened. It needed QEII and Philip to have been, say, ten years younger and able to take charge of the situation and face down all the nonsense.

  9. Carmen says:

    The hate campaign started the minute Harry and Meghan returned from Oceania, fueled by pure spite and jealousy. They resented Meghan’s charm, her charisma, she and Harry had effortlessly achieved the height of adulation that the rest of the royals could never hope to reach. It wasn’t Harry and Meghan’s fault that the royals couldn’t keep up with them. As an old American saying goes, you either got it or you ain’t, and Kate and William ain’t got it.

    • s808 says:

      I still can’t wrap my head around this tbh. H&M were AMAZING soft diplomats for the UK. They NEED that, badly. I guess it speaks to the tall poppy syndrome or whatever but to rather have mediocre royals who take and take and take give NOTHING in return over two really charismatic royals who were fantastic at the job and gave a much needed shot in the arm to the Institution will just never make sense to me.

    • WaterDragon says:

      And don’t forget that Meghan was pregnant at the time and STILL managed to shine like that.

      I think that was also like a slap in the face to Kate, who always exploited her “morning sickness” excuse to the absolute MAX for MONTHS to get out of every possible work engagement.

      • Debbie says:

        Now, that should be noted every time the BM even thinks about writing that Meghan wasn’t prepared to do the work of a royal family member. The woman was pregnant for the first time, she hoped around and did everything expected of her, and even went on a brief tour to the Middle East, if I recall correctly, when she was just two months due. I swear the timing of that tour approval by the Windsors was a last-ditch effort to cause her to miscarry Archie.

    • ABritGuest says:

      It was even earlier than that. During the Oceania tour was when KP briefed the Times that the press that the offices were splitting . That was the first story of the palace take down of Meghan. Obviously the Oceana visit was going too well & someone wanted to derail it.

      Then when h& m returned from the visit was when all the stories about tiaras, making Kate & various staff cry landed. Before that most of the nasty stories about Meghan were driven by the trash Markles & false stories about protocol etc.

      Tom Sykes had an article during or just after the visit that H&M were too popular & it could be a problem because they had a rock star reception with thousands coming to see them. So that Tim Ewart is right – the tour broke H&M in sense that it was a trigger for the palace to really takedown Meghan especially & help drive her out of the family & uk

      And yes the press are trying to lower expectations of the visit for Camilla etc but sure they will hype it as a triumph as long as there aren’t major protests etc against them

      • Kingston says:

        Im noticing that almost every poster on this thread has adopted the narrative that “the tour broke H&M.” i:e youre using the same words/phrase as H&M’s enemies even if youve failed to recognize their not-so-well-hidden, intended meaning.

        In what world were H&M “broken” by the Aussie tour?

        Theyre using “broken” to suggest that H&M failed. Note well that this narrative is juxtaposed with chucky and gladys’s upcoming failure on their tour which their spox havent labeled a “failure.”

        One could only swallow the “it broke them” narrative if one hadnt read Spare to learn FROM THE HORSES’ MOUTH exactly what transpired before and after that tour. Dont forget that H&M subsequently went to Southern Africa AND THEN Morocco – the latter when M was 7-8 months pregnant!!! So obviously, the Aussie tour did NOT affect them adversely. On the contrary, they were energized by it.

        So they werent “broken” by the tour. It wasnt even a decisive factor in their decision to leave. The aftermath of the tour did in fact, give them evidence that their family’s most senior aides were ACTIVELY conspiring against them. Before that, they only suspected that they were. And even so, up to then, H still hadnt laid any blame at the feet of chucky, gladys or WanK.

        Do you not see whats happening here? First rule of thumb: be highly skeptical of the enemy’s choice of words. Because its ALWAYS a double entendre.

        I ALWAYS examine the words chosen by the uk’s shitmedia when they speak of H&M and its ALWAYS a case of hypocrisy.

        Rmbr, the brits consider themselves the creators and masters of sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek, banter, sugar-coated insults, self-deprecation, puns, innuendo, wit. And they genuinely believe the rest of the world and Americans in particular, are too stupid to detect their intended meaning.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @ABritGuest, I would say it really started with Meghan’s successful solo project of the cookbook launch that benefitted a group in need. Before Kate ever completed a solo project. Then Meghan’s pregnancy being confirmed.

        In SPARE, Harry mentioned the meeting with the WanK’s in December 2018 and discussing the crying story. W&K fumbled around and finally said it came up during a dinner with C&C when H&M were doing the Oceania tour. I personally don’t think it was a dinner, more like a meeting on smearing Meghan. The ramping up of the smears.

        October 21?, 2018(while H&M were on tour), the Daily Express put out an article about how the Sussexes didn’t want a title for their child. We know that was a lie if having a title meant security (O interview).

        Tiaragate-Angela Kelley was difficult not Meghan
        Melissa Toubatti was let go/fired for employee misconduct at least 6 weeks before the whole “staffer quite in tears” malarkey.
        Crygate-Kate made Meghan cry days before the wedding. Not the reverse.

        The crowds that came to see them during that tour (the balcony crowd scene was beautiful) really puckered some a$$es.

    • Cassie says:

      Summed up beautifully .
      They managed to turn a joyful and successful tour into a campaign of lies and hatred .

      I watched it unfold in disbelief and saw people I thought I knew , swallow it all hook line and sinker .
      Harry and Meghan were so loved that they had to be brought down so they didn’t outshine the others .
      The tour was an incredible success .
      They were like rock stars , they shone so brightly .

      It was an insidious ,but a successful smear campaign .designed to ruin their reputation .

  10. Dee(2) says:

    I hope Ingrid Seward is never called upon to defend me, yikes. Camilla sounds just super lazy though honestly. She’s never held a job? Not even as the head of a non profit!, in some figurehead capacity?! I can appreciate being older and travel affecting you differently, but it doesn’t seem like it was any different 10 or 15 years ago. Aren’t they coming up on their 20th anniversary? And yeah I anticipate a lot of this is somehow Harry and Meghan’s fault for poor receptions. Also, I’m sure if Harry and Meghan do as much as get a bagel and coffee over the next two weeks it’ll be “just days, hours, minutes after the king” etc., etc.

    • Tessa says:

      Camilla also had a lot of pre marital training for royal life by Bolland. Beginning in 1997.

    • Blujfly says:

      Someone in Charles’ orbit once called her the laziest woman in England. She has zero work ethic.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      I’m sure some BM is sitting on some photos of Meghan doing something sometime for that reason. Along with the paperback release of SPARE which Harry did not plan.

      You have to laugh at Ingrid Seward excusing Camilla. She’s never really worked so this will be hard for her is a very funny argument and not a good look. You know who else often gets swollen feet – pregnant women.

  11. So what they are really doing is selling Chuckles and Horsillas trip short because the Sussexes was fabulous. Of course they don’t see it that way but everyone else does. People are making their wishes not to see them pretty clear.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, I had the same thought. It’s an interesting comparison, too – Diana x 2 compared to the septuagenarian mistress with swollen feet.

  12. Proud Mary says:

    Poor Camzilla, she’s old and “wasn’t born to it.” Stay home wench! The Australian’s are right to be tired of being lead by mediocrity. One of the greatest triumphs of the British monarchy, is it’s agreement with the British press. That a woman like Camilla, who cheated and schemed her way onto the throne, can be handled with such kid gloves is amazing to behold. If “being born to it” was important, then why did Charles divorce Diana for this lazy deadweight? Diana was not only born to it, but she grew into the job and transformed it into something globally relevant. Meghan came in and, though she wasn’t “born to it”, raised the bar. You preferred mediocrity, well, that’s what you’ve got. If Harry and Meghan’s trip did not measure up, than why are you talking about them? William and Kate went to Australian too, didn’t they?

    • Proud Mary says:

      It is just such a lie that Harry and Meghan wanted praise for their tour. No, they wanted the campaign of hate, engendered by jealousy over their successful tour to stop. Again, why are you talking about them, almost 7 years later? I think they are worried about the comparisons that’s coming between Harry and Meghan’s hugely successful trip and this failure that’s already happening. LIES, LIES, LIES.

    • tamsin says:

      In a country where things are determined not only just by birth, but birth order, meritocracy has no place. Trying to rise above your station is mocked and frowned upon. You are a subject, not a citizen of your country. How many rights can a subject have? How far can a subject rise? Being subjugated is the point.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    Let’s be honest. Camilla got where she is because she slept with a married heir to the throne and no amount of Crown Jewels she wears will change that. And going to Australia, a country where Diana triumphed, has to be galling. It reminds everyone that Camilla is a downgrade.

  14. Fastgran50 says:

    Isn’t the Australian tour where nasty rumors about Meghan’s behavior started. Some Australian tabloid started a rumor she through a cup of tea at a member of staff. And had some poor lackey make umpteen banana loaves . The Australian tabloids are just as bad if not worse about trolling on Harry and Meghan . Anyway I hope not my KING demonstrates lots in Australia. It’s the Karma these two awful people deserve

    • Christine says:

      The trolls that have been popping up on CB this week sure want people to believe these two things happened. They need to sell it somewhere else.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      The non tea story started on Quora. Another Ferris Bueller rumor by someone’s friend that “works” at the embassy or whatever. It’s like the Netflix cancelling Heart of Invictus story.

  15. MsIam says:

    Somehow if Chuck and Croc flop, Meghan and Harry, especially Meghan will be blamed. They will find someone, or some group, six years later who was so offended by them that THEY NEVER WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ROYALS AGAIN!!! And now poor Chucky and Rotty have to suffer the consequences. It sounds insane but these people will do anything to find a scapegoat.

  16. Jay says:

    Camilla “gets very tired because she’s not born to this royal life”? Do the Windsors have some sort of gene that makes them immune to air sickness or fatigue? All of this wailing about how Camilla will be suffering through this tour, too, it’s not just the elderly King still in treatment for cancer that deserves your sympathy! It’s obviously a ploy to get public pity, and to excuse themselves if they skip out on events or seem low energy, but I think it’s a mistake. People aren’t going to feel pity for them for daring to endure an unpopular, unwanted, and unnecessary tour that they instigated!

    I also think it’s notable that behind the scenes, we’ve been hearing from Charles’ staffers and government officials on background that they don’t think he should do this tour. Now, whether that is based solely on health issues or whether (maybe) the people charged with organizing this tour knew that Australian officials were going to blank the King, we don’t know.

    It’s almost as if the two of them should not be doing this trip at all.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jay, the Escort could have stayed home and not gone along. King Snubby looks pretty bad so he probably shouldn’t be going at all. If you have to take two doctors with you, you probably shouldn’t leave home.

      Did anyone expect this visit to include a huge welcome? I can’t see it.

  17. KFC poisoned his own well with his pathetic jealousy.

    The world was trained to treat “royals” with respect. KFC has disrespected his “royal” son and “royal” DIL every day for the last 6 years via the media, now all of us are free to disrespect “royals”

  18. Walking the Walk says:

    I want to beg these people to just write about the Royals without invoking Meghan’s name. Come on. Try it.

  19. Over it says:

    I was drinking Tea when I read your horsey mistress line Kaiser , and it came out of my nose 😂😂. Warn a girl next time. However that’s my fault because you make me laugh every single day. Thanks I needed that .

  20. Nic919 says:

    The Oceania tour broke the fragile egos of W and K because the nasty planted stories from them showed up within days after H and M returned from the huge success. Tiara gate was Angela Kelly prompted by William and likely Kate, who kissed her ass for access to jewels. Jason Knauf got way more active planting stories and the false crying story was planted months after it even happened by Kate through Carole.

    I don’t think Charles and Camilla were hands off, but their actions were far less obvious.

  21. CM says:

    She was literally glowing on that tour. Every photo was gorgeous.

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