Seward: Prince Harry could be ‘forgiven’ by Britain, but Meghan never will be

It’s been five years now, if not longer, of a collective psychosis towards the Duchess of Sussex. Part of the psychosis is that they can’t say or admit the actual thing which upsets them: she’s a Black American woman who rejected the monarchy, rejected all of the royal trappings and the “elevated status” which was supposed to be the pinnacle of British society. She saw all of it and she dipped, and she took the handsome, charismatic prince with her. That’s why they’re actually still mad at Meghan, but they can’t or won’t say it. Instead, royalists like Ingrid C-Word cry about how Meghan and Harry are doing “separate” events and maybe Harry will come back but no one will ever forgive Meghan so she’s not allowed to come back! GMAFB.

Meghan Markle won’t ever be forgiven for dissing the royals and Prince Harry must go it alone to salvage his reputation, an expert says. Ingrid Seward said the Sussexes seem to be going in “slightly different ways”, having both appeared in public separately of late. It comes amid rumours they maybe drifting apart and claims Harry is keen for a return to the UK. And the expert said the Duke could very much still be forgiven, despite becoming a Black Sheep of the Firm after making multiple damaging allegations, particularly against brother Prince William.

“But I don’t see the same thing for Meghan,” Ms Seward added. “Deep down people still love Prince Harry, and they want to love him, I think they’re just very, very disappointed in him.”

Referring to his bombshell memoir Spare, Ms Seward added: “He made millions out of it, but he seriously has paid for it, because it’s done his reputation an immeasurable amount of harm, especially with his family, but the way that people view him.”

Ms Seward told The Sun of Meghan’s outing at the LA Children’s Hospital gala: “It did look very much as though she was just posing for the camera. She didn’t look like she was really involved in what she was doing.”

However, she admitted – with Meghan in a glamorous plunging red dress and her hair down – she is “striking out on her own in a purposeful way”. The expert continued: “She wants to remind people that she is still around, although at the moment Harry is getting all the good publicity. I feel that they’re both going slightly different ways to see if it works. They’ve tried it together, and it didn’t work so well. So, they’re doing it separately to see how well it works. And then Harry puts a little tomfoolery into it as well by going into this house of horror.”

She was quick to couch her comments by saying seeing a couple acting separately doesn’t mean they are breaking up. “It just means that they’re doing things in different ways on their own, which is eventually what all members of the Royal Family or members of any family do,” she said. “They do things together, and then they do things on their own, so I’m not surprised about that.”

[From The Sun]

So even though Harry “sold out his family” with Spare and even though Harry has given more public statements about his family and said much more damaging things, Harry is the one who could be “forgiven,” but Meghan will never be forgiven. Because, again, she left them. And they’re still really mad about it and they’ll never “forgive” her for rejecting the gilded, toxic cage. I also enjoy that after C-word talked complete nonsense about Harry and Meghan going their separate ways, C-word is then like, but obviously, all of the royals work separately all the time and it’s no big deal. They’re desperately trying to make “the Sussex separation” happen without drawing attention to the very visible issues in the Wales marriage.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Cover Images.

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98 Responses to “Seward: Prince Harry could be ‘forgiven’ by Britain, but Meghan never will be”

  1. Lady Esther says:

    Dear Meghan, we will never forgive you for being black, because then we would have to own up to our colonizer history. The end.

    Signed, the BRF, the aristocracy, the establishment, and the British media.

    • Becks1 says:

      I agree with a lot of other comments on this post, but I think this pretty much sums it up. not only will they never forgive her for being Black, they will never forgive her for being Black AND deciding their white supremacist institution wasn’t good enough for her.

      • Libra says:

        In addition , Meghan pulled the curtain back and let in some truths that no one wanted to hear. The RF was shown to be even more dysfunctional than anyone could imagine. They never accused her of lying, her mortal sin was telling the truth.

    • ABritGuest says:

      Pretty much. Ingrid said in 2020/2021 that people thought Meghan would leave after a few years but they never thought Harry would go with her. This was before Oprah so these types never welcomed Meghan. I remember her article in the summer of 2018 piling on Meghan for not speaking to Thomas markle.

      People like Ingrid shared the royal family’s concern about what Meghan’s heritage would mean for the balcony & wanted to drive her out. They are just mad that Harry went with her & they discussed the press & royal family’s treatment

      The plan has been to break up the marriage as Harry has said in court docs & rehab his reputation & blame everything on Meghan & her ‘sorcery’. That’s why she says Harry could be forgiven

      • Magdalena says:

        Ingrid C-Word is also reportedly Cressida’s godmother and she wrote a nauseating open letter to H begging him to take Cressida back after he broke up with her.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Magdalena Ingrid has wanted to be royal-adjacent in a big way for a long time. That open letter to H about Cressida was her tipping her hand.

        She’s worse than Ma Middleton!

    • Eurydice says:

      Being Black is the only true reason behind all of these attacks on Meghan. Everything else has been excused away for others in the past. My question since day one has always been “why did Elizabeth approve of this marriage?” She could easily have said no. Or was it that Harry threatened to leave the RF if he couldn’t marry Meghan and the grey men concocted a stupidly elaborate plan to remove Meghan after the fact and still keep Harry? It’s so weird and convoluted – none of this has ever made sense to me.

      • Oh come on. says:

        My guess is by the time Harry got married, Lizzy was too old and frail to care much about it. She probably realized there was no danger of Meghan being Queen or her kids becoming monarchs, so it wasn’t the hill she wanted to die on.

        Otoh unlike Lizzy, Snubby and Peg really enjoyed power-tripping over Harry. Harry choosing to marry a Black woman was an opportunity for Snubby and Peg to order him around, as usual. When Lizzy ordered Charles not to marry the woman he loved (Camilla), he caved and married the ingenue the Firm chose for him instead. He thought he was gonna be able to do the same to Harry. But Harry had true love, and a backbone, and he’d had therapy. He chose happiness.

        They’ll never accept that Harry puts his love for his Black wife above the Firm. That’s why they’ll always hope they break up. Good luck with that–H&M seem very happy, but even if they did divorce, he wouldn’t abandon his kids.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @Eurydice, imo, QE2 approved of the marriage because SHE approved of the marriage. I believe Harry and what he wrote in SPARE (and comments in the O interview from H&M). Harry and QE2 had their secrets. I genuinely believe QE2 liked Meghan and that really bothered others.

        QE2 was one of the few that wanted Harry to be happy. Never believed the negative stories that supposedly came from her. She wasn’t running the show.

        QE2 did the overnight train trip with Meghan a few weeks after the wedding.

        Before others.

    • Herrgreter says:

      I think racism is of course one big part. Combined with the fact that the Brit’s are one of the most arrogant nations when it comes to „their way“ of doing things. They feel like the epitome of greatness. And because they deep down know the empire no longer is they’re extra sensitive and small-minded. Meghan totally rocked their boat, being a WOMAN, an AMERICAN and black . And smarter, kinder and better in every sense. She showed them their mediocrity and dullness and the greatest nation to have existed cannot accept that.

    • Charlene says:

      And can you imagine how the kids will feel about the UK and their royal family when they can read the vile racist lies, and filth written about their parents? There will be no love lost between Harry his family and the UK and the Royal family.

  2. Of course the biracial woman who dared to steal and marry their charismatic Prince will never be forgiven. How dare she! They are so blatantly racist with this. What’s there game here? Do they think they will hurt her feelings? Got news for them she has moved on and is living her best life with her Prince. Worry about your very unpopular leftovers.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Of course they’re not forgiving her, who are they going to pound on, these morons? Wasnt it that year when princess Kan’t went down the slides that they were going go their separate ways for zero reasons? Meg and harry have so many professional endeavours. BUT it feels like they’re getting a piece of harry back. These recent reports are telling

    • Simba's Mom says:


    • acha says:


      Every year they stay married is like salting their wounds. I hope they last 50+ years so that at year 25 they are still screaming ANY MINUTE NOW! SO DYSFUNCTIONAL!

  3. Miranda says:

    FFS. If ever a whole-ass country needed therapy.

    • Daisychain says:

      It’s psychotic and at the same time deeply nastily strategic. Oh, the royals have effed up again — look over there, it’s Harry and his biracial wife! For 5 years, and no sign of stopping.

  4. Harla says:

    As always, I’m so glad that Meghan and Harry are so far removed from the UK and are happy, in love and thriving with their babes!

    Let me say this for those in the back who are hard of hearing They Are Not Coming Back! Ever!!

  5. Melly says:

    The British royal reporters are so boring at this point. It is alway projection or distraction, there is never any substance

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yeah. Will and Kate are clearly on different paths and haven’t been seen together at all this year, but please tell us more about Meghan and Harry’s relationship. Yawn. Meanwhile, Big Blue is actually missing from Kate’s ring finger and none of them will touch that story. What a goofy bunch of clowns. I saw some Kate supporters saying her engagement ring is missing because she’s lost weight, but I feel like somebody somewhere told me that Willy is worth several billion dollars. They can’t afford to resize the ring or make a replica that she can wear in public? Really? Why not?

      • HeatherC says:

        Will and his wife have been seen in public together, quite recently. But it was awkward as hell. Where were the body language “specialists” then?

      • Deborah1 says:

        SueBarbri33 – There is a device you can wear with a ring which is too big if you don’t want to get it resized. I had one once which I used until I eventually had the ring resized. So, to say that Kate doesn’t wear Big Blue because she has lost weight and it has become too big for her doesn’t wash with me.

      • Dee says:

        Big Blue has been spinning on that girl’s finger since the moment she got it. Everywhere, doing everything, including sticking it into dough, ziplining in Borneo, sailing on a yacht, participating in a boat race, shaking hands with the crowds. I’ve always thought William gave her a copy and left the original in a vault somewhere.

        However, it seems whatever deal they made meant her giving up wearing the ring or she’s so angry she won’t wear it. Maybe she tossed it. If she still had it, it would be on her finger.

      • Paben6 says:

        No, no, no, you guys — her not wearing Big Blue is a “subtle hint” that she and William are “more in love than ever”!!!

  6. s808 says:

    Another thing they don’t want to admit is that Meghan doesn’t care for their forgiveness just like she didn’t care for their approval.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Maybe she cared for their approval in the beginning because she wanted to be accepted by Harry’s family. But as soon as she realized there was no point in trying any longer she gave up. Luckily her princely husband loved her and supported her. The rest is history.

    • Mrs. Smith says:

      @S808 and @lolo86, I like these perspectives. What funny to me is that even while they were welcoming her in, they were also throwing her to the wolves simultaneously. What a welcome!

    • Proud Mary says:

      Truer words have never been said. That’s why they call her “arrogant” and “narcissistic” They can’t accept that a black woman has worth. If the white marry-ins like Kate and Sophiesta can doormat themselves, how dare she not do the same, especially given that SHE’S black.

  7. Julia says:

    At this point I don’t think even the tabloid readers can believe the nonsense these people are spewing. Even Ingrid doesn’t seem to believe what she is being paid to say, the way she backtracks her initial comments. I’m sure there are the online trolls and Meghan haters that are still buying it but I think most people have cottoned onto the fact that it is an endless stream of nonsense.

  8. Sydneygirl says:

    I seriously cannot believe that every article by the British media STILL manages to bring up the red dress.

    Meghan, you have slayed them all and they cannot stand it.

    Ingrid Seward has earned her face. That’s all.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      “Ingrid Seward has earned her face.” This may be the most glorious insult I’ve ever read.
      Five stars. 10/10, would laugh uproariously again.

  9. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Their brainstorming sessions have to be monumentally stupid. “Let’s say this about H and M. No we’ve done that and besides it totally contrasts W. Hmm. This is good about M. And C is far from this. Nope it’ll rile up whobity whaty who supports you know who. Crap. We’ve got nothing. I know………that red dress.”

  10. Lolo86lf says:

    The British media has a serious case of Meghan Derangement Syndrome. They can’t stop talking about her. They can’t stop criticizing her every move she makes and her every dress she wears. According to the BM she is not a working royal so why give her so much attention.? Why spend so much ink and paper on her? This obsessive/compulsive behavior has to stop. Meghan did not magically make prince Harry move out of Isla de Saltines and settle in beautiful sunny Montecito. The BM thinks Meghan is some sort of a pied piper who bewitched Harry out of the monarchy. Seward needs psychological treatment for MDS right away.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      They spend so much ink on her because they want their scapegoats come hell or high water. That’s all that the Sussexes were going to be if they stayed. The BM is determined to get their villains to contrast against the poor, sympathetic Wails’. It is so obvious what the BM is doing. People are too gullible though I guess and it speaks to their racist beliefs so they just go with it.

  11. sevenblue says:

    They were mad at her while she was living in UK as well. Didn’t they tell her “go back to America” on their morning shows all the time? So, they are not mad because she left or she spoke out about what happened to her, but because she was a black American who dared to marry their white Prince.

  12. Maxine Branch says:

    I do not think it is said enough , Harry will not be returning to the UK to be a scapegoat, either alone or with Meghan. He is a husband and father who loves being both, that ship has sailed. Harry is using his voice for the advocacy that is important to him and is living his best life and dreams surrounded by the loves of his life. Those gutter rats refuse to accept that Harry can be happy away from his birth family. I do not know how many pictures they need to se of him out and about doing his advocacy or with his wife for this to be accepted. The lonely Harry they knew before no longer exist. They really need to keep Meghan’s name out of their mouths. From all appearances, she has put her her time there in her rearview mirror and has resumed the life she had before stopping off there for that short period of time. She has been gone longer than she was there. Those gutter rats need some serious help.

  13. Dee(2) says:

    “Ms Seward told The Sun of Meghan’s outing at the LA Children’s Hospital gala: “It did look very much as though she was just posing for the camera. She didn’t look like she was really involved in what she was doing.”

    She was walking down the red carpet, what does this even mean?!! They are just throwing spaghetti at the wall for criticism at this point. She’s correct though, they would absolutely forgive Harry in a heartbeat because they know that they got the short end of the stick between him and William. And their unearned sense of superiority, and continued belief that we are all part of the British empire means that they will never ever be able to accept that this black woman from one of the colonies not only said this isn’t good enough for me, but has paid them dust since then.

    • bisynaptic says:

      She’s vaguely alluding to the “dirt” that Meghan didn’t actually attend the event and left, after the red carpet—ie, she wasn’t invited. She’s just not saying it, with her full throat, because it’s just not true.

      ETA: probably, because she got burned, after that “fake commenting before the Oprah interview” incident.

  14. Cassie says:

    I read that article and it made absolutely no sense .
    Whoever this Sewad woman is she seems absolutely destroyed that Meghan and Harry have survived and thrived and Harry is never going back .

    • Tessa says:

      She is pals with Charles and Camilla. Her late husband went to school with Charles. The things she wrote about Diana when the tide turned were dreadful.

    • Nanea says:

      Sewer Ingrid is friends with the mother of Cressida Bonas.

      When Harry separated from Cressida, I S wrote a “letter” in one of the British gutter trash papers, begging him to take C back.

      And, never forget, she was one of the four people to comment on the Oprah interview before it aired.

      She’s a strange one, that one.

  15. Jais says:

    Meh. Remember that young girl who hugged Meghan at the funeral walkabout? I can believe that there are young people and others in the uk who would genuinely be happy to see Meghan. But those people are also smart enough to now it would be nothing more than a visit bc it’s not safe or healthy for her in the uk. Not with the RF and the BM. Bc they are the ones who are acting like they only want Harry and not her. But the BM secretly does want her too, just so they could be terrible towards her again.

  16. Nerd says:

    So Seward thinks that she can speak on behalf of all of Britain to say they will never forgive the biracial American woman for not being okay with their racist and abusive attacks on her and her biracial children? Let us be clear, the most Meghan did was speak about the abuse and threats that she definitely experienced, most of which stems from the fact that she is an intelligent, gorgeous and accomplished black woman. I would have said biracial again but let’s also be clear that the issue they have with her isn’t the white half. We have seen over the last eight years that racists hate being labeled racist and not the actual racists language and behaviors that are why they are called racist. Seward and others prove that as racists they are angrier and more consumed with hate with the black woman who exposed their racism than they are with the white man who did the same. Harry and Meghan have done the same in speaking out against racism and bullying, Harry a hell of a lot more than Meghan, but their hate is clearly directed towards the black woman because to racist that’s unacceptable and unforgivable.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    Women in the Royal Family are supposed to be silent. By Meghan speaking up for herself she crossed a line and that can never be forgiven. But Harry no matter what he says he will be welcomed back with open arms. The objective of the press and the Royal Family has always been to break up Harry and Meghan’s relationship.

    • Nerd says:

      I don’t necessarily believe that is true. Diana wasn’t silent. Even before she and Charles divorced, she wasn’t silent and the royal family and the media used that to get more notoriety and attention globally. The Queen was the face and the voice of that family for seven decades and the royal family and media used that to their advantage to string along the UK and commonwealth countries. The women who have gotten the most attention in that family have always been the ones with voices. They just have a problem when the ones who should be in the background naturally get the spotlight that outshines the mediocre ones.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana went to Morton to counter what Charles and his cronies did. They bad mouthed Diana. Nicholas Soames called Diana paranoid. Stuart Higgins then editor of the sun said Camilla would call him with her side of the story. And Diana was blamed for overshadowing Charles. Harry did most of the talking about his family. He experienced it not Meghan. Yet Meghan is given all the blame. Harry wanted out ages ago.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Nerd: If Diana had lived she would’ve never been forgiven for speaking out either. The Queen had to be forced to acknowledge her death. The Queen only spoke through royal speechwriters. We never knew her true feeling about anything not even her family.

      • Becks1 says:

        QEII didn’t really have a voice though. She gave speeches and once in a great great while made her opinion known, but she didn’t really have her own voice – not that people heard in public.

        Diana wasn’t silent and there’s a reason she was run out of the family. Who knows how the press tide would have turned against her had she not died.

    • Tessa says:

      She wrote a book the queen and d i .comparing Diana to the queen. She made a point of praising the queen for turning a blind eye to Philips behavior. It turned out to be a Diana trashing exercise

  18. Tessa says:

    Ingrid is a terrible person. She slammed Diana in various books blaming her for Charles cheating. She called Diana damaged and praised c and c to The skies. Harry complained about his family. I guess Ingrid would not dare blame huevo for his behavior to the sussexes. This,is one time I would like harry to speak up defending his mother and his wife. Ingrid has no shame

  19. windyriver says:

    “I feel that they’re both going slightly different ways to see if it works.”

    To see if what works? Being of service to others? Think she’s talking about the wrong couple here. The Wales always show up, separately or together, to pose for the cameras in the hope of increasing their own popularity. That’s true of the larger Windsor clan as a whole, who have always liked to see themselves on front pages, but Will and especially Kate have elevated it to a fine art.

    Probably why the “royal experts” are doing the same thing at this point, going all over the place, to see if anything works. BP/KP just can’t let it go, can’t believe it’s over, and H&M, but especially Harry, are gone for good.

    • MsIam says:

      That to me is the craziest statement. Look at Ingrid acting like the whole world didn’t see five successful visits by the Sussexes this year, three of them out of the country. She acts like the articles calling the Sussexes “modern royalty” and showing how a successful “tour” should be done weren’t written. She’s delusional just like the whole royal press core.

  20. Lili says:

    Thats’s Cool, because i doubt Meghan will forgive you guys either. I saw a pic of a side by side of Meghan from 2012/2024 in the red dress. in 2012 she had the sultry innocence but in 2024 you can clearly see in her eyes that woman has experienced big trauma. All we are waiting for is for her to break her silence and spill the beans.

  21. Tessa says:

    I used to buy majesty magazine I stopped when Ingrid started bashing the late Diana. I made a,point of writing a letter. Ingrid had the gall to write that Diana drove Charles back to Camilla.

  22. North of Boston says:

    Once again, we remember this gross Seward person as one of the four Royal “experts” who completely lied about the Oprah interview, pretending they’d seen it and proclaiming their disparaging expert opinions and analysis …

    … before it had ever aired.

    Believe nothing that comes out of IS’s mouth.

    • Nanea says:

      Good of you to bring that up — and so very important to remind people what a disgusting person IS is.

      (I hadn’t read all the way down before I commented upthread.)

  23. Tessa says:

    Ingrid wanted Harry to marry cressida. She’s friends with cressida s mother

  24. lanne says:

    Maybe the hatchet faced ratchets need to stop speaking for all of Britain. Quite frankly, they need to stop speaking for the royals too, because they are fouling the air and poisoning what little “q value” the remainder royals have left. The ratchets don’t have anything more to do other than to bully, so put the whole lot of them out to pasture, where they can graze next to Queen Clydesdale.

  25. aquarius64 says:

    The BM is mad the wife of the fifth in line to the throne will not bend the knee to them. They have the future queen concert and her family on a leash; they had Meghan’s rotten paternal family on collars but they can’t control Meghan.

  26. Noor says:

    Ingrid Seward, no one is asking for forgiveness. Least of all Meghan. Dream on.

    There is no real purpose to insert Harry and Meghan’s names in every article connected to royalty It is for clickbait only.

  27. girl_ninja says:

    Old Ingrid, drunk typing again I see.

  28. Proud Mary says:

    Seward is speaking for herself. Remember that this is the woman who said that Harry and William will only reconcile if Meghan is dead. This woman is seriously bitter in a scary way. But on her statement. Meghan will never be forgiven for telling the truth: that she and her child were victims of racism. That’s the big Kahuna, because it’s always worst to speak up against racism, than it is to be a racist. As such, they will forever try and convince the world that the so-called rift only began with the Oprah interview. All their attempts to destroy her before that, just didn’t happen. But wait, there’s more. They will never forgive her for not knowing her place. No black woman should have the temerity to marry a handsome white prince. That’s the domain of white women everywhere. He of course has no agency; he would have stayed, but for her and her black magic ways, they’ve said. Lastly, they will never forgive her for having the nerve to stand up for herself. And for all this, I will always be very proud of Meghan.

  29. Agnes says:

    WHY do they always call those hideous old trolls like C-word “experts?” Experts at what? Opening their face holes and spouting baloney? The British press is so symptomatic of all the other problems going on in the world, which are based on lies presented as “inside information.”

    • Becks1 says:

      I said the other day that I find it kind of fascinating in a twisted and disturbing way. she’s talking about how Harry’s reputation is damaged after Spare because she and the other RRs are the ones who keep insisting its damaged. So then she gets called on by the Sun to talk about how people are saying his reputation is damaged or their marriage is in tatters but she’s one of the “people” saying that. It’s a very circular discussion.

    • Nanea says:

      Experts without expertise, but with a big platform to spew their vileness and lies, as it happens so often in life.

      They all have read Spare, and they all know that Harry’s incandescent brother was paid off by Murdoch in return for Sussex-related interna, true or not. But they still try to convince the gullible public that Harry and especially Meghan are the baddies.

  30. Tessa says:

    If Kate falls out of favor with William and he wants out I believe Ingrid would start turning on kate.

  31. Hypocrisy says:

    Keep writing this propaganda against Meghan and watch the BRF continue to decline in popularity and influence world wide.. it isn’t Meghan who is being protested, it isn’t Meghan who can’t draw crowds or engagement, it isn’t Meghan countries around the commonwealth want to be rid of. I hope Australia shows the world just how irrelevant, worthless and unwelcome these people truly are. Meghan will be just fine without the BRF and their corrupt system but the BRF will never be the same or viewed the same way again.

  32. MsIam says:

    Man that red dress Meghan wore has really fried their brains! I don’t think they will ever get over it. Keep slaying them beautiful Meghan, keep slaying.

  33. B says:

    It was racism then and its racism now.

  34. lucy2 says:

    Neither of these people need anyone’s forgiveness. They are grown adults capable of making their own decisions, and they were unhappy and unsafe in the UK. So they moved. I wish people would just get over it and leave them alone.

  35. QuiteContrary says:

    Keep writing and saying crap like this, Ingrid. It just further confirms that H&M were wise to escape from that racist, blighted institution.

  36. Tessa says:

    Seward was a reporter seen pestering lady diana in 1980 as she was going to her car. Ingrid was irritating then too

  37. Laura D says:

    Wow on the same day we hear that the Commonwealth are looking for £200b this vile woman raises her head and spouts her nonsense. Let me get this straight the Duchess who was mentally and verbally abused by another Duchess will never be forgiven for not just standing there and taking it. The abusing Duchess then tells her FIL that she has concerns about the colour of an unborn babies skin, yet it’s the abused Duchess who is the problem! Now, tell me how the BRF are going to tell members of the Commonwealth that they really should let “bygones be bygones” and there’s no need to look for reparations as the world has moved on and all people are treated equally!

    Meghan isn’t and never has been the problem. The problem is a dynasty which is hell bent on blaming anyone and everyone for their appalling lack of awareness about what is happening outside their castle walls. The BRF decided they didn’t need a “Diversity Tzar” even when the whole world could see that’s exactly what they needed. We (the UK) has a king who didn’t want to give his biracial grandchildren their titles. The same king has yet to have any “official” photographs taken with his youngest grandchild. This king allowed his eldest son to veto any attempts to have his youngest grandchild’s christening in the UK and declined an invitation when the grandchild was christened in “Overseas.” IMHO it’s not Meghan who should be seeking “forgiveness” it’s every single person who did their damnedest to make her life an absolute misery. Starting with the obsequious Seward who was caught out making up stories when asked about an interview which had yet to be aired.

    *And breathes!

    • Libra says:

      Take a deep breath and figure out a way this can be reprinted. Well done but it should not end here. Submit to opinion pages of all GB newspapers, including the tabloids.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  38. OriginalMich says:

    Every Seward article should come with a TL;DR line that says, “I still hate Meghan.”

  39. Ellie S says:

    Mounbatten the pedophile – forgiven
    Charles the adulterer – forgiven
    Camilla the mistress – forgiven
    Andrew the pedophile – forgiven
    Debt ridden Sarah Ferguson- forgiven
    Sophie trash talking royals – forgiven
    Edward exploiting royals – forgiven

    Abused and vilified Meghan, who had suicidal ideation and lost a baby while being bullied on a global scale … never forgiven.

    Had Meghan stayed, she may not have survived. May she heal from the trauma the royal crime family and their flying monkeys inflicted upon her.

  40. vpd4 says:

    OMG, just leave them both alone. Almost five years. Unhinged.

  41. yipyip says:

    Will the baloney stop?
    Neither needs forgiving.
    The got married and started their life together.
    Not a crime.

    The tabs are going to keep making up items for $$.
    They could move to Mars and someone would still write nonsense about them.

    Remember when the National Enquirer used to actually steal Celebs trash, photo it and write a story? Look! Harrison Ford eats Lays chips too (see empty chip bag) what a sad way to earn your living.

  42. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I 100% believe these types of stories are because William is separated from Kate. I’ve always believed William wanted to divorce but could not because his brother has a happy marriage. William feels/looks better in his own failed marriage if the public believes Harry is in the same situation. This story is 100% meant to soften William’s own separation.

  43. C Word: We invented racism, don’t tell me I can’t define it

    Also C Word: I live in the only industrialized country outside of a war zone like the Ukraine that UNICEF has to deliver food to starving children to, and I like it that way.

  44. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Oh, dear, someone needs to tell the brf (and haters) that Meghan has already forgotten them.

  45. TheBayTea says:

    While some of the hatred is racially tinged (she definitely gets perceived as “uppity,” and we all know the connotations of that in the US), I think it has more to do with the fact she’s American and rejected them in favor of what she sees as a better life.

    The dislike of Americans in Britain, especially by the upper crust, is REAL. I experienced it studying at St. Andrews. Wallis Simpson still gets hate for the same reason. A very large number of Brits see Americans and American culture as beneath their own. It must have been galling to see this sparkly, smart, ambitious woman be allowed into the royal space at all…and then to watch her REJECT IT! That’s what they can’t forgive. They think she shouldn’t have been allowed there at all, so it must hurt their pride even more that she walked away from it happily.

    • Anna says:

      This is my POV as well. They were so sure they’ll be constantly moving goalposts for Meghan, showing her she will never be good enough and she will be ready to sacrifice her dignity and sanity to fit in. They are still shocked she said “you know what, thanks, but no, thanks” and never looked back. And she’s living her life not looking back – that they cannot forgive.

  46. Lau says:

    I don’t understand, I thought Harry and Meghan were broke and begging for netflix money but now this lady is saying that he “made millions” from his book. What is the truth Ingrid ?!

  47. Oh come on. says:

    Dear BRF and British tabloid media, Harry is never, ever coming back. He’s just not that into you.

    • yipyip says:

      Oh come on,
      Exactly, well said.
      The endless hogwash of Harry should come back, he’d be forgiven, blah, blah, blah.
      So stupid.
      Fact is Harry and Meg left of their own choice.
      They have moved on completely.

    • Sparky says:

      1. Even if the worst happens and Harry and Meghan split, Harry is still never going to return to Great Britain. Given his childhood and his basic goodness as a person, he is never going to stop being an integral for part of his children’s lives. And that means he’s staying in the US.

      2. I agree that vitriol/hate campaign against Meghan is because she’s not an English Rose. In other words, the problem is both that she’s Black as well as American. The former probably carrying more weight.

      3. RE: the photographs. She was primarily photographed at the “step and repeat.” The act has its own nomenclature and EVERYONE is there to be photographed.

      4. The days of Britannia Rules the Waves and the sun never sets on the British Empire are LOOOOOONG gone and the Brits have got to learn to accept that.

  48. Tessa says:

    Hey Ingrid he’s not going to leave Meghan and their children.

  49. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    I am glad they say that loud and clear with their chest often because it’s so satisfying to have them on record with their vile views

  50. AC says:

    When are they ever going to get it that M is treating the Uk like a fly over country. 😆

  51. Advisor2U says:

    This Miss Piggy with the cold, unloving eyes, is a terrible person.

    After decades of writing the most derogatory and hateful articles, comments, and character assassination of Princess Diana, in favor of Camilla and Charles (yes, Ingrid C-Word has been in these royal gossip streets for over 40 years), this horrible woman just picked up her swords again to stuck them into Meghan, from the get go.
    She hates Meghan with a passion, and she takes every opportunity to belittle her, and according to her, ‘put Meghan in her place’.

    It is so typical that almost all of the British women who write, comment and report on the British RF have a special kind of meanness about them.
    Delve into each of their life stories, and you’ll somehow find the sources of their broken personas and vinegar pissing on other (black) women.

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