Donald Trump claims it was all ‘love & peace’ at the Capitol on January 6th

January 6th, 2021 should never be forgotten or minimized. Donald Trump sent his MAGA cult members to the Capitol to violently overthrow the government, murder members of Congress and hang his vice president. We looked like a g–damn banana republic. In the four years since J6, over 1,500 insurrectionists have been charged with crimes in association with J6. In the four years since J6, Donald Trump still cannot admit that he lost the 2020 election, nor will he commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the 2024 election. The only thing keeping me sane these days is the fact that Joe Biden is president and the Biden administration knows what to expect and they’re hopefully prepared for it. Well, fresh from his absolutely bizarre sundowning mess at a town hall on Monday, Trump actually answered questions at the Economic Club of Chicago on Tuesday. Questions about J6 and the peaceful transfer of power:

Donald Trump on Tuesday dodged the question of whether he will allow for a peaceful certification of election results if Kamala Harris defeats him in three weeks. During an interview at the Economic Club of Chicago, Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait asked Trump if he would commit “to respecting and encouraging a peaceful transfer of power,” especially in light of Jan. 6, 2021, which the journalist called “unruly and violent.”

Trump didn’t answer the question. Instead, he rejected the premise and blamed Micklethwait as “a man that has not been a big Trump fan over the years.” He also falsely claimed that he allowed for a peaceful transfer of power in 2020, when Joe Biden defeated him.

“Come on, President Trump, you had a peaceful transfer of power compared to Venezuela, but it was by far the worst transfer of power for a long time,” Micklethwait insisted. The audience booed and Trump thanked them. The former president then admitted that people were angry when they arrived in Washington to protest the results that January—but according to him, they were perfectly behaved.

“It was love and peace, and some people went to the Capitol,” Trump said. “And a lot of strange things happened there, a lot of strange things, with people being waved into the Capitol by police.”

For perhaps the first time, Trump downplayed his crowd size. He added that he left the White House the morning he was supposed to and that only a fraction of the protestors were among those who breached and defaced the Capitol.

“Not one of those people had a gun, nobody was killed, except for Ashli Babbitt,” he said.
While no one else was shot during the riot at the Capitol, when members of Congress and Vice President Mike Pence—who rioters threatened to hang—fled to secure locations in fear for their lives, at least seven people died in connection with the event. According to Trump, that distinction is enough to call Jan. 6 “peaceful.”

“I think we should be allowed to disagree on that,” he said.

[From The Daily Beast]

140 Capitol Police officers were attacked, assaulted, harassed and threatened by insurrectionists. The insurrectionists were literally hunting down Congressional leaders, who had to flee to underground bunkers. They smeared feces on the walls of the Capitol. They had a noose to string up Mike Pence. “It was love and peace, and some people went to the Capitol.” This piece of sh-t.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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39 Responses to “Donald Trump claims it was all ‘love & peace’ at the Capitol on January 6th”

  1. Mimi says:

    I am really hopeful that republicans are working behind the scenes to defeat this POS. He needs to be in America’s rearview mirror for good.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Project 2025 will be remain even if Trump leaves the scene.

      • Mimi says:

        No doubt, but I’m hoping 4 years is enough time for him to die and his cult to start dissipating. And they won’t have “2025”, it’ll become 2029. Hopefully, President Harris can swing the pendulum away from batshit crazy by then.

      • Amy Bee says:

        I used Project 2025 as a euphemism. But its agenda will be there in 2029. The programme to eliminate abortion rights didn’t start with Donald Trump. And now that was successful the Republican party will seek to eliminate other rights in the future. This doesn’t end with Trump leaving the scene. The Democrats including Harris believe that moving to the right on some issues will bring an end to MAGA but I believe that it will only embolden rather dissipate the Trump supporters.

      • Barbiem_2 says:

        Some of my associates don’t have a problem with project 2025. Even when I break down what some of the suggestions to the law change could and would mean. Nothing surprises me any more. I wish I could take a peak at the US in 50yrs to see what on earth it looks like.

      • kirk says:

        Yes it will.
        It’s mostly all recycled voodoo from Heritage Foundation’s 1981 “The Mandate for Leadership.” There’s a pretty good 8/25/24 LA Times OpEd “The ideas in Project 2025? Reagan tried them, and the nation suffered,” that points out Reagan implemented many of the ideas to target the poor, etc. Think there’s also a pretty good article in The Nation that compares the two documents. Deja vu all over again.

    • Kitten says:

      Why would republicans actively try to curb their only pathway to power??

      People really have to get over this notion that the GOP is somehow different than Trump. They support him and his agenda and I promise you that DeSantis, Scott, Abbot, MGT, Cruz, Reynolds…hell, the ENTIRE Republican House—would exist without Trump. He’s a feature of the party, not a bug. His rise to power was a natural culmination of the GOP’s endless political stunts, manipulations, and quest for ultimate power at the expense of American democracy and a working government.

      They keep showing us who they are yet we still don’t believe them for some reason..

  2. Amy Bee says:

    The US created those banana republics. January 6 was a surprise because Trump used those same tactics on home soil instead of on a foreign country.

  3. Lolo86lf says:

    Donald Trump has stated in multiple occasions that if he wins the presidency he will pardon and release the J6 rioters. I am not sure if he will also release Enrique Tarrio and Elmer Rhodes, the heads of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers respectively but I wouldn’t be surprised if he does. Luckily for us lovers of democracy Donald Trump will be defeated in 3 weeks from now.

  4. michel says:

    The big difference will be the Democrats are already in the house. The transfer of power is literally just down the hallway.

    Plus Joe is no fool. He is ready for Trump’s BS.

  5. Miranda says:

    Fucking asshole.

  6. ML says:

    I will never understand how so many Republican congressmen who kissed Trump’s ring and were literally in danger along with everyone else there continue to support him. Cruz hid in a closet. Hawley ran away. Almost four years later, most of these people refuse to say anything against this. And Trump is clearly not fit nor healthy.
    A few days ago TFG ordered his followers to vote on January 5. Initially I thought he confused it with November 5, Election Day, and January 6, 2021. But considering he’s still being slippery about everything in that interview above, and he’s literally asked for the military to go after Americans who disagree with him (and who he considers worse than Russia!) is January 5 an important date to him?
    Thank goodness for Nancy Pelosi and all the brave people who fought the coup!

  7. Sure it was all rainbows and sunshine apart from the dead people and the damage to the building and the literal shit in the hallway.

  8. Kiera says:

    He is insane but thankfully it has become so obvious that there are a lot of R’s who are voting Kamala.

    My mom voted Dem for the first time ever in her life because she said she couldn’t fathom voting for him. I’ve been working hard on her and making sure she knows that her grand daughter’s rights and mine are on the line.

    Keep talking to your loved ones especially if they are Reagan era Reps. I think the socially liberal fiscally conservative ones can see logic.

    • Mimi says:

      I live in a cherry red county and I’m seeing a lot of signs for downballot republicans and very few for Satan. Even they are tired of his nonsense. I’m sure whoever they pick for 2028 will be just as bad, if not worse, but he won’t be so dumb and obvious.

    • Jais says:

      I’ve been working on my dad who is Reagan era and hates trump. At best, he might not vote. Which is pretty sad considering he thinks trump is only ever out for himself and is still considering it. If he voted for Harris I would cry but I’m not holding my breath.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Well, there was nothing socially liberal about the Reagan era, but there is anecdotal evidence that quite a few Republicans have had enough of this monster. There is even a group run by Republican Sarah Longwell called Republican Voters Against Trump. Hopefully, it’s enough.

  9. Agnes says:

    Hey Cheeto, I watched your Capitol Hillbillies literally shit on the hallowed halls of Democracy in real time, on my TV screen. We all saw it, one of the Top Ten most ridiculous, shameful days in American History. January 7, 2021 is the day I cut every single Trump voter out of my life. Shut your lyin’ orange pancaked face.

  10. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    His answers (if you can call them that) to questions from these intelligent businessmen were hystetically incoherent and simply DUMB.

  11. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    He will burn in Hell.

  12. Rapunzel says:

    Jan 6 was peace and love.

    And Donald Trump isn’t painting his face with wood stain to look like an Oompa Loompa.


  13. CLOVE says:

    That was anything but love, and he’s a sick individual. January 6 was a day of shock, most of all when we saw that crowd attack the policeman as we watched in horror. We were shocked and couldn’t take our eyes away from the television because our most ignorant president couldn’t handle that he didn’t win the election!

    • BeanieBean says:

      That poor man being crushed by the crowd & the door in his chest. Awful stuff. Sit trump down and make him watch that, over and over again. Peaceful, my aunt fanny.

      • kirk says:

        If you’d read Mary L Trump’s ‘Too Much and Never Enough,’ you’d understand that donald would probably derive visceral pleasure from that tableau. “The cruelty is the point.”

  14. K says:

    He’s quite insane. I swear to God he’s trolling until someone yanks him off the stage with one of those Vaudeville canes.

  15. yipyip says:

    Trump has got to be joking.
    He is completely outside of reality.

  16. Sue says:

    3 people died in J6. He has no consideration at all for people’s lives. None. How on earth after J6 could anyone support an evil being who didn’t care if members of government or his own VP or those who protect the Capitol died or even his own cult followers died? I will never wrap my head around any of this.

  17. Aurora says:

    Yes it was all a Disney cosplay!
    The guy with the horned helmet was an actual magical centaur and no, he wasn’t urging a crowd to find and k1ll Pence but Sauron. Pelosi and Co. had to escape fairies who insisted on granting wishes to everybody in the building. I can’t believe how someone with an ounce of brain matter could vote this buffoon.

  18. Walking the Walk says:

    According to his henchman he also had the most successful sit down interview the other day. So whatever to this terrible man and why are people voting for him???

  19. JustMe says:

    A while back I watched a documentary called “ The Family”. It covered the “religious “ power behind the scenes of the government and how they pushed their agenda into sitting governments. It was an eye opener for sure and confirmed that these people want money and power under the guise of being Christians
    As a Canadian I could clearly see how Harper was pushed forward to be Prime Minister and the policies he pushed were the ones “ the family “ wanted. Definitely worth a watch

  20. Traveller says:

    Gaslighting at its best.
    You have to be either complicit or brain dead to support his revisionist bullsh*t.

  21. FYI says:

    He doesn’t need to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, because WHEN he loses, he won’t be involved. He’s not the president so he isn’t transferring anything. He cannot make any speeches from the White House or the National Mall. People still talk about him like he has some sort of leverage; he does not.

    Biden and / or Harris will be in charge of the military, the National Guard, etc. and trust me — they will NOT be effing around with any insurrectionists.

    I don’t think that even MAGA is stupid enough to start anything major after 1400+ people got arrested last time.

  22. yipyip says:

    Trump and his cult followers are still going to be screaming and dirty dealing after he looses.
    KH better have proper LE and National Guard ready to squash anything MAGA starts.
    Trump is not going to give up being the center of attention without a noisy fight.

  23. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    He’s so sick

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