Andersen: The Windsors washed their hands of ‘self-absorbed narcissist’ Meghan

Last week, we learned that the Duchess of Sussex did an event with Girls Inc in Santa Barbara. The event was a celebration of International Day of the Girl AND Meghan was highlighting Mental Health Awareness. Plus, Archewell has a new partnership with Melinda Gates and Oprah’s foundations to provide resources to Girls Inc. The biggest headline from the whole event didn’t even come from Meghan though. Larissa May spoke to Vanity Fair about some of the activities Meghan participated in with the girls, and May said: “We did an activity where we talked through a bunch of scenarios, and Meghan talked about being one of the most bullied people in the world.” A secondhand story about Meghan using her personal narrative and experiences to relate to girls who feel under siege by social media and cultural sexism. That’s how I reacted to the story – Meghan is relating to these girls, some of whom have probably been bullied. Obviously, that was not the reaction of a lot of royal commentators, who are still throwing sh-tfits about it.

Meghan Markle reportedly told a group of girls she was “one of the most bullied people in the world,” and it has caused several royal experts to scratch their heads.

Christopher Andersen, author of “The King,” claimed to Fox News Digital that the 43-year-old is likely to be labeled a hypocrite after she faced her own bullying accusations following her royal exit in 2020.

“In fairness, since marrying Prince Harry, she has been on the receiving end of some pretty scalding criticism – some of it legitimate, but much of it not,” Andersen claimed. “The amount of visceral anger aimed at Meghan online is quite remarkable. If Meghan feels unfairly targeted, she probably has every right to. But is it wise for someone who has been described as a workplace bully – whether it’s true or not – to complain that she is a victim of bullying? It may come off as just more egocentric whining. We’ve heard it all before.”

“There’s nothing wrong with Meghan empathizing with young girls who must deal with online bullying,” he pointed out. “She just has to resist the temptation to make it all about her.”

Andersen also warned that the mother of two continuing to speak out about bullying claims will make it less likely for the royal family to extend an olive branch.

“The royal family washed its hands of Meghan some time ago,” he claimed. “If the royals are paying any attention to Meghan at all, this bullying complaint will only shore up the image they already have of her as a self-absorbed narcissist.”

[From Fox News]

Yes, Meghan is unfairly targeted for bullying, harassment and threats, but how dare she TALK about it or acknowledge our abuse in any way! Who does she think she is? What a narcissist, to use her personal narrative to relate to girls about mental health! The royal family has washed their hands of Meghan, who they never speak of or brief about, except for when they feel the need to describe their all-consuming hatred for her on a weekly, if not daily basis! In summary, Meghan is the real bully for forcing us to pay attention to her constantly and make up lies about her so we can scream and cry about how she’s a narcissist!

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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49 Responses to “Andersen: The Windsors washed their hands of ‘self-absorbed narcissist’ Meghan”

  1. swaz says:

    Repeating these headlines is exactly why it was written 🙄🙄🙄

  2. Tessa says:

    There was zilch proof of her bullying. Knauf Williams minion had an assignment to get something on Meghan. This is a crime what they are doing to meghan

    • Jais says:

      Yep. Anderson says she was called a workplace bully and then says you know whether it’s true or not should she then really speak about her own bullying. OMFG. Even he knows it’s not true with that wishy washy whether it’s true or not caveat, but oh hmm, he ponders whether she shouldn’t be wise and just stay silent. Oh no, f-ck that noise. It’s giving the game away. They smeared her with lies and wished it would just shut her up forever. GTFOH. Basically her bullies don’t want her to talk about the bullying they did against her.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Salty Island’s tabloid goblins reaaaaally hate being pulled up on their ish, don’t they?
        I hope she keeps doing it. I hope Harry keeps doing it. I hope their allies keep doing it.

  3. MsIam says:

    Omg. Yes, Meghan is just breathlessly waiting for an olive branch from the gang that has mercilessly terrorized her for daring to marry and run away with one of their own. And because she’s has been accused of bullying, even if its not true, she has no right to mention how she has been bullied for Eight.Years. Anderson is proving once again that brains and empathy are not needed to be a “royal expert”. Self respect is not needed either.

    • Debbie says:

      To me, articles like this are just further demonstration that the Windsors and BM are like an ex-boyfriend you clearly dumped who just can’t let go. Years later they’re still calling you at midnight to shout that they didn’t really want you anyway. Face it, Meghan didn’t even come back for Chuck’s little hat party, she doesn’t want you anymore. Live with it.

  4. Aimee says:

    I would hardly ever hear about Meghan if it wasn’t for all the screaming and crying from the Royal Family.

    • Aerie says:

      Outside of fashion sites, I’ve never read one article about Meghan that wasn’t about her ‘toxic’ relationship with the royals.

  5. Walking the Walk says:

    So even though no bullying report ever came out, they are going to argue she’s a bully and now a narcissist? What the heck.

    • HeatherC says:

      Well of course, if she’s not spending all her time kowtowing to the royals, then she must be a narcissist. Only a narcissist wouldn’t beg to be let in for the honor of more abuse and gaslighting.

    • Jais says:

      It’s wild bc if they could have leaked something from that report about Meghan being anything close to a bully they absolutely would have. All they have is one email from Jason Knauf to Simon Case. Jason Kanauf who was caught out lying to to the court and doctoring evidence about Meghan. Simon Case who is so shady that he’s been kicked out of the government for his manipulations and lies. So basically two lying men called Meghan a bully with zero evidence. Those two men are the true bullies.

  6. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan long ago washed her hands clean from her short time in Harry’s birth family. The gutter rats are the ones who refuse to let her go, far too much vitriol and money for them to make. Since the gutter rats could not find any dirt on her, they made up the bullying allegations, we know how this works. Attack her character since all else has failed.

  7. wolfmamma says:

    More projection from the Royal losing its …

    Their lack of self awareness is mind boggling …. and nasty and cruel
    But – Kate’ is haggard and Willie boy looks like a homeless chap .. Charlie is struggling, Camilla living out her dream job in desperation …. and ion and on

    Sad to watch a dynasty crumble.

    Too bad their billions will not help the rest of the country

  8. Nanea says:

    “But is it wise for someone who has been described as a workplace bully – whether it’s true or not – to complain that she is a victim of bullying?”

    We all know it’s not true, because no report about that bullying investigation was ever made public, and they didn’t ever talk to Meghan about the allegations.

    And, knowing Meghan, she has receipts about who bullied whom.

    I don’t get these royal reporters and their wild theories and allegations. They know they’re lying, we know they’re lying, but they do it anyway and get away with it, because it earns them a lot of money. Fact checking is optional for them and they don’t seem to care about reputational damage, because it’s worth it.

  9. girl_ninja says:

    Is some bad news coming down the pike for the British royals because this latest round of attacks is crazy. What are they trying to deflect from? Or is this just the usual and I’m reading too much into their usual barrage of hatred aimed at Duchess Meghan?

    • Unblinkered says:

      Could be there’s a concern about a possible poor reception for C&C in Oz later this week, and concern at associated reflections on how successful H&M’s Oz trip was.

    • MsIam says:

      The bad news that they are worried about is what may happen on the Australian tour and the Commonwealth meeting to Chuck and Rotty. They must keep Meghan at the center of all the vitriol at all times. Everyone should please just ignore those “Not my king” signs.

    • Jais says:

      Idk. I kind of do think that it’s just a reaction to her calling out their bullying. They don’t want her to ever be seen as a victim. They don’t want her to verbalize the fact that they themselves, the BM, the “royal historians” and the RF, have been participating in a years-long bullying campaign against a black American woman. Bc of course they have been but they really hate it when the victim of abuse speaks about it.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      They’re trying to get ahead of any bad press headed for Fred & Gladys Down Under.
      Preemptive attacks, though, the concept in itself is unsavoury and hard to understand. Because Meghan isn’t the one who looks/sounds bad when they pull these articles out.
      The only ones who look bad, apart from the tabloid goblins posting them for cash, are their principals that they’re answering to at the palaces. The monarch and his sidepiece look like sh-t, the courtiers look like sh-t, and the public sees all this and it just pushes the public apathy needle against the BRF into active dislike.

      The monarchy’s not in danger from Meghan or Harry. Never has been. The biggest threat to the BRF’s ability to remain in power is the media they rely on to smear people they don’t like. The BRF and their sycophantic courtiers & media goblin hangers-on are committing own goals every time they brief against Meghan.

      Meghan won’t destroy the monarchy. She won’t have to. They’re doing it to themselves with every racist, wroth-filled article, every hour, every day.

    • Christine says:

      It’s all bad news for the royal family right now. There is not one positive thing happening anywhere in the world that involves them, only Harry and Meghan. That’s the root of their most recent hysteria.

  10. Agnes says:

    It’s so disturbing how they still use her to shift the focus from all the zillions of negative stories about the left behinds… Andrew, Charles, Camilla, Kate, William. I can just write their given names with no editorializing nicknames and a world of bad juju is conjured. The monarchy won’t survive them.

  11. Interested Gawker says:

    “She just has to resist the temptation to make it all about her.”


    We want all this swept under the rug how dare she speak about what we did to her.

    Tick Tock…

    Sooner or later the reckoning is coming for BRF/BM. The switcheroo in which the victim of the campaign is now blamed for the entire campaign and ‘why can’t she/they move on’ will not get off the ground in this new landscape. Each time they attack H&M with the towering pile of evidence of their misdeeds at their back they diminish the institution and further shrink what was their soft power base in the eyes of the public.

  12. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    They’re corrosive.

  13. Maida says:

    Of course, because nothing says “the OTHER person is a self-absorbed narcissist” like never being able to stop whining about them.

    • Ciotog says:

      The people I know on Facebook who complain about narcissistic partners, friends, and family are also always the people who post selfies daily, often multiple selfies.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Whatever. Meghan has washed her hands of that narcissist family.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I believe the statement about her “husband’s family” said it all.. she’s been done with these racist cousin marrying trash people for over five years already.

  15. Mads says:

    As far as I’m aware the investigation was centred solely on the palace HR practices and nothing to do with Meghan “bullying” staff. Wasn’t it a matter of record in a court statement that it was Jason Knauf who submitted the claims and the staff asked for them to be retracted once they found out what he had done?
    On a side note, if there had been an investigation into Meghan’s behaviour with her staff and there was a hint of abuse it would have been leaked years ago.

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    Bullies always hate when they are publicly called out. The fact that they continue to bully her with articles like these is unacceptable and needs to be stopped. It’s time for these people to move on and just leave Meghan the hell alone already. I hope this is a warning to any young person in the future thinking about marrying any of WanKs children, save yourself and run.

  17. Joanne says:

    Meghan’s whole life has been built around helping others. The charge that she’s self absorbed coming form Charles and his silly robes, Camilla the whorse, William the basher and Kate the keenest of them all is so delusional it’s funny. These people parade around in their strange costumes and stolen crown jewels and have the audacity to call Meghan self absorbed because she attends galas and events for charities. This nonsense is straight out of Moliere’s plays about hypocrisy.

    • Iolanthe says:

      This is harassment and slander. Why can’t they leave this girl alone . She is a private citizen , not living off taxpayer money, trying to create a safe space for her children who unfortunately happen to be a kings grandchildren. Every time they bring up her name it’s abuse. It’s time people who publish these smears are held accountable for bullying .

    • Jais says:

      Right? Bc Charles and Camilla and William and Kate are so freaking free from any narcissism or self-absorption? As if there isn’t a staggering amount of evidence to the contrary. It makes all their crying about Meghan look all the more delusional and silly. So cry the original narcissists from their thrones while wearing their stolen jewels and crowns. It’s such a massive eye roll.

  18. BlueSky says:

    Anytime I read a story like this I’m reminded of what Dr Jessica Taylor said on Twitter regarding Prince Harry: “Critics don’t realise how many people relate to him, because they are living this exact same experience of exiting an abusive family and trying to rebuild themselves whilst they are talked about like they are shit to anyone who will listen.

    When you leave an abusive family context, you are discredited and spoken of as if you are the problem, you are the shit stirrer, you’re a liar, you’re mentally ill, you’re an attention seeker etc.

    An established abusive family, in which multiple generations are abusive to each other – will NOT allow you to quietly or calmly walk away. They will always attack you, lie about you and frame you as the problem.

    The key here, is doing what Harry is doing: ignoring them, focussing on his future and his own partner and his own kids – and remaining thankful that he has had the bravery to leave no matter what they have done and said to him – not only for his own benefit and well-being, but also for his kids and partner.

    When you leave an abusive family, when you do your own work, change your own behaviours, don’t replicate your own childhood, and you stop your abusive family from seeing your kids, you are ending the cycle. Your kids are not drawn into the same culture, and they have a chance at creating a totally different family culture for themselves and their own descendants. ”

  19. Nerd says:

    Here’s the thing, you can’t call someone a narcissist when you talk about them more than they talk about themselves. You especially can’t call someone a narcissist when the very institution you support thinks that they are superior to everyone else and that everyone should bow down to them. The entire royal institution is filled and supported by narcissists who quit frankly are the worst that humanity has to offer.

  20. Eurydice says:

    Anderson isn’t making any sense. He acknowledges that Meghan has been treated unfairly, that there’s been a remarkable amount of visceral anger aimed at her online, that she has a right to feel this is unfair and that it’s ok to empathize with others who have suffered similarly. So, how is she supposed to show empathy without sharing her experiences? And how is sharing experiences a sign of narcissism?

    And in a rational world, why would this acknowledged unfair bullying of Meghan make the RF less likely to extend to her an olive branch? The RF should want to confront the unfairness. Unless, of course, they’re the cause of it in the first place

    • Carol says:

      Thanks for untangling the nonsense and doublespeak so well. That they drove yet another woman marrying into this institution to the point of self harm (nearly in Meghan’s case, in fact in Diana’s), and they unrepentantly continue to NOT CARE, is just appalling. That they then attempt to frame the victim as the problem is vile. Royal Family and ROTA can shove that illusionary olive branch.

    • Becks1 says:

      You’re right, it doesn’t make any sense. She was unfairly targeted but shouldnt talk about?

      The other issue with Meghan is that its not just the tabloid headlines and such. Those headlines have real consequences on social media. An organization can’t post a picture of working with Meghan without being attacked and abused. Someone literally flew to NYC To try to attack her during her pregnancy with Archie. They have to have a great deal of security in part because of the hate leveraged at her in the print/online media and on social media, and its not all from people like Anderson or Ingrid Seward.

      So when she says she’s the most bullied in the world – its not just because of Seward or Tominey. Its because of what their hate has spawned in other arenas that has been allowed to go unchecked by the royal family (i.e. no moderating of comments relating to Meghan.)

  21. B says:

    Do these people hear themselves??

    Yes we are running a smear campaign against you and have been doing it for the past 8 years but talking about it makes you seem like an egomaniac so stop it!

    The royal family has given up on you but talking about how you were abuses means they will give up on you even harder so stop it!

    As part of our bullying we called you a bully so you can’t talk about bullying EVER so stop it!

    Meghan fled the country and only returned for Betty invites. She didn’t attend Chuck’s coronation and only refers to the royals as my husband’s family. The royals on the other hand now dress like her, pose like her, talk like her, pretend to work like her, pretend they have marriages like hers, brief about her and in general remain obsessed with all things connected to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex first of her name.

    It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic.

  22. Jais says:

    Meghan truly lives in these peoples’s minds. Rent free-of course. So the idea that they’ve washed their hands of her is laughable. Just yesterday, Mike Tindall was complaining about scobie, one of the few journalists to write about Meghan fairly, not as a cheerleader but as a non-sycophantic journalist. Tindall isn’t even a major player and he’s crying about a journalist who is known to treat Meghan fairly. Imagine how Meghan plays in the minds of Kate and William and Camilla. They want her charisma and her glow. They copy her enough that saying they’ve washed driver hands or her is just absurdly untrue.

  23. Mairzy Doats says:

    The family’s silence about all the horrible online bullying about the parentage or even existence of Meghan’s children was a form of encouragement of the bullying. That was some insane stuff.

  24. QuiteContrary says:

    “But is it wise for someone who has been described as a workplace bully – whether it’s true or not – to complain that she is a victim of bullying?”

    Let me reword that, Christopher. Is it wise for the rota, which has bullied Meghan relentlessly for years, to complain about Meghan mentioning that bullying?

  25. Faraway says:

    I still say: Karma is a bitch!
    Charles and Saint Catherine.
    William and Camilla just wait and see…

  26. andrea featherston says:

    This new rounds of attacks have been planned since the summer, someone on Reddit with a friends high up in uk tabs called this late summer and it came to fruition. Others also explained the Hollywood Reporter connection to UK and Murdoch

  27. Robin Samuels says:

    Monarchies fail because they are destroyed from within by self-proclaimed loyalists. The relentless attacks on a single individual by a press organization that operates like a mob and is sanctioned by the head of the British Royal Family, King Charles III, who receives a 500 million £ increase in 2024 and fails to report gifts including expensive jewels, is a global disgrace. I’m confident Meghan has documents to support the bullying by royal staff, family members, and press associates. They are desperate to learn what she is holding. In the meantime, this Anderson clown and the other caravan members can stay mad. May their bitterness continue to consume them.

  28. Andersen: The Windsors continue to degrade their brand by attacking other royals

  29. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    All of the royals’ failed trips abroad have shown that the world doesn’t care about or respect them. And it especially burns them that Meghan has been successful where they have failed. So they are doubling down on placating the racists/conservatives back home that form their base. The royals are not only losers, but they are sore losers.

  30. Saucy&Sassy says:

    I wonder if it had ever occurred to the bm that if they started writing factually about the brf, it would get them more clicks. Supposedly, they can’t do that because the brf wouldn’t brief them any longer. Guess what? If the brf want to stay relevant, they have no choice but to continue to brief to the media. It would have to be factual, though. What a quandary for the brf.

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