Keri Russell: ‘I’m not gonna lie. I do think that Kamala will win’

Keri Russell is promoting The Diplomat Season 2, which comes out just days before the presidential election. Keri covers the latest issue of Variety, and she talks about the election and the real-world politics of The Diplomat, as in… what does the international political and diplomatic world look like post-Trump? It’s barely acknowledged here in America, that four years of Trumpism severely strained our alliances with many countries. Keri plays a career diplomat unexpectedly tasked with becoming America’s ambassador to the UK. Shenanigans ensue. Some highlights from Variety:

Keri on whether she’ll endorse Kamala Harris: “If I had my wish, I would be invisible — that’s who I am. I would give all the money in the world, but I would be invisible. Someone like George Clooney, he’s at an age, he should swing and swing hard.” And Taylor Swift? “Oh, f–king swing and swing big. She should absolutely be doing everything she’s doing. But nobody cares about me. I just want to be hidden in my little cave. But I will give, I mean, yes. And I’ve listened to every Ezra Klein podcast about her — you know what I mean? I don’t think I’m gonna sway it one way or the other; I have no social media. But the heavy hitters should stand their ground. Listen, if someone asks me directly, I’m not gonna lie. I do think that Kamala will win.”

She doesn’t like playing girly, pretty characters: “A gift about that show, and a little bit ‘The Diplomat’ too, is I got to wear these big baggy sweaters, and I hardly wore any makeup. I would watch the girls who were, like, the guest stars — the beautiful girls who would come on and have to wear girl clothes? — and I see how nervous that makes them. It’s hard to be beautiful; it’s much easier just to be in a big baggy sweatshirt and sneakers. Don’t get me wrong, I love the beauty of women, too, and I like dressing up, and I like, you know, wearing makeup when I need to. But there’s so much more to being a girl than that. And I think some girls get stuck in that, you know? It was such a gift to just get to wear big baggy sweaters and just get to be funny or smart. So I was less nervous.”

Divorcing her first husband Shane Deary & falling for Matthew Rhys: She has a son, River, now 17, and a daughter, Willa, 12 — with her then-husband, Brooklyn contractor Shane Deary. They separated in 2013, and Russell and Rhys fell in love that same year while shooting the show’s first season — she gave birth to their son, Sam, now 8, between its fourth and fifth seasons.
“I was in love with Matthew. We were, like, hot and heavy in love, shooting the spy stuff at night in disguises and wigs. I mean, it was such a fun, sexy time. So fun, oh my gosh.”

Deciding to do ‘The Diplomat’ & forcing Matthew to step up as a hands-on father: “I have done the birthday cupcakes,” she told him. “I have done the doctor’s appointments and the scary nights and the washing laundry. And I have been there. I’ve done the back rubs, but I want three months — or a f–king year! — where I don’t. It’s someone else’s turn — pick up the slack.’ And he did. And it was hard. You know, Matthew was shooting at the time, too, and I’m sure that was hard, because he was trying to fly back and forth. And I was like, ‘Yeah, it’s hard — it’s called being a mom.’”

[From Variety]

Keri really is so private and low-key that she never had to face down the would-be scandal of her first marriage ending because she had fallen in love with her costar. Like, it wasn’t even a blip in the gossip media. The thing about Keri telling Matthew to step up is really good too, because yes, he should be doing more and she wanted to do this amazing series. Men need to step up and be supportive partners, but it’s like pulling teeth most of the time.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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23 Responses to “Keri Russell: ‘I’m not gonna lie. I do think that Kamala will win’”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    I avoid Ezra Klein at all costs, but I like Keri. Her show got a 2nd season, and I wonder if I should start watching it.

    I believe that Madam Harris will win too, but helping doesn’t hurt and GC did not help anyone.

    • NJGR says:

      The Diplomat is fun. I loved The Americans, but this a bit lighter, plus there’s lots of pretty English scenery and houses.

    • Louisa says:

      Definitely recommend The Diplomat. It’s fun and sexy, and she’s great in it.

      • Agnes says:

        It really was fun. My only quibble is that the script overdid her slovenliness, a character quirk designed to make her seem “too serious” for her cocktail circuit posting in the UK. I hope they write that schizz out in Season 2.

    • the Robinsons says:

      There is no doubt Harris will win. The end ofTrump ever occupying that Presidential seat again, was handed a resounding NO, byKarma in 2020. His time has been past.

    • Dara says:

      I rave about the Diplomat to anyone who will listen, and am beyond excited for the second season. Allison Janney playing the Vice President? Yes, please! And Keri Russell and Rufus Sewell have amazing chemistry. I think the third episode of the first season might be one of the single best episodes of a series I have ever seen.

      In ye olden days, if there was a female main character in a position of authority, she’d be surrounded by men (and only men), but The Diplomat has multiple female characters in positions of consequence. Aside from Keri Russell’s Ambassador, the President’s Chief of Staff, the CIA Station Chief, and a UK power broker are all female. And they are all fully formed characters. It’s so much fun to watch powerful women kick ass.

  2. kirk says:

    Good grief. Ezra Klein has a podcast? Whatever. Stopped paying attention to him once I figured out he was one of the big thinkers behind ‘Biden is too old.’ Was previously a religious follower wherever. No mo.

  3. Jais says:

    The first season of the diplomat was really fun. I’m looking forward to the second one. And yeah, I hope Kamala wins. I don’t even know who Ezra Klein is, is he from the nyt?

    • orangeowl18 says:

      Yes, he is. His podcast is basically audio of his NYT column. He’s written a good book, “Why We’re Polarized.”

  4. Michael says:

    I do remember when she left her husband for her co star and she really did come out of it unscathed which is unusual. I remember Morena Baccarin did the same thing and it was a huge scandal. I guess some people get a pass and some don’t

    • lucy2 says:

      It was definitely talked about, but all the parties involved are pretty private so the chatter died off.

      Keri is a good actress and I’ve always thought she was very beautiful. The Americans was great, I’m going to have to check out the Diplomat. She sounds a bit wishy washy on the political stuff in her answers here, but not everyone is comfortable talking about that in the media, I suppose.

      • orangeowl18 says:

        I remember it being a fairly big scandal. I’ve always thought she was beautiful, too, and loved The Americans. I would love to see those characters in the Trump era.

        I seem to be in the minority but I thought The Diplomat was cheesy, nowhere near the level of The Americans. I’ll watch season two anyway. 🙂

    • Amy says:

      It was a bit of a scandal at the time, but her husband wasn’t famous so I think that helped keep it out of the press a lot. Also, Keri and Matthew were SO hot in The Americans it kind of felt like, “well, obviously they were meant to be together.”

    • Thinking says:

      She’s extremely low-key. I don’t think she wants people talking about her and she keeps it that way. She doesn’t go out of her way to explain things. Even here, she admits no one cares about her the way they do with Taylor Swift or George Clooney. She acts because she can, but she clearly doesn’t chase fame and I think that allows space for more privacy. Oddly, I think her co-star from Felicity, Scott Speedman, was probably more ambitious, but things just seem to fall her way acting-wise (that’s the vibe I get but maybe I’m wrong — it helps that she can actually act).

      Her first husband also isn’t famous. I suspect that helped.

      I do think maybe her beauty offsets chatter to some extent as well. She’s so pretty that when someone falls for her and she reciprocates, I guess I don’t find it… surprising? I don’t think this is the first time she’s fallen for her co-star. And she looks like someone who has had guys chasing her since she was 15. She’s that girl in a high school math class anyone probably wishes they could look like. I just assume women who look like her live in an entirely different world where options are available to them and they go with the flow. That sounds terrible when I’ve typed it out, but I perceive as a very beautiful woman who probably has fended off other suitors, but maybe the current husband some how got through. Or again, I could be wrong.

      If these two stayed together, I wouldn’t be surprised. But if she or he fell for someone else, I wouldn’t be surprised by that either. Or maybe they’re soulmates who just found each other at the wrong time. Still wouldn’t be surprised if it ended 5 years from now though.

  5. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    The more I read articles with Keri Russell, the more I really like her. I never watched Felicity so I didn’t know much about her, but binge watched the Americans so that I was ready for the last season to come out and just loved her performance. I think she and Matthew Reese seem like they have a good relationship, but good for her for keeping it good and not harboring resentment by telling him he needed to step up because she also was filming and being a full-time parent.

    I will definitely put the diplomat on my radar to watch.

    • Christine says:

      Agreed, and I also love how she and Matthew speak about each other. Their respect for each other shines through, and it’s really nice. They are each other’s biggest fans.

  6. sevenblue says:

    OK, I was trying not to jinx it, but I also think Kamala will win. Not to brag, but I was the only one at my former job, who predicted Trump’s win in 2016. An old manager told me when I said Trump was gonna win, “You don’t know much about politics”. Again, in 2020, I predicted Biden’s win, even though the list of one-term presidency is short. So, happy to report, I am 95% sure, Kamala is gonna win this election.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      OK Sevenblue, I’m counting on you to keep the streak alive!

      I’m so stressed about this election, I’ve stopped watching anything on TV with ads because I cannot stand the sound of Trump’s voice. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with myself on November 5th but I’m probably going to have to go dark until the ballots are counted. I remember waking up in 2016 and finding out Trump had won and just being sick to my stomach for days.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Pinkosaurus, yeah I remember the next day, some people at my job were thinking about the places to move. Honestly, very few people even considered him winning, so they didn’t bother to vote! Now, everyone knows, it is a possibility and taking it seriously.

    • Libra says:

      I said the same thing about Hillary. I still haven’t recovered.

  7. Ohwell says:

    Keri does not want the political smoke.

  8. AC says:

    I didn’t really follow the show Felicity but I think Kerri gets more beautiful as she grows older. Her and Matthew has a lot of chemistry.
    And me too, I don’t want to jinx and I’m also very cautious but I think Kamala will win. I think there’s just so much more people all over this country who are just sick and fed up of MAGA and Trump.
    Every election year the media always says the election is in a dead heat – until it really wasn’t . Even in 2016, Hillary still won the popular vote, he has never cleared 50% or more. And in 2016 it’s well known that Russia was heavily involved with our elections- even many of his supporters on SM imo are foreign bots trying to influence Americans. I don’t think it’s going to work this time.
    I think Kamala will win pretty big- but again we need everyone’s vote for her and Tim. Crossing fingers 🤞

  9. Sara says:

    If you have not watched Felicity do it! For those of us in our 40s you know what I mean!

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