Prince William stepped out in Cornwall for his third day of ‘work’ in a row

Here are some photos of Prince William today in Cornwall. He visited the Duchy College Stoke Climsland in Callington, “to learn about how the college is providing opportunities for young people in rural areas.” He is, after all, the Duke of Cornwall. With that title came a vast and profitable real estate portfolio which provides William with an annual income of something like $40-50 million. We don’t know the exact figures because William refuses to disclose his tax information and anything about the current Duchy finances. He also doesn’t see any kind of connection between his inherited guardianship of a vast real estate portfolio and his keenness to “do something” about homelessness.

Speaking of homelessness, William was out last night at the Centrepoint Awards in London. I covered it separately in an earlier post. What I failed to mention was that William asked a couple of his Spencer cousins to come to the event too. Lady Kitty Spencer, Lady Amelia Spencer and Lady Eliza Spencer (the Earl Spencer’s daughters) came to the event and “supported” William. It cannot be underestimated how Prince Harry flipped the script on the Windsors this year – the Windsors thought they were setting Harry up to look desolate and alone at the Invictus service in London, but Charles Spencer and Harry’s aunts came to the service, as did some of the Spencer cousins. Then Harry flew in, undetected, to his uncle’s funeral and reportedly stayed at the Spencer ancestral home, Althorp. Now William is copying Harry on this as well – “I can show off MY connections to the Spencer family too, Harry, look at me!”

Meanwhile, I think it’s interesting that William stepped out for “work events” three days in a row this week. King Charles has already left for Australia today. Usually, when a major royal travels abroad, the left-behinds try not to pull focus from the foreign tour. I wonder if William is going to try to step on his father’s newscycles though. Or will William use the tour as an excuse to hibernate for a fortnight?

Last thing: does William know that the beard had aged him significantly? He already looked older than his age, but the greying, sleazy-looking beard makes him look like a frumpy 55-year-old.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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58 Responses to “Prince William stepped out in Cornwall for his third day of ‘work’ in a row”

  1. Amy Bee says:

    He looks terrible and he needs a good moisturizer. I’m going to predict that William is not going to be seen for the next two weeks.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      He really does look at least 10 years older than his actual age. The weight loss and beard are not doing him any favors. I would put him over 50, and not 40. So many of the royal women are/were smokers and I wonder if he is too.

    • Swaz says:

      He looks awful 😞 is he on Ozempic or something, he has that Scott Disick look 👀

    • Jensa says:

      I think he’s an embodiment of that saying, you get the face you deserve.
      (Compare him to King Felipe of Spain, for example. He has an excellent beard, wears good tailoring, and is around 15 years older than PW.)

      • BQM says:

        I’ve wondered if the beard is less about Harry than his royal contemporaries. CP haakon and Kings Frederick and Felipe all have beards. And they all look goooood.

  2. Friendly Crow says:

    I actually don’t hate the beard. His face needed some more covering and the beard actually gives it some structure or at least lets us know where his facial features are. I mean the beard is not good by any means. But it helps us recognize his face as human

    Like –
    Top egg
    Mid egg
    Bottom egg

  3. Big deal three in a row for phone it in Peg.

    • Joanne Bond says:

      Could he not donate some of the $40-50 million back to help the homeless?
      Maybe give up some Royal properties to provide shelter?
      And shave please.
      And do some actual work not just photo ops

  4. Neeve says:

    How does a future King have zero swag??? I mean he is rich enough to buy some surely. Anyways he doesnt even look like he is trying anymore.

  5. Jais says:

    So while Charles has left for Australia, his events won’t start until later in the week. So it remains to be seen whether William is planning to do flashy events while his dad’s tour is going. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stepped out. BP and KP don’t seem super friendly these days. But also, let’s be real, when is the next school holiday? Bc maybe it’s just his usual flurry of busy events right before he takes off for a school holiday/vacay with his kids?

    • Becks1 says:

      Tomorrow (I looked this up last week when Kate made her appearance.) they have a two week break starting tomorrow. That’s what this is about.

      • First comment says:

        Exactly..there’s always a frenzy of events prior to their vacations….it’s normal for them… apart from a rare tweet or a post, don’t wait to see either of them for at least 2 weeks..

      • Jais says:

        Welp yeah, that makes sense. If the Wales ever had an important announcement to make this would be a very scene stealing time to do it. Or random pap shots that were in no way arranged🙄

    • Jay says:

      Yep – a quick flurry of events and then he’ll take off for two weeks while his father and Camilla are on their (farewell?) tour of Oz.

    • Gabby says:

      Isn’t he kind of “on call” though with the king out of the country? They might need to call him up if there is a national emergency that requires a royal.

      • windyriver says:

        With the monarch out of the country, this is a situation where normally counsellors of state would be appointed, to generally hold the fort in his absence, attend miscellaneous meetings, handle routine paperwork, etc. Six people are eligible (Cammy is also eligible but also away). BP was never going to appoint Harry, Andrew, or Beatrice, so they now include a stipulation that COS have to be working royals.

        That leaves Anne, Edward, and Will. At least two are appointed, so almost certainly Anne, plus probably Will, or maybe all three, since Will is so reliable (/s).

  6. Becks1 says:

    I really wish he would hire an actual stylist. He doesn’t need one permanently, but have a stylist take him shopping to buy maybe 10 different outfits – this is what you wear for X event, wear this for Y event. BREAK AWAY FROM THE BLUE!

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      He has a full-time valet with nothing to do but arrange and prep his wardrobe. There’s no excuse! Definitely not for the mooseknuckle pants that are too tight in the crotch let alone all the weird mismatched navy jackets and chinos.

      • Becks1 says:

        But I dont think the valet knows what they’re doing either, based on how often he looks wrinkly and unkempt!!!

        It irks me the same way Taylor swift irks me when she dresses in her horrible outfits… have all the money in the world (well okay she has a lot more than William, haha) – GET SOMEONE TO HELP YOU! Someone competent, lolol.

      • Athena says:

        I thought the valet was a metaphor for something else.

    • Neeve says:

      @Bscks ,Taylor Swift has more money than William..really???

      • Becks1 says:

        i would assume so, in terms of actual cash/bank account balance. She’s a billionaire and he is not as far as I’m aware. (his father is though).

    • Eurydice says:

      Lol, a fellow in my office did that when he was hired – bought a slew of suits, shirts, ties, shoes. He had the personal shopper tag every item with a number so he’d know what went with what – like Garanimals for adults.

  7. Joanne says:

    William is not photogenic. That’s the nicest thing I can say.

  8. girl_ninja says:

    Harry having a bit of fun surfing (and killing it) so of course the Lazy Prince is out and about with his sad beard and bad skin.

  9. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. Diana was a style icon and Charles has a certain fussy, classic style that is iconic in a English aristocratic way. How can Willy be so terrible at dressing himself with those parents unless he has some sort of sensory issue or OCD? Velvet fabric in my price range has always been slightly prickly and uncomfortable, but high-end velvet made with silk is supposedly very comfortable. Maybe the oddly tight fitting pants/lack of proper fitting and odd fabric choices are comforting some sort of sensory issues. Clothes fit/fabric feel are triggers for some people.

    • windyriver says:

      He looks pretty stodgy now, but Charles was quite the style icon himself in bygone years. Below is the link to an Esquire article with lots of pictures (I don’t know why there’s a reference to “royal wedding” on the link). Checkout especially the polo and jaunty skiing outfit…

      What’s really interesting is this covers the 1980’s, from Charles in his early 30’s to about the same age William is today. Compare and contrast to Will’s complete lack of interest in how he looks. (To be fair, pre-Meghan Harry wasn’t exactly a fashion icon either, but then, he only had enough money to buy his casual clothes at TKMaxx. On sale.)

      What’s also interesting, and sad, is Diana is in many pictures. If you knew nothing about what was going on behind the scenes. you’d be impressed by how nice the two of them looked together, what a stylish pair – and can’t help but imagine how differently things might have turned out if he’d been smart enough to take advantage of what she brought to the table, treated her well, and worked on that relationship, instead of letting jealousy and selfishness get the better of him, and throwing it all away for the dowdy sidepiece.

      Oh and also, note the inclusion of a young Prince Edward in one of the pictures. You’d never know that’s who it was. They aren’t kidding about the Windsor ugly stick that ultimately hits

  10. Tessa says:

    The beard stubble gives him a sinister look

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    1. Will he hibernate or 2. Will he try to Headline Hog

    I’m going with number 2, I think he will headline hog or at least try to. I feel like the power struggle between him and his fathers team that has only gotten worse, they seem to cross brief each other far to often nowadays makes me wonder sometimes if they even communicate with each other at all.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s quite the dilemma for him, right? You know he wants to go away on vacation but he also wants to steal the spotlight from his father. What is a poor egg to do?!!?

      • First comment says:

        The documentary which airs next week will keep him in the news …

      • Becks1 says:

        It doesn’t air for two weeks!

        and if they keep dropping clips from it, its going to lose whatever appeal it had to some people anyway lol.

      • ShazBot says:

        Can he go on vacation when Charles is out of the country? Isn’t he supposed to be filling in for him?

      • Jais says:

        Ha! I just commented upthread but it would be a convenient time for some type of announcement. Or random pap pics. But also I gotta imagine Charles knew that he’d be touring during the Wales’ vacation. I don’t doubt that he has strait up told William not to steal his thunder down under. On one of their phone calls anyways. Or at least gotten an aide to tell William to not show his beard for two weeks. But will Kate attend a ballet or pop up somewhere? Eh, there are probably other counselors of state in the country. Anne? Beatrice?

      • sunnyside up says:

        Holidays are more important than running the country.

  12. Henny Penny says:

    It really is shocking when I reflect back on how good looking this man was in his youth to what this relatively young, supposedly healthy man in his 40s, looks like today. How can a man this wealthy and pampered look so rode hard? It’s beyond the baldness, the unexplained weightloss, and the preternaturally aged skin. It’s the sort of ugly that I think comes from within.

  13. yipyip says:

    3 days of “work” in a row?
    Quickly, give him another stupid Medal. Hail future King William.

    My Dad worked 2 jobs, averaging 60-70 hours a week manual labor, for 28 years.
    28 years!

    William is very lucky I do not know him IRL.
    If I did, he would get the Hard Word every AM. He would be a different person entirely if he was born the child of working class people.
    William the tall, beardy, LAZY son of a “King”

    I’m in my 60’s and a Diana Forever fan. I still see William as a toddler, wrapped in his Mums arms, “Wombat” he has had every single advantage on the planet. DO SOMETHING USEFUL, DAMMIT,

    Growing a weak beard does not qualify as work, W.

  14. yipyip says:

    Gain some weight, let the beard get fuller, get some better clothes, either better fitting or better fabrics.

    I live in the midwest and 40 y/os that WFH in IT, dress and look better.
    Will is facing a future as King that he does not want and it is showing. He hasn’t looked well in months now.

    • Jais says:

      Also invest in core strength and posture. Pull the shoulders back and look strait ahead as opposed to down. Add in some therapy.

  15. Nanea says:

    The beard, the bad posture, the ill-fitting clothes, especially the pants, and the unfortunate way Harry’s brother comes across as being bored, distracted or disinterested really make TOB look messy, disheveled, and unkempt.

    Will he ever be an active contributor to anything, instead of the lazy, passive “listening and learning” attitude he’s had going on for decades?

    I mean, what are his gold-plated advisers for, if not advising 🥚 on how to do his job as a future statesman?

  16. yipyip says:

    Look at the fabric of this outfit…Kohl’s? Macy’s?
    Add some Protein powder into his diet.
    Something, he looks rough.

    Btw, $40-$50M from the Duchy…why won’t he call a PR meeting with a charity that is already working on homelessness or a food bank and write a $500K check from his own account?
    Money where your mouth is William.
    Dolly and Taylor do it!

  17. Jensa says:

    Cornwall is known for its surfing beaches. What a missed opportunity – he could have shown Harry how it’s done.
    If only. That would have been comedy gold.

  18. Smices says:

    Apparently, Kitty Spencer is a patron of Centrepoint herself, so they weren’t there for William.

    • Jais says:

      I think Beatrice might have even been there? And I get that they shared a stage but why not get a backstage photo of him chilling with his cousins? The Spencers and Beatrice if she was there. Heck, even Edo if he was there.

  19. North of Boston says:

    As a fair skinned blue eyed person, the bright sun and his squinty eyes/face in these pics is making me cringe and want to put on a hat and sunglasses myself even though I’m indoors.

    You know what’s super aging?
    Sun damage.

    Put a cap on, Wills.

    Also, have his fingernails always been that short, flat and wide? I read somewhere that that can indicate health issues (cardiac? Liver? I don’t remember)

  20. tamsin says:

    With video of Harry surfing, I’m expecting a scuba-diving holiday for William which will be leaked. Apparently George has already had a lesson? If I recall, he’s qualified to do some fairly deep diving. It’s a sport that Harry has never been associated with. Harry talked about ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ sports from his school days in Spare, and he said he was a ‘dry’ sports guy-rugby, polo, cricket, only occasionally venturing into ‘wet’ if I recall correctly. I think William played water polo, and sailed so he was obviously more of a ‘wet’ guy. I don’t think Harry has been associated with scuba and sailing, so William has two sports of his own to show off and not try to compete with Harry. Those rugby pictures from earlier in the week were rather sad because Harry loved rugby and was a popular and effective patron before he was forced off Salt Island.

    • Becks1 says:

      IIRC Harry was scuba diving in Hawaii in the Invictus documentary. Or he talked about it afterwards, or something. So sad, too bad for Wiliam, he cant even have that, lol.

      • Nanea says:

        Yes, you remember it correctly, Harry went scuba diving in Hawaii with Gabriel George, the one-armed Invictus archer.

  21. Ohwell says:

    He looks disheveled.

  22. Lara says:

    I suspect we will only see William if Charles’ trip to Australia is beset with small crowds and angry subjects demanding reparations.

  23. Lau says:

    Nice try, but he’s still a lazy, ugly bearded bum.

  24. villanelle says:

    I am 💯 a Harry and Meaghan fan. But I can’t forget seeing the two brothers trotted out like show ponies at some sad gymkhana just after their mother died. I was laying flowers at KP, which is not my style normally. Anyway, I can’t forget that Baldy suffered that trauma too, and he had a very different set of rules applied to him. Yes, he chose so very wrong, but I cannot begin to imagine the world he lives in. It was only by being the shat upon Spare that Harry was so fortunate as to find Meaghan and burrow his way out.

  25. sgtmajorette says:

    Looks like he’s been sleeping rough—to draw attention to the problem of homelessness, of course…

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