Eden: Duchess Meghan will set up a ‘rival court’ in Portugal & never visit the UK!!

Richard Eden’s big, blaring exclusive this week in the Daily Mail was the juicy gossip that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have possibly purchased a second home in Portugal. While I enjoy the real estate adventures of the rich and famous as much as anyone, I failed to see how this news was some big f–king deal to the British press, or why the left-behinds would even care that much. Harry and Meghan have two young children who go to school/nursery school – they might enjoy some vacations in Europe in the years to come, and if that happens, it’s entirely their business and that’s all it will be, family vacays. Wealthy American and her expat husband vacation in sun-soaked Portugal, news at seven. But Eden is trying to do the most with his “exclusive.” Now he’s crying about this: “Why I believe Harry and Meghan’s new Portuguese home means we may NEVER see her in Britain again.” LMAO!!!

When she left Britain in 2020, the Duchess of Sussex welled up during a ‘bittersweet’ farewell to royal staff. My colleague Bryony Gordon, who was with Meghan and Prince Harry that day, said the former actress appeared to be ‘quietly devastated’ and had tears in her eyes at her last private function at Buckingham Palace.

At the time, I wondered if we would ever see Meghan again in this country. Now, it would appear that she has found a way of keeping a foothold in Europe without actually having to set foot in Britain, where she is becoming increasingly disliked with every bitter utterance she makes against the Royal Family.

As I revealed in today’s Daily Mail, the Duke and Duchess have bought a property on the coast in Portugal. The purchase may have allowed the couple to acquire a so-called Golden Visa, under which they would have visa-free access to the European Union’s Schengen area.

This could have been a major attraction to Meghan, who is a US citizen, where the property is concerned. When the couple got engaged in November 2017, Kensington Palace said Meghan would apply for British citizenship in due course, with a spokesman confirming that ‘she will go through the process [which] takes a number of years’. However, she eventually abandoned her bid to become a British citizen after she and her husband left the country in March 2020, less than two years after their wedding.

Acquiring a Golden Visa would help Meghan as she and her husband develop their plans to become the ‘rival royals’ across the water, enabling them to travel easily through European countries. We have already seen them undertake ‘quasi royal’ tours of Nigeria and Colombia, with more overseas trips planned. And it may be that Harry’s cousin Princess Eugenie and her husband, Jack Brooksbank, who also own a Portuguese property, join their rival-royal court. The Brooksbanks live in the CostaTerra Golf and Ocean Club, a luxury development of 300 properties by the sea in Melides, south of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.

[From The Daily Mail]

Eden is desperately trying to set up this narrative (please follow along as I translate royalist fan-fic to American English): Meghan was incredibly sad to be forced out of the UK against her will and she’s been desperate to come back to the UK for years, but she’s so deeply unpopular in the UK, so she’s decided to punish all of Britain by buying a home in Portugal and setting up a rival court and forcing the British media to cover her every move, moves which include weekly tantrums about the Windsors. End translation. It never occurred to Eden that Meghan and Harry are perhaps just… supporting Eugenie and Jack, and want to have a place close to Harry’s beloved cousin. That perhaps none of this is about royal and political machinations or the British establishment’s desperation to control the Sussexes?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar, Backgrid.

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106 Responses to “Eden: Duchess Meghan will set up a ‘rival court’ in Portugal & never visit the UK!!”

  1. Misah says:

    They might also decide to live in Europe depending on the election results, imho. It would be extremely wise.

    • Jan says:

      Stop with this election results, the Sussexes are rich, the election is not going to effect them.

      • Lolo86lf says:

        It is not a bad idea to have a home in Europe just in case some freaking coup/insurrection/riot happens in the United States after Kamala wins the election. Also the Sussexes live in California which is very prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, droughts etc. so they can make a quick escape to a more stable location. By the way, Portugal is beautiful too.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The Heritage Foundation was trying to get Harry’s visa information, that’s the same outfit that devised Project 2025.
        H&M’s wealth isn’t the point, a hostile administration with direct ties to the same people actively utilizing stochastic terrorism against the Sussexes is a bad business.

      • what says:

        Trump is talking about sending his former general to the electric chair, and now he’s being quite threatening toward the Pelosis again (they are lead ‘enemy within’). So no, being rich ain’t gonna save anyone if his theo-fascist regime get installed.

      • DK says:

        This isn’t any other “if the Republican wins it will be terrible” election hyperbole – this will affect everyone.

        While as rich folks they will benefit from T’s tax breaks, he has named them as people he doesn’t like, and therefore may well be among the Americans he decides to execute.

        And once President Vance is installed, and works to not just make abortion illegal through the country, but prohibit travel for women of childbearing age – as he has discussed doing! – M will be affected and eventually so will L.

        If Vance as POTUS (and the VP he will install, Thiel) have their way, they will also be affected when they revoke the 19th Amendment, as Thiel has discussed.

        And for all we know, they may ban women from working outside the home, having our own bank accounts, etc – these were the laws of the “great” America to which they wish to return.

        The rich may do their best to elect Trump as they believe they can enjoy his tax breaks and emerge unscathed from the rest of it, but once Vance is installed the hellscape unleashed by voting for Trump/Vance will harm every woman and person of color.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Even certain rich people can be affected by the results if Trump wins. Rich German Jews were stripped of their possessions (homes, jewelry, money, art, etc.) were declared stolen by the Jews and seized by the Nazis.

        Trump has publicly spoken about denaturalizing citizens. You’re kidding yourself if you think that means he will only denaturalize immigrants. The GOP (and media) are saying that his housing crisis plan is mass deportation.

        Trump hates Meghan and has made threats regarding Harry being able to remain in the country.

      • vivian says:

        what a strange thing to say—there are universal issues at stake including freedom of speech, democracy, gun violence, global warming and other means to planetary annihilation —-noone is unaffected by the enormity of the stakes in this election.

      • KeKe Swan says:

        Trump said he would deport Harry. His buddy Kraft was the ambassador to Britain after all, and he’s desperate to cozy up to royalty… Plus the fact that the Heritage Foundation has their hooks in him deep and punishing Harry seems to be a weird obsession of theirs.

      • MFS says:

        Megan is a person of color. No amount of money can guarantee her safety in an authoritarian white supremacist regime.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      My thoughts exactly.. they have the resources it would be foolish in this political climate not to have a “safe” home just in case. There’s a fascist wannabe dictator running for president mentioning them and the heritage foundation targeting them.. those are things we know about image what a security briefing would contain. To me it just makes sense to have another property and keep the location as quiet as possible.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Nah, Meghan says she’s finished with moving.

    • sevenblue says:

      They are living in LA, not in some red state. Whatever the election result will be, they will be safe. It is the poor people Trump presidency is gonna hurt, just like it did the previous time.

      • Ciotog says:

        There have been plenty of rich people who have been hurt by fascist regimes–unless they left.

      • Blithe says:

        Really? @sevenblue, they’re so “safe” now that they live protected by armed body guards. The Heritage Foundation, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump have all fixed their negative attentions on Harry and Meghan. That seems the opposite of “safe” to me.
        For extra gross-out reading, do a search of some of the things Donald Trump has said about Princess Diana. Imagine how Trump might feel about Diana’s son and the biracial woman he married — and how that could play out in Trump’s twisted mind — when he has near-complete immunity.

        tldr: I think you may be underestimating the powers of deeply seated racism combined with a personal grudge.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Blithe, Harry & Meghan moved to USA when Trump was the President. They can bark all they want, they can’t touch them in California. Unfortunately, I don’t think, the threats they are receiving are gonna change whether Trump is elected or not.

      • Blithe says:

        @sevenblue, I truly hope you’re right. I don’t, however, share your confidence.

        I’m curious. Have you read through Project 2025?

      • sevenblue says:

        @Blithe, yeah, I know what they are planning if Trump gets the Presidency again. However, both Heritage and Trump team have more important priorities than going after a couple living in California. People ignore the fact that Trump comments on H&M when a british reporter asks about them for a soundbite. He doesn’t talk sh*t about them out of the blue. H&M have billionaire friends, Harry has connection to American military through Invictus. I really worry about ordinary citizens / women / immigrants if Trump gets elected again.

      • Blithe says:

        Again, I hope you’re right, @ sevenblue, and I hope that the bubble of protection that you’re envisioning for the Sussexes extends to include Doria too.

      • Nic919 says:

        If a fascist gets in as president all bets are off.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        The first time round as president will have no bearing on this one. This won’t be a Trump presidency, Trump is a Trojan Horse. Vance will rubber stamp whatever his psychotic 2025 pay masters want with Trump as a toothless figure head or removed altogether. Look at Brexit and don’t make the same mistake America; isolationism and demonizing other people because they are immigrants because Murdoch media and other greedy cynics told you to is not the way to grow your country, your economy or your society.

      • DK says:

        @Sevenblue, 2 of the 4 Sussexes are females of color.

        They will not be safe, even in California, if DT wins, especially not with Vance/Thiel running the show (either outright after the 25th or behind the scenes), once abortion, access to contraception, interstate/international travel for women and girls of child-bearing age, and the 19th Amendment are banned throughout the nation.

        These are all things Project 2025 makes clear as goals AND all things Vance and Thiel have specifically mentioned wanting to implement.

        Let’s not try to turn right now into a rich vs. poor situation, and just focus on getting out the vote to save us all.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Getting established full time in Portugal has some very interesting fiscal benefits if they plan to be there and raise their family there. So many celebrities are making the move. That could also be a great pied a terre with Eugenie and Jack + great to move around europe and closer to Africa. I’m not sure I’d want to travel that much and that far always based from Cali with kids as young as they have. portugal would be great

    • westcoastgal says:

      If this rumour is true, I doubt the election has anything to do with them buying a vacation home. Meghan is an extremely savvy investor and Portugal is beautiful, warm, the people are friendly and would be my first choice in Europe. Why not have a lovely place to stay while Archie and Lili visit with their cousins, probably a good investment too. If and when they ever sell, they will get top dollar, who wouldn’t want to live in home that once belonged to the most famous and popular woman on the planet. Who knows, Meghan may already have a global venture she plans to launch in Europe that she has yet to unveil, stay tuned.

  2. Louise177 says:

    What does a “rival court” even mean? I don’t get it.

    • Blithe says:

      Yeah, I have this question too. At what point would whatever standards that are used to decide these sorts of things deem them not just “rivals” — but a “rival court”? What would the criteria be? Is this just mumbling about popularity? Actual jousting? Some infinitesimally tiny chance that huge numbers of Sussex supporters crash Willie’s future coronation, topple him from his golden throne, and demand that Harry take his place? Pieces like this seem both very weird and deliberately inflammatory.

      What “bitter utterances” has Megan ever made against the Royal Family? Seriously, what’s wrong with this man?

  3. AMTC says:

    ” where she is becoming increasingly disliked with every bitter utterance she makes against the Royal Family”

    So Maureen, when exactly was the last time Meghan even mentioned the Royal Family?

    • sunnyside up says:

      Exactly, my thought as well.

    • Carmen says:

      Never since the Oprah interview, and that’s what is driving the royals batshit. They would rather she cursed them all to the end of time, than ignore them as completely as she’s done for the past five years.

    • Feebee says:

      When you read lines like that it sounds like they have a mental illness like they just can’t help themselves. Unfortunately, it is a choice for them. Making it a lie to cause people to feel negatively about them which makes it abusive.

    • Katya says:

      As in NOTHING?

  4. Sunshine says:

    Does anyone really believe that Richard Eden has any idea what’s going on in this couple’s lives?

  5. Beth says:

    ‘Every bitter utterance’ about the royal family? Is he hearing voices now? I mean, when was Meghan’s last ‘bitter utterance’? Harry’s been far, far more critical of The Firm and its troublingly symbiotic relationship with the press. And he’s now trying to claim some sort of credibility by using Bryony Gordon’s name. Filthy, filthy stuff.

  6. ML says:

    It’s extremely gross that Eden is trying to ride the coattails of Bryony Gordon, who has a different/ better relationship to Harry! And again, as an immigrant to Europe, he’s not reporting on a realistic/ legal situation with H&M and Portugal.

    They need a new crisis because their circulation numbers have dropped? He’s trying to agitate WanK/ KC & QCC? Esen’s trying to distract from something the RF doesn’t want in the news? What he’s writing is BS.

    • MsIam says:

      I think she’s going to regret working for the Fail if she doesn’t already. Worms like Eden will try and drag her name into every Sussex story to try and hive it credibility.

    • sunnyside up says:

      William is going to have another couple of weeks holiday.

  7. Wait I thought she set up a rival court in California? Eden knows nothing.

  8. Cassie says:

    Another fictional story . The man has completely lost the plot .

    Need’s a good therapist .

  9. Jais says:

    Meghan hasn’t said a bitter word about the RF in years and yet the rota writers have been dripping with bitterness about her for years. All she does is breathe and they’re the one trying to create a rival court with all their talking and writing about her. Meghan is just living her life.

    • Dee(2) says:

      They have to make it seem like everything she does is a pointed snub at them, or that she’s out here saying sly things interviews weekly because otherwise it just highlights that they’re upset that she spoke about her own personal experiences two and three years ago and they’re still upset about it. They can’t say she hasn’t set foot in this country in 2 years, and she hasn’t mentioned us in just as long isn’t she’s so horrible?!! They want her attention so badly, so that they can ignore her. It’s not fair that she has moved on ( in their minds).

  10. Hypocrisy says:

    Whether they have purchased a property in Portugal or not Meghan isn’t going back to that country until changes are made. I’m sure it is a huge trigger for her, and no one will ever be able to convince me she still doesn’t have ptsd from what she has gone through and she is still being abused daily. As for the whining about a rival court, they already have one and it doesn’t matter where they live or what country they visit if the Sussex’s are out they ARE the news. Alone or together they wipe the left overs off the front pages every single time they are seen in public or someone makes a post including them. Eden needs to face facts, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have a global court no matter where they live and the British Monarchy will never be the same.

  11. Ennie says:

    “Against the royal family”, lol and failed to mention the UK tabloid media. ridiculous!!!

  12. Amy Bee says:

    This piece makes absolutely no sense given neither Harry nor Meghan require a visa to travel around Europe. Plus unless they have plans to spend an extended amount of time in Europe buying a house in Portugal doesn’t make any sense either. I think this is a made up story and Richard Eden is desperate for clicks.

    • Ennie says:

      It makes sense for investment purposes, but they are broke (lol). Remember, they can’t mention that They are thriving.

    • Eurydice says:

      Starting next year US and UK passport holders (as well as many others) will need to get ETIAS authorization to travel in the EU – it’s kind of like a visa and you have to apply for it online.

      • Amy Bee says:

        It’s similar to what EU nationals have to apply for when they travel to the US. It’s not a visa.

      • Eurydice says:

        @AmyBee – that’s why I said “authorization” and “kind of like” – it’s not officially a visa with the restrictions that go with one, but you will need it to travel in the EU.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It makes sense that Maureen needs to keep the lights on, and lots of gullible folks are will to help him out.

      • Kadie says:

        Agreed. It’s the second article in the trilogy titled paying my bills using clickbait. Maureen is following the washed up, bottom feeder playbook.

    • Barb Mill says:

      It makes sense if they want a vacation home. They have Eugenie and Jack with their kids so could spend some fun times with them. Any of Harry’s real friends could easily visit them without flying all the way to CA. If I had the money I would buy in Europe.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Buying a place doesn’t make sense if they aren’t spending more than a week in Portugal. They can rent a place.

  13. Maxine Branch says:

    If this is even true and I highly doubt it, the Sussexes probably want to be just a little bit closer to friends they have on that side of the world, spend time with Harry’s cousin, and have a vacation home which they could use when their children are out of school. Portugal is a great place to visit and their paparazzi laws are on point and in place, similar to California’s. Eden’s column re rival court is designed to illicit hate, a pathetic little dangerous little monarchist and Sussex hater

  14. Cathy says:

    But the bathrooms Richard!
    Why have you not mentioned the bathrooms!?

  15. Em says:

    Richard and the rest of the rota, alongside the royal family members and members of the British public are so hurt that there has been no form of acknowledgement from Meghan that they keep interpreting any action as an attack but Richard is partially , if this story is true then Meghan / Harry and her kids can vacation there and the family members / friends in the UK that care can visit them since it’s just a 3hr journey without Meghan or her children having to step foot in the UK till things calm down a little.

  16. Monika says:

    The way Eden calls Meghan “the former actress” is so utterly insulting. It brings me back to the 19th where royals, high society and others had actresses as mistresses. It is also very suggestive in this context implying that Meghan was acting.

    A lot of US celebrities have holiday homes in Southern Europe. Eden probably wishes that Harry and Meghan to set up a “rival court” so that he can write years after years about it. It does not matter what Harry and Meghan do Eden will always portray it as a “rival court”. This is how Eden earns his living.

  17. MsIam says:

    This purchase could be an investment property that earns income or provides tax benefits. And maybe they like Portugal enough to keep a home there. Eden is a dubious source though. If its not true, I think their UK spokesperson would pushback on this. Not that its anyone’s business, the Sussexes are stealth ninjas when it comes to making moves.

    • windyriver says:

      Don’t think the UK spokesperson would pushback on it; as you say, it’s nobody else’s business.

      One reason it’s possibly true is because the DM were the ones who (as per Harry in the doc) confirmed their location in Canada, and later, also that they were living at Tyler Perry’s house. Their Canada location was probably leaked to them from the palace. But Harry did say in the doc that his family didn’t know where they were after they quietly left Canada. That info could have come via basic grunt work on the part of the DM. And so possibly the Portugal details. Who knows.

      • Amy Bee says:

        Harry and Meghan’s location in Canada was leaked by the Palace. There was no investigation by the DM. Rebecca English had attended royal rota meeting at the Palace the day before the information was made public.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        @windyriver, I don’t recall that Harry said that the BRF (won’t call them family) didn’t know where they were. The BRF/DM had their location leaked per the DMs affiliates in the US. Jessie Palmer, former NFL player that worked for the DM. The British Media/BRF acted like they had nothing to do with the leak.

        The BM doesn’t do grunt work.

        I personally don’t care IF H&M buy property anywhere, if true. When, it becomes confirmed, I’ll believe it.

        LOL @ the commentator who mentioned the bathrooms. Agree. Nonstory based on the lack of number of bathrooms mentioned.

  18. Tessa says:

    Maybe jack and Eugenie and family can join the court

  19. Lili says:

    i’ve just been to their website and the place looks amazing, a nice place to go and chill out. I’ve read reports that people are leaving portugal in droves so hopefullty the free publicity from eden will help the country

    • GTWiecz says:

      Why are people leaving Portugal in droves?

    • Ameara says:

      People are leaving the country because properties are too expensive for portuguese citizens.

      Obviously that’s not Meghan or Harry’s fault but this won’t convince young people to stay.

      I’m Portuguese and it’s nearly impossible to live here. Most people make less than 1000€ per month and rents are way higher than that.

  20. Eurydice says:

    Everything about this is stupid. Buying property is no longer a qualification for obtaining a Portuguese golden visa – they would have to invest at least €500,000 in some business or project. The Golden Visa is really about residency – if they want to live in Portugal more than 180 days, if the kids will go to school there, tax benefits, use of the health care system, that sort of thing.

    Other than mentioning the royal concerns about Archie’s color in the Oprah interview, Meghan’s never said anything negative about the RF. And as for the “rival court,” if there is one it’s wherever Harry and Meghan happen to be.

  21. Agnes says:

    “She’s decided to punish all of Britain.” Thanks for that translation! lolz I don’t believe this one, it doesn’t make any sense, they’ve got all the sunshine and good food they need in Montecito. If Trump is re-elected and President JD Vance comes for Harry, a golden visa might come in handy, but that sounds like a major stretch. Show us the receipts, Maureen.

    • Advisor2u says:

      Exactly. A second home will probably not be in another country/place with a predominantly warm/sunny climate.
      What’s the point of that? A house in a place like NY makes more sense.

      • Gennessee says:

        Why not exactly? I have three residences on two continents. All in predominantly warm/sunny climates because I am blessed to be able to work remotely, and I despise cold weather.

  22. Walking the Walk says:

    Hasn’t spoken about that family in years. They are going to bring up the Oprah interview 20 years from now and act like it was recent.

  23. Is That So? says:

    “ Britain, where she is becoming increasingly disliked with every bitter utterance (which is none) she makes against the Royal Family.”

    These people are So I so intent on painting a fantasy for their uninformed readers that fulfills those readers’ deep desires. It’s almost they’re setting up crap for her obituary.

    It’s like Donald Trump and the American economy right now. The lies he’s telling that’s getting into the newspapers that will be part of history written by future historians.

    • Julia says:

      That’s not how history is written. Historians don’t look at tabloid news and write it verbatim as facts. They look at all the evidence available. It is obvious that she hasn’t said a thing about the uk in years. Historians will pick up on that fact. Don’t forget that Archie and Lili will also be able to correct a lot of the false narratives when they get older.

      • Magdalena says:

        “Historians don’t look at tabloid news and write it verbatim as facts. ”

        Oh really? Once upon a time, perhaps, but no longer.

        See Exhibit A: Actual qualified and experienced “historians” effectively prostituting themselves on UK and Australian television and radio programmes and in broadsheet newspapers by actively repeating, verbatim, tabloid lies every single week, thereby giving legitimacy to those lies and enabling them to be accepted as facts by those lacking in critical thinking and the so called “apathetic”.

        It is absolutely true that they are setting a narrative which be the “accepted” version years down the line, even though their version will have no basis in truth whatsoever.

      • Ham&Cheese says:

        @Magdelena—this is why Harry wrote Spare and he and Meghan sat for and produced the H&M doc, and both spoke to Oprah. Those are first person accounts and direct sources with more weight than unnamed palace sources.

  24. Fergie48 says:

    Seriously though….why are people being so mean in their coverage about this? I genuinely want to know!! Is it jealousy??? I mean….its weird!!!

  25. Mel says:

    If everyone hates her so much, why exactly are you whining that she won’t come back there? Make it make sense!

    They know nothing and stay making stuff up to entertain their racist readers.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    Are the bitter utterances in the room with you now, Maureen???

  27. Robin Samuels says:

    Richard Maureen Eden will say anything to get attention. This is not the first time he has reported that Sussex is buying property in Portugal. The predictability of a Sussex story following whenever Eugenie is on social media is a clear indication of the media’s repetitive tactics. Both families are often used as smokescreens for what’s going on in Royal Lalaland. Noticeably, there is nothing to report about Beatrice and Mr. Edo. It’s evident that even sucking up to James Middleton for free dog food is not sufficient for Maureen to pay his bills.
    It’s disheartening to see the extent of misinformation that circulates, such as the belief that Trump has the power to upend the US Constitution and deport individuals at his whim, prompting Harry and Meghan to consider fleeing. One can only hope that such comments are not originating from American citizens.
    It’s a tale of two extremes for the Sussexes. One moment, they’re portrayed as destitute and on the brink of divorce. The next, they’re splashing out on a second property. The impending release of the paperback version of Spare, set to hit shelves next week in the USA and UK, is likely to stir up more income-related speculation. It’s a stark reminder of the ever-changing, often contradictory media narratives surrounding the couple.
    Richard Maureen Eden is infatuated with Prince Harry, so he detests Meghan. She took him away, though he never had a chance. Someone should tell him that a rival court already exists, and it’s in the UK, also known as Kensington Palace.

  28. LRB says:

    Somewhere for his beloved aunts and Spencer cousins to come and visit without the long slog over to LA – which will become harder as his aunts get older. He can also fly in and out of the UK easily without having to be away from the family for too long. I think this is a great idea and really hope it is true.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      LRB, I think it’s an expensive way to see family. How much time would they spend there? I’m going to wait and see if the Sussexes confirm they purchased property there … or anywhere.

  29. Eating Popcorn says:

    A rival royal court from which they will overthrow the duly elected government of Portugal and crown themselves King & Queen! They will then launch an armada and battle Kan’t & Won’t for all of the peasants in Europe!

  30. L4Frimaire says:

    “where she is becoming increasingly disliked with every bitter utterance she makes against the Royal Family.” What?! When was the last time she mentioned those people? However, she is speaking more about her experiences of online bullying. Very telling he calls this out in an article supposedly about real estate. The rest of this is pure bile and conjecture. If they actually bought a house in Portugal, good for them. If they haven’t, would not be surprised if they have other property investments somewhere. They are under no obligation to disclose if they bought anything, whether it be another house, or a frappucino. Certainly not to those stalkers.

    • Nic919 says:

      Eden hears from the Middletons so this is likely projection from the real bitter woman. Also Meghan outing Kate as a liar on Oprah opened up her false image in a way that had never been done before. And what was said there seemed to have accelerated William’s physical separation from her.

    • Jaded says:

      IKR? And what’s with the “with every bitter utterance she makes against the Royal Family”?? She never says a word, and the words she has said were not bitter, they were said calmly and truthfully. In fact she could have said much worse and with well-deserved spite because I’m sure much worse was done to her that she has chosen not to reveal.

  31. MikeB says:

    When is the UK tabloid stupidity ever going to end? Not one of the dozens of tabloid stories about the alleged purchase of a home in Portugal presented any substantiated proof, or exactly where. As for the Golden Visa, as of October 7, 2023 Portugal changed the rules and investment in real estate no longer qualified for the visa.

  32. Anonymous says:

    For Maureen it’s always Meghan and Meghan alone in the wrong. Not the born royal Prince Harry is “going to start a rival court in Portugal (how idiotic)”, no, that’s all Meghan’s doing.

    His Sussexes obsession at this point is beyond hysterical.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      He makes it seem like it’s the 17th century or something. A rival court, lol. They are just going about their lives. Why go somewhere you don’t feel safe that makes you miserable?

  33. VilleRose says:

    It’ll probably be a vacation home more than anything? Maybe a place to chill for a few days at a time before they do any work related trips in Europe. If I had to hazard a guess as to how this info got out, maybe Eugenie or Jack mentioned it to the wrong person (not on purpose) and the info got back to William. And while it’s not all that interesting as there isn’t a whole lot you can do with “The Sussexes buy a vacation home in Portugal to be near Harry’s beloved cousin Eugenie,” you have these ridiculous “rival court” stories.

  34. Libra says:

    Someone made this up on a slow news day. If this was true there would be a photo as well. I think Portugal was picked because Harry and Eugenie are close. Wild stab versus the dart board.

  35. Debb says:

    Trump will not be elected president. There are rich people on both sides. The rich Republicans, Independents, Democrats, women, POC all want Kamala. The MAGA cult is only 20 to 30% of voters. Some have gone over to Kamala’s side. and some will sit out this time. Kamala needs only 8% of the Republican vote to win this ellection. All of the well to do Republicans are voting for country over party. YAY!! This is a done deal among all involved, as it has been discussed for the last 4 years. Musk is South African and will probably go back home after his companies collapse. Theil will be put in line if he wants to keep his business. Vance will be ridiculed for life and get a divorce from his POC/Indian wife. Kamala for the win!! Trump will be exiled in home or white collar prison. He is very sick in health, so he may end up in a nursing home. FACTS! TRUTH!
    HARRIS/WALZ 2024.
    I voted on Monday for country over party!!

    • Oh come on. says:

      @Debb I don’t think it’s as done a deal as you say—it’s gonna be a nail-biter—but from your lips to God’s ears!

      I voted from abroad weeks ago, now cheering from the sidelines.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Debb, if you just look at the respected independent polls (without the huge number of GOP polls coming out ALL of the time), Harris is ahead 4%-6%. Dems are going to win. GOP is going to try any number of underhanded things to steal the election. The Dems and Harris’s attorneys are going to fight that and the DOJ are poised to do what they need to do. We will have Harris/Walz in the Whitehouse.

      People need to understand that the GOP is doing everything they can to set this up to say that the election was stolen. Don’t believe what they’re saying. They know that they’re in trouble, but they think they can still pull this off. They can’t. All we have to do is vote. The rest is taken care of.

      The GOP want EVERYONE to believe it’s close so that it helps their narrative. Don’t fall for it.

  36. Lau says:

    The left behind royals have like twelve houses each but suddenly it’s a problem when the Sussexes buy a vacation house ? Sure, Jan.

  37. tamsin says:

    I think it’s plausible that Harry and Meghan would invest in a European holiday home. I don’t think it would be any more than that. The kids are obviously going to be educated in the US. In fact, when the Brooksbanks kids are old enough, I imagine they will be educated in the UK. It’s also likely that Meghan and Harry will eventually own more than one piece of real estate. The purchase is reasonable speculation on which to base the rest of the unhinged bile, continuing to prove RR live under a moldy rock in the UK>

  38. adrienne says:

    I bet they’ve been to Portugal many times to visit Eugenie and Jack and just loved the area and decided to buy a vacation home there. At least that’s what I would do if I had their money and resources, I googled the CostaTerra Golf and Ocean Club and it’s absolutely gorgeous there. Why wouldn’t they want a second home in a beautiful coastal city in Europe where they can get away and spend some time with his favorite cousins who also have kids close to their kid’s same age? It’s not that serious lol

  39. Lizzie says:

    Eden is just dumb. Harry and Meghan have already set up what they intend to set up, they don’t need to move to Europe to ‘set up a rival court’. Maybe this is all just a big cover and Will bought a home in Portugal to dump Kate?

  40. bisynaptic says:

    Maureen says what, now? “…[S]he is becoming increasingly disliked with every bitter utterance she makes against the Royal Family.”
    — She hasn’t said jack sh-t about the royal family in *years*.

  41. Clara says:

    Brits loving Portugal is a classic. Harry is the typical sunburnt ginger drunkenly dancing along the cobblestone streets.

  42. slippers4life says:

    You know what? As much as I eyeroll and laugh at the mideval fears the BRF and British aristocracy have that Harry and Meghan are “off to the colonies to conquer America and then snatch the British Crown.”, at this point I’m like, you know what? I wish they would say they’re setting up a rival court in Portugal. Hahahaha it would be glorious!

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