Mitch McConnell: Donald Trump is a ‘despicable human being’ & a ‘narcissist’

It’s been a minute since we’ve discussed anything regarding ol’ Moscow Mitch McConnell, currently the Senate Minority Leader. After the election, McConnell will step down as the GOP’s Senate leader but he will complete his term (until 2026). McConnell also gave a full-throated endorsement of Donald Trump months ago, although I have not heard McConnell standing up for Trump in recent months. McConnell and Trump’s personal relationship was always a bit strained, but Moscow Mitch always managed to capitulate to Trump and all of Trump’s worst instincts. Speaking of, a new biography of Moscow Mitch is coming out soon and apparently Mitch regularly talks sh-t about Trump. Rancid turtle turns on orange fascist, most of us are Team No One.

Mitch McConnell said after the 2020 election that then-President Donald Trump was “stupid as well as being ill-tempered,” a “despicable human being” and a “narcissist,” according to excerpts from a new biography of the Senate Republican leader that will be released this month. McConnell made the remarks in private as part of a series of personal oral histories that he made available to Michael Tackett, deputy Washington bureau chief of The Associated Press. Tackett’s book, “The Price of Power,” draws from almost three decades of McConnell’s recorded diaries and from years of interviews with the normally reticent Kentucky Republican.

Despite those strong words, McConnell has endorsed Trump’s 2024 run, saying earlier this year “it should come as no surprise” that he would support the Republican party’s nominee. He shook Trump’s hand in June when Trump visited GOP senators on Capitol Hill.

The comments about Trump quoted in the book came in the weeks before the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Trump was then actively trying to overturn his loss to Democrat Joe Biden. McConnell feared this would hurt Republicans in two Georgia runoffs and cost them the Senate majority. Democrats won both races. Publicly, McConnell had congratulated Biden after the Electoral College certified the presidential vote and the senator warned his fellow Republicans not to challenge the results. But he did not say much else. Privately, he said in his oral history that “it’s not just the Democrats who are counting the days” until Trump left office, and that Trump’s behavior “only underscores the good judgment of the American people. They’ve had just enough of the misrepresentations, the outright lies almost on a daily basis, and they fired him. And for a narcissist like him that’s been really hard to take, and so his behavior since the election has been even worse, by far, than it was before, because he has no filter now at all.”

Before those Georgia runoffs, McConnell said Trump is “stupid as well as being ill-tempered and can’t even figure out where his own best interests lie.” Trump was also holding up a coronavirus aid package at the time, despite bipartisan support. “This despicable human being,” McConnell said in his oral history, “is sitting on this package of relief that the American people desperately need.”

On Jan. 6, soon after he made those comments, McConnell was holed up in a secure location with other congressional leaders, calling Vice President Mike Pence and military officials for reinforcements as Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. Once the Senate resumed debate over the certification of Biden’s victory, McConnell said in a speech on the floor that “this failed attempt to obstruct the Congress, this failed insurrection, only underscores how crucial the task before us is for our republic.” McConnell then went to his office to address his staff, some of whom had barricaded themselves in the office as rioters banged on their doors. He started to sob softly as he thanked them, Tackett writes. “You are my family, and I hate the fact that you had to go through this,” he told them.

The next month, McConnell gave his harshest public criticism of Trump on the Senate floor, saying he was “ practically and morally responsible ” for the Jan. 6 attack. Still, McConnell voted to acquit Trump after House Democrats impeached him for inciting the riot.

[From The AP]

The AP contacted McConnell about their reporting on his authorized biography, and McConnell told them: “Whatever I may have said about President Trump pales in comparison to what JD Vance, Lindsey Graham, and others have said about him, but we are all on the same team now.” It’s one thing I haven’t gotten used to in the past nine years – the utter cowardice from elected Republicans in the face of the biggest threat to American democracy in the history of the republic. It’s not just cowardice and that particularly sleazy sniveling and boot-licking – it’s that most of these Republicans are fully aware that Trump is a uniquely dangerous man. These are not people who were hoodwinked or saw their good-faith trust in Trump destroyed. They have all chosen to capitulate to Trump every single time.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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36 Responses to “Mitch McConnell: Donald Trump is a ‘despicable human being’ & a ‘narcissist’”

  1. Normades says:

    No lies detected but that’s rich coming from Mitch

  2. ML says:

    The TL:DR is that McConnell isn’t a fan of Agent Orange’s personality, but he’s still going to support and vote for him no matter what. 🤢🤬

    • Josephine says:

      Right. Republicant men are so weak, so spineless. I guess it’s the men who want to be taken care of by dumpy and not have to think for themselves. They are a national embarassment and continue to humiliate themselves over and over again.

      And McConnell is a disgusting disgrace to his home state. He has never raised up the people of Kentucky, only fattened himself. He’s filth and he will not be remembered well in the history books.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        McConnell really isn’t any better than Trump to be honest. He is shifty as shown by his bullshit refusal to allow a vote on Obama’s choice for SCOTUS to ensure Trump got to pick and then hypocritically rushing ACB’s confirmation. He is about power for his party of the US as were all in GOP leadership prior to Trump. Their only problem with Trump was fear that Trump stopped using the dog whistles and starting saying everything the GOP thought and wanted to do out loud, and they were afraid that people wouldn’t vote for that kind of fascism if it was laid bare. It seems they and the left overestimated the morality/ethics of men and white women.

  3. Beana says:

    Moscow Mitch can save his criticism, private or otherwise. He helped Trump in office and he helped Trump escape consequences after. He deserves to die looking at the inside of a jail cell just as much as the rest of them.

  4. girl_ninja says:

    Pot meet kettle. Mitch is more dangerous than DT because instead of using his considerable power to stem his evil, he propped him and use him to appoint his Supreme Court justices. The same justices who snatched the freedom of choice. The same Mitch Bitch who tried to take away the ACA and the sam weak man who couldn’t vote to impeach. What a disgusting, pathetic old man.

  5. kirk says:

    O Holy Surprise! — Not!
    As Allan Lichtman says “Republicans have no principles. Democrats have no spine.”

  6. Miranda says:

    What kompromat does Trump have on all these Republicans, that they clearly loathe him, but are completely beholden to him? It’s been this way from the start, they knew exactly what they were getting into. Remember what Lindsay Graham said back in 2016? “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it” (the goddamn tweet is still there, FFS!). And yet here they are, still kissing his ring. still bitching about it behind his back. I have no patience for these spineless, sniveling assholes who, to paraphrase George R. R. Martin, would burn this country to the ground if a Republican, ANY Republican, could be king of the ashes.

    • Roo says:

      Miranda, exactly this. Trump, or let’s be real, the money men behind him and Vance, have incredible kompromat on people like Turtle and Cruz, and their brethren.

      • Ocean Girl says:

        Yeah, they’re being blackmailed or trump promised them something in return. As if “buffalo-sauce-face” ever pays what he owes.

        May they all meet the worst fate possible.

  7. Beech says:

    Too little, too late.

  8. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    Crickets turtle. Crickets.

  9. Lucy2 says:

    He’s just the worst kind of person, isn’t he? He knows what’s right and wrong, and has the power to make things better, and still chooses not to. All the insults and name-calling in the world don’t mean anything if you don’t take action.
    Most likely he is compromised And the Russians or somebody have something on him, but FFS don’t let the world burn to save yourself.

  10. McTurtle needs to stfu bc he’s just as bad- , it’s money over democracy for these people .

  11. Lola says:

    I don’t even think kompromat is why all these narcissistic old sociopaths grovel before Trump. At this point, Republican voters don’t care what moral degenerates they are. At all. I think the reason is just simply $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Lots and lots of $$$$$$$$$$. The billionaires in control pull the strings and they want Trump, so that’s that.

  12. Tanguerita says:

    the fact that all these people know exactly who he is and still going to vote for him, makes them worse than him in my books.

  13. Brassy Rebel says:

    All McConnell had to do was support impeachment and conviction the second time and get the Republican conference behind it. Had Trump been convicted then, he could not run now. McConnell only dislikes Trump because he interferes with his control of the Senate. He’s good with everything else about him.

  14. Sue says:

    The stroking turtle is the prime example of why there needs to be term limits in Congress.

  15. Louise177 says:

    I actually don’t care about politicians who always supported Trump like Boebert and Gaetz. But it bothers me that people who criticized him, like Cruz and Graham, are his biggest supporters now mostly for political reasons. It’s sad and pathetic.

  16. yipyip says:

    MM is a terrible, power hungry person himself.
    We know Trump is vile. MM finally saying something is far too little, too late.

    Term limits, age limits, now.

  17. paintybox says:

    They share the same fundamental cause – preserving white male supremacy. That’s why they support Trump while holding their noses.

  18. alexc says:

    He may hate trump but he loves power more. That’s all they care about.

  19. MoxieMoxx says:

    Absolutely no one will ever think this sniveling coward was on the right side of history, and these documents only expose the sickening machiavellianism that made him a political cancer. The only good thing I take from this is that he could have released it after the election, which makes me wonder if there is some internal consensus among Republicans that Trump is going to lose, and dear God I hope that’s right.

  20. Ocean Girl says:

    Guys like MM who don’t defend their wives against trump’s comments deserve to be served divorce papers and have the ex-wives take the truth on the news and talk show circuit.

  21. Emily says:

    But as long as he got his way with the Supreme Court, who cares about what he inflicted on the world. POS.

  22. tamsin says:

    Mitch is equally despicable, is he not?

  23. Maggielou says:

    Moscow Mitch pissed on his oath to defend the Constitution and USA. A disgrace and a treason weasel, turncoat turtle. Reportedly he wept in front of his Senate office staff following the insurrection on January 6, then made a truthful speech on the floor railing against what gent-orange did on Jan 6, stating the Justice system would “hold him accountable,” so no need for “us to do so, the Senate” by not impeaching., your failure has allowed a fascist criminal to run again and now here we are on the brink. Now MM is cool with it all and has the nerve to casually say “I am team” orange” STFU you vile turtle.

  24. bisynaptic says:

    ‘He started to sob softly as he thanked them… “You are my family, and I hate the fact that you had to go through this,” he told them.’
    — You SOB POS, it’s because of you he was in office, in the first place.

  25. Tarte Au Citron says:

    I once had breakfast with the ex-president of the NRA, David Keene, in this MAGA B&B in Wisconsin (I didn’t know the owners were massive MAGAs until I checked in). Trust me, Russia doesn’t need deep cover agents to pull info from these guys.
    Anyone could have played Keene like a fiddle, he loved to boast how he could just “call Mitch” and get whatever he wanted DONE. Being a foreign woman, nobody cared to ask me anything anyway, so I figured I would ask a couple of leading flattering questions and see what happened! :-))

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