King Charles & Queen Camilla have touched down in Sydney, Australia

King Charles and Queen Camilla touched down in Sydney, Australia a short time ago, and the photos in this post are from the official greeting on the tarmac. As I mentioned earlier this week, Charles’s first royal tour, as king, of one of his “realms” has become international news. Charles and Camilla were actually aiming for a quieter visit, but it’s become politically fraught. If Charles or Camilla misspeak or stumble in any way, it will be a huge conversation. The Washington Post dipped into covering the tour too, with this piece: “For Charles’s first visit as king, Australians are royally unimpressed.” Ouch.

When King Charles III arrives in Australia on Friday, he’ll receive rock star treatment — just not in the way he might have hoped. Instead of drawing the massive crowds that often awaited his mother, Charles’s first trip here as monarch is likely to be a mellower affair. The king will meet with Australia’s prime minister, review its naval fleet and greet supporters outside the Opera House.

But many state leaders are staying home. And perhaps the liveliest reception will be from members of Australia’s republican movement, who are selling sarcastic “Monarchy: The Farewell Oz Tour” T-shirts, as if the royals were an aging band on the brink of retirement.

“It’s very strange,” said Dennis Altman, a sociologist at La Trobe University in Melbourne who has studied the monarchy. “Here is a man who theoretically is our head of state coming to Australia two years after he came to the throne, but there is less interest and enthusiasm than I can remember for any previous royal tour.”

But his visit also comes at a quiet time in Australia’s decades-long debate over whether to become a republic. Rarely has the issue seemed further from people’s minds since the failure of a constitutional referendum in 1999, when 54.9 percent voted against replacing the queen with an Australian president as head of state. As a result, both avid monarchists and zealous republicans are hoping to use the trip to drum up enthusiasm, even though most Australians — more worried about the cost of living or the U.S. presidential election — may simply shrug.

“There is almost a complacency,” said Michelle Arrow, a historian at Macquarie University in Sydney. “It’s like, yeah, we’re a monarchy but it seems okay, we haven’t had any coups, we’re a pretty stable democracy.”

The crown may not crave complacency, but it might welcome it at this point. When Queen Elizabeth II died two years ago, there were fears that the coronation of her less popular son would cause Commonwealth realms to scrap him as head of state. That hasn’t happened.

[From WaPo]

“Here is a man who theoretically is our head of state” lmao – I mean, at every technical level, Charles IS the head of state in Australia. He is “king of Australia.” Which is why it was so weird last year when Prince William, the “future king of Australia,” refused to travel to his future realm out of laziness. It’s also weird – and I will keep bringing this up! – that Charles decided to jettison long-standing plans for his first year on the throne. He was supposed to visit most, if not ALL, of the British realms soon after he became king. He did not. Anyway, I have no idea how this tour will go, but the international press is definitely paying attention.

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53 Responses to “King Charles & Queen Camilla have touched down in Sydney, Australia”

  1. Dawning says:

    Devil in a Blue Dress. It looks like her hooves are swollen.

    • kirk says:

      Swollen hooves! What?!! I thought she took off early and went to”Asia” (somewhere) so she could rest up for her rigorous duties in the colonies sashaying around to visit folks. Maybe she wasted too much time vaginal steaming at the spa? Anywho, wishing all the best to the haggard ole hoe down under.

      • MsDarcy says:

        Australia is still a 6+ hour flight from Singapore. That’s enough for some with issues to swell up, especially when they aren’t wearing compression socks. Sounds like Camz needed to wear some slacks and more support.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It almost looked like she might wipe out coming down those stairs.. those ankles don’t look good.

    • SarahLee says:

      @Dawning your post should have come with a spit warning! Swollen hooves!

      • B says:

        Yikes! They look worse than expected. Chuck looks undead and how does the cohoe have worse posture now then Betty did in her 90s? She’s bordering on hunchback.

        They do NOT photograph well.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        He was such a shortsighted fool to not have kept Diana by his side.

  2. Em says:

    What do they aim to achieve by this visit

    • Josephine says:

      I think this is all about letting chuck play king for as long as he’s got. Royals never aim to achieve anything for anyone but themselves. He wants to be “received” as king. He feels entitled to it.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I always thought Chuck’s ambitious tour of his realm after the coronation was scuttled because they couldn’t get anyone to bother to invite him. I think he was expecting enthusiastic requests for his presence with parades and pomp, like his mother had decades ago. Now they are back to forcing themselves on reluctant countries that are not outright refusing to host them before he’s too sickly to travel anymore.

  3. ML says:

    I wonder how long the stopover to pick up Camzilla in Singapore was.

    And given the less than enthusiastic farewell tour flavored press, I’m still curious as to why KC is pausing his treatment to ser everything aside so he can travel to Oceania.

  4. Well this should be interesting.

    • Horrible people , polluting my country.

    • Josephine says:

      Let the parade of housecoats and booing begin!!

      • Chrissy says:

        Don’t you just love those zippered dresses?

      • Josephine says:

        @ Chrissy – I love how they attempt to “dress up” the housecoat with the ridiculous puffy shoulder. Now it looks like a housedress a toddler would wear. Is that a thing in England?? I get that she is a woman of a certain age, but would it kill her to wear a pantsuit? Still comfortable, shows more respect than showing up in a housecoat. Or just a more flattering dress would be great.

  5. cazzie says:

    Saw this on the news via the BBC briefly sucking up to Chucky. As per Kingly protocol, he galloped down the stairs and left her at the top obviously scared out of her wits trying to navigate the steps in the rain. Such chivalry and gentlemanly behaviour all around *snorts*

    • Tessa says:

      Not the first time he let her fend for herself down those steps

    • Josephine says:

      I’m confused by the fact that she was holding her own handbag. Surely she doesn’t need it and has people for that. They whole thing was uncomfortable, and I don’t even like side piece.

      • BeanieBean says:

        It’d’ve been easier for her had somebody taken her umbrella. It wasn’t raining, not a bit. Nobody else had an umbrella, not those waiting on the ground, no one. She could have held onto a rail with one hand, her handbag with the other, but no–she had that stupid plastic see-through umbrella.

  6. Tessa says:

    Did he help his wife down the steps of the plane. Doesn’t look like it.

  7. Tessa says:

    I hope people tell him they remember his tour with Diana in 1983.

  8. SheLurks says:

    The international press may care, everyday Australians do not 😂
    The only reason I knew about it was because of this reporting!

  9. girl_ninja says:

    What a bedraggled, unfortunate looking pair.

    • Looseal says:

      Agree. The public would be enthusiastic if they were a good looking and healthy couple. But you have Charles in the mist of chemo treatment and looking it and hunch back Camilla wearing an outfit suitable for cleaning the house. QE2 dressed better in her 90s. Charles is at an age when he should abdicate to let the younger generation bring back interest in the monarchy.

  10. Amy Bee says:

    Camilla looked out of place being the only person with her umbrella open.

  11. Jais says:

    What a rainy and dreary arrival.

  12. Eurydice says:

    To paraphrase T.S. Eliot – This is the way the monarchy ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

  13. Kaaaaaz says:

    Ther was a lengthy article on the ABC (our national broadcaster) today recalling his 1982 tour. It was ALL about Diana and how she was the only one anyone was interested in.

    • Tessa says:

      Bedell Smith was no friend of Diana, She wrote an unflattering book about Diana. Charles should have acted like a grown up and not gotten jealous. I don’t think he was “concerned” with Diana just “concerned” with himself and bothered that people liked Diana.

  14. JanetDR says:

    I almost feel badly for her stranded at the top of those stairs! But, nah. She got what she wanted and she can deal with it.

    • Tessa says:

      She should know about Charles by now and his habits. He is always going to let her fend for herself on stairs and go ahead of her. He is very egocentric.

  15. NJGR says:

    Wait a sec: am I confused, or is the WaPo ignoring the fact that Barbados has left the Commonwealth and Jamaica is going to leave?

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      I think the WaPost is technically correct because Barbados left before the Queen’s death (Charles attended as the PoW if I recall correctly) and Jamaica has not formally left quite yet because these things take time. It was misleading though making it sound like there were no active efforts underway.

  16. Interested Gawker says:

    Meanwhile the Bhutanese royal family are having a wonderful Australian tour connecting with their subjects, government and cultural personages. It’s a night and day difference!

  17. Kateee says:

    Is it possible Charles has the same not-cancer as Kate and just didn’t want to travel to his realms either at this moment in history?

    It just wouldn’t surprise me at all if the two named royal racists threw competing cancer cards to buy public sympathy and enough time for people to forget so they can fully avoid the conversation.

    (I don’t say any of this to make light of a cancer diagnosis. Just to highlight the shadiness of it all: his professed plans, the racism reveal, the timing of the dual diagnoses. As the kids say–sus.)

  18. Lady Digby says:

    After 2022 flop tour I wonder if FK and FQ will ever tour again to any Commonwealth country? Would Australia be more interested if W and K rocked up with the kids? Once Will, coughs, fails to deliver as King I can’t imagine Australia wanting to continue with him.

  19. Henny Penny says:

    Damn. Charles looks like death warmed over. I hope for everyone’s sake they keep him out of the sunlight and brought enough virgin’s blood for him to drink.

  20. tamsin says:

    I was wondering about the “commercial” flight Charles was boarding from London. If I’m not mistaken, I think the Australians sent a plane for him. I thought I saw Australian Airforce on the plane. That means he is arriving in Sydney on a not commercial flight. Canada has on occasion sent air force planes to pick up Queen Elizabeth for tours.

  21. Kadie says:

    If this tour is so important, why arrive at night? Cuckles and co. know the end is near and can’t muster the energy to crawl to the finish line. For years Cuck kneecapped his mother, stomping around about how he would do it better. Picked his codpiece over his children and sold his soul for a good headline. The karmic train is arriving and Australia I salute you for providing the station. Good on ya!

  22. Fastgran50 says:

    So basically the press are saying protest against the visit nope can’t be bothered, or flag wav3 and cheer nope can’t be bothered. So basically the most action we can expect from the crowds is the not my king republic demos. 😂

  23. Lisa says:

    Looks like he is ready for the grave! Only thing left to do is toss the dirt on him!

  24. yipyip says:

    Arriving in the dark kinda helps these 2, IMO.

    When I see C&C doing their Royal visits it just reminds me how much better at the job Diana was, in every way.

    Diana was the true Star and Royal of that generation.
    Charles was an idiot in the cruel way he treated her.
    His huge ego could never accept that Diana helped him in the publics eye.
    Born to the job. Still not very good at doing the job, decades later.

  25. Cassie says:

    Looks like she might have been imbibing on the plane and spilt some on her not lovely dress .

    They both look unwell and untidy .

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