Donald Trump, 78 years old, keeps canceling interviews because he’s ‘exhausted’

Donald Trump is an old man who rambles, lies and says ridiculous things. He couldn’t even get through a town hall this week – he stopped the event and swayed to music, on stage, for over 30 minutes. He refuses to release his medical records or undergo a real physical with a real doctor. His makeup keeps getting darker and less blended. He was terrified of debating Kamala Harris again because she wiped the floor with him. He keeps scheduling interviews and events and then canceling at the last minute. He refused to do a scheduled 60 Minutes interview. He backed out of MSNBC and CNBC interviews. And yet there is basically zero appetite within the mainstream media to make any of this into a larger conversation about Trump’s lack of mental acuity or his age and health. Well, finally, Politico is pointing out that Trump has canceled a lot of appearances lately, and apparently his team has cited “exhaustion” as the reason.

“Trump World in Talks With Nikki Haley for 11th Hour Joint Campaign Event,” by The Bulwark’s Marc Caputo: “The details and dates for the joint appearance haven’t been fully worked out, but the likeliest scenario would put [DONALD TRUMP and NIKKI HALEY] together at a town hall toward the end of the month, perhaps involving Fox News personality SEAN HANNITY.”

Recently, it’s become something of a pattern: Trump is scheduled for an interview with a neutral media outlet, the date nears and then … things fall apart. It happened just this week to planned Trump sit-downs with NBC in Philadelphia and CNBC’s “Squawk Box” — and that’s on the heels of him backing out of a “60 Minutes” episode earlier this month.

Why does this keep happening? Playbook has learned that yet another outlet was given an explanation by Trump’s team for why their own interview wasn’t coming to fruition: exhaustion.

The Trump campaign had been in conversations for weeks with The Shade Room about a sit-down interview. The site, which draws an audience that is largely young and Black, hosted an interview with Harris just last week. But as no interview materialized, Shade Room staff began feeling that feet were being dragged inside Trump’s campaign. No date was ever set, we’re told, but the intention was to try and work toward a sit-down.

In a conversation earlier this week, when describing why an interview hadn’t come together just yet, a Trump adviser told The Shade Room producers that Trump was “exhausted and refusing [some] interviews but that could change” at any time, according to two people familiar with the conversations.

[From Politico]

I mean, Trump looks like bedraggled ass, but he’s looked horrible for years. It would not surprise me at all if Trump does not have the stamina to campaign part-time. It would not surprise me at all if Trump is scared and alone and surrounded by horrible people who are using him for their agendas.

Meanwhile, Judge Chutkan has rejected the Trump team’s attempt to keep the January 6th case filed under seal until after the election. The files should be released later today. Will this be the October Surprise? We really haven’t had one so far.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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49 Responses to “Donald Trump, 78 years old, keeps canceling interviews because he’s ‘exhausted’”

  1. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    I wake up every day wondering when he’s going to jail.

    • Miranda says:

      No joke, my dad has a very expensive bottle of scotch just waiting for the day Trump drops dead. As a epicure and a sane American, I’m desperate to crack it open.

      • Kittenmom says:

        You and me both! And I don’t even drink, lol.

      • JEB says:

        I have a nice bottle of champagne ready to go! Ideally he’ll d*e in prison after suffering for a few years. But by the looks of him these days, I’m sure he will d*e before we would ever see him in prison.

      • slippers4life says:

        In Canada I have a package of cannabis gummies especially for the occasion. Trump going to jail is going to be a global party!

    • pottymouth pup says:

      He’ll never go to jail. If that is ever becomes a realistic possibility, they will release his medical records so fast our heads will spin.

    • DK says:


      Real talk though: do we think media hesitancy to cover his sharp and marked mental and physical decline in any transparent, meaningful way – or even at least in direct proportion to how they overplayed Biden’s – is because they are scared of the repercussions they will face if he wins (revoking licenses, suing, refusing to allow their reporters among the press pool, possibly executing them as he has threatened)?

      I’m just wondering if his fascist impact on the media is not an “if T wins a second term” thing, but already being played out in our midst by people (reasonably!) afraid to lose their jobs or even lives – and thus in many ways, either handing him the election or making it much, much closer than it should be, if a true free press were covering it without bias.

      • ClaireB says:

        I think the refusal of the media to cover Trump fairly and sanely is because the media outlets are all owned by big corporations who benefit from Republican tax breaks, removal of regulations, and fear-mongering.

      • Magdalena says:

        It’s because the media people don’t give a sh*t about anything except ratings, and Trump gave them plenty of that last time and they want more. They will be in for a huge surprise though, because more and more sensible people do appear to be tired of Trump’s venality (it’s the same spiel everyday) and they are calling out the media’s hypocrisy and venality more than they did last time. But their hypocrisy still reeks.

  2. Andrea says:

    The psychics claim this full moon would be bad for Trump. I keep waiting for the October surprise.

  3. Brassy Rebel says:

    He’s not the only one who’s exhausted. He had the option of sitting this one out but chose to continue to exhaust us all.

    • Pinkosaurus says:

      Trump will never stop grifting, it’s like breathing to him, and a political campaign is the best grift he’s ever found.

      Winning this election is the only way Trump stays out of federal prison, and I’m sure he’s counting on it to keep him out of state prison too.

      He is going to keep running until the MAGA idiots stop paying attention.

    • lucy2 says:

      Kamala has been wisely playing that up too, saying the American people are exhausted by him. We are!
      Even for a healthy, sane, competent 78 year old, campaign is hard, so I’m not surprised he, of all people, can’t do it. The media’s lack of attention on this, after harping on Biden, is appalling, but the powers that be behind the GOP curtain are just waiting for their moment.

      Everyone needs to vote for Kamala like crazy, because president Vance is a terrifying thought.

  4. Eddy says:

    Exhaustion? Backing out of debates and interviews after he accused Harris of not doing enough of them? If campaigning is too much what about the hardwork of being president? It’s frightening this mentally unwell candidate is on the ticket.

    • Truthiness says:

      Yes, no stamina and we’re seeing Alzheimers develop in real time. Great, what a fked up rollercoaster this is.

      I’m steeling myself for the legal battles of certification because the Republicans have upped their legal game. Harris has retained the largest legal team ever, including Marc Elias. I’m glad our candidate is a skilled prosecutor

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Truthiness, yes Marc Elias and his team is already fighting all of the lawsuit the GOP has already filed to give them an advantage. There will be underhanded stuff going on after the election, but he and his team and the DOJ are ready. People need to stay calm. The independent polls without all of the HUGE number the GOP are putting out there show that Harris is ahead by 4%-6%. We just need to vote. There’s going to be a LOT more of us then there are of the GOP. There’s no reason to panic or fear. Stay calm! We’ve got this! Vote!

  5. Henny Penny says:

    I’m trying to find some compassion for his deluded followers, but I can’t. When will they ever wake up to his con? When will they realize how they’ve been played into hating their own country by Putin. I fear the answer for many may be never. I think the best we can do is vote in such huge numbers that it chases them back into their holes.

    • Bookie says:

      I had a little bit of compassion during the early stages of COVID because I felt bad that people were dying because of him, but that compassion dissipated pretty quickly into the pandemic. Trump followers are ugly, selfish, racist people. I hate them all.

    • Miranda says:

      Same. I was talking about it with a friend recently and we were thinking, “that’s really not who we were 8 years ago”. Trump has poisoned his own followers in one way, and many of us in another.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Henny Penny, It think when Trump loses and goes away–he’ll have a lost any power he had at that point–I think we’ll see a lot of them calm down and just live their lives. The rest of them want to be horrible people. They probably won’t go away, but they won’t be a large number. We’re always going to have people like that.

      We need to be focused on all of the dark money and organizations (like the Heritage Foundation) that are behind this and have been working decades to make it happen. That’s who should be investigated and everything should be brought out into the light.

  6. yipyip says:

    He keeps cancelling bc he knows he only has his cult members.
    No reasonably informed human can possibly support this hate filled, criminal, racist blowhard.

    Sweet karma coming for Don, he hammered for months on Bidens age.
    Now KH and TW are both much younger.

    After decades of horrid behavior + his McDs eating, no exercise, lifestyle he should have been dead years ago, IMO.
    Even the Devil himself doesn’t want Trump.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      yipyip, I think his team is the one cancelling because he’s so far into dementia that he can no longer maintain when on stage or being interviewed. I’m sure he is exhausted. He can’t be in the best of health because of his lifestyle. I just want him to be around on 11/5, so we can let him know once and for all that he’s done.

  7. Bookie says:

    It doesn’t matter what gets released – his cult doesn’t care. Enough bad stuff has already been released and he’s still tied with Harris in the polls. I’m disgusted that he is still polling so well.

    • girl_ninja says:

      Don’t be fooled by the polls, but work to ensure his loss.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Bookie, he is not tied in the polls. The GOP have so many polls all of the time that it’s skewing the results. Just look at the independent pools (like the NY Times). Harris is solidly ahead. They want people to believe that the race is close so that it’s easier to steal the election. They are going to be surprised, because we are all going to vote.

  8. Ponchorella says:

    It’s interesting that he keeps bailing on anything where he doesn’t have a handler. Nikki Haley should take a real good look at the pathetic 39 minutes of swaying at the clown hall event and ask herself if she wants to be in Kristi Noem’s position.

    • Ocean Girl says:

      Never would’ve voted for Haley, but I had some small hope that she had turned a corner and was going away from trump. I hope she never gets elected ever again, not even as a PTA president.

  9. Flamingo says:

    He’s also lazy and isn’t actually interested in the weight of work a Presidency brings. He just wants the pomp and circumstance around it. Also, so he can give his corporate buddies more tax breaks. And pardon his criminals that are loyal to him (including himself). He will 100% try to self pardon if he gets back in office.

    I just really hope and pray people who were on the fence back in 2016. Are not that foolish to vote for him again. He has shown who he is and he’s a danger to our country.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Flamingo, he wants to get into office so that Jack Smith can’t prosecute him. That’s all this means to him.

  10. Dee(2) says:

    I continue to remain astounded at the complicity of our media and supporting this fascism, and this fascist. If Kamala Harris had said anything close to this, there would be breaking news reports, every single show on cnn, fox, MSNBC, and every podcast that pretends to be political leaning would be going on and on about it. Every person that worked on any sort of democratic campaign since Mondale would be dug up to comment on what they should be doing instead. And for him,……. Nothing. Joe Biden said he had a cold which explained his lackluster performance in one debate, and they treated him for weeks like he had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Regardless of everything else our media is letting us down tremendously.

    • Jais says:

      💯 if Kamala did a tiny fraction of the stuff he does her campaign would be done. All the outrage over biden’s age and mental capacity and barely anything for trump. A few articles here and there sure but nothing like the relentless barrage Biden got. It infuriates me.

      • VelveetaSneeze says:

        Same here. I truly hope that Biden trusts that history will place him in his rightful context, and that he didn’t need to be a two-term president. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll be remembered as one of our greatest presidents.

    • Ponchorella says:

      Our media is all owned by billionaires that would be thrilled with further tax cuts an deregulation.

    • Nic919 says:

      It is disgraceful how the media covers for this racist fascist idiot. He’s not competent and not healthy mentally or physically and should be far away from the nuclear codes.

      No one else ever got the breaks he has. To think Gary Hart stepped down as a candidate for an affair and this criminal and traitor skates by without any real scrutiny. He is an actual threat to the world. Putin will have all the US state secrets if he gets back in. I don’t understand how any one is fine with this.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Nic919, it makes sense if you consider the fact that they will be oligarchs here. The rest of us are the ones who would suffer. They’re perfectly fine with that.

  11. girl_ninja says:

    I’m exhausted too. I’m sick and tired of his shit and want him gone for good.

  12. SIde Eye says:

    Welcome to our world. I have a special bottle of wine I am opening on the day President Harris is sworn in.

  13. Nanea says:

    So the big Orange Menace is exhausted from campaigning and therefore can’t be bothered to prepare for interviews.

    Just imagine the exhaustion that would await him if the situation in Middle East spiralled even further into chaos, murder, lawlessness. But then, it’s his good friend Bibi who’s escalating the crisis — so, no worries there.

    As tRump is also good friends with Vlad the murderer, he also wouldn’t care if the NATO was threatened further. Just imagine those incendiary devices that went off in the DHL hubs in Leipzig/Germany and Birmingham/UK, causing warehouse fires in both places, had been loaded onto planes and exploded mid-air just as Russia intended…

  14. Jay says:

    Two things can be true at once: he’s old, unhealthy and doesn’t have the stamina for campaigning AND his staff are afraid of what happens when he gets in front of a crowd, even friendly crowds. He’s rambling, undisciplined and obviously uninformed. Putting him in front of a camera is more risky than hiding him away.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Jay, I’m sure his campaign staff want to keep him out of the public eye was much as possible. It really is impossible to hide his diminished capacity.

  15. yipyip says:

    The man stands and sways to music for 30 minutes and his cult followers want him to have the nuclear codes?

    Honestly, Nov. 5 can not come fast enough so we can get him out of the public eye.
    He and his vile, corrupt, treasonous, hate filled cult must be crushed.
    He is running the biggest, longest con of his life. Money and stay out of jail are his reasons.
    He only ran 1st time as a goof and for his Ego. He honestly never wanted the job. He wants the attention, the money, power any way he can get it.
    The day he goes to jail/drops dead, I’m buying cake for everyone!
    When he loses, I bet he already has a plane ready to fly out to avoid arrest.

    Our entire Executive Govt is corrupt simply by supporting this Felon and letting him walk free.
    The SCOTUS is corrupt in their support, he packed that Court to cover his own butt. No one changing my mind about that.

  16. Mab's A'Mabbin says:

    He’s not exhausted. He’s an idiot, and he’s starting to see more people wake up from some daze.

  17. Walking the Walk says:

    The media has finally stopped sanewashing his crap. Just took that swaying to music for them to not deny what we all screamed about for years about Trump. Still bitter that they had 1,000 articles about Biden too old within a two month period but they finally are like, hey he’s old, and seems to be showing signs of dementia. And now he’s “exhausted” which was a huge thing when Biden dared fly back and forth for about 30 plus hours and had a cold and a bad debate. Bah.

  18. JEB says:

    I think his campaign staff and handlers are walking a thin line between keeping him off camera because he is so far gone but doing “easier” appearances for him because he cannot quit campaigning altogether. I also feel this all leading to one of 2 things: If he wins (g-d forbid), they 25th Amendment him for a Vance presidency and if he loses, his lawyers can claim he’s incompetent to stand trial. These documented bizarre appearances (combined with medical reports they will finally release because they have nothing to lose) will serve them quite well in either scenario. Yikes.

    • Blithe says:

      This. All of this.
      And the Heritage Foundation probably already has lists drawn up for Cabinet positions, more judges, and Vance’s prospective VP.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      JEF, I think they were always going to put Vance in as President. He’s not going to win. I know people keep saying it’s close, but it’s not. People just need to vote. That’s it. Vote. Harris will win.

  19. FancyPants says:

    He is solely driven by his pathology, though. If his campaign really said he’s exhausted, then he’s about to go on a blitz to prove that he is NOT exhausted, he’s the most energetic cognitive genius, like nobody’s ever seen before, Kambabla is tired and stupid, the late great Hannibal Lecter on a boat with a trans shark!

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