Prince William confirms Kate’s favorite dessert: sticky toffee pudding

Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think Prince William or Kate have very adventurous palates. Kate has said that she likes really spicy food, while William avoids spice because he gets sweaty. I’ve never really thought that either of them have much of a sweet tooth either, and you rarely hear about them picking out a good dessert for themselves or anything like that. To be fair, they both tend to avoid any story which would humanize them, citing their privacy concerns. So I imagine William was quite upset that a student in Cornwall figured out Kate’s favorite dessert and William’s favorite cake.

It appears that many members of the royal family have a sweet tooth, and during a trip to the Duchy College in Cornwall, Prince William revealed what dessert his wife, the Princess of Wales really enjoys.

After visiting the college’s criminology department, William toured the establishment’s student and staff hub, Sam’s Café, where he was presented with one of his favourite cakes, the refrigerated breakfast cake, which formed one of the layers of William’s wedding cake. The dessert was also a favourite of the late Queen’s and it consists of chocolate, butter, sugar, cream and biscuits.

The cake was presented to William by chef Darren Watson, who had been undertaking a lot of research in order to uncover the desserts loved by the royals.

When Darren told William that he had discovered that Kate’s favourite pudding was a sticky toffee pudding, William confirmed this, saying: “Very good.”

Speaking of his love of desserts to Darren after being presented with the biscuit cake, the heir to the throne said: “Thank you very much, that’s very sweet of you, any kind of sweet thing I will take, I’m a sucker for anything chocolate and anything sweet.”

[From Hello]

As an American, whenever I hear “sticky toffee pudding,” I think of an actual pudding, not a cake. But in Britain, it is a cake – a sponge cake or “pudding cake,” with a toffee syrup and maybe some ice cream too. I wouldn’t choose it as my favorite, but whatever, it’s Kate’s favorite, and I’m surprised that William even confirmed that. Now, I think we knew that William likes chocolate? So yeah, obviously, he enjoys any cake with chocolate. I hope he didn’t insult this guy like William did with that poor woman who made cupcakes.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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40 Responses to “Prince William confirms Kate’s favorite dessert: sticky toffee pudding”

  1. Sydneygirl says:

    The only thing about Kate I will ever agree with.

    Sticky Toffee or Sticky Date Oudding is delighted.

    • Sydneygirl says:


    • ML says:

      Since I’m not familiar with it, I looked it up:
      (And as SydneyGirl wrote, it’s known as Sticky Date Pudding south of the equator.)

      A couple of thoughts: Now that this has made the news, there’s a good chance that the royals will encounter these two desserts more often. Hopefully, for their sakes and the people who put in an effort to bake them, they actually do enjoy them.

    • Ms single malt says:

      It’s one of my fav desserts as well. It’s a pain to make at home. I would love to have someone prepare it and serve it to me regularly.

    • Eurydice says:

      I love it, too. I wonder about the refrigerated breakfast cake. Is it like a fridge cake, like a rocky road thing with melted chocolate and cut up biscuits? We have something like that in Greece called mosaic. Or is it like the US icebox cake with chocolate biscuits and whipped cream? What makes it “breakfast”?

      • Interested Gawker says:

        It is your first example, a fridge cake made of broken up Rich Teas, bound with melted choc, butter and a gloop of golden syrup.

        It’s more of a confection than a proper cake.

        I’m not sure where ‘breakfast’ fits into that at all…

  2. yipyip says:

    Is the future King William reduced to chatting about fav foods in an attempt to be
    “normal Bill” again?
    Next he’ll be telling us how she enjoys gazing out the palace window with her morning tea.

  3. janey says:

    she looks like she would favour something with lemon

  4. Well ok sticky toffee pudding. Judging by how stick thin she is I wouldn’t have guessed she likes sweets.

    • FancyPants says:

      Yeah, you might be able to convince me that she puts in in her mouth to taste for a few seconds and spits it out, but I’m not gonna believe Kate is enjoying desserts.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yep, I’ll accept that it might be her favourite, you will not convince me she ever eats any.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I vaguely recall reading, back when Party Pieces still had a website & they had little profiles of each of the ’employees’, Kate said her favorite sweet was jelly (jello for us Americans).

  5. Neeve says:

    She probably has it once a year.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah….it might be her favorite but that doesn’t mean she’s eating it regularly, which is unfortunate. I would love to have a personal chef to make my favorite desserts every night, lol.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Or she likes looking at it.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    My guess is William already knew that a chef was going to present him with his and Kate’s favourite desserts and KP hired him to make them.

  7. Cathy says:

    Kate ate pudding?

  8. Andy Dufresne says:

    Kate eating? Well that’s news.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Major Breaking News in England because the public would never survive their cold hungry nights without the comfort of knowing 🦴 favorite dessert.

  9. Over it says:

    That side profile of wank is chef kiss . Thank you Kaiser .

  10. Proud Mary says:

    Oh for F’s sake. This is so transparently patronizing, and therefore yawning. Britain’s most well-known desert is her favorite. Yeah, let me guess, her favorite meals are Bubble and Squeak and Bangers and Mash? And I’m American, therefore apple pie is my favorite desert, and Hot Dog is my favorite food. Not.

  11. Em says:

    Well he couldn’t say no it wasn’t her favorite

  12. Ellie71 says:

    I must remember that next time I have them over for Dinner .

  13. Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

    When William & Kate got married, they had a groom’s cake made from chocolate biscuits, so I’m not surprised that he likes chocolate. If Sticky Toffee Pudding is Kate’s favorite, it’s something she’s enjoyed in the past, or, as someone said, she has it once a year.

  14. Looty says:

    Posts like this are what I live for. Kaiser can find an angle anywhere.

  15. Thelma says:

    My favorite dessert but who cares if it’s Kate’s? I doubt she has it more than once a year.

  16. Lady Digby says:

    If they appeared on Mr and Mrs how many questions about each other would they get right?

  17. Robin Samuels says:

    ‪Most members of the royal family have unhealthy-looking teeth. Is it because of a sweet tooth? Charles and William have something in common; they cannot read a room.‬

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    You’d have to be dead inside to not like sticky toffee pudding (I know I just teed this up for someone else).

  19. Over it says:

    The kids are on half term break for about 2 to two and a half weeks so don’t expect to see wank and buttons working. You know how much these two need a break after working non stop for 4 days well in wank case. Kate after being trotted out to get the attention off Meghan needs about 2 months recovery before she can come back out again. Poor Kate if Meghan is seen before Kate break is supposed to be up 😃

  20. Tessa says:

    Trying to prov e they spend time together

  21. Tessa says:

    William looks like hes neighing in that side shot.

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