Sleepy, exhausted Donald Trump ‘nodded off’ in the middle of a campaign event

On Friday, Politico got the ball rolling on a pretty simple story. I think the simplicity of it is why it’s picked up so much steam in recent days. Politico reported that Donald Trump’s team keeps canceling so many interviews and campaign events because the 78-year-old white supremacist and rapist is “exhausted.” As in, Trump’s own people are citing his exhaustion as the reason why he can’t keep up with a demanding campaign schedule in the final weeks of the election cycle. Well, after Politico’s report, Kamala Harris’s campaign obviously jumped all over it: Trump is not only unhinged and incompetent, but he’s just too old, too senile and too sleepy to do the job as president.

The Harris campaign only had to wait a few hours until the Trump campaign underlined how bad things had gotten for their candidate. Trump was campaigning in Detroit, Michigan when the microphones went out on stage. When his mic cut out mid-speech, Trump waddled around the stage in front of a screen which hilariously read “Technical Difficulties: Complicated Business.” While Trump waited two hours for the microphones to get fixed, he nodded off. Sleepy Don, too fatigued to campaign, too exhausted to lead. Oh, and did I mention the Detroit venue was barely half-filled? Dude can’t even fill his sad little Nazi rallies anymore. This is what Kamala HQ posted:

As I said, the “Trump is exhausted” storyline has now gotten a lot of coverage. It’s so easy to describe that the networks are even covering Politico’s report. It’s worth noting that Trump has canceled interviews with most networks too, because he’s exhausted and numb and deranged and he only wants to talk to the friendliest wingnuts he can find. This is truly one of the best closing statements for VP Harris to make.

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Getty.

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56 Responses to “Sleepy, exhausted Donald Trump ‘nodded off’ in the middle of a campaign event”

  1. Amy Bee says:

    To be expected. He’s 78 and shouldn’t be running for President.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Yes, he is too old and exhausted to be running for president, yet his freedom depends on him winning the election so he can end all the investigations for all his crimes. Even if he loses the election, it will be very hard to put him in jail. It appears unlikely that he will see a prison cell any time soon.

      • Miranda says:

        Yeah, sadly, I don’t think he’ll die in prison. But I’m fine with removing the “in prison” part of the equation, too. I mean…just look at him. It’s coming.

      • Maria says:

        A substack I follow refers to Trump not by name but instead calling him Felon. Makes me laugh Everytime

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Amy Bee, more to the point is the fact that it’s apparent to me that Trump is dealing with dementia and seems to be getting worse practically day by day. The media should be pointing out that Vance is the one who would be President if Trump won. Trump isn’t going to win, but people should know what’s going on.

      • Emcee3 says:

        I get this creepy feeling that the GOP/owers-that-be want to run him into the ground/grave. Should the (R) ticket prevail, it’s an easier path to getting JDV in the Oval. If Harris wins -as most of us hope&vote- cowardly Rs (*cough* McConnell & his wingman Cornyn) will breathe a sigh & whisper in the Senate cloakroom that at least he’s not their party’s problem anymore.

  2. Miranda says:

    I really want Biden to start referring to him as “Sleepy Don” during campaign appearances. That would really get under his thin, honey-baked skin.

    • ML says:

      Good idea, Miranda. TFG is definitely giving low energy.

      I would also very much appreciate if the cameras focussed all the way in on his face. Every once in a while, Trump gets filmed/ photographed in full focus where the unevenness of his coloring, every wrinkle and pore, all of the exhaustion becomes far mor evident. It seems like there’s this unspoken agreement not to focus in on him all the way in all aspects: literally his face, but also his mental state, his fascist views, his lies, etc.

      • Wendy says:

        To be fair, the unevenness of his coloring and the visible wrinkles/pores is because whoever is applying his makeup is doing a terrible job. Whether that’s because he’s doing it himself, or because his makeup artist hates him, is anyone’s guess.

  3. sevenblue says:

    Imagine living your old age like this in order not to go to jail.

    • girl_ninja says:

      If all criminals charges were dropped against him he would drop out of the race. I really believe that.

      • lucy2 says:

        I don’t think his ego would ever allow that. He wants to win, he would never admit defeat, and certainly doesn’t want to lose to her.
        I hope she wipes the floor with him.

  4. Jill in IL says:

    “Don’t you think he looks tired?” – has a blue police box been spotted anywhere nearby? 😈

  5. FYI says:

    Yesterday, he waxed poetic about Arnold Palmer’s dick size (in Palmer’s hometown in PA). I am not kidding. I guess he thinks that will get the PA vote, if he honors their favorite son by talking about his junk?
    Then he said, right out loud in front of everybody, that Harris has been a “shit vice president.” Is that where we are now? Just open swearing? No attempt at decorum whatsoever?
    I absolutely cannot wait to see him lose in a landslide.

    • Bumblebee says:

      Did he call it beautiful?

    • Missy says:

      This is the way it’s been for the past nine years. Nothing new

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I think they gave him something to keep him jacked up at the La Trobe rally last evening. Unfortunately, what ever they gave him removed what little filter he still has operating in his brain. So, the audience was treated to the information about the deceased golfer’s junk. I would have given anything to be the staffer tasked with briefing Kamala on what Trump said to kick off that rally. 😆🤣

    • Ocean Girl says:

      Isn’t the lack of a filter an obvious symptom of dementia? I think that’s being pointed out in commercials for dementia drugs, not that they out it that way. Thing is, I remember when my mom started to experience some changes, but since she had always been a difficult person to live with, it didn’t seem that abnormal.

      Honestly, the only hope I have is for his downhill behavior to escalate, and quickly. “So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!”

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I had the same experience with my mother, Ocean Girl. I dismissed the early signs of her dementia as just her difficult personality. She would say the craziest things and seemed spoiling for a fight half the time. Looking back on it now, I realize there was a lot more going on than I recognized. The loss of filter is certainly a symptom of dementia and would explain Trump’s public use of four letter words more than in the past.

      • Kelly says:

        Ocean girl I believe so. My father passed away a few months back and he had dementia really badly. In his last few years he would start watching porn out in the open and said anything that came into his head. He also nodded off a lot, but then he’d have these weird periods of energy where he’d just talk for hour on end. It’s exactly what we’re seeing in trump. Before, I always thought sundowning was that they got gradually more comatose as the day wore on, but those bursts of energy typically came in my dad in the evening. I’d bet his campaign has been trying to time his rally’s to his sundowning, but he’s now at a point where he’s declining so rapidly that they can’t keep up with it. Gross that Joe Biden with a cold was enough to disqualify him from the race but a man who started showing signs of dementia at least 8 years ago is still in it.

      • FYI says:

        Yes. It’s called disinhibition, and it is a sign of dementia.

      • Missy says:

        So he’s had dementia for the past 40 years? He’s always been like this

    • Interested Gawker says:

      Mentioning showering afterwards makes it seem like he confused sports. Do they shower communally after golf? Did he hear ‘Palmer’ and mix up Arnold and Jim; a baseball player?

      The way a large portion of American legacy media downplays Trump’s shocking unfitness for office when they gave Biden such relentless scrutiny is so unsettling.

    • bisynaptic says:

      And the New York Times, predictably, covered for him. 🙄

  6. girl_ninja says:

    He should drop out of the race. He’s just not up to the task.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Please, no! Then we would have Vance to contend with. Let Kamala beat him.

      • DK says:

        If he wins, we’ll have with Vance as POTUS to contend with by June at the latest.

        At least if T dropped out now, MAGAs would truly understand they were voting for Vance and probably sit this race out – no one but Opus Dei likes Vance.

  7. samipup says:

    Yeah, we were flabbergasted and angry at his behavior before, and never, ever believed he would win.

  8. I love the reverse rolls now as the republicans were always on President Biden for his age ,and of course Trump mocking Bidens age and now the exact thing is happening to sleepy slow mentally deteriorating Don .
    Look at Joe Biden -he could always and still can run circles around fatso orange.Kamala can mop the floor with this fat old sloppy criminal.

  9. TN Democrat says:

    Sleepy pooped his pants needs the same press coverage Joe Biden gets continually because of his age. The bias in the media towards the maga Republicans is shocking and apparently bottomless.

  10. maisie says:

    rumor has it that the crew running the AV at the event were union labor and that the campaign stiffed them, so they didn’t hurry to fix the problem.

  11. Sue says:

    I tend to avoid any sound bites of him because even the sound of his voice makes me want to vomit. But I just watched a clip of him on CBS Sunday Morning lying about how little
    kids go to school and come home with a sex change operation. He really does sound exhausted and fading. Like even he is bored with his lies.

  12. yipyip says:

    Trump is only campaigning to stay out of prison.
    And ego.

  13. Lol says:

    Proud like Detroit, resilient like Detroit. The same Detroit that innovated the auto industry and the music industry. Put some respect on Detroit’s name.
    Lizzo’s comments have since been blasted after users pointed out that the city has been in a state of decay and decline for decades.
    Regardless of Lizzo’s strenuous efforts to spin it, all that will be ringing in people’s subconscious is: “Kamala will turn America into impoverished, run down, and unsafe, Detroit”.
    ‘If Kamala is elected the whole country Will look like Detroit. A decimated car industry. A top ten city in crime statistics.’
    Lizzo just told us the entire country will go to hell just like Detroit if we vote for Kamala!
    After the clip was widely shared on X, another said: ‘That was a Trump endorsement if I’ve ever had one. Lol.’

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Lol, well, Trump pretty much said the same thing at a Detroit rally. I don’t think he picked up more votes there. He torqued off the city. I have no doubt, she did, too. I can’t believe they think this is an effective campaign strategy.

    • FYI says:

      I’m unclear on your point here.

      Do you understand what Lizzo was doing? Lizzo is FROM Detroit. She was responding to what Trump said last week, and I quote Trump: “It’ll be like Detroit. Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands.”

      Lizzo, by CONTRAST, said: “I’m so proud to be from this city. You know, they say if Kamala wins, then the whole country will be like Detroit. Ok. Proud like Detroit! Resilient like Detroit! We’re talking about the same Detroit that innovated the auto industry and the music industry, so put some respect on Detroit’s name!”

      How can you interpret Lizzo’s remarks to mean “Lizzo just told us the entire country will go to hell just like Detroit if we vote for Kamala!” Do you need to step back and start over? Start WAY over. Read carefully. Listen carefully. Do not twist people’s words. We have enough of that going on.

    • Flowerlake says:

      As normally with MAGA, you completely twisted what Lizzo said for some bizarre narrative.

  14. yipyip says:

    Re: Lizzo statements.
    Her statements are not going to be understood as she meant them.
    Backfire on KH.

    Trump, we are seeing a man willing to show up and do/say anything to stay out of jail.
    Will he be arrested Nov. 6?

    At 78 he is too old. He was lousy and insane when he was younger, he isn’t going to improve now.

  15. blueberry says:

    Yall I’ve been spiraling since someone recently tried to convince me to vote for Jill Stein. Are we really back here? Is it 2016 again?

  16. Libra says:

    I’m not all that worried about Trump. The whole world sees he is bat sh-t crazy and has not long to live. Vance scares me spitless.

  17. bisynaptic says:

    TWO HOURS to fix a microphone problem? That should be the real news, here: his campaign is incompetent. And if his campaign is incompetent, what will his administration be?

  18. CLOVE says:

    In PA yesterday, Media Touch Network said that he spent 10 minutes talking about another man’s genitalia.
    Did anyone see the clips of him sitting on a white chair under a towel on the Fox network? I never watch that network, but someone pointed it out in a picture and on MSNBC.

    • Louisa says:

      In still photos it looked as though he was sitting on a black pad, but if you watch the video of him sitting down, you can see it just his jacket.

  19. yipyip says:

    Sunday afternoon, NYPOST now has an item Trump is at a McDonalds for a PR stunt, “working” the fries and drive thru lane.
    Is this how MAGAs think we elect the leader of the free world?
    It is ALL bad cult of personality photo ops.
    Please, please cover this…I need to hear from the CB community on this.
    I have such a pounding headache now. 8-9 years of hell with Trump and more bs.

    Unreal to me, just as if we have fallen into an upside down Matrix.

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