Elon Musk is paying people to support Trump & he lied about Dominion

Two weekends ago, Elon Musk joined Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Musk acted like a servile dumbass and proclaimed himself “Dark MAGA.” It was pitiful. It also marked the total end of Musk’s pretense that he wasn’t trying to f–k around and manipulate the election. Keep in mind, Musk is not American – he’s South African – and so this constitutes a foreign actor interfering in the election. He’s basically moved to Pennsylvania, where he’s overseeing a super PAC, to which he has donated tens of millions of dollars. He’s also paying people to “sign a pro-Trump petition,” literally trying to buy votes for $100 a vote. But that’s not all, because of course not. He’s just announced this:

Billionaire Elon Musk promised on Saturday to give away $1 million each day until November’s election to someone who signs his online petition supporting the U.S. Constitution. And he wasted no time, awarding a $1 million check to an attendee of his event in Pennsylvania aimed at rallying supporters behind Republican Donald Trump. The winner was a man named John Dreher, according to event staff.

“By the way, John had no idea. So anyway, you’re welcome,” the Tesla founder said as he handed Dreher the check.

[From Reuters]

The thing that’s keeping me sane about this foreign election interference is that Musk is a moron and he’s throwing money at a “problem” he doesn’t understand. Another thing keeping me sane is that Musk is going to end up talking himself into several lawsuits. He decided to peddle some lies about Dominion voting machines – the same Dominion which sued Fox News and won a settlement of $787.5 million.

Billionaire Elon Musk promoted debunked conspiracy theories about election fraud Thursday at the first of a series of planned campaign events across Pennsylvania meant to rally support for former President Donald Trump’s campaign. At a town hall hosted at a high school outside Philadelphia, Musk referred to the false conspiracy theory that Dominion Voting Systems was part of a plot to rig U.S. elections in recent years.

“When you have mail-in ballots and no proof of citizenship, it’s almost impossible to prove cheating,” he said, responding to an audience member’s question about election fraud. “Statistically there are some very strange things that happen that are statistically incredibly unlikely. There’s always this question of, say, the Dominion voting machines. It is weird that, I think, they were used in Philadelphia and in Maricopa County [in Arizona] but not in a lot of other places. Doesn’t that seem like a heck of a coincidence?”

“The last thing I would do is trust a computer program,” he said, promoting the idea that U.S. elections should use only paper ballots. The Brennan Center for Justice, a progressive nonprofit law and public policy institute, has found that 98% of votes in the general election are expected to be cast on paper ballots.

In a statement, a Dominion spokesperson disputed numerous aspects of Musk’s comments. “Fact: Dominion does not serve Philadelphia County. Fact: Dominion’s voting systems are already based on voter verified paper ballots. Fact: Hand counts and audits of such paper ballots have repeatedly proven that Dominion machines produce accurate results. These are not matters of opinion. They are verifiable facts,” the spokesperson wrote in an email.

[From NBC News]

Psst, Dominion: SUE HIM. Sue him into oblivion. As for why Elon is doing all of this… I really think it’s a combination of things: he’s a loser and like attracts like, the Trump cult is the mothership for losers. I also think Musk has such a f–ked up philosophy when it comes to women, breeding, and the white supremacist “great replacement theory,” and Musk believes that Trump’s general sleazy misogyny mimics his world view.

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44 Responses to “Elon Musk is paying people to support Trump & he lied about Dominion”

  1. Ariel says:

    Screw lawsuits – how is he not yet being charged with foreign interference in an election – how is the federal govt not all over this????

    I realize they play footsy with this nazi wanna be bond villian but damn- jail him.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He became a U.S. citizen 20 years ago

    • BlueNailsBetty says:

      The federal government is completely in bed with Musk and his tech companies like Starlink. Musk is a goddamn defense contractor. And we spend billions subsidizing the *richest man in the world*.

      So yeah, Garland and the feds are nervously watching to see what happens on November 5 to see if they will have to move forward with prosecuting him.

      • Ponchorella says:

        Garland is weak as hell. He waited years to charge the orange turd with anything, which is why we are in this predicament to begin with. He isn’t going to do shit, unfortunately.

      • Arhus says:

        Yes! There was an article in the New York Times about how many federal contracts be has with various gov departments (mostly defense) and that SpaceX is responsible for launching most of US satellites into space. And how, if his buddy Trump wins, he will have some amount of ‘control’ over the regulators…

    • Camomile says:

      He’s A US citizen. and the judiciary is all ultra conservative now, right? How is paying for votes legal? But also who is going to police it?

    • ML says:

      People above have already answered this, but it’s really important to emphasize that “Leon” Musk is an American citizen. Naturalized citizens are 100% citizens, no matter how abhorrent they are. According to the internet, Elno has three passports: South African, Canadia, and US.

      I’m so effing frustrated with how free speech has impacted how the US treats Twitter. Musk has used this platform to silence voices who disagree with his own views, he has used AI to spread misinformation, he’s advertised buying votes, he espouses far right views and creates propaganda. He’s absolutely influencing this election, yet no one is going after him in real time in a way that shuts this down. I just don’t get that.

      • Justjj says:

        Can the feds even do anything to Space Karen Scrooge McDuck at this point? I mean, this is a full scale global oligarchy trying to extinguish the very last embers of democracy in the US. Space Karen won’t stop until he’s king of the ashes and we’re all living in the streets while he peers down at us from his gilded tower. That’s what they all want.

    • Caroline says:

      Can we please report this to the FBI?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Most of what I’m seeing online from reliable sources is that this is illegal, or skirts the line; either way, it’s something I think the Justice Department may be pursuing, eventually. Sort of like how trump finally, slowly, was brought to court & found guilty.
      And I double-checked what exactly the petition says; it’s not simply ‘support the constitution, it says by signing you verify you are a registered voter & that you support the first & second amendments. Just those two amendments, not the rest, not the whole thing. Priorities, priorities. 😏🙄

    • maisie says:

      the above is incorrect (regrettably) he is a naturalized US citizen

  2. Deeanna says:

    This man is weird. Very weird.

  3. Nicole says:

    Musk is also microtargeting and lying about Harris. In Detroit Palestinian neighborhoods he’s saying she’s pro Israel. In Pittsburgh Jewish neighborhoods he’s saying she’s pro Palestine. He’s pure trash.



  4. BlueNailsBetty says:

    “The last thing I would do is trust a computer program,” he said…”

    Said the man who is trying to sell autonomous self driving CARS which run on a…computer system with computer programs.

  5. Miranda says:

    How do you intend to ensure that you’re not paying people who will vote for Kamala anyway, or just not vote at all, dumbass?

    • Jais says:

      Right? Isn’t it people who just sign his petition? Like dang I’d almost sign it for $1mil, let the check clear and then vote for Harris. Dumbass fr.

  6. seaflower says:

    Agree with the douche lord finding his moral equal. Also an Interesting article in NYT listing all the investigations into Musk’s companies Federal agencies have currently occurring.
    – Musk has been accused by the S.E.C. of violations of federal securities laws in connection with his 2022 purchases of Twitter.
    – F.A.A. fining SpaceX for safety violations during two 2023 launches in Florida
    – EPA fining SpaceX for dumping wastewater from its rocket launch site in Texas.
    – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has sued Tesla for violating federal law re racial harassment of its Black employees and by subjecting some of these workers to retaliation

    See this thread: https://x.com/EricLiptonNYT/status/1847979850641867186

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      seaflower, yes, Musk wants Trump in so Trump can pardon him. That’s why he’s throwing so much money into Trump’s campaign (through PACs), and why he’s campaigning for him. He also told Tucker Carlson in a podcast that if Trump loses he’s screwed.

      Frankly, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to discover that he’s been working with Putin, too, but that hasn’t been mentioned. Yet.

  7. girl_ninja says:

    He had folks fooled for a while, cosplaying Tony Stark and doesn’t have the 10th of thepresence of Pee Wee Herman. All he is a billionaire brat influencer, and he needs to have his government contracts taken from him. He is a danger to the U.S. democracy and must be treated like such. And my word is he an ugly man….yuck. 🤮

  8. Jay says:

    Hey, Elon – just because someone signs a petition if you pay them, it doesn’t mean they are actually going to vote Republican! That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Dang straight! We’re Americans, we love pulling a fast one! I’ll sign your petition, Elon; if I get the million, I’m going to cash it then let you know I already mailed in my ballot, on which I voted blue all the way.

  9. yipyip says:

    Isn’t this interfering in a Election? Since when did that become legal?

    Cancel all Govt contracts with Musk and every business he is involved with.
    He is a billionaire on paper. I’m going to really enjoy it when his house of cards coming down.
    Elon cult of personality will end, the sooner the better.

  10. bisynaptic says:

    Elon is anxious for Trump to win, because the current administration is crawling up his ass, every which way, for violations, involving every one of his companies. The New York Times has a very handy infographic on it.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Having said that, I will add that it would be nice if Merrick Garland were to get up off his ass and stop the election interference happening right in front of all of us, right now.

  11. Jais says:

    Please sue him, dominion.

  12. Sue says:

    Is that how bad things are in the Trump campaign? Elon Musk is throwing is money away at nazis to convince them to vote for their cult leader? That is pathetic.

  13. Proud Mary says:

    Anytime the Republicans are complaining about something, just know that it’s all projection. The claims of election fraud, and the cries of “George Soros! George Soros!” are all examples of their own playbook. If this guy was supporting Kamala, it would be all over the news. This is why I’ve turned by back on mainstream media.

    • IdlesAtCranky says:

      Do you read Dr. Heather Cox Richardson?

      She’s a historian. She’s published her Letters From An American on Facebook and Substack for years now.

      She’s excellent reading, very clear on the past and current threats to our democracy.

  14. Stef says:

    Every single day he proves to be a more of a douche sycophant with the sad ego of a true incel. He’s ruined Twitter and should be help accountable for election interference, misinformation, and general douche baggary.

  15. Deeannad says:

    Garland hasn’t gotten off his ass over the past four years.

    Musk’s actions here are part of his.big gamble on trump winning. .Remember he said “if trump loses, I’m fucked”. He knows that no legal action and no lawsuit can do anything that will take effect within the next two weeks to stop him.

    Elon wants the power to influence government policy. He sees trump as a way to do that.

    I will be so glad to see both of these bozos defeated when Kamala wins the election!

  16. Izzy says:

    Now I’m picturing Dominion suing Musk, winning, and becoming the new owner of Twitter as part of the settlement.

  17. yipyip says:

    So, KH wins and Elon himself admits he’s F’d?
    Even more reason-to vote Blue!

  18. Eden75 says:

    Don’t overthink his motives. This is purely a money decision. The orange menace has promised him a cabinet seat and he is a huge contractor to the gov already. This is all about how much cash he can funnel to himself.

    He is an American citizen, so this would not be foreign interference but it would be in violation of the following:

    “18 U.S. Code § 597 – Expenditures to influence voting
    Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and

    Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—

    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”

  19. Veronica S. says:

    This is why the Starlink contract was one of the single biggest mistakes of the US government in the last ten years. Everybody should be wondering what he’s trying to hide. Is he selling Starlink to Russians? Are they able to hack it? Is he involved in human trafficking? The desperation is obvious and should scare everyone.

  20. Truthiness says:

    Veronica S, Yes, he has sold Starlink to Russians. A downed Russian drone was taken apart and it was using Starlink. I don’t know to what extent they’re using Starlink though.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Truthiness, I hope Musk gets charged with (at least) espionage. He and Trump have a lot to answer for when it comes to Putin.

  21. Lau says:

    Serious question : if/when Harris becomes president, can’t her administration sue Musk for interference ?

  22. AC says:

    Elon is treating the US elections like a 3rd world country- this is exactly what they do – bribe people for votes.

  23. martha says:

    Follow the money – he thinks he’s gonna get a big “Put a Man on Mars” government contract if Trump is elected.

  24. Alex Can says:

    People who claim they oppose this pos but are still on Twitter are supporting and enriching him. They need to stop.

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