King Charles didn’t even stay ten minutes at a lunch in his honor in Sydney

Here are some photos of King Charles and Queen Camilla on Sunday in Sydney, Australia. They went to a Sunday service at St. Thomas’s Anglican Church, having announced a day earlier that people should come out to greet the king and queen. Hundreds of people did so – legitimately, hundreds of Australians came out to shake Charles’s hand or wish him well. There were protesters, but they were kept a distance away from the church. The protesters chanted “Not my king” and “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.” There were videos circulating where protestors were talking about how the British monarch does not represent Australia, etc. There were also large banners reading “Empire built on genocide” and “decolonize.” The Guardian mentioned something interesting about the hundreds of royal fans – the Australian Monarchist League “had pledged to hand out thousands” of supportive, pro-monarchy flags and placards. As in, they expected thousands of people to show up outside of the church. Only a couple of hundred showed up.

While the British media tried to put the best spin on all of this, the Telegraph even had to admit that: “When the couple first arrived they met some of the younger members of the congregation at the church door as a group of protesters could be heard shouting “not my King” but were drowned out by shouts of ‘hip hip hooray.’” Yes, god help us all if Charles has to hear faint “not my king” chants in a country his family brutally colonized. That wasn’t all – after the the church visit, Charles headed off to a lunch in his honor. The Guardian’s headline: “King Charles makes relaxed start to Australian tour but spends less than 10 minutes at lunch in his honour.”

King Charles III did not linger long at the luncheon put on in his honour, at the second scheduled event of his short Australian visit. And his gift to the gathering was a reminder of the fleeting passage of time.

There was a menu fit for a king, and very Sydney: chargrilled asparagus and olive dust; marinated octopus and squid ink wafer; barramundi and duck confit.

But the sovereign was gone before the first course. He addressed the gathering at NSW’s Parliament House, he offered an hourglass as a present, told lawmakers the “sands of time” would encourage “brevity”, and left within 10 minutes of his arrival in the hall, not to be seen again in public until Monday.

[From The Guardian]

Some people said that the palace officials were basically like… Charles is tired, we’re trying to limit his schedule. But it was a lunch? It was his only other event on Sunday, after the church service. I get it, he’s really tired. But to not even stay ten full minutes at a lunch in your honor when you just had a rest day on Saturday?

Look at how Charles & Cam greeted their well-wishers:

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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122 Responses to “King Charles didn’t even stay ten minutes at a lunch in his honor in Sydney”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    Trash behavior and true colors showing by this bedraggled duo.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I can understand Charles being tired, but wtf Camilla has obviously zero queen material. Trash behaviour towards people.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        Someone needs to put audio of kids saying “good game” like after a soccer match. That’s about the energy she’s displaying.

      • Kane says:

        In reference to Cambridge
        I understand his family is small but this is why he should have been more strategic. Technically wasn’t William suppose to come? Again no one wants to see camilla like that. One time seeing her in person is enough and with the commonwealth sensibility she is probably being snubbed. Chuck is different because his adventures have been chronicled. Pretty sure he was the first regular looking person I saw skydiving. Lol.

        This would’ve been a great opportunity for Harry and one of Charles cousins. It would’ve gave Chuck some support, us something to chat about, and australia perhaps some new. Instead, Camilla who doesn’t seem to understand that being Queen doesnt mean automatic interest, is there being unhelpful. She really refuses to try. Kate tries a little but her and camilla ARE really alike. They only do what they want to do at the end of the day. Its crazy to me.

    • Anonymous says:

      NOT my king. End the monarchy!

    • Trash behavior is exactly what Chuckles and Horsilla are doing these days. Chuckles should have stayed home.

    • Agnes says:

      Why on Earth would he bother flying all the way across the world to crap out on his obligations. Dogshit father AND dogshit King.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I think he dipped on the luncheon because he was in a snit that the crowds weren’t bigger.

        He remembers his 1984 tour. He remembers the throngs of people.
        He’s not getting that now, AND HE KNOWS PRECISELY WHY.
        And that’s why he’s having pants-sh-tting royal tantys left and right.
        He wants the public to love him, but he’s such an execrable person, that they don’t. His manners, his attitude, the way he treats people, the way he treated his past mistresses, Diana, his sons, DIL, grandchildren… we’ve had *years* of evidence pointing up this man’s character.

        This tour is turning out to be not a victory lap but an outright rejection of him, his character, his reign, as well as his royal sidepiece.

        And he’s angry af about it.

    • PrincessK says:

      I think it was cut short because of security concerns following the incident with the Senator. Camilla looks scared out of her wits. This tour will go down as a big fail.

  2. Neners says:

    If he is too tired to sit through lunch, he probably is not well enough for this trip. One of several reasons it was not the best idea.

    • sunny says:

      This tour is a terrible idea. He’s likely still ill and is having trouble handling his schedule.

      He is an awful person as is vile wife but I do feel sorry for this pathetic man who had been forced to go on this tour. All this will do is further erode the Crown’s terrible brand.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles was not forced imo but maybe Camilla was.

      • Listerino says:

        I’m totally not a fan of either of them, but in that clip it looks like Camilla keeps looking over at Charles with concern like she’s worried he’s going to drop at any moment. So don’t know if this just her being snobby or maybe Charles is sicker than we realise and she was just worried and didn’t realise she was ignoring the crowd

    • Sarah Jane Herbener says:

      When I read that he bailed after 10 mins. I figured probably he was having some nausea or similar from the treatments. When I was having cancer treatment I would not have wanted to sit down to octopus and squid ink! And even without food triggers sometimes it just kind of hits you all at once (as does the tiredness).

      Also: maybe he does eat seafood, but Charles is famously a vegetarian otherwise – seems like they would skip the duck confit so he can actually enjoy the meal that’s being hosted specifically for him and his wife. Seems odd that they didn’t.

      • bisynaptic says:

        Zofran is your friend.

      • Blujfly says:

        Charles is not a vegetarian. The estates grow lamb and he regularly serves and eats it.

      • Jais says:

        Didn’t he say he was completely pausing his treatments for the trip though? Doesn’t mean he can’t still be having nausea just that he isn’t currently doing treatments from what they said before the trip.

      • Inge says:

        Surely the menu had been prediscussed with his staff?

      • Jaded says:

        I had terrible gastric issues on my last round of chemo and had to stop taking it after a few days. I was sick for over a month and had to eat mush (the BRAT diet) until my intestines settled down so I could resume chemo. He may be on a similar diet to quell sudden attacks of Montezuma’s revenge.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Really bad decision. I’m wondering if he’s even going to go to Samoa after all; maybe he’ll just bail on the whole thing. What a waste of time & money. Stay home, Charles, you’re not well.

  3. North of Boston says:

    Why did they even bother going?

    • Blubb says:

      Sarah Jane,
      he isn’t a vegetarian. He never said that. He skips meat two days a weak and eats it the other five days.
      And I can’t imagine that these people organize a lunch without speaking with the palace what he would like.

    • The Duchess says:

      Because they are obsessed with optics. Illness is seen as a weakness to these people and the palace wants him to be seen as a picture of health, even if the polar opposite is the case.

      He needs to stay home, spare the good people of Australia this circus and live out his final few years talking to his plants.

      • Chrissy says:

        Wouldn’t it be nice if he offered to pay back the cost of this trip (to the Australians) that he’s not able to continue with? Alas, he would never think of doing so……

    • Elfie says:

      That’s my question too. They obviously can’t stand being there and have the fakest smiles on their faces. It’s ridiculous at this point.

  4. Carmen says:

    She wouldn’t even make eye contact with the people in the crowd. Can you imagine Elizabeth or Diana acting like that? Let alone Harry or Meghan. The old bat might as well have stayed in the car and spared everyone her atrocious behavior.

    Second thought… was she drunk?

    • Roo says:

      Carmen, that was my first thought when I saw her staggering by all the well wishers and looking lost. I thought she looked drunk or high on something.

      She schemed and plotted to get Diana’s job and can’t even do a half-assed job of it. Karma has hit her hard.

    • Tessa says:

      Maybe she and Charles has a fight

    • ML says:

      Carmen, I’m also wondering about your second thought. The absolute most charitable thought is that she’s ill, exhausted, and (given her gait) possibly in pain. However, why isn’t she at least making eye contact?

      It’s not good manners to nope out of a lunch in your honor after 10 minutes without an apology and explanation. This visit is not exactly a high priority for Australians and it’s expensive. Chuck should know better: the cancer shouldn’t be used as an excuse unless there’s an emergency associated with it.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        He acts like he really doesn’t get that it’s not a priority to Australia and he should try to impress them, create a bond with this visit. On the contrary, he acts like he is the one to be impressed and wooed by the subjects. He comes accross as an asshole. I don’t understand this, especially the lunch skipping, since he has been touring for a long time for his mother. Camilla is always like this, he truly doesn’t give a shit about the goal of this visit and her role in it. As it’s been said many times by the rota themselves, she has never had a job before, she has zero sense of duty.

      • Liz -L says:

        There was some talk that she was in the early stages of Parkinson’s. Maybe her regular spa trips are really treatment days.

        No idea if it’s true.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Liz-L Rota will make any excuse they can for the bad manners of their pampered Left Behind royals. Bottom line is, even when ill, there is no excuse. Even the “gift” of the hourglass and his remarks with it seemed calculated, snarky, and rude.

        Her Late Maj behaved with decorum and showed good manners until her dying day. Look at how she greeted Liz Truss. She was in pain, she was forced to stand by her courtiers for a photo op, but instead of delivering the verbal equivalent of a buzzsaw, as is Charles’ demonstrated tendency, she behaved like a gentlewoman, and greeted Truss graciously.

        It can be done, unless you’re an inveterate lout like Charles or Camilla. If Camilla can swan about smoking and drinking and hamming it up with the press, she can pull herself together for a royal tour.

        Elizabeth knew the job. She didn’t have much power, but she knew she was a symbol to the nations under her jurisdiction. She inhabited that role and performed it well. She would never have dreamed of carrying on like this in the public sphere.

    • Becks1 says:

      She did not look well to me in that video. It wasn’t just that she didn’t make eye contact (we’ve seen Camilla with crowds before and she’s never seemed to have a problem with handshaking/eye contact) it was how she almost sort of stumbled away. Frankly she reminded me of someone that is drunk but trying very very very hard to walk in a straight line.

      So maybe she had a few too many mimosas in the morning, maybe she’s on some meds that were affecting her, or something. But she did not look well.

      • Chrissy says:

        I can’t stand the woman but could she still be suffering from jet lag?

      • Jaded says:

        Apparently she suffers from really bad vertigo from flying and it takes her a few days of meds to get it under control. Maybe the meds were making her woozy. She also has serious osteoporosis and is likely on pain killers too.

      • Tessa says:

        If she had been suffering from discomfort she certainly should have been excused from doing this walkabout. Charles could have gone solo.

      • Tessa says:

        If she were ill and could not do this without discomfort, she should have been excused.

      • Liz -L says:

        Where’s my tiara – I totally agree with all you say. I just wouldn’t trust them when it comes to illness. I think they’d cover it up if it suits them. And also lie about having one for the same reasons.

    • Jais says:

      Okay, I was pretty shocked at her staggering and making almost no eye contact. What a bad look. If not drunk then maybe on some kind of drug or medication.

      • Libra says:

        She has a history of vertigo. I developed vertigo after a head injury. It strikes when you least expect it and causes staggering gait, anxiety and a need to find the closest chair and sit till it passes.

      • Jais says:

        Honestly, if she was feeling that poorly, it might have been better for them just to say she wasn’t feeling well. Bc the optics weren’t good. But the media does gloss over it. Fair enough, bc her and Charles are older and clearly sick. So they’re being given grace. Must be nice. To get that kind of grace.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I think Charles went over to the other railing where he greeted the other line of people. I bet he didn’t feel the need to apologize to the crowd in his line that they got the less interesting roal. I think he did that passive aggressive martyr crap when he was in Oz with Diana.

      • Tessa says:

        It was a disgrace that Charles acted that way. He also put a guilt trip on his young wife. And she got all upset when she did nothing wrong.

  5. Laura-Lee MacDonald says:

    Ohhh, CBC news has a lead story this morning of an Indigenous Australian Senator shouting down Charles during a speech at Parliament House where he was drivelling about “paying respect to the traditional owners of the land”. I hope this haunts him. Everything about that statement oozes the patriarchal colonialist attitude that Charles CLEARLY believes in. Boooooooooo!!!

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    This is another disaster tour.. that family of left over royals hasn’t been able to fool the world like they have that small island.

    • HuffnPuff says:

      Yes he was a fool to think this trip was a good idea. He’s too old and in too poor of health. Same with his side piece. There’s nothing special about either one of them. They perfectly represent a rundown old monarchy that has lost its rizz. Then the protesters and the contrast to the Sussexes. The leftover RF just ain’t got what it takes to keep the facade going.

      • Christine says:

        All I can think of is these chefs spending months preparing a menu, and Chuck was gone in under 10 minutes.

  7. vs says:

    Why exactly is he even there ? Was he invited by the Australian government?

    • seaflower says:

      He announced he was going to tour commonwealth countries in the first year after his crowning. At that point countries in he commonwealth are basically obliged to “extend an invitation”. The only time I’ve seen push back when the royals announced they wanted to come to Australia was WanK during the bushfires.

    • L Williams says:

      Yes it was agreed upon by the someone in the Australian government, it’s the Australian government that is paying for his security, his accommodations etc. also they are finding accommodations and providing food for those royal reporters that have flew on the plane with him. They cannot just invite themselves without a agreement from the governments involved. Royal family is worth 88 billion dollars.not including the royal vault and the British museums are filled with jewels and treasures that they have stole from other countries. And this doesn’t included the bones of significant indigenous and cultural figures that they have stolen from Commonwealth countries. They are a bunch of grifters of the highest order.

  8. Aerie says:

    Charles is not in good health and I give him credit for making an effort. Ten minutes shows a modicum of respect to the organizers where as a lesser more frail mortal might have dispatched a tweet via an assistant. C.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I know that you were being sarcastic, but I think 10 minutes is not much more than a tweet when people put a lot of effort and money into that lunch. From what I understand he never even went near the dining facility, just greeted some officials who then probably went on to eat the lunch without K and C. Imagine how those people felt about their head of state at that moment.

      • Gabby says:

        I think if he had stayed any longer we might have seen an inelegant repeat of George Bush throwing up all over the Japanese prime minister.

    • Nerd says:

      True respect would have been for him to at least politely apologize and give an explanation for leaving early. Respect is when you share pleasantries and show gratitude when you arrive and as you leave.

      • Aerie says:

        Wasn’t the Queen’s mantra ‘never explain never complain’? I am getting from K&C exactly what I expected: curt, dismissive behavior and contempt for the tepid response from the commoners.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Aerie- what should have happened is William offering to visit in his dad’s place. Unfortunately Charles’ heir is terminally selfish and lazy.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Did Camilla go to the luncheon? If she did, she could have stayed even if Charles had to leave. This tour is a flop already and I saw that video of Camilla and Charles greeting the crowd, just terrible. Charles should have just gone to Samoa. There is no doubt that the Royal Family was jealous of Harry and Meghan’s successful tour to Australia.

  10. Jks says:

    It’s shockingly bad form, even for Charles. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here and believe he had intended to stay but was suddenly feeling too terrible to continue.

    As for Camilla – she just utter trash. Zero class.

  11. Maxine Branch says:

    Those folks need to come to the conclusion they are not wanted any where in the world. Far too much baggage and cost for very little return. Continue to fleece your country of the UK and stay there where you are tolerated.

  12. seaflower says:

    The church was in the North Sydney/Crows Nest neighbourhood which is known for its cafe culture, especially on weekends. I used to live there back in my 20’s – wonderful lifestyle in gorgeous leafy suburbs. It was also the Crows Nest Festival over the weekend. Most of the hundreds were probably people wandering to and from cafes who got caught in police blocking the streets.

    • Inge says:

      Yep that;s what I heard from a squaddie on the ground. It’s a busy area on regular sundays and they stopped to watch and then went on with their lives.

    • SunnyDays says:

      Oh my gosh, I used to live in North Syd! We left Oz a few years ago now but Crows Nest was so busy and such a pedestrian friendly area…no wonder they had “crowds”.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        They literally were kettling them with the barriers to keep them from wandering away from where Fred & Gladys were scheduled to turn up.

        All those poor folks wanted was a coffee and a pastry and maybe the paper, not a pair of horse-toothed OAPs rolling their eyes because people weren’t sufficiently thrilled at their arrival.

  13. Tessa says:

    Coat dress and queen mother style hat for Camilla.

  14. Roo says:

    I’m sure Australians, who organized and funded the security, luncheons, dinners, five-star lodging, etc., are so annoyed with their guests who have shown little energy or interest so far.

  15. AMTC says:

    Can you imagine for a minute if Meghan had behaved like that to a group of people who turned up for a meet and greet. Yet no reporting of this disgraceful disrespectful ‘let them eat cake’ they can brush my hand but I won’t look at these peasants attitude.

  16. Tessa says:

    Why did they even want to shake hands with her.

  17. Neeve says:

    Sorry if this question has been asked,but why did he have to stop his chemo for the visit? He is the King with the best care in the world, he couldn’t do both? Sincerely inquiring!

    • Steph says:

      @Neeve chemo can be very hard on the body. It can take several days before one feels well to carry out activities again. It’s a short (and I’m guessing tiring trip) already. It wouldn’t due for him to incapacitated for several days.

    • Jas says:

      Chemo usually makes you feel really lousy for at least a couple of days afterwards. He could be bed bound, vomiting, or just very fatigued, after each treatment. Travel would be pretty much impossible when you’re feeling like that. The pause lets him feel as well as possible so he can carry out the visit.
      Also, chemo is done in hospital by your care team. It’s not the kind of thing you could do on the road, even with the doctors KC has with him.

      • Karmaflower says:

        Some types of chemo can makes you sickest for the first week. It may lessen the second week. You begin to feel normal by the time the next round is due. That’s different if you go every week, or several times a week. It is also accumulating in your body, so you are getting weaker and closer to the brink of death in the hopes of killing the cancer. Skipping 1 treatment likely isn’t going to matter–he’s been having them regularly for many months. I think he really wants to do this tour because he has a cancer with a high mortality rate. I think she went along with it in spite of her long & well known issues w vertigo for the same reason. This is it. No matter how it goes the firm is going to tell him whatever he needs to hear.

        It’s why power has already shifted to William. The writing is on the wall. He needs to get thru this tour and start making amends.

    • Jaded says:

      Having recently gone through 2 rounds of chemo and shortly a 3rd, I can attest to feeling awful. The fatigue is debilitating, lots of stomach and intestinal upsets, and painful neuropathy in hands and feet. I’m surprised he’s not wearing a mask because your immune becomes compromised during treatment, so maybe he’s cutting things short and avoiding crowds as much as possible. I still think it was a stupid idea to do this tour, between Charles and Camilla it looks like a royal Weekend at Bernie’s.

    • L Williams says:

      Jaded Sorry to hear what you are going through 🙏 but I don’t think Charles had cancer. If you look at the pictures of him coming out of church on Windsor Castle grounds after he was diagnosed while they say on advice from his doctor he sat separate from his family in church. Outside the church he was shaking hands with well wishers and speaking to them up close and personal. And he has been doing that on every event outting since his diagnosis 🤔

      • Normal_Islander says:

        L Williams- this is one reason why I’m thinking he may be on immunotherapy rather than chemo. He clearly isn’t immunocompromised and while he doesn’t look great he still looks good for someone of his age who has been having cancer treatments for almost a year.

        As for the pause, I suspect a boring explanation like he was due a break from his treatment and just timed it to coincide with the trip. Treatment breaks are normal for both chemo and immunotherapy.

  18. Digital Unicorn says:

    This is unusual for Chuck as he normally spends a lot more time at engagements. If he pulled out after 10 mins then that tells us he is t ready for a tour.

    Cams could have stayed longer to rep him.

    It’s interesting that him doing a drive by event is getting coverage but when someone else does them it’s sweeper under the carpet. This other person has a long history of turning up v late, looking bored and then bailing after 15 mins. And no it’s not Cams.

    • Becks1 says:

      Well I think its partly because of what you said – its unusual for him. If he spends 10 minutes at an event its usually because he’s going to another event.

      For certain other royals (cough) the 15 minute drive by visits is the norm.

    • BeanieBean says:

      15? Y’all are being generous. Kate & William’s little chat with the first responders lasted all of ten minutes–half of which was spent saying hi, apologizing for being late, and then saying good-bye & shaking hands at the end, leaving just five minutes for the sit-down pretend show of concern about their feelings.

  19. Brassy Rebel says:

    The optics here are terrible. I guess we’ll see how this goes, but so far, no good. In fairness, I would have taken a pass on “marinated octopus with squid ink wafer” 🤮. But leaving after ten minutes is just plain rude. Maybe they should have planned in extra time for him to acclimate upon arrival? I would say that the British royals have the manners of people raised in a barn. But that’s insulting to people raised in barns.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      iIt’s super rude, given the money and effort put into a probably very oppulent lunch event. Plus the fact that his only other event was a church service after a full day of rest doesn’t exactly prove that he is not dying.

    • SarahCS says:

      I love that they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Not say something and make him seem super rude? Or say he was feeling really unwell and give people something tangible to point to about how bad his health actually is. For all the talk of a time for rest and a light schedule, there hadn’t been a specific incident to really bring it home to people (beyond looking at pictures of him!).

  20. Laura D says:

    Yes I’m petty but, I’m so glad this tour isn’t the “hit” they wanted it to be. KCIII might have fared better if he left the Camilla at home. She is not an asset and does nothing to enhance the “mystique” of the monarchy. Her entitled behaviour is there for all to see on these tours. Giggling at the traditions of the first nation people in Canada, not getting out of the car in Kenya and now not even deigning to look at the people who have come out to greet her. If Meghan (or even Kate for that matter) had behaved so dismissively she would have been on the phone to her mates at the Mail quicker than you could say “Rottweiller.”

    I’ll give KCIII a pass for leaving after 10 minutes but, surely as his “Queen” she could have stayed and charmed the guests. I mean we’re always hearing what a “hoot” she is behind closed doors so, why not do her duty and represent KCIII in his absence? The positive PR for her would have gone through the roof and sympathy for KCIII would have been immeasurable. These people really do need to understand that just turning up to show your face really isn’t gonna cut it in a modern world.

    • Chrissy says:

      Sorry, I can’t see Camilla charming anyone. She’ll always be seen as the racist, scheming, boozy sidepiece who usurped the true beloved Princess of Wales, Diana. She would never have stayed as Charles left this event because she knows she’s not well liked.

      • Tessa says:

        She was more comfortable with Clarkson and Piers at that Christmas luncheon.

      • Chrissy says:

        Well, birds of a feather and all that. Those three people are just as disgusting as each other. Scum!

      • LauraD says:

        Hi Chrissy, I think you missed the sarcasm in my post. Part of Camilla’s “rehabilitation” with the public was the countless number of puff pieces about how funny and down to earth she is behind the scenes. I can remember (and this is going back years) when a contestant on Celebrity Big Brother was going on and on about how much fun she was at parties. We even had to read about how she “reluctant” she was to become queen. Only recently we had her son telling us how wonderfully his mother has adapted to the role. Let’s also not forget her infamous luncheon with Clarkson et el and how the Mail and the rest of the sycophants made a big deal about how she knows how to host an event. This event was the ideal opportunity for her to show off those skills instead she slivered out of doing her job like the snake that she is.

  21. Honey says:

    I’m not Australian, but I understand that both Elizabeth and Charles both publicly stated that they would respect an Australian majority vote to leave the Commonwealth. Perhaps they understood/understand that it’s inevitable. It appears that it needs a majority vote from citizens and the last time it was voted on was over 20 years ago. If Australians really want to leave the monarchy behind, why isn’t there an opportunity to vote? If anyone has answers, or if my info is incorrect, please clarify!

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, it is simply not a priority for the politicians. There is also a cost attached to it, since the legislation change will take time, effort, money. It is probably much easier for the government just to welcome and entertain them once in a few years.

  22. Alicky says:

    Olive dust???

    • Chrissy says:

      LOL! My thought exactly, Alicky!

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Omg same! I went “well that’s fancy fancy cuz I don’t know wtf that even is” and I’m married to an incredible person who is a huge foodie. I thought I had heard it all 😂

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        My hubby and I are both foodies, I literally had to go look it up.
        Dehydrated olives and sea salt. Dassit.

    • Mayp says:

      That was the most interesting part of the article to me. It sounds fantastic! I want some pasta with olive dust! I would imagine that it is crushed freeze-dried olives but perhaps a foodie here could illuminate us?

    • BeanieBean says:

      Add me to the ‘never heard of it’ camp. So I googled, and here’s what I found:
      Preheat the oven to 250°F.
      Spread the olives on a sheet pan.

      Place the pan in the oven.

      Cook for three hours.

      Remove from the oven and let stand on the counter until cool.

      Place the dried olives in a blender or mini-chopper.

      Pulse until the olives are the consistency of fine gravel.

      • Jay says:

        So, basically, it’s a dried out tapenade? I think “tapenade” sounds fancier than “dust”, but I obviously don’t have such regal tastes!

      • kirk says:

        @Jay – Thank you for “dried out tapenade” description of olive dust. Doesn’t sound all that awesome to me and I love salt and tapenade. “Dried out” appears to describe this whole trip and the monarchy’s appreciation of their supportive crowds.

  23. yipyip says:

    This tour was a bad idea. Period.
    Charles should be continuing his health treatments.
    Australia does not need him coming to do an Ego tour.

    Does it occur to his Team that if he or Cam would take ill, that would be the biggest attention getter of the trip?

    Foolish man. And I dislike Camilla!

  24. Cj says:

    He looks tired and ill. And chemo has probably ruined his immune system so they should be keeping him back from the crowds anyway. Sadly the rep to do all that in person engagement is Camilla who hates it and won’t do a good job. She likes the jewels but hates the job. Really his FK should be on this tour but he’s even worse at his job than she is.

    It’s not going to go well even with some sleep. And the royal family will always get stuck because even if Charles does believe in honouring the land, he can’t admit they owe anything to the people of it or poof there goes the family wealth. And an admission of poor behaviour in past centuries. So they’ll always be hypocrites because their survival depends on it.

  25. Cathy says:

    Camilla looks ill, or drunk? She’s staggering along and too busy working at staying upright that she wasn’t able to look at the people who were shaking her hand. I’m wondering if she’s more sick than Charles?

  26. bisynaptic says:

    Charles doesn’t eat lunch, remember? 😁

  27. wolfmamma says:

    The first pic of Charles .. the same grimace that is on Willie’s face when greeting crowds ….

  28. Miss Scarlett says:

    Not surprised that Charles bailed after 10 minutes because if he feels half as bad as he looks, it must be pretty bad.

    However, Camilla sucks at her job and should have stayed instead of also leaving.

    • Libra says:

      Maybe it was Camilla who felt unwell. She looked unsteady and uncomfortable. Vertigo attack?? as I mentioned in an above post.

  29. tamsin says:

    Well, with Charles and Camilla both leaving, at least the rest of the people at the lunch will be able to relax and enjoy their lunch.

  30. QuiteContrary says:

    What an utter waste of time and money. If they’re not up to carrying out their duties, why fly all that way?
    Example Number Bajillion why it’s a bad idea for someone who won’t take the answer “no” to lead any kind of institution.

  31. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    If they really hate people this much why do they think people will love them and give them honour.
    This was absolutely disgusting behaviour.
    And they don’t even have any self awareness to see this is not the way to get what they want.
    They really shouldn’t have done this trip. They don’t want the job just the accolades

  32. Michele says:

    The Monarchy wants the ruler to behave the same and because it can’t adapt to new circumstances . Hence, they are trying to use the play book of Elizebeth Ii in her new reign. Only she was 26 years old vs 75! So now Charles in his late 70’s wants to emulate a person 50 years younger. It’s impossible. Even without cancer this is a horrible idea . Charles and Camilla just cannot keep up at their age and they should stop trying to impress people. They are actually making a case for not needing monarchy. Terrible decision to have this tour.

  33. VilleRose says:

    He’s in his 70s, dealing with severe jetlag and effects of chemotherapy. I know people way younger than Charles who have traveled to Australia and the jetlag is no joke. Add cancer and chemotherapy to the mix, it would take down anyone. Yeah, I can believe he ducked out of a lunch after a church service earlier in the day. He looks very frail and he is very frail. I won’t be surprised if this tour gets called off early and the reason cited will be per advice of Charles’s medical team. This whole tour was not a good idea, though I know Charles desperately wants to be seen out and about working.

  34. Chaine says:

    I don’t understand how osteoporosis is responsible for someone being rude and unable to walk straight. My elderly mother, about the same age as Camilla, has osteoporosis, and she is able to be quite attentive to others and walks 3 miles a day, no problem!

    • Mayp says:

      Camilla has never said that she has osteoporosis. It was her mother and grandmother. Regardless, you are right, it is no excuse to be rude.

  35. Jay says:

    Oh dear – I think under normal circumstances C &C are prone to being long-winded and chatty, at least when they are in a friendly crowd. Both of them leaving after such a short period of time is not exactly going to persuade anyone that they should remain as monarch. I can understand pacing oneself for a long trip, but if the whole point is to project confidence and the monarchy’s endurance, this is concerning.

    There is a reason why it was whispered that Charles’ own advisors were strongly against this tour.

    As for Camilla, I am sympathetic to her travel woes, but if that’s all it is, could she not have arrived to Australia a week early to acclimatize? After all, she was not working but instead spent a week at a spa in India, which meant a further flight to Australia. Are there no hotels or health facilities in Australia that she could have made use of? She could travel with her health advisors on a jet if she wanted to. Even two weeks ahead of the tour if it would help – what the hell else does she have on?

  36. Lau says:

    Is this supposed to be a charm offensive ? Because it sure doesn’t look like it at all.

  37. TN Democrat says:

    So. Does Charles have Will-not contained by whatever went down with Keener or is Willy going to start leaking that he should be regent due to Charles not being able to complete royal duties?

  38. Kate says:

    I don’t like or admire either one of them. I think they are both awful people.

    Still, everyone knows that Charles is still sick, right? Camilla’s attention appears to be on Charles, and maybe it is out of concern because he is more sick than we know.

  39. Cassie says:

    Admiralty House where they are staying in Sydney ,is a beautiful property right on the waterfront with amazing water views and gardens and a pool .
    Footage was shown of them strolling around the gardens and a sneaky little one of them getting in the pool .

    They are enjoying their little holiday .

  40. blueberry says:

    It’s ego and hubris that are ruining this tour. If a person is ill/frail you KNOW not to schedule two things in a row. It’s nonsensical. He should have done one event or the other.

  41. Kadie says:

    Shame Cuck doesn’t have an heir to fill in for him😜 Optically Workshy Willy going makes sense esp. regarding the cancer treatment. Bill Middleton could have flown in for Commonwealth meetings only. But once again the combination of BP/KP’s incompetence and Cucks ego and poor parenting threw the wrench in the spokes. No one to blame but themselves

  42. Kane says:

    I understand his family is small but this is why he should have been more strategic. Technically wasn’t William suppose to come? Again no one wants to see camilla like that. One time seeing her in person is enough and with the commonwealth sensibility she is probably being snubbed. Chuck is different because his adventures have been chronicled. Pretty sure he was the first regular looking person I saw skydiving. Lol.

    This would’ve been a great opportunity for Harry and one of Charles cousins. It would’ve gave Chuck some support, us something to chat about, and australia perhaps some new. Instead, Camilla who doesn’t seem to understand that being Queen doesnt mean automatic interest, is there being unhelpful. She really refuses to try. Kate tries a little but her and camilla ARE really alike. They only do what they want to do at the end of the day. Its crazy to me.

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