Mail: Sickly King Charles should offer to step down as Australia’s head of state

Here are more photos of King Charles and Queen Camilla in Australia, during the first day in Canberra, the nation’s capital. Charles looked worse for wear after such a long-haul flight to Oz and an especially stage-managed visit to Sydney. Speaking of Charles’s health, the Daily Mail’s A.N. Wilson – regarded as one of the more old-guard monarchist commentators – wrote an interesting and offensive piece in the Mail over the weekend. The Daily Beast’s team suggested that Wilson’s true purpose in writing the column was “the subtextual ways of the British media—who are heavily restricted in what they can say about Charles’ health by privacy legislation and rules—is [his] heavy handed emphasis of just how ill the king is.” I would also suggest that Wilson’s purpose was to insult Australians and challenge them to walk away from the crown. Some highlights from: “Why Charles should call the bluff of these drongo and ungracious Aussies and announce he’ll quit as their head of state.”

Charles’s health: “Not only is this Charles’s first visit to Australia since taking the throne, and the first by a British monarch since 2011, but one that he has made at considerable risk to his health. We do not know the advice of his physician but one cannot imagine he or she is best pleased their patient has paused his cancer treatment to fly almost 24 hours around the globe – albeit with not one but two doctors in tow and armed with a supply of the monarch’s blood were a transfusion needed. I don’t envy Charles.”

Wall-to-wall republican protests: “From the first engagement to the last, he and Camilla will be met with demands for the country to become a republic. Given that Britain’s very own anti-monarchist Graham Smith – head of the campaign group Republic and he of the ‘Not My King’ fame who staged a miserable demonstration of yellow placards on the procession route at Charles’s Coronation – has flown to Australia, too, it’s feared that six governors bunking a state reception will be the least of the King’s worries. Charles, ultimately, will never reach the same heights of popularity as his mother.”

Australia is both a woke utopia & a cultural desert: But Oz has now become a cultural desert – witness the years in which the Sydney Opera House remained empty and closed because no one thought it worth restoring. Instead, Australia has become a woke utopia (if that’s your idea of utopia), ashamed of its caricature as the land of beer-swilling men and brassy, suburban Sheilas of the small-c conservative kind, and bending over backwards to right past wrongs. The Aussies have plenty to be penitent about, given the ghastly way they treated the indigenous Aboriginal population.

PM Albanese probably won’t force the issue of an Australian republic: So Charles should, I believe, force the issue. To spike the republicans’ guns, should he not offer to step down as the head of state in Australia? To put it to that continent-sized country: back me or sack me. Sir Keir Starmer and Foreign Secretary David Lammy would be hardly likely to stop him. They could not get rid of the Chagos Islands fast enough, and it is obvious neither of them sees the point of the Commonwealth, which meant so much to the late Queen, as it does to King Charles. If Charles seizes the initiative, he will have left the dignity of the monarchy intact, and the idea of the Commonwealth strong.

Rootless Aussies: Of course, this new, rootless Oz generation, who have no idea who they are or where they come from, won’t look a royal gift horse in the mouth and will eagerly turn the country into a republic. When they come to elect a new head of state, the Aussies will almost indubitably elect a person of Aboriginal descent – something that the King, with his long history of reconciling the different cultures and ethnicity of his British subjects, would welcome. Good luck to them.

Charles’s health again: The behaviour of their governors and politicians already looks like ingratitude and bad manners. The behaviour of the crowds looks in danger of being worse than ill-mannered, and we can only feel anxious on the royal couple’s behalf. With a typical sense of duty and loyalty to the Australia he knew in his youth, Charles is undertaking a gruelling round of engagements which is surely unwise, given his health problems. If, during the course of this week, he announces that he no longer wishes to be their King, Charles will have said something valuable and meaningful. He would no longer have to go through the humiliation of ruling Oz on sufferance. And he could return to the home country, which loves and cherishes the monarchy – and sees the point of it, which the Aussies no longer do.

[From The Daily Mail]

This reads as a British temper tantrum that Australians don’t feel connected to “the crown” and have no love for any of the left-behind royals. “You want to leave us, too bad, WE’RE LEAVING YOU, how do you like that??” Which the Australians would probably welcome? I remember hearing, not long ago, that most Australians feel a deeper cultural kinship with America rather than Britain, and they want closer ties with Asian and North American allies rather than an attachment to the crown. It’s sort of ridiculous that Wilson is making a totally reasonable suggestion, and he’s wrapped up that suggestion in layers of racism, colonialism and monarchist boot-licking.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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67 Responses to “Mail: Sickly King Charles should offer to step down as Australia’s head of state”

  1. Nicole says:

    Can Brits please explain to me why the King wears medals? I mean he’s not out there on the front lines fighting. I don’t understand why the head monarch wears uniforms and medals. I get why Harry did it. He actually served. This American does not understand it.

    • seaflower says:

      Self awarded for things like “being nice to the peasants while cutting ribbons”. Seriously, they get awarded medals by the monarch for “service”.

      • EasternViolet says:

        Under QE2, various royals were appointed as honourary Commanders in chief to various units (Royals and Blues etc). I think if a unit is in a campaign, the Commander in Chief also gets a metal that marks their unit was in that campaign. There are different medals for bravery and such – but the royals wouldn’t wear those as they were not awarded them (unless they were awarded that in combat). Canadian medals, are based on the British military system, and y husband has 2 types of medals. One are those awarded after he participated in a mission (active combat not necessary, UN missions also count). He also gets medals that mark the number of years which he has had in service of the military. (I can’t remember the years it marks like 12, 24 etc). I would suspect someone like Charles and Anne would have the years of service medals, as they have been Honourary commanders for some units for a very long time. That’s the long and the short of it. This is not a defense on whether the royals should be wearing the uniform. Its a very short run down on how it works.

    • Proud Mary says:

      It’s how a very weak man cosplays a “strong man.” It’s the functional equivalent of all that blustering by the Orange Nightmare.

    • Jaded says:

      They’re made of chocolate so if he feels peckish he can grab one for a snack.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Ong that thumbnail is horrifying. M

      Also – does he sort of look the spitting image of George Washington? The nose etc?

    • Ella says:

      In fact lots of complaints lately about William when he shows up at events in uniform They really annoy more and more British citizens and then respond with more attack articles about Meghan.

  2. You can’t leave us because we are leaving you nonsense continues. Australia should leave the commonwealth and the monarchy is old and archaic filled with racism and should be abolished. Karma is coming for Chuckles in many ways.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Sorry. I’m so stuck on the images.

      I am no contact with the majority of my birth family. My dad recently had a terribly health scare. And seeing pictures of him but not being able to ask questions or get to the bottom of what was really going on was so hard. Even in no contact for incredibly good reasons.

      I hope Harry is doing ok.

    • JRT says:

      The sentiment is there for Canada to drop Chuckles III as well and wish we could do away with all the BS the BRF brings with it. The commonwealth has no benefits for any country.

  3. Neeve says:

    I truly don’t understand why he took such a grueling tour at this moment in time.

    • Blithe says:

      Now-or-never bucket list?

      While I don’t understand why he didn’t do a massive multi-country tour shortly after his coronation. It might have capitalized on the respect and general affection enjoyed by Elizabeth.

    • ravensdaughter says:

      It’s madness, really.

      My older brother is 74 years old (b. 1950-two years younger than Charles). He just went to Spain for three weeks from the Eastern US, so that’s a six hour time change. He is very good health. Even so, the jet lag made him a zombie, so the first two to three days there, and even longer upon his return, were a grueling blur.

      Between London and Sydney is ten hours difference.

      Plus so many more issues with Charles. The main thing I worry about is his immune system. He should be masking for starters, and he’s not. That’s pride, of course.

      He may have doctors in tow, but if he’s exposed to a resistant strain of COVID, for example, if could literally kill him. If it didn’t kill him, he could still suffer from long COVID, which would kill him slowly.

      And for what? His legacy maybe? Really? He should limit his activities to the one thing he is really good at: advocating for environmental issues. Then he could limit his travel to just Europe.

      • DK says:

        This may be crass, but I’m stuck on the fact that they traveled with lots of spare “monarch’s blood” in case they needed to do a transfusion.

        I get it, in the sense that if the claim to the throne is literally your blood is better than everyone else’s, then you can’t get pumped full of someone else’s blood, even in an emergency. Even if that’s an archaic way of understanding things that does this actual human being no medical favors.

        (Side note, is bloodline still the claim? Or like, now that we know about genes and DNA and stuff, has it been updated? Or nah, because everyone + science would be able to easily point out that generations of inbreeding has actually led to inferior genes among the royals, etc.?)

        But how have they gone about collecting loads of the monarch’s blood? Have they been periodically draining some from him to build up stores of it? That can’t really be good for him either while he is in the midst of fighting cancer (I’m always weak for a few days after donating blood); plus if they are doing it throughout cancer treatment, wouldn’t that impact intravenous treatment? (I’m not a medical doctor so correct me if I’m wrong, of course!)

        And….do they think in terms of appearance, it would be worse to admit the monarch has received a donor blood transfusion than that they perform these preventative procedures that really and truly sound vampiric?! Just to maintain archaic ideas about what constitutes a monarch?!

      • Cairidh says:

        The monarch has always travelled with spare blood and so do other senior royals. The “blood boxes” go everywhere with them.

    • Mimi says:

      Please don’t think Willie is the only one incandescent with rage over all things Harry & Meghan. I imagine Charles has been quite peeved to see the attention their foreign visits have been attracting. I’m sure he considers it upstaging his reign as monarch, so he has to get out there and show them who the real royal is.

      • CherryBerry says:

        I think you hit the nail on the head Mimi. I can see KC being jealous of his own son’s popularity and wanting some of that adulation for himself.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Absolutely, Mimi – and that’s probably where the insistence on this travel originated.

        This phrase of Wilson’s, “royal gift horse” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. No one considers that cantankerous ambulatory apple head doll to be a gift when he visits, and he certainly doesn’t act with any of the dignity of royalty. The appellation of “horse”, I agree is accurate.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      1. To get some more “work” done while he still can
      2. To try and convince everyone he’s still going strong
      3. Because his lazy son refused to go on his behalf

  4. Miss Scarlett says:

    He looks awful in these pictures, and I can’t imagine what Charles really looks like right now because he has on SO MUCH makeup, and I’m sure Chris Jackson photoshopped the heck out of these. I can’t believe he actually went through with this trip.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    These people just can’t help sneering down their noses at the colonies can they? I thought their incredibly colonialist and patriarchal viewpoints were saved for the Caribbean and African countries that they plundered, but apparently everyone isn’t fit to lick their boot. It’s amazing to me that they can write an article like this, and simultaneously be angry at the reception of outright indifference or visible anger that Charles and Camilla are getting. These people are stuck in the stories their grandparents told them about the “Empire”. The bitterness that people aren’t just going to take it any longer is oozing out of them.

  6. Jais says:

    What an offensive and nasty article.

    • Kaaaaaz says:

      If you want Australian news a far better source is our national broadcaster and it’s free to read or watch.

  7. yipyip says:

    No more Daily Mail for me.
    I do not need that garbage in my head.
    After the Liam Payne awful coverage, I plan to never check that site again.
    Endless negativity and lies.

    I just want to get to electing KH/TW and get some hope and positivity back in my days.

    Charles looks very unwell in these photos.
    He has lost a great deal of weight, clearly.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Yipyip Cheryl put out a strong statement decrying the intrusive and cruel BS put out about Liam Payne because she is protecting their bereaved 7 yo son. The Fail have been amongst the worst offenders. They have no shame and just turned her mother ‘s plea into another Absolutely heartless and every time I can’t believe how low they can go, they sink lower than frog poop in a swamp!

  8. E.A says:

    Typical British media, however all these countries are independent , you are not forced to be part of the commonwealth or monarchy. Honestly let your citizens decide get it over with all of this is just performative

  9. Noor says:

    Daily Mail tabloid pen writers do what it does best..offends people on a daily basis

  10. Proud Mary says:

    As if one needed further proof, reading a racist screed like this, from a harden monarchist, makes you realize what little chance Meghan stood of surviving in that country.

  11. Jaded says:

    “The Aussies have plenty to be penitent about, given the ghastly way they treated the indigenous Aboriginal population.”

    The British Monarchy has plenty MORE to be penitent about, given the ghastly way they treated MOST of the indigenous peoples on the planet.

    • Eurydice says:

      I was just typing this when I saw your comment. The British monarchy can be penitent about the indigenous Aboriginal population, too – considering they are the monarchy of Australia.

      • Jais says:

        Right??? Bc wtf. Wasn’t the monarchy the head of state when that happened in Australia? Omg.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Literally a government IN THE MONARCH’S NAME. Every British Monarch since the colonies’ inception bears the guilt and the shame of the global indigenous genocide in all the lands they “conquered”.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      The cognitive dissonance is WILD.

      Australia was a British colony under the direct rule of the ruler of British monarchy for alllllllllll of the most horrific crimes against the indigenous people of Australia.

      Hell the late Queen was the actual ruler in the 50’s during some horrific atrocities committed in name of Queen and country around the globe.

      This is a colonialism problem.

    • Cee says:

      It’s the same shit thrown at us by Spain. Like, you guys arrived on the continent and killed, robbed, destroyed everything in front of you but we are the ones who need to *checks notes* treat native nations *better*? FFS.

    • Nic919 says:

      The crimes against indigenous people in Canada and Australia didn’t just start in 1867 or 1901. The British crown set that in motion for hundreds of years before. It is so ignorant that British people have no idea of what colonialism wrought on people all over the globe. Especially monarchists.

    • bisynaptic says:

      LOL The mind reels at the nerve of these people…

  12. Digital Unicorn says:

    He looks frail in some of these photos. He’s aged a lot since his became King and am not sure it’s the pressure of the job.

    He’s sicker than they r letting on.

    • Nic919 says:

      He’s getting treatment still, which will make most people look weaker. Most aren’t dancing in the fields with daisies.

  13. Sarah says:

    Yikes, his hands look like balloons that are about to pop!

  14. lanne says:

    Gosh, those pictures, especially the 2nd one, are really unfortunate. I had a flash of an image from a film I haven’t seen or thought about in decades–Poltergeist 2. The old man who was the cult leader from the 1800s whose followers were haunting the little girl.

    This sounds terrible of me, but I imagined Charles singing “God is innnnn his holy temppllle” in that picture.

    Anyone else see the resemblance? That man scared the crap out of me when I saw that movie as a kid.

    • Tessa says:

      Exactly yes. That old man in poltergeist that came to the door saying let me in

    • Dee(2) says:

      Lanne you are not alone, I literally told my mother that he looked like Reverend Kane about a month and a half ago. They are not being totally honest about his prognosis and a lot of the stuff he’s doing feels like box checking so that his obituary will have a good amount of things checked that he completed as monarch and not as the Prince of Wales.

  15. Aerie says:

    This has been an underwhelming international tour for the ailing king, one which will be remembered only because it’s probably his last. He didn’t go to Australia to discuss politics or climate or even botanical issues so whatever happens, the press will consider this journey a success.

  16. Smart&Messy says:

    They did their best to lower the bar before they even left GB. And it’s going downhill pretty fast right?

  17. Andrea says:

    Ignorant nonsense. The Australian constitution specifies that the British head of state is head of state in Australia. Charles can’t resign being Australian head of state without abdicating the throne, at which point William would become head of state in both countries. Even if Britain ditched the monarchy and made the British PM head of state, that person would then be the Australian head of state unless Australia made a constitutional change.

    • Cee says:

      What? #FreeAustraliaFromWindsorStupidity

    • Nic919 says:

      I believe Australia set up the same nonsense as Canada where the crown is Canadian or Australian but they basically follow the British line of succession.

      So constitutional change is required in both countries to remove the crown as head of state.

  18. Em says:

    Imagine writing a disparaging hissy fit styled article, lambasting a host nation right as a Royal tour begins, while ignoring the fact that they (the host nation) are covering all the costs of said tour. Typical BCE or Big Colonialist Energy.

  19. Tessa says:

    what was the point of wearing all those medals? He looked absurd.

  20. Kingston says:

    Misplaced self-importance.
    Pathetic Losers.

    These are what I see when I look at or listen to a certain demographic of british men. They are:
    -age-grp 45-100
    – staunch monarchist
    – slavish royalist to the windsors
    – racist
    – a relic of the days when britannia ruled the waves & everyone who wasnt rich white & male, knew that their place in the social order (nevermind your economic, educational or other achievement) was below the white christian male.

    You see them clearly in the coven of “royal” writers/historians/british tabloid hacks/palace sources/etc (theyre all of a piece) and how they save their most vicious and vitriolic calumny for those who pull away their curtain of shame & distraction and doors of disgrace, allowing the sane world to see, point and laugh at them.

  21. Lady Digby says:

    The Fail ran a lot of articles calling on KC to abdicate if he became too old and ill prior to 2024. Is Wilson really wanting KC to unilaterally abdicate and make way for Will?? Fail backed Boris, Liz Truss so prefering Will is on brand for them.

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    Holy hell, Charles looks like a corpse.

    And I thought at first that Kaiser was making up that DM headline about the “drongo and ungracious Aussies” but it’s real.

  23. Cee says:

    Explain to me why Australian citizens want a non-elected foreigner as their Head of State?
    Especially since his very inept and ignorant son will succeed him due to an accident of birth?
    And australians are supposed to be sad these “threats” are being made? If it were me I’d be opening a bottle of champagne.

  24. VilleRose says:

    I went and googled some pictures of Charles from the last decade because he has aged so much this year with the cancer and chemotherapy. Just looking at pics from 2015, 2018, even 2020, he looks more full of vitality and healthy. He’s starting to look like his dad Prince Philip who in his 90s looked like a walking corpse for at least the last decade of his life in his 90s. I know that’s harsh but it’s not looking good for him. I hate to make predictions but I won’t be surprised if we have another royal funeral in less than a year.

    As for Australia getting rid of the English monarch as their head of state, I think it will happen sooner than Canada. I wouldn’t be surprised if the process was expedited after Charles passes away. I don’t think they’d want to bow down to King William.

    • Pork Belly says:

      Yes, it’s easier for Australia I think. All that’s needed is a referendum and for a majority of the states to agree to it. I remember reading on this site a while back that the Canadian process is much more lengthy and complex. I might be wrong on both counts though so I’m sure someone will correct me.
      I’m in Melbourne and anything happening in Sydney is usually of no interest to us or the rest of the country anyway.

  25. bisynaptic says:

    “the Commonwealth… meant so much to the late Queen, as it does to King Charles. If Charles seizes the initiative, he will have left the dignity of the monarchy intact, and the idea of the Commonwealth strong.”
    — Wait til he gets a load of William! 😂

  26. Cathy says:

    ” Of course, this new, rootless Oz generation, who have no idea who they are or where they come from”

    A.N. Wilson needs to visit on Anzac Day then he’d see Aussies know exactly who they are.

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