AP: Donald Trump is clearly in poor health & has profound cognitive decline

Personally, I’m still angry about what was done to President Biden and the implicit and explicit ageism with the attacks on Biden over the summer. In retrospect, the media and the party’s disgust with Biden’s age is so even more hypocritical given the fact that Donald Trump is absolutely losing his mind on the campaign trail. He waddles from event to event, lying and rambling and talking about the late, great Hannibal Lector. He keeps canceling interviews and events, with his staffers privately confirming that he’s exhausted. He’s clearly in terrible health and his cognitive decline has been evident for years. And yet, there’s barely any media appetite to cover any of that or do anything but sanewash this very ill man. That’s why Kamala Harris has begun really pressing the issue as she campaigns, and she’s basically challenged the media to give Trump the “full Biden treatment.” Few media outlets have done so, but at least the Associated Press is trying:

Still, Trump’s public appearances are often marked by rambling. He regularly confuses timelines, events and people.

At a town hall-style forum in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Trump seemed to have no recollection of meeting with a severely injured veteran and his family. The veteran’s wife noted that “you visited with him many times” and “you just saw him this summer.”

Trump has also confused Republican rival Nikki Haley with former Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He confused the location of a major military base. He mistakenly said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán led Turkey.

During a meandering news conference riddled with false and misleading statements in August, Trump recalled riding as a passenger in the chopper with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown when it was forced to make an emergency landing. Brown later said he had never shared a helicopter with Trump. Instead, it was likely a Los Angeles city councilman, who is also Black, who shared a rocky helicopter ride with Trump decades earlier.

And more recently, at a rally in Wisconsin, he seemed to squint at teleprompters as he lurched from subject to subject. He described the country as a “third-world hellhole.” He then told his audience, “Remember, there’s a hat that’s made that sells like crazy,” before interrupting himself to comment on a fly. “Oh there’s a fly, I wonder where the fly came from. See, two years ago, I wouldn’t have had a fly up here. You’re changing rapidly,” Trump said.

He has begun boasting about his “beautiful body” and describes his often long-winded speeches as “flawless.”

Trump regularly acknowledges questions about his age and health during public appearances. On Sunday in Arizona, Trump mocked critics who declare him “cognitively impaired” because he “mispronounced a word.”

“They say, He’s cognitively impaired!” Trump teased. “No, I’ll let you know when I will be. I will be someday — we all will be someday. I’ll be the first to let you know.”

[From The AP]

The AP also consulted various doctors who were like: yeah, I don’t treat Trump, but I can tell you that he’s cognitively impaired. It’s that obvious to everyone, especially from his public behavior and his speech patterns. I also have a theory that not only is Trump exhausted, he’s bored. He’s tired of campaigning. He finds it boring nowadays. He’s not getting the same rush he used to get, possibly because his rallies are poorly attended and he can see his “supporters” leaving early. He doesn’t want to make those speeches anymore.

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Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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82 Responses to “AP: Donald Trump is clearly in poor health & has profound cognitive decline”

  1. TN Democrat says:

    The mango tangerine fascist and all his sycophants, including Muskrat, should be in prison. He should not running for president. The last decade plus have been bizarre. The media should have shouted him down over the birther nonsense. How did this wicked, awful man get this far? The media’s lack of teeth when dealing with the Magats/Republikkkans while continually blasting the Democrats has been blaringly obvious. More of this type of coverage from every outlet please.

    • orangeowl says:

      Two weeks before the election, I feel like more outlets are figuring it out. Or starting to. Something I was hoping they would learn after 2016. Just now an NPR correspondent talked flatly about how Trump repeated his lies about FEMA in North Carolina. And the top story in the NYT is about Trump’s links to Project 2025. There’s also a piece by Ezra Klein today called What’s Wrong with Donald Trump?

      Too bad it’s too late. As you said, he should never have gotten near the presidency. If media had simply covered him as the crank he’s always been, we would not been this terrifying mess today.

      • Blithe says:

        In 2017, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, written by a group of about 30 psychiatrists / mental health professionals led by Bandy Lee — who was then at Yale, was published. SEVEN years ago, Lee felt so strongly about the power being given to one very disturbed individual, that she spearheaded efforts to alert and protect the public from Donald Trump. She lost her job. She has continued to use her professional expertise to call attention to Trump’s clear deficits and to his very public decline.

        In 2020, Mary Trump, a psychologist and niece of Donald Trump, wrote a book describing Trump’s family history, and painstakingly depicting Donald Trump’s lifelong personality characteristics and the impact that his clinically significant issues played in his ability to govern.

        Bandy Lee, Mary Trump, and many other mental health professionals have continued to publicly raise concern about Donald Trumps cognitive deficits and continued very public deterioration.

        @orangeowl, “figuring it out” should not even be an issue. As you, Kaiser, and others point out, what’s up with the many, many people in the media, and in politics, who have long witnessed all of the chaos and very clear mental health deficits and decline that Trump has very publicly displayed— only to gingerly begin covering it as a concern once voting has already started? I’m applauding your comment. I think that your last paragraph is a truth that should be constantly and prominently spread by media outlets everywhere.

      • DK says:

        I get that the media think they’ll get more clicks (and less MAGA rabid hate) if they just sane-wash T’s dementia as quirky or just Sonakd being Donald.

        And I get that they may legitimately be scared that if he wins, they will lose their licenses or be executed. Since he has promised to do both.

        But wouldn’t there be plenty of clicks – and perhaps even a potential Pulitzer – if they expose who is really running the show?

        Like, not only should they be highlighting how mentally incapacitated T has become, but they should be doing hard hitting investigative journalism on who is actually calling final shots.

        DT is not making to the final call on anything anymore. We used to say he was Putin’s puppet, but now he is everyone’s puppet, and shouldn’t the people have a right to know who is actually running the potential president?

        Is it Mnunchin? Vance? Thiel?
        Real journalists would be finding out and publishing evidence, since this is a huge deal: to have a clearly mentally disabled presidential candidate who is being spoon fed lines (and can still only half deliver them) to give the public by his handlers , who are the ones behind the curtain actually running the show.

        Why is there radio silence on this obvious – and dangerous – counterpart to the whole dementia issue?!

      • Kitten says:

        I guess I’m kinda over blaming the media for our current mess. There are just too many Americans who don’t get their info from valid news sources anyway. And that’s because they don’t care to–they’d rather live in their delusional world where their priors are always confirmed and never challenged. The media cannot fix the brain rot that exists in almost half of the American population. No negative news story about Trump will stop huge swaths of Americans from dressing up in patriotic Halloween costumes, congregating at his masturbatory rallies to fervently worship their orange God like the newly converted. MSNBC, CNN, NYT, AP…it’s all just fake news to them anyway.

        That doesn’t mean that I’m not frustrated by how the media covers him–but it’s why we should all collectively ignore the MSM and follow independent journalists who do the actual work and are mostly being eradicated in favor of large corporate news conglomerates owned by the billionaires.

      • Steph says:

        @blithe I just borrowed both books from my library. Thanks for mentioning them.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Kitten, I agree about ignoring msm and find streaming news that’s factual. The msm are owned by Rupert Mudoch and his ilk. What I find interesting is that they want to be oligarchs to the rest of us as the poor or starving. I guess it never occurred to them that they would be given the stories that would be required to write. Or, perhaps they’ll just close down the newspapers in the country. By they, I mean the owners. Afterall, they’ll have their money and the hellscape they wanted.

      • kirk says:

        F*** Ezra Klein. He’s one of the people who started the whoa too old Biden Beatdown. Here’s hoping Ezra gets trashed as bad in his old age as what he did to Biden. Used to pay attention to him when he wasn’t taken as seriously by others in media. Now he’s high on the smell of his own f***s. His desire for an open convention contest after majority voted for Kamala as 2nd in command? 🤮

    • Jill says:

      Oh my goodness I couldn’t agree with you more like I just feel like we’ve been watching the very long episode of Saturday night live and that someone’s going to snap out of it and grow some balls and stop the dangerous antics. But now things have gotten so out of control that even if he dropped out of a heart attack today the momentum has taken course and it’s pretty frightening. All the factors are in place and you know how fascism works once all those characteristics are lined up it’s going to take a generation to undo what this slug is done he is stained our country and made us the divided States of America and what the hell America was already great so it started off with the b*******

  2. Camomile says:

    Didn’t someone comment yesterday that Charles had a tantrum over the small crowds in Australia? These two remind me of each other.

  3. Flowerlake says:

    Thanks for writing about this, Kaiser!

    I have clicked on the link to the article as well, that you kindly provided, as clicks is what the media want nowadays.

    This needs way more attention. People like us writing here, know about these issues, but many who are far less focused on politics need it served on a platter before they consume this information/

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Kamala says every day that he is increasingly unstable and unhinged. She and hundreds of national security officials and former White House staff make clear that he is unfit to be president. The message is certainly out there if anyone wants to hear it. Sadly, many don’t.

      • Flowerlake says:

        True, many people are not nearly as focused on politics as we are and don’t check anything out that isn’t spoon-fed to them.

        Hope people here will follow Harris and other Democrats on social media and spread more information, if you don’t already do that.

        It also helps to know what they’re doing for average people whenever a MAGA screams “She has no policy!” or “She did nothing”.
        When she actually has a lot of policy points and did a lot for average people.

  4. Miranda says:

    A “greatest hits” compilation of these moments would make a fantastic ad. I feel like the DNC has been way, WAY too polite about this, among other things, for far too long. I don’t know if it would make converts, but maybe it could at least make would-be Trump voters decide to just stay home on election day.

    (Sidenote: I have exactly one Trump voter in my family, a stepcousin who lives in NC. He can’t drive and refuses to use an absentee ballot, and has been whining that other relatives in the area won’t take him to the polls on Election Day. He calls it “voter suppression”. 🤣 I mention this because, aside from being kinda funny, it also seems like the MAGAts aren’t doing much to make sure their voters can actually get to the polls?)

    • what says:

      The problem is that Democrats are held to higher standards. There were media think pieces just about calling him “weird.” The news media, led by the New York Times, should have been covering his mental decline with the same excitement that they “covered” Biden’s nonexistent mental decline. (He’s just old, Trump has actual mental disease from what I see.) The Times wrote over 300 stories in seven days about Biden. With Trump, they actively sanewash everything he does. So there is not a level playing field between Democrats and Republicans.

    • orangeowl says:

      I think MAGAs are finding their way to the polls, unfortunately. Yesterday was the first day o nearly in person voting in FL and Republicans far outnumbered the Democrats. Let’s just hope swing state turnout for them is not so robust.

    • Blithe says:

      George Conway (Trump aide Kelly Ann Conway’s ex-husband) is doing his best. The pointedly named PsychoPac24 — an “anti-Psychopath Political Action Committee, and the Lincoln Project have distributed (and documented) some pretty compelling —and pretty telling — stuff.

      • Jaded says:

        The MeidasTouch Network with Ben, Brett and Jordy Meiselas (led by Ron Filipkowski, Editor-in-Chief, former federal & state prosecutor, attorney, marine) is doing a great job with spreading the ugly truth about the orange menace. Michael Popok’s LegalAF videos and podcasts are well worth watching too with lots of great legal opinions and insider information that doesn’t sane-wash Trump’s obvious psychotic/narcissistic/sociopathic behaviour. They’ve been outing his cognitive decline for years now yet the legacy media (mostly republican owned) is only now starting to discuss it…SMH.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Also, Bryan Tyler Cohen is doing a great job. Add him to the list if you haven’t watched him on youtube.

      • Jaded says:

        @Saucy&Sassy — I love BTC! Harry Litman and Glenn Kirshner are on the must-watch list as well.

      • AmyB says:

        I agree with you all – MediasTouch does a fantastic job. I also love BTC, David Pakman and Secular Talk’s Kyle Kulinski. Independent journalism is the only way to go now.

      • bisynaptic says:

        What I find interesting is that Heather Cox Richardson has abandoned her “neutral” style of reporting and is now explicit about how bonkers this all is.

      • kirk says:

        Not a big George Conway fan after what he and his then wife did to Bill and Hillary. However, one of the best interviews I’ve seen this election season was between Marc Elias and George Conway. (Available on Democracy Docket? or YouTube?). Material discussed included the denouement of the Republican party after what I expect will be their 2024 presidential loss. Interesting, and coming from party knowledgeable person.

    • Ponchorella says:

      Yeah, I don’t understand why these moments aren’t compiled into an ad. I doubt Fox would run it, but maybe for enough $ they would. Kamala is working with a cool billion, and Murdoch is a greedy bastard.

  5. Inge says:

    They showed speeches from 2016 side by side with now and the decline is very obvious…

    • Rebecca says:

      Also watch on youtube David Feldman on The David Feldman Show. His is Independent Broadcast. Love the watch him!

  6. ML says:

    I’ve been screeching inwardly and outwardly complaining to anyone who can stomach it about how TFG is covered by the press. It drives me crazy that he has So. Many. Red. Flags. as to why he should never have been president from his treatment of women, POC, and workers, to how he stuffed the courts, tried to takeover the government when he lost, to his demented word salads and worship of dicatators. And he gets sane washed, interpreted, and sanitized while he’s lieterally trying to recreate a modern Third Reich. Honestly, I don’t think these doctors saying anything now will even help and it just adds to my frustration.

    • Nanea says:

      The sanewashing by the media is unacceptable.

      The way they ignore DonOLD’s very evident cognitive problems while at the same time pretending that President Biden’s lifelong neurogenic disorder — stammering — is the same as showing signs of mental decline, implying that PJB is too old for the job.

      The biggest part of the traditional media also refuse to fact-check tRump’s word salads or point out his awful personal threats to political adversaries.

      It’s on them that the MAGAts could even come so close to the presidency again, with the help and influence of their billionaire proprietors and their billionaire tech bro friends.


  7. Courtney says:

    Thank you for posting this. If Trump wins, I will hold the mainstream media largely responsible for it. They are completely incapable of covering politics without devolving into horse race narratives and “both sides” crap. They’re grousing about Harris and Walz not kissing their rings when the campaign is simply trying to meet undecided voters where they are (which is NOT reading the NYT and WaPo). We are on the knife’s edge of descending into fascism, and they refuse to accurately report what is staring on our faces. Vote Harris-Walz, US Celebitchy readers! It’s our only shot at pushing back Trump once and for all.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      The major news media needs to be revamped. They are salty that most people are tuning into TikTok influencers than them.

    • Paben6 says:

      The media elected him LAST time, too — because he was a clown, they covered him nonstop, even though he clearly was not a serious candidate. Remember how the TV stations clicked away from an actual Republican DEBATE to cover one of his stupid rallies? He would never have won w/o the prominence they deliberately gave him, because they thought his buffoonery was good for ratings, but what they really did was provide him w/ a gloss of respectability. It was shameful then, and is so much more disgraceful and immoral now.

    • Blithe says:

      I agree with you about holding the media accountable. I’d add in the GOP though. The concerns about Trump’s functioning are readily apparent when he’s in carefully controlled public situations. There is NO way that the Republican overlords could have interacted face-to-face with Trump — and come away impressed with his sanity, judgement, and self-control. They nominated him anyway. They knowingly nominated Trump anyway.

      I get that on this awesome site I’m preaching to the choir, but we still have the chance to spread these concerns— particularly to people who typically don’t pay much attention to politics.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      The owners of the media want to be oligarchs and believe that if Trump is elected that’s what they’ll be. They don’t care about our Country at all.

      Something for everyone to know is that Project 2025 is now Progress 2028. Once Harris is in office, we still are not finished fighting.

      • Ponchorella says:

        Until Citizens United is overturned and fix the “supreme” court, this will be an endless fight. It’s so exhausting. I hate that the Democrats let the courts be taken over without much of a fight.

        Don’t worry, I’m still voting Dem because it’s our only hope.

  8. Walking the Walk says:

    Thank you!

    It’s obvious. And the freaking rag that is Politico had the nerve to say that Trump had the best weekend ever because he put Kamala on the defensive about McDonald’s. The man talked about Arnold Palmer’s package! He started talking about windmills ruining things. He refused to apologize about inciting violence against FEMA workers. Wont’ raise the minimum wage. Started hitting on the undertaker’s daughter. It’s really obvious that his people want to put him on soft focused things and let him rally. But he’s over it.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Put Kamala on the defensive about McDonald’s? She did three town halls in three different states yesterday and never mentioned McDonald’s. While walking to her car at the airport, a reporter asked if she worked at McDonald’s. She gave a big smile, a thumbs up and replied, “Did I? I did!”. Politico is trash.

      • Becks1 says:

        The McDonald’s thing is the stupidest thing ever.

        One news station – can’t remember if it was CBS or ABC – did partly highlight the contrast the other night, by describing Kamala’s blitz through the battleground states and then moving on to trump working at McDonald’s and making lewd comments about Arnold Palmer.

        I wish they had gone harder but even so, the contrast was striking.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        Agreed! I saw today on Twitter some pundits saying she needs to prove it so voters can move on. NONE OF US CARE!

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Both he and Biden are too old to run for President. There should be an age limit for candidates.

    • Blithe says:

      With Trump, the issue is less age than clear signs of dementia— on top of some very longstanding cognitive deficits. Would you not also be concerned about a 45 year old candidate with a similar presentation?

      • Jaded says:

        Trump has inherited his father’s quickly progressing dementia. At 78 Fred started to decline and within 2 years he repeatedly failed cognitive tests. He couldn’t even draw a clock with the numbers on it. He lived to a ripe old age but was basically house-bound for years, eventually dying of pneumonia at a Jewish hospital (the irony is not lost on me, he was a raging antisemite).

    • Deedee says:

      There are many people in their 80s who are clearly cognitively fine. Please don’t put everyone in the same basket–it’s ageism.

    • Jaded says:

      It’s not a case of ageism, it’s a case of bringing in fresh new, energetic people with perspectives that align with the younger generations of today to fire up their interest in policy, politics and voting that old white men have historically controlled. Also, I just turned 72 and I admit I’m not as sharp and quick mentally and physically as I used to be. Old age happens and yes, it should be respected, but there are certain roles (SCOTUS comes to mind) that should have age limits and term limits.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Biden has been one of the best, most progressive and most effective Presidents this country has ever had. His experience is part of his competence. He is still sharp.

    • kirk says:

      There’s a convicted felon on the ballot, but you’re worried about age? There’s a proven liar on the ballot who sent COVID vaccines to Vladimir Putin before he made them available for American citizens, but you’re worried about age?
      There’s a phony rumor monger on the ballot who refused to accept the truth of the last election and fomented an insurrection at the nation’s Capitol, but you think age should be a disqualifier?
      There’s a proven thief on the ballot who knowingly stole many classified documents that belong to the republic, squirreled them away in his bathroom and shared them with who knows who, but you’re worried about age?
      Etc., etc., etc.

      Meanwhile I and many others are grateful for the services rendered to US and its WWII allies by Navajo Code Talker, John Kinsel, Sr., who died 10/19/2024 at age 107. Amazing that he rendered this service despite the way Native Americans were treated by U.S. Govt. In a 2021 video, Kinsel sounds completely lucid. Math tells us Kinsel lived 26 years past Biden’s current age of 81

  10. Izzy says:

    I’ve been wondering for years if he has advanced syphillis. Interestingly enough, I was recently at an infectious disease conference and this subject came up, and several people there had the same theory.

    • Blithe says:

      I’ve long heard that possibility discussed — by professionals who know a LOT about what that could look like. Remember Trump’s comment re: his “own personal Vietnam”.

    • Jaded says:

      I thought penicillin was the standard cure? Surely if he’d contracted it at some point he would have been treated. However there can be long-lasting symptoms if treatment isn’t administered right away, maybe that’s the issue. But Alzheimer’s runs in both sides of his family so his chances of him having it are pretty high.

      • FancyPants says:

        He would have to admit/accept that he had syphillis in the first place to take the medicine, and that could never happen because he has the bigliest most tremendous immune system, like nobody has ever seen before!

  11. Whalesnark says:

    They ALL have such short memories for their own failings:
    1. He used to say that he would never use a teleprompter. Now he’s probably got one installed in every room of his house.
    2. Many was the critic who said having that (WHITE) couple in the WH restored elegance after the Obamas. Ah yes, talking about dead golfer’s dongs, eating dogs, swaying like a moron, deriding the looks and mental capacity of a political opponent – it all just screams refinement and class.
    3. When family is the most important societal unit, I think that we can all agree that you should publicly address one kid’s sexual experience, while covering up the time that you punched another one in the face, unprompted.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      My personal favorite Trump policy position is that Lincoln should have settled the Civil War. It reveals so much about him from his stunning racism to his almost religious belief in “deal making”.

      • Whalesnark says:

        Who is he trying to fool? He won’t (not can’t) follow basic imperatives in the law. He’s definitely not going to go along with optional rules from a religion.

  12. Lucy2 says:

    Definitely some cognitive decline and age, but I also imagine there’s exhaustion, drug use, and the fact that he’s a wild animal back into a corner because he knows he’s in big trouble if he doesn’t win, and he’s not going to win.
    Couple that with someone who has never been told no, who does not listen to anyone around him, and who doesn’t have any good people around him either, and you get…this.

  13. yipyip says:

    Remember when voters expected Presidential Candidates to be intelligent?
    That certainly went up in flames with Trump.

  14. yipyip says:

    Look back thru the list of GOP candidates.
    Trump is the most insane, unqualified, corrupt, criminal ever.
    What else is there to say?

  15. Mightymolly says:

    Keep repeating this: President Vance. Because that’s what we’re talking about here. President.Vance. When you’re done vomiting, find a way to connect with swing state voters and say that phrase.

  16. Jais says:

    What a dumbass. He let Obama break his racist mind and now he’s spending his elder years campaigning at rallies. He could be sitting at maralago eating steak until he dies. But now he faces endless rallies and court cases. I sure hope he doesn’t win bc he’s a pos.

  17. girl_ninja says:

    I’m glad that The Harris-Walz team is going in on his obvious poor mental and physical health. I still think they need to go IN on January 6th and share about the violence at the capital along with that trash panda calling it a day of love.

    • Whalesnark says:

      It’s much simpler than that, and I’ve been railing on about it since July: all that the Dems have to do is say “If you claim that you will do all these things, then explain why you DIDN’T do it when you had the power”.

      The best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.

  18. yipyip says:

    2 huge wars currently.
    Neither Trump or Vance is capable of handling the responsibilities of Office.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      yipyip, he’s told us what he would do. Russia would get Ukraine and any other country Putin wants. He’ll let Netanyahu go after any country in the ME he wants and will probably send US troops to help.

  19. Midnight@theOasis says:

    “ news conference riddled with false and misleading statements ”

    Lies. The 🍊🤡 tells fu@king lies. Call it what it is.

  20. Kitten says:

    Vanguard Group and BlackRock are top shareholders in CBS, ABC, Fox News, and MSNBC. THEY ARE THE SAME. FUCKING. COMPANY, guys–there is no difference. And thanks to the Supreme Court decision decision RE: Citizens United versus FEC, they effectively banned prohibitions on independent expenditures by corporations– like donations toward political campaigns, candidates, and Super PACs. So yay, now corporations have the same rights as individuals and have immense power and influence over elections.

    This is why your news sources are shit. It’s not Jake Tapper or Dana Bash’s fault–it’s always always ALWAYS the corporate overlords. So my advice is to always remember who owns your news source and remember that many of them love the Trump tax breaks.

    • Jaded says:

      And Opus Dei are throwing tons of dark money at the Heritage Foundation (led by Leonard Leo, and Ginni Thomas has worked with them for 20+ years) and other far right-wing organizations to support the spread of Project 2025 and shape their uber-conservative *so-called* Christian policies. Leonard Leo sponsored the conservative takeover of SCOTUS, overturning Roe v Wade, and he’s working against voting rights, reproductive and gender affirming rights, climate change, all the while defending gun rights and huge corporate tax breaks. JD Vance’s schtick is straight out of Opus Dei and if, by some tragic turn of events Trump wins, he’s one step away from the presidency. A chilling thought…

  21. AmyB says:

    I know looking up old debates/or speeches with this Orange convicted felon/rapist/fascist is not something most of us want to do. HOWEVER, if you juxtapose a 2015 Trump to the bumbling, incoherent, vile one today who waxes poetic about Arnold Palmer’s manhood, brags about sending in the military to the “enemy within” and sways on stage to music for 40 minutes, the difference is staggering. He was always a hateful, stupid, malignant narcissist driven by feeding his fragile ego, but he is in the full throws of cognitive decline/dementia now. I am so sick and tired of the mainstream media (for the most part) sane-washing this moron.

    God willing in two weeks, Harris/Walz win this election!!!

    • Blithe says:

      I’d add that it’s also enlightening to look at the transcripts too. When we listen to Trump’s ramblings, our brains try to make it make sense. When we see the word salad, the repetitions,
      the loose associations, and the bizarre content actually written out, Trump’s clear verbal deficits and problematic thought processes are even more apparent.

  22. Nina says:

    I dunno why Kamala keeps talking about how unfit Trump is to be president. Everyone knows this. Everyone knew it in 2016. She’s not going to convince anyone else, certainly not at this point.

    I don’t believe in “undecided voters”. No one’s “undecided”. These two candidates could not be more different. If you’re calling yourself “undecided” it’s either because you just never vote, or you’re voting for Trump and are just too embarrassed to admit it.

    I’m also concerned with how she keeps courting “moderate Republicans” and having them join her at events. She should instead be courting young progressives, because that’s the future of the Democratic base. Once Trump is gone these “moderates” will more than likely go back to supporting whoever the next Republican leader is. This “Look at all the ‘reasonable’ Republicans who support me!” attitude is a major turn off to young progressives.

    • Jaded says:

      Everyone one doesn’t know this. His legion of MAGA supporters get their news from far-right conspiracy theorists, Fox, Breitbart and other rethuglican media. They love him, believe every word he says, and will fight for him to the death if necessary. Furthermore, Harris is getting lots of support from progressive Republicans because even they realize that the US is circling the drain politically and the best way to get the country out of the morass of anti-democracy lunacy is to work together to defeat it.

      • bisynaptic says:

        There are no progressive Republicans. The best we have are never-Trumpers. Even Liz Cheney is not such a fan of democracy that she had a problem with the Brooks Brothers riots’ /SCOTUS’s installing her father as VPOTUS.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      They are hitting the Republicans who are over it harder so that they can win in enough numbers to not have January 6th again, and the young progressives are saying they are not going to vote for her because of Gaza. I got into it with someone that said they won’t vote for her since she and Trump are the same, and they don’t care what happens to minorities, LGBT, etc. They don’t think it will get bad and we’re exaggerating.

    • bisynaptic says:

      🎯 💯 🎯

  23. amy says:

    It doesn’t matter what the media writes about him. Because Republicans and Trump supporters don’t read or listen to traditional news media. They listen to Fox News and MAGA podcasts and websites. And those sites are never going to mention these things.

    Even moderates and people still undecided don’t really listen to traditional, fact-based media outlets. They’re tuning out all political coverage.

  24. Jacques says:

    Thank you Kaiser, for bringing up ageism. Not engaging in stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice should be a no brainer. We should never normalize discrimination of any kind. It isn’t cute, or funny. It is hurtful and says more about the person saying it than the subject. It would make me so happy to read comment sections, this one included, and not see so much hate spewed toward the aged. If we want the world to be better, it is up to us to set an example.

  25. Henny Penny says:

    Elon Musk and Peter Theil are the real presidential candidates. Trump and Vance are merely puppets.

  26. Eliza says:

    A) I said over a year ago Biden would drop out. I thought it would be at the convention.
    B) We may have witnessed the best political strategy outmaneuvering ever and I believe Biden was chief strategist. Pelosi may have jumped the gun, but it seemed planned.
    C) Kamala was prepared to hit the campaign trail on Day 1. Clearly, she was preparing.
    D) I thought Trump wanted to win to get his pardon. Now I think he knows he can’t win and is only interested in protesting the election afterward. For some weird reason he wants to try and overthrow the Government. Upset the apple cart so to speak.
    E) I’ll go out on a limb and predict a clear majority win for KH/TW. I believe the MSM is saying it’s close to keep people interested in buying their crappy newspapers. Apparently there are many misogynists and racists who can’t vote for a convicted felon, but also can’t vote for a woman, let alone a woman of color. They are the ones who’ve announced they aren’t going to vote. (Thank goodness) I, for one, have had enough of the white male patriarchy, enough of the racism, enough of the vulgarity, and look forward to celebrating on 11/5 when the conversation turns to Madame President.
    I am headed to FLA to celebrate with my 94 year old mother, who voted for Kamala, of course, duh, and a bunch of like-minded 90+ year old women at her assisted living facility. One woman attended Franklin Roosevelt’s funeral. Another is 100 years old. Great group of women.
    First song on Election Day playlist.
    I gotta feelin’
    That tonight’s gonna be a good night,
    That tonight’s gonna be a good night,
    That tonight’s gonna be a good, good night!

  27. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    He is old and tired and scared and panicking

  28. AC says:

    It is 💯 obvious he’s in cognitive decline. If MAGAs aren’t seeing it for themselves they are for sure in denial. They have older/senior family members, they should know what it looks like when family members are in declining health.
    This is a strategy from a very dangerous new GOP party – basically a vote for Trump is a vote for Vance/Thiel/Elon, and most likely influenced by those outside the US. They’re using Trump as a cover/face to get MAGA votes and Trump is using the election to win and get out of jail.

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