Tina Brown: The Duchess of Sussex is ‘flawless about getting it all wrong’

Tina Brown made it clear in her 2022 book The Palace Papers that she has no love for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. She’s especially bent out of shape about Meghan. Brown believes, as so many British people believe, that Meghan was an American upstart who didn’t understand “the rules” and wanted to be “the star” of the royal family. Brown consistently blames Meghan for the abuse Meghan suffered and the smear campaign waged against her. Brown constantly blames Meghan for “forcing” Harry to leave the UK, and Brown has made it clear that she believes Harry must come back to Britain because “there’s a Harry-shaped hole in the monarchy.” Well, Tina has a new Substack and she promoted it on the Ankler podcast. Wouldn’t you know, Brown once again trashed Meghan.

Tina Brown says “all of [Meghan Markle’s] ideas are total crap,” and thinks Prince Harry is a “naïve” “lamb to the slaughter. The former Vanity Fair and New Yorker editor dished on the couple to promote her new substack, “Fresh Hell.” The Ankler’s Janice Min asked the Brit wunderkind editor who took over New York in the ’80s about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the latest episode of the Ankler podcast.

Brown said of Harry’s defection from the royal family: “In England, they’re going to constantly make a career out of trashing Harry. But actually, the thing about Harry is he’s very good at being Prince Harry. And that’s the tragedy of all of this, is that he is the most talented member of the royal family, without doubt, in terms of being a prince, which is all he does know how to do… he’s really sort of flawless at it.”

As for Markle, she added, “I think he’s pretty much in the thrall of Meghan. The trouble with Meghan is that she has the worst judgment of anyone in the entire world. She’s flawless about getting it all wrong. She really is.”

Brown said of the “Suits” star turned American Riviera Orchard entrepreneur, “She’s a perfectionist about getting it all wrong. Her issue is that she doesn’t listen. She has all these people, asks them their opinion, and then doesn’t follow it. She does what she wants to do. And all of her ideas are total crap, unfortunately.”

She reckons of Harry’s worldview, “he’s so naïve and really unschooled in the ways of the world. Being Prince Harry means that I doubt if he ever booked a table in a restaurant. The army was great for him, and he was extremely good and competent in there. That really helped turn him into a real person.”

But with Markle, “he’s the lamb to the slaughter in this situation,” Brown said. “He was terribly impressed by Meghan. He thought that she knew all, she persuaded him that she was the savvy Hollywood wheeler-dealer who could come in and make them stars and all the rest of it. And he just sort of blindly followed her like a child, really.”

Brown says of Markle’s moves — and future, “unfortunately, she made every mistake in the book, and she’s kind of run out of road. I don’t know where Meghan goes. Harry could still, as I say, make a comeback. He’ll always be Prince Harry. He’ll always be the grandson of the Queen and the son of Diana.”

[From Page Six]

The narrative of “Harry is an innocent child manipulated by his Black wife” is ridiculous and blatantly racist at this point. It’s especially galling because we’ve all read Harry’s memoir. Spare made me realize how thoroughly Meghan followed Harry’s lead on all things royal. He was constantly giving her the wrong advice and she fell into several traps because Harry was trying to manage Meghan and everyone around her. Tina Brown refuses to admit the obvious, which is that Harry and Meghan make decisions together, and that they’re doing really well. Especially considering the Windsors and the media have worked together for five-plus years to destroy the Sussexes – Harry and Meghan are living their best lives in California, they have money and security and they’re raising their kids out of the spotlight. Brown makes it sound like they’re destitute and social pariahs. They are not.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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132 Responses to “Tina Brown: The Duchess of Sussex is ‘flawless about getting it all wrong’”

  1. Amyb says:

    Is this the same Tina Brown who had the wrong date for the engagement of H & M in her book The Palace Papers?

    • Noor says:

      Tina had her heyday. Frankly her best days are behind her and she is very much out of touch and dated. Her views are toxic just like the tabloid writers

      • I agree she is toxic. They never read the room to see how beloved that Harry and Meg are and so we get the toxic lies.

      • Eliza says:

        Yes. Struggling to stay relevant. She acts like Harry is an imbecile.

      • ML says:

        Her views on H&M are indeed just like those of the tabloid writers and they are also toxic. Racist MIL vibes.

      • Ella says:

        Exactly. Her audience is the elderly Tory elite types and she’s stuck on that creaky ship like a pirate’s hostage, just like the rest of those pro monarchy journalists.

    • Advisor2u says:

      She is racist and misogynoir at her core.

      It’s funny though: it’s often the British women in media with the most unfortunate and miserable private lives that are doing the belittling and character assisination of Meghan with an unhinged passion, for years now. Just take a look at the (past) events in each of their private lives and you’ll get where the venom, hate and jealousy come from. I’ll give you what’s in the mix:
      divorced, cheated opon by their husbands/partners (or the other way arround) loneliness, depression, abandonment by one or two patents, passed abuse, addiction of any kind, sacked from a ‘prestigious’ job, you name it.

      Tina, fits in perfectly. From the get go she hated/s Meghan with a passion. She’ll take any opportunity to insult her and paint her in the most horific way.
      When on US TV she tones it down a bit, but still she’ll be doing the disparagement.

      Unfortunately many in US and UK legacy and gossip media still consider her as a sort of ‘authority’ in celebrity/ lifestyle matters, and still are offering her a platform to do her bidding, but that status is long gone by. Formaly, she doesn’t have a platform for years now; sacked, or let go from her positions. (With this podcast thingy it looks like she’s doing her bidding for a comeback).

      Anyhow, Tina B knows as much about Meghan (and Harry) and what’s going on in the royal family these days, as the rest of the so-called royal experts.

      I’ll say this – keep on belittle Meghan, Tina B, your karma is soon coming (watch what has happened to many MM ardent haters).

    • Debbie says:

      Tina Brown is really showing us who the British people are, bless her. Holy moley, can you say “unstable”?

    • PrincessK says:

      Very disappointed with Tina Brown. Why is she so desperate for cheap headlines?
      Her book Palace Papers was a huge disappointment, after the Diana Chronicles l had high expectations and l was expecting some balance from her. Her glory days are behind her and so she needs to keep as many people on side and it seems she has decided not to upset the RF.

      • booboocita says:

        She’s desperate, period. She wants attention, or at least a few bucks. And hating on Meghan is lucrative, unfortunately, although I’m beginning to think that the only place it’s truly lucrative anymore is the UK. May all toxic UK media figures perish somewhere in the North Sea.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        I had negative expectations from Palace Papers. Personally, thought the Diana Chronicles was pretty snide to Diana in covert way.

        TB has always been a royalist. I hope she and her bottle of Aqua Net sleep well. /s

        Did TB think the weird ass Massengill video from the WanK’s was a beautiful thing? Talk about crap.

        It’s so funny, that they want to talk about Meghan this way. They might need to reread SPARE. Of course, they won’t admit Harry’s actual words.

        Tina Brown’s Newsweek wasn’t shy of putting out Frankenphotos.


    • NikkiK says:

      Her take makes no sense. To believe it, you’d also have to believe the following:

      1. Harry with all his knowledge, education and world experience is actually an idiot
      2. It also blows their racist and white supremacy ideology out the water because again, this man is so stupid that it was that easy for him to be fooled?
      3. See 1 and 2, repeat infinity

  2. Eurydice says:

    It’s really Groundhog Day for Tina, isn’t it – for her, nothing ever changes.

    • Teddy says:

      Lol yes! Except now rather than being an editor at a prestige magazine, Tina’s out grubbing for clicks on a Substack. Talk about getting it flawlessly wrong.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      I know little of this woman but that she runs the Daily Beast (dumped that subscription)- she looks **lit as hell** in these photos, though- and that would make sense given the ridiculous shit she claims and prints.

      • Teddy says:

        She was editor of vanity fair and the New Yorker and she founded the daily beast. (Her bio says she also partnered w Harvey Weinstein on some stuff.) She’s not at the daily beast any more but Tom Sykes sticks to her Sussex-hating agenda. And +1 to dumping that subscription.

  3. Tessa says:

    She slammed Diana. She is a Charles and Camilla person . Tina harry will always be Meghan s husband and they are wonderful parents of their children. Why shouldn’t harry be impressed with Meghan.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I find it very funny that she really is saying that Harry will always be important because he will always be the Queen’s grandson and Diana’s son. LOL not a word on being the current King’s son and brother to the heir. Because those to last thing obviously dont make him grander. 😂

      • Becks1 says:

        And she talks about Harry being the most talented member of the family! ouch. Poor william, LOL.

      • Jais says:

        And it’s such a uk royalist pov. He’s important bc of his rank. A lot of the world has moved on from that. Despite all their rankings, Meghan has shown herself to be better than them in every way. So they have to recreate history by saying she can’t get anything right. We have eyes and ears, Tina. We can all see for ourselves that not true.

      • bisynaptic says:


    • PrincessK says:

      I felt that the Diana Chronicles was very balanced but Tina Brown has gone downhill since then.

  4. nutella toast says:

    Tina, the 80’s weren’t 20 years ago.

  5. Sydneygirl says:

    Tina Brown is a leech who makes her money off an inability to keep Meghan’s name out of her mouth.

    She’s the same as allllllll the others who know just mentioning M’s name brings views, clicks and $$$.


    • Carrie says:

      💯 Tina had a podcast to promote and hey presto who best to mention but Meghan. They really ought to pay Duchess S for all the press she brings them.
      As Meghan says, I will never understand how women tear each other down. But perhaps it is more understandable when it is a white woman who tears down a black/bi-racial/brown woman. Unfortunately white women have form.

      • kirk says:

        @Sydneygirl and @Carrie – agree with you both. It’s especially disheartening to see women tearing down women today after I went to see Hillary Clinton last night!!! Not even giving Brown the benefit of an indirect read here on celebitchy, wouldn’t even consider going directly to her “news”letter.

  6. Jean says:

    This woman just want to make headlines, she’s a has been and should retire quietly

  7. L84Tea says:

    How long has this been going on now? Almost 5 years? I cannot believe these people are still so mad, so butthurt, so shocked that H&M left, and that they’re still not over it. I keep waiting for the day, or month, or year that they will finally decide to pick up the brittle, broken pieces of their cold little hearts and move on with their lives.

    • Proud Mary says:

      I’ve said it many times. From the day Harry and Meghan left, I said as long as those two prove to be more successful than the left behinds, the attacks will continue. Even setting aside any claim of illness, William and Kate have always been inadequate. Even Tina herself admits that Harry is the most talented of them all. How dumb could they have been to believe that these two popular, talented people, would just fade away? They have to continue to invent fantasies that ignore how success Harry and Meghan have been outside the “fold”. Tina was gushing not too long ago about the Nigeria trip. This bitterness will continue, because Harry will never return. She needs to read his book.

      • PC says:

        @PROUD MARY, Tina could also look at two interviews Harry did in his early 20’s. One in Africa and the other when he was in Afghanistan in the military. In both he told how he liked being away from England and how he loathed the British Media. Harry always had plans and dreams of leaving that institution behind. Long before he met Meghan. This revisionist history and pipe dream of Harry returning is a fantastic fantasy. Blaming Meghan will never change the facts of how Harry wanted to live his life. Away from all the drama and terrorism being a royal brings.

    • PrincessK says:

      The truth is that Harry and Meghan are the most famous couple in the world and that creates a very group of leeches who will try to live off them and sadly Tina Brown who doesn’t need money but still wants to be in the news has decided to join the leeches.

      • Jais says:

        Are u sure she doesn’t need money? Bc this screams desperate. Pedaling tired old tropes just for kicks? Nah, it’s girt be something else. Trying to prove she still has it? But all she’s proving is that she’s an antiquated old dinosaur with her views.

  8. Caitlin says:

    She seems so bitter. What did Meghan do to her?

    • Harla says:

      There is a definite “bitter hag” energy rolling off Tina, she might want to work on that.

    • Becks1 says:

      With a lot of these so called journalists, I think a lot of the bitterness is because they have tried to get an interview with Harry and Meghan post royal family and they’ve been turned down. Even for harry’s book “tour – he sat down with Colbert, Anderson Cooper, Michael Strahan, Tom Bradby. No RR in sight. And Meghan obviously has done very few interviews after Oprah.

      My guess is if Meghan did a sit down with Tina Brown, she would change her tune real quick.

      I also think for a lot of these journalists, they’re more stenographers as we have said before – so THEY are in the ones in thrall to the royal family, and they’re unable of looking at the family objectively. So Meghan walking away is unfathomable to them.

      • kirk says:

        Why would Meghan ever “sit down with Tina Brown” for any reason whatever? Recall her criteria for going on a blind date with Harry – “Is he kind?” TB is not kind, flat out. Period. Meghan should stick with her PR people Ashley Hansen and Three Gates Strategies that relies on Rumi’s gates: “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?”

    • MsIam says:

      What did Meghan do? She became royal and Tina NEVER will. You know what the British say, “Know your place, don’t get above your station”. Bitter hag indeed. Tina probably feels Meghan should have done the “noble” thing and unalived herself rather than go against that family and take Harry with her. Tina is worse than Jeremy Clarkson imo.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I suspect Meghan declined to speak to her for her book.

    • Blithe says:

      I think some — even a lot — of these people derive a great deal of satisfaction and even self-worth from their perceived places in the social world. They’re white. They’re often thin, and even blond. ( Or “blonde”.) They’re ambitious. They’re convinced of their superiority and what they think should be their power over the rest of us. Meghan’s beauty, clear competence, and even her charismatic kindness call the value of all of those things into question. In their minds, someone like Meghan isn’t even supposed to exist — let alone land the charming Prince and live happily ever after.

      It might not even be conscious. Meghan’s existence calls their very foundational racist and classist values into question. For some, that’s probably profoundly destabilizing. Plus they’re getting paid for it.

  9. Dee(2) says:

    Their racism will never allow them to see it any other way. Even though at this point five years after leaving, there are numerous interviews, speeches, a docu series, and an entire book to prove them contrary they want to persist with this ” dim Harry” narrative. Otherwise they’d have to acknowledge, he’s not stupid, he does it have any great love for the media and their acolytes in that country, Meghan tried her very best, and they did everything they could to break her and their relationship and isolate them both and that they are both doing so much better and are clearly so much happier away from the ” pinnacle of class”, and ” gold standard” that is being a working Royal. People like Tina Brown who have built their entire being around proximity to working royals don’t want to hear how someone else without all those trappings and backing did and still does it better. I mean look at Australia and look at Nigeria, Colombia, or New York, London, Lesotho.

  10. ThelmA says:

    Tina Brown is a sad pathetic old hag. Her palpable envy of Meghan is mystifying. Tina: mind your own business and keep Meghan’s name out of your mouth.

  11. Walking the Walk says:

    I got the chant “meet me outside” going on in my head right now. I am so sick of these salty white women!

    Please explain in detail what “ideas” she had that were wrong.

  12. Becks1 says:

    Sigh. Same old, same old. Harry is the poor naive prince seduced by the Black American actress and since then he’s never had a thought of his own in his head.

    i dont know how Harry could be clearer that it was his decision to leave (and yes, a large part of that decision was to protect Meghan’s mental health, but still his decision) and that so much of what has happened since has been his decision.

    Also – what evidence is there that Meghan gets it all wrong? Meghan drinks a latte and it sells out. Meghan invests in a company and the company’s stock soars. Meghan appears at an event and she’s the talk of the town. I think both she and Harry processed their royal trauma differently, and I think for Harry Spare was a large part of that, so that put him in the public eye more.

    I honestly think Meghan is living what is pretty close to her dream life right now. Sure, she would probably love if the online bullying and trolling stopped. but I think its clear she’s doing a good job of tuning a lot of that out at this point. She lives in a gorgeous house in a gorgeous town where she has relative privacy with her children and her husband who adores her, and she gets to work on projects that are meaningful and special to her and is able to support her husband in his projects. She makes public appearances when she wants, and can go months with just living her quiet life in Montecito. (both options drive the british media insane.)

    I don’t really see where she’s getting it all wrong at this point.

    • Eurydice says:

      Seriously. Meghan’s next book should be “How to Get It All Wrong, Flawlessly” – I’d buy the heck out of it.

    • MsIam says:

      Meghan is not acting like a famewhore, that’s what she keeps getting wrong. That is the role that people like Tina Brown wanted her to play and she keeps disappointing them.

      • Becks1 says:

        True! They wanted her to be flailing about like a Real Housewife looking for any cut of fame and instead she is going to farmers markets and bookstore openings with Oprah lol.

    • B says:

      That stood out to me to @Becks1. All the rota lie but its still surprising when they lie so blatantly. If Meghan runs the show but has nothing but crappy ideas and gets everything wrong why are the Sussexes lives, businesses, and country visits so successful? If all Prince Harry knows how to do is “be a Prince” then why is Archewell, BetterUp, Sentebale and the Invictus Games doing so well?

      We know the rota switch the names in the articles and use that tactic to get the truth out. Is she lying about the Sussexes or talking about Kitty’s failed commercial or Cammy’s terrible tour. These are all rhetorical questions because I don’t actually care. The Sussexes are in their chapter of Joy and going from strength to strength. People like Tina Brown picked the losing side and are losing money and relevance. She’s lashing out and projecting her fear and anger all over the Sussexes while using their names to get press attention for her sad little substack.

      A lot crooks in British media really believed the Sussexes owed them a living and they’ve been bitter since they learned differently.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        B, I, too, noticed that she thinks Harry only knows how to “be a Prince”. My immediate thought was if the people who served with him thought that Captain Wales only knew how to be a Prince. BetterUp wouldn’t have him on panels if Harry was the person the UK keeps saying he is. IG wouldn’t be as successful without Harry, because he is passionately committed to it and the people it serves. I can go on.

        I wonder how long it will take before the bm and people like TB to realize that the people they’re writing about aren’t the people they are. They can’t sustain this forever simply because the more people H&M work with the fewer people will believe what’s written. They’re going to need new playbook. What’s really amusing is that I doubt H&M even pay any attention to this because that’s why they have communications people.

      • Agreatreckoning says:

        Harry has always been more than “be a prince”. Harry had the world experience to be humane. He met a like- minded individual that stopped his conveyor belt. Together, they want to make the world a better place and do good.

        They were invited to Jamaica for the One Love premier. They weren’t fired live, like the Wank’s colonizer Disastour.

    • Advisor2U says:

      Well, I would love to “getting it all wrong, flawlessly”, with close to 125M dollars (and counting!) in production/business contracts within 3 mounts! after escaping a royal cult, and bought me a spectacularly beautiful mansion for almost half its real value.
      What you, Tina?

  13. Jais says:

    So Harry is in thrall with Meghan? Not in love with her but in thrall with her? Aw, TB is continuing to be the misogynistic and racist witch that she always has been.

    • Tessa says:

      The happily married couple get criticized. Does Tina know what’s really going on with the keens separated perhaps.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Also, what the racist is saying is that all their abuse and lies about her has not caused Harry to divorce Meghan, so it must be magic, and such. Any other royal would have relented by now.

      • Cassie says:

        Tina sounds like just another bitter , jealous old white journo trying to make money off her hatred and envy of Meghan .

        Did all these old bags have fantasy crushes on Harry ?

    • Mairzy Doats says:

      Meghan used Harry? In the midst of their wonderful continuing love story I think Harry recognized that Meghan could help him get away from the depressing life path he was on of eventually being a pathetic Prince Andrew type.

      • Camomile says:

        A prince Andrew life? What? A moral, brilliant Harry who started multiple successful charities in his 20s, served his country selflessly would become a pompous, corrupt, money grabbing, pedo? Geeze Louise. Are you making brown’s point?

      • Mairzy Doats says:

        @Camomile — Absolutely not at all! But it’s Harry himself who had expressed worries that he was being channeled into a Prince Andrew type role with a hand held out looking for deals and contacts and some sort of relevance. I believe he saw Meghan as a kindred spirit and potential partner for creating the life he wanted for himself, not the role created by the family business. Her self confidence, I am sure, scared the RF at the time and continues to.

  14. GMH says:

    Project much? Brown married her much older husband who was editor of the Times of London and rode that to her own success. He died and she is now producing conferences and struggling to stay in the headlines. Has no clout anymore , no inside sources and is envious of the Sussex star quality and success.

    • MissF says:

      She used to be credible in the 2000’s and respected, whether through her husband or her own work, sadly she’s become a miserable, pathetic grasping woman fishing for a headline.

    • Sid says:

      GMH, back when Tina B. first started whining about the Sussexes, someone on another forum made a great point that the bigger picture is Tina and her ilk don’t have quite the power and cache that they did back in the 90s, when being the editor-in-chief of a top magazine made you something of an It Girl/ It Boy, and they are salty about it. I grew up in NYC in the 90s and I remember when Tina, Liz Tilberis, etc. were among the top dogs in publishing and their names were right there with the celebs. Times have changed, the publishing world isn’t as lucrative or “glamorous” as it was back then, and some of the old guard are bitter about it and the fact that they can’t gatekeep in the same way they used to. First bloggers then youtubers and the rise of social media flipped the script on them. And a lot of this plays into the Tina B we see now.

  15. girl_ninja says:

    Tina Brown. What a fucking racist bitch. That’s all I’ve got.

  16. Harla says:

    Is Tina talking about Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex?? Meghan, who 4 kings left their homes for, to confer a princess-hood on? Meghan, who gets positively rockstar welcomes wherever she goes? Meghan, who has inspired countless people around the world? She certainly can’t be saying that that Meghan is “flawless about getting it all wrong”.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Tina is on tape praising Harry and Meghan for that trip and pleading for the monarchy to bring them back because of their charisma. I think BP has received the final word from Harry to go and pound sand. So they’ve send their minion out to do what they do best, blame the witched woman. This screed is directly from BP and due in part to the failed Aus tour. I think it’s because Harry and Meghan’s successful tour continues to loom large.

      • Jais says:

        Also she’s starting a substack right? She’s well aware that hate and misogyny sells. So she’s signaling that she’s going to sell some Meghan-hate for clicks and subscribers. Unoriginal and desperate. It’s so obvious.

  17. Eb says:

    Pretty vicious. I wonder if she knows that she has based her sense of worth on being white, English, and an adherent to monarchy. She seems to have taken personal offense that Meghan has not stayed ‘in her place.’ This wildly unbalanced look at the couple really calls into question her judgement and bonefides.

  18. Whalesnark says:

    And yet the Sussexes aren’t asking for anyone’s approval or opinion. They’re living their lives without regard to the cameras and crabbers.

    If Brown doesn’t like it, then why is she looking? Same for all of them – why are your following them so obsessively if they are are so wrong in every action?

    • Proud Mary says:

      Her King and Queen are on a “major” royal tour. That Tina is using her platform to address the the Sussexes, and not Charles and his lurch, is very telling. The monarchy is dead and the monarchist are mourning.

  19. s808 says:

    These people are not operating within reality.

    • Jais says:

      She’s really not. She’s the equivalent of Tom Bower and the rest. Nothing original to say. All mining from the same racist and sexist tropes. Meghan is an evil seductress who uses her magic charms on the poor naive Prince. Meanwhile, the enthralling woman is living a sweet life in montecito with her kids and husband. For someone who gets it all she wrong, Meghan’s doing pretty alright. TB is willfully ignoring Harry’s own words and the facts to create this fairy tale of evil Meghan who cant anything right. She’s a sentence away from saying Meghan caused the racist abuse she endured. Guess the red dress broke her jealous brain as well.

      • Proud Mary says:

        (1) Harry is naïve to the ways of the world; but (2) he’s the best royal ever; and (3) Meghan gets it all wrong, but (4) she married the best royal ever. I wonder what prompted this latest screed: the red dress? the failed Oz tour?

      • MsIam says:

        Tina is just a more posh Angela Levin. Tina can get on American TV unlike Angela, who seems to be a regular guest on Dan Wootton’s YouTube channel nowadays.

  20. Tessa says:

    Tina imo made up stories about Diana and avoided checking real sources for the book. Diana’s mother’s authorized biography was ignored. Tina . Harry met a lovely young woman. Smart and charming. And Tina just tries to cheapen it with her spin.

  21. LolaBola says:

    Tina Brown has been irrelevant for years. Last time she had some relevance was during her Huffington Post days. She is friendly with the New York oldies like Anna (Vogue), Diane Von Fursternburg, Berry Diller, etc. They are very friendly with the BRF because Diller is chairman of IAC which owns Daily Beast and People magazine. Old media is not happy that Harry and Meghan pay them dust. Time is just a bitter bitch and put all her eggs in the William/Charles basket and now realizes her money is tied to the wrong brother. She will be dead in a fe short years as will Diller and company.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      She can do two interviews on the same topic and have two very different responses depending if it is an American or British audience.. Would not trust a word this vile racist woman spews from her forked tongue.

  22. Nanea says:

    Calling TB a wunderkind at her ripe old age of 70 is about 60 years off the mark. She’s more like wunderlich, a German word either meaning e.g. whimsical, or, in her case, confused because of cognitive decline.

    The whole thing is really disgusting, the way she tries to diminish Meghan’s life and her part in the Sussexes’ successes.

    Saying “Meghan has the worst judgment of anyone in the entire world” is only slightly exaggerated, as there are so many people one could list, starting with TB herself.

    What is it with these people who are not so secretly envious of Meghan’s beauty, jealous of H&M’s success, and racist, that they all feel the need to comment about someone they’ve never met?

    Hoping for ARO and the cooking show to top all relevant media lists, and for the paperback version of Spare to be hugely successful again, so that the (British) media will never run out of reasons to badmouth H&M. Because they all have a judgment that is… perfectly on point. /s

  23. SCAR ❤️❤️❤️❤️ says:

    Tina Btown sold or offered her credibility up to the Royal family. Let her future books pay the price.

  24. Agnes says:

    Tina Brown is an old hag who used to feel relevant, trashing people she doesn’t know to get that mean girl glow-up going again. Pathetic.

  25. JD says:

    Ok, so Harry is “so naïve and really unschooled in the ways of the world”, and YET he is “ the thing about Harry is he’s very good at being Prince Harry. And that’s the tragedy of all of this, is that he is the most talented member of the royal family, without doubt, in terms of being a prince, which is all he does know how to do… he’s really sort of flawless at it.”
    What does this say about his brother?! Even more naïve and unschooled, but also clearly No2 at best when it comes to the Princes Games.
    Oh well.

  26. Quincytoo says:

    Oh Tina……you silly twat……yet again you spelled Kates name as Meagan.

  27. Over it says:

    It really gets me all hot and bothered how easily these people are willing to have Harry abandon his wife and two young children and run back to be william and Kate whipping boy. So who cares if Archie and lili grow up without a father present in their lives, who cares if Harry leaves his wife . They have black in them so their lives means nothing compared to the all white Windsors. I will never understand why these people can’t check their racism and recognize that Meghan. Archie and Lili are Harry’s family. He choose them . He loves them and this is perfectly normal. No one else is being asked to Abandon their family.
    So why can’t they be afforded the same kind of humanity and freedom. Tina brown is a bitter B.

  28. Maxine Branch says:

    Those gutter rats are filled with vitriol because the Sussexes appear happy, are not showing up at every opening while living a life of substance far away from them. Meghan is now again able to live the life of her choice surrounded by the folks she chooses. I think this cows anger goes back to Meghan not getting involved with her or her book The Palace Papers. Brown is a monarchist and like us all see it imploding from the inside and acknowledges that Harry is needed but will not return to a life of servitude so of course Meghan is the reason. Those gutter rats refuse to accept the Harry they knew as a young man and young adult, no longer exist. Like all, he has grown and is now a proud husband and father, who puts the needs of his family first. To me the only faux pas Meghan made was initially trusting Harry to help her navigate his birth family. While Harry tried, even he was not aware of the level of treachery and deceit so ingrained in his birth family.

    • Kingston says:

      Maxine Branch says:
      “To me the only faux pas Meghan made was initially trusting Harry….”


      Listen, I know this sentence goes on to make a point, but that or any other point is rendered null/void/completely irrelevant in the face of this utterly tone-deaf, counter-intuitive and counter-productive preface.

      Dont be a tinabrown (or any other british shitmedia lackey) who, with malice afore-thought and with complete unself-awareness onaccounta their heads being so far up their own stank arse, writes conclusive sentences with not a scintilla of supporting facts or arguments.

      Like this hysterical, hyperbolic doozy:
      “The trouble with Meghan is that she has the worst judgment of anyone in the entire world. She’s flawless about getting it all wrong.”
      As we would say in my neck of the woods: this bitch must have drunk mad puss p!ss!

  29. Brassy Rebel says:

    Does Tina Brown still consider herself a feminist? Or is she just a white feminist?

  30. yipyip says:

    Who is buying her books?
    She is awful. Hard.Pass.

  31. Amy Bee says:

    Way to infantalise Harry, Tina. It’s like he doesn’t have a mind of his own and she refuses to acknowledge that it was Harry who took the decision to leave.

  32. Lulu says:

    British media, Harry is really the most talented member of the rf and they need him back, also Harry is dumb, dumb, dumb. Objectively they cannot both be true. Very few truly dumb people are successful in life for a length of time.

  33. Libra says:

    Must be short of money. She s a 70 year old widow. Her 38 year old son lives with her and will possibly need supervision of some kind after she is gone which requires some funding. I don’t see any other source of income So she really needs to keep selling herself by using a proven name like Meghan. She will continue to tear her down as long as the book publishers pay her for being a nasty bitch who spews lies about a woman she doesn’t know.

    • PrincessK says:

      That could be true, although surely she and her husband must have made serious money in their hey day . Maybe she still wants to live like an A lister.

  34. Kokiri says:

    All the media is doing is telling what is in store for Charlotte.
    This will be her life.
    Always a “good princess” but that’s it.
    Knows her place, supports her brother the important one.
    No life or career of her own, because that’s the real issue here.
    Harry did his own thing & that’s unforgivable.

    • IdlesAtCranky says:

      It’s going to be interesting to see what the Wales children actually do in a few years, when they grow up enough to start making their own decisions about their lives.

      If the British monarchy even survives that long, I suspect Charlotte & Louis may be looking to follow in their Uncle Harry’s footsteps to some degree or another.

      The one I really feel sorry for is George. He’s trapped, and already being used as a surrogate for his parents who don’t want to hold up their end of the royal bargain.

  35. Dora says:

    When it’s all said and done, Tina Brown is just another plain, racist, bitter, Jealous white woman who hates Meghan because she wasnt grateful enough to be used as a punching bag for the white royals, and that she wasn’t impressed with the inbreds who feel Meghan should hav been grateful to simple be in their presence, instead of considering herself their equals. They miss Harry and they’re pissed off thst he choose his wife a non white and baby son, over them so they tell themselves it was put his fault it was that black woman magic voodoo that turned an over 35 year old man into a boy able to fight and die for his country but not choose a proper wife without their help

  36. Kateee says:

    Couldn’t even finish the snippet. Save space for the monarchy when you reach obsolescence.

  37. Lizzie Bennett says:

    Tina’s all over the place. Her book The Palace Papers, was it? She was equally critical of everyone – totally called out Kate for stalking William. Tina negated the bullying allegations by basically saying Meghan simply asked ppl to do their jobs and they refused. She used to say Meghan and Harry need to come back, because the Windsors need their glamor. I guess she’s realized the money and attention is solely due to Meghan bashing and has decided to stick with that.

  38. CreoleTomato says:

    Just another UK Karen fading into obscurity along side the rest of the UK “media” and the UK “royal” family. Good riddance!

  39. QuiteContrary says:

    Gloria Steinem is another pioneering woman in magazine publishing. And she’s actually a real feminist. So I’ll trust Gloria Steinem’s assessment of Meghan over Tina’s. (Steinem bestowed a Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Award on Meghan last November, remember.)

    Tina Brown was the Olivia Nuzzi of her day.

  40. Henny Penny says:

    So we’re to believe that Harry is a brainless idiot who is under Meghan’s spell, but the monarchy desperately needs this brainless idiot back because he’s better at being a Prince than William? But if Harry is an imbecile, what does that make William, their future king?

    We truly are living through stupid times.

  41. crazyoldlady says:

    Tina is really struggling with being old and irrelevant. It’s sad really.

  42. Stef says:

    Who is this geriatric, hateful, and out of touch loser who has nothing interesting to say unless she’s talking about better people than herself?

    The way she infantilizes Harry here as if he’s a young child is disgusting. The way Megan is damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t, is so telling of the toxic environment that horrible people like this dumb b-itch seem to thrive in. It’s gross, so unhealthy, and I hope she chokes on her own misery.

    Even after almost 5 years, losers like her can’t keep from obsessing about the beautiful, talented, well spoken, and philanthropically minded Megan. How pathetic.

  43. Jaded says:

    Tina Brown has always been nakedly power-hungry and has latched onto that power through her transactional relationships with powerful men. She flattered, had affairs with, cajoled, married and looked up to them with stars and dollar signs in her eyes (including Donald Trump who, in a 1987 Vanity Fair article, she described as “New York’s smartest real estate baron”). She once was asked who her most admired female role model was, and she replied “I know it’s the wrong feminist answer, but all of my role models have been men. They always had the lives I wanted.” She’s the epitome of the white, blonde, social-climbing British pop culture editor/writer with an obvious jealous and racial axe to grind against women like Meghan who are prettier, smarter, kinder, and more humanitarian than Tina ever was and ever will be.

    • CreoleTomato says:

      @Jaded – thanks for the insight and background on TB. Ugh!
      By the way, how are you feeling these days? I hope you’re taking it easy and doing well.

      • Jaded says:

        @CreoleTomato — thanks for asking! Feeling OK, going into round 3 of chemo in a couple of weeks and hopefully after that clear sailing!

    • bisynaptic says:

      She’s very male-identified, what people call a “pick-me girl”.

  44. Andrea says:

    Well it’s continuing through the autumn..the trash Meghan and elevate Harry narrative.

  45. Athena says:

    She doesn’t give one example on what Meghan got wrong, just broad generalizations.

  46. Lydia says:

    I can’t believe that I used to like Tina Brown. Perhaps she’s feeling irrelevant because no one gives a damn about her? She’s now decided to offer her unwanted opinion and is stirring up more toxicity and hate towards Meghan. What a nasty piece of work she is.

  47. Darkwing Duck says:

    I like gossip but how much longer can this train sustain itself? the credibility gap is massive – Tina Brown doesn’t sound like she has access or is particularly well informed about the couple. she sounds just like every other british person with their nose pressed up against the window -an outsider with an opinion. and it’s the same tired opinion we’ve read a million times before.

    The ideas that (1) everything that the Sussexes do that is great is down to Harry and everything they do that is bad is down to Meghan and (2) one/both of the couple are spiralling without the careful guidance of the Palace is really just ridiculous to anyone with eyes to see. It’s what’s made Brown sound like any other UK Royal (or should I say ‘faux Royal’ or are we not doing that any more…?) Commentator and it’s a reminder that while as a couple they are subject to a double standard Meghan gets a hyper double standard on her own.

    All the things they say they don’t like about Meghan if Harry had done it on his own they would have had no problem with. How can you claim someone is an intolerable bully when we’ve *seen* Fred tossing a pen in your face, or a little child clicking their fingers at you, and you had nothing to say about it?

    I could certainly sit over here and say, in fact I have, that deals with Spotify and Netflix were not smooth sailing. But you know who made the same mistake? Barack and Michelle Obama and goodness knows how many well known people. Why pick on Meghan? And why say that any of the ideas she has had are down to being a SCARE QUOTES Hollywood actress SCARE QUOTES and not just a socially concious celebrity, of which there are many?

    This doesn’t sound like insider knowledge it sounds like the same old bitter outsider briefing. Someone who used to work with Harry and Meghan in the UK is contacted by the press and all they have to offer, and one of them has a particular poisonous way of expressing themselves, I almost feel like I always know it’s them (the one who told The Times in 2020 that they expected Meghan would want to run for Govenor of Calfornia because she ‘thinks so highly of herself’, the one that hissed at Omid Scobie ‘ make sure to write that not all of us are sad they are leaving’ and finally recently told the DB ‘only a narcissist has people saying in the press they are a nice person [so not just, I dunno, ACTUAL NICE PEOPLE??? Tom Hanks is such a narcissist, am I right..?]’), is the opinion that Harry would be much better off back in the UK, doing what courtiers told him. We got the same message from Harry’s ‘friends'(and actually I do believe he did contact people but that they chose to misunderstand him) who went running to the Mail and the Times around the time of his birthday.

    After all these years the lack of self-reflection is absolutely astounding. It’s not a popular approach here but I am going to take it: imagine you didn’t like, or had no opinion whatsoever on, Meghan Markle – would you still agree it is the case that the people who currently organise the life and work of the British Royal Family are doing a good job?!? ‘Prince Andrew’ is all I need to say here, not to mention the exemptions they need from legislation and documents which need to be sealed for hundreds of years in order for them to be merely tolerated. Even if I were to ignore this other evidence completely let’s remind ourselves of all the things they have changed and copied since Meghan came on the scene and how they are still deflating slowly anyway and not because ‘Meghan is relentlessly attacking them’ which is the usual pathetic reflex…

    Arguably the British Royal Family are circling the drain because they are fundamentally a morally bankrupt institution facing their date with destiny but it’s exacerbated by their laziness, ivory tower mentality and their bad ideas. If Harry had not met Meghan he’d be doing some worthy, but also a lot of badly organised and completely ignored, stuff just like his brother, aunt, uncle and cousins do now. I imagine by now he’d have commited thoughtless gaffes (which would have been laughed off) as well as becoming increasingly bitter, resentful and self-medicating.

    I’m dumbfounded that anyone could seriously believe his trips to Canada, Nigeria, Argentina, South Africa and London for WellChild are the work of some foolish Hollywood PR people who can’t get anything right in contrast to William and Kate’s *wildly successful* tour of the Carribbean or all Edward, Sophie and Anne’s completely ignored tours of…wherever they have been going….which can be effortlessly upstaged by Meghan making jam or looking smoking in red dress *she has worn before which has the exact same neckline and slit it did as the first time she wore it*…

  48. Nerd says:

    Tina Brown is the epitome of not only getting it wrong but also speaking nothing but word salad. She is alway very general in any insults she throws Meghan’s way and never comes with real detailed examples of what Meghan has done wrong. What exactly has she always gotten wrong? Tina just says things to fill up space in her books and knows nothing about what she’s talking about or who she’s talking about. It’s obvious that Meghan is far more accomplished than any of the other royal wives, before she met Harry and since. So to say that she gets things wrong when all of the other royal wives have copied her over and over again proves that Tina doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

  49. bisynaptic says:

    What a great system you got, there. The once second-in-line to the throne—the runner-up for Head-of-State, at age forty, is still “so naïve and really unschooled in the ways of the world” that he gets led around, by the beard, by a woman with perfectly awful judgment. But he’s been “fantastic” at being Prince of the Realm. But, there’s a career to be made out of trashing him. Hmmm… 🤔

    If Brown is willing to lie so blatantly to stay relevant, one has to wonder about her whole journalistic career.

  50. FancyPants says:

    I wish I could get things as flawlessly wrong as Meghan. Even for just one day. Please!!!

    • jemmy says:

      Meghan gets things so flawlessly wrong that not only did one of such ideas – the Grenfell Cookbook has lined. the coffers of THE ROYAL FOUNDATION OF PRINCE & PRINCESS OF WALES to the tune of €1 MILLION& continues to do so, but they INCLUDING KC3 & QC cosplay everything Meghan does

      Tell us you are dumb Tina Brown without saying so

  51. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    Hate sells and people trashing Meghan to promote whatever gets eyes and ears on them.
    I love the fact that they seem to be all getting their karma these days. Can’t wait for yours Tina. It’s overdue

  52. JudyB says:

    I think she came up with a clever headline one day, and then wrote an article to match it, knowing that the headline would be repeated by dozens of supposed “news” papers, each mentioning her name and referring to her as a royal expert.

    The point is that she wrote it to get recognition for herself, so she really did not care about giving details or supporting that headline with facts.

    She will no doubt now get more monetary offers to write similar articles with catchy headlines for other supposed news sources, which will enable her to update her home, buy new clothes, and take a nice holiday abroad to a sunny place–all at the expense of the two innocent people she wrote about. In other words, its all about the money.

  53. L4Frimaire says:

    I think her assessment is way off base. Also I think at this point Harry can manage his life just fine and have his assistant make reservations for him. As for Meghan, Brown’s first mistake is assuming they want to be deep in Hollywood. They absolutely do not. Notice she doesn’t mention their activism, initiatives and partnerships with different non-profits . They haven’t done everything perfectly, but what Brown thinks they want and what they are actually doing is so different, it’s like she’s talking about a caricature. It’s not that Meghan doesn’t listen, it’s that she’s not listening to Brown and bet she has rejected her overtures, most likely because of her Weinstein connections. She has a personal animus towards Meghan and it’s incredibly disgusting.

  54. Hooboy says:

    At this late stage the Royal Family really should have seen the light and made some amends.

  55. Tessa says:

    Tina is desperate to try to stay relevant .She has a weird opinion about women putting spells in men.

  56. Tessa says:

    Tina based,on one lunch said she was Diana s friend. Some friend. She would do the same to meghan

  57. sunnyside up says:

    “Meghan wanted to be the star of the royal family,” the only problem was that the star of the show should have been Kate, the future Queen, and Kate wasn’t the star, apart from the late Queen, Meghan was the star of the show, and that’s why she had to go.

  58. Gisby says:

    They may not be destitute, but they don’t have ‘taxing the peasants’ money. You gotta EARN that… by being born into the right family. Oh, wait….

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