Tina Brown: Prince Harry ‘does upstage’ Prince William, ‘there’s no doubt about it’

Earlier today, I covered the quotes from Tina Brown’s interview on The Ankler podcast. Brown has written many books and articles about the Windsors and she’s considered some kind of expert. I’ll admit that I found some of her interviews and articles interesting, but her years-long denigration of the Duchess of Sussex is where Brown has really jumped the shark. Obviously, every outlet is running Tina’s quotes about how Meghan “is flawless about getting it all wrong,” and how Prince Harry is “in thrall” with his terrible wife. But Tina also threw in some slams of Prince William. Obviously, those quotes are not getting the same kind of attention:

On the Sussexes’ foreign tours, Tina Brown said, “When he goes on these much mocked foreign trips, he’s just really good at it. He’s charming, he’s funny, he’s sweet, he’s authentic again. He has a real sense of being true and real, and he’s flawless at it. So it’s actually very sad that he can’t go back to England and play that role, which is desperately needed, because now the monarchy is a skeleton of itself. It’s so ironic that Prince Charles, for all those years, talked about the slimmed down monarchy. It’s been so slimmed down now that it’s anorexic.”

“You’ve basically got Charles, who’s got cancer. You’ve got Kate, who’s been through this terrible cancer bout herself and had to leave the stage for nearly a year, and William, who’s so curtailed by all the anxiety on his shoulders—his wife and his father and the whole thing—that they could use, an upbeat, joyful ambassador to the world who would be Harry.

“The problem is very much the same problem that I talked about with Princess Diana and Charles, which was known as the ‘upstage problem.’ I mean, he does upstage William. There’s no doubt about it.”

Asked if Harry would “remain in the U.S., and be married to Meghan in ten years time,” Brown said: “I think he’s pretty much in the thrall of Meghan… He’s the lamb to the slaughter in this situation. I mean, he was terribly impressed by Meghan. He thought that she knew it all. She persuaded him that she was the savvy Hollywood wheeler dealer, who would come in and make them stars and all the rest of it. And he just sort of blindly followed her like a child, really. And unfortunately, she made every mistake in the book, and she’s kind of run out of road, actually. I mean, I don’t know where Meghan goes.”

“I think that Harry could still, as I say, make a comeback. He’ll always be Prince Harry. He’ll always be the grandson of the Queen and the son of Diana. You can’t take that from him, whatever happens.”

Asked if the British people would welcome Harry, she said, “I think if he came back alone, they would… unfortunately, I think that the hostility between Harry and William is such that I don’t think that William will ever want Harry back.”

[From The Daily Beast]

It amuses me that all of these years later, these dumb people still think of it in such simplistic terms: “we need Harry to go back to the UK so we’re going to smear his wife and that will hopefully encourage Harry to divorce Meghan and go crawling back to his abusive family.” That’s the big plan and they haven’t deviated from it for six-plus years. As for Tina’s admission that William is anxious and dull and terrified that Harry will upstage him… that’s all true. But it’s even worse than that. It’s worse than Tina Brown or any royalist will admit: William and the rest of the left-behind clan are so obsessed with the Sussexes that they trying to copy everything Harry and Meghan do, while also screaming about everything Harry and Meghan do. It’s unsustainable.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Cover Images.

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42 Responses to “Tina Brown: Prince Harry ‘does upstage’ Prince William, ‘there’s no doubt about it’”

  1. Tessa says:

    Meghan worked in Canada not hollywood. Tina is looking at the wrong couple . Kate and her family planned to get her to be queen. If that isn’t scheming I don’t know what is. The upstaging issue could have been corrected had Charles gone for counseling about the upstaging

    • No Harry isn’t scheming to upstage Peg. Harry lives his life does his charity work and has a happy life. Peg on the other hand is as fragile about himself as Chuckles. They think the world should revolve around them and they are finding out it doesn’t. They should grow up and take good looks at themselves but that will never happen so they will cry about Harry upstaging them.

    • Advisor2u says:

      Sorry, but Meghan did work in Hollywood. She made about 10 movies before she stared on Suits.

  2. HeatherC says:

    Oooh William is not going to like this at all! first Harry surfing, now someone presumably on “his” side highlighting the known fact that the light will always find Harry over him,

    The upcoming briefing rants and raves is going to be wicked funny.

  3. Proud Mary says:

    For her to be this filthy, this viscous, I think something has happened or is about to happen that proves the fact that Charles is leaving planet E and there’s nothing to replenish the cupboards. The woman is openly calling for Harry to abandon his family and return to his abusers. This failed plan of theirs is all that’s left. The more successful the Sussexes are, the louder the ridiculous hue and cry. They’ve called on TB, because she does have some credibility with the US media, in particular, CBS This Morning. It sort of makes me believe that BP has been actively working to stifle Harry and Meghan here in the US. Every word she says, in my opinion, emanates from the firm. As for a opinion about William, well, “water is wet?” Do we need Tina to say the obvious.?

    • Eurydice says:

      It’s the media crying here. Charles and William don’t want Harry back. William’s already figured out what kind of king he’ll be – he doesn’t need Harry to help him do the bare minimum.

      • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

        @eurodice totally agree. This is the british media’s cry for harry to come back and bring back their careers with him. Slapping meg is just keeping them alive in britain because the world sides with the Sussexes.

    • Snuffles says:

      Everyone on that island knows that Harry is more suited to be King/a leader than William. The plan was always to have Harry there to prop him up and essentially be a shadow king. Harry falling in love with Meghan ruined the plan and they have no back up one.

      Charles getting cancer put this in stark relief and they’re panicking.

      • Eurydice says:

        I guess my question would be – who is it that’s panicking? Because I don’t see any moves from Charles or William to change things, and they’re the only ones who matter in this issue of kingship. The UK and other afflicted realms will get a sub-par William just as they now have a sub-par Charles and the world will move on.

      • Snuffles says:


        You were right in saying the media is panicking. William and Kate have made it crystal clear they intend to give the below, bare minimum effort as King and Queen.

        I also wonder how the UK government feels about this because they are supposed to represent brand Britain and they are a terrible representative. They are supposed to be soft diplomats and keeping the Commonwealth together. Instead they are escalating its fall. The calls for reparations and return of art and jewels are getting louder.

        Basically, the glitz and glamour of the royal family is supposed to distract people from wanting the above. They are failing at their job.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    These people are terrible humans. To actively hope that a man with a five year old and three year old leaves them and moves 11 hours away to be Renfield to William’s Dracula. Just no consideration to how that would devastate Harry, how traumatic that would be given his own childhood and his previous admissions on his trauma from that, no concern to how that may impact Archie and Lili’s life, no consideration to how a divorce and not seeing his kids would impact the happy-go-lucky, charming, enthralling prince. They really think that a guy who just lost his entire family would be a super happy guy willing to do all the heavy lifting to rescue a dying monarchy. This isn’t new from them but it’s just so disgusting.

  5. lanne says:

    This old sow again…sigh.

    It’s just the same old talking points over and over. Saying out loud that Harry would need to abandon his wife and kids to come back to the fold is beyond tasteless. All of this sturm and drang leads me to a terrible realization: what these idiots had in mind not only for Harry and Meghan, but for their children.

    Can you imagine the Sussex kids growing up in the UK? What if one or the other showed more talent or ability than a Wales kid? What if Lili turns out to be prettier than Charlotte? These geriatric ghouls would salivate over writing slander about children–how would a temper tantrum by a Sussex kid be treated? How would the kids mistakes be magnified? How would the kids be talked about inappropriately, especially as they entered puberty? How would their clothing, behavior, speech be policed? The British media would actively try to drive those kids to harm, to self harm. No way should those kids do anything other than visit the UK quietly until they are adults. The entire royal family and the entire British media is as toxic to the entire family as radioactive waste. The only thing to do when contending with toxic people is to stay away from them, less they poison you as well.

    • sevenblue says:

      Yeah, Archie & Lili would be treated like Harry was. I believe, that was what W&K were betting on. The british media would go after those babies instead of their children. Spare’s children would be George’s spare, which would save other Wales’s kids.

    • StarWonderful says:

      The British Monarchy is a cult. The Sussex children need to stay as far away as possible from that nest of vipers.

  6. koko says:

    On a daily basis, my cat could upstage PW.

  7. sueinorleans says:

    You know, Tina, there is an obvious solution to Harry “upstaging” William. Could one day, one single day, go by without the British media covering non stories, or making up stories out of thin air about Harry and/or Meghan? One day?

  8. Eurydice says:

    Harry cant “save” the RF because they don’t want to be saved. Getting rid of H&M was Charles and William’s choice. They didn’t expect cancer and they didn’t expect H&M would continue to upstage them, but this is the RF they want to have and everyone just has to live with it.

  9. PC says:

    This bitter old crone is so off the mark. Harry was always fun loving and hard working but his life with Meghan has given him direction to be the great man that was in him all along. All Harry ever needed was the love and support Meghan has freely given him. She made him an even better man. He has the love and the family he always desired. Meghan gave him the confidence that his other relatives denied him. He is no longer anyone’s spare. He is truly Good King Harry as his mother described him.

    • Bamaborn says:

      The thing that I’m still in awe of is, Prince Harry recognized his flaws and sought help for them. Turned him into a beautiful human being able to show empathy towards others. Not many men(or women) could achieve that.

      • Camomile says:

        Harry’s problem was, he was always a beautiful human being. Yes, he needed help because of his innate sensitivity and familial neglect.

        Harry is doing now what he always did do. It’s not much different at all. He’s always been this person. However it was couched as royal work so will and Kate could take credit. He was such a generous person he didn’t let that stop him.

        Even if M hadn’t arrived, he’d be this person.

  10. aquarius64 says:

    The screening is because Charles’ illness is more serious and when he transitions it will be exposed more that William is unfit for the job.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Tina Brown may be right about William but she’s just an awful person.

  12. Becks1 says:

    these are the same talking points we’ve been hearing for years. The one exception is her admission that Harry upstages William but everyone knows that. That was always part of the problem. When she talks about Harry’s talent and his upstaging of William – that’s always been true. That’s why the Firm has spent years denigrating Harry while protecting William.

    Enter Meghan and the upstaging problem just increased because Kate couldn’t get the press attention she used to be able to get. And the issue wasn’t just that Meghan was photogenic and glamorous – she was very good at the actual job, at using her platform to spotlight issues with projects with tangible results. Meanwhile Kate thinks the job is just wearing more coatdresses.

    • Jais says:

      That’s what’s interesting. TB is happy to say Harry upstages William but refuses to acknowledge that actually Meghan on her own easily upstages both William and Kate. It’s not just Harry. But TB has to claim that Meghan gets it all wrong. When no meghan also also upstages the leftovers.

  13. yipyip says:

    Ya know from the strange press stories, you’d think Harry was the first human on the planet to get married and move away from his birth family. LOL

    Chuck and Will are going out on a sinking ship.
    The Monarchy is winding down.
    William will be the last King. And he will do as little as possible at the job.
    He will still be a huge wealth hoarder too.
    My worry is for George and Char, the press will stalk them like wild animals once Will is King.
    Just for $$.

  14. Heywood says:

    Everyone seems to want to LOOK like Meghan in UK, too!

  15. girl_ninja says:

    Harry’s mini solo tour was wise, given Tina Brown’s biased views. Brown’s implications Meghan has an unnatural hold on Harry, reveal her own misogynoir and prejudice against non-white women who defy traditional norms in HER view.

    • Jais says:

      Harry is so clear in Spare about him being the driving force for them leaving. At that point, Meghan was doing her best to survive. She wasn’t manipulating him about Hollywood dreams. TB is painting a picture of both Harry and Meghan that only exists in her racist and sexist mind. What an old-fashioned throwback she is. Embarrassing to see her try and clutch to relevancy like this. She wouldn’t understand a breath of fresh modernity even if it blew her antiquated self all the way down.

  16. wolfmamma says:

    The monarchy has fallen. Obvious when the Queen passed. No photo ops, no crowds …

    Charles is doing his best but we are seeing how that is going.

    William and Kate .. just not up to the task. No idea what is going on there but they both look awful and it’s not about cancer.

    • Bamaborn says:

      Yes, yes and yes. William looks like someone with no healthcare and no way to access any. His wife Kate does’nt appear to be faring any better.

  17. Lady Digby says:

    Curtailed by anxiety?Does she mean Will froze at the prospect of stepping up to cover for the King at the start of February? But now he’s “back to standard service” eg 2 days a week? Will is going to continue mooching through life whether prince or king as long as BM don’t call him put for It.

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    I cannot get over how gross these comments are about Harry and Meghan. The racism. The hatefulness.

    Harry wanted out of England long before he met Meghan. Hell, he said he preferred COMBAT to royal life. He’s not in thrall to Meghan. He’s in love with her.

    Unfortunately, Tina Brown — like Charles — likely doesn’t know what “in love” means.

  19. Advisor2u says:

    Funny this: it’s often the British women in media with the most unfortunate and miserable private lives that are doing the belittling and character assisination of Meghan with an unhinged passion, for years now. Just take a look at the (past) events in each of their private lives and you’ll get where the venom, hate and jealousy come from. I’ll give you what’s in the mix:
    divorced, cheated opon by their husbands/partners (or the other way arround) loneliness, depression, abandonment by one or two patents, passed abuse, addiction of any kind, sacked from a ‘prestigious’ job, you name it.

    Tina, fits in perfectly. From the get go she hated/s Meghan with a passion. She’ll take any opportunity to insult her and paint her in the most horific way.
    When on US TV she tones it down a bit, but still she’ll be doing the disparagement.

    Unfortunately many in US and UK legacy and gossip media still consider her as a sort of ‘authority’ in celebrity/ lifestyle matters, and still are offering her a platform to do her bidding, but that status is long gone by. Formaly, she doesn’t have a platform for years now; sacked, or let go from her positions. (With this podcast thingy it looks like she’s doing her bidding for a comeback).

    Anyhow, Tina B knows as much about Meghan (and Harry) and what’s going on in the royal family these days, as the rest of the so-called royal experts.

    I’ll say this – keep on belittle Meghan, Tina B, your karma is soon coming.

  20. B says:

    Chuck and Willy are obsessed with the words “upstaged” and “overshadowed”. It was never enough for them to be future monarchs with various institutions devoted to propping them up. They also craved popularity and attention. Everyday is their wedding day and they are the worst bridezillas.

  21. HuffnPuff says:

    Huevo physically attacks his own brother because he can’t have his way and doesn’t apologize but Harry is the childish one? Yeah right. The press and RF gave Harry a role to play and he said no thanks and they will never get over that. They continue to infantilize him with the story line that he was somehow lured away from the RF by Meghan. As if he is incapable of having his own thoughts and feelings. And as to Meghan, what is the trajectory for an actress who marries a prince and who is involved in philanthropy? They keep saying she is washed up but she seems like she’s doing just fine to me. Maybe she would like to act again or maybe not. Maybe she likes being a mom right now. Not to mention, what exactly has pre-cancer Kate done? She’s been trying this and that but never accomplishing anything. She’s had quite the head start too and yet nothing. Why don’t they write about that sometime?

  22. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The problem that TB and other UK writers have is continuing to paint Harry as someone who blindly follows along without a thought in his head. The more people Harry interacts with and works with on different charities, the more people know this isn’t true. As the years go on, they will need to find something else to use. They’ll always have some people who will believe this (just as we will always have a certain number of MAGAs in the US), but as the years roll on less and less people will believe it or care what they write.

  23. GMH says:

    Whi is any of this Harry’s problem or responsibility? His only responsibility as the spare was to be ready to serve if something happened to the heir. He did that and now George is in that role. Anything else is at his option. His job is not to sacrifice himself to benefit the egg. And survive on a doled out allowance at the discretion of the monarch.

    He is independent, married and self sufficient. If the sovereign or heir wants favors from him, it will be his coice or obkige but he is not required to.

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