Sleepy Donald Trump called Kamala Harris ‘lazy as hell,’ then canceled his town hall

On Tuesday, two weeks exactly from Election Day, Donald Trump was in Miami, Florida for what was supposed to be a town hall focused on the Hispanic vote. Shockingly, Trump wasn’t actually doing outreach to Latino voters – the town hall was packed with “pre-screened ultra-loyalists” who cheered loudly as a senile dumbass hurled invectives at his opponent. He said, “This woman is the worst. I mean, it’s just unbelievable.” He said Kamala Harris, the woman who dog-walked him in the debate, is “slow, low IQ, something.” He added: “We don’t need another low-IQ person. We had one for four years. We don’t need another.” Brave of him to admit that his four-year presidency was horrible because of his low IQ.

Oddly, at the Miami event, Trump also attacked VP Harris for not doing any rallies on Tuesday. Harris had Tim Walz, Barack Obama and plenty of surrogates in the field, and VP Harris sat down and did two major network interviews. Trump called her “lazy as hell” for not campaigning. Then right after the sycophantic town-hall, Trump canceled his next event. He’s too exhausted to keep up with a real campaign schedule, you know.

Donald Trump was scheduled to appear at a virtual town hall with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) today at 2 p.m. — but it was canceled, with the organizers citing “changes in Trump’s schedule.”

This event is the most recent cancellation in a string of media events that the former president has withdrawn from. Trump pulled out of interviews with the Shade Room, 60 minutes, NBC and CNBC. He also recently cut a town hall event short.

The Make America Healthy Again town hall, which organizers planned to live stream on X, was meant to highlight Kennedy’s health agenda and contributions to the Trump campaign. (The former independent candidate dropped his bid in August and endorsed Trump.) Kennedy and Gabbard are both members of the Trump transition team.

This is the second time that this town hall had been rescheduled, according to an email from Kennedy’s team to his supporters. The virtual event was previously called off because of Hurricane Milton. Kennedy did not respond to a request for comment. The Trump campaign repeated that there was a schedule change.

[From Politico]

Here’s my thing – in the final weeks of a presidential campaign, there are always a lot of last-minute changes and reschedules and everyone’s flying by the seat of their pants. But if you’re going to declare that your opponent – the sitting VPOTUS – is lazy as hell for recording interviews and not holding more well-attended rallies, then those accusations are going to boomerang back onto you the second you suddenly cancel an event with no explanation. Diaper Don needs a nap, Sleepy Don can’t handle the campaign cycle, Naptime Donny is throwing a fussy tantrum because his handlers are making him do two events a day.

Incidentally, Kamala Harris’s internals must be quite different than the media’s polls, because she’s heading to Texas on Friday to highlight abortion rights. She’s likely giving a big boost to Colin Allred, the Democratic senate candidate who is polling neck-in-neck against Ted Cruz. This speaks volumes to me: that Trump staged a faux town hall in MIAMI while Kamala is headed to Texas in the closing weeks. People keep saying that Florida is in play. But is Texas?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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44 Responses to “Sleepy Donald Trump called Kamala Harris ‘lazy as hell,’ then canceled his town hall”

  1. girl_ninja says:

    I don’t think Texas is in play but I think that it could be for Colin. Abortion is on the ballot and that’s especially true for Texas.

    Don Diaper needs a change, a nap and a permanent exile.

    • ML says:

      Unfortunately my family there is of the worst political persuasion, and the expat I know here who’s from there has the same issue. I do know that my family members will most likely vote for Cruz because they think anyone else is dangerous, but they hated how he left for Cancun during the power outage and they don’t really like him. Collin Allred did an excellent job with that during their debate.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I mean, I hope Texas is in play, as well as Florida, but who knows at this point. Allred is polling well but unseating Cruz in Texas is still a very heavy lift. However, one thing is for sure, Kamala’s event is focused on abortion rights and Texas has the most draconian abortion ban in the country. Any health care provider convicted under the statute can go to prison for life! So that could be driving Texas left. The rally on Friday should be huge. It’s in Houston which is heavily Democratic.

    • Becks1 says:

      I dont know if its in play for the presidency but I think Allred has a chance.

      I also think its a good sign that Dems are tracking the changing demographics in Texas and are not going to write it off for future years, considering how many people are moving there from other states for a variety of reasons.

      • VOTE2024 says:

        Hey to my fellow Tx Celebitchy fans! Allred smashed it in the debate against Cruz, and he’s got several significant qualities which appeal to Texans – he played football, has deep roots in Texas, and doesn’t come from an affluent background at all. The early voting lines here in northern Tx are out the door and around the block. We’re crossing fingers, toes, and all our other extremities that Allred pulls this off. The growing number of centrist to liberal voters in Texas have been appalled by the state legislation on abortion and other significant issues. This may be the year we vote out some of these dark money funded republicans at the state level, and we can get Lyin Ted out of office. Fingers crossed for a great election!!

    • Jess says:

      I lived in Texas for 16 years and heard so many times it would turn blue and it never did. Now I’m in Wisconsin and fighting to keep it blue. I know Harris’s campaign is not Clinton’s, but this reminds me of when Clinton was so sure of victory she was campaigning in Texas instead of Wisconsin.

      • Barbara says:

        I’m in Wisconsin too and I think overall, we’re fairly blue (especially in the more urban, south areas like Milwaukee and Madison) but there sure are pockets of deep red, especially towards the north in some of the poorer, rural areas. It’s how the Republicans have such a stranglehold on the state House and Senate but Gov. Evers keeps getting re-elected. I just can’t believe Trump will win the state this time and I hope Baldwin completely routs that Neanderthal Hovde.

    • ELX says:

      Getting Allred over the line is a stretch goal—note that the Harris campaign feels good enough about where they are in the battleground states that she is going for that stretch goal.

    • Abby says:

      Texan here, we are fighting hard to turn our state blue. I am scheduled to be literally across the state (7 hours away) all day on Friday for my own book launch event, or I would 100% be making a road trip to Houston for this rally.

      I don’t know if we’ll get Kamala over the line, but we’re close with Allred! It’s encouraging that she’s coming here for a rally when time is so short. I really wish I could be there!

      • BeanieBean says:

        Good luck on your book launch, Abby!

      • girl_ninja says:

        The work that Beto did in 2018 fell to the waist side and I’m hoping that the Texas dems can pick it up again and run with it. From school district to state reps, that’s how ALL of us are going to take our country back from maggot extremist.

  2. ncboudicca says:

    Everything Trump says is projection, or a lie, or a projection to cover a lie….

    What a loser.

    • the Robinsons says:

      TicTocktrump era is over as of November 5th 2024.TicTictrump era is over as of November 5th 2024.

    • Truthiness says:

      Yes, Make America Healthy Again is pretty rich coming from Trump. Not only is he in crappy health, he vilified masks and wanted everybody to stop testing for covid. ‘The numbers can’t get worse if we’re not testing’

  3. ML says:

    I am trying to ignore all polling (not entirely successfully). So, I like how you described VP Harris campaigning in TX as Texas must have at least some winnable elections in play. I know that Kamala Harris campaigned with Liz Cheney last week, and Cheney is also supporting Allred (she not only hates Trump, but alao Ted Cruz). I think you’re right that MVP is going there because it looks good/ feasible. If it were that way in Florida, she’d probably also stop off there?

    • Jais says:

      I’m thinking that she will be back in florida at some point before the election but I don’t know her exact schedule. I think her and Obama are both going to be in atlanta tomorrow for a rally. Since I’ve sent money, I get the invites txted to me so it will be both of them together from what I can tell.

  4. I think Texas as well as Florida are in play. Diaper Don was going to Florida to do an event because Florida is in play. I think Kamala is doing Texas to help Allred and herself.

  5. Page says:

    I live in Texas and walking around my neighborhood looking at yard signs there is one house that is all in for Trump and Cruz, one house with a Harris/Walz sign, and 3 or 4 with Allred signs. Definitely a different balance than 2020. I’ve lived here too long to get my hopes up but also like. Maybe, you know?

    • AJ says:

      Same — lived here too long to get my hopes up, but I’m going out there to do my civic duty.

      Sometimes I marvel at the fact that not so long ago, Texas had Ann Richards as governor. And while I think about moving all the time, also, f—ck these clowns. This is my home, and I feel like my vote is needed here.

    • Duch says:

      Dallas reporting in – it’s been striking to me since the summer how few trump signs there are, especially compared to 4 and 8 years ago. I don’t think this is the year that TX will turn, but I hope so. I keep working on my “undecided” friends..

    • Jill says:

      Fellow Texan here and I gotta say, I am seeing a lot of Allred signs. I also feel like he has blanketed the airwaves considerably more than Cruz. Kamala’s massive war chest must be giving him a boost because I don’t recall a time where I was seeing more campaign ads on tv for democrats over republicans so this is definitely giving me some hope.

    • Embee says:

      My MAGA relative claims the reduced signage is due to the MAGA fear of Dems destroying their property if they put out a sign. The projection and victim-claiming never ends. It must stink to feel so mean and disempowered.

    • Abby says:

      My husband drove around Dallas’ Highland Park, one of the richest neighborhoods in Texas, and commented that he saw lots of Harris/Walz signs and no Trump signs. A marked difference from 2020.

      I’ve seen a few Harris signs, very few trump signs, on my travels around North Texas. Used to see a lot more Trump signs. When I drove through the Hill Country, there were quite a few Trump signs, but that’s the only place I’ve seen them. I’m hoping either people have changed their minds, or they feel too shamed to put up Trump signs at this point.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t think Texas is in play just yet for her, maybe 2028 but I do think that Colin Allred has a very good chance. She had surrogate’s stumping for her in the blue wall and elsewhere, a one-day trip to Texas to get her Senate control which is still very important doesn’t hurt. She’s been a Wisconsin 11 times going to Texas once so that she can have a senate that’ll actually allow her to pass some laws, get her cabinet picks through, and judges confirmed is just as important. Also this is typical psyops for reactionaries like Trump.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    I am seething at Trump’s very racist dog whistles directed at Kamala. His attacks on her intelligence are bad enough. Now, he’s added “lazy” to his playlist. The media reports these things but doesn’t bother to point out how racist they are. Not to mention, totally untrue. I don’t know who pisses me off more these days, Trump or the corporate media. 🤬

    • Libra says:

      Kampala passed the very difficult California bar exam. Could Trump ever have done that? So much for low I Q.

    • Walking the Walk says:

      White media keeps saying that and let’s not forget these are the same idiots that ran around claiming from anonymous sources she was not smart. The whole thing is rage inducing to me as a Black woman. And then I saw freaking Antonio Brown tweet that offensive tweet last night about her being on her knees and I am just ready to fight people.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Seeing how hard Kamala is fighting for us makes me want to fight for her. I am truly angry that she is being subjected to these racist rants from Trump and his cult while the media acts like it’s all normal. Disgusting.

      • Miranda says:

        My MIL has literally cried tears of rage over what Trump and his surrogates keep saying about Kamala. She’s a retired special education teacher from Alabama, so of course a huge number of her students were kids with no impairments at all, who were placed in her class primarily because of those ugly stereotypes about POC. It’s galling that one of the most accomplished women of ANY color in this country is being subjected to that very same treatment.

  8. Walking the Walk says:

    Texas is not in play, neither is Florida, or Ohio, etc. I think they are going to help to boost Colin. But I don’t know.

    All of the polls are a mess now because of conservative polls flooding the zone and now it looks like Kamala is losing places like freaking VA. We all should have known the polls were a mess when that one popped up.

    • ChiaLLama says:

      STRONGLY agree with you! I just read an article that detailed how the republican pollsters did this in the closing weeks of 2022. They noted that these junk polls caused the aggregators like 538 to flip their predictions for a Dr. Oz victory in the Pennsylvania senate race in the closing days. This, despite so John Fetterman holding a 4-5 pt lead in the polls for weeks/months prior, and there being nothing in the race that would cause the shift. And ultimately, Fetterman won by 4.9 pts.

      And all of that’s outside of the fact that since the Dobbs decision, democrats have overperformed the polls. But, the news outlets keep throwing out how Trump has been under sampled in the past.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        Yep. I think it’s going to be we will have to wait to see on Election Day. The flooding of the polls and people lying about voting machines are flipping votes are again the same crap the GOP did in 2020 when Trump lost.

  9. Louise177 says:

    Kamala isn’t just campaigning for herself but also for the party. Targeting specific candidates and issues isn’t unusual, even if the state is not winnable.

  10. Chris says:

    Life long Texan and I’m voting Harris. The problem in our state is not that there are so many more Repubs. In fact most of the large cities go blue, at least locally in the last election. The problem is that we are gerrymandered up to our ears in favor of Repubs. That’s how asshats like Cruz and crappy Gov. Abbott stay in power. I love that she’s coming here. I wish she’d add a stop in Dallas. Fingers crossed for us that all the “new “ Texans from Cali and NY will help us clean house. It would definitely make up for all that extra traffic 😂

    • Jill says:

      Omg that’s so funny that you mentioned the ‘new Texans from Cali and NY’. Like when the new Texans started moving in, it seems like that’s when house prices started going absolutely through the roof. And at the time I was thinking sonofa..I’m never going to be able to afford a house now! At the same time though, I was totally okay with the all the newbies because I was thinking ‘ooo I bet they totally vote blue. Welcome to Texas y’all!! Make sure you’re registered to vote!!’

      • Nicole says:

        I don’t want to burst your bubble but most of the Californians moving to Texas are Republicans. They want a politically like minded state. So many of my fellow Californians are moving to AZ, FL, and TX. I’m sorry. They’re likely hard right Conservatives.

    • Abby says:

      I wish she’d come to Dallas too!

  11. Gisby says:

    ‘Kennedy and Gabbard are both members of the Trump transition team.’

    I was just pleased to hear that Trump is transitioning. He is SO brave.

  12. Ambel says:

    Is Donold too tired or is he sticking it to RFK Jr. the way he did to Mitt Romney? I’m good with either one.

  13. yipyip says:

    Trump held a rally in St. Cloud MN.
    The date for payment, Oct. 10, 2024.
    He still has not paid the $209K due to the city.

    The Mayor and PtB are idiots for not getting that money upfront. Stupidity!
    We will NEVER get paid. And SC is a small city, not at all Twin City sized.
    Lots of better ways that amount of money could have been spent.
    I am so f’ing tired of Trump and the Fools that support him.

  14. AC says:

    Someone mentioned to me that Trump and his campaign are hardly spending any money for ads in California and putting it all on the swing states. Which is true, I hardly see any of his ads in CA. That’s a sign to me that his campaign knows he’s in deep shi$&t.
    California voters – you know the assignment you still need to go out and vote blue!
    The swing states you better know the assignment!

  15. Beverley says:

    Of course Diaper Don is calling Harris “lazy”. This is a common dog-whistle phrase for bigots. When they call POC – particularly Black folks – “lazy”, it’s because they don’t dare use the “n-word”.

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