Morgan: The Windsors are stronger than ever, despite the Sussexes’ racism claims

I’m still doing some upkeep on King Charles and Queen Camilla’s tour of Australia, which is now completed. They arrived in Samoa today, after spending only four full days in Australia. I don’t think the Australian leg of the tour went well, but I also don’t think Charles and Camilla will receive the same kind of backlash Prince William and Kate received in 2022, during and following their disastrous Caribbean flop tour. Will and Kate’s 2022 tour made global headlines for their tone-deaf staging, colonialist attitudes and inability to be modern or project modernity. Charles and Camilla’s tour was not modern either, but that’s not their brand. Their brand is supposed to be nostalgic and old. They delivered, but few are buying it. Well, Piers Morgan is trying to hype these two waxworks, probably because he’s such good friends with Camilla. He must be looking at completely different photos, because Piers claims that thousands of people came out for the royals and that the Sussexes’ “campaign” to smear Charles and Camilla has failed. O RLY??

What a right royal triumph! The first tour of Australia by a reigning British king had threatened to be a damp squib disappointment after days marred by rain, noisy anti-Monarchy protestors, and a series of pathetic political snubs culminating in an idiot attention-seeking senator screaming at Charles about his supposed complicity in committing genocide against Aboriginals.

But the Aussie people didn’t get the royal-bashing memo, and in a stunning outpouring of joyful support, out they came in huge numbers at the iconic Sydney Opera House to pay tribute to King Charles and Queen Camilla on the final day of their short but historic trip. More than 10,000 people from all over the country appeared in glorious sunshine to greet their royal visitors, far more than had been anticipated, and to be honest, far more than I feared would be the case.

The enthusiasm and excitement for the King and Queen was palpable and will have delighted the Palace. It was also a brilliant retort to the graceless royal critics who tried to wreck the tour, led by foul-mouthed imbecile Lidia Thorpe, the senator who screamed “YOU’RE NOT MY KING!” and “F*CK THE COLONY!” at Charles during an event in Canberra on Monday. She also bellowed: “You committed genocide against our people. Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us. Our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people. You destroyed our land.”

This trip’s spectacular success has served as a timely reminder that the Monarchy remains a massively important rock at the heart of not just the UK but so many other Commonwealth nations like Australia. And that the best way for senior royals to retain the support and respect of the public is for them to behave in a dignified, dutiful way that puts serving the people above all else.

For all the embarrassing and very damaging shenanigans of Harry and Meghan, and their disgraceful campaign to smear the royals as a bunch of callous racists, the Firm have emerged stronger than ever despite loss of their great Matriarch, and despite the new King and his daughter-in-law the Princess of Wales fighting cancer.

[From The Sun]

The fact that Piers included so many quotes from Lidia Thorpe’s protest… what’s going on there? Is he rage-baiting or is there an ulterior motive? It feels like a typical British journalist thing, of not directly criticizing the Windsors but fully quoting their biggest critics (all while decrying said critics). As for the mention of Meghan, Harry and “callous racists”… Piers was the one who identified Charles and Kate as the “royal racists.” He was a vital part of that whole storyline. It feels like something’s cooking under the radar. This weekend’s papers should be interesting. Also: I’m including a photo of C&C outside the Sydney Opera House and you can see for yourself how few people came out for the Windsors.


Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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62 Responses to “Morgan: The Windsors are stronger than ever, despite the Sussexes’ racism claims”

  1. TN Democrat says:

    IF Charles hadn’t been open about his cancer diagnosis, announced he was putting his treatment on hold for this trip and didn’t look rough, this trip would have been a disaster. At some point the cooperation with the Murdoch-style tabloid press is going to blow up in the Windsor’s faces and start getting world-wide backlash. The real firestorm probably won’t start until Will-not the Basher is King.

    • Sure they are so popular that they can’t get people to meet them and they have to do events in the vicinity of other events that crowds are at to get photo ops of lots of people. They are so popular that people come to protest with eggs. Sure these two are doing great lol.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    Yeah, that’s not a huge crowd and as Piers Morgan pointed the crowd was mainly made up of foreign tourists. The tour was a flop but the press will only admit that a year later. For if Meghan had reacted the way Camilla did to people who waited to her after church the British press would not be praising her.

    • Chloe says:

      I feel like the tour didn’t make an impression to be honest. The only time I saw people outside of the royal bubble talk about this tour was in regards to senator Thorpe’s comments.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, a right royal triumph seems hyperbolic. Truthfully, it could have gone worse. But I wouldn’t call it some sort of amazing triumph. That’s just silly.

  3. Tessa says:

    Piers should keep writing about Trump and Leave Harry and Meghan alone. Piers is fighting a losing battle.

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    When your supporters protest this much, you know you are in trouble

  5. Tessa says:

    Is Piers trying for a Knighthood playing up to the Windsors? He was the one who named names, and named publicly Charles and Kate as racists. He’s not one to talk.

    • Monika says:

      Tessa, that was what I thought that Piers is after an honour. I do not think he will get it. He is too controversial. Piers reputation got a huge hit when Harry won his law suit against the Mirror group.

    • Jais says:

      Imagine PM getting a knighthood. A judge literally said he was lying in the levenson inquiry and that he was very clearly involved in phone tapping.

  6. booboocita says:

    I wish I could find a news article from a reputable organization that gave an estimate of just how large the crowd at the Sydney Opera House was. All I could find was a Reuters article, which said the crowd was “large.” Really, Reuters?

    Hilariously, the article quotes two Aussie royalists and lists their ages: 75 and 83. They also quote a man who worked for QEII “for five decades.” Well, at least the geriatric Aussies love them …

    • JT says:

      There are some pictures going around on Twitter comparing C&Cs crowd at the Sydney opera house and then the crowd for Diana at the same location. Doesn’t even compare. You couldn’t even see the steps in the Diana pictures.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles could not even hire crowds. Or have the pictures photoshopped. Not a large crowd. to say the least.

    • Cassie says:

      That’s true , I have seen footage of protesters, very loud and everyone was searched and eggs confiscated .
      Pro republicans were not allowed near them .The mainstream media didn’t show that .
      Snipers on rooftops which is almost unheard of here . Was weird to see that .Usually for Presidents .
      It was very stage managed and I was curious about the younger people waving their little flags .
      Apparently the monarchist crew were handing them out .

      I couldn’t read Morgan’s story , it has been nice not hearing him for a long time and he will always write hate about Harry and Meghan .
      Horrible human being who should be in jail .
      The media were still fawning over them last night , thank goodness that should ease off soon

      • QuentinK says:

        When the then Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark were in Sydney, there were snipers on the roof, maybe a NSW police thing. My Aunt was at the Opera house and it was crowded right down to Circular Key and the overflow were in the Botanic gardens

  7. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    Spin Morgan, spin.. You have a wider range of lying than I even imagined.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    Why do these in the tank “journalists” like Piers Morgan write this gas lighting fan fiction when the internet and social media blow holes in them with on the ground accounts and pictures? This is more than enraging pro Sussex folk to get engagement; this is fear and loathing in BP and KP that Harry and Meghan’s accounts of life together at Salt Island is sticking after all these years. The BRF’s reputation still hasn’t recovered; and I think the release of the paperback edition of Spare (which was on Oct. 22) is going remind people what horrible people Chuck, Cam, Willie and Kitty are.

    • Cj says:

      Because their peak success predates the internet and they lack adaptability, so their ego makes them believe they can still do what they want and people will eat it up no questions asked because of how important they are.

      They must be desperate for them to do another interview, I bet even the fans are bored of hearing them talk about claims made years ago. If a family of billionaires with every luxury can’t recover 3 years on from a one-off interview by people who “don’t matter” something is terribly wrong.

  9. Tessa says:

    There are lots of pictures of the crowds showing up for Charles and Diana in 1983. Charles is not going to top that despite the spin.It must bother him.

    • Becks1 says:

      Honestly, I don’t think its fair to compare this to the Charles/Diana tour in the early 80s. Diana-mania was kicking off, charles was still young, it was pre social media so I think seeing the royals in person meant more than it does to a lot of people today, even people who may like Charles and Camilla.

      I think a better comparison is the sussex tour in 2018, but even that’s a little off because they were newly married, they had just announced Meghan’s pregnancy, and as a couple H&M are a lot better looking and more glamorous than Charles and camilla, lol.

      so I think the best comparison would be crowds on QEII’s last trip to Australia, and how she was received on that trip. I’m not going to bother looking it up because I think its safe to assume she was better received with bigger crowds.

      Of course, if they want crowds to show up for the The Monarchy in general, having representatives like Harry and Meghan make such trips for them would probably have been a good idea.

      • Unblinkered says:

        It’s quite unbelievable that no-one in the UK government at the time, or the wider British Establishment, did not try to stop H&M leaving. Allowing them to be driven out was criminal neglect, and future historians may come to pin the loss of the British Commonwealth on that neglect.
        W&K have a lot to answer for.

      • Granger says:

        I like your balanced view, Becks1. I can’t stand the Royal family but comparing the Charles/Diana tour with this tour is a bit much. Now, if it were Will and Kate in Australia, I’d say a comparison might be appropriate, because they’re supposedly the young, hot, savvy saviours of the monarchy, and I’ve no doubt they wouldn’t draw a huge crowd either.

  10. Louise177 says:

    Does it count as a disaster if nobody cares? Sometimes I wonder if scandal/missteps is better than ambivalence. Also why does the BM keep writing about Harry and Meghan? At the same time the media says they’re nobodies and insignificant, the media will write and talk for 100 articles on a dress and house for a week.

  11. Jais says:

    PM saying they just need to behave in a dignified and dutiful way that puts service to the people above all else makes no sense. Bc they’re never really in dutiful service to the people. The royals are in service to the crown and keeping it going…for themselves. Now for the part about behaving in a dignified way…??? Is that a message that some people need to start acting more dignified, like maybe the POW? And technically the POW and his wife could certainly do more dutiful service even if it is a charade. It gives the papers something to write about. So is it a weird message to the future monarch and his wife?

    • Tessa says:

      William is not dignified nor dutiful. He does little in the way of work and wants to work from home and goes counting sports viewing as “work.” It is not dignified for Huevo to punch his own brother.

    • sunnyside up says:

      The video certainly wasn’t dignified and it looked as if William knew it.

  12. jensa says:

    The Windsors are most certainly NOT “stronger than ever”. If anything, they’re in crisis. Anyone can see that.
    Piers is a second rate journalist, at best, and anything he says is warped by his seriously creepy stalker-type obsession with Meghan.

  13. Sarah says:

    I recollect Graham Smith, the UK CEO of Republic who has been in Australia to help organise with the protests, saying that, contrary to the UK, they are banned from the protests. He also specified that every person present is thoroughly checked before coming close to the perimeter where Charles is.

    • Cassie says:

      That’s true , I have seen footage of protesters, very loud and everyone was searched and eggs confiscated .
      Pro republicans were not allowed near them .The mainstream media didn’t show that .
      Snipers on rooftops which is almost unheard of here . Was weird to see that .Usually for Presidents .
      It was very stage managed and I was curious about the younger people waving their little flags .
      Apparently the monarchist crew were handing them out .

      I couldn’t read Morgan’s story , it has been nice not hearing him for a long time and he will always write hate about Harry and Meghan .
      Horrible human being who should be in jail .
      The media were still fawning over them last night , thank goodness that should ease off soon

  14. JT says:

    If the Windsors were stronger than ever, the press wouldn’t have to talk about H&M every day.

  15. LauraD says:

    I’ll have a glass of whatever Piers Morgan is drinking because there is no way that tour was a “spectacular success.” It wasn’t as bad as the disastour but, it’s pretty close. This was a visit by two geriatrics who are stuck firmly in the past. They did get the odd crowd here and there but, I’ve seen more people queuing for the number 76 bus in the rush hour. I firmly believe this “tour” was KCIII and his wife attempting to put the “Diana Factor” to bed and it failed “spectacularly” (just like Camilla’s black dress did all those years ago.)

    KCIII and his wife must be wondering how Meghan and Harry manage to make these things look so easy. After all Harry is only the “spare” and his wife well who’s not exactly an English rose like Camilla and his DIL yet the crowds flock to meet them. I know I shouldn’t but I fcuking love this for them. I truly believe they thought that H&M got those crowds in Colombia and Nigeria because they’re royal and not because they come across as caring people who are doing their bit to make this world a better place. In the minds of KCIII and William their rank means that everyone will automatically gravitate towards them when the truth is the world has seen how truly awful they are and as a result the crowds stay at home.

    • booboocita says:

      Over time, I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that charisma is inherent and not transferrable. I have a sister and brother who can light up the room just by showing up. People gravitate to them. Not so much me. This used to hurt when I was younger, but now I’m a little more sanguine. And after all, I love my siblings dearly.

      Chucky Boy and La Bruja are still living under the misconception that all they have to do is elbow the charismatic members of the family out of the way and the spotlight will be all theirs. That’s simply not the case, however much they may want it. The attention of the media and the public will always be on the Sussexes for their good works and their good looks, but most of all, because they have “it:” that indefinable, indescribable wow factor known as charisma. Chucky Boy has NEVER been charismatic, or even had the mystique his mother had — and it’s eating him alive. And the less said about La Bruja, the better.

  16. Eurydice says:

    Australia must have remarkable rejuvenating powers, otherwise I don’t see how 4 days could make the Windsors stronger than ever. And what Windsors? It was just Charles and Camilla, with William doing his usual nothing in the background.

  17. Proud Mary says:

    This whole article is just about name checking the Sussexex. He won’t be bother to write about those two waxworks otherwise. They are so strong that their supporters can only get out of bed to talk about them if the Sussexes are named. Please go back to your YouTube channel. No serious person takes you seriously.

    • Eurydice says:

      That’s the thing. Piers might be a slimy, ass-kissing hypocrite, but he’s not stupid. He knows C&C are fossils and he knows the monarchy is dying – but throw out some insincere flattery and the obligatory dig at H&M and he’s kept Camilla happy.

  18. Hypocrisy says:

    I googled photos because I didn’t want to rely on what the British media releases, a lot of locals were showing small amounts of bystanders and these events had festivities nearby which could account for some of the attendance.. makes me wonder if anyone would have shown at all if they weren’t headed to the other event. Also the crowd sizes compared to Princess Diana’s or The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s visits is pretty clear who the Australian people are interested in supporting.
    The Kankle Queen is struggling and the Sausage King looks like he is in serious decline it is difficult to see anything “Royal” at all, it looks more like a field trip for the senior center no amount of propaganda will change that.

  19. Lady Digby says:

    The serious issue is the inadequacy of FK who had to lie down for several weeks when he was required to steady the helm by showing up as strong and stable in February. Kingship ties him down to daily duties. Has he the stamina and strength to show up and perform those duties on a daily basis when he’s’s ft King ? There isn’t any problem if the succession is secured on a competent heir. K C is a plateau monarch: ruling just like mama and not wanting to or even capable of change hence not meeting Sen Thorpe. Royalist I have talked to recently tell him that Will is just keeping his powder dry and when he becomes King will astonish as a moderniser of power and wisdom. Well that will astonish me if he does more than show up both W and K seem to hanker after the 1950s!

  20. QuiteContrary says:

    Shocker: Piers Morgan thinks Lidia Thorpe is an “imbecile.” Because any nonwhite woman must be, in his world.

    He’s a dinosaur, and so is the monarchy.

  21. L4Frimaire says:

    The tour was neither here nor there. What exactly was the purpose besides being a layover for Samoa? Charles is too old and tired for this and needs to get his messy house in order. The fact that a loser like Morgan is framing it as a counter to the Sussexes “ racism claims” shows it got no traction, the tour had no purpose and he’s trying to garner sympathy for them. The only memorable thing was Senator Lidia Thorpe calling him out for the colonizer he is.

  22. Lulu says:

    I’m not sure what is going on with Charles health, but there was very little substance in the Oz leg of this tour. Maybe he should have arranged a longer trip, giving him more recovery time after the long flight and days between activities. Piers isn’t worth commenting on – his lifetime of lies speak for themselves.

  23. MsDoe says:

    We are witnessing the death throes of the British monarchy.
    It is out of touch, irrelevant, and the class system it embraces is insulting and anachronistic. No amount of disinformation by Piers Morgan or Tina Brown or any other sycophant can change that, try as they might.
    Only a dying generation still respects someone for their rank, as opposed to their accomplishments.
    The Egg’s goose is cooked.

    • Blithe says:

      While I don’t quite get why Piers wants to remind us that the royals are a bunch of callous racists, it’s something that I don’t think can be said too many times. I also appreciate the quotes from Thorpe. Whatever spin was intended, this piece serves up multiple reminders of just how awful these colonizers have been — and are.

  24. sevenblue says:

    The biggest headline from the tour was the protest, so I would consider the tour “a failure”. Charles usually does his tours with little noise, a few positive articles, which is success for him. That didn’t happen here.

  25. SCAR ❤️❤️❤️❤️ says:

    Birds of a feather STICK together.

  26. Lau says:

    It’s always insane to me that they find it normal to still be ruling over territories that are all the way across the world. It doesn’t make any sense.

  27. westcoastgal says:

    Chuck and Camilla are just so lucky Meghan wasn’t photographed having lunch with a friend or seen walking about with a yoga mat, it would have been front page news in the mail for a week. They can’t even report on the very important royal tour without using H&M names, that’s how sad and irrelevant the leftovers really are.

    • Anna says:

      Oh Meg probably has more self control but I would wait with my yoga mat in hand until C&C are in Samoa. Then I would do my stroll with one of very famous friends.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Chuck and Camilla are just so lucky Meghan wasn’t photographed having lunch with a friend or seen walking about with a yoga mat, it would have been front page news in the mail for a week. They can’t even report on the very important royal tour without using H&M names, that’s how sad and irrelevant the leftovers really are.

  29. Fastgran50 says:

    Piers Morgan is like a broken record. Goes on and on about the same old thing. He is totally irrelevant in today’s news media. Just good go being Camilla boozing pal.

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