Will Mike Tindall’s rugby book outsell Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ paperback?

Prince Harry’s paperback edition of Spare came out this week. I haven’t been to a bookstore recently, but I absolutely believe that many bookstores will probably display the paperback edition prominently towards the front of the store. That’s mostly because the hardback was such a huge success, but Spare is still incredibly relevant today, 21 months after it was first published. The British media especially has not stopped whining about Spare in all of this time, and they keep trying to force this narrative that Harry “regrets” writing the book because he destroyed his relationships with his father and brother. The same father and brother who treated him like sh-t for years before he even published the book.

It’s also funny that Harry hasn’t given his critics anything new to whine about. He didn’t add any new chapters to Spare, nor did he edit out anything from the hardback edition. GB News hilariously tried to retread old news by suggesting that Harry “snubbed” King Charles and Prince William anew because he didn’t add their names to his dedication. Spare’s dedication still reads, “For Meg and Archie and Lili…and of course, my mother.” They’re so desperate to turn this paperback into a scandal, they’re positioning Spare against Mike Tindall’s new dumb book:

Mike Tindall is set to go head to head with Prince Harry tomorrow, with the former rugby player’s new book to be released on the same day as the Duke of Sussex’s paperback version of Spare hits shelves. Mike, who resides in Gloucestershire, is set to release ‘The Good, The Bad & The Rugby – Unleashed’ on Thursday.

The book – which he co-authored with Alex Payne and James Haskell – will give an insight into ‘the highs and lows their podcast, friendship and rugby.’ Mike – who is married to the Duke of Sussex’s cousin, Zara Tindall – revealed in the book he was teased by James, who once referenced Prince Andrew’s ‘car-crash’ Newsnight interview.

However, Harry is also putting out his paperback version of Spare on Thursday. The hardback version was originally released in the UK on January 10, 2023. The royal wrote that the book was ‘for Meg and Archie and Lili… And of course, my mother’. The Duke threw around many accusations about the Royal Family in Spare, along with alleging that he had a physical fight with his brother and heir to the throne, Prince William. He claimed in the book that the Prince of Wales grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the floor, while shattering a dog bowl with his back. William then allegedly declared: ‘I didn’t attack you, Harold.’

Harry also called his mother-in-law, Queen Camilla, ‘dangerous’ and a ‘villain’ in his memoir and alleged she had ‘sacrificed him’ to improve her reputation.

In Mike’s new book, he described joining the Royal Family in 2011 after marrying Zara and is thought to have made a dig at Meghan Markle. He said: ‘Believe it or not, marrying into the Royal Family was pretty easy for me. They were always nice to me, and I was always nice to them. Simple really.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I covered Mike Tindall’s interview with the Telegraph last week – he sounded like a meathead who couldn’t wrap his head around why Meghan was treated much differently than a white rugby douche who married an untitled royal-adjacent. Anyway, it’s really been a publishing blitz over there in recent months. Tom Parker Bowles, James Middleton and now Mike Tindall, all with books out around the same time as the Spare paperback release. Not to defend them, but I doubt James, Tom and Peter really planned it out, to have their books out at the same time. Has anyone heard anything about book sales numbers? I figured that if James or Tom’s book sold well or made it onto whatever piddling British bestseller list, the Mail would have a blaring headline about it. But it’s been really quiet, right? Almost like no one really gave a sh-t. I imagine it will be the same with Tindall’s book.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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51 Responses to “Will Mike Tindall’s rugby book outsell Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ paperback?”

  1. Only in Mikes and the gutter press fever pitched dreams will his book outsell Harry’s.

  2. Tessa says:

    I doubt even the derangers would buy Mike’s book. Trying to make Mike a saint is laughable

  3. Andy Dufresne says:

    Bellend writing a book? I’d buy it just to see if there are actual words in there.

  4. vs says:

    NO… he will be lucky if he can sell 5000 copies on day 1

  5. sevenblue says:

    “Harry “snubbed” King Charles and Prince William anew because he didn’t add their names to his dedication.”

    That is the craziest thing to say 😭😭 Why would he dedicate the book to his abusers? He wrote about how both Charles and Will threw him and his family under the bus to protect themselves. Then, was he supposed to thank them for the abuse?

    • Dee(2) says:

      I mean GB news is just trying to get clicks, but they have been on this whole thing about Harry really wants to come back and regrets everything. That’s why he’s doing all this charity work, to show them that he still wants to be a working royal, not because he cares about the organizations that he supporting. That’s also why they tried to make him not adding any new chapters, another one of their endless olive branches instead of, you know him just having said everything he wanted to say in the hardcover version. I think these people are consistently looking back and trying to redo the past, and relitigate what happened because they’re so afraid of the future which looks pretty damn bleak for them if we’re honest.

  6. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    😂🤣😂🤣 no it won’t

  7. FancyPants says:

    I wonder if he wrote in his book about the time he was caught on camera cheating on his wife right after his wedding?

    • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

      Right? Or when he was being inappropriate with staffers on that stupid reality show he was on. He’s such a cement head

  8. aquarius64 says:

    These three losers have nothing of note in their own right, so they bank on royal adjancy by marriage to sell their books. Haven’t heard the numbers for TPB but Middleton made over 2000 copies sold according to Amazon in the first week.

  9. Em says:

    How much of the scorn and mockery poured at Harry from his family members especially the hanger on’s come from a place of jealousy? Because who else in the family would be reportedly paid 20 million for a book?

  10. HeatherC says:

    Spare was a smash worldwide. Mike’s little rehash of his rugby glory days won’t be. Though the paperback won’t sell as much as the original hardcover release, it will sell well.

  11. Afken says:

    The way the bar is lowered for these people. They are comparing the FIRST release of mikes book to the paperback edition of a record breaking book??! And if it sells more than the re-release they will of course hail this as some great triumph for Tindall and the royal family. Also these people lie. Harry was talking about how Camilla was perceived as “the villain” in his interview with Anderson Cooper. He doesn’t call her a villain in the book.

  12. Harla says:

    Mike Tindall’s book selling as well as Harry’s Bwahahahaha!!!! I will think of your headline Kaiser and laugh out loud all day long!!! Bwahahahaha!!

  13. Jais says:

    Didn’t Mike brag about beating Harry up when he younger and then called him names in the press ? They really treated Harry poorly and are both shocked and jealous at how well his life has turned out.

  14. Libra says:

    “I was nice to them and they were nice to me. ” Oh Mike, you were boot licking and they were laughing at you behind your back. That’s what they do; make fun of the “lesser” classes. You are just too dumb to notice.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    The fact that were no articles about the other royal adjacent’s books after they were published means that they didn’t do well. I hope Harry writes a sequel one day.

  16. Elle says:

    I am writing a memoir about some significant health issues I experienced. I am a fairly strong writer, but unpublished. I have communicated with two different literary agencies, both REALLY want the book, it is SUPERB, but it needs A LITTLE editing, which is $1600. I think that is a fair price. My point is that they agreed to take on the book before they read a single sentence I wrote. Anyone can write a book, if they’re willing to put some money up front.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Sorry for the off topic, but PLEASE be careful. I’m trad published, and no legit literary agency will ever ask you for a cent. This is either a vanity publisher or scam.

      Literary agents don’t get involved in the editing process at all – and no agent ever asks you for money, ever. They take a percentage of your earnings.

      Trad publishers pay all the editing and other costs themselves.

      Anyone asking you to pay thousands in spurious “editing costs” is absolutely a scammer. (Unless they’re openly marketing themselves as a vanity press and are upfront that they are simply providing a paid for service to print your books for you. But even then, be careful.)

      Unfortunately this is an incredibly common scam in the writing world.

      The ONLY way an author ever pays for editing is if they decide to hire their own developmental editor to help them get the book in good enough shape to send out to literary agents and publishers. Or self-published authors often choose to hire editors, too.

      Please, please don’t consider paying these “literary agents”, everything about this screams scam.

    • Sparkle says:

      I will echo what another poster has said. Please do not pay the ‘literary agents’. It’s a scam.

      I self-publish my books but I used to work in a mainstream publishing company. If you chose to self-publish, you can find excellent editors for much less than 1600, though I don’t know your word count.

  17. yopyip says:

    Royal hanger-on Mike T.
    Without his wife and her family to mooch off, he is a nobody.

  18. Jan says:

    Boris Johnson’s book sold 40,000 and is considered a failure, the publisher will start pulping soon.
    James’s book tanked, TPB’s cook book seems to below the radar.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      Joyful joyful days.

      Have you seen the photos online of bookshops surrounding Johnson’s book with lots of books with titles like Surrounded by Liars: how the Tories destroyed the country? Good stuff.

  19. Miranda says:

    “…alleging that he had a physical fight with his brother”

    No. Bullshit. It was not a “fight”, it was a unilateral attack by William, and Harry responded much more calmly and maturely than most of us probably would’ve done in that situation.

  20. LoopyLou says:

    Mike is surprisingly very intelligent. He attended Grammar school (for those outside UK it is state school for kids that achieve high grades) and was then awarded a place at Durham University (one of the top unis in UK) which he deferred to start his rugby career.

    • Lady D says:

      Ya sorry, I just don’t buy that buffoon having many brains. Maybe’s he’s suffered too many hits to the head playing rugby? The last thing that ape who threatened to throw Harry off the balcony portrays is intelligence.

    • Libra says:

      Intelligence and common sense do not go hand in hand. One of my brothers was test smart,book smart but lacked judgement and self awareness and common sense.

    • Darkwing Duck says:

      The school he went to is a public school? I expect he did have to pass a test but I wouldn’t read too much into that, I also went to a grammar school outside the
      South East around the same time and while the smartest kids in the area mostly did go there there was a lot of variation within the cohort. The least bright people at my school (I might include myself) were not smarter than the most bright non-grammar kids in the area.

      Tindall’s Dad is a banker and he paid school fees, I think that says more about him than having gone to a grammar school. He’s strikes me as depressingly typical for a British sportsman (and also increasingly actor) in that he’s unlikely to be the most gifted the country has to offer but because access to facilties and opportunity is determined by how much money your folks have to send you to a good school he’s what we present to the world as our ‘best’.

      • Darkwing Duck says:

        …Durham University I will give you but it doesn’t look like he ever took up his place. Also, if you have sent your kid to public school I feel like Durham is maybe the least you should expect but you know, fine, it *is* indicative of strong academics.

        Unfortunately though he just sounds like he grew up in a bubble and that he’s very much still in that bubble.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate went to good schools as well and she’s not very bright. Money talks a lot more than people are willing to accept. Plus being good at rugby is likely a big factor in getting into a university. It’s not like Oxford or Cambridge was calling him.

  21. Walking the Walk says:

    Dear Mike, that sentence makes it worse. It really shows that they decided you a white male were fine. God.

  22. CreoleTomato says:

    Hmmmm. All I see is Shrek. He looks like an ogre, dresses in ill-fitting clothes, behaves badly, and possesses no emotional intelligence. Perfect fit for the rest of that phony family. Shrek and Fiona Forever!

  23. Nic919 says:

    No one outside of people who follow royal stuff even know who the hell these three people are. The delusion is real.

    Spare as paperback will outsell them all.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah I feel like the market for his book is very very small. This isn’t going to sell well. Comparing it to spare will just emphasize that.

  24. Kittenmom says:

    This fool needs to shut up already. I hope his book tanks, but those three buffoons have a supposedly very successful podcast, so idk it might have a chance. Will never, ever achieve anything close to the initial release of Spare tho.

    • DARK says:

      I was just about to say. This book has 3 authors so just like for a music collab the numbers should reflect 3 possible fanbases especially since they have to split the money 3 ways too.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    Rota, please do keep drawing attention to the anecdotes Harry included in “Spare” that make William and Camilla and Charles look absolutely terrible.

  26. Hypocrisy says:

    Prince Harry’s book has broken sales records world wide, it is already a huge success and will continue to be the leader in its genre for years maybe even decades.. The likes of Mike Tindall, Boris Johnson, James Middleton, Tom Parker Bowels and the rota published propaganda books will have to fight it out for the worst sales numbers. None of these books are worth reading and the sales numbers will reflect that. Articles like these are just embarrassing, the author should be ashamed.

  27. Kadie says:

    Showing my lack of non-American sports knowledge, I have a few questions. Was Tindall a good player enough to warrant a book? Or is he using his current podcast platform to sell the book? Over the years, he has exhibited extremely problematic behavior, so unless a book would guarantee a significant financial return, why would any publisher expose themselves for someone like him? Is he really worth it? Thanks, bishes:)

  28. TN Democrat says:

    The paperback version of Spare will sell well, but it was such a cultural milestone, many people bought it already in hardback, digital or audiobook formats. Because the paperback doesn’t contain new content, most people who already bought it won’t run out and buy a new copy. I think the rota were desperate for new material and thought the paperback would spill details surrounding QE’s death and Charles’s con-a-nation. This current narrative is to make it seem like the paperback bombed when it doesn’t sell as fast as the hardback.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Which is probably why the book took over a year to come as a paperback. It’s likely that Random House hasn’t printed a lot of paperback copies because most people bought the hardback copy when it came out.

  29. Gabby says:

    Good gracious, is this really the best Zara could do? I find it hard to believe she didn’t have better prospects.

    • sevenblue says:

      Honestly, some people just can clean up nice. Zara, I think, is one of them. She looks nice, knows how to act in public. That doesn’t mean she is any different from her husband. Otherwise, I am sure, she would find a better man to marry into Anne’s family, who is one of the most respected royals there.

  30. wolfmamma says:

    A brutish thug is Mike, always behaving badly and speaking loudly as if anyone cares what he says.

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