Heritage Foundation is still trying to scam their way into Prince Harry’s visa records

Our long national nightmare is not over in this particularly unhinged situation. Last year, Heritage Foundation sued the Biden administration – specifically, the Department of Homeland Security – to get access to Prince Harry’s visa records. Heritage argued (poorly) that because Harry wrote about trying cocaine in his memoir, he never should have been given residence or a visa in America. Heritage waged this war for Harry’s visa records for seventeen, maybe eighteen months. Last month, the judge terminated Heritage’s lawsuit and basically said Harry has his right to privacy and that he wouldn’t allow Heritage to go on a fishing expedition through any foreign national’s private immigration records. We hoped it was over. It is not over. Heritage is once again creating content for the British press by arguing that their terminated lawsuit needs to be reviewed. Giant sigh…

A “unique” court case concerning the Duke of Sussex’s immigration records should be reopened because certain submissions by the US government were made in secret, it has been claimed. A judge ruled in September that Prince Harry’s US visa application should remain private, following an almost two-year legal battle surrounding his admission of drug taking.

The Heritage Foundation, a Washington DC-based think tank, failed in its bid to access the documents on the grounds that the Duke waived his right to privacy when he divulged personal details in his memoir. However, the foundation is now seeking to reopen the case on the basis that it was not granted access to private submissions made by the Biden administration to the judge. In a new court filing, it states that the way the case was conducted breached “iron-clad guardrails” on conducting ex-parte proceedings – those involving only one party.

The foundation claims in a 13-page motion, lodged with the court on Tuesday, that certain documents should have been reviewed in court before declarations were sought and that ex-parte proceedings were held without being recorded on the court file.

“Collectively, these errors were not harmless,” the think tank argues. The secrecy surrounding certain elements of the case left both the think tank and the public in the dark about the reasons behind the judge’s ruling, it claims. The “most obvious consequence”, it argues, is that its ability to prepare arguments on appeal is “severely compromised”. The motion acknowledges that the “unique” case was fraught with complexities but warns there is “ample evidence of agency bad faith”.

[From The Telegraph]

I’ve been covering this bullsh-t since it started, so I think I know what’s crawled up Heritage’s Christofascist ass. The judge in the case basically asked for DHS to hand over Harry’s records to the court so that the judge could do a simple, one-man review of the records to ensure that there was nothing to Heritage’s increasingly wild claims that Harry must have LIED in his visa application. The judge reviewed the records and made his ruling, terminating the case and saying Harry has every right to his privacy, meaning that the judge saw nothing that would indicate Harry lied or misrepresented anything in his application. Now Heritage is saying that THEY need to see the records too, because they were already submitted to the judge for review. That’s the whole thing, that’s what they’ve been trying to get their hands on this whole time. I’ve said this before, but this is such a bizarre side-quest for Heritage, considering that 99% of their time is spent writing Project 2025 and trying to implement Project 2025. Aren’t they also trying to start a war in Iran?


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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35 Responses to “Heritage Foundation is still trying to scam their way into Prince Harry’s visa records”

  1. Walking the Walk says:

    They want it so they can release it. Hope the judge tells them to pound sand.

    • the Robinsons says:

      That will not work, either – they need to stop.theirfantasies and stay out of other folks business. They are a lastgasp.away from.nothingness likethetrump.era.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Sounds like someone should go after Melamine’s “Einstein Visa”. I think if they dig it up they’ll find it actually says “Epstein” not “Einstein”.

      Wonder how fast HF’s heads would turn then.

  2. Seems like someone on salt isle is in cahoots with this insane investigation. Some royalist in the Foundation is doing their part to help the salt isle someone.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      The Heritage Foundation has a lot of the far right extremist Brits as members, these people are all connected, this is not random. If they get access to his immigration documents they have opened the floodgates to get that information on who ever they want to target. I truly hope we get a true blue wave that includes the house and senate because institution like the Heritage Foundation are breaking laws right in front of us and are a terrorist organization at this point. I’m following what been happening in Canada, the threads will unravel and it’s going to be so much worse than we think.. Russia and their allies have been busy for a long time in all the western countries and it’s worked because they control the far right extremist in these countries. Very scary times.

      • Catherinski says:

        I still haven’t figured it out, but yes. Some creepy anti-immigrant cohort wants to … make an example out of him? to terrify everyone in our country? Like, if we can kick out actual British royalty NONE of you are safe. Whatever the reason … there’s truly evil intent behind it. More than an obsession with one person.

      • StarWonderful says:

        Well said.

      • Salbei says:


      • Agreatreckoning says:

        It is so odd. If the Heritage Foundation is so concerned about this, why haven’t they looked into P*ss Morgan’s application or others. P*ss has admitted to drug use in a very not roundabout way. Does the HF want to open THAT door to every British journalist. Crossing fingers. Camilla Tominey. Friend of the Heritage Foundation.

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Susan Collins – Absolutely!

  3. Persephone says:

    SMH. These are scary, dangerous times.

  4. Eating Popcorn says:

    Why do these people care, all I can think is that it is because he’s married to a black woman. Are they truly concerned about a liar in the country? If so, they would not be supporting Trump or Vance (see they’re eating dogs.) Are they concerned he’s going to run a drug cartel?

    • Nikki (Toronto) says:

      I assumed harassment/distraction and deportation. Someone wants him back on the island, plus it keeps Harry in the news in a negative light.

      Deportation is highly unlikely; he’s wealthy and employs Americans, but it’s probably a hope for some.

      • Formal Gumby says:

        I think another goal is to try to make Harry unhappy. Like, it’s hard for the Salty Isles folks to see him flourishing, having fun in the sun, working on meaningful projects, walking in purpose, having a healthy relationship, and being in-demand as a speaker and philanthropist. They desire to knock him off his axis, and be embroiled in mess that they want to set at his feet. They’re like, “how dare you thrive, sir. How dare you not look unsure of yourself or look like you don’t need us.” Lol

    • blueberry says:

      Harry is a convenient scapegoat as a public figure. Their aim is to set a precedent that would allow digging into anyone’s visa application (or the like). The fact it generates headlines for the Murdoch media is an added bonus.

    • sevenblue says:

      Yeah, I started to think, the main goal isn’t to harass Harry, but to set a precedent, so they can go after any person’s visa records to find a fault in order to deport them. If they get Harry’s records, they can argue that another person also looks suspicious.

      • Eurydice says:

        Exactly this. Harry’s name makes a splash so that this “case” can stay in the news, but it’s really not about Harry as a person.

  5. Dee(2) says:

    So basically they’re saying that the judge can’t be trusted to know whether or not there was any legal basis for considering Harry’s immigration records to be false. They know better than the immigration judge what is required? Of course they know that is nonsensical, they just want to be able to write stories about how Harry has this sort of Visa, if Harry has applied for naturalization, if Harry has detailed his most recent drug use and what type of drugs they were, and basically any other information that they could glean to feed the beast that is the British media. Also, in the background they legitimately seem to believe if they can get Harry deported that he has no other options out of 189 other countries on this planet than to go back to Britain and to go back to being a working Royal.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    The judge is going to throw out this case too. Heritage is doing the British press’ bidding who wants Harry to return to the UK. They think they could do this by getting him deported.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      This! Like Harry doesn’t have different options. I admit, I don’t know all the legalese. Going back to England to be William’s scapegoat, is only one of many. imo

      Weird sh*t from the BM, once again.

  7. TN Democrat says:

    How much money have these maga idiots inspired by the fascist tangerine, Murdoch and Muskrat’s abuse of the legal system cost people like HRC, Harry/Meghan and other famous/not famous people? It is no wonder people don’t fight back. The legal bills must be stunning just to have the morons continually recycle the dame nonsense over and over. How many times has Meghan been sued by her horrid half sister? It is just neverending with these scammers.

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    Not going to say I told you so. But I’m tempted. Once these fascists start a fishing expedition, they don’t stop till they reach their goal, in this case, Harry’s visa application and related paperwork. Another reason to vote Dem because if MAGA gets in, this will get incredibly ugly. I have been observing right wing fishing expeditions for decades. They are endless and brutal.

  9. girl_ninja says:

    Some entity in England is pushing this and is using the HF to do its bidding. It makes no sense otherwise. This organization is trying to destroy lives and wants to know the intimate details of private citizens. They must be stopped.

  10. Libra says:

    This is directly tied to the Heritage foundation successful bid to get Melania Trump deceased mother’s immigration records. Not only did they receive them but the DM has published them. They are using this as a template for getting their hands on Harry’s records next.

    • aquarius64 says:

      Melania’s mom would have to voluntarily give those records over.

      • Irene says:

        As Libra stated, Melania’s mother is dead which changes things significantly when it comes to releasing someone’s immigration status.

        Heritage know this and are playing fast and loose with the truth.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    This obsession by HF is ridiculous. It has no legal standing to have access to Harry’s visa application. I think they’re trying to find out if he’s is the US on a spousal visa because Meghan is an American and if he filed for US citizenship. If Harry is on a spousal visa then there’s nothing inappropriate and it remains private.

    • Leonie says:

      “Spousal visas” don’t actually exist. See my comment below. The US is one of the very few countries in the world where the spouse of a citizen doesn’t automatically have right of abode. There were recent cases where the spouses (they were Mexican nationals) of US citizens have been deported. Shocking, but nothing has been done to change the immigration laws covering this. I thought the Biden administration might act because those deportations created a firestorm. But nothing happened.

  12. Sunshine says:

    Who is paying for (sponsoring) this?

  13. Cj says:

    Oh good, I see the term “think tank” has officially lost all meaning.

  14. yipyip says:

    Of all the many, many problems in the USA, Prince Harry is NOT one of them.
    Just drop this nonsense.

  15. Saucy&Sassy says:

    In camera review has been around for a looooong time. This is basically (IMO) frivolous. They know that this is a perfectly acceptable method for the court to see documents and determine whether they will be made public in the case filings or not.

    I’m sure they’re hoping that SCOTUS will let the records out into the wild. President Harris will be appointing Justices. I wouldn’t be surprised if one or two ‘retire’ within the next 6 months and the rest will be having to answer subpoenas from Senator Whitehouse’s committee. There probably are some investigations already going on now.

    The Heritage Foundation may find itself in trouble if they’ve been taking any Russian money.

  16. Leonie says:

    I’m an American. I married my Brit husband in Europe and we lived there for 20 years. We decided to move to the States – he had never lived here. I thought it would be automatic that he get a visa as I am a US citizen. It was hellishly complicated, endless bureaucratic fiddles and very pricey. The foreign spouses of US citizens do not have right of abode here. I had to apply for a Green Card for him (from Europe). It took approximately 15 months and cost several thousand $ before he got approval to go to the US Embassy in our country of residence for an interview. He had to fill out forms stipulating he had never taken illegal drugs, wasn’t an alcoholic, didn’t have mental illness, had never been a sex worker, agreed not to overturn the government of the US. Then he had to wait several weeks before getting called in for a medical. He could not be present in the US for any of this. So whatever visa Harry got, it wasn’t a spousal visa and not enough time elapsed for a Green Card.

  17. Deborah1 says:

    This enrages me. The recently deceased British former boy band member, Liam Payne, died in Argentina after falling from a balcony at his hotel during an alcohol and Class A drugs-fuelled bender. Why was he in Argentina? To renew his U.S. Visa apparently. It appears he has been living in the U.S. and has even bought a property in Florida. The hypocrisy is astounding. Junkie Payne is allowed to live in the U.S.A. but Prince Harry must be deported because of some youthful indiscretions. The Heritage Foundation obviously has an agenda which is being driven by the BRF. 😠

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