Danica Patrick, 42, voted for the first time & you’ll never guess who she voted for

This is unsurprising, even if I had zero clue about Danica Patrick’s politics before this week. Danica is a former NASCAR driver and she dated Aaron “Anti-Vaxx Nutjob” Rodgers for two years, 2020-2022. A few days ago, Danica gave an interview to Fox News about her plans to vote for the first time ever this year. She’s 42 years old and she’s never voted before now. In her Fox News interview, she came across like the embodiment of “deep as a puddle.”

Former NASCAR star Danica Patrick confirmed on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’ that she has never voted in a presidential election in her life, but that will be changing in 2024. And she’s revealed who she will be voting for come Election Day.

“It feels like voting for Donald Trump is like the vote of reason. It’s like the rational, reasonable choice,” Patrick told Watters.

Patrick added that she doesn’t understand why “MAGA,” or Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again,” is considered an “insult” to some. Patrick also feels like there’s a big divide between men and women right now when voting for Trump, and she explained why one of the common reasons she’s heard people won’t vote for the former president isn’t good enough.

“There is a difference definitely between the way that men and women are voting, and I think maybe one of the reasons why women are having a harder time with the vote is just his personality,” she said. “That’s the most common answer you hear from people. ‘I just can’t vote for him.’ I don’t think that’s a good enough reason. You don’t have to go to dinner with him. You just have to like the country that you live in.”

Patrick and Watters also discussed Trump surprising McDonald’s diners in Pennsylvania this past week, where the former racecar driver said it showed everyone the qualities she likes most about him.

“I think that he has a great sense of humor,” she began. “I think that he is a man amongst the people. I feel like when you wrap that up with the humility that he has, the sense of humor that he has, the off-the-cuff confidence that he has. His ability to go so unscripted and be in so many scenarios where he has to essentially be himself, it’s pretty much all of them. That’s not just something you see from the other side, which I think is one of the most endearing and important qualities about him is that he is just being him.”

[From Fox News]

This is the reason why so many women of color side-eye the f–k out of white women, btw. While there are millions of white women supporting Kamala Harris – not to mention supporting their own self-interest!! – there are also millions of white women who are eager to be handmaidens in Trumplandia. White women who cannot wait to vote for their white privilege instead of voting for their rights, their humanity, their full citizenship in this country. Danica believes that another Trump presidency would benefit her personally (it would not). Anyway, Danica revealed on Twitter today that she voted early for Trump. I looked it up – she lives in Arizona? So, a swing state. Despicable.

Photos courtesy of Danica’s social media.

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67 Responses to “Danica Patrick, 42, voted for the first time & you’ll never guess who she voted for”

  1. Alicky says:

    C U Next Tuesday

    • Jjp says:

      Yep. It’s not his personality. I just am so disgusted and disappointed by how many people are ok with his level of toxicity- racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and real threat to our religious freedoms and democracy…and people are like, “you must not like his personality”. Unbelievable. The man went on stage and talked about another man’s penis , and people are like- no big deal. Van was right- he can be lawless, and She has to be flawless. They are playing two different games.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      OMG and so proud on top of that. I can believe that a woman who never exercised her right to vote, who never understood the importance of her vote, would decide to vote with such ignorance…

      • Josephine says:

        The good news is that I cannot imagine that her declaration is actually influencing anyone else. Wonder if she was paid to humiliate herself in this way.

  2. the Robinsons says:

    Well, I will be turning away from her commercials.

    • Bean says:

      There is a rumor going around that any of these “celebrity” endorsements on the trump side come from “financial perks.”

      Considering how Danica and Amber Rose don’t actually have substantial income, it makes sense. Consider how Antonio Brown blew through multiple millions of dollars and is broke, it makes sense.

      • lucy2 says:

        My first thought was “how much did they pay her?” because it makes no sense that someone who couldn’t be bothered to exercise her right to vote before, would now, after all he’s said and done, decide to support him.

      • Kaye says:

        Danica Patrick is worth an estimated $80 million. She is not someone I admire personally, but I don’t think she needs the money to shill for Donald Trump.

  3. Friendly Crow says:

    Dear god.

    She finds him humble and reasonable.

    I cannot begin to understand how anyone who has heard him speak – ever – could believe that. Yet here we are.

    Dear god I’m so f-ing scared right now.

    • Deehunny says:

      She said THE HUMILITY…. All he does is talk about how great he is

      It’s like she’s never heard him actually speak, only what sycophants say about him!

    • Lucy says:

      Look. She spent two years with Aaron Rodger’s ego, what she considers humble and relatable is a different planet than the one we live on.

      I came across a social media post about her podcast maybe a month ago, and she was talking about an amazing discussion on her podcast that was some QAnon adjacent batshittery. I don’t remember what it was, just that I immediately was like welp, she’s full maga.

  4. Whalesnark says:

    Amongst the legions of evils that man has brought upon us is the popularization of ignorance. People are now happily admitting what just a few decades ago would have been a shameful secret.

    I don’t read books! I’ve never bothered to vote! I haven’t a basic understanding of laws, economics, democracy or geography!

    I weep for us all.

    • olliesmom says:

      they are proud of it and wear it as a badge of honor. When I see a trump sign outside of someone’s home I always say to myself “there is where a moron lives”.

    • Josephine says:

      Don’t forget: I love racists! I love men who sexually assault women! I love people who demean others! I only get my news from TikTok! I love those who hate others!

  5. Kitten says:


    Americans waiting until they’re 42 to vote for the first f*cking time is one of so many reasons why our country is a mess.

  6. Of course she did. She was a crap ass driver in two divisions Indy and nascar and she proves to be an incredible stupid human.

  7. Yup, Me says:

    Among the many things Donald Trump’s antics have revealed in the last several years (and there are many), one of the biggest is the failure of the US Education system.

  8. yipyip says:

    Look I knew she was no Einstein but, Geez.
    Literally proud of being an idiot. Get out Danica.
    Never voted until age 42.
    I voted as soon as I was able, have never missed an Election in my life!

    • ChickieBaby says:

      Agreed on all counts–including my voting record! She’s 42 and NEVER VOTED until NOW? I’m flabbergasted by this. If she had been studying the politics and paying attention over the years, she might have seen him for what he is and not voted for him. Take off those blinders, Danica, and see that yayhoo for what he is.

      • Spurc says:

        She’s not wearing blinders – she is just straight up blind.

        She is exactly who she’s said and shown she’s always been. It’s just sad, not at all surprising.

        What’s that line about supporting a master so you’ll get a longer leash? 🤦

  9. CC says:

    Pretty much every time I see a headline about Danica Patrick I think it’s referring to the actress from “The Wonder Years” (Danica McKellar), and I’m like, “Nooo, Winnie Cooper!”

    • Kebbie says:

      I’m pretty sure she’s conservative too. She left Hallmark with Candace Cameron Bure for Great American Family. She became super religious.

      • lucy2 says:

        I think you’re right. And it’s a disappointment, she was very smart and promoted math and STEM for young girls.

  10. ML says:

    I literally have no idea who this woman is. I don’t think she’s known outside of the US.

    Anyway, Trump has issues attracting women voters, and his good friend, the skippy dipsh!t, pays people to vote in swing states. I’m assuming this woman also liked RFK Jr by what was written above, and the Republiscums have another “Kid Rock” quality celebrity helping them out.

    • Blithe says:

      Most Americans don’t know who she is either. I’m fine with that.

      I’m clipping this article though. For all the so-called “feminists” who expected me to unreservedly support their goals while they ignored what my goals might be — this sh*t is why.

      Thank you Kaiser — for your comments.

  11. LarkspurLM says:

    Wait until she wants IVF when she’s older and oops, it’s banned b/c of who she voted for. (VOTE BLUE!)

  12. yipyip says:

    It worries me so much that so many with money (I’m working class) are so willingly stupid.
    All the wrong people got the big money in America.

    Danica and her ex bf, Aaron Rogers are both top level crackpots. If they were not wealthy, no one would give them the time of day.

    We all need to Ignore, actively Ignore these idiots.
    No clicks, no attention. Nothing. Let them all curl up and go away.
    SM keeps given idiots attention, stop it.

    My anxiety is wide open on this Election. C’mon on Harris!

  13. Nanea says:

    Not surprised at all.

    She always gave off strange vibes, but I had no idea her intelligence would turn out to be so limited.

  14. agirlandherdogs says:

    “It’s the rational, reasonable choice….” I don’t think those words mean what she thinks they mean.

  15. Nicole Wilson says:

    Legit, has Danica ever won a race? This is not surprising. You’re absolutely right, Kaiser. This is why this Black woman side eyes all white women. Many of them will always vote for their privilege and are complicit. The man is openly declining. If you go back 2016 rallies and today, he is more openly racist, sexist, and straight saying what he intends to do. She is in a male dominated sport and she has not been above being in a bikini to shill for Go Daddy. Go away Danica. You will always do what’s best for you.

    • Miranda says:

      She’s won exactly one race, an Indy Car event in Japan. And it was won on strategy or just plain luck, if I remember correctly. Like, other drivers ran out of fuel and had to pit, or she happened to have fresher tires. Something like that. It wasn’t won on talent, at any rate. And she’s always been a known asshole to other drivers and fans alike.

  16. Jess says:

    This is zero percent shocking. Danica has always been trash. Conservative men were always trashing her as well. It was liberal women that would stand up for her.

  17. Jay says:

    Well, she is also always looking to shill her brand and get people’s attention, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was encouraged/paid by the Trump campaign to make her support known. It’s pretty unlikely that she suddenly became really politically engaged at 42. It’s pretty effing noticeable that she can’t praise a single one of his policies, just that she thinks he’s a good guy. And you can trust Danica, because she has a great taste in men, right?

  18. BQM says:

    There was just a great article online about the double digit lead Trump has over Harris with men.. and why. In The Correspondent I think? He’s even getting 25% of the black men under 50 vote! In a razor thin election Harris can’t lose *any* traditional democrats. Non maga women need to turn out in droves or this country is finished.

    • Miranda says:

      I think the “25% of Black men under 50” polls were shown to have come from the Trump campaign’s personal pollster?

    • Blithe says:

      Here’s yet another reminder that no poll results can be accurately understood without also knowing detailed information about exactly what questions were asked and exactly who constituted the sample.

      As an exaggerated example— in a small sample, with extremely small numbers of, say, Black men under 50, one or two Black men under 50 could provide data that will then be used to represent the larger more diverse group of Black men under 50 in the US population. While the numbers in that category might accurately reflect their percentage in the US population, the likelihood of their opinions accurately reflecting the opinions of their entire demographic group is small. These types of caveats are rarely reported along with poll results.

      At this point, the only poll results I’d pay attention to are exit polls of people who voted early — and even they might be VERY different from the results that we’d see from people who vote on Election Day.

    • Sue says:

      I was freaking out about this earlier this morning so I went back to the 2016 polls. Every single major poll had Hillary winning. So. Polls can be very wrong.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Don’t trust polls.

  19. Brassy Rebel says:

    How can anyone be this stupid? She thinks his sociopathy is just a personality that rubs women the wrong way. It’s bonkers that anyone would think an adjudicated rapist, convicted of 34 felonies belongs anywhere near the White House. And there are millions of people out there who think this way! It must be the racism.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    She dated Aaron Rogers. Nuff said.

  21. AmyB says:

    Never voted before the age 42? Tell me you are full of white privilege without telling me.

    Telling people, you never voted before now is the flex you think it is, asshole.

  22. Eating Popcorn says:

    When is Sky Sports going to stop having her on their F1? I thought the whole alien podcast anti vax would do it, NOPE. I thought the anti women comments would do it, nope…

    • Miranda says:

      YESSSS. God, I hate when she pops up in F1. She adds absolutely nothing to the broadcast. She’s just there as a token, like the racing world equivalent of John McCain choosing Sarah Palin as his VP. Meanwhile, many F1 teams employ or have employed women as test/backup drivers, who would actually know what they’re talking about. But they didn’t play into the objectification and parade around in a bikini, so f–k ’em, I guess?

    • Plaidsneaks says:

      Sky has clearly decided to run out the clock on her contract versus paying for breaking it. Til then I enjoy Jensen contempt for her. I really thought the lizard people/alien podcast episode was going to it. If she gets renewed I am going to have to subscribe to F1TV. The crap she says about F1 Academy is enraging. It’s how you know she’d never vote for a woman. Sigh

  23. Sue says:

    Didn’t she do a commercial for that Go Daddy company that objectifies women in its advertising? Not surprising she’s okay with him.

  24. TN Democrat says:

    Lort. Soooo many American white women are just the peach pits of humanity (says a Southern white woman). Lort. She is pandering to the same people who lambasted her during her entire career. What the absolute fu#k?

  25. Nerd says:

    She just described everything she likes about his personality and not a single thing she said had anything to do with policies or anything that is expected of a person hold the highest office in this country. She insulted other women for not voting for him based on policy and then described everything about him without mentioning any policies. Pot calling the kettle black is all she did. Women who are voting for Kamala aren’t voting based on personality because more important than that are ours and other women’s rights that are being threatened by Trump and others who are like him. We are voting for her because we are voting against a party that has turned into a party of hate and division. We are voting against a man who believes that people overtaking our Capital and resulting in the deaths of people as a day of love. We are voting against a man who has said the most horrible things against the disabled, women, veterans, immigrants, elderly and people of color because that is who he is. We are voting against a man who has incited violence against all of the above and has shown no remorse or sympathy for those his words and actions have harmed. We are voting to not go back to the hell we experienced under his presidency because America is better than that. Our ancestors have put in blood sweat, tears and their lives so that America is better than that.

  26. SndraDee says:

    Apparently she has a podcast, and she has people on to talk about how many celebrities are “lizard people” who will reveal their true forms at some point (I am not making this up). Sam Stein and Tim Miller (political pundits) were showing clips of it on their podcast and they were laughing so hard they were crying. She’s not mocking these guests, she nods along and agrees. She had a guest say that Justin Bieber is one of these lizard people, and he actually did show his true form accidentally during a concert once and had to “Men-in-Black” the audience so they wouldn’t remember. So, yeah, she’s definitely a MAGAt.

    • elle says:

      She’s a conspiracy theorist who believes lizard people live amongst us, so I’m not sure she’d know “reasonable” from a ham sandwich.

  27. olliesmom says:

    Just like all trump fans. They are proud of and will defend their ignorance.

    She should be ashamed of herself that she hasn’t voted up until now.

    Another white wealthy who is maga male-adjacent woman who has a false sense of security.

  28. olliesmom says:

    they are proud of it and wear it as a badge of honor. When I see a trump sign outside of someone’s home I always say to myself ” a moron lives there”.

    Yeah, let’s vote for the president like they are an entertainer.

  29. Tanisha says:

    I used to admire her record-breaking and push of boundaries but I am sorry, I trust no one who votes for Trump. Being a Republican is one thing, being a Trump Republican is another. Just another person I get to scratch off my DFWH board. I could say more but I’ll leave it alone

  30. Proud Mary says:

    Well, can cross her azz off my list. You are doing this in a week when it’s revealed the guy openly praised that German guy?

  31. bisynaptic says:

    Does driving a racecar cause brain damage?

  32. dulcinea says:

    in a world of Danica’s be a Sussie Wolff

  33. HuffnPuff says:

    “Patrick added that she doesn’t understand why “MAGA,” or Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again,” is considered an “insult” to some.” Tell me the skin color of your friends without telling me their skin color. Also tell me you slept through American history class without telling me you slept through American history class. I think she tries too hard to fit into the straight white male world. Much like MTG and Bobblehead. At the end of the day, the straight white males see you as T&A. So just stop pandering to them.

  34. Mollie says:

    I want to violently shake people and yell at them, “HE HAS BEEN A CON MAN SINCE THE 70s!”

  35. Karen says:

    In a new article in The Atlantic, Goldberg ends with this info from 2017— no one can go lower than the Orange freak, and his son-in-law sees it as admirable. Nearly half of the people in the US apparently like an a-hole as their leader. If we don’t, people better vote in the swing states.

    “One day, in the first year of Trump’s presidency, I had lunch with Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, in his White House office. I turned the discussion, as soon as I could, to the subject of his father-in-law’s character. I mentioned one of Trump’s recent outbursts and told Kushner that, in my opinion, the president’s behavior was damaging to the country. I cited, as I tend to do, what is in my view Trump’s original sin: his mockery of John McCain’s heroism.

    This is where our conversation got strange, and noteworthy. Kushner answered in a way that made it seem as though he agreed with me. “No one can go as low as the president,” he said. “You shouldn’t even try.”

    I found this baffling for a moment. But then I understood: Kushner wasn’t insulting his father-in-law. He was paying him a compliment. In Trump’s mind, traditional values—values including those embraced by the armed forces of the United States having to do with honor, self-sacrifice, and integrity—have no merit, no relevance, and no meaning.”

  36. Colleen says:

    That’s who I thought she’d say. She’s awful.

  37. Grant says:

    Eat sh!t, Danica.

  38. Mandy says:

    White republican women just take on their husbands’ political views. If not their husband, then it’s the way they were raised. My mother literally told me last election that “she just votes like Daddy voted”. I’ll also never forget what a grown a$$ woman in my office said right before the last election- I always go with my husband to vote and we fill out our ballots together. I’d be too scared to go by myself, it’s so confusing!” I’ll never recover from hearing that. 🙁

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