Trump supporter Mel Gibson on Kamala Harris: ‘She’s got the IQ of a fence post’

The last two stories we wrote about Mel Gibson were in 2021 and 2020. In 2020, he went so far as to issue a statement calling Winona Ryder a liar after she told a story about Mel once referring to her as an “oven dodger.” In 2021, Mel also made news by saluting Donald Trump at a UFC fight. For Mel Gibson, there is a rich tapestry of violent misogyny, antisemitism, racism and white supremacy to mine at any given time. One of those times was this week, when a TMZ cameraman/paparazzo asked Mel about the election.

Kamala Harris has decidedly proven to be the more popular presidential candidate among talent in the entertainment industry this election, with recent campaign rally appearances including Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Julia Roberts and Spike Lee. But Donald Trump can now count a new Hollywood name among his supporters: Mel Gibson. In a new video published by TMZ on Thursday evening, Gibson offered a brief interview to a cameraman while heading toward TSA at an airport.

“I don’t think it’s going to surprise anyone who I vote for,” Gibson said. The cameraman, after some thought, answers with, “I’m gonna guess Trump. Is that a bad guess?”

“I think that’s a pretty good guess,” Gibson responded. “I know what it’ll be like if we let her in. And that ain’t good. Miserable track record. No policies to speak of. She’s got the IQ of a fence post.”

Gibson, one of the most in-demand marquee actors of the end of the 20th century and an Oscar-winning director for “Braveheart,” hasn’t been the most vocal political mind in the press in recent years, though he was documented saluting former President Trump near a UFC match in 2021. The actor’s jab at Harris echoes a frequent line of attack against Harris by Trump, who has been wont to call her a “low IQ” candidate in recent campaign appearances.

[From Variety]

“She’s got the IQ of a fence post” as Mel describes his support for a sundowning 78 year old Nazi who literally stopped a town hall to sway to music for 37 minutes. I mean, birds of a feather, like attracts like, Nazi fork found in Nazi kitchen. Of course Mel Gibson loves Donald Trump. They truly have the same views on women, violence, racism, antisemitism, Nazis and more.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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108 Responses to “Trump supporter Mel Gibson on Kamala Harris: ‘She’s got the IQ of a fence post’”

  1. Persephone says:

    Every time I think this man can’t do any worse, he says “hold my beer “.

    • Kitten says:

      Truly one of the most despicable people in Hollywood and that’s saying a lot. And we aren’t surprised at the misogynoir. We haven’t forgotten how easily the n-word rolled off of his tongue during his rage-filled, bigoted rants.

      • Gisby says:

        To be fair to the man, he isn’t JUST ‘one of the most despicable people in Hollywood.’ His achievements are far greater.

        He is one of the most despicable people in the entire USA.

      • Mightymolly says:

        He’s Australian so I feel like his awfulness is international.

      • Flamingo says:

        @Mightymolly he is actually an American. He was born in NY and moved to Australia when he was 12. He holds dual American and Irish citizenship. His mother was Irish. With Australian permanent residency.

        Unfortunately, this moron can vote this election.

    • Formal Gumby says:

      You’re so right. And it’s a real head-scratcher that Andrew Garfield would go out of his way to mention and emphatically advocate for Mel Gibson in the last few days. Like, Andrew is in the middle of a big media push for his new movie; it is utterly mind-blowing that he’d think it was important to bring up a disgraced flop during all the attention that he’s getting. And yet he did, and look what the flop goes and does within 30 seconds.

      For Mel to say that VP Harris has no policies and the IQ of a fence post is far too extraordinary for words, especially in comparison to who he is voting for. I’m disappointed in Andrew.

      • mblates says:

        white dudes sticking together. there’s a reason garfield is advocating for him. i don’t care how ‘charming’ he comes across in a podcast or youtube video, as far as i’m concerned, garfield has shown the world who he is. someone who advocates for a racist, bigoted, oppressive antisemite. i’m very happy to assume he shares some of the same views. or doesn’t consider them important. otherwise, why go so hard?

      • Flamingo says:

        Actors can easily turn a blind eye when an Oscar is in their reach. Side eyeing you Cate Blanchett.

        Andrew was in Mel’s Oscar nominated film. Which won two Oscars. Hacksaw Ridge and got Andrew an Oscar nomination for Best Actor.

        So of course he is going to kiss his buttocks.

      • Armoire says:

        Garfield and Cavill. Both lean to the right for sure.

    • Truthiness says:

      I hate that Mel probably got that line from Tom Waits’s The Piano Has Been Drinking (1976). A guy who blew up his career in spectacular fashion should be the LAST person to talk about intelligence.

    • MelodyM says:

      He’s a ‘pecker head’.

    • fishface says:

      @Mightymolly He may not be an Australian by his passport but his actions are certainly giving racist, white, ignorant Aussie. (I’m Australian so feel qualified to judge.) And he’s a cautionary tale for so many things: How booze and blind obsequiousness to organised religion can rot the brain and soul. He’s a revolting man.

  2. Another trump minion that needs removal from this planet please.

  3. Agnes says:

    I suspect that an autopsy would show a significant portion of Mel’s brain has also been eaten by a worm.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Naah, Mel Gibson has no excuse and please don’t give him one. He has no mental illness. He’s always been a despicable racist person all his life. He is a misogynist, a woman beater, a nazi sympathizer, a misogynoir, and a antisemite. No brain worm ate his brain, this is who is and has always been and will always be.

    • bisynaptic says:

      I agree that his decline has been precipitous.

  4. Roo says:

    Oh, Mel. Please, go away and stay away. You’re such a disappointment. Younger Roo remembers how pretty you were when you were starting out in movies. And how likable you seemed because you didn’t talk.

    No one wants to hear your nasty old man bullshit now. Trust me.

    • Kitten says:

      You must be talking about the early 80s because he’s been publicly spewing this garbage since the mid-90s at least. Remember when Winona Ryder claimed that he called her an “oven-dodger” in the 90s? He’s always made openly, comfortably homophobic statements about gay folks and he’s been aggressively anti-choice for as long as I’ve been alive. He’s a misogynist, a racist, an anti-Semite and an all-around bigot TBH.

      • AlpineWitch says:

        I remember watching him in Tim and the first Mad Max and he was the most gorgeous man ever, not bad as an actor either. But yeah, that was in the late 1970s and early 1980s, then it went downhill from there.

        Wasn’t he a fundie of some sort too? Like he and his father had founded a church/sect?

        Not surprised he votes for Trump, he’s the same, really….

      • Kitten says:

        He built a chapel in Malibu in 2003, The Church of The Holy Family. His father (who was *also* a huge POS) was an Anti-Vatican II activist. Gibson is a part of a very aggressively conservative and traditional form of Catholicism.

      • Roo says:

        Kitten, Yes, early 80s. Think Gallipoli era Mel Gibson. So gorgeous. And before knew how rancid his mind is. 😔

      • Truthiness says:

        Yes, the only era I think Mel was good in was the Mad Max, Lethal Weapon and Tequila Sunrise period. I have a soft spot for the Robert Towne scripted Tequila Sunrise love triangle with Michele Pfeiffer and Kurt Russell. By 1995 I didn’t want to see Mel’s Braveheart with its 5 Oscars, the misogyny was creeping in.

    • Neeve says:

      The way my sister and I loved him in our childhood,we watched all the Lethal Weapons on a constant loop.

    • Chantal1 says:

      @Roo Yes, truly disappointing! I watched all of the Lethal Weapon movies. But 45 is uncovering a lot of high profile and out-and-proud racists. So we know who NOT to support!

    • bisynaptic says:


  5. Dee(2) says:

    I swear the level of cope from these bigots is always astounding. First going to an Ivy League school was the pinnacle of all pinnacles, until the Obama’s went then it didn’t mean anything ( I don’t discount people like Ted Cruz or JD vance, they are conniving not stupid). Now a woman who completely humiliated the person you support without breaking a sweat, has given dozens of hardball interviews, made a Supreme Court nominee cry, and was a DA, Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President is dumb as a post. They just refuse to believe that someone can be smarter than them that doesn’t look exactly like them. Racism is a hell of a drug.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      This comment is perfect. I could not have said it better. How ironic that people who support the dumpster fire of stupidity that is Trump keep calling his brilliant opponent “dumb”. I try not to hate people but MAGA is testing me with their overt racism and misogyny. 🤬

    • Miranda says:

      My husband’s cousin, an “undecided” voter (🙄🙄🙄), came over for dinner the other night when he had a layover, and started in about Kamala’s supposed lack of intelligence. I got pissed and went allll the way off on him. I said that, by any measure, she’s literally one of, if not THE most accomplished women of any color in this whole damn country. She kicked Trump’s demented ass all over that stage during the debate. Believing that she’s stupid or lazy can only, ONLY be rooted in racist stereotypes.

      The cousin stormed off in the middle of dinner. They can never handle being called out.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Thank you for your service, Miranda. The media is complicit in the spread of these racist narratives (they’re not even dog whistles anymore). Every time some a-hole casts aspersions on her intelligence and accomplishments, the media is obligated to point out her achievements or they are enabling the racism. I don’t know why this is so hard but “both sides” I guess. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

      • AMB says:

        One of my relatives made a derisive comment about Kamala and I responded with “I’m confused, was that your racism or your sexism talking there?” It was very fun – we’re all Minnesotans, where nobody calls anybody out due to the dominant cultural inability to tolerate even the gentlest confrontation.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah but the hatred of colleges is also about the conservative perception that universities are a breeding ground for liberal ideals. This is obviously often true because when young people attend university, they typically get exposed to different cultures, races, ethnicities, and sexual orientations which in turn opens up their world view. And also the whole *education thing*–universities make people smarter which is obviously a disadvantage to the Republican model of keeping people dumb so they don’t vote for the greater good or even for what’s in their own best interest.

      But yeah I absolutely agree with you about them not believing a black woman can achieve as much as Kamala has without help hence the “DEI hire” BS or the vile narrative that she slept her way to the top. It’s all so transparently racist and gross.

      • Andrea says:

        Also, white men sometimes have issues with women being smarter than them because it hurts their fragile little egos.

  6. Steph says:

    This is kind of off topic but please remember this is the man Mark Wahlberg gave millions to and works with when Hollywood gave him the boot. When Mark starts campaigning again to have his hate crime record scrubbed claiming he’s reformed and goes to church, remember who he likes to hang around with.

    • Dee(2) says:

      One of my favorite things is to inform my younger cousins or my niece and nephews friends who only know him from things like transformers movies that he almost blinded a Vietnamese man in a hate crime. He has always been a bigoted sack of crap. His pious act does not fool me, in fact his I’m such a devout Catholic raises more alarm bells for me for various reasons.

      • Kittenmom says:

        Sad, isn’t it. I was raised Catholic and I am in a state of perpetual shock and disgust with the behavior of American Catholics today.

      • AMB says:

        The Catholic splinter gang he’s part of is known as “sedevacantism” and it’s way worse than devout Catholicism. It’s like the FLDS as opposed to your garden variety good-citizen Mormonism.

        As a recovered Catholic, I have a pretty low opinion of the church to begin with, but these guys are truly nostalgic for the good ol’ Middle Ages.

      • sunny says:

        Yes and I will never stop talking about it. A colleague brought him up in a discussion months ago. She wasn’t even talking to me about him but another member of our team but we have an open concept office so I overheard his name. I called out, “you know he’s an awful person? He committed a hate crime.”

        I hope that action follows him around for ever!

  7. girl_ninja says:

    That’s why some of you out here making heart eyes at Andy Garfield when he’s imploring people to give Nazi Mel a “second chance,” I’m out here giving him the side eye and eye roll. Fuck Mel Gibson and his misogynist, racist, homophobic Trumpster ass.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      Didn’t know Garfield said that.

      Another disappointment.

      • Lady Esther says:

        Same re Jodie Foster, one of my favorite actresses but she is ride or die Mel, so….smdh

      • Flamingo says:

        And Whoopi Goldberg ‘he was nice to me so he can’t be racist’ nonsense. And RDJ since he paid his insurance bond so he can be hired for the the Singing Detective. He has sang his praises for years.

        Men like Mel do these things by design. They do the good things in public so they can do the bad things in private. Then have a built in support group to cover for them. He’s just so gross.

    • Kitten says:

      OMG he did??? That is so disappointing and honestly, unforgivable.

    • AlpineWitch says:

      I feel utterly vindicated at this moment because I never liked Garfield and now I know why!

      Thanks GirlNinja, that’s something I didn’t know 👏

      ETA: Lady Esther, same with Robert Downey Jr. Eh….

    • MaisiesMom says:

      Andrew Garfield is Jewish. I’m honestly stunned that he would defend Gibson who is a vile Anti-Semite.

      • Flamingo says:

        Joe Eszterhas wrote an e- book years ago called Heaven and Mel. About spending time with Mel to work on the screenplay for the failed collaboration on The Maccabees.

        Which Mel was very clear he was only doing it to get back into the good graces of the Jewish community in Hollywood. He just wanted to be A list again. He craved Fame. Which is an empty folly which brings people nothing in real fulfillment. But not Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson.

        I read it years ago, and Mel is a patriarchy loving, sex obsessed, misogynist, anti-sematic, racist and religious zealot. That people on saw only the tip of the iceberg. In those audio recordings Oksana had and his arrests. He was MAGA before there was a word for it. Of course he would be all in on another Trump administration.

    • February Pisces says:

      I’m not defending Andrew but my understanding is that he defended Mel before he made these new comments, based on the assumption that mel had changed as a person. He worked with Mel during an era where he was trying to rehabilitate his image and most likely pretending to be apologetic and Andrew being a bit naive fell for his act. I don’t think Andrew would have defended him afterwards if he had known Mel decided to publicly embrace his true awful trump supporting self.

  8. Iheoma Nwakpadolu says:

    How Gibson has managed to disappoint when he is not playing a scripted character!!!

  9. Libra says:

    I’ll repeat my comment from days ago; Kamala passed the notoriously difficult California bar exam. Can any of these critics say the same? Qui t attacking her intelligence. All women know that a man has already lost the argument when they start to belittle your intelligence.

    • Sparky says:

      I was thinking that I’d write that I don’t understand why Trump and his minions brand Kamala as stupid. (Last week Trump went so far as to label her a “retard.”) Sadly, I do understand the genesis and it screams anti-women and anti-POC. And yeah, as an attorney admitted in IL and CA I’ll wait for Gibson to graduate from law school AND pass the CA Bar before I’ll consider anything he utters. Nah!! Forget that, I’m a child of Holocaust Survivors and the forgiveness ship has sailed. Now it’s Mel who?????

      • elle says:

        It’s amazing that anyone could listen to Kamala speak and Trump speak and come to any conclusion other than – damn, she’s having a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

  10. original_kellybean says:

    First, I want to say that I am Canadian so I have no say in this horse race.

    BUT, it really pisses me off when people say Harris is dumb. The woman is a lawyer and was the AG for years. In no way is she stupid. Find something else that isn’t bullsh*t to quantify your reason for voting for the Orange Turd over her. I can’t wait for this election to be over. I just hope after he loses, he will shut up and go away and we never have to see his ugly face again.

    • Proud Mary says:

      Please try to recognize racism and sexism when you see it. You will never present any countervailing evidence of Kamala’s aptitude that will satiate people like like. Kamila’s record is available for all to see it. Donald Trump did the same thing with Obama, when he demanded that Obama prove he’s not an Affirmative action beneficiary. The media never hounded trump for his school records. Trump’s own sister was heard on tape saying he paid others to take his exams, and that trump is dumb. The proof of trump’s cognitive deficiency is there for all to see. Mel Gibson is a well-documented racist and anti-Semite. His opinion about Kamala will never be grounded in facts. To try to defend against his opinion on substance is to legitimate his argument.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Before she became DA or AG, KH was an accomplished trial lawyer who actually tried criminal cases such as homicide and rape. Her co-workers say she was an excellent trial lawyer or never would have advanced.

  11. MichaelaCat says:

    Says that epic disaster of a man, LMAO

  12. Veronica S. says:

    Funny how all these white men are always attacking her intelligence and ability. It makes them so mad, you see, that she got to where so many of them could not.

  13. Aimee says:

    Mel Gibson is a vile human being. He doesn’t deserve the space on the Internet he is taking up at the moment. Hell, he doesn’t deserve the space his body is taking up on this planet.

  14. yipyip says:

    Mel Gibson is an awful, hate filled man. With a huge Ego.
    So Trump like himself.
    Gibson should be ignored 24/7/365.

  15. Cheshire Sass says:

    It’s hard to bear, when the men you spent money to go see in the movies when you were young because they were HOT HOT HOT to look at turns out to be such misogynist, racist AHOLES- what a putz.. He and Kevin Sorbo, it isn’t just age that’s turned them ugly from the inside out. It’s their raging hate staring them back in the mirror.

  16. K says:

    An oven dodger. My god. Oh my god. I’m just so tired. Women need to start ruling the whole world. Are we perfect? No. But in general I have come to believe we are better than most men. You can tell so many of them are filled with fear. They see it slipping away.

  17. lucy2 says:

    What a miserable life, to have so much, and yet be so angry, so hateful, so bigoted. And so stupid.

  18. Juxtapoze says:

    Ugh! The supremely frustrating thing about malignant misogynists is that they are incapable of seeing ANY woman as smarter than themselves. Because women, to their addled brains, will always be inferior in every way. There is no reasoning, logic, or evidence that will change their perspective. It’s hateful and hurtful to society.

    • Sandii says:

      Which is why I do not understand Jodie Foster. For years now all I can see whenever she pops is her love Gibson. Make it make sense….

      Garfield’s “charm offensive” seemed disingenuous so at least it gives me the satisfaction that I saw through this spiel.

  19. Get Real says:

    He’s like a cockroach. He’ll outlive the apocalypse.

  20. what says:

    I am so disappointed in myself that I EVER enjoyed him as an actor. I liked Depp back in the day too. What was wrong with me?!

  21. TigerMcQueen says:

    Happy to say I never liked him or his movies (especially the movies he directed), and I was appalled that Braveheart won best picture. His over-the-top devotion to the Catholic church might have been one of the reasons he never vibed with me. In any case, I was not surprised when the “I’m just a happily married dude from Australia” mask slipped and he started letting people know who he really is.

    • Nanea says:

      Mel Gibson is not just any middle of the road Catholic, but he’s a traditionalist. Meaning every bit of tolerance that came after the Second Vatican Council is shunned.

      Yeah, he’s a full-on misogynoir racist, and a homophobic, anti-semitic hate monger.

  22. NotSoSocialB says:

    Stop consuming everyone’s oxygen, mel, tyvm.

  23. Marla Clark says:

    The last time I checked, people who are “dumb as a fence post” don’t pass the bar and get a law degree.

  24. ChickieBaby says:

    Mel says Kamala has the “IQ of a fence post”, eh? Well…it takes one to know one, old man. And to think at one point, he was named People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive. (But that was a loooong time ago.)

  25. atlantababe says:

    and Andrew Garfield just said a week ago, he changed and deserved a second chance💀

  26. Monc says:

    His putrid inside reflect in his mug…. Gross thing he is….

  27. Jaded says:

    This is the kind of vile, hateful person Mel Gibson is and how he came by his antisemitism, homophobia and misogyny…

    • Nanea says:

      Thanks for sharing that, Jaded.

      I had somehow completely forgotten about Gibson Sr.’s “good influence”, but I did know about MG’s horrifically bad behavior and his traditionalist patriarchal views.

      MG is a disgusting person, and I don’t get why he’s still in movies.

      And I especially don’t get people like Andrew Garfield, whose very unfortunate remarks that should have been left unspoken, were overshadowed by Elmo. I only found out about AG trying to rehabilitate MG through this thread.

  28. Charlotte Corday says:

    Stop using “old” as a pejorative. Spewing ageism while lashing out at racism isn’t actually a good look.

    • Bum says:

      He is objectively old and his views are outdated.

      • Charlotte Corday says:

        Really? Please give me the settled criteria for being “objectively” old, and explain why being old is always a net negative, so that people who meet these criteria can be dismissed and shamed based on their age alone. This should be fascinating.

        You could perhaps make the case that his ideas are outdated, if absolutely no one younger than a certain age held them, but we know that’s not the case.

        His ideas are wrong. Period. It is possible to say that without resorting ad hominum attacks on his age, which do “objectively” harm others.

  29. Fuzzyjembud says:

    Not Mel Gibson looking like my misogynistic anti-Semitic racist mailman 😁

  30. NikkiK says:

    I’m a need racists to get a little more creative. They always resort to the same bs. It’s old and tired. Kamala is an accomplished woman and I highly doubt any of the white men saying she’s dumb, low IQ, or where she is because of wokeism/DEI would have been able to do what she has done. They can get the hell out of here with that nonsense.

    I’m just so over it. Wealthy white people are the biggest threat to America. They always have been. They don’t care about anything except their faux brand of capitalism that advantages them, lets them become rich, while keeping the taxpayer on the hook to “absorb” the risk.

  31. Mandy says:

    Okay, girl…..

  32. elle says:

    Oh my gosh… THANK YOU for opening my eyes.

    GTFOH with this crap. Says who? How about every comment above yours?

    I’m not nearly as worried about the illegal immigrants whom billionaires need to keep putting dough in their own pockets as I am about the rights of women to exist as more than baby producers.

    I’m sure you’re super incensed about the illegal immigrants Trump had working at Mar-a-Lago, right? RIGHT?

  33. olliesmom says:

    She must have slept her way to the top then, huh Mel?
    So, Mel what have you done lately? Thought so. Go back into your hole.

    What a washed up racist piece of ……….

  34. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    At this point calling a former District Attorney “that” says the person saying it is totally brainless

  35. Grandma Susan says:

    Mel, who called a female cop “Sugar Tits” should STFU and take ALLLLL the seats. We know he hates women. No reason for him to continue proving it.

  36. guilty pleasures says:

    Racist jagoff says what?

  37. bisynaptic says:

    I suspect Mel and The Donald share IQ, too.

  38. wolfmamma says:

    What a useless but dangerous human.
    He looks like a homeless man now – has for years.


    And to Jodie Foster for supporting him
    – that is a shock but o well

  39. Lau says:

    Extremely disappointed by Andrew Garfield who was still defending this POS just last week.

    • Barbie1 says:

      Can’t stand actors who praise that lowlife. I will never pay to see another Andrew movie. Mel is so damn ugly inside it hurts. So many Dump minions brainlessly repeat the trash that comes out of his mouth. So worried about election night.

  40. Izzy says:

    Mel Gibson has shown us who he is for a very long time; it baffles me that some people still don’t believe him.

    Drunk words are sober thoughts, so I absolutely believe he is as anti-Semitic as he sounded in his drunken rant. I can definitely see him calling Winona Ryder, who is Jewish, an oven dodger as a direct reference to the Holocaust. His father was a notorious Holocaust denier, so the bigot doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  41. yipyip says:

    Mel Gibson should count himself lucky no one punches him in the nose.
    Racist, violent, religious lunatic, spent the majority of his marriage cheating on his wife, while keeping her pregnant for a decade+.

    What a nasty piece of work he turned out to be.
    His looks ray away from him ASAP.

  42. Bebe says:

    He looks confused. Maybe sip some Metamucil in the jacuzzi Pepaw crazy face

  43. JFerber says:

    He looks like shit and he talks shit. Without his money, his 25 year old mistresses/wives/whatever wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole.

  44. phlyfiremama says:

    When I want an opinion on her intelligence…ole sugar tits racist asshole can keep his irrelevant opinion to himself. 🙄

  45. Cali says:

    I’m amazed that no one has pointed out that Mel Gibson is only 8 years older than Kamala Harris.
    He looks decades older than she does and extremely unhealthy to boot.

  46. amarie says:

    I saw him in Henry V 30 plus years ago and liked it, but did not care for the rest of his early nineties ‘oevre’. Like Kevin Costner at the time, he was over exposed. Now he’s a old rabid cur. He needs to sit the Eff down and shut up.

  47. Meghan says:

    And from the looks of it, he has the skin quality of a fence post.

  48. Kat says:

    Cannot believe Andrew Garfield very publicly went to bat for this a$$hole in the last few weeks.

  49. TN Democrat says:

    I had a female relative who married a horrid abusive man in the 1950s. Her deeply evangelical, Southern relatives (including her elderly parents) desperately tried to get her to leave him for decades. Now the evangelicals/wingnuts want all women stuck with verbally, physically and financially abusive men with no legal capacity to leave and financially support
    themselves. We have a couple generations of women who don’t know what life was like before no fault divorces, access to abortion/birth control, the ability to have credit/take loans/rent without consent from a man and legal protection from threatening behavior/stalking/abuse. Lort. Women have come so far, but can be set back so far if the fascists win this election.

  50. sammi says:

    Shame he was not hung, drawn and quarterd for real in Brave Heart but his acting reputation certainly was destroyed along with his scottish accent!

    Does he know what IQ is or is he just offensive to fences?

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