Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston rally

On Thursday, Kamala Harris’s campaign confirmed that Beyonce would appear at VP Harris’s rally in Houston, Texas the next day. We had been there before, and a lot of us still felt burned by what went down at the Democratic National Convention, when everyone thought Bey would turn up but it ended up being Leon Panetta. Well, long story short, Beyonce came out! The rally started later than people expected, and there were more guest stars – Willie Nelson performed, Jessica Alba spoke, Senate candidate Colin Allred got things rowdy, and then Tina Knowles (formerly Lawson) spoke. Then Tina introduced her daughters, Beyonce and Kelly Rowland. You guys remember Beyonce’s Verizon ad during the Super Bowl? Turns out she really is BOTUS – Beyonce of the United States. Kelly was amazing too! Here’s the video of both Kelly and Beyonce’s speeches:

Both Kelly and Beyonce spoke like civil rights leaders, did you notice that? That’s what they are – women’s rights are civil rights. Reproductive rights are civil rights. That was the whole point of staging this rally in Houston – Texas is ground zero for the war on women and the war on reproductive freedom. Yes, Kamala Harris wanted to give a boost to Colin Allred’s chance to unseat Ted Cruz. But VP Harris wants people to know that reproductive rights will be front and center in her presidency. I was so moved by Kelly’s speech and Beyonce’s speech too. I keep getting goosebumps every time I watch the videos.

Reportedly, this was the largest rally of the Harris-Walz campaign by sheer turnout – over 30,000 supporters poured into the venue, out of the 1.5 million people who applied for a place. It’s an important reminder for Democrats to give some time to states, cities and areas which are not traditionally undecided or swing. It’s worth it to go into red states. So many Texans were inspired that VP Harris made time to campaign in their state so close to the election. VP Harris probably got millions of dollars worth of free media by going to Texas and doing this event with Beyonce, Kelly and Willie. I bet the event inspired so many Texans to get more involved in this election and future elections.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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39 Responses to “Beyonce & Kelly Rowland endorsed Kamala Harris at a spectacular Houston rally”

  1. Normades says:

    I wish Kelly got more time. She was pumped and so well spoken. And I lovvvved her suit.
    I hope Taylor makes an appearance too.

    • Jessica says:

      Agreed on Kelly…there was something about her energy and her style that really impressed me. I thought I could listen to her forever…

    • Giddy says:

      Both Kelly and Beyonce were incredible! If I hadn’t already voted they would have inspired me to get to the polls! I’m a Texan and am wishing and praying to see Texas turn blue!

    • Abby says:

      Agree! Kelly had a really great energy and projected her voice well.

  2. Jais says:


  3. butterflystella says:

    Just here to say I proudly cast my vote for Kamala and Tim yesterday in NV! Also for a woman’s right to choose!

    • Muggs says:

      I went the first day of early voting! I used to like to wait until Election Day because it felt so “official” but now I just think of the million things that could go wrong and I can’t make it to the polls that day. I will gladly give up all the Nevada memes from last time for her to clinch this in a landslide

    • Allison says:

      Holy shit, Kelly’s speech gave me so many chills. Incredible!

  4. ML says:

    Tina Knowles really did a great job, too! Time for that new song. The focus on women’s healthcare and rights, and the fact that Beyonce a mogul and musician focused on the future rights of her kids was great.

    Schadenfruede: Trump was upset about Harris’s “dance party” and Amber Rose feels Beyonce plaigerized her message! LOL.

  5. Brassy Rebel says:

    What a night! As someone who studied political science, I know crowd sizes aren’t supposed to mean anything. But when you get these numbers (she had +20,000 the night before with Obama), I think it does mean something. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this race is not tied. It may not even be close, given how much women are out voting men in the early vote. If you haven’t voted yet, just do it. Then you can say you helped make history.

    • Lucky says:

      Of course it’s not tied per se, Harris will win the popular vote by a landslide. But so did Hillary… gerrymandering and the electoral system is madness.

      • Snoozer says:

        The US so desperately needs an independent electoral commission to run elections, decide voting areas, etc. It’s just wild the way it is currently done. Developing nations have independent electoral commissions! Former US colonies! Somehow someone needs to find a way to fix this problem.

  6. Barcelona says:

    I got to be there on Friday and the energy was amazing! It was so much fun! Also Colin Allred impressed me so much! I had already voted early last Monday (first day of early voting in Texas). I actually found out Kamala was coming to Houston from this website so thanks for the opportunity!

    • Lilly (with the double-L) says:

      @Barcelona, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you. Also, yay Queen Bey! With respect to Kelly and Tina too. I’m going to find Colin Allred’s portion, since you called it out.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Green with envy here. 🥥🌴

  7. Libra says:

    Hillary had great numbers as well and won the popular vote but lost to the electoral college. Don’ uncross your toes and fingers yet. We have lots of nail biting ahead.

    • Flamingo says:

      Agree, but Hillary was much more more polarizing to the undecided. And people honestly thought Trump would be a much more moderate choice than his unhinged lunacy that came to be.

      They thought they were voting for the even tempered and well thought out The Apprentice host. Not realizing that was all editing, scripted, smoke and mirrors. People see him for what he is now. An aspiring Dictator.

      The feelings around Kamala Harris is just so much more jazzed and energized with the 1-2 punch of Harris – Walz.

      Maybe I am deluding myself again. But I really think she will win and Trump will, like a 400lb angry orange toddler. Will reluctantly concede to her that night or next morning.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        That damn, stupid TV show, The Apprentice, is what made Trump a viable political candidate. People thought he really was a great business man and didn’t catch on how it was all fictionalized. Some of the original writers and producers have actually apologized for creating the monster.

      • HeatherC says:

        I doubt Trump will concede. When (not if) Harris wins we need to prepare for another version of Jan 6. He’s had 4 years to radicalized the looney into a frothy rabid mob.

      • Snuffles says:

        Fortunately this time around it’s Biden that has to hand over power not Trump.

        And I voted yesterday too! So happy and proud!

      • bisynaptic says:

        Not a chance Trump will ever concede.

    • Nerd says:

      Yes and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Trump will do his damnedest to cause chaos. However, he doesn’t control any of the levers of power this time. Joe Biden does. And, remember, the vice president oversees the certification on January 6th. Who’s the VP again? 🤔

  8. It was a very energy filled night!! It was huuugggee!! I loved all there speeches and for the trolls who said they were there just for Beyoncé to perform well they were very wrong and nobody left because she didn’t perform!!

  9. Agnes says:

    Beyonce > Bezos. 7 million people saw this rally! Women are really laying it out right now, Michele Obama’s speech also blew me away.

  10. Localady says:

    NOW this is my typa Texas Tornado 🌪️ 🗳️ 🗳️ 🗳️ 🗳️ 🗳️
    Do you hear what I hear? Is that an F5 on the scale

    We are so close to getting our first ever woman President in the United States 🇺🇸 of America.

    High time, IMHO

  11. girl_ninja says:

    This was an important visit by Madam Harris. The work that Beto did when he ran for governor was squandered by the Democrats. They need to seize on tbe progress made and build that on the momentum. They could turn Texas blue in the midterms and then nationally in 4 more years.

  12. TN Democrat says:

    Let’s vote blue, Texas! The magas will begin falling as soon as a few of the purple states flip back to blue. Texas has never been dark red.

  13. Miranda says:

    That was so amazing and inspirational to watch. I think that is was very wise that the campaign has held off on flaunting many of the biggest celebrity endorsements until the closing days. It’s bringing us back to the excitement and hope we all felt during the convention and keeping us energized.

    The clip also inspired me to donate $100 to Colin Allred’s campaign. We gotta get Ted “Zodiac” Cruz the f–k out of government! (I live in securely deep blue NYC, so I like to spread my donations around to help out in red districts. If anyone knows of other Dem candidates in similarly close races, please share!)

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Miranda, Tester in Montana is trying to keep his senate seat against a Trump endorsed Republican. I think it’s going to be a really tight race, but I really hope he wins. Sheehy doesn’t live there (he has some kind of vacation place) and is all show. He’ll do whatever he’s told.

      • Skyblue says:

        Tester in Montana needs all the support we can give him. Just left Bozeman this morning and the outrageous support the MAGA crowd is throwing towards Trump and Sheehy is repulsive. Gigantic billboards and “make Montana republican again’ slogans all over the place. Montana’s best senators and representatives have historically been democrats.

    • Tuesday says:

      Lucas Kunce is within striking distance of Josh Hawley for the US senate in Missouri. I’ve been sending regular donations over the last month.

      This election cycle, I donated to Biden but after he was ousted, I’ve focused on unseating republican incumbents with Dems who have not been in national office, and therefore didn’t have anything to do with the shenanigans this summer.

  14. lucy2 says:

    Hope this is OK to post, this is a donation link that will split your money for over 50 high impact campaigns and candidates for the final stretch.

  15. Chantal1 says:

    YES!!! It was great to see Beyonce and Kelly! I’m glad Bey didn’t perform bc imo, her words were far more impactful this way(“I’m here as a mother…”). No bs commentary about her song choices or lyrics. Just a pleasantly surprising great speech from a global celebrity who very seldom gives them.

    Michelle Obama was wonderful as usual. I finally understood why Michelle as a possible presidential candidate was such a threat and had MAGA throwing all kinds of temper tantrums at the mere thought of it when I watched/listened to her entire speech at this years Democratic Convention . As much as I would have loved a Prez Michelle Obama, I fully understand why she said not only no, but hell no!

    I’ve heard that some voting places in Texas had long lines last week so I hope that’s a good sign for Dems. While I hope that there aren’t too many MAGA shenanigans are being planned, I don’t feel like dealing with any of them so I will vote tomorrow. The current Texas voter suppression tactics we are dealing with are ridiculous enough. We have to vote blue and give the Dems control of Congress so they can pass The John Lewis Voting Act to counter the damage to the Voting Rights Act that this MAGA Supreme Court inflicted – along with reversing many of the other wrongs that the Repubs have enacted against the public!

    Colin Allred has renamed Ted Cruz as “Cancun Cruz” and I love it. Its a reminder of Cruz’ true character and cowardice. I really hope he kicks Cruz’ butt and wins his Senate seat. There were far more news reports about Bey’s and Michelle’s speeches on SM than about 45 showing up on Friday to help Cruz again (which actually worked last time, causing Cruz to narrowly beat Beto). Cruz allegedly has a one point lead, which, if true, I hope will be completely eliminated by election day!

  16. yipyip says:

    Hillary had decades of public service including former FLOTUS plus won the popular vote.
    Trump still took office. Damn the crooks and Electoral.

    Glad to see the A-list support the Dems.
    Biden got in bc “Anyone but Trump” was correct.
    It still is correct.

    My worry is the SS better have the best of the best on Team Kamala/Tim Walz.
    Even after they win.
    Those MAGA/Proud Boy lunatics are a real threat to anyone in elected that doesn’t drink their Kool-Aid.
    If I had my way, KH sweeps Nov. 5, and gets sworn into Office at
    8AM Nov. 6.
    Get her right behind the desk in the Oval Office.
    Feds moves on Trump, cuffs him and perp walks that criminal into custody before lunch on every site including CNN and 3 major Networks.

    Btw, MSG Trump rally is frightening already, from the coverage I’ve seen.
    67+ y/o white men and women, camping out overnight in cold weather for hours, and saying “Ya, Trump understands us.”
    These brainwashed fools are willing to put their own health at risk to show up to see Trump.
    Uncommitted voters, still? How can anyone be undecided?

  17. Fastgran50 says:

    How in all that is sensible can Donald Trump be polling so close to Kamala. Are people so blind that a man who admire the third riech and Hilter is not fir for purpose. It’s very worrying no just for the US but the world if this big tangerine blob wins. So Americans vote blue and save America and the world.

  18. AC says:

    I heard that 7 million people watched the Houston rally Live in all streaming platforms(excluding cable tv). I love all the speeches at Kamala’s rally.
    Based on many responses on SM and people on the ground actually knocking on doors I can feel it, majority of Americans are fed up of Trumps BS. If everyone votes(which early numbers suggest it’s record breaking), Kamala will win.
    Ive said before, To me, it’s outside the US that’s more concerning like why would a French National put $45M of their own money to bet on Trump. And we found out this weekend that Elon entered the US illegally. I dont know, If Kamala loses, I would be suspicious .

  19. Grant says:

    I voted early Texas in Austin on Friday. I feel so proud and so privileged to have been able to cast my vote for the first woman president of the United States of America!

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