King Charles & Camilla are planning more ‘charm offensive’ tours for 2025

Buckingham Palace has declared the Australia & Samoa tour a galloping success. King Charles and Queen Camilla left Samoa on Saturday, after “ten days” abroad (including travel). Charles looked worse for wear throughout the entire tour, and Camilla was a complete embarrassment, but the palace is being very heavy-handed with how they’re trying to manipulate the narrative. If I’m being generous, I would say that their tour was successful in the sense that most people were ambivalent towards them. But really, the enduring moment of the tour was Lidia Thorpe’s protest in the middle of Australia’s Parliament. That was probably the only thing casual observers will remember. But to hear the courtiers tell it, Charles and Camilla are planning to travel widely next year, full steam ahead. Hm. Some highlights from the Times:

Charles thrives when he’s working: Charles, 75, who paused his treatment during his visit to Australia and Samoa last week, will restart his traditional diary of spring and autumn foreign tours in the new year, with aides saying he has “thrived” by working throughout his illness. A senior palace official said of the 11-day trip, during which the King undertook up to eight engagements a day: “It is a great measure of the way that the King is dealing with the diagnosis. He’s a great believer in mind, body and soul. The doctor is here to make sure that his body is properly looked after. [The trip] has lifted his spirits, his mood and his recovery. In that sense, the tour — despite its demands — has been the perfect tonic.”

Charles wants more tours, with Camilla by his side: Buckingham Palace is now liaising with the government on which tours Charles and Camilla will undertake next year. It is understood the plans are subject to sign-off by Charles’s medical team. Aides say that Camilla’s influence has been vital to Charles’s recovery and return to full-time official duties, both at home and overseas, with the Queen occasionally advising him to ease his busy schedule. “The King gets great strength from the Queen being there, not least because she keeps it real.”

A short rest: Charles will take a short rest period before resuming a full diary of engagements in the run-up to Christmas. A senior palace official said: “It’s great testament to the King’s devotion to service and duty that he was prepared to come this far and he was incredibly happy and very determined to do so. We’re now working on a pretty normal-looking, full overseas tour programme for next year, which is a high for us to end [this trip] on, to know that we can be thinking in those terms.”

On Lidia Thorpe’s protest: In Parliament House in Canberra, Charles was confronted by Lidia Thorpe, a senator from Victoria of Aboriginal descent, who heckled the King and accused him of “genocide” against “our people”. She shouted: “This is not your land, you are not my King. F*** the colony.” The outburst threatened to overshadow the trip, but sources close to the King said he was “completely unruffled” by the incident despite the subsequent controversy. “He’s been around for a long time. As always, he kept calm, carried on. He believes free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, and so everyone is entitled to their views.”

Charm offensives: As Charles and Camilla eye up their next foreign charm offensives, those close to them say that their eagerness to ramp up their overseas travel is, in part, a desire to establish a global legacy of the Carolean reign. A palace aide said: “The idea of these tours always is to leave a trace behind.”

[From The Times]

“The King gets great strength from the Queen being there, not least because she keeps it real.” Charles prefers having Camilla there because she’s half in the bag and she behaves like a horse’s ass. Charles thinks Camilla’s appallingly rude and racist behavior makes him look better by comparison, and hey, there’s no way she’ll ever overshadow him. What he doesn’t seem to get is that once people see and interact with Camilla, everyone thinks that Charles is the worst for blowing up his marriage to Diana for his neighing side-chick. As for all of the breathless pronouncements about Charles’s big plans to travel more next year… I seriously doubt it. I doubt the government will request him to travel as well. “The idea of these tours always is to leave a trace behind.” Maybe try apologizing for all of the colonialism you left behind when you stole all of these countries’ jewels, artwork and resources?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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37 Responses to “King Charles & Camilla are planning more ‘charm offensive’ tours for 2025”

  1. These are not charm offensive tours !! These are tours where they flout their racism while speaking lying words about how it was bad in the past. I truly hope other countries will say no you are not welcome here you lying racist. I hope they say stay home with your racist queen by your side on salt isle.

  2. wolfmamma says:

    Really, Charles? I think you need to rethink your plans. Camilla is no asset at this point and you have nothing to offer.
    Your family is failing, the monarchy is flailing. You all will only look worse if you go down this road.

  3. Elaine says:

    I really don’t want pay for a useless visit to Canada.

    However, if he does and is anywhere near me, I’ll do some reporting for celebitchy. In between holding a “Not my kin” sign, naturally.

    • Jaded says:

      I’m sure our Inuit Governor General holds no special fondness for the royal buffoons and would prefer to not have them visit Canada. We (especially our First Nations peoples) have long memories, and C&C’s behavior during the Inuit throat singing ceremony was unconscionable.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I think Charles is very eager to visit Canada as King so I think he will pay a visit next spring.

  4. Jais says:

    Ew. They’re just not that charming. I realize some find Charles to be so. I do not. And there is nothing charming about Camilla’s offensive behavior. But sure, please, continue to leave a trace of what utter grotesquerie the monarchy has been on the world. Charles and Camilla’s behavior is abhorrent and a wonderful reminder of the pestilence that the monarchy has been on the Commonwealth. I’m sure some will argue that there are also benefits. But historically they do not even weigh up against the atrocities.

  5. Alicky says:

    Don’t you need to have charm to stage a charm offensive?

  6. Eva says:

    Why are they doing this to all these poor people? Haven’t they done enough harm to them?

  7. kelleybelle says:

    * blick *

  8. Nerd says:

    The narrative immediately before the tour that he is ill but will halt his cancer treatment for 11 days in order to go on this tour was, to me, an attempt to get more sympathy and attention. He looked in poor health or at least that he should have waited to go on this tour and she was rude, unhappy to be there and disrespectful throughout, so for them to immediately change the narrative as soon as the tour is over, to them both being energized to now do more tours is just confirmation that they mentioned the halt in his treatment because they wanted the sympathy to get more eyes on this tour. He has been king for far too long for this to have been his or any royals first visit to Australia so to pretend as if they care about any of these commonwealth countries is insulting to say the least.

  9. Jaded says:

    Camilla should not be brought along on these boondoggles. She can barely conceal her boredom and contempt for most Commonwealth peoples (especially the black and brown ones), and every damn time she does something disrespectful. At least Charles tries to make an effort at being congenial, but instead of doing something meaningful like offering reparations and the return of stolen goods, all the Commonwealth nations get is the same old useless platitudes.

  10. Lizzie Bathory says:

    I’m sure BP wants the press to say how amazing the tour was, but seeing how Charles looked & this talk of needing to establish his “legacy” makes me think his health is not good. Spring & autumn tours next year (which I assume means pausing cancer treatment again)?

    I don’t know. There was something about him gifting an hourglass on this tour that felt ominous to me.

  11. Becks1 says:

    Why does it have to be a charm offensive? Why can’t it just be a tour in support of the British government or whatever? no one is charmed by these two at this point.

    • Blithe says:

      Perhaps they’re incapable of updating their scripts — and their outlooks. In 1952, the very young Queen Elizabeth was viewed as “charming”. So Charles must be their charming prince, because they can’t openly envision or acknowledge any other possibilities. Camilla might move them to change that viewpoint, at least in private, but in public, there’s a convenient and possibly permanent template. Charles and William are superior by birthright and by gender, and by race — and as Princes, they’re inherently “charming “ even when that’s impossible to see. Their wives, of course, must be seen as charming too — however difficult and forced that might be. It’s even harder to keep up the pretense of Camilla’s “charm” but those challenges are easily deflected by continually vilifying Meghan.

      As someone said earlier: Racism is a hell of a drug.

  12. MY3CENTS says:

    Its amazing that Cowmilla’s rudeness and mocking was spinned everywhere as her tearing up about this being Charles last trip, I think this is the only place I’ve read otherwise.

  13. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Offensive, yes; charm, no.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Isn’t Charles supposed to be still doing treatment? So how is the Palace planning for full tours next year? Do they know something that we don’t? Charles is happy to have Camilla on tour because she doesn’t overshadow him and he knows that the press will ignore her faux pas’ and disrespectful behaviour.

  15. KC says:

    Camilla’s behavior was unbelievably horrible: walking around without her shoes when she wasn’t;t staggering, laughing at performances, and lastly just up and left Charles to stagger some more up the stairs. White trash walking, or staggering in this case.

  16. LauraD says:

    It’s questionable whether the UK government are eager to encourage these royal tours as neither of their recent visits have been resounding successes. If KCIII and his wife are supposed to highlight the “Best of Britain” then I’ll be very surprised if the people (who matter) in these countries are very impressed! Their visits just serve as a reminder of the irreparable cultural damage carried out in the name of the monarch. No matter how often the RR try to spin their puff pieces, it’s clear for everyone to see that the king and his wife just don’t have “it.” if either of them did then Lidia’s protest would have been reduced to a footnote instead of being the main takeaway from the tour. For someone who was looking to modernise the monarchy KCIII has done a terrible job. These tours have repeatedly shown how KCIII has not understood that the world has moved on and he has remained firmly stuck in the past, looking very happy to be there.

    Slightly OT: If the rumours are true and he’s looking to visit Canada in the spring I wonder if KCIII will be ignoring any mention of the IGs or will he (and his awful wife) be shameless enough to ride on the coattails of Diana’s youngest son.

  17. Lisa Marks says:

    Maybe quit while you’re ahead?

  18. Pam says:

    TBH, from the look of him on this last tour, I really don’t think Charles is going to be up for another tour, Charm-Offensive or not. I think they need to start thinking of substituting William on these jaunts.

    • Thelma says:

      Fully agree. He should focus on his health. There’s no way this jaunt to Samoa and Australia was worth it from a cost (health)-benefit view.

  19. yipyip says:

    Don’t bother at all. No one wants these tours.

  20. Hypocrisy says:

    So is this some morbid death tour? The articles about how this might be his final visit at the last country he was just in made his prognosis seem dire.

  21. Shoegirl77 says:

    Bahahahaha, “a galloping success”, beautiful wording, Kaiser 🤣🤣

  22. Charlie Foxtrot says:

    He looks like Dobby the house elf in the first picture.

  23. Eurydice says:

    Didn’t we just read earlier that there wouldn’t be anymore royal tours because blah, blah, slavery, blah, blah Harry and Meghan, blah, blah?

  24. Lau says:

    Don’t worry, Charles also knows how to be a racist bigot when he’s on tour, it’s not just his wife. Let’s not forget that particular moment :

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