Suri Cruise wants to be an actress, taking acting classes


It’s looking more and more like “magical” Suri Cruise runs her household. Not even four years old, Suri has decided that she needs to be an actress. Probably to one-up her parents, right? This all came about because Suri loves her dance classes, and she aske Katie Holmes if she (Suri) could begin acting and taking acting lessons. Of course this all comes from the British Star Magazine (which is as reliable as the American Star Magazine) but I don’t doubt that Suri has a career planned in front of the camera. She’s already started, really. Her life is a performance!

Suri Cruise is without a doubt one of the most adorable kids in Hollywood. Suri has been entertaining us all since the day her famous parents showed her off to the public so it does not surprise us when she already knows what she wants to do when she grows up.

Suri wants to be an actress and her parents couldn’t be more thrilled.

A source told Britain’s Star magazine: “Suri loves her dance classes so much that when she started asking her mom to act, Katie couldn’t say no.”

Tom had previously admitted that he would love for his daughter to get into acting. He said: “I’d love it. I’d love it! Acting is… a great life, to get to entertain people and create characters and stories.”

When we see pics of Suri, she looks like she has so much character so we’re sure she is going to be a great actress.

[From Hollyscoop]

I wonder what it would be like if Suri actually got some acting gigs. Part of me really does think that Tom in particular has been grooming Suri for exactly that. It also makes me wonder if Suri will take after her dad as far as his hit-or-miss acting talent. Cruise has done good work in several films – notably, Magnolia (one of my favorites). But how can you teach that to a little girl?

You know what I was thinking about last night? That interview Bronson Pinchot did back in October, where Pinchot talking about what Tom Cruise was like at the beginning of his career. Pinchot told The AV Club that Cruise was “the biggest bore on the face of the Earth.” Pinchot also claimed that Cruise was “tense and made constant, constant unrelated homophobic comments, like, ‘You want some ice cream, in case there are no gay people there?’ I mean, his lingo was larded with the most… There was no basis for it. It was like, ‘It’s a nice day, I’m glad there are no gay people standing here.’ Very, very strange.” What will Suri be like on set?

Suri with her mom in NY on November 24, 2009 and November 22, 2009. Credit: Pacific Coast News.


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30 Responses to “Suri Cruise wants to be an actress, taking acting classes”

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  1. Kl says:

    um, this is complete BS.  she is 3.  she doesn’t want to be an actress. 
     she wants to twirl around and play.  anyone who is claiming 
    otherwise doesn’t have a 3 year old around.  

  2. Sumodo says:

    So what’s a little ballet, tap and STRINDBERG?

  3. Bonfire Beach says:

    Oh eff me. As if the current generation of actors/actresses isn’t enough to take, now we have to look forward to their offspring hitting the scene.

  4. JulieNewmar says:

    Tommygurl will buy a walk on in something to appease the spoiled little one no doubt.

  5. Birdie says:

    It’s hard to twirl in 3 inch heels.

    Heres to hoping Suri gets to go to school with other kids rather than an acting class where she can school her parents.

  6. ogechi says:

    cute cute cute and angelic looking suri

  7. JohnnieR says:

    Yeah, and when I was five, I wanted to be a proctologist. LOL! It’s true, I had heard the word somewhere – it stuck in my head, and I LOUDLY announced my intention to the entire family (immediate and extended) at a family Christmas dinner.
    My mom’s face went beet red! “I wanna be a pwoctowogist!”

  8. Alexa says:

    She’s adorable. I’d LOVE to see her do anything. Right now I’m glad I get to see her “modeling.” And as far as I can tell, Suri has great parents. Some of the comments about Suri being spoiled and suffering due to too permissive parenting seem really ignorant. If you don’t like Suri’s parents – fine – but don’t hate on a precious little girl. THAT’S messed up!

  9. kermit says:

    Suri is overexposed. The gossip sites are playing right into Tom and Katie’s hands.

  10. Ursula says:

    I don’t care what you think of her but she is just a little child who should not be judged and analyzed like an adult especially on the strength of rumours. Period!

  11. Tess says:

    I don’t know….I just think she’d be so much better off growing up out of the public eye.

    I really wonder about the wisdom of feeding the public’s appetite for amusement with details from the life of your precious child.

    That’s something the parents should think about.

  12. princess pea says:

    I wish they’d trim her hair. It’s making me crazy the way it’s falling in her eyes… I keep frantically brushing my own bangs aside, even though they’re not in my way.

  13. MsTriste says:

    How long has she been 3, now? It seems like she’s been 3 years old for about 2 years now. And she looks 4 going on 5 anyway. Hmm….

  14. Jaki says:

    From birth this child is being groomed to be in front of the camera. The makeup, hair and 3 inch high heals. Just like Michael Jackson she will not have a childhood. She will regret it. Tom/Katie should be ashamed of themselves.

  15. Samantha says:

    Meet the future Miley Cyrus/Billy Ray Cyrus. Maybe with slightly less creepiness, but with Scientology we can’t be certain.

  16. Vilanna says:

    There is something criminal about putting this kid in the spotlight constantly. She’s not living in the real world. She’ll be in rehab one day just like the rest of the pressured little kids who grew up all messed up in the head because their parents saw them as $$ instead of a human being. It’s sad.

  17. e.non says:

    can’t wait till she takes a meeting with studio heads and bitches about the crap scripts they’ve been sending her….

    oh wait, she’s ‘3’ — highly unlikely to be reading scripts yet.

  18. lucy2 says:

    While I doubt that Suri is already seriously choosing her career path, I very much could see Tom pushing her into show biz. Didn’t he try to amp up Katie’s career when they first got together? Nobody really jumped on board with that one, so I could see him trying with his daughter next.

  19. Boo says:

    I don’t really understand any celebrity parents who want their kids to become child actors. Don’t these people complain constantly about how they can’t have a normal life and that the paps are always in their faces? You’d think they’d want the OPPOSITE for their kids, but we get parents like Will Smith and Tom Cruise who can’t seem to wait to get their kids out in the spotlight. Don’t 9/10 child actors turn into drug addicts with crazy-bad lives? Take the hint, parents! Not everyone ends up as balanced as Dakota Fanning!

  20. do they EVER put a coat on that kid???????

  21. kermit says:

    Yes the Cruise parents dress this kid up and she goes out with them. But then who’s taking the kid’s pictures? Paps take Suri’s picture and gossip sites run articles about this tot. Takes two to tango.

  22. ! says:

    Ugh I’m so sick of this. Suri wants to be a gymnast! Suri wants to be a race car driver! Now Suri wants to be an actress! She’s only, what, 3? 4? We’ve got a long way to go if they’re going to report on every career whim she’s going to go through.

  23. andrea says:

    bonfire – too funny.

    yes, im sure magical suri, at 3 (or whatever her real age is), has the knowledge and experience necessary to have her career fully mapped out. kids are just mini adults, after all. (???)

    agree tom and katie are repulsive the way they pimp her out.

    i can’t with the brange, but at least they don’t pimp their kids.

    p.s. her dress in this pic is adorable. that kid has a better wardrobe than i will ever have. where’s the justice??

  24. lucy2 says:

    @Boo, I totally agree. These parents see what goes on in Hollywood, how tough a business it is, and what happens to most child stars. I’d think I’d tell my kids sure, you can go into acting – when you’re 18 and have graduated high school.

  25. pnw girl says:

    don’t you just want to find her parents and say, “just shut up.”

    shut up

    stop trying to continue fame when “kate” or as we know her katie can’t act, sing, or dance. Mr. Cruise makes crappy movies. Surri is their only claim to fame now since one parent is a hasbeen, and the other was never an Alist celeb, but a teen soap opera star that peaked already.

  26. Eden says:

    Vilanna- I do agree with you about the narcissistic use of children(my words not yours..) but you forget that Suri will NEVER “be in rehab”….remember the scientology blood running through her pretty little veins!! I doubt scientologists heal anything using treatments other than auditing and detox. I do think she is a beautiful little girl..Is anyone else as interested as I am to see how a child brought up by a hardcore scientologist evolves..?? Maybe she will prove something that we don’t give them credit for..maybe not..but who knows.

  27. cruiz2 says:

    A future marketing bet on Suri, Mom didn’t work out as planned! It’s Tom’s wave for the future. Both adults are washed -up, and look to their spoiled child to carry on. Good luck there!

  28. uSheep says:

    it’s kind of sad how tom cruise has 2 (?) other kids and seems to only be with/spend time with/give attention to suri. i’m not saying it’s a fact, i said it SEEMS like that. anyways, i think suri looks like a normal toddler, nothing spectacular like people make it out to be, she just has a nicer wardrobe. i think shiloh is much cuter and stand out.

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  30. Sarah says:

    I remember I wanted to be an actress at her age. However my parents quelled any ideas of going to acting classes because they couldn’t afford them. I still want to be an actress, however, I’m old enough to pay for my own classes now. New rule: Stop calling Suri Cruise a fashionista. Anybody who is able to dress herself, but still has her parents purchase their clothes is NOT a fashionista. A fashionista is someone who dresses herself and purchases her own clothes.