Trump MSG rally speaker called Puerto Rico ‘a floating island of garbage’

Would it surprise you to learn that Donald Trump’s Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden last night quickly devolved into racism, misogyny and violent extremism? Who would have thought. I’m not sure what MAGAland was thinking honestly – did they believe that no one would pay attention, or that people would be receptive to their message? As it turns out, the real October Surprise was everyone getting on the same page that Donald Trump and his minions are white nationalist neo-Nazis. I’m actually going to spare everyone – myself included – most of the videos from the MSG rally. The whole thing went sideways minutes into the rally when the first speaker insulted Puerto Ricans and all Hispanics and Latin American people.

As former President Donald Trump courts the community’s vote, comedian Tony Hinchcliffe crudely mocked Latinos — a key constituency for any winning campaign in 2024 — during preprogramming for the former president’s Madison Square Garden rally.

With nine days remaining until the election, Trump gathered scores of his most popular surrogates and allies to rally thousands in midtown Manhattan, a reliably deep-blue area. Hinchcliffe, taking the first slot among nearly 30 warmup speakers, launched into a crude and disparaging set of jokes about the conflict in the Middle East, Black voters and Latinos.

“These Latinos, they love making babies, too. Just know that they do,” Hinchcliffe said, setting up his joke: “There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They c– inside, just like they did to our country.”

A few moments later, the comedian took a second swing at a key voting bloc within the community: Puerto Ricans.

“There’s a lot going on. I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico,” he said to a scattering of claps and jeers.

He also told a joke about one of his Black “buddies” and how they “carved watermelons” together. A number of the opening speakers at the Madison Square Garden rally threw around vulgarities and demeaning comments about Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democratic politicians. Radio host Sid Rosenberg called Hillary Clinton “a sick son of a b—-” and David Rem, a Trump backer in New York City, said Harris was the “Antichrist.”

[From NBC News]

Despicable. True story: there are significant Puerto Rican voting blocs in several battleground states, notably Pennsylvania and Florida. It’s so funny (in a horrible way) that just minutes into this Nazi rally, people got what they came for and Republicans are now clutching their pearls and trying to say “this is not what we really believe, we don’t know what they were talking about!” Three of of the most famous Puerto Rican artists – Jennifer Lopez, Bad Bunny and Ricky Martin – immediately responded by posting pro-Kamala Harris or anti-Trump messages on their social media. Even Kamala Harris posted something. The backlash was so loud and strong that even the Trump campaign blinked, claiming that the “floating island of garbage” joke “does not reflect the views of President Trump or the campaign.” Did… did the campaign think that one thing was the only offensive part?

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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55 Responses to “Trump MSG rally speaker called Puerto Rico ‘a floating island of garbage’”

  1. Brassy Rebel says:

    What is it about these Nazi Wanna-bes and garbage? First Trump says America is a garbage can, then one of his warm up speakers says Puerto Rico is “a floating island of garbage”. And this on the very same day MVP spent time with Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania talking about her plan to actually help them after two devastating hurricanes during Trump’s term when all he did was throw paper towels at them. This obsession with garbage by MAGA is yet one more case of every accusation being a confession. I don’t think there’s a clean up crew big enough to remove the stink from MSG after last night. Not enough bleach on the planet either.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Shame on the Dolans for letting this happen at MSG. Dolan family assets include MSG and its TV network, the Sphere in Las Vegas, the NY Rangers, the NY Knicks, the Cleveland Guardians, Radio City Music Hall, BBC America and AMC Network, We should all let these companies know we see them associating with Nazis.

      In 1939, the German American Bund held a Nazi rally at the former location of MSG, when it was on Eighth Ave between West 49th and 50th Streets. They were calling for support of Hitler, and called their ideology “pro-Americanism” i.e. America First. They were white Christian Nationalists. Just like these morons who went to Trump’s rally last night. There have long been rumors that Fred Trump was in the German American Bund. He was once arrested at a KKK rally. Like father, like son.

  2. Giddy says:

    What a surprise that Nazi-praising, misogynist, racist Trump would be joined by other speakers parroting his despicable views. Birds of a feather and all that. I had heard recently about Trump’s inroads with Hispanic voters and I hope last night put a stop to that. If anyone missed last nights verbal hatred, it’s everywhere today, especially on Hispanic talk radio. Trump has shown us very clearly who he is; believe him.

    • Ocean Girl says:

      It’s been so obvious for so long. But still, his base will agree and defend.

      I know people who will vote for this…thing. I lost respect for them a long time ago. Fortunately, I don’t have to have too much contact with them, which is a shame, because I used to think better of them.

      But yes Giddy–they have shown me who they really are.

      VOTE BLUE!

  3. Lolo86lf says:

    There are 1.1 million Puerto Ricans in Florida alone. Insulting their island is insulting them by extension. Trump’s acolytes are just as disgusting and racists as they come. How is Trump supposed to get the Latino vote and the Puerto Rican vote when his people are calling them garbage and prolific baby makers? Trump is not going to win. I hope Nicky Jam is reconsidering his liking of Trump.

    • ML says:

      I know someone here who’s highly pissed off and FL was this Puerto Rican’s last US address and where they vote from. They already did for Harris, but they are trying to reach as many people as they can from here. A lot of PR get discouraged due to corruption in PR and the feeling that neither party really cares, but Trump just pissed off a lot of people.

    • Rapunzel says:

      The baby making stuff is gross and part of that great replacement theory. It’s worse than the garbage stuff.

  4. nutella toast says:

    And yet….so many of my friends from Miami in conservative christian churches who are from PR and Cuba and anywhere else will enthusiastically continue to support this idiot because they think they’ll be the exception when the round-up happens. They won’t. No one will ask to see their voting record when they come for them. I’m Brasilian, but I don’t necessarily look it, and my married last name is super white. I realize the privilege that affords my child and feel terror for the people who haven’t thought that through for their own children (though I suspect no one will be safe if Trump gets his way unless they’re rich and worship him). I will NEVER understand Latinx support for Trump. Never. (Also, I’ve spent the last 10 years with strangers downloading their racist s*it to me thinking I’m “One of them” because of how I look – it’s horrifying. Seriously. We should all be very, very scared.)

  5. girl_ninja says:

    I understand that there is disgust and fear with what we saw yesterday and what we have been seeing. But take care of yourself. Make sure that to check that your vote was counted if you mailed in your ballot. Make sure that if you are voting on the day of that you are STILL registered. You don’t want to be surprised at your polling place.

    If you can try and volunteer for the Harris-Walz campaign.

    Take care of yourself.
    Walk your dog.
    Go for a walk.
    Bake some cookies, muffins.
    Make a lasagna.
    Go to a yoga session.

    When WE FIGHT; WE WIN!

    • ML says:

      Girl Ninja, Thank you so much for all the work you’ve done IRL, and for providing great advice here. I want you to know how much you’re appreciated💙💙

    • AJ says:

      Thank you for this!

    • Miranda says:

      Thank you, girl_ninja, your comments have genuinely helped calm me down several times when too much doomscrolling (and what I now recognize as dodgy polls; I’ve tried to avoid them myself, but my family keeps mentioning them!) has me teetering on the edge of an anxiety spiral.

      • girl_ninja says:


        Being able to talk to all of you here about the election has been a tremendous help. We are in this together.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      Thank you for that. I have read and heard so much doom and gloom over the past week or so and it’s not helpful. I voted in Texas on the first day of early voting. I am as sure as I can be that my vote was counted. The poll workers were great and I fed my sheet into the scan machine under their supervision as usual. Everyone waiting on line was civil. Harris County is generally a good place to vote. Lina Hidalgo has been a rock star, especially during the 2020 pandemic vote.

  6. ML says:

    AOC and Tim Walz jumped on this immediately as well: excellent political skills there! I’ve been upset that Trump has been normalized, and if he and his creepy MAGAts went so far as to “own goal” an October Surprise on themselves, I’ll take it. You would think it wouldn’t need to vome to this after his last almost decade campaigning and destroying the States, but if the last 72 hours are a wake up call for the press and voters, GOOD!

    • girl_ninja says:

      Right. The press and some republicans have been burying their heads in the sand when it comes to who DT really is. He’s going full throttle now because he wants to keep making money off of his cult when he loses. If he goes to prison, he can still, make money off of them and if he doesn’t, he can go on these kinds of maga/nazi tours to make money that way. But as we see that folks leave those rally’s early, so hopefully he’s screwed.

  7. Well after his little nazi rally. Some important Puerto Rican stars like Bad bunny and Ricky Martin and J lo and her ex Marc went to their twitter accounts and got their millions of fans to know just what they thought and that they are backing Kamala!!! It as a nice gift to her this nazi rally. The disgust with it was huuggee!!!!

    • Barbie1 says:

      Ha ha. I hope the rally backfires and inspires people in droves to vote for Kamala. MSG should give a statement saying they don’t support the views expressed last night.

    • Inge says:

      Marc Anthony is already pro Harris he recorded a video in English and one in Spanish, I think it was last week? But good about the others.

  8. Miranda says:

    To say that shit here in NYC, where Puerto Ricans (half of me included!) make up around 10% of the population, and almost 1/3 of the Hispanic population, of ALL FUCKING PLACES.

    Also, “I vacation in Puerto Rico”? Not anymore, asshole.

    I think every minority — Hispanic, Black, LGBTQ+, Jews, Muslims…EVERY minority — has people who support Republicans because “they’re not talking about me”. They ARE talking about you. You’re not at the top of their list, but you 100% ARE ON THE FUCKING LIST. They hate you, too. Like, Cubans and Puerto Ricans are just Mexicans by a different name to them. Vote accordingly.

    • Carmen says:

      That pinche culero better never bring his stank tangerine ass to Puerto Rico again.

    • FYI says:

      It’s also ridiculous to say “it’s just comedy,” like he’s doing an opening set at Comedy Cellar or something. Dude, you’re at a political rally. You absolutely DO represent the politician you are shilling for. You’re wearing a TIE and standing behind a podium with his name on it. WTF?

      Yes, I would LOVE to see this nimrod try to set foot in Puerto Rico. Seriously. Or, hell, anywhere in the Bronx ever again.

    • Inge says:

      “‘I never thought leopards would eat MY face,’ sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.”

  9. says:

    That clown show at MSG was a new low.
    What else can I say?
    MSG should be ashamed to have opened the doors for that gathering.

  10. BlueSky says:

    I saw this on Twitter several times and I believe it: He’s going to lose. His people know he’s going to lose. They have seen the internal polling. This is for his ego. This is them trying to rile up his base for violence when it happens.

    • megs283 says:

      I wish I had your confidence.

    • Jais says:

      I hope that’s true😂.

    • MsIam says:

      The media is starting to point out that republican operatives have been sending out these so-called “red wave” polls to skew the numbers and make it look like the race is so close. They are setting the stage for Trump to claim the election was “stolen” or Kamala “cheated” somehow.

    • girl_ninja says:

      I believe that he will lose too, and I believe this because of the work that so many have done with the Harris-Walz campaign. I will always be grateful for President Biden for being the true leader he needed to be and endorse Madam Harris. Then THAT Night, 40,000 Black women met on Zoom (me included) and raised $1.5 million for VP Harris. The next night Black men met via Zoom and raised even more. Democrats quickly fell in line, and we had Zoom after Zoom of groups who were determined to save our country from a disgusting, racist scumbag.

      Unity got us here and it will propel us to a win.

  11. Carmen says:

    I have friends and in-laws in Puerto Rico and they are majorly pissed at this guy. Tony Hinchcliffe is a venomous little twat who is not one bit funny, although he fancies himself a comedian. He dropped this gem on Twitter a while back:

    Tony Hinchcliffe & @TonyHinchcliffe
    “I bet the best part of having a retarded child is not having to buy it Christmas gifts.
    #DoTheyKnowltsChristmas? Nope.”

    He also posted another tweet where he asked “Would anyone like to go halfsies on a slave?”

    The Trump campaign is in a panic behind this. They are falling over backwards trying to say it was an innocent joke that Trump didn’t know about, but that is pure bullshit since Hinchcliffe read the words off a teleprompter. At least three members of Congress have posted tweets saying Hinchcliffe’s remarks don’t represent the GOP, which nobody believes. Rick Scott who is running for reelection in Florida almost shat a brick; Florida has a very large Puerto Rican population. My Puerto Rican friends and in-laws have deep ties to the island and they are absolutely furious. I think Trump is going to lose a sizable chunk of support over this but we will see in the next couple of days how it shakes out.

    • LP says:

      I knew I remmebered this guy from something- he was the ‘comedian’ who got dropped by companies/sponsors in 2021 when he went onstage after an Asian American comedican ad openly called him a racist slur, and refused to apologize!

    • Lightpurple says:

      Trump’s “it’s just a joke” crowd needs to remember how they responded to Kathy Griffin’s joke

    • Dee(2) says:

      Good grief!! It’s political malpractice that they allowed this man to speak. Not because these aren’t their beliefs, but because anyone with some competency should have known putting someone like that on stage when you already struggle with minority support would be a stupid idea. I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch but I have been increasingly confident. I know we are all dealing with 2016 PTSD, but the way that these polling companies are over correcting the rural vote and minority share, reports from the ground on GOTV, the Marist exit polls of early voters showing at 10% gap between men and women voters, I’m not going to jinx it but I feel better about next Wednesday morning today than I felt all year. Foot on the gas though!! You can still volunteer and help. I want to CRUSH him not eek out a win in two swing states.

    • FYI says:

      Here’s another “joke” that Hinchcliffe made at MSG:
      “I don’t know about you guys, but I think Travis Kelce might be the next OJ Simpson.”

      They just LOVE to hate (kill) women.

      • Interested Gawker says:


        Is there a full transcript of this guy?! How many groups and people did he insult during this set?!

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      The campaign can’t distance itself or Trump from this creep since they knew that this is what he does. And they probably saw his routine and approved it. They are trying to motivate every last racist under every last rock in the country to come out and vote for Trump.

  12. TN Democrat says:

    The fascist wingnuts have railed against the Biden administration and Fema, particularly in catastrophically damaged NC and TN, because evangelicals are f#cking hypocrites who think catastrophes are brought by god as punishment and gritched when catastrophe hit them. Lort. Trump treated Puerto Rico savagely during their hurricane crisises causing widespread suffering and death. The people railing against Biden should be reminded of his response when Puerto Rico was in crisis. And. Jose Andreas and AOC are stunning examples of real leadership. I refuse to explore the muskrat hell that is Twitter, but kidos to anyone on that app continuing to fight the fascists and bots.

  13. aquarius64 says:

    When the Orange Menace’s campaign and his GOP ride or dies throw this racist comic under the bus you know it’s bad. This can not only hurt Trump but also down ballot because all the House and some of the Senate are up for reelection this year. But he hired this goon so he owns his mess.

  14. nmb says:

    The thing that makes me sick is that people don’t care. Nothing that this disgusting orange idiot or his people say will persuade his followers to not support him. The religious right who DEMONIZED Clinton because of his affair support this man on his third wife (whom he cheated on with a porn star!) and rapist. Tell me how that makes sense.

  15. SIde Eye says:

    They first tested their hate on Mexicans I’m old enough to remember the “Mexicans are rapists” comment which catapulted this nazi in blackface into political stardom and gave his hateful, rabid base carte blanche to hate out in the open. They then tried their camps on Hispanic and Latino immigrants crossing the border using the term “illegals” to refer to them. They separated children and babies from their parents. That was the first test.

    They moved on to the LGTBQ with their faux outrage and culture wars. Followed by Black people “get that son of a bitch off the field” (but attacking cops on Jan. 6th cause you don’t like the results of an election is ok), and let’s not forget “cops should rough up suspects on arrest” (we all know what suspects he was talking about – not Kyle Rittenhouse, not Dylan Roof not Brock Turner, not himself). They went after women – this Jabba the Hut looking turd who is a negative 400 on a scale of 10 was ranking women bragging about SA and saying who is and isn’t hot enough to rape.

    Recently they tested our tolerance for violence and terrorism on an immigrant community who is here legally – Haitians in Springfield. Their neighbors stood up for them in real time – I was so proud of those people for calling this shit out. MAGA is checking who cares who is looking the other way. It’s what all the perpetrators of genocide do before they start wiping out communities. Genocide begins with words – actions follow but the words are the beginning of it – and we’ve heard a whole lotta words from MAGA like “vermin” “illegals” “infesting” “diseased” “criminals”. Sound familiar? Remind you of any events in history?

    Then they blamed Jews if we lose it’s the fault of the Jewish community. And now Puerto Ricans. Are you paying attention? Vote. Vote like your life depends on it. It literally does.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      Separating children from their parents at the border and putting them in cages is still one of the most profoundly cruel things Trump and his ilk have done. Some of them have still not been reunited and may never be. It breaks my heart and makes me livid with anger. There were so many outrages in that administration but this was one of the sickest IMO.

      My husband is Jewish and my son’s fiancé comes from a big Jewish family where some members (not her!) are voting for Trump because of taxes and to some degree Israel. How could they watch that rally and not be reminded of something? Her paternal grandfather escaped Germany as a kid and was one of only a few in his family to survive. He later went back as a translator for the army during the post-war occupation. “Never Forget” is a mantra for this whole election IMO, for so many reasons.

    • ML says:

      He also instituted the muslim ban as one of his first acts as president,,-Executive%20Order%2013769&text=Travel%20ban%20for%20people%20from,and%20banned%20Syrian%20refugees%20indefinitely. and has said he wants to do it again with Gaza. He has no use for non white, non male, non Christian, educated people, antifascists, or people who aren’t rich.

  16. IdlesAtCranky says:

    They really do seem determined to prove that Hillary was right: MAGAts are a big ol’ steaming, squealing Basket Of Deplorables.

    Or, y’know, Christo-Fascist Nazi wanna-bes.

    May they reap every bit of the whirlwind they are sowing.

    #VoteBlue #HarrisWalz24 💙💙💙

  17. Aimee says:

    MSG is owned/run by its very own piece of trash James Dolan. He was probably sitting in the front row!!

  18. Sue says:

    Miss me with the GOP faux shocked rebukes. This is what their base loves. This is the America their trash base wants. They know it. We’re onto you “Jackwads” as Tim Walz referred to you.
    The Trump campaign didn’t vet its own speakers? What other proof of incompetence do you need at this point?

    • Snideysense says:

      Didn’t vet its own speakers yet they were reading from teleprompters. Yeah, right.

      I hope this is enough to sway some voters, but I worry that a lot may have already voted early – hopefully that ship hasn’t sailed.

      • Sue says:

        I’m trying to not let my anxiety get the best of me. It was going that way and I thought that will not do. I am praying, I am voting, I am manifesting positive vibes. If I don’t do that, I will lose it.

  19. L says:

    I wonder, do they forget that PR is a part of the US?? These individuals can vote!

    • FYI says:

      Puerto Ricans who live on the island of Puerto Rico do not have voting rights in the U.S.
      Puerto Ricans in NY, Florida, Pennsylvania, and every other U.S. state CAN vote, and I hope they are rushing to early voting as we speak.

  20. Rapunzel says:

    So Junior retweeted Hinchcliffe’s defensive “it was a joke” tweet. That tells you all you need to know.

    • FYI says:

      Yeah, ’cause a comedian always wears a tie and stands at a podium with a politician’s name on it. Yep, just doin’ comedy over here, nothin’ to see. I do hope this guy loses his career, but I know there will always be some meathead who pays to hear this shit.

  21. Agnes says:

    315 million followers is like the entire population of the USA. So I hope every single one of them votes for Kamala.

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