While I definitely think Jennifer Aniston can be and often is problematic, she’s never played any political “both sides” games. She’s always been a Democrat, she’s always supported Democrats nationally. She usually attends one or two fundraisers in presidential years and I would assume she probably donates to Senate races here and there. Ever since she got an Instagram account, she’s been more politically vocal, using her platform (with 44 million-plus followers) to encourage people to vote and pay attention to various issues. Remember when the anti-vaxxers came for her neck when she was like “people should wear masks and get vaccinated?” Well, recently, she’s been platforming a lot of pro-choice messages, including the text of Michelle Obama’s recent speech, on her IG Stories. She also posted her “I Voted” sticker with this message:
Hi friends
Today not only did I vote for access to health care, for reproductive freedom, for equal rights, for safe schools, and for a fair economy, but also for SANITY and HUMAN DECENCY.
Please remember that whoever you are and wherever you live, your voice matters. Your VOTE matters.
I know we don’t agree on everything, and that is the beauty of this country, but GOOD LORD aren’t you tired of this negativity towards each other? The intimidation and constant threats to those who do not think the same as the other?
Let’s please end this era of fear, chaos and the attacks on our democracy – and vote for someone who will unite us and not continue to threaten to divide us
I very proudly voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.
We are so lucky we get to VOTE and this election is in our hands! We only have one week until Election Day so talk to your friends, your family, your neighbors and let’s find our way back to each other with respect, common cause, and LOVE. 💙
Not to set the bar too low, but I appreciate that she said “I very proudly voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.” It wasn’t a generic “just vote for whoever” nor was it “hold your nose and vote for the least bad option.” People are genuinely excited to vote for Harris-Walz. There’s a crazy amount of enthusiasm for this ticket. There’s a crazy amount of trauma that comes with dealing with Trump’s bulls-t for the past nine f–king years. Yeah. Just vote for Harris-Walz. Let’s do this.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Aniston’s IG.
- Santa Monica, CA – Celebrities attend the 29th Annual Critics Choice Awards at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California. Pictured: Jennifer Aniston BACKGRID USA 15 JANUARY 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: Juan Rico / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Los Angeles, CALI – Celebrities attend the Apple TV + Primetime Emmy Party at Mother Wolf in Los Angeles, California. Pictured: Jennifer Aniston BACKGRID USA 15 SEPTEMBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: Juan Rico / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Los Angeles, CALI – Celebrities attend the Apple TV + Primetime Emmy Party at Mother Wolf in Los Angeles, California. Pictured: Jennifer Aniston BACKGRID USA 15 SEPTEMBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: Juan Rico / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Los Angeles, CALI – Celebrities attend the Apple TV + Primetime Emmy Party at Mother Wolf in Los Angeles, California. Pictured: Jennifer Aniston BACKGRID USA 15 SEPTEMBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: Juan Rico / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
I admit I was a little worried when she was talking about how she is tired of the divisions (because so often that is used by MAGAs as a “shut up and let us do what we want, stop DIVIDING us liberals”) but then she brought it back home by making it clear she thinks Harris and Walz are the answer. I didn’t doubt that she voted for them but I’m glad she used her platform to speak on it so clearly.
Ava Phillipe also voted for Harris/Walz and posted about it which surprised me, but she did turn off the comments on that post and I don’t blame her.
I know many will say “celeb endorsements dont matter” and I don’t think they do in usual years. Here, if Jennifer Aniston posting about her vote changes even 10 minds out of her 44 million followers and gets those extra 10 votes for Harris, I’m going to take it. We need every.single.vote.
You know how endorsements matter through? By making sure brainwashed MAGAs see there are many enthusiastic voters for Kamala to counteract the narrative that is being fed to them in their bubbles that the majority support Trump and the election is being stolen. I think it’s incredibly important for these votes to be mentioned in the press to counteract the stolen election propaganda.
That’s why I said “I don’t think they do in usual years.” This is not a usual year.
And that’s why the newspaper endorsements matter too!
If even 1% of her followers vote – that’s 440,000 votes. 0.5% is substantial. Add that across all these celebrities with huge followings, it adds up to a huge, huge number of people. I’ll take every vote we can get.
Yes! She straight up said. I’m voting for Harris-Walz. With pride and without hesitation.
She also said she voted for sanity and human decency. That should be reason enough. Sadly, for too many, it’s not. SMDH.
Jennifer Aniston better watch out. Megyn Kelly does not like A list singers and/or actresses endorsing the Democratic ticket. If Megyn finds out about Jennifer’s endorsement for Kamala Harris she is going to have hissy fit and she is going to F Aniston for it in her show.
I’m sure Jennifer is shaking in her size 9 Jimmy Choos at the prospect of Megyn What’s-her-face’s hissy fit.
yeah I dont think JA is thinking about Megyn Kelly. At all.
LOL nobody is.
I can see JA standing atop her Friends’ millions with her own wind machine, not GAF about MK’s hissy fits.
Many magats are scary gun owners who believe every line of Q nonsense about abortion. Anyone, especially a single childless dog lady, who speaks out deserves praise. This is the most important election of our lifetime. Vote blue.
Good point. There are a lot of violent maga crazies, and taking a public stand for decent, honest, competent leadership is currently a bigger deal than it should be.
As much as I’m not a JA fan, I have no doubt that she could care less about MK’s hissy fits. MK can go f*^k all the way off.
She has a huge platform, and I appreciate both her voting blue and her message.
I love that she did this. She didn’t both sides it at all. I love this! Also, she looks beautiful – I like that she is using her voice for good. She’s always been an avid dog rescuer and democrat. Yes I haven’t loved everything she’s done or not done, but absolutely no shade warranted here and her post was perfect.
When I first started reading her tweet. I was like OH GOD stay in the vanilla middle again JA. Then she brought it home in a smart succinct way. I have always had a soft spot for her.
I really, really pray the Orange Garbage Truck just peacefully concedes by Wed morning. And he can go back to his creepy golf course. And leave our country alone.
Jennifer Aniston is a reliable Democratic voter and often donates. This isn’t surprising. She’s rebuked right wing politicians as far back as Sarah Palin.
Gooooooo Jennifer! VOTE!
I’m also impressed that she has a fire extinguisher in her kitchen! Not many people do and it’s critical to have one handy, just in case!
1 under the sink and another just next door in the mud/laundry room 😉